/*! * \file hybrid_observables_test.cc * \brief This class implements a tracking test for Galileo_E5a_DLL_PLL_Tracking * implementation based on some input parameters. * \author Javier Arribas, 2015. jarribas(at)cttc.es * * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * GNSS-SDR is a Global Navigation Satellite System software-defined receiver. * This file is part of GNSS-SDR. * * Copyright (C) 2012-2020 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors) * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "GPS_L1_CA.h" #include "GPS_L2C.h" #include "GPS_L5.h" #include "Galileo_E1.h" #include "Galileo_E5a.h" #include "acquisition_msg_rx.h" #include "galileo_e1_pcps_ambiguous_acquisition.h" #include "galileo_e5a_noncoherent_iq_acquisition_caf.h" #include "galileo_e5a_pcps_acquisition.h" #include "glonass_l1_ca_pcps_acquisition.h" #include "glonass_l2_ca_pcps_acquisition.h" #include "gnss_block_factory.h" #include "gnss_block_interface.h" #include "gnss_satellite.h" #include "gnss_sdr_sample_counter.h" #include "gnss_synchro.h" #include "gnuplot_i.h" #include "gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_tracking.h" #include "gps_l1_ca_pcps_acquisition.h" #include "gps_l2_m_pcps_acquisition.h" #include "gps_l5i_pcps_acquisition.h" #include "hybrid_observables.h" #include "in_memory_configuration.h" #include "observable_tests_flags.h" #include "observables_dump_reader.h" #include "signal_generator_flags.h" #include "telemetry_decoder_interface.h" #include "test_flags.h" #include "tlm_dump_reader.h" #include "tracking_dump_reader.h" #include "tracking_interface.h" #include "tracking_tests_flags.h" #include "tracking_true_obs_reader.h" #include "true_observables_reader.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if GNSSTK_USES_GPSTK_NAMESPACE #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace gnsstk = gpstk; #else #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #if HAS_GENERIC_LAMBDA #else #include #endif #ifdef GR_GREATER_38 #include #else #include #endif #if PMT_USES_BOOST_ANY namespace wht = boost; #else namespace wht = std; #endif // ######## GNURADIO BLOCK MESSAGE RECEVER FOR TRACKING MESSAGES ######### class HybridObservablesTest_msg_rx; using HybridObservablesTest_msg_rx_sptr = gnss_shared_ptr; HybridObservablesTest_msg_rx_sptr HybridObservablesTest_msg_rx_make(); class HybridObservablesTest_msg_rx : public gr::block { private: friend HybridObservablesTest_msg_rx_sptr HybridObservablesTest_msg_rx_make(); void msg_handler_channel_events(const pmt::pmt_t msg); HybridObservablesTest_msg_rx(); public: int rx_message; ~HybridObservablesTest_msg_rx(); //!< Default destructor }; HybridObservablesTest_msg_rx_sptr HybridObservablesTest_msg_rx_make() { return HybridObservablesTest_msg_rx_sptr(new HybridObservablesTest_msg_rx()); } void HybridObservablesTest_msg_rx::msg_handler_channel_events(const pmt::pmt_t msg) { try { int64_t message = pmt::to_long(std::move(msg)); rx_message = message; } catch (const wht::bad_any_cast& e) { LOG(WARNING) << "msg_handler_channel_events Bad any_cast: " << e.what(); rx_message = 0; } } HybridObservablesTest_msg_rx::HybridObservablesTest_msg_rx() : gr::block("HybridObservablesTest_msg_rx", gr::io_signature::make(0, 0, 0), gr::io_signature::make(0, 0, 0)) { this->message_port_register_in(pmt::mp("events")); this->set_msg_handler(pmt::mp("events"), #if HAS_GENERIC_LAMBDA [this](auto&& PH1) { msg_handler_channel_events(PH1); }); #else #if USE_BOOST_BIND_PLACEHOLDERS boost::bind(&HybridObservablesTest_msg_rx::msg_handler_channel_events, this, boost::placeholders::_1)); #else boost::bind(&HybridObservablesTest_msg_rx::msg_handler_channel_events, this, _1)); #endif #endif rx_message = 0; } HybridObservablesTest_msg_rx::~HybridObservablesTest_msg_rx() = default; // ########################################################### // ######## GNURADIO BLOCK MESSAGE RECEVER FOR TLM MESSAGES ######### class HybridObservablesTest_tlm_msg_rx; using HybridObservablesTest_tlm_msg_rx_sptr = std::shared_ptr; HybridObservablesTest_tlm_msg_rx_sptr HybridObservablesTest_tlm_msg_rx_make(); class HybridObservablesTest_tlm_msg_rx : public gr::block { private: friend HybridObservablesTest_tlm_msg_rx_sptr HybridObservablesTest_tlm_msg_rx_make(); void msg_handler_channel_events(const pmt::pmt_t msg); HybridObservablesTest_tlm_msg_rx(); public: int rx_message; ~HybridObservablesTest_tlm_msg_rx(); //!< Default destructor }; HybridObservablesTest_tlm_msg_rx_sptr HybridObservablesTest_tlm_msg_rx_make() { return HybridObservablesTest_tlm_msg_rx_sptr(new HybridObservablesTest_tlm_msg_rx()); } void HybridObservablesTest_tlm_msg_rx::msg_handler_channel_events(const pmt::pmt_t msg) { try { int64_t message = pmt::to_long(std::move(msg)); rx_message = message; } catch (const wht::bad_any_cast& e) { LOG(WARNING) << "msg_handler_channel_events Bad any_cast: " << e.what(); rx_message = 0; } } HybridObservablesTest_tlm_msg_rx::HybridObservablesTest_tlm_msg_rx() : gr::block("HybridObservablesTest_tlm_msg_rx", gr::io_signature::make(0, 0, 0), gr::io_signature::make(0, 0, 0)) { this->message_port_register_in(pmt::mp("events")); this->set_msg_handler(pmt::mp("events"), #if HAS_GENERIC_LAMBDA [this](auto&& PH1) { msg_handler_channel_events(PH1); }); #else #if USE_BOOST_BIND_PLACEHOLDERS boost::bind(&HybridObservablesTest_tlm_msg_rx::msg_handler_channel_events, this, boost::placeholders::_1)); #else boost::bind(&HybridObservablesTest_tlm_msg_rx::msg_handler_channel_events, this, _1)); #endif #endif rx_message = 0; } HybridObservablesTest_tlm_msg_rx::~HybridObservablesTest_tlm_msg_rx() = default; // ########################################################### class HybridObservablesTest : public ::testing::Test { public: enum StringValue { evGPS_1C, evGPS_2S, evGPS_L5, evSBAS_1C, evGAL_1B, evGAL_5X, evGLO_1G, evGLO_2G }; std::map mapStringValues_; std::string generator_binary; std::string p1; std::string p2; std::string p3; std::string p4; std::string p5; #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS std::string implementation = FLAGS_trk_test_implementation; const int baseband_sampling_freq = FLAGS_fs_gen_sps; std::string filename_rinex_obs = FLAGS_filename_rinex_obs; std::string filename_raw_data = FLAGS_filename_raw_data; #else std::string implementation = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_trk_test_implementation); const int baseband_sampling_freq = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_fs_gen_sps); std::string filename_rinex_obs = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_filename_rinex_obs); std::string filename_raw_data = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_filename_raw_data); #endif int configure_generator(); int generate_signal(); bool save_mat_xy(std::vector& x, std::vector& y, std::string filename); void check_results_carrier_phase( arma::mat& true_ch0, arma::vec& true_tow_s, arma::mat& measured_ch0, const std::string& data_title); void check_results_carrier_phase_double_diff( arma::mat& true_ch0, arma::mat& true_ch1, arma::vec& true_tow_ch0_s, arma::vec& true_tow_ch1_s, arma::mat& measured_ch0, arma::mat& measured_ch1, const std::string& data_title); void check_results_carrier_doppler(arma::mat& true_ch0, arma::vec& true_tow_s, arma::mat& measured_ch0, const std::string& data_title); void check_results_carrier_doppler_double_diff( arma::mat& true_ch0, arma::mat& true_ch1, arma::vec& true_tow_ch0_s, arma::vec& true_tow_ch1_s, arma::mat& measured_ch0, arma::mat& measured_ch1, const std::string& data_title); void check_results_code_pseudorange( arma::mat& true_ch0, arma::mat& true_ch1, arma::vec& true_tow_ch0_s, arma::vec& true_tow_ch1_s, arma::mat& measured_ch0, arma::mat& measured_ch1, const std::string& data_title); void check_results_duplicated_satellite( arma::mat& measured_sat1, arma::mat& measured_sat2, int ch_id, const std::string& data_title); HybridObservablesTest() { factory = std::make_shared(); config = std::make_shared(); item_size = sizeof(gr_complex); mapStringValues_["1C"] = evGPS_1C; mapStringValues_["2S"] = evGPS_2S; mapStringValues_["L5"] = evGPS_L5; mapStringValues_["1B"] = evGAL_1B; mapStringValues_["5X"] = evGAL_5X; mapStringValues_["1G"] = evGLO_1G; mapStringValues_["2G"] = evGLO_2G; } ~HybridObservablesTest() = default; bool ReadRinexObs(std::vector* obs_vec, Gnss_Synchro gnss); bool acquire_signal(); void configure_receiver( double PLL_wide_bw_hz, double DLL_wide_bw_hz, double PLL_narrow_bw_hz, double DLL_narrow_bw_hz, int extend_correlation_symbols, uint32_t smoother_length, bool high_dyn); std::shared_ptr factory; std::shared_ptr config; Gnss_Synchro gnss_synchro_master; std::vector gnss_synchro_vec; size_t item_size; }; int HybridObservablesTest::configure_generator() { #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS // Configure signal generator generator_binary = FLAGS_generator_binary; p1 = std::string("-rinex_nav_file=") + FLAGS_rinex_nav_file; if (FLAGS_dynamic_position.empty()) { p2 = std::string("-static_position=") + FLAGS_static_position + std::string(",") + std::to_string(FLAGS_duration * 10); } else { p2 = std::string("-obs_pos_file=") + std::string(FLAGS_dynamic_position); } p3 = std::string("-rinex_obs_file=") + FLAGS_filename_rinex_obs; // RINEX 2.10 observation file output p4 = std::string("-sig_out_file=") + FLAGS_filename_raw_data; // Baseband signal output file. Will be stored in int8_t IQ multiplexed samples p5 = std::string("-sampling_freq=") + std::to_string(baseband_sampling_freq); // Baseband sampling frequency [MSps] #else // Configure signal generator generator_binary = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_generator_binary); p1 = std::string("-rinex_nav_file=") + absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_rinex_nav_file); if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_dynamic_position).empty()) { p2 = std::string("-static_position=") + absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_static_position) + std::string(",") + std::to_string(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_duration) * 10); } else { p2 = std::string("-obs_pos_file=") + std::string(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_dynamic_position)); } p3 = std::string("-rinex_obs_file=") + absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_filename_rinex_obs); // RINEX 2.10 observation file output p4 = std::string("-sig_out_file=") + absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_filename_raw_data); // Baseband signal output file. Will be stored in int8_t IQ multiplexed samples p5 = std::string("-sampling_freq=") + std::to_string(baseband_sampling_freq); // Baseband sampling frequency [MSps] #endif return 0; } int HybridObservablesTest::generate_signal() { int child_status; char* const parmList[] = {&generator_binary[0], &generator_binary[0], &p1[0], &p2[0], &p3[0], &p4[0], &p5[0], nullptr}; int pid; if ((pid = fork()) == -1) { perror("fork err"); } else if (pid == 0) { execv(&generator_binary[0], parmList); std::cout << "Return not expected. Must be an execv err.