/*! * \file ad9361_fpga_signal_source.cc * \brief signal source for Analog Devices front-end AD9361 connected directly to FPGA accelerators. * This source implements only the AD9361 control. It is NOT compatible with conventional SDR acquisition and tracking blocks. * Please use the fmcomms2 source if conventional SDR acquisition and tracking is selected in the configuration file. * \author Javier Arribas, jarribas(at)cttc.es * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (C) 2010-2019 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors) * * GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation * Satellite Systems receiver * * This file is part of GNSS-SDR. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "ad9361_fpga_signal_source.h" #include "GPS_L1_CA.h" #include "GPS_L5.h" #include "ad9361_manager.h" #include "configuration_interface.h" #include "gnss_sdr_flags.h" #include #include #include // for max #include // for std::this_thread #include // for abs #include // for exceptions #include // for open, O_WRONLY #include // for std::ifstream #include // for cout, endl #include // for string manipulation #include // for std::chrono #include // for write #include #include Ad9361FpgaSignalSource::Ad9361FpgaSignalSource(ConfigurationInterface *configuration, const std::string &role, unsigned int in_stream, unsigned int out_stream, Concurrent_Queue *queue __attribute__((unused))) : role_(role), in_stream_(in_stream), out_stream_(out_stream) { std::string default_gain_mode("slow_attack"); double default_tx_attenuation_db = -10.0; double default_manual_gain_rx1 = 64.0; double default_manual_gain_rx2 = 64.0; uint64_t default_bandwidth = 12500000; std::string default_rf_port_select("A_BALANCED"); freq_ = configuration->property(role + ".freq", GPS_L1_FREQ_HZ); sample_rate_ = configuration->property(role + ".sampling_frequency", 12500000); bandwidth_ = configuration->property(role + ".bandwidth", default_bandwidth); quadrature_ = configuration->property(role + ".quadrature", true); rf_dc_ = configuration->property(role + ".rf_dc", true); bb_dc_ = configuration->property(role + ".bb_dc", true); rx1_enable_ = configuration->property(role + ".rx1_enable", true); rx2_enable_ = configuration->property(role + ".rx2_enable", true); gain_mode_rx1_ = configuration->property(role + ".gain_mode_rx1", default_gain_mode); gain_mode_rx2_ = configuration->property(role + ".gain_mode_rx2", default_gain_mode); rf_gain_rx1_ = configuration->property(role + ".gain_rx1", default_manual_gain_rx1); rf_gain_rx2_ = configuration->property(role + ".gain_rx2", default_manual_gain_rx2); rf_port_select_ = configuration->property(role + ".rf_port_select", default_rf_port_select); filter_file_ = configuration->property(role + ".filter_file", std::string("")); filter_filename_ = configuration->property(role + ".filter_filename", filter_file_); filter_auto_ = configuration->property(role + ".filter_auto", false); if (filter_auto_) { filter_source_ = configuration->property(role + ".filter_source", std::string("Auto")); } else { filter_source_ = configuration->property(role + ".filter_source", std::string("Off")); } Fpass_ = configuration->property(role + ".Fpass", 0.0); Fstop_ = configuration->property(role + ".Fstop", 0.0); enable_dds_lo_ = configuration->property(role + ".enable_dds_lo", false); freq_dds_tx_hz_ = configuration->property(role + ".freq_dds_tx_hz", 10000); freq_rf_tx_hz_ = configuration->property(role + ".freq_rf_tx_hz", GPS_L1_FREQ_HZ - GPS_L5_FREQ_HZ - freq_dds_tx_hz_); scale_dds_dbfs_ = configuration->property(role + ".scale_dds_dbfs", -3.0); tx_attenuation_db_ = configuration->property(role + ".tx_attenuation_db", default_tx_attenuation_db); tx_bandwidth_ = configuration->property(role + ".tx_bandwidth", 500000); phase_dds_deg_ = configuration->property(role + ".phase_dds_deg", 0.0); rf_shutdown_ = configuration->property(role + ".rf_shutdown", FLAGS_rf_shutdown); // turn switch to A/D position std::string default_device_name = "/dev/uio1"; std::string device_name = configuration->property(role + ".devicename", default_device_name); switch_position = configuration->property(role + ".switch_position", 0); if (switch_position != 0 && switch_position != 2) { std::cout << "SignalSource.switch_position configuration parameter must be either 0: read from file(s) via DMA, or 2: read from AD9361" << std::endl; std::cout << "SignalSource.switch_position configuration parameter set to its default value switch_position=0 - read from file(s)" << std::endl; switch_position = 0; } switch_fpga = std::make_shared(device_name); switch_fpga->set_switch_position(switch_position); item_size_ = sizeof(gr_complex); std::cout << "Sample rate: " << sample_rate_ << " Sps" << std::endl; if (switch_position == 0) // Inject file(s) via DMA { enable_DMA_ = true; std::string empty_string; filename_rx1 = configuration->property(role + ".filename", empty_string); // override value with commandline flag, if