/*! * \file rtklib_rtcm3.cc * \brief RTCM functions for v3 * \authors * * This is a derived work from RTKLIB http://www.rtklib.com/ * The original source code at https://github.com/tomojitakasu/RTKLIB is * released under the BSD 2-clause license with an additional exclusive clause * that does not apply here. This additional clause is reproduced below: * * " The software package includes some companion executive binaries or shared * libraries necessary to execute APs on Windows. These licenses succeed to the * original ones of these software. " * * Neither the executive binaries nor the shared libraries are required by, used * or included in GNSS-SDR. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (C) 2007-2013, T. Takasu * Copyright (C) 2017, Javier Arribas * Copyright (C) 2017, Carles Fernandez * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "rtklib_rtcm3.h" #include "rtklib_rtkcmn.h" /* get sign-magnitude bits ---------------------------------------------------*/ double getbitg(const unsigned char *buff, int pos, int len) { double value = getbitu(buff, pos+1, len-1); return getbitu(buff, pos, 1) ? -value : value; } /* adjust weekly rollover of gps time ----------------------------------------*/ void adjweek(rtcm_t *rtcm, double tow) { double tow_p; int week; /* if no time, get cpu time */ if (rtcm->time.time == 0) rtcm->time = utc2gpst(timeget()); tow_p = time2gpst(rtcm->time, &week); if (tow < tow_p-302400.0) tow += 604800.0; else if (tow > tow_p+302400.0) tow -= 604800.0; rtcm->time = gpst2time(week, tow); } /* adjust weekly rollover of bdt time ----------------------------------------*/ int adjbdtweek(int week) { int w; (void)time2bdt(gpst2bdt(utc2gpst(timeget())), &w); if (w < 1) w = 1; /* use 2006/1/1 if time is earlier than 2006/1/1 */ return week+(w-week+512)/1024*1024; } /* adjust daily rollover of glonass time -------------------------------------*/ void adjday_glot(rtcm_t *rtcm, double tod) { gtime_t time; double tow, tod_p; int week; if (rtcm->time.time == 0) rtcm->time = utc2gpst(timeget()); time = timeadd(gpst2utc(rtcm->time), 10800.0); /* glonass time */ tow = time2gpst(time, &week); tod_p = fmod(tow, 86400.0); tow -= tod_p; if (tod < tod_p-43200.0) tod += 86400.0; else if (tod > tod_p+43200.0) tod -= 86400.0; time = gpst2time(week, tow+tod); rtcm->time = utc2gpst(timeadd(time, -10800.0)); } /* adjust carrier-phase rollover ---------------------------------------------*/ double adjcp(rtcm_t *rtcm, int sat, int freq, double cp) { if (rtcm->cp[sat-1][freq] == 0.0) ; else if (cp < rtcm->cp[sat-1][freq]-750.0) cp += 1500.0; else if (cp > rtcm->cp[sat-1][freq]+750.0) cp -= 1500.0; rtcm->cp[sat-1][freq] = cp; return cp; } /* loss-of-lock indicator ----------------------------------------------------*/ int lossoflock(rtcm_t *rtcm, int sat, int freq, int lock) { int lli = (!lock && !rtcm->lock[sat-1][freq]) || lock < rtcm->lock[sat-1][freq]; rtcm->lock[sat-1][freq] = (unsigned short)lock; return lli; } /* s/n ratio -----------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned char snratio(double snr) { return (unsigned char)(snr <= 0.0 || 255.5 <= snr ? 0.0:snr*4.0+0.5); } /* get observation data index ------------------------------------------------*/ int obsindex(obs_t *obs, gtime_t time, int sat) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < obs->n; i++) { if (obs->data[i].sat == sat) return i; /* field already exists */ } if (i >= MAXOBS) return -1; /* overflow */ /* add new field */ obs->data[i].time = time; obs->data[i].sat = sat; for (j = 0; j < NFREQ+NEXOBS; j++) { obs->data[i].L[j] = obs->data[i].P[j] = 0.0; obs->data[i].D[j] = 0.0; obs->data[i].SNR[j] = obs->data[i].LLI[j] = obs->data[i].code[j] = 0; } obs->n++; return i; } /* test station id consistency -----------------------------------------------*/ int test_staid(rtcm_t *rtcm, int staid) { char *p; int type, id; /* test station id option */ if ((p = strstr(rtcm->opt, "-STA=")) && sscanf(p, "-STA=%d", &id) == 1) { if (staid != id) return 0; } /* save station id */ if (rtcm->staid == 0 || rtcm->obsflag) { rtcm->staid = staid; } else if (staid != rtcm->staid) { type = getbitu(rtcm->buff, 24, 12); trace(2, "rtcm3 %d staid invalid id=%d %d\n", type, staid, rtcm->staid); /* reset station id if station id error */ rtcm->staid = 0; return 0; } return 1; } /* decode type 1001-1004 message header --------------------------------------*/ int decode_head1001(rtcm_t *rtcm, int *sync) { double tow; char *msg; int i = 24, staid, nsat, type; type = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 12); i += 12; if (i+52 <= rtcm->len*8) { staid = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 12); i += 12; tow = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 30)*0.001; i += 30; *sync = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; nsat = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 5); } else { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d length error: len=%d\n", type, rtcm->len); return -1; } /* test station id */ if (!test_staid(rtcm, staid)) return -1; adjweek(rtcm, tow); trace(4, "decode_head1001: time=%s nsat=%d sync=%d\n", time_str(rtcm->time, 2), nsat, *sync); if (rtcm->outtype) { msg = rtcm->msgtype+strlen(rtcm->msgtype); sprintf(msg, " staid=%4d %s nsat=%2d sync=%d", staid, time_str(rtcm->time, 2), nsat, *sync); } return nsat; } /* decode type 1001: L1-only gps rtk observation -----------------------------*/ int decode_type1001(rtcm_t *rtcm) { int sync; if (decode_head1001(rtcm, &sync) < 0) return -1; rtcm->obsflag=!sync; return sync ? 0:1; } /* decode type 1002: extended L1-only gps rtk observables --------------------*/ int decode_type1002(rtcm_t *rtcm) { double pr1, cnr1, tt, cp1; int i = 24+64, j, index, nsat, sync, prn, code, sat, ppr1, lock1, amb, sys; if ((nsat = decode_head1001(rtcm, &sync)) < 0) return -1; for (j = 0; j < nsat && rtcm->obs.n < MAXOBS && i+74 <= rtcm->len*8; j++) { prn = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 6); i += 6; code = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; pr1 = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 24); i += 24; ppr1 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 20); i += 20; lock1 = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 7); i += 7; amb = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; cnr1 = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; if (prn < 40) { sys = SYS_GPS; } else { sys = SYS_SBS; prn += 80; } if (!(sat = satno(sys, prn))) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1002 satellite number error: prn=%d\n", prn); continue; } tt = timediff(rtcm->obs.data[0].time, rtcm->time); if (rtcm->obsflag || fabs(tt)>1E-9) { rtcm->obs.n = rtcm->obsflag = 0; } if ((index = obsindex(&rtcm->obs, rtcm->time, sat)) < 0) continue; pr1 = pr1*0.02+amb*PRUNIT_GPS; if (ppr1 != (int)0xFFF80000) { rtcm->obs.data[index].P[0] = pr1; cp1 = adjcp(rtcm, sat, 0, ppr1*0.0005/lam_carr[0]); rtcm->obs.data[index].L[0] = pr1/lam_carr[0]+cp1; } rtcm->obs.data[index].LLI[0] = lossoflock(rtcm, sat, 0, lock1); rtcm->obs.data[index].SNR[0] = snratio(cnr1*0.25); rtcm->obs.data[index].code[0] = code ? CODE_L1P:CODE_L1C; } return sync ? 0:1; } /* decode type 1003: L1&L2 gps rtk observables -------------------------------*/ int decode_type1003(rtcm_t *rtcm) { int sync; if (decode_head1001(rtcm, &sync) < 0) return -1; rtcm->obsflag = !sync; return sync ? 0:1; } /* decode type 1004: extended L1&L2 gps rtk observables ----------------------*/ int decode_type1004(rtcm_t *rtcm) { const int L2codes[] = {CODE_L2X, CODE_L2P, CODE_L2D, CODE_L2W}; double pr1, cnr1, cnr2, tt, cp1, cp2; int i = 24+64, j, index, nsat, sync, prn, sat, code1, code2, pr21, ppr1, ppr2; int lock1, lock2, amb, sys; if ((nsat = decode_head1001(rtcm, &sync)) < 0) return -1; for (j = 0; j < nsat && rtcm->obs.n < MAXOBS && i+125 <= rtcm->len*8; j++) { prn = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 6); i += 6; code1 = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; pr1 = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 24); i += 24; ppr1 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 20); i += 20; lock1 = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 7); i += 7; amb = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; cnr1 = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; code2 = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 2); i += 2; pr21 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 14); i += 14; ppr2 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 20); i += 20; lock2 = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 7); i += 7; cnr2 = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; if (prn < 40) { sys = SYS_GPS; } else { sys = SYS_SBS; prn += 80; } if (!(sat = satno(sys, prn))) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1004 satellite number error: sys=%d prn=%d\n", sys, prn); continue; } tt = timediff(rtcm->obs.data[0].time, rtcm->time); if (rtcm->obsflag || fabs(tt)>1E-9) { rtcm->obs.n = rtcm->obsflag = 0; } if ((index = obsindex(&rtcm->obs, rtcm->time, sat)) < 0) continue; pr1 = pr1*0.02+amb*PRUNIT_GPS; if (ppr1 != (int)0xFFF80000) { rtcm->obs.data[index].P[0] = pr1; cp1 = adjcp(rtcm, sat, 0, ppr1*0.0005/lam_carr[0]); rtcm->obs.data[index].L[0] = pr1/lam_carr[0]+cp1; } rtcm->obs.data[index].LLI[0] = lossoflock(rtcm, sat, 0, lock1); rtcm->obs.data[index].SNR[0] = snratio(cnr1*0.25); rtcm->obs.data[index].code[0] = code1 ? CODE_L1P:CODE_L1C; if (pr21 != (int)0xFFFFE000) { rtcm->obs.data[index].P[1] = pr1+pr21*0.02; } if (ppr2 != (int)0xFFF80000) { cp2 = adjcp(rtcm, sat, 1, ppr2*0.0005/lam_carr[1]); rtcm->obs.data[index].L[1] = pr1/lam_carr[1]+cp2; } rtcm->obs.data[index].LLI[1] = lossoflock(rtcm, sat, 1, lock2); rtcm->obs.data[index].SNR[1] = snratio(cnr2*0.25); rtcm->obs.data[index].code[1] = L2codes[code2]; } rtcm->obsflag = !sync; return sync ? 0:1; } /* get signed 38bit field ----------------------------------------------------*/ double getbits_38(const unsigned char *buff, int pos) { return (double)getbits(buff, pos, 32)*64.0+getbitu(buff, pos+32, 6); } /* decode type 1005: stationary rtk reference station arp --------------------*/ int decode_type1005(rtcm_t *rtcm) { double rr[3], re[3], pos[3]; char *msg; int i = 24+12, j, staid, itrf; if (i+140 == rtcm->len*8) { staid = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 12); i += 12; itrf = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 6); i += 6+4; rr[0] = getbits_38(rtcm->buff, i); i += 38+2; rr[1] = getbits_38(rtcm->buff, i); i += 38+2; rr[2] = getbits_38(rtcm->buff, i); } else { trace(2, "rtcm3 1005 length error: len=%d\n", rtcm->len); return -1; } if (rtcm->outtype) { msg = rtcm->msgtype+strlen(rtcm->msgtype); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) re[j] = rr[j]*0.0001; ecef2pos(re, pos); sprintf(msg, " staid=%4d pos=%.8f %.8f %.3f", staid, pos[0]*R2D, pos[1]*R2D, pos[2]); } /* test station id */ if (!test_staid(rtcm, staid)) return -1; rtcm->sta.deltype = 0; /* xyz */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { rtcm->sta.pos[j] = rr[j]*0.0001; rtcm->sta.del[j] = 0.0; } rtcm->sta.hgt = 0.0; rtcm->sta.itrf = itrf; return 5; } /* decode type 1006: stationary rtk reference station arp with height --------*/ int decode_type1006(rtcm_t *rtcm) { double rr[3], re[3], pos[3], anth; char *msg; int i = 24+12, j, staid, itrf; if (i+156 <= rtcm->len*8) { staid = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 12); i += 12; itrf = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 6); i += 6+4; rr[0] = getbits_38(rtcm->buff, i); i += 38+2; rr[1] = getbits_38(rtcm->buff, i); i += 