/*! * \file kml_printer.cc * \brief Implementation of a class that prints PVT information to a kml file * \author Javier Arribas, 2011. jarribas(at)cttc.es * Álvaro Cebrián Juan, 2018. acebrianjuan(at)gmail.com * * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * GNSS-SDR is a Global Navigation Satellite System software-defined receiver. * This file is part of GNSS-SDR. * * Copyright (C) 2010-2020 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors) * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "kml_printer.h" #include "pvt_solution.h" #include #include #include // for mkstemp #include // for tm #include // for exception #include // for cout, cerr #include #include // for S_IXUSR | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO #include // for mode_t // clang-format off #if HAS_STD_FILESYSTEM #include namespace errorlib = std; #if HAS_STD_FILESYSTEM_EXPERIMENTAL #include namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem; #else #include namespace fs = std::filesystem; #endif #else #include // for create_directories, exists #include // for path, operator<< #include // for filesystem #include // for error_code namespace fs = boost::filesystem; namespace errorlib = boost::system; #endif // clang-format on Kml_Printer::Kml_Printer(const std::string& base_path) { positions_printed = false; indent = " "; kml_base_path = base_path; fs::path full_path(fs::current_path()); const fs::path p(kml_base_path); if (!fs::exists(p)) { std::string new_folder; for (const auto& folder : fs::path(kml_base_path)) { new_folder += folder.string(); errorlib::error_code ec; if (!fs::exists(new_folder)) { if (!fs::create_directory(new_folder, ec)) { std::cout << "Could not create the " << new_folder << " folder.\n"; kml_base_path = full_path.string(); } } new_folder += fs::path::preferred_separator; } } else { kml_base_path = p.string(); } if (kml_base_path != ".") { std::cout << "KML files will be stored at " << kml_base_path << '\n'; } kml_base_path = kml_base_path + fs::path::preferred_separator; char tmp_filename_[] = "/tmp/file.XXXXXX"; mode_t mask = umask(S_IXUSR | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO); int fd = mkstemp(tmp_filename_); if (fd == -1) { std::cerr << "Error in KML printer: failed to create temporary file\n"; } else { close(fd); } umask(mask); fs::path tmp_filename = fs::path(tmp_filename_); tmp_file_str = tmp_filename.string(); point_id = 0; } bool Kml_Printer::set_headers(const std::string& filename, bool time_tag_name) { const boost::posix_time::ptime pt = boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time(); const tm timeinfo = boost::posix_time::to_tm(pt); if (time_tag_name) { std::stringstream strm0; const int year = timeinfo.tm_year - 100; strm0 << year; const int month = timeinfo.tm_mon + 1; if (month < 10) { strm0 << "0"; } strm0 << month; const int day = timeinfo.tm_mday; if (day < 10) { strm0 << "0"; } strm0 << day << "_"; const int hour = timeinfo.tm_hour; if (hour < 10) { strm0 << "0"; } strm0 << hour; const int min = timeinfo.tm_min; if (min < 10) { strm0 << "0"; } strm0 << min; const int sec = timeinfo.tm_sec; if (sec < 10) { strm0 << "0"; } strm0 << sec; kml_filename = filename + "_" + strm0.str() + ".kml"; } else { kml_filename = filename + ".kml"; } kml_filename = kml_base_path + kml_filename; kml_file.open(kml_filename.c_str()); tmp_file.open(tmp_file_str.c_str()); if (kml_file.is_open() && tmp_file.is_open()) { DLOG(INFO) << "KML printer writing on " << filename.c_str(); // Set iostream numeric format and precision kml_file.setf(kml_file.std::ofstream::fixed, kml_file.std::ofstream::floatfield); kml_file << std::setprecision(14); tmp_file.setf(tmp_file.std::ofstream::fixed, tmp_file.std::ofstream::floatfield); tmp_file << std::setprecision(14); kml_file << R"()" << '\n' << R"()" << '\n' << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << "GNSS Track\n" << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << "GNSS-SDR Receiver position log file created at " << pt << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << "https://gnss-sdr.org/\n" << indent << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << "]]>\n" << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << "normal\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << "#track_n\n" << indent << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << "highlight\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << "#track_h\n" << indent << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << "Points\n"; return true; } std::cout << "File " << kml_filename << " cannot be saved. Wrong permissions?\n"; return false; } bool Kml_Printer::print_position(const Pvt_Solution* const position, bool print_average_values) { double latitude; double longitude; double height; positions_printed = true; const double speed_over_ground = position->get_speed_over_ground(); // expressed in m/s const double course_over_ground = position->get_course_over_ground(); // expressed in deg const double hdop = position->get_hdop(); const double vdop = position->get_vdop(); const double pdop = position->get_pdop(); std::string utc_time = to_iso_extended_string(position->get_position_UTC_time()); if (utc_time.length() < 23) { utc_time += "."; } utc_time.resize(23, '0'); // time up to ms utc_time.append("Z"); // UTC time zone if (print_average_values == false) { latitude = position->get_latitude(); longitude = position->get_longitude(); height = position->get_height(); } else { latitude = position->get_avg_latitude(); longitude = position->get_avg_longitude(); height = position->get_avg_height(); } if (kml_file.is_open() && tmp_file.is_open()) { point_id++; kml_file << indent << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << "" << point_id << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << indent << indent << "Time:" << utc_time << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << indent << indent << "Longitude:" << longitude << "deg\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << indent << indent << "Latitude:" << latitude << "deg\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << indent << indent << "Altitude:" << height << "m\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << indent << indent << "Speed:" << speed_over_ground << "m/s\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << indent << indent << "Course:" << course_over_ground << "deg\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << indent << indent << "HDOP:" << hdop << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << indent << indent << "VDOP:" << vdop << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << indent << indent << "PDOP:" << pdop << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << "]]>\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << indent << "" << utc_time << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << "#track\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << indent << "absolute\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << indent << "" << longitude << "," << latitude << "," << height << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << "\n"; tmp_file << indent << indent << indent << indent << indent << longitude << "," << latitude << "," << height << '\n'; return true; } return false; } bool Kml_Printer::close_file() { if (kml_file.is_open() && tmp_file.is_open()) { tmp_file.close(); kml_file << indent << indent << "" << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << "Path\n" << indent << indent << indent << "#yellowLineGreenPoly\n" << indent << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << "0\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << "1\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << "absolute\n" << indent << indent << indent << indent << "\n"; // Copy the contents of tmp_file into kml_file std::ifstream src(tmp_file_str, std::ios::binary); kml_file << src.rdbuf(); kml_file << indent << indent << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << indent << "\n" << indent << "\n" << ""; kml_file.close(); return true; } return false; } Kml_Printer::~Kml_Printer() { DLOG(INFO) << "KML printer destructor called."; try { close_file(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cerr << e.what() << '\n'; } if (!positions_printed) { errorlib::error_code ec; if (!fs::remove(fs::path(kml_filename), ec)) { LOG(INFO) << "Error deleting temporary KML file"; } } }