# Copyright (C) 2011-2018 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors) # # This file is part of GNSS-SDR. # # GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see . # # This file taken from FindOpenCL project @ http://gitorious.com/findopencl # # - Try to find OpenCL # This module tries to find an OpenCL implementation on your system. It supports # AMD / ATI, Apple and NVIDIA implementations, but shoudl work, too. # # Once done this will define # OPENCL_FOUND - system has OpenCL # OPENCL_INCLUDE_DIRS - the OpenCL include directory # OPENCL_LIBRARIES - link these to use OpenCL # # WIN32 should work, but is untested include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) set(OPENCL_VERSION_STRING "0.1.0") set(OPENCL_VERSION_MAJOR 0) set(OPENCL_VERSION_MINOR 1) set(OPENCL_VERSION_PATCH 0) if(APPLE) find_library(OPENCL_LIBRARIES OpenCL DOC "OpenCL lib for OSX") find_path(OPENCL_INCLUDE_DIRS OpenCL/cl.h DOC "Include for OpenCL on OSX") find_path(_OPENCL_CPP_INCLUDE_DIRS OpenCL/cl.hpp DOC "Include for OpenCL CPP bindings on OSX") else() if(WIN32) find_path(OPENCL_INCLUDE_DIRS CL/cl.h) find_path(_OPENCL_CPP_INCLUDE_DIRS CL/cl.hpp) # The AMD SDK currently installs both x86 and x86_64 libraries # This is only a hack to find out architecture if(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} STREQUAL "AMD64") set(OPENCL_LIB_DIR "$ENV{ATISTREAMSDKROOT}/lib/x86_64") set(OPENCL_LIB_DIR "$ENV{ATIINTERNALSTREAMSDKROOT}/lib/x86_64") else() set(OPENCL_LIB_DIR "$ENV{ATISTREAMSDKROOT}/lib/x86") set(OPENCL_LIB_DIR "$ENV{ATIINTERNALSTREAMSDKROOT}/lib/x86") endif() # find out if the user asked for a 64-bit build, and use the corresponding # 64 or 32 bit NVIDIA library paths to the search: string(REGEX MATCH "Win64" ISWIN64 ${CMAKE_GENERATOR}) if("${ISWIN64}" STREQUAL "Win64") find_library(OPENCL_LIBRARIES OpenCL.lib ${OPENCL_LIB_DIR} $ENV{CUDA_LIB_PATH} $ENV{CUDA_PATH}/lib/x64) else() find_library(OPENCL_LIBRARIES OpenCL.lib ${OPENCL_LIB_DIR} $ENV{CUDA_LIB_PATH} $ENV{CUDA_PATH}/lib/Win32) endif() get_filename_component(_OPENCL_INC_CAND ${OPENCL_LIB_DIR}/../../include ABSOLUTE) # On Win32 search relative to the library find_path(OPENCL_INCLUDE_DIRS CL/cl.h PATHS "${_OPENCL_INC_CAND}" $ENV{CUDA_INC_PATH} $ENV{CUDA_PATH}/include) find_path(_OPENCL_CPP_INCLUDE_DIRS CL/cl.hpp PATHS "${_OPENCL_INC_CAND}" $ENV{CUDA_INC_PATH} $ENV{CUDA_PATH}/include) else() # Unix style platforms find_library(OPENCL_LIBRARIES OpenCL ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH ) get_filename_component(OPENCL_LIB_DIR ${OPENCL_LIBRARIES} PATH) get_filename_component(_OPENCL_INC_CAND ${OPENCL_LIB_DIR}/../../include ABSOLUTE) # The AMD SDK currently does not place its headers # in /usr/include, therefore also search relative # to the library find_path(OPENCL_INCLUDE_DIRS CL/cl.h PATHS ${_OPENCL_INC_CAND} "/usr/local/cuda/include") find_path(_OPENCL_CPP_INCLUDE_DIRS CL/cl.hpp PATHS ${_OPENCL_INC_CAND} "/usr/local/cuda/include") endif() endif() find_package_handle_standard_args(OPENCL DEFAULT_MSG OPENCL_LIBRARIES OPENCL_INCLUDE_DIRS) if(_OPENCL_CPP_INCLUDE_DIRS) set(OPENCL_HAS_CPP_BINDINGS TRUE) list(APPEND OPENCL_INCLUDE_DIRS ${_OPENCL_CPP_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # This is often the same, so clean up list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES OPENCL_INCLUDE_DIRS) endif() mark_as_advanced( OPENCL_INCLUDE_DIRS ) if(OPENCL_INCLUDE_DIRS AND OPENCL_LIBRARIES) set( OPENCL_FOUND TRUE ) add_definitions( -DOPENCL=1 ) else() set( OPENCL_FOUND FALSE ) add_definitions( -DOPENCL=0 ) endif()