38+2; rr[2] = getbits_38(rtcm->buff, i); i += 38; anth = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 16); } else { trace(2, "rtcm3 1006 length error: len=%d\n", rtcm->len); return -1; } if (rtcm->outtype) { msg = rtcm->msgtype+strlen(rtcm->msgtype); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) re[j] = rr[j]*0.0001; ecef2pos(re, pos); sprintf(msg, " staid=%4d pos=%.8f %.8f %.3f anth=%.3f", staid, pos[0]*R2D, pos[1]*R2D, pos[2], anth); } /* test station id */ if (!test_staid(rtcm, staid)) return -1; rtcm->sta.deltype = 1; /* xyz */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { rtcm->sta.pos[j] = rr[j]*0.0001; rtcm->sta.del[j] = 0.0; } rtcm->sta.hgt = anth*0.0001; rtcm->sta.itrf = itrf; return 5; } /* decode type 1007: antenna descriptor --------------------------------------*/ int decode_type1007(rtcm_t *rtcm) { char des[32] = ""; char *msg; int i = 24+12, j, staid, n, setup; n = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i+12, 8); if (i+28+8*n <= rtcm->len*8) { staid = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 12); i += 12+8; for (j = 0; j < n && j < 31; j++) { des[j] = (char)getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; } setup = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); } else { trace(2, "rtcm3 1007 length error: len=%d\n", rtcm->len); return -1; } if (rtcm->outtype) { msg = rtcm->msgtype+strlen(rtcm->msgtype); sprintf(msg, " staid=%4d", staid); } /* test station id */ if (!test_staid(rtcm, staid)) return -1; strncpy(rtcm->sta.antdes, des, n); rtcm->sta.antdes[n] = '\0'; rtcm->sta.antsetup = setup; rtcm->sta.antsno[0] = '\0'; return 5; } /* decode type 1008: antenna descriptor & serial number ----------------------*/ int decode_type1008(rtcm_t *rtcm) { char des[32] = "", sno[32] = ""; char *msg; int i = 24+12, j, staid, n, m, setup; n = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i+12, 8); m = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i+28+8*n, 8); if (i+36+8*(n+m) <= rtcm->len*8) { staid = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 12); i += 12+8; for (j = 0; j < n && j < 31; j++) { des[j] = (char)getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; } setup = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8+8; for (j = 0; j < m && j < 31; j++) { sno[j] = (char)getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; } } else { trace(2, "rtcm3 1008 length error: len=%d\n", rtcm->len); return -1; } if (rtcm->outtype) { msg = rtcm->msgtype+strlen(rtcm->msgtype); sprintf(msg, " staid=%4d", staid); } /* test station id */ if (!test_staid(rtcm, staid)) return -1; strncpy(rtcm->sta.antdes, des, n); rtcm->sta.antdes[n] = '\0'; rtcm->sta.antsetup = setup; strncpy(rtcm->sta.antsno, sno, m); rtcm->sta.antsno[m] = '\0'; return 5; } /* decode type 1009-1012 message header --------------------------------------*/ int decode_head1009(rtcm_t *rtcm, int *sync) { double tod; char *msg; int i = 24, staid, nsat, type; type = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 12); i += 12; if (i+49 <= rtcm->len*8) { staid = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 12); i += 12; tod = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 27)*0.001; i += 27; /* sec in a day */ *sync = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; nsat = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 5); } else { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d length error: len=%d\n", type, rtcm->len); return -1; } /* test station id */ if (!test_staid(rtcm, staid)) return -1; adjday_glot(rtcm, tod); trace(4, "decode_head1009: time=%s nsat=%d sync=%d\n", time_str(rtcm->time, 2), nsat, *sync); if (rtcm->outtype) { msg = rtcm->msgtype+strlen(rtcm->msgtype); sprintf(msg, " staid=%4d %s nsat=%2d sync=%d", staid, time_str(rtcm->time, 2), nsat, *sync); } return nsat; } /* decode type 1009: L1-only glonass rtk observables -------------------------*/ int decode_type1009(rtcm_t *rtcm) { int sync; if (decode_head1009(rtcm, &sync) < 0) return -1; rtcm->obsflag = !sync; return sync ? 0:1; } /* decode type 1010: extended L1-only glonass rtk observables ----------------*/ int decode_type1010(rtcm_t *rtcm) { double pr1, cnr1, tt, cp1, lam1; int i = 24+61, j, index, nsat, sync, prn, sat, code, freq, ppr1, lock1, amb, sys = SYS_GLO; if ((nsat = decode_head1009(rtcm, &sync)) < 0) return -1; for (j = 0; j < nsat && rtcm->obs.n < MAXOBS && i+79 <= rtcm->len*8; j++) { prn = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 6); i += 6; code = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; freq = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 5); i += 5; pr1 = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 25); i += 25; ppr1 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 20); i += 20; lock1 = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 7); i += 7; amb = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 7); i += 7; cnr1 = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; if (!(sat = satno(sys, prn))) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1010 satellite number error: prn=%d\n", prn); continue; } tt = timediff(rtcm->obs.data[0].time, rtcm->time); if (rtcm->obsflag || fabs(tt)>1E-9) { rtcm->obs.n = rtcm->obsflag = 0; } if ((index = obsindex(&rtcm->obs, rtcm->time, sat)) < 0) continue; pr1 = pr1*0.02+amb*PRUNIT_GLO; if (ppr1 != (int)0xFFF80000) { rtcm->obs.data[index].P[0] = pr1; lam1 = SPEED_OF_LIGHT/(FREQ1_GLO+DFRQ1_GLO*(freq-7)); cp1 = adjcp(rtcm, sat, 0, ppr1*0.0005/lam1); rtcm->obs.data[index].L[0] = pr1/lam1+cp1; } rtcm->obs.data[index].LLI[0] = lossoflock(rtcm, sat, 0, lock1); rtcm->obs.data[index].SNR[0] = snratio(cnr1*0.25); rtcm->obs.data[index].code[0] = code ? CODE_L1P:CODE_L1C; } return sync ? 0:1; } /* decode type 1011: L1&L2 glonass rtk observables ---------------------------*/ int decode_type1011(rtcm_t *rtcm) { int sync; if (decode_head1009(rtcm, &sync) < 0) return -1; rtcm->obsflag = !sync; return sync ? 0:1; } /* decode type 1012: extended L1&L2 glonass rtk observables ------------------*/ int decode_type1012(rtcm_t *rtcm) { double pr1, cnr1, cnr2, tt, cp1, cp2, lam1, lam2; int i = 24+61, j, index, nsat, sync, prn, sat, freq, code1, code2, pr21, ppr1, ppr2; int lock1, lock2, amb, sys = SYS_GLO; if ((nsat = decode_head1009(rtcm, &sync)) < 0) return -1; for (j = 0; j < nsat && rtcm->obs.n < MAXOBS && i+130 <= rtcm->len*8; j++) { prn = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 6); i += 6; code1 = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; freq = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 5); i += 5; pr1 = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 25); i += 25; ppr1 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 20); i += 20; lock1 = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 7); i += 7; amb = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 7); i += 7; cnr1 = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; code2 = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 2); i += 2; pr21 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 14); i += 14; ppr2 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 20); i += 20; lock2 = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 7); i += 7; cnr2 = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; if (!(sat = satno(sys, prn))) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1012 satellite number error: sys=%d prn=%d\n", sys, prn); continue; } tt = timediff(rtcm->obs.data[0].time, rtcm->time); if (rtcm->obsflag || fabs(tt)>1E-9) { rtcm->obs.n = rtcm->obsflag = 0; } if ((index = obsindex(&rtcm->obs, rtcm->time, sat)) < 0) continue; pr1 = pr1*0.02+amb*PRUNIT_GLO; if (ppr1 != (int)0xFFF80000) { lam1 = SPEED_OF_LIGHT/(FREQ1_GLO+DFRQ1_GLO*(freq-7)); rtcm->obs.data[index].P[0] = pr1; cp1 = adjcp(rtcm, sat, 0, ppr1*0.0005/lam1); rtcm->obs.data[index].L[0] = pr1/lam1+cp1; } rtcm->obs.data[index].LLI[0] = lossoflock(rtcm, sat, 0, lock1); rtcm->obs.data[index].SNR[0] = snratio(cnr1*0.25); rtcm->obs.data[index].code[0] = code1 ? CODE_L1P:CODE_L1C; if (pr21 != (int)0xFFFFE000) { rtcm->obs.data[index].P[1] = pr1+pr21*0.02; } if (ppr2 != (int)0xFFF80000) { lam2 = SPEED_OF_LIGHT/(FREQ2_GLO+DFRQ2_GLO*(freq-7)); cp2 = adjcp(rtcm, sat, 1, ppr2*0.0005/lam2); rtcm->obs.data[index].L[1] = pr1/lam2+cp2; } rtcm->obs.data[index].LLI[1] = lossoflock(rtcm, sat, 1, lock2); rtcm->obs.data[index].SNR[1] = snratio(cnr2*0.25); rtcm->obs.data[index].code[1] = code2 ? CODE_L2P:CODE_L2C; } rtcm->obsflag = !sync; return sync ? 0:1; } /* decode type 1013: system parameters ---------------------------------------*/ int decode_type1013(rtcm_t *rtcm) { return 0; } /* decode type 1019: gps ephemerides -----------------------------------------*/ int decode_type1019(rtcm_t *rtcm) { eph_t eph = {0}; double toc, sqrtA; char *msg; int i = 24+12, prn, sat, week, sys = SYS_GPS; if (i+476 <= rtcm->len*8) { prn = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 6); i += 6; week = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 10); i += 10; eph.sva = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 4); i += 4; eph.code = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 2); i += 2; eph.idot = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 14)*TWO_N43*SC2RAD; i += 14; eph.iode = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; toc = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*16.0; i += 16; eph.f2 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 8)*TWO_N55; i += 8; eph.f1 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N43; i += 16; eph.f0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 22)*TWO_N31; i += 22; eph.iodc = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 10); i += 10; eph.crs = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N5; i += 16; eph.deln = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N43*SC2RAD; i += 16; eph.M0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N31*SC2RAD; i += 32; eph.cuc = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N29; i += 16; eph.e = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N33; i += 32; eph.cus = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N29; i += 16; sqrtA = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N19; i += 32; eph.toes = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*16.0; i += 16; eph.cic = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N29; i += 16; eph.OMG0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N31*SC2RAD; i += 32; eph.cis = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N29; i += 16; eph.i0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N31*SC2RAD; i += 32; eph.crc = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N5; i += 16; eph.omg = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N31*SC2RAD; i += 32; eph.OMGd = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 24)*TWO_N43*SC2RAD; i += 24; eph.tgd[0] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 8)*TWO_N31; i += 8; eph.svh = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 6); i += 6; eph.flag = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; eph.fit = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1) ? 0.0:4.0; /* 0:4hr, 1:>4hr */ } else { trace(2, "rtcm3 1019 length error: len=%d\n", rtcm->len); return -1; } if (prn >= 40) { sys = SYS_SBS; prn += 80; } trace(4, "decode_type1019: prn=%d iode=%d toe=%.0f\n", prn, eph.iode, eph.toes); if (rtcm->outtype) { msg = rtcm->msgtype+strlen(rtcm->msgtype); sprintf(msg, " prn=%2d iode=%3d iodc=%3d week=%d toe=%6.0f toc=%6.0f svh=%02X", prn, eph.iode, eph.iodc, week, eph.toes, toc, eph.svh); } if (!