\n"; std::terminate(); } waitpid(pid, &child_status, 0); std::cout << "Signal and Observables RINEX and RAW files created.\n"; return 0; } bool HybridObservablesTest::acquire_signal() { // 1. Setup GNU Radio flowgraph (file_source -> Acquisition_10m) gr::top_block_sptr top_block_acq; top_block_acq = gr::make_top_block("Acquisition test"); int SV_ID = 1; // initial sv id // Satellite signal definition Gnss_Synchro tmp_gnss_synchro; tmp_gnss_synchro.Channel_ID = 0; config = std::make_shared(); config->set_property("GNSS-SDR.internal_fs_sps", std::to_string(baseband_sampling_freq)); // Enable automatic resampler for the acquisition, if required #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS if (FLAGS_use_acquisition_resampler == true) #else if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_use_acquisition_resampler) == true) #endif { config->set_property("GNSS-SDR.use_acquisition_resampler", "true"); } config->set_property("Acquisition.blocking_on_standby", "true"); config->set_property("Acquisition.blocking", "true"); config->set_property("Acquisition.dump", "false"); config->set_property("Acquisition.dump_filename", "./data/acquisition.dat"); std::shared_ptr acquisition; std::string System_and_Signal; std::string signal; // create the correspondign acquisition block according to the desired tracking signal if (implementation == "GPS_L1_CA_DLL_PLL_Tracking") { tmp_gnss_synchro.System = 'G'; signal = "1C"; const char* str = signal.c_str(); // get a C style null terminated string std::memcpy(static_cast(tmp_gnss_synchro.Signal), str, 3); // copy string into synchro char array: 2 char + null tmp_gnss_synchro.PRN = SV_ID; System_and_Signal = "GPS L1 CA"; #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS config->set_property("Acquisition.max_dwells", std::to_string(FLAGS_external_signal_acquisition_dwells)); #else config->set_property("Acquisition.max_dwells", std::to_string(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_external_signal_acquisition_dwells))); #endif acquisition = std::make_shared(config.get(), "Acquisition", 1, 0); } else if (implementation == "Galileo_E1_DLL_PLL_VEML_Tracking") { tmp_gnss_synchro.System = 'E'; signal = "1B"; const char* str = signal.c_str(); // get a C style null terminated string std::memcpy(static_cast(tmp_gnss_synchro.Signal), str, 3); // copy string into synchro char array: 2 char + null tmp_gnss_synchro.PRN = SV_ID; System_and_Signal = "Galileo E1B"; #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS config->set_property("Acquisition.max_dwells", std::to_string(FLAGS_external_signal_acquisition_dwells)); #else config->set_property("Acquisition.max_dwells", std::to_string(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_external_signal_acquisition_dwells))); #endif acquisition = std::make_shared(config.get(), "Acquisition", 1, 0); } else if (implementation == "GPS_L2_M_DLL_PLL_Tracking") { tmp_gnss_synchro.System = 'G'; signal = "2S"; const char* str = signal.c_str(); // get a C style null terminated string std::memcpy(static_cast(tmp_gnss_synchro.Signal), str, 3); // copy string into synchro char array: 2 char + null tmp_gnss_synchro.PRN = SV_ID; System_and_Signal = "GPS L2CM"; #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS config->set_property("Acquisition.max_dwells", std::to_string(FLAGS_external_signal_acquisition_dwells)); #else config->set_property("Acquisition.max_dwells", std::to_string(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_external_signal_acquisition_dwells))); #endif acquisition = std::make_shared(config.get(), "Acquisition", 1, 0); } else if (implementation == "Galileo_E5a_DLL_PLL_Tracking_b") { tmp_gnss_synchro.System = 'E'; signal = "5X"; const char* str = signal.c_str(); // get a C style null terminated string std::memcpy(static_cast(tmp_gnss_synchro.Signal), str, 3); // copy string into synchro char array: 2 char + null tmp_gnss_synchro.PRN = SV_ID; System_and_Signal = "Galileo E5a"; config->set_property("Acquisition_5X.coherent_integration_time_ms", "1"); #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS config->set_property("Acquisition.max_dwells", std::to_string(FLAGS_external_signal_acquisition_dwells)); #else config->set_property("Acquisition.max_dwells", std::to_string(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_external_signal_acquisition_dwells))); #endif config->set_property("Acquisition.CAF_window_hz", "0"); // **Only for E5a** Resolves doppler ambiguity averaging the specified BW in the winner code delay. If set to 0 CAF filter is deactivated. Recommended value 3000 Hz config->set_property("Acquisition.Zero_padding", "0"); // **Only for E5a** Avoids power loss and doppler ambiguity in bit transitions by correlating one code with twice the input data length, ensuring that at least one full code is present without transitions. If set to 1 it is ON, if set to 0 it is OFF. config->set_property("Acquisition.bit_transition_flag", "false"); acquisition = std::make_shared(config.get(), "Acquisition", 1, 0); } else if (implementation == "Galileo_E5a_DLL_PLL_Tracking") { tmp_gnss_synchro.System = 'E'; signal = "5X"; const char* str = signal.c_str(); // get a C style null terminated string std::memcpy(static_cast(tmp_gnss_synchro.Signal), str, 3); // copy string into synchro char array: 2 char + null tmp_gnss_synchro.PRN = SV_ID; System_and_Signal = "Galileo E5a"; #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS config->set_property("Acquisition.max_dwells", std::to_string(FLAGS_external_signal_acquisition_dwells)); #else config->set_property("Acquisition.max_dwells", std::to_string(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_external_signal_acquisition_dwells))); #endif acquisition = std::make_shared(config.get(), "Acquisition", 1, 0); } else if (implementation == "GPS_L5_DLL_PLL_Tracking") { tmp_gnss_synchro.System = 'G'; signal = "L5"; const char* str = signal.c_str(); // get a C style null terminated string std::memcpy(static_cast(tmp_gnss_synchro.Signal), str, 3); // copy string into synchro char array: 2 char + null tmp_gnss_synchro.PRN = SV_ID; System_and_Signal = "GPS L5I"; #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS config->set_property("Acquisition.max_dwells", std::to_string(FLAGS_external_signal_acquisition_dwells)); #else config->set_property("Acquisition.max_dwells", std::to_string(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_external_signal_acquisition_dwells))); #endif acquisition = std::make_shared(config.get(), "Acquisition", 1, 0); } else { std::cout << "The test can not run with the selected tracking implementation\n "; throw(std::exception()); } acquisition->set_gnss_synchro(&tmp_gnss_synchro); acquisition->set_channel(0); #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS acquisition->set_doppler_max(config->property("Acquisition.doppler_max", FLAGS_external_signal_acquisition_doppler_max_hz)); acquisition->set_doppler_step(config->property("Acquisition.doppler_step", FLAGS_external_signal_acquisition_doppler_step_hz)); acquisition->set_threshold(config->property("Acquisition.threshold", FLAGS_external_signal_acquisition_threshold)); #else acquisition->set_doppler_max(config->property("Acquisition.doppler_max", absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_external_signal_acquisition_doppler_max_hz))); acquisition->set_doppler_step(config->property("Acquisition.doppler_step", absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_external_signal_acquisition_doppler_step_hz))); acquisition->set_threshold(config->property("Acquisition.threshold", absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_external_signal_acquisition_threshold))); #endif acquisition->init(); acquisition->set_local_code(); acquisition->set_state(1); // Ensure that acquisition starts at the first sample acquisition->connect(top_block_acq); gr::blocks::file_source::sptr file_source; #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS std::string file = FLAGS_signal_file; #else std::string file = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_signal_file); #endif const char* file_name = file.c_str(); file_source = gr::blocks::file_source::make(sizeof(int8_t), file_name, false); #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS file_source->seek(2 * FLAGS_skip_samples, 0); // skip head. ibyte, two bytes per complex sample #else file_source->seek(2 * absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_skip_samples), 0); // skip head. ibyte, two bytes per complex sample #endif gr::blocks::interleaved_char_to_complex::sptr gr_interleaved_char_to_complex = gr::blocks::interleaved_char_to_complex::make(); top_block_acq->connect(file_source, 0, gr_interleaved_char_to_complex, 0); // Enable automatic resampler for the acquisition, if required #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS if (FLAGS_use_acquisition_resampler == true) #else if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_use_acquisition_resampler) == true) #endif { // create acquisition resamplers if required double resampler_ratio = 1.0; double opt_fs = baseband_sampling_freq; // find the signal associated to this channel switch (mapStringValues_[signal]) { case evGPS_1C: opt_fs = GPS_L1_CA_OPT_ACQ_FS_SPS; break; case evGPS_2S: opt_fs = GPS_L2C_OPT_ACQ_FS_SPS; break; case evGPS_L5: opt_fs = GPS_L5_OPT_ACQ_FS_SPS; break; case evSBAS_1C: opt_fs = GPS_L1_CA_OPT_ACQ_FS_SPS; break; case evGAL_1B: opt_fs = GALILEO_E1_OPT_ACQ_FS_SPS; break; case evGAL_5X: opt_fs = GALILEO_E5A_OPT_ACQ_FS_SPS; break; case evGLO_1G: opt_fs = baseband_sampling_freq; break; case evGLO_2G: opt_fs = baseband_sampling_freq; break; } if (opt_fs < baseband_sampling_freq) { resampler_ratio = baseband_sampling_freq / opt_fs; int decimation = floor(resampler_ratio); while (baseband_sampling_freq % decimation > 0) { decimation--; }; double acq_fs = baseband_sampling_freq / decimation; if (decimation > 1) { // create a FIR low pass filter std::vector taps; taps = gr::filter::firdes::low_pass(1.0, baseband_sampling_freq, acq_fs / 2.1, acq_fs / 10); std::cout << "Enabled decimation low pass filter with " << taps.size() << " taps and decimation factor of " << decimation << '\n'; acquisition->set_resampler_latency((taps.size() - 1) / 2); gr::basic_block_sptr fir_filter_ccf_ = gr::filter::fir_filter_ccf::make(decimation, taps); top_block_acq->connect(gr_interleaved_char_to_complex, 0, fir_filter_ccf_, 0); top_block_acq->connect(fir_filter_ccf_, 0, acquisition->get_left_block(), 0); } else { std::cout << "Disabled acquisition resampler because the input sampling frequency is too low\n"; top_block_acq->connect(gr_interleaved_char_to_complex, 0, acquisition->get_left_block(), 0); } } else { std::cout << "Disabled acquisition resampler because the input sampling frequency is too low\n"; top_block_acq->connect(gr_interleaved_char_to_complex, 0, acquisition->get_left_block(), 0); } } else { top_block_acq->connect(gr_interleaved_char_to_complex, 0, acquisition->get_left_block(), 0); // top_block_acq->connect(head_samples, 0, acquisition->get_left_block(), 0); } gnss_shared_ptr msg_rx; try { msg_rx = Acquisition_msg_rx_make(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cout << "Failure connecting the message port system: " << e.what() << '\n'; exit(0); } msg_rx->top_block = top_block_acq; top_block_acq->msg_connect(acquisition->get_right_block(), pmt::mp("events"), msg_rx, pmt::mp("events")); // 5. Run the flowgraph // Get visible GPS satellites (positive acquisitions with Doppler measurements) // record startup time std::chrono::time_point start, end; std::chrono::duration elapsed_seconds; start = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); bool start_msg = true; unsigned int MAX_PRN_IDX = 0; switch (tmp_gnss_synchro.System) { case 'G': MAX_PRN_IDX = 33; break; case 'E': MAX_PRN_IDX = 37; break; default: MAX_PRN_IDX = 33; } for (unsigned int PRN = 1; PRN < MAX_PRN_IDX; PRN++) { tmp_gnss_synchro.PRN = PRN; acquisition->set_gnss_synchro(&tmp_gnss_synchro); acquisition->init(); acquisition->set_local_code(); acquisition->reset(); acquisition->set_state(1); msg_rx->rx_message = 0; top_block_acq->run(); if (start_msg == true) { #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS std::cout << "Reading external signal file: " << FLAGS_signal_file << '\n'; #else std::cout << "Reading external signal file: " << absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_signal_file) << '\n'; #endif std::cout << "Searching for " << System_and_Signal << " Satellites...\n"; std::cout << "["; start_msg = false; } while (msg_rx->rx_message == 0) { usleep(100000); } if (msg_rx->rx_message == 1) { std::cout << " " << PRN << " "; gnss_synchro_vec.push_back(tmp_gnss_synchro); } else { std::cout << " . "; } top_block_acq->stop(); #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS file_source->seek(2 * FLAGS_skip_samples, 0); // skip head. ibyte, two bytes per complex sample #else file_source->seek(2 * absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_skip_samples), 0); // skip head. ibyte, two bytes per complex sample #endif std::cout.flush(); } std::cout << "]\n"; std::cout << "-------------------------------------------\n"; for (auto& x : gnss_synchro_vec) { std::cout << "DETECTED SATELLITE " << System_and_Signal << " PRN: " << x.PRN << " with Doppler: " << x.Acq_doppler_hz << " [Hz], code phase: " << x.Acq_delay_samples << " [samples] at signal SampleStamp " << x.Acq_samplestamp_samples << "\n"; } // report the elapsed time end = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); elapsed_seconds = end - start; std::cout << "Total signal acquisition run time " << elapsed_seconds.count() << " [seconds]\n"; if (!gnss_synchro_vec.empty()) { return true; } else { return false; } } void HybridObservablesTest::configure_receiver( double PLL_wide_bw_hz, double DLL_wide_bw_hz, double PLL_narrow_bw_hz, double DLL_narrow_bw_hz, int extend_correlation_symbols, uint32_t smoother_length, bool high_dyn) { config = std::make_shared(); if (high_dyn) { config->set_property("Tracking.high_dyn", "true"); } else { config->set_property("Tracking.high_dyn", "false"); } config->set_property("Tracking.implementation", implementation); config->set_property("Tracking.item_type", "gr_complex"); config->set_property("Tracking.pll_bw_hz", std::to_string(PLL_wide_bw_hz)); config->set_property("Tracking.dll_bw_hz", std::to_string(DLL_wide_bw_hz)); config->set_property("Tracking.extend_correlation_symbols", std::to_string(extend_correlation_symbols)); config->set_property("Tracking.pll_bw_narrow_hz", std::to_string(PLL_narrow_bw_hz)); config->set_property("Tracking.dll_bw_narrow_hz", std::to_string(DLL_narrow_bw_hz)); #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS config->set_property("Tracking.fll_bw_hz", std::to_string(FLAGS_fll_bw_hz)); config->set_property("Tracking.enable_fll_pull_in", FLAGS_enable_fll_pull_in ? "true" : "false"); config->set_property("Tracking.enable_fll_steady_state", FLAGS_enable_fll_steady_state ? "true" : "false"); #else config->set_property("Tracking.fll_bw_hz", std::to_string(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_fll_bw_hz))); config->set_property("Tracking.enable_fll_pull_in", absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_enable_fll_pull_in) ? "true" : "false"); config->set_property("Tracking.enable_fll_steady_state", absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_enable_fll_steady_state) ? "true" : "false"); #endif config->set_property("Tracking.smoother_length", std::to_string(smoother_length)); config->set_property("Tracking.dump", "true"); config->set_property("Tracking.dump_filename", "./tracking_ch_"); config->set_property("Observables.implementation", "Hybrid_Observables"); config->set_property("Observables.dump", "true"); config->set_property("TelemetryDecoder.dump", "true"); gnss_synchro_master.Channel_ID = 0; config->set_property("GNSS-SDR.internal_fs_sps", std::to_string(baseband_sampling_freq)); std::string System_and_Signal; if (implementation == "GPS_L1_CA_DLL_PLL_Tracking") { gnss_synchro_master.System = 'G'; std::string signal = "1C"; System_and_Signal = "GPS L1 CA"; const char* str = signal.c_str(); // get a C style null terminated string std::memcpy(static_cast(gnss_synchro_master.Signal), str, 3); // copy string into synchro char array: 2 char + null config->set_property("Tracking.early_late_space_chips", "0.5"); config->set_property("Tracking.early_late_space_narrow_chips", "0.1"); config->set_property("TelemetryDecoder.implementation", "GPS_L1_CA_Telemetry_Decoder"); } else if (implementation == "Galileo_E1_DLL_PLL_VEML_Tracking") { gnss_synchro_master.System = 'E'; std::string signal = "1B"; System_and_Signal = "Galileo E1B"; const char* str = signal.c_str(); // get a C style null terminated string std::memcpy(static_cast(gnss_synchro_master.Signal), str, 3); // copy string into synchro char array: 2 char + null config->set_property("Tracking.early_late_space_chips", "0.15"); config->set_property("Tracking.very_early_late_space_chips", "0.5"); config->set_property("Tracking.early_late_space_narrow_chips", "0.15"); config->set_property("Tracking.very_early_late_space_narrow_chips", "0.5"); config->set_property("Tracking.track_pilot", "true"); config->set_property("TelemetryDecoder.implementation", "Galileo_E1B_Telemetry_Decoder"); } else if (implementation == "GPS_L2_M_DLL_PLL_Tracking") { gnss_synchro_master.System = 'G'; std::string signal = "2S"; System_and_Signal = "GPS L2CM"; const char* str = signal.c_str(); // get a C style null terminated string std::memcpy(static_cast(gnss_synchro_master.Signal), str, 3); // copy string into synchro char array: 2 char + null config->set_property("Tracking.early_late_space_chips", "0.5"); config->set_property("Tracking.track_pilot", "true"); config->set_property("TelemetryDecoder.implementation", "GPS_L2C_Telemetry_Decoder"); } else if (implementation == "Galileo_E5a_DLL_PLL_Tracking" or implementation == "Galileo_E5a_DLL_PLL_Tracking_b") { gnss_synchro_master.System = 'E'; std::string signal = "5X"; System_and_Signal = "Galileo E5a"; const char* str = signal.c_str(); // get a C style null terminated string std::memcpy(static_cast(gnss_synchro_master.Signal), str, 3); // copy string into synchro char array: 2 char + null if (implementation == "Galileo_E5a_DLL_PLL_Tracking_b") { config->supersede_property("Tracking.implementation", std::string("Galileo_E5a_DLL_PLL_Tracking")); } config->set_property("Tracking.early_late_space_chips", "0.5"); config->set_property("Tracking.track_pilot", "true"); // config->set_property("Tracking.pll_filter_order", "2"); // config->set_property("Tracking.dll_filter_order", "2"); config->set_property("TelemetryDecoder.implementation", "Galileo_E5a_Telemetry_Decoder"); } else if (implementation == "GPS_L5_DLL_PLL_Tracking") { gnss_synchro_master.System = 'G'; std::string signal = "L5"; System_and_Signal = "GPS L5I"; const char* str = signal.c_str(); // get a C style null terminated string std::memcpy(static_cast(gnss_synchro_master.Signal), str, 3); // copy string into synchro char array: 2 char + null config->set_property("Tracking.early_late_space_chips", "0.5"); config->set_property("Tracking.track_pilot", "true"); // config->set_property("Tracking.pll_filter_order", "2"); // config->set_property("Tracking.dll_filter_order", "2"); config->set_property("TelemetryDecoder.implementation", "GPS_L5_Telemetry_Decoder"); } else { std::cout << "The test can not run with the selected tracking implementation\n "; throw(std::exception()); } std::cout << "*****************************************\n"; std::cout << "*** Tracking configuration parameters ***\n"; std::cout << "*****************************************\n"; std::cout << "Signal: " << System_and_Signal << "\n"; std::cout << "implementation: " << config->property("Tracking.implementation", std::string("undefined")) << " \n"; std::cout << "pll_bw_hz: " << config->property("Tracking.pll_bw_hz", 0.0) << " Hz\n"; std::cout << "dll_bw_hz: " << config->property("Tracking.dll_bw_hz", 0.0) << " Hz\n"; std::cout << "fll_bw_hz: " << config->property("Tracking.fll_bw_hz", 0.0) << " Hz\n"; std::cout << "enable_fll_pull_in: " << config->property("Tracking.enable_fll_pull_in", false) << "\n"; std::cout << "enable_fll_steady_state: " << config->property("Tracking.enable_fll_steady_state", false) << "\n"; std::cout << "pll_bw_narrow_hz: " << config->property("Tracking.pll_bw_narrow_hz", 0.0) << " Hz\n"; std::cout << "dll_bw_narrow_hz: " << config->property("Tracking.dll_bw_narrow_hz", 0.0) << " Hz\n"; std::cout << "extend_correlation_symbols: " << config->property("Tracking.extend_correlation_symbols", 0) << " Symbols\n"; std::cout << "high_dyn: " << config->property("Tracking.high_dyn", false) << "\n"; std::cout << "smoother_length: " << config->property("Tracking.smoother_length", 0) << "\n"; std::cout << "*****************************************\n"; std::cout << "*****************************************\n"; } void HybridObservablesTest::check_results_carrier_phase( arma::mat& true_ch0, arma::vec& true_tow_s, arma::mat& measured_ch0, const std::string& data_title) { // 1. True value interpolation to match the measurement times double t0 = measured_ch0(0, 0); int size1 = measured_ch0.col(0).n_rows; double t1 = measured_ch0(size1 - 1, 0); arma::vec t = arma::linspace(t0, t1, floor((t1 - t0) * 1e3)); // conversion between arma::vec and std:vector arma::vec t_from_start = arma::linspace(0, t1 - t0, floor((t1 - t0) * 1e3)); std::vector time_vector(t_from_start.colptr(0), t_from_start.colptr(0) + t_from_start.n_rows); arma::vec true_ch0_phase_interp; arma::interp1(true_tow_s, true_ch0.col(3), t, true_ch0_phase_interp); arma::vec meas_ch0_phase_interp; arma::interp1(measured_ch0.col(0), measured_ch0.col(3), t, meas_ch0_phase_interp); // 2. RMSE arma::vec err_ch0_cycles; // compute error without the accumulated carrier phase offsets (which depends on the receiver starting time) err_ch0_cycles = meas_ch0_phase_interp - true_ch0_phase_interp - meas_ch0_phase_interp(0) + true_ch0_phase_interp(0); arma::vec err2_ch0 = arma::square(err_ch0_cycles); double rmse_ch0 = sqrt(arma::mean(err2_ch0)); // 3. Mean err and variance double error_mean_ch0 = arma::mean(err_ch0_cycles); double error_var_ch0 = arma::var(err_ch0_cycles); // 4. Peaks double max_error_ch0 = arma::max(err_ch0_cycles); double min_error_ch0 = arma::min(err_ch0_cycles); // 5. report std::streamsize ss = std::cout.precision(); std::cout << std::setprecision(10) << data_title << " Accumulated Carrier phase RMSE = " << rmse_ch0 << ", mean = " << error_mean_ch0 << ", stdev = " << sqrt(error_var_ch0) << " (max,min) = " << max_error_ch0 << "," << min_error_ch0 << " [cycles]\n"; std::cout.precision(ss); // plots #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS if (FLAGS_show_plots) #else if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_show_plots)) #endif { Gnuplot g3("linespoints"); g3.set_title(data_title + "Accumulated Carrier phase error [cycles]"); g3.set_grid(); g3.set_xlabel("Time [s]"); g3.set_ylabel("Carrier Phase error [cycles]"); // conversion between arma::vec and std:vector std::vector error_vec(err_ch0_cycles.colptr(0), err_ch0_cycles.colptr(0) + err_ch0_cycles.n_rows); g3.cmd("set key box opaque"); g3.plot_xy(time_vector, error_vec, "Carrier Phase error"); g3.set_legend(); g3.savetops(data_title + "Carrier_phase_error"); g3.showonscreen(); // window output } // check results against the test tolerance ASSERT_LT(rmse_ch0, 0.25); ASSERT_LT(error_mean_ch0, 0.2); ASSERT_GT(error_mean_ch0, -0.2); ASSERT_LT(error_var_ch0, 0.5); ASSERT_LT(max_error_ch0, 0.5); ASSERT_GT(min_error_ch0, -0.5); } void HybridObservablesTest::check_results_carrier_phase_double_diff( arma::mat& true_ch0, arma::mat& true_ch1, arma::vec& true_tow_ch0_s, arma::vec& true_tow_ch1_s, arma::mat& measured_ch0, arma::mat& measured_ch1, const std::string& data_title) { // 1. True value interpolation to match the measurement times double t0 = std::max(measured_ch0(0, 0), measured_ch1(0, 0)); int size1 = measured_ch0.col(0).n_rows; int size2 = measured_ch1.col(0).n_rows; double t1 = std::min(measured_ch0(size1 - 1, 0), measured_ch1(size2 - 1, 0)); if ((t1 - t0) > 0) { arma::vec t = arma::linspace(t0, t1, floor((t1 - t0) * 1e3)); // conversion between arma::vec and std:vector arma::vec t_from_start = arma::linspace(0, t1 - t0, floor((t1 - t0) * 1e3)); std::vector time_vector(t_from_start.colptr(0), t_from_start.colptr(0) + t_from_start.n_rows); arma::vec true_ch0_carrier_phase_interp; arma::vec true_ch1_carrier_phase_interp; arma::interp1(true_tow_ch0_s, true_ch0.col(3), t, true_ch0_carrier_phase_interp); arma::interp1(true_tow_ch1_s, true_ch1.col(3), t, true_ch1_carrier_phase_interp); arma::vec meas_ch0_carrier_phase_interp; arma::vec meas_ch1_carrier_phase_interp; arma::interp1(measured_ch0.col(0), measured_ch0.col(3), t, meas_ch0_carrier_phase_interp); arma::interp1(measured_ch1.col(0), measured_ch1.col(3), t, meas_ch1_carrier_phase_interp); // generate double difference accumulated carrier phases // compute error without the accumulated carrier phase offsets (which depends on the receiver starting time) arma::vec delta_true_carrier_phase_cycles = (true_ch0_carrier_phase_interp - true_ch0_carrier_phase_interp(0)) - (true_ch1_carrier_phase_interp - true_ch1_carrier_phase_interp(0)); arma::vec delta_measured_carrier_phase_cycles = (meas_ch0_carrier_phase_interp - meas_ch0_carrier_phase_interp(0)) - (meas_ch1_carrier_phase_interp - meas_ch1_carrier_phase_interp(0)); // 2. RMSE arma::vec err; err = delta_measured_carrier_phase_cycles - delta_true_carrier_phase_cycles; arma::vec err2 = arma::square(err); double rmse = sqrt(arma::mean(err2)); // 3. Mean err and variance double error_mean = arma::mean(err); double error_var = arma::var(err); // 4. Peaks double max_error = arma::max(err); double min_error = arma::min(err); // 5. report std::streamsize ss = std::cout.precision(); std::cout << std::setprecision(10) << data_title << "Double diff Carrier Phase RMSE = " << rmse << ", mean = " << error_mean << ", stdev = " << sqrt(error_var) << " (max,min) = " << max_error << "," << min_error << " [Cycles]\n"; std::cout.precision(ss); // plots #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS if (FLAGS_show_plots) #else if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_show_plots)) #endif { Gnuplot g3("linespoints"); g3.set_title(data_title + "Double diff Carrier Phase error [Cycles]"); g3.set_grid(); g3.set_xlabel("Time [s]"); g3.set_ylabel("Double diff Carrier Phase error [Cycles]"); // conversion between arma::vec and std:vector std::vector range_error_m(err.colptr(0), err.colptr(0) + err.n_rows); g3.cmd("set key box opaque"); g3.plot_xy(time_vector, range_error_m, "Double diff Carrier Phase error"); g3.set_legend(); g3.savetops(data_title + "double_diff_carrier_phase_error"); g3.showonscreen(); // window output } // check results against the test tolerance if (!std::isnan(rmse)) { ASSERT_LT(rmse, 3.0); ASSERT_LT(error_mean, 3.0); ASSERT_GT(error_mean, -3.0); ASSERT_LT(error_var, 3.0); ASSERT_LT(max_error, 5.0); ASSERT_GT(min_error, -5.0); } } } void HybridObservablesTest::check_results_carrier_doppler_double_diff( arma::mat& true_ch0, arma::mat& true_ch1, arma::vec& true_tow_ch0_s, arma::vec& true_tow_ch1_s, arma::mat& measured_ch0, arma::mat& measured_ch1, const std::string& data_title) { // 1. True value interpolation to match the measurement times double t0 = std::max(measured_ch0(0, 0), measured_ch1(0, 0)); int size1 = measured_ch0.col(0).n_rows; int size2 = measured_ch1.col(0).n_rows; double t1 = std::min(measured_ch0(size1 - 1, 0), measured_ch1(size2 - 1, 0)); if ((t1 - t0) > 0) { arma::vec t = arma::linspace(t0, t1, floor((t1 - t0) * 1e3)); // conversion between arma::vec and std:vector arma::vec t_from_start = arma::linspace(0, t1 - t0, floor((t1 - t0) * 1e3)); std::vector time_vector(t_from_start.colptr(0), t_from_start.colptr(0) + t_from_start.n_rows); arma::vec true_ch0_carrier_doppler_interp; arma::vec true_ch1_carrier_doppler_interp; arma::interp1(true_tow_ch0_s, true_ch0.col(2), t, true_ch0_carrier_doppler_interp); arma::interp1(true_tow_ch1_s, true_ch1.col(2), t, true_ch1_carrier_doppler_interp); arma::vec meas_ch0_carrier_doppler_interp; arma::vec meas_ch1_carrier_doppler_interp; arma::interp1(measured_ch0.col(0), measured_ch0.col(2), t, meas_ch0_carrier_doppler_interp); arma::interp1(measured_ch1.col(0), measured_ch1.col(2), t, meas_ch1_carrier_doppler_interp); // generate double difference carrier Doppler arma::vec delta_true_carrier_doppler_cycles = true_ch0_carrier_doppler_interp - true_ch1_carrier_doppler_interp; arma::vec delta_measured_carrier_doppler_cycles = meas_ch0_carrier_doppler_interp - meas_ch1_carrier_doppler_interp; // 2. RMSE arma::vec err; err = delta_measured_carrier_doppler_cycles - delta_true_carrier_doppler_cycles; arma::vec err2 = arma::square(err); double rmse = sqrt(arma::mean(err2)); // 3. Mean err and variance double error_mean = arma::mean(err); double error_var = arma::var(err); // 4. Peaks double max_error = arma::max(err); double min_error = arma::min(err); // 5. report std::streamsize ss = std::cout.precision(); std::cout << std::setprecision(10) << data_title << "Double diff Carrier Doppler RMSE = " << rmse << ", mean = " << error_mean << ", stdev = " << sqrt(error_var) << " (max,min) = " << max_error << "," << min_error << " [Hz]\n"; std::cout.precision(ss); // plots #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS if (FLAGS_show_plots) #else if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_show_plots)) #endif { Gnuplot g3("linespoints"); g3.set_title(data_title + "Double diff Carrier Doppler error [Hz]"); g3.set_grid(); g3.set_xlabel("Time [s]"); g3.set_ylabel("Double diff Carrier Doppler error [Hz]"); // conversion between arma::vec and std:vector std::vector range_error_m(err.colptr(0), err.colptr(0) + err.n_rows); g3.cmd("set key box opaque"); g3.plot_xy(time_vector, range_error_m, "Double diff Carrier