present if (FLAGS_signal_source != "-") { filename_rx1 = FLAGS_signal_source; } if (FLAGS_s != "-") { filename_rx1 = FLAGS_s; } if (filename_rx1.empty()) { filename_rx1 = configuration->property(role + ".filename0", empty_string); filename_rx2 = configuration->property(role + ".filename1", empty_string); } int l1_band = configuration->property("Channels_1C.count", 0) + configuration->property("Channels_1B.count", 0); int l2_band = configuration->property("Channels_L5.count", 0) + configuration->property("Channels_5X.count", 0) + configuration->property("Channels_2S.count", 0); if (l1_band != 0) { freq_band = "L1"; } if (l2_band != 0 && l1_band == 0) { freq_band = "L2"; } if (l1_band != 0 && l2_band != 0) { freq_band = "L1L2"; } thread_file_to_dma = std::thread([&] { run_DMA_process(freq_band, filename_rx1, filename_rx2, enable_DMA_); }); } if (switch_position == 2) // Real-time via AD9361 { // some basic checks if ((rf_port_select_ != "A_BALANCED") and (rf_port_select_ != "B_BALANCED") and (rf_port_select_ != "A_N") and (rf_port_select_ != "B_N") and (rf_port_select_ != "B_P") and (rf_port_select_ != "C_N") and (rf_port_select_ != "C_P") and (rf_port_select_ != "TX_MONITOR1") and (rf_port_select_ != "TX_MONITOR2") and (rf_port_select_ != "TX_MONITOR1_2")) { std::cout << "Configuration parameter rf_port_select should take one of these values:" << std::endl; std::cout << " A_BALANCED, B_BALANCED, A_N, B_N, B_P, C_N, C_P, TX_MONITOR1, TX_MONITOR2, TX_MONITOR1_2" << std::endl; std::cout << "Error: provided value rf_port_select=" << rf_port_select_ << " is not among valid values" << std::endl; std::cout << " This parameter has been set to its default value rf_port_select=" << default_rf_port_select << std::endl; rf_port_select_ = default_rf_port_select; LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid configuration value for rf_port_select parameter. Set to rf_port_select=" << default_rf_port_select; } if ((gain_mode_rx1_ != "manual") and (gain_mode_rx1_ != "slow_attack") and (gain_mode_rx1_ != "fast_attack") and (gain_mode_rx1_ != "hybrid")) { std::cout << "Configuration parameter gain_mode_rx1 should take one of these values:" << std::endl; std::cout << " manual, slow_attack, fast_attack, hybrid" << std::endl; std::cout << "Error: provided value gain_mode_rx1=" << gain_mode_rx1_ << " is not among valid values" << std::endl; std::cout << " This parameter has been set to its default value gain_mode_rx1=" << default_gain_mode << std::endl; gain_mode_rx1_ = default_gain_mode; LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid configuration value for gain_mode_rx1 parameter. Set to gain_mode_rx1=" << default_gain_mode; } if ((gain_mode_rx2_ != "manual") and (gain_mode_rx2_ != "slow_attack") and (gain_mode_rx2_ != "fast_attack") and (gain_mode_rx2_ != "hybrid")) { std::cout << "Configuration parameter gain_mode_rx2 should take one of these values:" << std::endl; std::cout << " manual, slow_attack, fast_attack, hybrid" << std::endl; std::cout << "Error: provided value gain_mode_rx2=" << gain_mode_rx2_ << " is not among valid values" << std::endl; std::cout << " This parameter has been set to its default value gain_mode_rx2=" << default_gain_mode << std::endl; gain_mode_rx2_ = default_gain_mode; LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid configuration value for gain_mode_rx2 parameter. Set to gain_mode_rx2=" << default_gain_mode; } if (gain_mode_rx1_ == "manual") { if (rf_gain_rx1_ > 73.0 or rf_gain_rx1_ < -1.0) { std::cout << "Configuration parameter rf_gain_rx1 should take values between -1.0 and 73 dB" << std::endl; std::cout << "Error: provided value rf_gain_rx1=" << rf_gain_rx1_ << " is not among valid values" << std::endl; std::cout << " This parameter has been set to its default value rf_gain_rx1=" << default_manual_gain_rx1 << std::endl; rf_gain_rx1_ = default_manual_gain_rx1; LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid configuration value for rf_gain_rx1 parameter. Set to rf_gain_rx1=" << default_manual_gain_rx1; } } if (gain_mode_rx2_ == "manual") { if (rf_gain_rx2_ > 73.0 or rf_gain_rx2_ < -1.0) { std::cout << "Configuration parameter rf_gain_rx2 should take values between -1.0 and 73 dB" << std::endl; std::cout << "Error: provided value rf_gain_rx2=" << rf_gain_rx2_ << " is not among valid values" << std::endl; std::cout << " This parameter has been set to its default value rf_gain_rx2=" << default_manual_gain_rx2 << std::endl; rf_gain_rx2_ = default_manual_gain_rx2; LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid configuration value for rf_gain_rx2 parameter. Set to rf_gain_rx2=" << default_manual_gain_rx2; } } if ((filter_source_ != "Off") and (filter_source_ != "Auto") and (filter_source_ != "File") and (filter_source_ != "Design")) { std::cout << "Configuration parameter filter_source should take one of these values:" << std::endl; std::cout << " Off: Disable filter" << std::endl; std::cout << " Auto: Use auto-generated