(sat = satno(sys, prn))) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1019 satellite number error: prn=%d\n", prn); return -1; } eph.sat = sat; eph.week = adjgpsweek(week); eph.toe = gpst2time(eph.week, eph.toes); eph.toc = gpst2time(eph.week, toc); eph.ttr = rtcm->time; eph.A = sqrtA*sqrtA; if (!strstr(rtcm->opt, "-EPHALL")) { if (eph.iode == rtcm->nav.eph[sat-1].iode) return 0; /* unchanged */ } rtcm->nav.eph[sat-1] = eph; rtcm->ephsat = sat; return 2; } /* decode type 1020: glonass ephemerides -------------------------------------*/ int decode_type1020(rtcm_t *rtcm) { geph_t geph = {0}; double tk_h, tk_m, tk_s, toe, tow, tod, tof; char *msg; int i = 24+12, prn, sat, week, tb, bn, sys = SYS_GLO; if (i+348 <= rtcm->len*8) { prn = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 6); i += 6; geph.frq = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 5)-7; i += 5+2+2; tk_h = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 5); i += 5; tk_m = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 6); i += 6; tk_s = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1)*30.0; i += 1; bn = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1+1; tb = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 7); i += 7; geph.vel[0] = getbitg(rtcm->buff, i, 24)*TWO_N20*1E3; i += 24; geph.pos[0] = getbitg(rtcm->buff, i, 27)*TWO_N11*1E3; i += 27; geph.acc[0] = getbitg(rtcm->buff, i, 5)*TWO_N30*1E3; i += 5; geph.vel[1] = getbitg(rtcm->buff, i, 24)*TWO_N20*1E3; i += 24; geph.pos[1] = getbitg(rtcm->buff, i, 27)*TWO_N11*1E3; i += 27; geph.acc[1] = getbitg(rtcm->buff, i, 5)*TWO_N30*1E3; i += 5; geph.vel[2] = getbitg(rtcm->buff, i, 24)*TWO_N20*1E3; i += 24; geph.pos[2] = getbitg(rtcm->buff, i, 27)*TWO_N11*1E3; i += 27; geph.acc[2] = getbitg(rtcm->buff, i, 5)*TWO_N30*1E3; i += 5+1; geph.gamn = getbitg(rtcm->buff, i, 11)*TWO_N40; i += 11+3; geph.taun = getbitg(rtcm->buff, i, 22)*TWO_N30; } else { trace(2, "rtcm3 1020 length error: len=%d\n", rtcm->len); return -1; } if (!(sat = satno(sys, prn))) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1020 satellite number error: prn=%d\n", prn); return -1; } trace(4, "decode_type1020: prn=%d tk=%02.0f:%02.0f:%02.0f\n", prn, tk_h, tk_m, tk_s); if (rtcm->outtype) { msg = rtcm->msgtype+strlen(rtcm->msgtype); sprintf(msg, " prn=%2d tk=%02.0f:%02.0f:%02.0f frq=%2d bn=%d tb=%d", prn, tk_h, tk_m, tk_s, geph.frq, bn, tb); } geph.sat = sat; geph.svh = bn; geph.iode = tb&0x7F; if (rtcm->time.time == 0) rtcm->time = utc2gpst(timeget()); tow = time2gpst(gpst2utc(rtcm->time), &week); tod = fmod(tow, 86400.0); tow -= tod; tof = tk_h*3600.0+tk_m*60.0+tk_s-10800.0; /* lt->utc */ if (tof < tod-43200.0) tof += 86400.0; else if (tof>tod+43200.0) tof -= 86400.0; geph.tof = utc2gpst(gpst2time(week, tow+tof)); toe = tb*900.0-10800.0; /* lt->utc */ if (toe < tod-43200.0) toe += 86400.0; else if (toe>tod+43200.0) toe -= 86400.0; geph.toe = utc2gpst(gpst2time(week, tow+toe)); /* utc->gpst */ if (!strstr(rtcm->opt, "-EPHALL")) { if (fabs(timediff(geph.toe, rtcm->nav.geph[prn-1].toe)) < 1.0 && geph.svh == rtcm->nav.geph[prn-1].svh) return 0; /* unchanged */ } rtcm->nav.geph[prn-1] = geph; rtcm->ephsat = sat; return 2; } /* decode type 1021: helmert/abridged molodenski -----------------------------*/ int decode_type1021(rtcm_t *rtcm) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1021: not supported message\n"); return 0; } /* decode type 1022: moledenski-badekas transfromation -----------------------*/ int decode_type1022(rtcm_t *rtcm) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1022: not supported message\n"); return 0; } /* decode type 1023: residual, ellipoidal grid representation ----------------*/ int decode_type1023(rtcm_t *rtcm) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1023: not supported message\n"); return 0; } /* decode type 1024: residual, plane grid representation ---------------------*/ int decode_type1024(rtcm_t *rtcm) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1024: not supported message\n"); return 0; } /* decode type 1025: projection (types except LCC2SP, OM) ---------------------*/ int decode_type1025(rtcm_t *rtcm) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1025: not supported message\n"); return 0; } /* decode type 1026: projection (LCC2SP - lambert conic conformal (2sp)) -----*/ int decode_type1026(rtcm_t *rtcm) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1026: not supported message\n"); return 0; } /* decode type 1027: projection (type OM - oblique mercator) -----------------*/ int decode_type1027(rtcm_t *rtcm) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1027: not supported message\n"); return 0; } /* decode type 1029: unicode text string -------------------------------------*/ int decode_type1029(rtcm_t *rtcm) { char *msg; int i = 24+12, j, staid, mjd, tod, nchar, cunit; if (i+60 <= rtcm->len*8) { staid = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 12); i += 12; mjd = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 16); i += 16; tod = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 17); i += 17; nchar = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 7); i += 7; cunit = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; } else { trace(2, "rtcm3 1029 length error: len=%d\n", rtcm->len); return -1; } if (i+nchar*8>rtcm->len*8) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1029 length error: len=%d nchar=%d\n", rtcm->len, nchar); return -1; } for (j = 0; j < nchar && j < 126; j++) { rtcm->msg[j] = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; } rtcm->msg[j] = '\0'; if (rtcm->outtype) { msg = rtcm->msgtype+strlen(rtcm->msgtype); sprintf(msg, " staid=%4d text=%s", staid, rtcm->msg); } return 0; } /* decode type 1030: network rtk residual ------------------------------------*/ int decode_type1030(rtcm_t *rtcm) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1030: not supported message\n"); return 0; } /* decode type 1031: glonass network rtk residual ----------------------------*/ int decode_type1031(rtcm_t *rtcm) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1031: not supported message\n"); return 0; } /* decode type 1032: physical reference station position information ---------*/ int decode_type1032(rtcm_t *rtcm) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1032: not supported message\n"); return 0; } /* decode type 1033: receiver and antenna descriptor -------------------------*/ int decode_type1033(rtcm_t *rtcm) { char des[32] = "", sno[32] = "", rec[32] = "", ver[32] = "", rsn[32] = ""; char *msg; int i = 24+12, j, staid, n, m, n1, n2, n3, setup; n = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i+12, 8); m = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i+28+8*n, 8); n1 = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i+36+8*(n+m), 8); n2 = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i+44+8*(n+m+n1), 8); n3 = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i+52+8*(n+m+n1+n2), 8); if (i+60+8*(n+m+n1+n2+n3) <= rtcm->len*8) { staid = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 12); i += 12+8; for (j = 0; j < n && j < 31; j++) { des[j] = (char)getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; } setup = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8+8; for (j = 0; j < m && j < 31; j++) { sno[j] = (char)getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; } i += 8; for (j = 0; j < n1 && j < 31; j++) { rec[j] = (char)getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; } i += 8; for (j = 0; j < n2 && j < 31; j++) { ver[j] = (char)getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; } i += 8; for (j = 0; j < n3 && j < 31; j++) { rsn[j] = (char)getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; } } else { trace(2, "rtcm3 1033 length error: len=%d\n", rtcm->len); return -1; } if (rtcm->outtype) { msg = rtcm->msgtype+strlen(rtcm->msgtype); sprintf(msg, " staid=%4d", staid); } /* test station id */ if (!test_staid(rtcm, staid)) return -1; strncpy(rtcm->sta.antdes, des, n ); rtcm->sta.antdes [n] = '\0'; rtcm->sta.antsetup = setup; strncpy(rtcm->sta.antsno, sno, m ); rtcm->sta.antsno [m] = '\0'; strncpy(rtcm->sta.rectype, rec, n1); rtcm->sta.rectype[n1] = '\0'; strncpy(rtcm->sta.recver, ver, n2); rtcm->sta.recver [n2] = '\0'; strncpy(rtcm->sta.recsno, rsn, n3); rtcm->sta.recsno [n3] = '\0'; trace(3, "rtcm3 1033: ant=%s:%s rec=%s:%s:%s\n", des, sno, rec, ver, rsn); return 5; } /* decode type 1034: gps network fkp gradient --------------------------------*/ int decode_type1034(rtcm_t *rtcm) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1034: not supported message\n"); return 0; } /* decode type 1035: glonass network fkp gradient ----------------------------*/ int decode_type1035(rtcm_t *rtcm) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1035: not supported message\n"); return 0; } /* decode type 1037: glonass network rtk ionospheric correction difference ---*/ int decode_type1037(rtcm_t *rtcm) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1037: not supported message\n"); return 0; } /* decode type 1038: glonass network rtk geometic correction difference ------*/ int decode_type1038(rtcm_t *rtcm) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1038: not supported message\n"); return 0; } /* decode type 1039: glonass network rtk combined correction difference ------*/ int decode_type1039(rtcm_t *rtcm) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1039: not supported message\n"); return 0; } /* decode type 1044: qzss ephemerides (ref [15]) -----------------------------*/ int decode_type1044(rtcm_t *rtcm) { eph_t eph = {0}; double toc, sqrtA; char *msg; int i = 24+12, prn, sat, week, sys = SYS_QZS; if (i+473 <= rtcm->len*8) { prn = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 4)+192; i += 4; toc = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*16.0; i += 16; eph.f2 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 8)*TWO_N55; i += 8; eph.f1 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N43; i += 16; eph.f0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 22)*TWO_N31; i += 22; eph.iode = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; eph.crs = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N5; i += 16; eph.deln = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N43*SC2RAD; i += 16; eph.M0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N31*SC2RAD; i += 32; eph.cuc = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N29; i += 16; eph.e = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N33; i += 32; eph.cus = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N29; i += 16; sqrtA = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N19; i += 32; eph.toes = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*16.0; i += 16; eph.cic = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N29; i += 16; eph.OMG0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N31*SC2RAD; i += 32; eph.cis = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N29; i += 16; eph.i0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N31*SC2RAD; i += 32; eph.crc = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N5; i += 16; eph.omg = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N31*SC2RAD; i += 32; eph.OMGd = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 24)*TWO_N43*SC2RAD; i += 24; eph.idot = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 14)*TWO_N43*SC2RAD; i += 14; eph.code = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 2); i += 2; week = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 10); i += 10; eph.sva = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 4); i += 4; eph.svh = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 6); i += 6; eph.tgd[0] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 8)*TWO_N31; i += 8; eph.iodc = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 10); i += 10; eph.fit = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1) ? 