/*! * \file tracking_loop_filter.cc * \brief Generic 1st to 3rd order loop filter implementation * \author Cillian O'Driscoll, 2015. cillian.odriscoll(at)gmail.com * * Class implementing a generic 1st, 2nd or 3rd order loop filter. Based * on the bilinear transform of the standard Wiener filter. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (C) 2010-2019 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors) * * GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation * Satellite Systems receiver * * This file is part of GNSS-SDR. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "tracking_loop_filter.h" #include #include #include const int MAX_LOOP_ORDER = 3; const int MAX_LOOP_HISTORY_LENGTH = 4; Tracking_loop_filter::Tracking_loop_filter(float update_interval, float noise_bandwidth, int loop_order, bool include_last_integrator) : d_noise_bandwidth(noise_bandwidth), d_update_interval(update_interval), d_loop_order(loop_order), d_current_index(0), d_include_last_integrator(include_last_integrator) { d_inputs.resize(MAX_LOOP_HISTORY_LENGTH, 0.0); d_outputs.resize(MAX_LOOP_HISTORY_LENGTH, 0.0); update_coefficients(); } Tracking_loop_filter::Tracking_loop_filter() : d_noise_bandwidth(15.0), d_update_interval(0.001), d_loop_order(2), d_current_index(0), d_include_last_integrator(false) { d_inputs.resize(MAX_LOOP_HISTORY_LENGTH, 0.0); d_outputs.resize(MAX_LOOP_HISTORY_LENGTH, 0.0); update_coefficients(); } float Tracking_loop_filter::apply(float current_input) { // Now apply the filter coefficients: float result = 0.0; // Handle the old outputs first: for (size_t ii = 0; ii < d_output_coefficients.size(); ++ii) { result += d_output_coefficients[ii] * d_outputs[(d_current_index + ii) % MAX_LOOP_HISTORY_LENGTH]; } // Now update the index to handle the inputs. // DO NOT CHANGE THE ORDER OF THE ABOVE AND BELOW CODE // SNIPPETS!!!!!!! // Implementing a sort of circular buffer for the inputs and outputs // the current input/output is at d_current_index, the nth previous // input/output is at (d_current_index+n)%d_loop_order d_current_index--; if (d_current_index < 0) { d_current_index += MAX_LOOP_HISTORY_LENGTH; } d_inputs[d_current_index] = current_input; for (size_t ii = 0; ii < d_input_coefficients.size(); ++ii) { result += d_input_coefficients[ii] * d_inputs[(d_current_index + ii) % MAX_LOOP_HISTORY_LENGTH]; } d_outputs[d_current_index] = result; return result; } void Tracking_loop_filter::update_coefficients() { // Analog gains: float g1; float g2; float g3; // Natural frequency float wn; const float T = d_update_interval; const float zeta = 1.0F / std::sqrt(2.0F); // The following is based on the bilinear transform approximation of // the analog integrator. The loop format is from Kaplan & Hegarty // Table 5.6. The basic concept is that the loop has a cascade of // integrators: // 1 for a 1st order loop // 2 for a 2nd order loop // 3 for a 3rd order loop // The bilinear transform approximates 1/s as // T/2(1 + z^-1)/(1-z^-1) in the z domain. switch (d_loop_order) { case 1: wn = d_noise_bandwidth * 4.0F; g1 = wn; if (d_include_last_integrator) { d_input_coefficients.resize(2); d_input_coefficients[0] = g1 * T / 2.0; d_input_coefficients[1] = g1 * T / 2.0; d_output_coefficients.resize(1); d_output_coefficients[0] = 1.0; } else { d_input_coefficients.resize(1); d_input_coefficients[0] = g1; d_output_coefficients.resize(0); } break; case 2: wn = d_noise_bandwidth * (8.0F * zeta) / (4.0F * zeta * zeta + 1.0F); g1 = wn * wn; g2 = wn * 2.0F * zeta; if (d_include_last_integrator) { d_input_coefficients.resize(3); d_input_coefficients[0] = T / 2.0 * (g1 * T / 2.0 + g2); d_input_coefficients[1] = T * T / 2.0 * g1; d_input_coefficients[2] = T / 2.0 * (g1 * T / 2.0 - g2); d_output_coefficients.resize(2); d_output_coefficients[0] = 2.0; d_output_coefficients[1] = -1.0; } else { d_input_coefficients.resize(2); d_input_coefficients[0] = (g1 * T / 2.0 + g2); d_input_coefficients[1] = g1 * T / 2.0 - g2; d_output_coefficients.resize(1); d_output_coefficients[0] = 1.0; } break; case 3: wn = d_noise_bandwidth / 0.7845F; // From Kaplan const float a3 = 1.1; const float b3 = 2.4; g1 = wn * wn * wn; g2 = a3 * wn * wn; g3 = b3 * wn; if (d_include_last_integrator) { d_input_coefficients.resize(4); d_input_coefficients[0] = T / 2.0 * (g3 + T / 2.0 * (g2 + T / 2.0 * g1)); d_input_coefficients[1] = T / 2.0 * (-g3 + T / 2.0 * (g2 + 3.0 * T / 2.0 * g1)); d_input_coefficients[2] = T / 2.0 * (-g3 - T / 2.0 * (g2 - 3.0 * T / 2.0 * g1)); d_input_coefficients[3] = T / 2.0 * (g3 - T / 2.0 * (g2 - T / 2.0 * g1)); d_output_coefficients.resize(3); d_output_coefficients[0] = 3.0; d_output_coefficients[1] = -3.0; d_output_coefficients[2] = 1.0; } else { d_input_coefficients.resize(3); d_input_coefficients[0] = g3 + T / 2.0 * (g2 + T / 2.0 * g1); d_input_coefficients[1] = g1 * T * T / 2.0 - 2.0 * g3; d_input_coefficients[2] = g3 + T / 2.0 * (-g2 + T / 2.0 * g1); d_output_coefficients.resize(2); d_output_coefficients[0] = 2.0; d_output_coefficients[1] = -1.0; } break; }; } void Tracking_loop_filter::set_noise_bandwidth(float noise_bandwidth) { d_noise_bandwidth = noise_bandwidth; update_coefficients(); } float Tracking_loop_filter::get_noise_bandwidth() const { return d_noise_bandwidth; } void Tracking_loop_filter::set_update_interval(float update_interval) { d_update_interval = update_interval; update_coefficients(); } float Tracking_loop_filter::get_update_interval() const { return d_update_interval; } void Tracking_loop_filter::set_include_last_integrator(bool include_last_integrator) { d_include_last_integrator = include_last_integrator; update_coefficients(); } bool Tracking_loop_filter::get_include_last_integrator() const { return d_include_last_integrator; } void Tracking_loop_filter::set_order(int loop_order) { if (loop_order < 1 or loop_order > MAX_LOOP_ORDER) { LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring attempt to set loop order to " << loop_order << ". Maximum allowed order is: " << MAX_LOOP_ORDER << ". Not changing current value of " << d_loop_order; return; } d_loop_order = loop_order; update_coefficients(); } int Tracking_loop_filter::get_order() const { return d_loop_order; } void Tracking_loop_filter::initialize(float initial_output) { d_inputs.assign(MAX_LOOP_HISTORY_LENGTH, 0.0); d_outputs.assign(MAX_LOOP_HISTORY_LENGTH, initial_output); d_current_index = MAX_LOOP_HISTORY_LENGTH - 1; }