Doppler error"); g3.set_legend(); g3.savetops(data_title + "double_diff_carrier_doppler_error"); g3.showonscreen(); // window output } // check results against the test tolerance if (!std::isnan(error_mean)) { ASSERT_LT(error_mean, 5); ASSERT_GT(error_mean, -5); // assuming PLL BW=35 ASSERT_LT(error_var, 250); ASSERT_LT(max_error, 100); ASSERT_GT(min_error, -100); ASSERT_LT(rmse, 30); } } } void HybridObservablesTest::check_results_carrier_doppler( arma::mat& true_ch0, arma::vec& true_tow_s, arma::mat& measured_ch0, const std::string& data_title) { // 1. True value interpolation to match the measurement times double t0 = measured_ch0(0, 0); int size1 = measured_ch0.col(0).n_rows; double t1 = measured_ch0(size1 - 1, 0); if ((t1 - t0) > 0) { arma::vec t = arma::linspace(t0, t1, floor((t1 - t0) * 1e3)); // conversion between arma::vec and std:vector arma::vec t_from_start = arma::linspace(0, t1 - t0, floor((t1 - t0) * 1e3)); std::vector time_vector(t_from_start.colptr(0), t_from_start.colptr(0) + t_from_start.n_rows); arma::vec true_ch0_doppler_interp; arma::interp1(true_tow_s, true_ch0.col(2), t, true_ch0_doppler_interp); arma::vec meas_ch0_doppler_interp; arma::interp1(measured_ch0.col(0), measured_ch0.col(2), t, meas_ch0_doppler_interp); // 2. RMSE arma::vec err_ch0_hz; // compute error err_ch0_hz = meas_ch0_doppler_interp - true_ch0_doppler_interp; arma::vec err2_ch0 = arma::square(err_ch0_hz); double rmse_ch0 = sqrt(arma::mean(err2_ch0)); // 3. Mean err and variance double error_mean_ch0 = arma::mean(err_ch0_hz); double error_var_ch0 = arma::var(err_ch0_hz); // 4. Peaks double max_error_ch0 = arma::max(err_ch0_hz); double min_error_ch0 = arma::min(err_ch0_hz); // 5. report std::streamsize ss = std::cout.precision(); std::cout << std::setprecision(10) << data_title << "Carrier Doppler RMSE = " << rmse_ch0 << ", mean = " << error_mean_ch0 << ", stdev = " << sqrt(error_var_ch0) << " (max,min) = " << max_error_ch0 << "," << min_error_ch0 << " [Hz]\n"; std::cout.precision(ss); // plots #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS if (FLAGS_show_plots) #else if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_show_plots)) #endif { Gnuplot g3("linespoints"); g3.set_title(data_title + "Carrier Doppler error [Hz]"); g3.set_grid(); g3.set_xlabel("Time [s]"); g3.set_ylabel("Carrier Doppler error [Hz]"); // conversion between arma::vec and std:vector std::vector error_vec(err_ch0_hz.colptr(0), err_ch0_hz.colptr(0) + err_ch0_hz.n_rows); g3.cmd("set key box opaque"); g3.plot_xy(time_vector, error_vec, "Carrier Doppler error"); g3.set_legend(); g3.savetops(data_title + "Carrier_doppler_error"); g3.showonscreen(); // window output } // check results against the test tolerance ASSERT_LT(error_mean_ch0, 5); ASSERT_GT(error_mean_ch0, -5); // assuming PLL BW=35 ASSERT_LT(error_var_ch0, 250); ASSERT_LT(max_error_ch0, 100); ASSERT_GT(min_error_ch0, -100); ASSERT_LT(rmse_ch0, 30); } } void HybridObservablesTest::check_results_duplicated_satellite( arma::mat& measured_sat1, arma::mat& measured_sat2, int ch_id, const std::string& data_title) { // 1. True value interpolation to match the measurement times // define the common measured time interval double t0_sat1 = measured_sat1(0, 0); int size1 = measured_sat1.col(0).n_rows; double t1_sat1 = measured_sat1(size1 - 1, 0); double t0_sat2 = measured_sat2(0, 0); int size2 = measured_sat2.col(0).n_rows; double t1_sat2 = measured_sat2(size2 - 1, 0); double t0; double t1; if (t0_sat1 > t0_sat2) { t0 = t0_sat1; } else { t0 = t0_sat2; } if (t1_sat1 > t1_sat2) { t1 = t1_sat2; } else { t1 = t1_sat1; } if ((t1 - t0) > 0) { arma::vec t = arma::linspace(t0, t1, floor((t1 - t0) * 1e3)); // conversion between arma::vec and std:vector arma::vec t_from_start = arma::linspace(0, t1 - t0, floor((t1 - t0) * 1e3)); std::vector time_vector(t_from_start.colptr(0), t_from_start.colptr(0) + t_from_start.n_rows); // Doppler arma::vec meas_sat1_doppler_interp; arma::interp1(measured_sat1.col(0), measured_sat1.col(2), t, meas_sat1_doppler_interp); arma::vec meas_sat2_doppler_interp; arma::interp1(measured_sat2.col(0), measured_sat2.col(2), t, meas_sat2_doppler_interp); // Carrier Phase arma::vec meas_sat1_carrier_phase_interp; arma::vec meas_sat2_carrier_phase_interp; arma::interp1(measured_sat1.col(0), measured_sat1.col(3), t, meas_sat1_carrier_phase_interp); arma::interp1(measured_sat2.col(0), measured_sat2.col(3), t, meas_sat2_carrier_phase_interp); // generate double difference accumulated carrier phases // compute error without the accumulated carrier phase offsets (which depends on the receiver starting time) arma::vec delta_measured_carrier_phase_cycles = (meas_sat1_carrier_phase_interp - meas_sat1_carrier_phase_interp(0)) - (meas_sat2_carrier_phase_interp - meas_sat2_carrier_phase_interp(0)); // Pseudoranges arma::vec meas_sat1_dist_interp; arma::vec meas_sat2_dist_interp; arma::interp1(measured_sat1.col(0), measured_sat1.col(4), t, meas_sat1_dist_interp); arma::interp1(measured_sat2.col(0), measured_sat2.col(4), t, meas_sat2_dist_interp); // generate delta pseudoranges arma::vec delta_measured_dist_m = meas_sat1_dist_interp - meas_sat2_dist_interp; // Carrier Doppler error // 2. RMSE arma::vec err_ch0_hz; // compute error err_ch0_hz = meas_sat1_doppler_interp - meas_sat2_doppler_interp; // save matlab file for further analysis std::vector tmp_vector_common_time_s(t.colptr(0), t.colptr(0) + t.n_rows); std::vector tmp_vector_err_ch0_hz(err_ch0_hz.colptr(0), err_ch0_hz.colptr(0) + err_ch0_hz.n_rows); save_mat_xy(tmp_vector_common_time_s, tmp_vector_err_ch0_hz, std::string("measured_doppler_error_ch_" + std::to_string(ch_id))); // compute statistics arma::vec err2_ch0 = arma::square(err_ch0_hz); double rmse_ch0 = sqrt(arma::mean(err2_ch0)); // 3. Mean err and variance double error_mean_ch0 = arma::mean(err_ch0_hz); double error_var_ch0 = arma::var(err_ch0_hz); // 4. Peaks double max_error_ch0 = arma::max(err_ch0_hz); double min_error_ch0 = arma::min(err_ch0_hz); // 5. report std::streamsize ss = std::cout.precision(); std::cout << std::setprecision(10) << data_title << "Carrier Doppler RMSE = " << rmse_ch0 << ", mean = " << error_mean_ch0 << ", stdev = " << sqrt(error_var_ch0) << " (max,min) = " << max_error_ch0 << "," << min_error_ch0 << " [Hz]\n"; std::cout.precision(ss); // plots #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS if (FLAGS_show_plots) #else if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_show_plots)) #endif { Gnuplot g3("linespoints"); g3.set_title(data_title + "Carrier Doppler error [Hz]"); g3.set_grid(); g3.set_xlabel("Time [s]"); g3.set_ylabel("Carrier Doppler error [Hz]"); // conversion between arma::vec and std:vector std::vector error_vec(err_ch0_hz.colptr(0), err_ch0_hz.colptr(0) + err_ch0_hz.n_rows); g3.cmd("set key box opaque"); g3.plot_xy(time_vector, error_vec, "Carrier Doppler error"); g3.set_legend(); g3.savetops(data_title + "Carrier_doppler_error"); g3.showonscreen(); // window output } // check results against the test tolerance EXPECT_LT(error_mean_ch0, 5); EXPECT_GT(error_mean_ch0, -5); // assuming PLL BW=35 EXPECT_LT(error_var_ch0, 250); EXPECT_LT(max_error_ch0, 100); EXPECT_GT(min_error_ch0, -100); EXPECT_LT(rmse_ch0, 30); // Carrier Phase error // 2. RMSE arma::vec err_carrier_phase; err_carrier_phase = delta_measured_carrier_phase_cycles; // save matlab file for further analysis std::vector tmp_vector_err_carrier_phase(err_carrier_phase.colptr(0), err_carrier_phase.colptr(0) + err_carrier_phase.n_rows); save_mat_xy(tmp_vector_common_time_s, tmp_vector_err_carrier_phase, std::string("measured_carrier_phase_error_ch_" + std::to_string(ch_id))); arma::vec err2_carrier_phase = arma::square(err_carrier_phase); double rmse_carrier_phase = sqrt(arma::mean(err2_carrier_phase)); // 3. Mean err and variance double error_mean_carrier_phase = arma::mean(err_carrier_phase); double error_var_carrier_phase = arma::var(err_carrier_phase); // 4. Peaks double max_error_carrier_phase = arma::max(err_carrier_phase); double min_error_carrier_phase = arma::min(err_carrier_phase); // 5. report ss = std::cout.precision(); std::cout << std::setprecision(10) << data_title << "Carrier Phase RMSE = " << rmse_carrier_phase << ", mean = " << error_mean_carrier_phase << ", stdev = " << sqrt(error_var_carrier_phase) << " (max,min) = " << max_error_carrier_phase << "," << min_error_carrier_phase << " [Cycles]\n"; std::cout.precision(ss); // plots #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS if (FLAGS_show_plots) #else if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_show_plots)) #endif { Gnuplot g3("linespoints"); g3.set_title(data_title + "Carrier Phase error [Cycles]"); g3.set_grid(); g3.set_xlabel("Time [s]"); g3.set_ylabel("Carrier Phase error [Cycles]"); // conversion between arma::vec and std:vector std::vector range_error_m(err_carrier_phase.colptr(0), err_carrier_phase.colptr(0) + err_carrier_phase.n_rows); g3.cmd("set key box opaque"); g3.plot_xy(time_vector, range_error_m, "Carrier Phase error"); g3.set_legend(); g3.savetops(data_title + "duplicated_satellite_carrier_phase_error"); g3.showonscreen(); // window output } // check results against the test tolerance EXPECT_LT(rmse_carrier_phase, 0.25); EXPECT_LT(error_mean_carrier_phase, 0.2); EXPECT_GT(error_mean_carrier_phase, -0.2); EXPECT_LT(error_var_carrier_phase, 0.5); EXPECT_LT(max_error_carrier_phase, 0.5); EXPECT_GT(min_error_carrier_phase, -0.5); // Pseudorange error // 2. RMSE arma::vec err_pseudorange; err_pseudorange = delta_measured_dist_m; // save matlab file for further analysis std::vector tmp_vector_err_pseudorange(err_pseudorange.colptr(0), err_pseudorange.colptr(0) + err_pseudorange.n_rows); save_mat_xy(tmp_vector_common_time_s, tmp_vector_err_pseudorange, std::string("measured_pr_error_ch_" + std::to_string(ch_id))); arma::vec err2_pseudorange = arma::square(err_pseudorange); double rmse_pseudorange = sqrt(arma::mean(err2_pseudorange)); // 3. Mean err and variance double error_mean_pseudorange = arma::mean(err_pseudorange); double error_var_pseudorange = arma::var(err_pseudorange); // 4. Peaks double max_error_pseudorange = arma::max(err_pseudorange); double min_error_pseudorange = arma::min(err_pseudorange); // 5. report ss = std::cout.precision(); std::cout << std::setprecision(10) << data_title << "Pseudorange RMSE = " << rmse_pseudorange << ", mean = " << error_mean_pseudorange << ", stdev = " << sqrt(error_var_pseudorange) << " (max,min) = " << max_error_pseudorange << "," << min_error_pseudorange << " [meters]\n"; std::cout.precision(ss); // plots #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS if (FLAGS_show_plots) #else if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_show_plots)) #endif { Gnuplot g3("linespoints"); g3.set_title(data_title + "Pseudorange error [m]"); g3.set_grid(); g3.set_xlabel("Time [s]"); g3.set_ylabel("Pseudorange error [m]"); // conversion between arma::vec and std:vector std::vector range_error_m(err_pseudorange.colptr(0), err_pseudorange.colptr(0) + err_pseudorange.n_rows); g3.cmd("set key box opaque"); g3.plot_xy(time_vector, range_error_m, "Pseudorrange error"); g3.set_legend(); g3.savetops(data_title + "duplicated_satellite_pseudorrange_error"); g3.showonscreen(); // window output } // check results against the test tolerance EXPECT_LT(rmse_pseudorange, 3.0); EXPECT_LT(error_mean_pseudorange, 1.0); EXPECT_GT(error_mean_pseudorange, -1.0); EXPECT_LT(error_var_pseudorange, 10.0); EXPECT_LT(max_error_pseudorange, 15.0); EXPECT_GT(min_error_pseudorange, -15.0); } } bool HybridObservablesTest::save_mat_xy(std::vector& x, std::vector& y, std::string filename) { try { // WRITE MAT FILE mat_t* matfp; matvar_t* matvar; filename.append(".mat"); std::cout << "save_mat_xy write " << filename << '\n'; matfp = Mat_CreateVer(filename.c_str(), nullptr, MAT_FT_MAT5); if (reinterpret_cast(matfp) != nullptr) { size_t dims[2] = {1, x.size()}; matvar = Mat_VarCreate("x", MAT_C_DOUBLE, MAT_T_DOUBLE, 2, dims, &x[0], 0); Mat_VarWrite(matfp, matvar, MAT_COMPRESSION_ZLIB); // or MAT_COMPRESSION_NONE Mat_VarFree(matvar); matvar = Mat_VarCreate("y", MAT_C_DOUBLE, MAT_T_DOUBLE, 2, dims, &y[0], 0); Mat_VarWrite(matfp, matvar, MAT_COMPRESSION_ZLIB); // or MAT_COMPRESSION_NONE Mat_VarFree(matvar); } else { std::cout << "save_mat_xy: error creating file\n"; } Mat_Close(matfp); return true; } catch (const std::exception& ex) { std::cout << "save_mat_xy: " << ex.what() << '\n'; return false; } } void HybridObservablesTest::check_results_code_pseudorange( arma::mat& true_ch0, arma::mat& true_ch1, arma::vec& true_tow_ch0_s, arma::vec& true_tow_ch1_s, arma::mat& measured_ch0, arma::mat& measured_ch1, const std::string& data_title) { // 1. True value interpolation to match the measurement times double t0 = std::max(measured_ch0(0, 0), measured_ch1(0, 0)); int size1 = measured_ch0.col(0).n_rows; int size2 = measured_ch1.col(0).n_rows; double t1 = std::min(measured_ch0(size1 - 1, 0), measured_ch1(size2 - 1, 0)); if ((t1 - t0) > 0) { arma::vec t = arma::linspace(t0, t1, floor((t1 - t0) * 1e3)); // conversion between arma::vec and std:vector arma::vec t_from_start = arma::linspace(0, t1 - t0, floor((t1 - t0) * 1e3)); std::vector time_vector(t_from_start.colptr(0), t_from_start.colptr(0) + t_from_start.n_rows); arma::vec true_ch0_dist_interp; arma::vec true_ch1_dist_interp; arma::interp1(true_tow_ch0_s, true_ch0.col(1), t, true_ch0_dist_interp); arma::interp1(true_tow_ch1_s, true_ch1.col(1), t, true_ch1_dist_interp); arma::vec meas_ch0_dist_interp; arma::vec meas_ch1_dist_interp; arma::interp1(measured_ch0.col(0), measured_ch0.col(4), t, meas_ch0_dist_interp); arma::interp1(measured_ch1.col(0), measured_ch1.col(4), t, meas_ch1_dist_interp); // generate delta pseudoranges arma::vec delta_true_dist_m = true_ch0_dist_interp - true_ch1_dist_interp; arma::vec delta_measured_dist_m = meas_ch0_dist_interp - meas_ch1_dist_interp; // 2. RMSE arma::vec err; err = delta_measured_dist_m - delta_true_dist_m; arma::vec err2 = arma::square(err); double rmse = sqrt(arma::mean(err2)); // 3. Mean err and variance double error_mean = arma::mean(err); double error_var = arma::var(err); // 4. Peaks double max_error = arma::max(err); double min_error = arma::min(err); // 5. report std::streamsize ss = std::cout.precision(); std::cout << std::setprecision(10) << data_title << "Double diff Pseudorange RMSE = " << rmse << ", mean = " << error_mean << ", stdev = " << sqrt(error_var) << " (max,min) = " << max_error << "," << min_error << " [meters]\n"; std::cout.precision(ss); // plots #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS if (FLAGS_show_plots) #else if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_show_plots)) #endif { Gnuplot g3("linespoints"); g3.set_title(data_title + "Double diff Pseudorange error [m]"); g3.set_grid(); g3.set_xlabel("Time [s]"); g3.set_ylabel("Double diff Pseudorange error [m]"); // conversion between arma::vec and std:vector std::vector range_error_m(err.colptr(0), err.colptr(0) + err.n_rows); g3.cmd("set key box opaque"); g3.plot_xy(time_vector, range_error_m, "Double diff Pseudorrange error"); g3.set_legend(); g3.savetops(data_title + "double_diff_pseudorrange_error"); g3.showonscreen(); // window output } // check results against the test tolerance if (!std::isnan(rmse)) { ASSERT_LT(rmse, 3.0); ASSERT_LT(error_mean, 1.0); ASSERT_GT(error_mean, -1.0); ASSERT_LT(error_var, 10.0); ASSERT_LT(max_error, 15.0); ASSERT_GT(min_error, -15.0); } } else { std::cout << "Problem with observables in " << data_title << '\n'; } } bool HybridObservablesTest::ReadRinexObs(std::vector* obs_vec, Gnss_Synchro gnss) { // Open and read reference RINEX observables file try { #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS gnsstk::Rinex3ObsStream r_ref(FLAGS_filename_rinex_obs); #else gnsstk::Rinex3ObsStream r_ref(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_filename_rinex_obs)); #endif r_ref.exceptions(std::ios::failbit); gnsstk::Rinex3ObsData r_ref_data; gnsstk::Rinex3ObsHeader r_ref_header; gnsstk::RinexDatum dataobj; r_ref >> r_ref_header; std::vector first_row; gnsstk::SatID prn; for (unsigned int n = 0; n < gnss_synchro_vec.size(); n++) { first_row.push_back(true); obs_vec->push_back(arma::zeros(1, 4)); } while (r_ref >> r_ref_data) { for (unsigned int n = 0; n < gnss_synchro_vec.size(); n++) { int myprn = gnss_synchro_vec.at(n).PRN; switch (gnss.System) { case 'G': #if OLD_GPSTK prn = gnsstk::SatID(myprn, gnsstk::SatID::systemGPS); #else prn = gnsstk::SatID(myprn, gnsstk::SatelliteSystem::GPS); #endif break; case 'E': #if OLD_GPSTK prn = gnsstk::SatID(myprn, gnsstk::SatID::systemGalileo); #else prn = gnsstk::SatID(myprn, gnsstk::SatelliteSystem::Galileo); #endif break; default: #if OLD_GPSTK prn = gnsstk::SatID(myprn, gnsstk::SatID::systemGPS); #else prn = gnsstk::SatID(myprn, gnsstk::SatelliteSystem::GPS); #endif } gnsstk::CommonTime time = r_ref_data.time; #if GNSSTK_OLDER_THAN_9 double sow(static_cast(time).sow); #else gnsstk::GPSWeekSecond gws(time); double sow(gws.getSOW()); #endif auto pointer = r_ref_data.obs.find(prn); if (pointer == r_ref_data.obs.end()) { // PRN not present; do nothing } else { if (first_row.at(n) == false) { // insert next column obs_vec->at(n).insert_rows(obs_vec->at(n).n_rows, 1); } else { first_row.at(n) = false; } if (strcmp("1C\0", gnss.Signal) == 0) { obs_vec->at(n)(obs_vec->at(n).n_rows - 1, 0) = sow; dataobj = r_ref_data.getObs(prn, "C1C", r_ref_header); obs_vec->at(n)(obs_vec->at(n).n_rows - 1, 1) = dataobj.data; // C1C P1 (psudorange L1) dataobj = r_ref_data.getObs(prn, "D1C", r_ref_header); obs_vec->at(n)(obs_vec->at(n).n_rows - 1, 2) = dataobj.data; // D1C Carrier Doppler dataobj = r_ref_data.getObs(prn, "L1C", r_ref_header); obs_vec->at(n)(obs_vec->at(n).n_rows - 1, 3) = dataobj.data; // L1C Carrier Phase } else if (strcmp("1B\0", gnss.Signal) == 0) { obs_vec->at(n)(obs_vec->at(n).n_rows - 1, 0) = sow; dataobj = r_ref_data.getObs(prn, "C1B", r_ref_header); obs_vec->at(n)(obs_vec->at(n).n_rows - 1, 1) = dataobj.data; dataobj = r_ref_data.getObs(prn, "D1B", r_ref_header); obs_vec->at(n)(obs_vec->at(n).n_rows - 1, 2) = dataobj.data; dataobj = r_ref_data.getObs(prn, "L1B", r_ref_header); obs_vec->at(n)(obs_vec->at(n).n_rows - 1, 3) = dataobj.data; } else if (strcmp("2S\0", gnss.Signal) == 0) // L2M { obs_vec->at(n)(obs_vec->at(n).n_rows - 1, 0) = sow; dataobj = r_ref_data.getObs(prn, "C2S", r_ref_header); obs_vec->at(n)(obs_vec->at(n).n_rows - 1, 1) = dataobj.data; dataobj = r_ref_data.getObs(prn, "D2S", r_ref_header); obs_vec->at(n)(obs_vec->at(n).n_rows - 1, 2) = dataobj.data; dataobj = r_ref_data.getObs(prn, "L2S", r_ref_header); obs_vec->at(n)(obs_vec->at(n).n_rows - 1, 3) = dataobj.data; } else if (strcmp("L5\0", gnss.Signal) == 0) { obs_vec->at(n)(obs_vec->at(n).n_rows - 1, 0) = sow; dataobj = r_ref_data.getObs(prn, "C5I", r_ref_header); obs_vec->at(n)(obs_vec->at(n).n_rows - 1, 1) = dataobj.data; dataobj = r_ref_data.getObs(prn, "D5I", r_ref_header); obs_vec->at(n)(obs_vec->at(n).n_rows - 1, 2) = dataobj.data; dataobj = r_ref_data.getObs(prn, "L5I", r_ref_header); obs_vec->at(n)(obs_vec->at(n).n_rows - 1, 3) = dataobj.data; } else if (strcmp("5X\0", gnss.Signal) == 0) // Simulator gives RINEX with E5a+E5b. Doppler and accumulated Carrier phase WILL differ { obs_vec->at(n)(obs_vec->at(n).n_rows - 1, 0) = sow; dataobj = r_ref_data.getObs(prn, "C8I", r_ref_header); obs_vec->at(n)(obs_vec->at(n).n_rows - 1, 1) = dataobj.data; dataobj = r_ref_data.getObs(prn, "D8I", r_ref_header); obs_vec->at(n)(obs_vec->at(n).n_rows - 1, 2) = dataobj.data; dataobj = r_ref_data.getObs(prn, "L8I", r_ref_header); obs_vec->at(n)(obs_vec->at(n).n_rows - 1, 3) = dataobj.data; } else { std::cout << "ReadRinexObs unknown signal requested: " << gnss.Signal << '\n'; return false; } } } } // end while } // End of 'try' block catch (const gnsstk::FFStreamError& e) { std::cout << e; return false; } catch (const gnsstk::Exception& e) { std::cout << e; return false; } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what(); std::cout << "unknown error. I don't feel so well...