0.0:2.0; /* 0:2hr, 1:>2hr */ } else { trace(2, "rtcm3 1044 length error: len=%d\n", rtcm->len); return -1; } trace(4, "decode_type1044: prn=%d iode=%d toe=%.0f\n", prn, eph.iode, eph.toes); if (rtcm->outtype) { msg = rtcm->msgtype+strlen(rtcm->msgtype); sprintf(msg, " prn=%3d iode=%3d iodc=%3d week=%d toe=%6.0f toc=%6.0f svh=%02X", prn, eph.iode, eph.iodc, week, eph.toes, toc, eph.svh); } if (!(sat = satno(sys, prn))) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1044 satellite number error: prn=%d\n", prn); return -1; } eph.sat = sat; eph.week = adjgpsweek(week); eph.toe = gpst2time(eph.week, eph.toes); eph.toc = gpst2time(eph.week, toc); eph.ttr = rtcm->time; eph.A = sqrtA*sqrtA; if (!strstr(rtcm->opt, "-EPHALL")) { if (eph.iode == rtcm->nav.eph[sat-1].iode && eph.iodc == rtcm->nav.eph[sat-1].iodc) return 0; /* unchanged */ } rtcm->nav.eph[sat-1] = eph; rtcm->ephsat = sat; return 2; } /* decode type 1045: galileo satellite ephemerides (ref [15]) ----------------*/ int decode_type1045(rtcm_t *rtcm) { eph_t eph = {0}; double toc, sqrtA; char *msg; int i = 24+12, prn, sat, week, e5a_hs, e5a_dvs, rsv, sys = SYS_GAL; if (i+484 <= rtcm->len*8) { prn = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 6); i += 6; week = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 12); i += 12; /* gst-week */ eph.iode = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 10); i += 10; eph.sva = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; eph.idot = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 14)*TWO_N43*SC2RAD; i += 14; toc = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 14)*60.0; i += 14; eph.f2 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 6)*TWO_N59; i += 6; eph.f1 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 21)*TWO_N46; i += 21; eph.f0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 31)*TWO_N34; i += 31; eph.crs = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N5; i += 16; eph.deln = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N43*SC2RAD; i += 16; eph.M0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N31*SC2RAD; i += 32; eph.cuc = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N29; i += 16; eph.e = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N33; i += 32; eph.cus = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N29; i += 16; sqrtA = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N19; i += 32; eph.toes = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 14)*60.0; i += 14; eph.cic = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N29; i += 16; eph.OMG0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N31*SC2RAD; i += 32; eph.cis = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N29; i += 16; eph.i0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N31*SC2RAD; i += 32; eph.crc = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N5; i += 16; eph.omg = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N31*SC2RAD; i += 32; eph.OMGd = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 24)*TWO_N43*SC2RAD; i += 24; eph.tgd[0] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 10)*TWO_N32; i += 10; /* E5a/E1 */ e5a_hs = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 2); i += 2; /* OSHS */ e5a_dvs = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; /* OSDVS */ rsv = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 7); } else { trace(2, "rtcm3 1045 length error: len=%d\n", rtcm->len); return -1; } trace(4, "decode_type1045: prn=%d iode=%d toe=%.0f\n", prn, eph.iode, eph.toes); if (rtcm->outtype) { msg = rtcm->msgtype+strlen(rtcm->msgtype); sprintf(msg, " prn=%2d iode=%3d week=%d toe=%6.0f toc=%6.0f hs=%d dvs=%d", prn, eph.iode, week, eph.toes, toc, e5a_hs, e5a_dvs); } if (!(sat = satno(sys, prn))) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1045 satellite number error: prn=%d\n", prn); return -1; } eph.sat = sat; eph.week = week+1024; /* gal-week = gst-week + 1024 */ eph.toe = gpst2time(eph.week, eph.toes); eph.toc = gpst2time(eph.week, toc); eph.ttr = rtcm->time; eph.A = sqrtA*sqrtA; eph.svh = (e5a_hs<<4)+(e5a_dvs<<3); eph.code = 2; /* data source = f/nav e5a */ if (!strstr(rtcm->opt, "-EPHALL")) { if (eph.iode == rtcm->nav.eph[sat-1].iode) return 0; /* unchanged */ } rtcm->nav.eph[sat-1] = eph; rtcm->ephsat = sat; return 2; } /* decode type 1046: galileo satellite ephemerides (extension for IGS MGEX) --*/ int decode_type1046(rtcm_t *rtcm) { eph_t eph = {0}; double toc, sqrtA; char *msg; int i = 24+12, prn, sat, week, e5a_hs, e5a_dvs, rsv, sys = SYS_GAL; if (i+484 <= rtcm->len*8) { prn = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 6); i += 6; week = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 12); i += 12; /* gst-week */ eph.iode = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 10); i += 10; eph.sva = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; eph.idot = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 14)*TWO_N43*SC2RAD; i += 14; toc = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 14)*60.0; i += 14; eph.f2 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 6)*TWO_N59; i += 6; eph.f1 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 21)*TWO_N46; i += 21; eph.f0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 31)*TWO_N34; i += 31; eph.crs = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N5; i += 16; eph.deln = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N43*SC2RAD; i += 16; eph.M0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N31*SC2RAD; i += 32; eph.cuc = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N29; i += 16; eph.e = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N33; i += 32; eph.cus = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N29; i += 16; sqrtA = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N19; i += 32; eph.toes = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 14)*60.0; i += 14; eph.cic = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N29; i += 16; eph.OMG0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N31*SC2RAD; i += 32; eph.cis = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N29; i += 16; eph.i0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N31*SC2RAD; i += 32; eph.crc = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N5; i += 16; eph.omg = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N31*SC2RAD; i += 32; eph.OMGd = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 24)*TWO_N43*SC2RAD; i += 24; eph.tgd[0] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 10)*TWO_N32; i += 10; /* E5a/E1 */ e5a_hs = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 2); i += 2; /* OSHS */ e5a_dvs = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; /* OSDVS */ rsv = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 7); } else { trace(2, "rtcm3 1046 length error: len=%d\n", rtcm->len); return -1; } trace(4, "decode_type1046: prn=%d iode=%d toe=%.0f\n", prn, eph.iode, eph.toes); if (rtcm->outtype) { msg = rtcm->msgtype+strlen(rtcm->msgtype); sprintf(msg, " prn=%2d iode=%3d week=%d toe=%6.0f toc=%6.0f hs=%d dvs=%d", prn, eph.iode, week, eph.toes, toc, e5a_hs, e5a_dvs); } if (!(sat = satno(sys, prn))) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1046 satellite number error: prn=%d\n", prn); return -1; } eph.sat = sat; eph.week = week+1024; /* gal-week = gst-week + 1024 */ eph.toe = gpst2time(eph.week, eph.toes); eph.toc = gpst2time(eph.week, toc); eph.ttr = rtcm->time; eph.A = sqrtA*sqrtA; eph.svh = (e5a_hs<<4)+(e5a_dvs<<3); eph.code = 2; /* data source = f/nav e5a */ if (!strstr(rtcm->opt, "-EPHALL")) { if (eph.iode == rtcm->nav.eph[sat-1].iode) return 0; /* unchanged */ } rtcm->nav.eph[sat-1] = eph; rtcm->ephsat = sat; return 2; } /* decode type 1047: beidou ephemerides (tentative mt and format) ------------*/ int decode_type1047(rtcm_t *rtcm) { eph_t eph = {0}; double toc, sqrtA; char *msg; int i = 24+12, prn, sat, week, sys = SYS_BDS; if (i+476 <= rtcm->len*8) { prn = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 6); i += 6; week = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 10); i += 10; eph.sva = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 4); i += 4; eph.code = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 2); i += 2; eph.idot = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 14)*TWO_N43*SC2RAD; i += 14; eph.iode = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; toc = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*16.0; i += 16; eph.f2 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 8)*TWO_N55; i += 8; eph.f1 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N43; i += 16; eph.f0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 22)*TWO_N31; i += 22; eph.iodc = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 10); i += 10; eph.crs = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N5; i += 16; eph.deln = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N43*SC2RAD; i += 16; eph.M0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N31*SC2RAD; i += 32; eph.cuc = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N29; i += 16; eph.e = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N33; i += 32; eph.cus = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N29; i += 16; sqrtA = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N19; i += 32; eph.toes = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*16.0; i += 16; eph.cic = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N29; i += 16; eph.OMG0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N31*SC2RAD; i += 32; eph.cis = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N29; i += 16; eph.i0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N31*SC2RAD; i += 32; eph.crc = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N5; i += 16; eph.omg = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N31*SC2RAD; i += 32; eph.OMGd = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 24)*TWO_N43*SC2RAD; i += 24; eph.tgd[0] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 8)*TWO_N31; i += 8; eph.svh = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 6); i += 6; eph.flag = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; eph.fit = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1) ? 0.0:4.0; /* 0:4hr, 1:>4hr */ } else { trace(2, "rtcm3 1047 length error: len=%d\n", rtcm->len); return -1; } trace(4, "decode_type1047: prn=%d iode=%d toe=%.0f\n", prn, eph.iode, eph.toes); if (rtcm->outtype) { msg = rtcm->msgtype+strlen(rtcm->msgtype); sprintf(msg, " prn=%2d iode=%3d iodc=%3d week=%d toe=%6.0f toc=%6.0f svh=%02X", prn, eph.iode, eph.iodc, week, eph.toes, toc, eph.svh); } if (!(sat = satno(sys, prn))) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1047 satellite number error: prn=%d\n", prn); return -1; } eph.sat = sat; eph.week = adjbdtweek(week); eph.toe = bdt2gpst(bdt2time(eph.week, eph.toes)); /* bdt -> gpst */ eph.toc = bdt2gpst(bdt2time(eph.week, toc)); /* bdt -> gpst */ eph.ttr = rtcm->time; eph.A = sqrtA*sqrtA; if (!strstr(rtcm->opt, "-EPHALL")) { if (timediff(eph.toe, rtcm->nav.eph[sat-1].toe) == 0.0 && eph.iode == rtcm->nav.eph[sat-1].iode && eph.iodc == rtcm->nav.eph[sat-1].iodc) return 0; /* unchanged */ } rtcm->nav.eph[sat-1] = eph; rtcm->ephsat = sat; return 2; } /* decode type 63: beidou ephemerides (rtcm draft) ---------------------------*/ int decode_type63(rtcm_t *rtcm) { eph_t eph = {0}; double toc, sqrtA; char *msg; int i = 24+12, prn, sat, week, sys = SYS_BDS; if (i+499 <= rtcm->len*8) { prn = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 6); i += 6; week = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 13); i += 13; eph.sva = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 4); i += 4; eph.idot = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 14)*TWO_N43*SC2RAD; i += 14; eph.iode = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 5); i += 5; /* AODE */ toc = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 17)*8.0; i += 17; eph.f2 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 11)*TWO_N55; i += 11; eph.f1 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 22)*TWO_N50; i += 22; eph.f0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 24)*TWO_N33; i += 24; eph.iodc = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 5); i += 5; /* AODC */ eph.crs = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 18)*TWO_N6; i += 18; eph.deln = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 16)*TWO_N43*SC2RAD; i += 16; eph.M0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N31*SC2RAD; i += 32; eph.cuc = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 18)*TWO_N31; i += 18; eph.e = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N33; i += 32; eph.cus = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 18)*TWO_N31; i += 18; sqrtA = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N19; i += 32; eph.toes = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 17)*8.0; i += 17; eph.cic = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 18)*TWO_N31; i += 18; eph.OMG0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N31*SC2RAD; i += 32; eph.cis = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 18)*TWO_N31; i += 18; eph.i0 = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N31*SC2RAD; i += 32; eph.crc = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 18)*TWO_N6; i += 18; eph.omg = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 32)*TWO_N31*SC2RAD; i += 32; eph.OMGd = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 24)*TWO_N43*SC2RAD; i += 24; eph.tgd[0] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 10)*1E-10; i += 10; eph.tgd[1] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 10)*1E-10; i += 10; eph.svh = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; } else { trace(2, "rtcm3 63 length error: len=%d\n", rtcm->len); return -1; } trace(4, "decode_type63: prn=%d iode=%d toe=%.0f\n", prn, eph.iode, eph.toes); if (rtcm->outtype) { msg = rtcm->msgtype+strlen(rtcm->msgtype); sprintf(msg, " prn=%2d iode=%3d iodc=%3d week=%d toe=%6.0f toc=%6.0f svh=%02X", prn, eph.iode, eph.iodc, week, eph.toes, toc, eph.svh); } if (!(sat = satno(sys, prn))) { trace(2, "rtcm3 63 satellite number error: prn=%d\n", prn); return -1; } eph.sat = sat; eph.week = adjbdtweek(week); eph.toe = bdt2gpst(bdt2time(eph.week, eph.toes)); /* bdt -> gpst */ eph.toc = bdt2gpst(bdt2time(eph.week, toc)); /* bdt -> gpst */ eph.ttr = rtcm->time; eph.A = sqrtA*sqrtA; if (!strstr(rtcm->opt, "-EPHALL")) { if (timediff(eph.toe, rtcm->nav.eph[sat-1].toe) == 0.0 && eph.iode == rtcm->nav.eph[sat-1].iode && eph.iodc == rtcm->nav.eph[sat-1].iodc) return 0; /* unchanged */ } rtcm->nav.eph[sat-1] = eph; rtcm->ephsat = sat; return 2; } /* decode ssr 1, 4 message header ---------------------------------------------*/ int decode_ssr1_head(rtcm_t *rtcm, int sys, int *sync, int *iod, double *udint, int *refd, int *hsize) { double tod, tow; char *msg; int i = 24+12, nsat, udi, provid = 0, solid = 0, ns = 6; #ifndef SSR_QZSS_DRAFT_V05 ns = sys == SYS_QZS ? 4:6; #endif if (i+(sys == SYS_GLO ? 53:50+ns)>rtcm->len*8) return -1; if (sys == SYS_GLO) { tod = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 17); i += 17; adjday_glot(rtcm, tod); } else { tow = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 20); i += 20; adjweek(rtcm, tow); } udi = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 4); i += 4; *sync = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; *refd = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; /* satellite ref datum */ *iod = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 4); i += 4; /* iod */ provid = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 16); i += 16; /* provider id */ solid = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 4); i += 4; /* solution id */ nsat = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, ns); i += ns; *udint = ssrudint[udi]; trace(4, "decode_ssr1_head: time=%s sys=%d nsat=%d sync=%d iod=%d provid=%d solid=%d\n", time_str(rtcm->time, 2), sys, nsat, *sync, *iod, provid, solid); if (rtcm->outtype) { msg = rtcm->msgtype+strlen(rtcm->msgtype); sprintf(msg, " %s nsat=%2d iod=%2d udi=%2d sync=%d", time_str(rtcm->time, 2), nsat, *iod, udi, *sync); } *hsize = i; return nsat; } /* decode ssr 2, 3, 5, 6 message header -----------------------------------------*/ int decode_ssr2_head(rtcm_t *rtcm, int sys, int *sync, int *iod, double *udint, int *hsize) { double tod, tow; char *msg; int i = 24+12, nsat, udi, provid = 0, solid = 0, ns = 6; #ifndef SSR_QZSS_DRAFT_V05 ns = sys == SYS_QZS ? 4:6; #endif if (i+(sys == SYS_GLO ? 52:49+ns)>rtcm->len*8) return -1; if (sys == SYS_GLO) { tod = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 17); i += 17; adjday_glot(rtcm, tod); } else { tow = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 20); i += 20; adjweek(rtcm, tow); } udi = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 4); i += 4; *sync = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; *iod = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 4); i += 4; provid = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 16); i += 16; /* provider id */ solid = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 4); i += 4; /* solution id */ nsat = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, ns); i += ns; *udint = ssrudint[udi]; trace(4, "decode_ssr2_head: time=%s sys=%d nsat=%d sync=%d iod=%d provid=%d solid=%d\n", time_str(rtcm->time, 2), sys, nsat, *sync, *iod, provid, solid); if (rtcm->outtype) { msg = rtcm->msgtype+strlen(rtcm->msgtype); sprintf(msg, " %s nsat=%2d iod=%2d udi=%2d sync=%d", time_str(rtcm->time, 2), nsat, *iod, udi, *sync); } *hsize = i; return nsat; } /* decode ssr 7 message header -----------------------------------------------*/ int decode_ssr7_head(rtcm_t *rtcm, int sys, int *sync, int *iod, double *udint, int *dispe, int *mw, int *hsize) { double tod, tow; char *msg; int i = 24+12, nsat, udi, provid = 0, solid = 0, ns = 6; #ifndef SSR_QZSS_DRAFT_V05 ns = sys == SYS_QZS ? 4:6; #endif if (i+(sys == SYS_GLO ? 54:51+ns)>rtcm->len*8) return -1; if (sys == SYS_GLO) { tod = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 17); i += 17; adjday_glot(rtcm, tod); } else { tow = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 20); i += 20; adjweek(rtcm, tow); } udi = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 4); i += 4; *sync = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; *iod = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 4); i += 4; provid = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 16); i += 16; /* provider id */ solid = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 4); i += 4; /* solution id */ *dispe = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; /* dispersive bias consistency ind */ *mw = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; /* MW consistency indicator */ nsat = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, ns); i += ns; *udint = ssrudint[udi]; trace(4, "decode_ssr7_head: time=%s sys=%d nsat=%d sync=%d iod=%d provid=%d solid=%d\n", time_str(rtcm->time, 2), sys, nsat, *sync, *iod, provid, solid); if (rtcm->outtype) { msg = rtcm->msgtype+strlen(rtcm->msgtype); sprintf(msg, " %s nsat=%2d iod=%2d udi=%2d sync=%d", time_str(rtcm->time, 2), nsat, *iod, udi, *sync); } *hsize = i; return nsat; } /* decode ssr 1: orbit corrections -------------------------------------------*/ int decode_ssr1(rtcm_t *rtcm, int sys) { double udint, deph[3], ddeph[3]; int i, j, k, type, sync, iod, nsat, prn, sat, iode, iodcrc, refd = 0, np, ni, nj, offp; type = getbitu(rtcm->buff, 24, 12); if ((nsat = decode_ssr1_head(rtcm, sys, &sync, &iod, &udint, &refd, &i)) < 0) { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d length error: len=%d\n", type, rtcm->len); return -1; } switch (sys) { case SYS_GPS: np = 6; ni = 8; nj = 0; offp = 0; break; case SYS_GLO: np = 5; ni = 8; nj = 0; offp = 0; break; case SYS_GAL: np = 6; ni = 10; nj = 0; offp = 0; break; case SYS_QZS: np = 4; ni = 8; nj = 0; offp = 192; break; case SYS_BDS: np = 6; ni = 10; nj = 24; offp = 1; break; case SYS_SBS: np = 6; ni = 9; nj = 24; offp = 120; break; default: return sync ? 0:10; } for (j = 0; j < nsat && i+121+np+ni+nj <= rtcm->len*8; j++) { prn = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, np)+offp; i += np; iode = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, ni); i += ni; iodcrc = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, nj); i += nj; deph [0] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 22)*1E-4; i += 22; deph [1] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 20)*4E-4; i += 20; deph [2] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 20)*4E-4; i += 20; ddeph[0] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 21)*1E-6; i += 21; ddeph[1] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 19)*4E-6; i += 19; ddeph[2] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 19)*4E-6; i += 19; if (!(sat = satno(sys, prn))) { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d satellite number error: prn=%d\n", type, prn); continue; } rtcm->ssr[sat-1].t0 [0] = rtcm->time; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].udi[0] = udint; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].iod[0] = iod; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].iode = iode; /* sbas/bds: toe/t0 modulo */ rtcm->ssr[sat-1].iodcrc = iodcrc; /* sbas/bds: iod crc */ rtcm->ssr[sat-1].refd = refd; for (k = 0;k < 3;k++) { rtcm->ssr[sat-1].deph [k] = deph [k]; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].ddeph[k] = ddeph[k]; } rtcm->ssr[sat-1].update = 1; } return sync ? 0:10; } /* decode ssr 2: clock corrections -------------------------------------------*/ int decode_ssr2(rtcm_t *rtcm, int sys) { double udint, dclk[3]; int i, j, k, type, sync, iod, nsat, prn, sat, np, offp; type = getbitu(rtcm->buff, 24, 12); if ((nsat = decode_ssr2_head(rtcm, sys, &sync, &iod, &udint, &i)) < 0) { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d length error: len=%d\n", type, rtcm->len); return -1; } switch (sys) { case SYS_GPS: np = 6; offp = 0; break; case SYS_GLO: np = 5; offp = 0; break; case SYS_GAL: np = 6; offp = 0; break; case SYS_QZS: np = 4; offp = 192; break; case SYS_BDS: np = 6; offp = 1; break; case SYS_SBS: np = 6; offp = 120; break; default: return sync ? 0:10; } for (j = 0; j < nsat && i+70+np <= rtcm->len*8; j++) { prn = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, np)+offp; i += np; dclk[0] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 22)*1E-4; i += 22; dclk[1] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 21)*1E-6; i += 21; dclk[2] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 27)*2E-8; i += 27; if (!