\n"; return false; } std::cout << "ReadRinexObs info:\n"; for (unsigned int n = 0; n < gnss_synchro_vec.size(); n++) { std::cout << "SAT PRN " << gnss_synchro_vec.at(n).PRN << " RINEX epoch read: " << obs_vec->at(n).n_rows << '\n'; } return true; } TEST_F(HybridObservablesTest, ValidationOfResults) { // Configure the signal generator configure_generator(); // Generate signal raw signal samples and observations RINEX file #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS if (FLAGS_disable_generator == false) #else if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_disable_generator) == false) #endif { generate_signal(); } std::chrono::time_point start, end; std::chrono::duration elapsed_seconds(0); // use generator or use an external capture file #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS if (FLAGS_enable_external_signal_file) #else if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_enable_external_signal_file)) #endif { // create and configure an acquisition block and perform an acquisition to obtain the synchronization parameters ASSERT_EQ(acquire_signal(), true); } else { Gnss_Synchro tmp_gnss_synchro; tmp_gnss_synchro.System = 'G'; std::string signal = "1C"; signal.copy(tmp_gnss_synchro.Signal, 2, 0); #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS std::istringstream ss(FLAGS_test_satellite_PRN_list); #else std::istringstream ss(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_test_satellite_PRN_list)); #endif std::string token; while (std::getline(ss, token, ',')) { tmp_gnss_synchro.PRN = boost::lexical_cast(token); gnss_synchro_vec.push_back(tmp_gnss_synchro); } } #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS configure_receiver(FLAGS_PLL_bw_hz_start, FLAGS_DLL_bw_hz_start, FLAGS_PLL_narrow_bw_hz, FLAGS_DLL_narrow_bw_hz, FLAGS_extend_correlation_symbols, FLAGS_smoother_length, FLAGS_high_dyn); #else configure_receiver(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_PLL_bw_hz_start), absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_DLL_bw_hz_start), absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_PLL_narrow_bw_hz), absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_DLL_narrow_bw_hz), absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_extend_correlation_symbols), absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_smoother_length), absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_high_dyn)); #endif for (auto& n : gnss_synchro_vec) { // setup the signal synchronization, simulating an acquisition #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS if (!FLAGS_enable_external_signal_file) #else if (!absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_enable_external_signal_file)) #endif { // based on true observables metadata (for custom sdr generator) // open true observables log file written by the simulator or based on provided RINEX obs std::vector > true_reader_vec; // read true data from the generator logs true_reader_vec.push_back(std::make_shared()); std::cout << "Loading true observable data for PRN " << n.PRN << '\n'; std::string true_obs_file = std::string("./gps_l1_ca_obs_prn"); true_obs_file.append(std::to_string(n.PRN)); true_obs_file.append(".dat"); ASSERT_NO_THROW({ if (true_reader_vec.back()->open_obs_file(true_obs_file) == false) { throw std::exception(); }; }) << "Failure opening true observables file"; // load acquisition data based on the first epoch of the true observations ASSERT_NO_THROW({ if (true_reader_vec.back()->read_binary_obs() == false) { throw std::exception(); }; }) << "Failure reading true observables file"; // restart the epoch counter true_reader_vec.back()->restart(); std::cout << "Initial Doppler [Hz]=" << true_reader_vec.back()->doppler_l1_hz << " Initial code delay [Chips]=" << true_reader_vec.back()->prn_delay_chips << '\n'; n.Acq_delay_samples = (GPS_L1_CA_CODE_LENGTH_CHIPS - true_reader_vec.back()->prn_delay_chips / GPS_L1_CA_CODE_LENGTH_CHIPS) * baseband_sampling_freq * GPS_L1_CA_CODE_PERIOD_S; n.Acq_doppler_hz = true_reader_vec.back()->doppler_l1_hz; n.Acq_samplestamp_samples = 0; } else { // based on the signal acquisition process std::cout << "Estimated Initial Doppler " << n.Acq_doppler_hz << " [Hz], estimated Initial code delay " << n.Acq_delay_samples << " [Samples]" << " Acquisition SampleStamp is " << n.Acq_samplestamp_samples << '\n'; n.Acq_samplestamp_samples = 0; } } std::vector > tracking_ch_vec; std::vector > tlm_ch_vec; std::vector null_sink_vec; for (unsigned int n = 0; n < gnss_synchro_vec.size(); n++) { // set channels ids gnss_synchro_vec.at(n).Channel_ID = n; // create the tracking channels and create the telemetry decoders std::shared_ptr trk_ = factory->GetBlock(config.get(), "Tracking", 1, 1); tracking_ch_vec.push_back(std::dynamic_pointer_cast(trk_)); std::shared_ptr tlm_ = factory->GetBlock(config.get(), "TelemetryDecoder", 1, 1); tlm_ch_vec.push_back(std::dynamic_pointer_cast(tlm_)); // create null sinks for observables output null_sink_vec.push_back(gr::blocks::null_sink::make(sizeof(Gnss_Synchro))); ASSERT_NO_THROW({ tlm_ch_vec.back()->set_channel(gnss_synchro_vec.at(n).Channel_ID); switch (gnss_synchro_master.System) { case 'G': tlm_ch_vec.back()->set_satellite(Gnss_Satellite(std::string("GPS"), gnss_synchro_vec.at(n).PRN)); break; case 'E': tlm_ch_vec.back()->set_satellite(Gnss_Satellite(std::string("Galileo"), gnss_synchro_vec.at(n).PRN)); break; default: tlm_ch_vec.back()->set_satellite(Gnss_Satellite(std::string("GPS"), gnss_synchro_vec.at(n).PRN)); } }) << "Failure setting gnss_synchro."; ASSERT_NO_THROW({ tracking_ch_vec.back()->set_channel(gnss_synchro_vec.at(n).Channel_ID); }) << "Failure setting channel."; ASSERT_NO_THROW({ tracking_ch_vec.back()->set_gnss_synchro(&gnss_synchro_vec.at(n)); }) << "Failure setting gnss_synchro."; } auto top_block_tlm = gr::make_top_block("Telemetry_Decoder test"); auto dummy_msg_rx_trk = HybridObservablesTest_msg_rx_make(); auto dummy_tlm_msg_rx = HybridObservablesTest_tlm_msg_rx_make(); // Observables std::shared_ptr observables = std::make_shared(config.get(), "Observables", tracking_ch_vec.size() + 1, tracking_ch_vec.size()); for (auto& n : tracking_ch_vec) { ASSERT_NO_THROW({ n->connect(top_block_tlm); }) << "Failure connecting tracking to the top_block."; } ASSERT_NO_THROW({ std::string file; #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS if (!FLAGS_enable_external_signal_file) { file = "./" + filename_raw_data; } else { file = FLAGS_signal_file; } #else if (!absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_enable_external_signal_file)) { file = "./" + filename_raw_data; } else { file = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_signal_file); } #endif const char* file_name = file.c_str(); gr::blocks::file_source::sptr file_source = gr::blocks::file_source::make(sizeof(int8_t), file_name, false); gr::blocks::interleaved_char_to_complex::sptr gr_interleaved_char_to_complex = gr::blocks::interleaved_char_to_complex::make(); int observable_interval_ms = 20; gnss_sdr_sample_counter_sptr samp_counter = gnss_sdr_make_sample_counter(static_cast(baseband_sampling_freq), observable_interval_ms, sizeof(gr_complex)); top_block_tlm->connect(file_source, 0, gr_interleaved_char_to_complex, 0); top_block_tlm->connect(gr_interleaved_char_to_complex, 0, samp_counter, 0); for (unsigned int n = 0; n < tracking_ch_vec.size(); n++) { top_block_tlm->connect(gr_interleaved_char_to_complex, 0, tracking_ch_vec.at(n)->get_left_block(), 0); top_block_tlm->connect(tracking_ch_vec.at(n)->get_right_block(), 0, tlm_ch_vec.at(n)->get_left_block(), 0); top_block_tlm->connect(tlm_ch_vec.at(n)->get_right_block(), 0, observables->get_left_block(), n); top_block_tlm->msg_connect(tracking_ch_vec.at(n)->get_right_block(), pmt::mp("events"), dummy_msg_rx_trk, pmt::mp("events")); top_block_tlm->connect(observables->get_right_block(), n, null_sink_vec.at(n), 0); } // connect sample counter and timmer to the last channel in observables block (extra channel) top_block_tlm->connect(samp_counter, 0, observables->get_left_block(), tracking_ch_vec.size()); #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS file_source->seek(2 * FLAGS_skip_samples, 0); // skip head. ibyte, two bytes per complex sample #else file_source->seek(2 * absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_skip_samples), 0); // skip head. ibyte, two bytes per complex sample #endif }) << "Failure connecting the blocks."; for (auto& n : tracking_ch_vec) { n->start_tracking(); } EXPECT_NO_THROW({ start = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); top_block_tlm->run(); // Start threads and wait end = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); elapsed_seconds = end - start; }) << "Failure running the top_block."; // check results // Matrices for storing columnwise true GPS time, Range, Doppler and Carrier phase std::vector true_obs_vec; #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS if (!FLAGS_enable_external_signal_file) #else if (!absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_enable_external_signal_file)) #endif { // load the true values True_Observables_Reader true_observables; ASSERT_NO_THROW({ if (true_observables.open_obs_file(std::string("./obs_out.bin")) == false) { throw std::exception(); } }) << "Failure opening true observables file"; auto nepoch = static_cast(true_observables.num_epochs()); std::cout << "True observation epochs = " << nepoch << '\n'; true_observables.restart(); int64_t epoch_counter = 0; for (unsigned int n = 0; n < tracking_ch_vec.size(); n++) { true_obs_vec.push_back(arma::zeros(nepoch, 4)); } ASSERT_NO_THROW({ while (true_observables.read_binary_obs()) { for (unsigned int n = 0; n < true_obs_vec.size(); n++) { if (round(true_observables.prn[n]) != gnss_synchro_vec.at(n).PRN) { std::cout << "True observables SV PRN does not match measured ones: " << round(true_observables.prn[n]) << " vs. " << gnss_synchro_vec.at(n).PRN << '\n'; throw std::exception(); } true_obs_vec.at(n)(epoch_counter, 0) = true_observables.gps_time_sec[n]; true_obs_vec.at(n)(epoch_counter, 1) = true_observables.dist_m[n]; true_obs_vec.at(n)(epoch_counter, 2) = true_observables.doppler_l1_hz[n]; true_obs_vec.at(n)(epoch_counter, 3) = true_observables.acc_carrier_phase_l1_cycles[n]; } epoch_counter++; } }); } else { #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS if (!FLAGS_duplicated_satellites_test) #else if (!absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_duplicated_satellites_test)) #endif { ASSERT_EQ(ReadRinexObs(&true_obs_vec, gnss_synchro_master), true) << "Failure reading RINEX file"; } } // read measured values Observables_Dump_Reader estimated_observables(tracking_ch_vec.size()); ASSERT_NO_THROW({ if (estimated_observables.open_obs_file(std::string("./observables.dat")) == false) { throw std::exception(); } }) << "Failure opening dump observables file"; auto nepoch = static_cast(estimated_observables.num_epochs()); std::cout << "Measured observations epochs = " << nepoch << '\n'; // Matrices for storing columnwise measured RX_time, TOW, Doppler, Carrier phase and Pseudorange std::vector measured_obs_vec; std::vector epoch_counters_vec; for (unsigned int n = 0; n < tracking_ch_vec.size(); n++) { measured_obs_vec.push_back(arma::zeros(nepoch, 5)); epoch_counters_vec.push_back(0); } estimated_observables.restart(); while (estimated_observables.read_binary_obs()) { for (unsigned int n = 0; n < measured_obs_vec.size(); n++) { if (static_cast(estimated_observables.valid[n])) { measured_obs_vec.at(n)(epoch_counters_vec.at(n), 0) = estimated_observables.RX_time[n]; measured_obs_vec.at(n)(epoch_counters_vec.at(n), 1) = estimated_observables.TOW_at_current_symbol_s[n]; measured_obs_vec.at(n)(epoch_counters_vec.at(n), 2) = estimated_observables.Carrier_Doppler_hz[n]; measured_obs_vec.at(n)(epoch_counters_vec.at(n), 3) = estimated_observables.Acc_carrier_phase_hz[n]; measured_obs_vec.at(n)(epoch_counters_vec.at(n), 4) = estimated_observables.Pseudorange_m[n]; epoch_counters_vec.at(n)++; } } } // Cut measurement tail zeros arma::uvec index; for (auto& n : measured_obs_vec) { index = arma::find(n.col(0) > 0.0, 1, "last"); if ((!index.empty()) and index(0) < (nepoch - 1)) { n.shed_rows(index(0) + 1, nepoch - 1); } } // Cut measurement initial transitory of the measurements #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS double initial_transitory_s = FLAGS_skip_obs_transitory_s; #else double initial_transitory_s = absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_skip_obs_transitory_s); #endif for (unsigned int n = 0; n < measured_obs_vec.size(); n++) { index = arma::find(measured_obs_vec.at(n).col(0) >= (measured_obs_vec.at(n)(0, 0) + initial_transitory_s), 1, "first"); if ((!index.empty()) and (index(0) > 0)) { measured_obs_vec.at(n).shed_rows(0, index(0)); } #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS if (!FLAGS_duplicated_satellites_test) #else if (!absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_duplicated_satellites_test)) #endif { index = arma::find(measured_obs_vec.at(n).col(0) >= true_obs_vec.at(n)(0, 0), 1, "first"); if ((!index.empty()) and (index(0) > 0)) { measured_obs_vec.at(n).shed_rows(0, index(0)); } } } #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS if (FLAGS_duplicated_satellites_test) #else if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_duplicated_satellites_test)) #endif { // special test mode for duplicated satellites std::vector prn_pairs; #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS std::stringstream ss(FLAGS_duplicated_satellites_prns); #else std::stringstream ss(absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_duplicated_satellites_prns)); #endif unsigned int i; while (ss >> i) { prn_pairs.push_back(i); if (ss.peek() == ',') { ss.ignore(); } } if (prn_pairs.size() % 2 != 0) { std::cout << "Test settings error: duplicated_satellites_prns are even\n"; } else { for (unsigned int n = 0; n < prn_pairs.size(); n = n + 2) { int sat1_ch_id = -1; int sat2_ch_id = -1; for (unsigned int ch = 0; ch < measured_obs_vec.size(); ch++) { if (epoch_counters_vec.at(ch) > 100) // discard non-valid channels { if (gnss_synchro_vec.at(ch).PRN == prn_pairs.at(n)) { sat1_ch_id = ch; } if (gnss_synchro_vec.at(ch).PRN == prn_pairs.at(n + 1)) { sat2_ch_id = ch; } } } if (sat1_ch_id != -1 and sat2_ch_id != -1) { // compute single differences for the duplicated satellite check_results_duplicated_satellite( measured_obs_vec.at(sat1_ch_id), measured_obs_vec.at(sat2_ch_id), sat1_ch_id, "Duplicated sat [CH " + std::to_string(sat1_ch_id) + "," + std::to_string(sat2_ch_id) + "] PRNs " + std::to_string(gnss_synchro_vec.at(sat1_ch_id).PRN) + "," + std::to_string(gnss_synchro_vec.at(sat2_ch_id).PRN) + " "); } else { std::cout << "Satellites PRNs " << prn_pairs.at(n) << "and " << prn_pairs.at(n) << " not found\n"; } } } } else { // normal mode // Correct the clock error using true values (it is not possible for a receiver to correct // the receiver clock offset error at the observables level because it is required the // decoding of the ephemeris data and solve the PVT equations) // Find the reference satellite (the nearest) and compute the receiver time offset at observable level double min_pr = std::numeric_limits::max(); unsigned int min_pr_ch_id = 0; for (unsigned int n = 0; n < measured_obs_vec.size(); n++) { if (epoch_counters_vec.at(n) > 100) // discard non-valid channels { { if (measured_obs_vec.at(n)(0, 4) < min_pr) { min_pr = measured_obs_vec.at(n)(0, 4); min_pr_ch_id = n; } } } else { std::cout << "PRN " << gnss_synchro_vec.at(n).PRN << " has NO observations!\n"; } } arma::vec receiver_time_offset_ref_channel_s; arma::uvec index2; index2 = arma::find(true_obs_vec.at(min_pr_ch_id).col(0) >= measured_obs_vec.at(min_pr_ch_id).col(0)(0), 1, "first"); if ((!index2.empty()) and (index2(0) > 0)) { receiver_time_offset_ref_channel_s = (true_obs_vec.at(min_pr_ch_id).col(1)(index2(0)) - measured_obs_vec.at(min_pr_ch_id).col(4)(0)) / SPEED_OF_LIGHT_M_S; std::cout << "Ref. channel initial Receiver time offset " << receiver_time_offset_ref_channel_s(0) * 1e3 << " [ms]\n"; } else { ASSERT_NO_THROW( throw std::exception();) << "Error finding observation time epoch in the reference data"; } for (unsigned int n = 0; n < measured_obs_vec.size(); n++) { // debug save to .mat std::vector tmp_vector_x(true_obs_vec.at(n).col(0).colptr(0), true_obs_vec.at(n).col(0).colptr(0) + true_obs_vec.at(n).col(0).n_rows); std::vector tmp_vector_y(true_obs_vec.at(n).col(1).colptr(0), true_obs_vec.at(n).col(1).colptr(0) + true_obs_vec.at(n).col(1).n_rows); save_mat_xy(tmp_vector_x, tmp_vector_y, std::string("true_pr_ch_" + std::to_string(n))); std::vector tmp_vector_x2(measured_obs_vec.at(n).col(0).colptr(0), measured_obs_vec.at(n).col(0).colptr(0) + measured_obs_vec.at(n).col(0).n_rows); std::vector tmp_vector_y2(measured_obs_vec.at(n).col(4).colptr(0), measured_obs_vec.at(n).col(4).colptr(0) + measured_obs_vec.at(n).col(4).n_rows); save_mat_xy(tmp_vector_x2, tmp_vector_y2, std::string("measured_pr_ch_" + std::to_string(n))); std::vector tmp_vector_x3(true_obs_vec.at(n).col(0).colptr(0), true_obs_vec.at(n).col(0).colptr(0) + true_obs_vec.at(n).col(0).n_rows); std::vector tmp_vector_y3(true_obs_vec.at(n).col(2).colptr(0), true_obs_vec.at(n).col(2).colptr(0) + true_obs_vec.at(n).col(2).n_rows); save_mat_xy(tmp_vector_x3, tmp_vector_y3, std::string("true_doppler_ch_" + std::to_string(n))); std::vector tmp_vector_x4(measured_obs_vec.at(n).col(0).colptr(0), measured_obs_vec.at(n).col(0).colptr(0) + measured_obs_vec.at(n).col(0).n_rows); std::vector tmp_vector_y4(measured_obs_vec.at(n).col(2).colptr(0), measured_obs_vec.at(n).col(2).colptr(0) + measured_obs_vec.at(n).col(2).n_rows); save_mat_xy(tmp_vector_x4, tmp_vector_y4, std::string("measured_doppler_ch_" + std::to_string(n))); std::vector tmp_vector_x5(true_obs_vec.at(n).col(0).colptr(0), true_obs_vec.at(n).col(0).colptr(0) + true_obs_vec.at(n).col(0).n_rows); std::vector tmp_vector_y5(true_obs_vec.at(n).col(3).colptr(0), true_obs_vec.at(n).col(3).colptr(0) + true_obs_vec.at(n).col(3).n_rows); save_mat_xy(tmp_vector_x5, tmp_vector_y5, std::string("true_cp_ch_" + std::to_string(n))); std::vector tmp_vector_x6(measured_obs_vec.at(n).col(0).colptr(0), measured_obs_vec.at(n).col(0).colptr(0) + measured_obs_vec.at(n).col(0).n_rows); std::vector tmp_vector_y6(measured_obs_vec.at(n).col(3).colptr(0), measured_obs_vec.at(n).col(3).colptr(0) + measured_obs_vec.at(n).col(3).n_rows); save_mat_xy(tmp_vector_x6, tmp_vector_y6, std::string("measured_cp_ch_" + std::to_string(n))); if (epoch_counters_vec.at(n) > 100) // discard non-valid channels { arma::vec true_TOW_ref_ch_s = true_obs_vec.at(min_pr_ch_id).col(0) - receiver_time_offset_ref_channel_s(0); arma::vec true_TOW_ch_s = true_obs_vec.at(n).col(0) - receiver_time_offset_ref_channel_s(0); // Compare measured observables if (min_pr_ch_id != n) { check_results_code_pseudorange(true_obs_vec.at(n), true_obs_vec.at(min_pr_ch_id), true_TOW_ch_s, true_TOW_ref_ch_s, measured_obs_vec.at(n), measured_obs_vec.at(min_pr_ch_id), "[CH " + std::to_string(n) + "] PRN " + std::to_string(gnss_synchro_vec.at(n).PRN) + " "); // Do not compare E5a with E5 RINEX due to the Doppler frequency discrepancy caused by the different center frequencies // E5a_fc=1176.45e6, E5b_fc=1207.14e6, E5_fc=1191.795e6; #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS if (strcmp("5X\0", gnss_synchro_vec.at(n).Signal) != 0 or FLAGS_compare_with_5X) #else if (strcmp("5X\0", gnss_synchro_vec.at(n).Signal) != 0 or absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_compare_with_5X)) #endif { check_results_carrier_phase_double_diff(true_obs_vec.at(n), true_obs_vec.at(min_pr_ch_id), true_TOW_ch_s, true_TOW_ref_ch_s, measured_obs_vec.at(n), measured_obs_vec.at(min_pr_ch_id), "[CH " + std::to_string(n) + "] PRN " + std::to_string(gnss_synchro_vec.at(n).PRN) + " "); check_results_carrier_doppler_double_diff(true_obs_vec.at(n), true_obs_vec.at(min_pr_ch_id), true_TOW_ch_s, true_TOW_ref_ch_s, measured_obs_vec.at(n), measured_obs_vec.at(min_pr_ch_id), "[CH " + std::to_string(n) + "] PRN " + std::to_string(gnss_synchro_vec.at(n).PRN) + " "); } } else { std::cout << "[CH " << std::to_string(n) << "] PRN " << std::to_string(gnss_synchro_vec.at(n).PRN) << " is the reference satellite\n"; } #if USE_GLOG_AND_GFLAGS if (FLAGS_compute_single_diffs) #else if (absl::GetFlag(FLAGS_compute_single_diffs)) #endif { check_results_carrier_phase(true_obs_vec.at(n), true_TOW_ch_s, measured_obs_vec.at(n), "[CH " + std::to_string(n) + "] PRN " + std::to_string(gnss_synchro_vec.at(n).PRN) + " "); check_results_carrier_doppler(true_obs_vec.at(n), true_TOW_ch_s, measured_obs_vec.at(n), "[CH " + std::to_string(n) + "] PRN " + std::to_string(gnss_synchro_vec.at(n).PRN) + " "); } } else { std::cout << "PRN " << gnss_synchro_vec.at(n).PRN << " has NO observations!\n"; } } } std::cout << "Test completed in " << elapsed_seconds.count() << " [s]\n"; }