(sat = satno(sys, prn))) { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d satellite number error: prn=%d\n", type, prn); continue; } rtcm->ssr[sat-1].t0 [1] = rtcm->time; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].udi[1] = udint; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].iod[1] = iod; for (k = 0;k < 3;k++) { rtcm->ssr[sat-1].dclk[k] = dclk[k]; } rtcm->ssr[sat-1].update = 1; } return sync ? 0:10; } /* decode ssr 3: satellite code biases ---------------------------------------*/ int decode_ssr3(rtcm_t *rtcm, int sys) { const int *codes; double udint, bias, cbias[MAXCODE]; int i, j, k, type, mode, sync, iod, nsat, prn, sat, nbias, np, offp, ncode; type = getbitu(rtcm->buff, 24, 12); if ((nsat = decode_ssr2_head(rtcm, sys, &sync, &iod, &udint, &i)) < 0) { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d length error: len=%d\n", type, rtcm->len); return -1; } switch (sys) { case SYS_GPS: np = 6; offp = 0; codes = codes_gps; ncode = 17; break; case SYS_GLO: np = 5; offp = 0; codes = codes_glo; ncode = 4; break; case SYS_GAL: np = 6; offp = 0; codes = codes_gal; ncode = 19; break; case SYS_QZS: np = 4; offp = 192; codes = codes_qzs; ncode = 13; break; case SYS_BDS: np = 6; offp = 1; codes = codes_bds; ncode = 9; break; case SYS_SBS: np = 6; offp = 120; codes = codes_sbs; ncode = 4; break; default: return sync ? 0:10; } for (j = 0; j < nsat && i+5+np <= rtcm->len*8; j++) { prn = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, np)+offp; i += np; nbias = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 5); i += 5; for (k = 0;k < MAXCODE;k++) cbias[k] = 0.0; for (k = 0;k < nbias && i+19 <= rtcm->len*8;k++) { mode = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 5); i += 5; bias = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 14)*0.01; i += 14; if (mode <= ncode) { cbias[codes[mode]-1] = (float)bias; } else { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d not supported mode: mode=%d\n", type, mode); } } if (!(sat = satno(sys, prn))) { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d satellite number error: prn=%d\n", type, prn); continue; } rtcm->ssr[sat-1].t0 [4] = rtcm->time; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].udi[4] = udint; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].iod[4] = iod; for (k = 0;k < MAXCODE;k++) { rtcm->ssr[sat-1].cbias[k] = (float)cbias[k]; } rtcm->ssr[sat-1].update = 1; } return sync ? 0:10; } /* decode ssr 4: combined orbit and clock corrections ------------------------*/ int decode_ssr4(rtcm_t *rtcm, int sys) { double udint, deph[3], ddeph[3], dclk[3]; int i, j, k, type, nsat, sync, iod, prn, sat, iode, iodcrc, refd = 0, np, ni, nj, offp; type = getbitu(rtcm->buff, 24, 12); if ((nsat = decode_ssr1_head(rtcm, sys, &sync, &iod, &udint, &refd, &i)) < 0) { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d length error: len=%d\n", type, rtcm->len); return -1; } switch (sys) { case SYS_GPS: np = 6; ni = 8; nj = 0; offp = 0; break; case SYS_GLO: np = 5; ni = 8; nj = 0; offp = 0; break; case SYS_GAL: np = 6; ni = 10; nj = 0; offp = 0; break; case SYS_QZS: np = 4; ni = 8; nj = 0; offp = 192; break; case SYS_BDS: np = 6; ni = 10; nj = 24; offp = 1; break; case SYS_SBS: np = 6; ni = 9; nj = 24; offp = 120; break; default: return sync ? 0:10; } for (j = 0; j < nsat && i+191+np+ni+nj <= rtcm->len*8; j++) { prn = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, np)+offp; i += np; iode = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, ni); i += ni; iodcrc = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, nj); i += nj; deph [0] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 22)*1E-4; i += 22; deph [1] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 20)*4E-4; i += 20; deph [2] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 20)*4E-4; i += 20; ddeph[0] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 21)*1E-6; i += 21; ddeph[1] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 19)*4E-6; i += 19; ddeph[2] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 19)*4E-6; i += 19; dclk [0] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 22)*1E-4; i += 22; dclk [1] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 21)*1E-6; i += 21; dclk [2] = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 27)*2E-8; i += 27; if (!(sat = satno(sys, prn))) { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d satellite number error: prn=%d\n", type, prn); continue; } rtcm->ssr[sat-1].t0 [0] = rtcm->ssr[sat-1].t0 [1] = rtcm->time; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].udi[0] = rtcm->ssr[sat-1].udi[1] = udint; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].iod[0] = rtcm->ssr[sat-1].iod[1] = iod; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].iode = iode; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].iodcrc = iodcrc; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].refd = refd; for (k = 0;k < 3;k++) { rtcm->ssr[sat-1].deph [k] = deph [k]; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].ddeph[k] = ddeph[k]; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].dclk [k] = dclk [k]; } rtcm->ssr[sat-1].update = 1; } return sync ? 0:10; } /* decode ssr 5: ura ---------------------------------------------------------*/ int decode_ssr5(rtcm_t *rtcm, int sys) { double udint; int i, j, type, nsat, sync, iod, prn, sat, ura, np, offp; type = getbitu(rtcm->buff, 24, 12); if ((nsat = decode_ssr2_head(rtcm, sys, &sync, &iod, &udint, &i)) < 0) { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d length error: len=%d\n", type, rtcm->len); return -1; } switch (sys) { case SYS_GPS: np = 6; offp = 0; break; case SYS_GLO: np = 5; offp = 0; break; case SYS_GAL: np = 6; offp = 0; break; case SYS_QZS: np = 4; offp = 192; break; case SYS_BDS: np = 6; offp = 1; break; case SYS_SBS: np = 6; offp = 120; break; default: return sync ? 0:10; } for (j = 0; j < nsat && i+6+np <= rtcm->len*8; j++) { prn = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, np)+offp; i += np; ura = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 6); i += 6; if (!(sat = satno(sys, prn))) { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d satellite number error: prn=%d\n", type, prn); continue; } rtcm->ssr[sat-1].t0 [3] = rtcm->time; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].udi[3] = udint; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].iod[3] = iod; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].ura = ura; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].update = 1; } return sync ? 0:10; } /* decode ssr 6: high rate clock correction ----------------------------------*/ int decode_ssr6(rtcm_t *rtcm, int sys) { double udint, hrclk; int i, j, type, nsat, sync, iod, prn, sat, np, offp; type = getbitu(rtcm->buff, 24, 12); if ((nsat = decode_ssr2_head(rtcm, sys, &sync, &iod, &udint, &i)) < 0) { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d length error: len=%d\n", type, rtcm->len); return -1; } switch (sys) { case SYS_GPS: np = 6; offp = 0; break; case SYS_GLO: np = 5; offp = 0; break; case SYS_GAL: np = 6; offp = 0; break; case SYS_QZS: np = 4; offp = 192; break; case SYS_BDS: np = 6; offp = 1; break; case SYS_SBS: np = 6; offp = 120; break; default: return sync ? 0:10; } for (j = 0; j < nsat && i+22+np <= rtcm->len*8; j++) { prn = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, np)+offp; i += np; hrclk = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 22)*1E-4; i += 22; if (!(sat = satno(sys, prn))) { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d satellite number error: prn=%d\n", type, prn); continue; } rtcm->ssr[sat-1].t0 [2] = rtcm->time; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].udi[2] = udint; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].iod[2] = iod; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].hrclk = hrclk; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].update = 1; } return sync ? 0:10; } /* decode ssr 7: phase bias --------------------------------------------------*/ int decode_ssr7(rtcm_t *rtcm, int sys) { const int *codes; double udint, bias, std, pbias[MAXCODE], stdpb[MAXCODE]; int i, j, k, type, mode, sync, iod, nsat, prn, sat, nbias, ncode, np, mw, offp, sii, swl; int dispe, sdc, yaw_ang, yaw_rate; type = getbitu(rtcm->buff, 24, 12); if ((nsat = decode_ssr7_head(rtcm, sys, &sync, &iod, &udint, &dispe, &mw, &i)) < 0) { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d length error: len=%d\n", type, rtcm->len); return -1; } switch (sys) { case SYS_GPS: np = 6; offp = 0; codes = codes_gps; ncode = 17; break; case SYS_GLO: np = 5; offp = 0; codes = codes_glo; ncode = 4; break; case SYS_GAL: np = 6; offp = 0; codes = codes_gal; ncode = 19; break; case SYS_QZS: np = 4; offp = 192; codes = codes_qzs; ncode = 13; break; case SYS_BDS: np = 6; offp = 1; codes = codes_bds; ncode = 9; break; default: return sync ? 0:10; } for (j = 0; j < nsat && i+5+17+np <= rtcm->len*8; j++) { prn = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, np)+offp; i += np; nbias = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 5); i += 5; yaw_ang = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 9); i += 9; yaw_rate = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; for (k = 0;k < MAXCODE;k++) pbias[k] = stdpb[k] = 0.0; for (k = 0;k < nbias && i+49 <= rtcm->len*8;k++) { mode = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 5); i += 5; sii = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; /* integer-indicator */ swl = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 2); i += 2; /* WL integer-indicator */ sdc = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 4); i += 4; /* discontinuity counter */ bias = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 20); i += 20; /* phase bias (m) */ std = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 17); i += 17; /* phase bias std-dev (m) */ if (mode <= ncode) { pbias[codes[mode]-1] = bias*0.0001; /* (m) */ stdpb[codes[mode]-1] = std *0.0001; /* (m) */ } else { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d not supported mode: mode=%d\n", type, mode); } } if (!(sat = satno(sys, prn))) { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d satellite number error: prn=%d\n", type, prn); continue; } rtcm->ssr[sat-1].t0 [5] = rtcm->time; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].udi[5] = udint; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].iod[5] = iod; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].yaw_ang = yaw_ang / 256.0*180.0; /* (deg) */ rtcm->ssr[sat-1].yaw_rate = yaw_rate / 8192.0*180.0; /* (deg/s) */ for (k = 0;k < MAXCODE;k++) { rtcm->ssr[sat-1].pbias[k] = pbias[k]; rtcm->ssr[sat-1].stdpb[k] = (float)stdpb[k]; } } return 20; } /* get signal index ----------------------------------------------------------*/ void sigindex(int sys, const unsigned char *code, const int *freq, int n, const char *opt, int *ind) { int i, nex, pri, pri_h[8] = {0}, index[8] = {0}, ex[32] = {0}; /* test code priority */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (!code[i]) continue; if (freq[i]>NFREQ) { /* save as extended signal if freq > NFREQ */ ex[i] = 1; continue; } /* code priority */ pri = getcodepri(sys, code[i], opt); /* select highest priority signal */ if (pri>pri_h[freq[i]-1]) { if (index[freq[i]-1]) ex[index[freq[i]-1]-1] = 1; pri_h[freq[i]-1] = pri; index[freq[i]-1] = i+1; } else ex[i] = 1; } /* signal index in obs data */ for (i = nex = 0; i < n; i++) { if (ex[i] == 0) ind[i] = freq[i]-1; else if (nex < NEXOBS) ind[i] = NFREQ+nex++; else { /* no space in obs data */ trace(2, "rtcm msm: no space in obs data sys=%d code=%d\n", sys, code[i]); ind[i] = -1; } #if 0 trace(2, "sig pos: sys=%d code=%d ex=%d ind=%d\n", sys, code[i], ex[i], ind[i]); #endif } } /* save obs data in msm message ----------------------------------------------*/ void save_msm_obs(rtcm_t *rtcm, int sys, msm_h_t *h, const double *r, const double *pr, const double *cp, const double *rr, const double *rrf, const double *cnr, const int *lock, const int *ex, const int *half) { const char *sig[32]; double tt, wl; unsigned char code[32]; char *msm_type = (char*)"", *q = NULL; int i, j, k, type, prn, sat, fn, index = 0, freq[32], ind[32]; type = getbitu(rtcm->buff, 24, 12); switch (sys) { case SYS_GPS: msm_type = q = rtcm->msmtype[0]; break; case SYS_GLO: msm_type = q = rtcm->msmtype[1]; break; case SYS_GAL: msm_type = q = rtcm->msmtype[2]; break; case SYS_QZS: msm_type = q = rtcm->msmtype[3]; break; case SYS_SBS: msm_type = q = rtcm->msmtype[4]; break; case SYS_BDS: msm_type = q = rtcm->msmtype[5]; break; } /* id to signal */ for (i = 0; i < h->nsig; i++) { switch (sys) { case SYS_GPS: sig[i] = msm_sig_gps[h->sigs[i]-1]; break; case SYS_GLO: sig[i] = msm_sig_glo[h->sigs[i]-1]; break; case SYS_GAL: sig[i] = msm_sig_gal[h->sigs[i]-1]; break; case SYS_QZS: sig[i] = msm_sig_qzs[h->sigs[i]-1]; break; case SYS_SBS: sig[i] = msm_sig_sbs[h->sigs[i]-1]; break; case SYS_BDS: sig[i] = msm_sig_cmp[h->sigs[i]-1]; break; default: sig[i] = ""; break; } /* signal to rinex obs type */ code[i] = obs2code(sig[i], freq+i); /* freqency index for beidou */ if (sys == SYS_BDS) { if (freq[i] == 5) freq[i] = 2; /* B2 */ else if (freq[i] == 4) freq[i] = 3; /* B3 */ } if (code[i] != CODE_NONE) { if (q) q += sprintf(q, "L%s%s", sig[i], i < h->nsig-1 ? ", ":""); } else { if (q) q += sprintf(q, "(%d)%s", h->sigs[i], i < h->nsig-1 ? ", ":""); trace(2, "rtcm3 %d: unknown signal id=%2d\n", type, h->sigs[i]); } } trace(3, "rtcm3 %d: signals=%s\n", type, msm_type); /* get signal index */ sigindex(sys, code, freq, h->nsig, rtcm->opt, ind); for (i = j = 0; i < h->nsat; i++) { prn = h->sats[i]; if (sys == SYS_QZS) prn += MINPRNQZS-1; else if (sys == SYS_SBS) prn += MINPRNSBS-1; if ((sat = satno(sys, prn))) { tt = timediff(rtcm->obs.data[0].time, rtcm->time); if (rtcm->obsflag || fabs(tt)>1E-9) { rtcm->obs.n = rtcm->obsflag = 0; } index = obsindex(&rtcm->obs, rtcm->time, sat); } else { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d satellite error: prn=%d\n", type, prn); } for (k = 0;k < h->nsig;k++) { if (!h->cellmask[k+i*h->nsig]) continue; if (sat && index >= 0 && ind[k] >= 0) { /* satellite carrier wave length */ wl = satwavelen(sat, freq[k]-1, &rtcm->nav); /* glonass wave length by extended info */ if (sys == SYS_GLO && ex && ex[i] <= 13) { fn = ex[i]-7; wl = SPEED_OF_LIGHT/((freq[k] == 2 ? FREQ2_GLO : FREQ1_GLO)+ (freq[k] == 2 ? DFRQ2_GLO:DFRQ1_GLO)*fn); } /* pseudorange (m) */ if (r[i] != 0.0 && pr[j]>-1E12) { rtcm->obs.data[index].P[ind[k]] = r[i]+pr[j]; } /* carrier-phase (cycle) */ if (r[i] != 0.0 && cp[j]>-1E12 && wl>0.0) { rtcm->obs.data[index].L[ind[k]] = (r[i]+cp[j])/wl; } /* doppler (hz) */ if (rr && rrf && rrf[j]>-1E12 && wl>0.0) { rtcm->obs.data[index].D[ind[k]] = (float)(-(rr[i]+rrf[j])/wl); } rtcm->obs.data[index].LLI[ind[k]] = lossoflock(rtcm, sat, ind[k], lock[j])+(half[j] ? 3 : 0); rtcm->obs.data[index].SNR [ind[k]] = (unsigned char)(cnr[j]*4.0); rtcm->obs.data[index].code[ind[k]] = code[k]; } j++; } } } /* decode type msm message header --------------------------------------------*/ int decode_msm_head(rtcm_t *rtcm, int sys, int *sync, int *iod, msm_h_t *h, int *hsize) { msm_h_t h0 = {0}; double tow, tod; char *msg; int i = 24, j, dow, mask, staid, type, ncell = 0; type = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 12); i += 12; *h = h0; if (i+157 <= rtcm->len*8) { staid = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 12); i += 12; if (sys == SYS_GLO) { dow = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 3); i += 3; tod = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 27)*0.001; i += 27; adjday_glot(rtcm, tod); } else if (sys == SYS_BDS) { tow = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 30)*0.001; i += 30; tow += 14.0; /* BDT -> GPST */ adjweek(rtcm, tow); } else { tow = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 30)*0.001; i += 30; adjweek(rtcm, tow); } *sync = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; *iod = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 3); i += 3; h->time_s = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 7); i += 7; h->clk_str = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 2); i += 2; h->clk_ext = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 2); i += 2; h->smooth = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; h->tint_s = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 3); i += 3; for (j = 1; j <= 64; j++) { mask = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; if (mask) h->sats[h->nsat++] = j; } for (j = 1; j <= 32; j++) { mask = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; if (mask) h->sigs[h->nsig++] = j; } } else { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d length error: len=%d\n", type, rtcm->len); return -1; } /* test station id */ if (!test_staid(rtcm, staid)) return -1; if (h->nsat*h->nsig>64) { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d number of sats and sigs error: nsat=%d nsig=%d\n", type, h->nsat, h->nsig); return -1; } if (i+h->nsat*h->nsig>rtcm->len*8) { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d length error: len=%d nsat=%d nsig=%d\n", type, rtcm->len, h->nsat, h->nsig); return -1; } for (j = 0; j < h->nsat*h->nsig; j++) { h->cellmask[j] = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; if (h->cellmask[j]) ncell++; } *hsize = i; trace(4, "decode_head_msm: time=%s sys=%d staid=%d nsat=%d nsig=%d sync=%d iod=%d ncell=%d\n", time_str(rtcm->time, 2), sys, staid, h->nsat, h->nsig, *sync, *iod, ncell); if (rtcm->outtype) { msg = rtcm->msgtype+strlen(rtcm->msgtype); sprintf(msg, " staid=%4d %s nsat=%2d nsig=%2d iod=%2d ncell=%2d sync=%d", staid, time_str(rtcm->time, 2), h->nsat, h->nsig, *iod, ncell, *sync); } return ncell; } /* decode unsupported msm message --------------------------------------------*/ int decode_msm0(rtcm_t *rtcm, int sys) { msm_h_t h = {0}; int i, sync, iod; if (decode_msm_head(rtcm, sys, &sync, &iod, &h, &i) < 0) return -1; rtcm->obsflag = !sync; return sync ? 0:1; } /* decode msm 4: full pseudorange and phaserange plus cnr --------------------*/ int decode_msm4(rtcm_t *rtcm, int sys) { msm_h_t h = {0}; double r[64], pr[64], cp[64], cnr[64]; int i, j, type, sync, iod, ncell, rng, rng_m, prv, cpv, lock[64], half[64]; type = getbitu(rtcm->buff, 24, 12); /* decode msm header */ if ((ncell = decode_msm_head(rtcm, sys, &sync, &iod, &h, &i)) < 0) return -1; if (i+h.nsat*18+ncell*48>rtcm->len*8) { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d length error: nsat=%d ncell=%d len=%d\n", type, h.nsat, ncell, rtcm->len); return -1; } for (j = 0; j < h.nsat; j++) r[j] = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) pr[j] = cp[j] = -1E16; /* decode satellite data */ for (j = 0; j < h.nsat; j++) { /* range */ rng = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; if (rng != 255) r[j] = rng*RANGE_MS; } for (j = 0; j < h.nsat; j++) { rng_m = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 10); i += 10; if (r[j] != 0.0) r[j] += rng_m*TWO_N10*RANGE_MS; } /* decode signal data */ for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* pseudorange */ prv = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 15); i += 15; if (prv != -16384) pr[j] = prv*TWO_N24*RANGE_MS; } for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* phaserange */ cpv = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 22); i += 22; if (cpv != -2097152) cp[j] = cpv*TWO_N29*RANGE_MS; } for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* lock time */ lock[j] = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 4); i += 4; } for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* half-cycle ambiguity */ half[j] = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; } for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* cnr */ cnr[j] = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 6)*1.0; i += 6; } /* save obs data in msm message */ save_msm_obs(rtcm, sys, &h, r, pr, cp, NULL, NULL, cnr, lock, NULL, half); rtcm->obsflag = !sync; return sync ? 0:1; } /* decode msm 5: full pseudorange, phaserange, phaserangerate and cnr --------*/ int decode_msm5(rtcm_t *rtcm, int sys) { msm_h_t h = {0}; double r[64], rr[64], pr[64], cp[64], rrf[64], cnr[64]; int i, j, type, sync, iod, ncell, rng, rng_m, rate, prv, cpv, rrv, lock[64]; int ex[64], half[64]; type = getbitu(rtcm->buff, 24, 12); /* decode msm header */ if ((ncell = decode_msm_head(rtcm, sys, &sync, &iod, &h, &i)) < 0) return -1; if (i+h.nsat*36+ncell*63>rtcm->len*8) { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d length error: nsat=%d ncell=%d len=%d\n", type, h.nsat, ncell, rtcm->len); return -1; } for (j = 0; j < h.nsat; j++) { r[j] = rr[j] = 0.0; ex[j] = 15; } for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) pr[j] = cp[j] = rrf[j] = -1E16; /* decode satellite data */ for (j = 0; j < h.nsat; j++) { /* range */ rng = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; if (rng != 255) r[j] = rng*RANGE_MS; } for (j = 0; j < h.nsat; j++) { /* extended info */ ex[j] = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 4); i += 4; } for (j = 0; j < h.nsat; j++) { rng_m = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 10); i += 10; if (r[j] != 0.0) r[j] += rng_m*TWO_N10*RANGE_MS; } for (j = 0; j < h.nsat; j++) { /* phaserangerate */ rate = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 14); i += 14; if (rate != -8192) rr[j] = rate*1.0; } /* decode signal data */ for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* pseudorange */ prv = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 15); i += 15; if (prv != -16384) pr[j] = prv*TWO_N24*RANGE_MS; } for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* phaserange */ cpv = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 22); i += 22; if (cpv != -2097152) cp[j] = cpv*TWO_N29*RANGE_MS; } for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* lock time */ lock[j] = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 4); i += 4; } for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* half-cycle ambiguity */ half[j] = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; } for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* cnr */ cnr[j] = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 6)*1.0; i += 6; } for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* phaserangerate */ rrv = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 15); i += 15; if (rrv != -16384) rrf[j] = rrv*0.0001; } /* save obs data in msm message */ save_msm_obs(rtcm, sys, &h, r, pr, cp, rr, rrf, cnr, lock, ex, half); rtcm->obsflag = !sync; return sync ? 0:1; } /* decode msm 6: full pseudorange and phaserange plus cnr (high-res) ---------*/ int decode_msm6(rtcm_t *rtcm, int sys) { msm_h_t h = {0}; double r[64], pr[64], cp[64], cnr[64]; int i, j, type, sync, iod, ncell, rng, rng_m, prv, cpv, lock[64], half[64]; type = getbitu(rtcm->buff, 24, 12); /* decode msm header */ if ((ncell = decode_msm_head(rtcm, sys, &sync, &iod, &h, &i)) < 0) return -1; if (i+h.nsat*18+ncell*65>rtcm->len*8) { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d length error: nsat=%d ncell=%d len=%d\n", type, h.nsat, ncell, rtcm->len); return -1; } for (j = 0; j < h.nsat; j++) r[j] = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) pr[j] = cp[j] = -1E16; /* decode satellite data */ for (j = 0; j < h.nsat; j++) { /* range */ rng = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; if (rng != 255) r[j] = rng*RANGE_MS; } for (j = 0; j < h.nsat; j++) { rng_m = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 10); i += 10; if (r[j] != 0.0) r[j] += rng_m*TWO_N10*RANGE_MS; } /* decode signal data */ for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* pseudorange */ prv = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 20); i += 20; if (prv != -524288) pr[j] = prv*TWO_N29*RANGE_MS; } for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* phaserange */ cpv = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 24); i += 24; if (cpv != -8388608) cp[j] = cpv*TWO_N31*RANGE_MS; } for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* lock time */ lock[j] = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 10); i += 10; } for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* half-cycle ambiguity */ half[j] = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; } for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* cnr */ cnr[j] = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 10)*0.0625; i += 10; } /* save obs data in msm message */ save_msm_obs(rtcm, sys, &h, r, pr, cp, NULL, NULL, cnr, lock, NULL, half); rtcm->obsflag = !sync; return sync ? 0:1; } /* decode msm 7: full pseudorange, phaserange, phaserangerate and cnr (h-res) */ int decode_msm7(rtcm_t *rtcm, int sys) { msm_h_t h = {0}; double r[64], rr[64], pr[64], cp[64], rrf[64], cnr[64]; int i, j, type, sync, iod, ncell, rng, rng_m, rate, prv, cpv, rrv, lock[64]; int ex[64], half[64]; type = getbitu(rtcm->buff, 24, 12); /* decode msm header */ if ((ncell = decode_msm_head(rtcm, sys, &sync, &iod, &h, &i)) < 0) return -1; if (i+h.nsat*36+ncell*80 > rtcm->len*8) { trace(2, "rtcm3 %d length error: nsat=%d ncell=%d len=%d\n", type, h.nsat, ncell, rtcm->len); return -1; } for (j = 0; j < h.nsat; j++) { r[j] = rr[j] = 0.0; ex[j] = 15; } for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) pr[j] = cp[j] = rrf[j] = -1E16; /* decode satellite data */ for (j = 0; j < h.nsat; j++) { /* range */ rng = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 8); i += 8; if (rng != 255) r[j] = rng*RANGE_MS; } for (j = 0; j < h.nsat; j++) { /* extended info */ ex[j] = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 4); i += 4; } for (j = 0; j < h.nsat; j++) { rng_m = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 10); i += 10; if (r[j] != 0.0) r[j] += rng_m*TWO_N10*RANGE_MS; } for (j = 0; j < h.nsat; j++) { /* phaserangerate */ rate = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 14); i += 14; if (rate != -8192) rr[j] = rate*1.0; } /* decode signal data */ for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* pseudorange */ prv = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 20); i += 20; if (prv != -524288) pr[j] = prv*TWO_N29*RANGE_MS; } for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* phaserange */ cpv = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 24); i += 24; if (cpv != -8388608) cp[j] = cpv*TWO_N31*RANGE_MS; } for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* lock time */ lock[j] = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 10); i += 10; } for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* half-cycle amiguity */ half[j] = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 1); i += 1; } for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* cnr */ cnr[j] = getbitu(rtcm->buff, i, 10)*0.0625; i += 10; } for (j = 0; j < ncell; j++) { /* phaserangerate */ rrv = getbits(rtcm->buff, i, 15); i += 15; if (rrv != -16384) rrf[j] = rrv*0.0001; } /* save obs data in msm message */ save_msm_obs(rtcm, sys, &h, r, pr, cp, rr, rrf, cnr, lock, ex, half); rtcm->obsflag = !sync; return sync ? 0:1; } /* decode type 1230: glonass L1 and L2 code-phase biases ---------------------*/ int decode_type1230(rtcm_t *rtcm) { trace(2, "rtcm3 1230: not supported message\n"); return 0; } /* decode rtcm ver.3 message -------------------------------------------------*/ int decode_rtcm3(rtcm_t *rtcm) { double tow; int ret = 0, type = getbitu(rtcm->buff, 24, 12), week; trace(3, "decode_rtcm3: len=%3d type=%d\n", rtcm->len, type); if (rtcm->outtype) { sprintf(rtcm->msgtype, "RTCM %4d (%4d):", type, rtcm->len); } /* real-time input option */ if (strstr(rtcm->opt, "-RT_INP")) { tow = time2gpst(utc2gpst(timeget()), &week); rtcm->time = gpst2time(week, floor(tow)); } switch (type) { case 1001: ret = decode_type1001(rtcm); break; /* not supported */ case 1002: ret = decode_type1002(rtcm); break; case 1003: ret = decode_type1003(rtcm); break; /* not supported */ case 1004: ret = decode_type1004(rtcm); break; case 1005: ret = decode_type1005(rtcm); break; case 1006: ret = decode_type1006(rtcm); break; case 1007: ret = decode_type1007(rtcm); break; case 1008: ret = decode_type1008(rtcm); break; case 1009: ret = decode_type1009(rtcm); break; /* not supported */ case 1010: ret = decode_type1010(rtcm); break; case 1011: ret = decode_type1011(rtcm); break; /* not supported */ case 1012: ret = decode_type1012(rtcm); break; case 1013: ret = decode_type1013(rtcm); break; /* not supported */ case 1019: ret = decode_type1019(rtcm); break; case 1020: ret = decode_type1020(rtcm); break; case 1021: ret = decode_type1021(rtcm); break; /* not supported */ case 1022: ret = decode_type1022(rtcm); break; /* not supported */ case 1023: ret = decode_type1023(rtcm); break; /* not supported */ case 1024: ret = decode_type1024(rtcm); break; /* not supported */ case 1025: ret = decode_type1025(rtcm); break; /* not supported */ case 1026: ret = decode_type1026(rtcm); break; /* not supported */ case 1027: ret = decode_type1027(rtcm); break; /* not supported */ case 1029: ret = decode_type1029(rtcm); break; case 1030: ret = decode_type1030(rtcm); break; /* not supported */ case 1031: ret = decode_type1031(rtcm); break; /* not supported */ case 1032: ret = decode_type1032(rtcm); break; /* not supported */ case 1033: ret = decode_type1033(rtcm); break; case 1034: ret = decode_type1034(rtcm); break; /* not supported */ case 1035: ret = decode_type1035(rtcm); break; /* not supported */ case 1037: ret = decode_type1037(rtcm); break; /* not supported */ case 1038: ret = decode_type1038(rtcm); break; /* not supported */ case 1039: ret = decode_type1039(rtcm); break; /* not supported */ case 1044: ret = decode_type1044(rtcm); break; case 1045: ret = decode_type1045(rtcm); break; case 1046: ret = decode_type1046(rtcm); break; /* extension for IGS MGEX */ case 1047: ret = decode_type1047(rtcm); break; /* beidou ephemeris (tentative mt) */ case 63: ret = decode_type63 (rtcm); break; /* beidou ephemeris (rtcm draft) */ case 1057: ret = decode_ssr1(rtcm, SYS_GPS); break; case 1058: ret = decode_ssr2(rtcm, SYS_GPS); break; case 1059: ret = decode_ssr3(rtcm, SYS_GPS); break; case 1060: ret = decode_ssr4(rtcm, SYS_GPS); break; case 1061: ret = decode_ssr5(rtcm, SYS_GPS); break; case 1062: ret = decode_ssr6(rtcm, SYS_GPS); break; case 1063: ret = decode_ssr1(rtcm, SYS_GLO); break; case 1064: ret = decode_ssr2(rtcm, SYS_GLO); break; case 1065: ret = decode_ssr3(rtcm, SYS_GLO); break; case 1066: ret = decode_ssr4(rtcm, SYS_GLO); break; case 1067: ret = decode_ssr5(rtcm, SYS_GLO); break; case 1068: ret = decode_ssr6(rtcm, SYS_GLO); break; case 1071: ret = decode_msm0(rtcm, SYS_GPS); break; /* not supported */ case 1072: ret = decode_msm0(rtcm, SYS_GPS); break; /* not supported */ case 1073: ret = decode_msm0(rtcm, SYS_GPS); break; /* not supported */ case 1074: ret = decode_msm4(rtcm, SYS_GPS); break; case 1075: ret = decode_msm5(rtcm, SYS_GPS); break; case 1076: ret = decode_msm6(rtcm, SYS_GPS); break; case 1077: ret = decode_msm7(rtcm, SYS_GPS); break; case 1081: ret = decode_msm0(rtcm, SYS_GLO); break; /* not supported */ case 1082: ret = decode_msm0(rtcm, SYS_GLO); break; /* not supported */ case 1083: ret = decode_msm0(rtcm, SYS_GLO); break; /* not supported */ case 1084: ret = decode_msm4(rtcm, SYS_GLO); break; case 1085: ret = decode_msm5(rtcm, SYS_GLO); break; case 1086: ret = decode_msm6(rtcm, SYS_GLO); break; case 1087: ret = decode_msm7(rtcm, SYS_GLO); break; case 1091: ret = decode_msm0(rtcm, SYS_GAL); break; /* not supported */ case 1092: ret = decode_msm0(rtcm, SYS_GAL); break; /* not supported */ case 1093: ret = decode_msm0(rtcm, SYS_GAL); break; /* not supported */ case 1094: ret = decode_msm4(rtcm, SYS_GAL); break; case 1095: ret = decode_msm5(rtcm, SYS_GAL); break; case 1096: ret = decode_msm6(rtcm, SYS_GAL); break; case 1097: ret = decode_msm7(rtcm, SYS_GAL); break; case 1101: ret = decode_msm0(rtcm, SYS_SBS); break; /* not supported */ case 1102: ret = decode_msm0(rtcm, SYS_SBS); break; /* not supported */ case 1103: ret = decode_msm0(rtcm, SYS_SBS); break; /* not supported */ case 1104: ret = decode_msm4(rtcm, SYS_SBS); break; case 1105: ret = decode_msm5(rtcm, SYS_SBS); break; case 1106: ret = decode_msm6(rtcm, SYS_SBS); break; case 1107: ret = decode_msm7(rtcm, SYS_SBS); break; case 1111: ret = decode_msm0(rtcm, SYS_QZS); break; /* not supported */ case 1112: ret = decode_msm0(rtcm, SYS_QZS); break; /* not supported */ case 1113: ret = decode_msm0(rtcm, SYS_QZS); break; /* not supported */ case 1114: ret = decode_msm4(rtcm, SYS_QZS); break; case 1115: ret = decode_msm5(rtcm, SYS_QZS); break; case 1116: ret = decode_msm6(rtcm, SYS_QZS); break; case 1117: ret = decode_msm7(rtcm, SYS_QZS); break; case 1121: ret = decode_msm0(rtcm, SYS_BDS); break; /* not supported */ case 1122: ret = decode_msm0(rtcm, SYS_BDS); break; /* not supported */ case 1123: ret = decode_msm0(rtcm, SYS_BDS); break; /* not supported */ case 1124: ret = decode_msm4(rtcm, SYS_BDS); break; case 1125: ret = decode_msm5(rtcm, SYS_BDS); break; case 1126: ret = decode_msm6(rtcm, SYS_BDS); break; case 1127: ret = decode_msm7(rtcm, SYS_BDS); break; case 1230: ret = decode_type1230(rtcm); break; /* not supported */ case 1240: ret = decode_ssr1(rtcm, SYS_GAL); break; case 1241: ret = decode_ssr2(rtcm, SYS_GAL); break; case 1242: ret = decode_ssr3(rtcm, SYS_GAL); break; case 1243: ret = decode_ssr4(rtcm, SYS_GAL); break; case 1244: ret = decode_ssr5(rtcm, SYS_GAL); break; case 1245: ret = decode_ssr6(rtcm, SYS_GAL); break; case 1246: ret = decode_ssr1(rtcm, SYS_QZS); break; case 1247: ret = decode_ssr2(rtcm, SYS_QZS); break; case 1248: ret = decode_ssr3(rtcm, SYS_QZS); break; case 1249: ret = decode_ssr4(rtcm, SYS_QZS); break; case 1250: ret = decode_ssr5(rtcm, SYS_QZS); break; case 1251: ret = decode_ssr6(rtcm, SYS_QZS); break; case 1252: ret = decode_ssr1(rtcm, SYS_SBS); break; case 1253: ret = decode_ssr2(rtcm, SYS_SBS); break; case 1254: ret = decode_ssr3(rtcm, SYS_SBS); break; case 1255: ret = decode_ssr4(rtcm, SYS_SBS); break; case 1256: ret = decode_ssr5(rtcm, SYS_SBS); break; case 1257: ret = decode_ssr6(rtcm, SYS_SBS); break; case 1258: ret = decode_ssr1(rtcm, SYS_BDS); break; case 1259: ret = decode_ssr2(rtcm, SYS_BDS); break; case 1260: ret = decode_ssr3(rtcm, SYS_BDS); break; case 1261: ret = decode_ssr4(rtcm, SYS_BDS); break; case 1262: ret = decode_ssr5(rtcm, SYS_BDS); break; case 1263: ret = decode_ssr6(rtcm, SYS_BDS); break; case 2065: ret = decode_ssr7(rtcm, SYS_GPS); break; /* tentative */ case 2066: ret = decode_ssr7(rtcm, SYS_GLO); break; /* tentative */ case 2067: ret = decode_ssr7(rtcm, SYS_GAL); break; /* tentative */ case 2068: ret = decode_ssr7(rtcm, SYS_QZS); break; /* tentative */ case 2070: ret = decode_ssr7(rtcm, SYS_BDS); break; /* tentative */ } if (ret >= 0) { type -= 1000; if ( 1 <= type && type <= 299) rtcm->nmsg3[type ]++; /* 1001-1299 */ else if (1000 <= type && type <= 1099) rtcm->nmsg3[type-700]++; /* 2000-2099 */ else rtcm->nmsg3[0]++; } return ret; }