filters" << std::endl; std::cout << " File: User-provided filter in filter_filename parameter" << std::endl; std::cout << " Design: Create filter from Fpass, Fstop, sampling_frequency and bandwidth parameters" << std::endl; std::cout << "Error: provided value filter_source=" << filter_source_ << " is not among valid values" << std::endl; std::cout << " This parameter has been set to its default value filter_source=Off" << std::endl; filter_source_ = std::string("Off"); LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid configuration value for filter_source parameter. Set to filter_source=Off"; } if (bandwidth_ < 200000 or bandwidth_ > 56000000) { std::cout << "Configuration parameter bandwidth should take values between 200000 and 56000000 Hz" << std::endl; std::cout << "Error: provided value bandwidth=" << bandwidth_ << " is not among valid values" << std::endl; std::cout << " This parameter has been set to its default value bandwidth=" << default_bandwidth << std::endl; bandwidth_ = default_bandwidth; LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid configuration value for bandwidth parameter. Set to bandwidth=" << default_bandwidth; } std::cout << "LO frequency : " << freq_ << " Hz" << std::endl; try { config_ad9361_rx_local(bandwidth_, sample_rate_, freq_, rf_port_select_, rx1_enable_, rx2_enable_, gain_mode_rx1_, gain_mode_rx2_, rf_gain_rx1_, rf_gain_rx2_, quadrature_, rf_dc_, bb_dc_, filter_source_, filter_filename_, Fpass_, Fstop_); } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { std::cout << "Exception cached when configuring the RX chain: " << e.what() << std::endl; } // LOCAL OSCILLATOR DDS GENERATOR FOR DUAL FREQUENCY OPERATION if (enable_dds_lo_ == true) { if (tx_bandwidth_ < static_cast(std::floor(static_cast(freq_dds_tx_hz_) * 1.1)) or (tx_bandwidth_ < 200000) or (tx_bandwidth_ > 1000000)) { std::cout << "Configuration parameter tx_bandwidth value should be between " << std::max(static_cast(freq_dds_tx_hz_) * 1.1, 200000.0) << " and 1000000 Hz" << std::endl; std::cout << "Error: provided value tx_bandwidth=" << tx_bandwidth_ << " is not among valid values" << std::endl; std::cout << " This parameter has been set to its default value tx_bandwidth=500000" << std::endl; tx_bandwidth_ = 500000; LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid configuration value for tx_bandwidth parameter. Set to tx_bandwidth=500000"; } if (tx_attenuation_db_ > 0.0 or tx_attenuation_db_ < -89.75) { std::cout << "Configuration parameter tx_attenuation_db should take values between 0.0 and -89.95 in 0.25 dB steps" << std::endl; std::cout << "Error: provided value tx_attenuation_db=" << tx_attenuation_db_ << " is not among valid values" << std::endl; std::cout << " This parameter has been set to its default value tx_attenuation_db=" << default_tx_attenuation_db << std::endl; tx_attenuation_db_ = default_tx_attenuation_db; LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid configuration value for tx_attenuation_db parameter. Set to tx_attenuation_db=" << default_tx_attenuation_db; } try { config_ad9361_lo_local(tx_bandwidth_, sample_rate_, freq_rf_tx_hz_, tx_attenuation_db_, freq_dds_tx_hz_, scale_dds_dbfs_, phase_dds_deg_); } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { std::cout << "Exception cached when configuring the TX carrier: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } } if (in_stream_ > 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "A signal source does not have an input stream"; } if (out_stream_ > 1) { LOG(ERROR) << "This implementation only supports one output stream"; } } Ad9361FpgaSignalSource::~Ad9361FpgaSignalSource() { /* cleanup and exit */ if (switch_position == 0) // read samples from a file via DMA { enable_DMA_ = false; // disable the DMA if (thread_file_to_dma.joinable()) { thread_file_to_dma.join(); } } if (switch_position == 2) // Real-time via AD9361 { if (rf_shutdown_) { std::cout << "* AD9361 Disabling RX streaming channels\n"; if (!disable_ad9361_rx_local()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Problem shutting down the AD9361 RX channels"; } if (enable_dds_lo_) { try { ad9361_disable_lo_local(); } catch (const std::exception &e) { LOG(WARNING) << "Problem shutting down the AD9361 TX stream: " << e.what(); } } } } } void Ad9361FpgaSignalSource::run_DMA_process(const std::string &FreqBand, const std::string &Filename1, const std::string &Filename2, bool enable_DMA) { const int MAX_INPUT_SAMPLES_TOTAL = 16384; int max_value = 0; int tx_fd; // DMA descriptor std::ifstream infile1; infile1.exceptions(std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit); try { infile1.open(Filename1, std::ios::binary); } catch (const std::ifstream::failure &e) { std::cerr << "Exception opening file " << Filename1 << std::endl; return; } std::ifstream infile2; infile2.exceptions(std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit); try { infile2.open(Filename2, std::ios::binary); } catch (const std::ifstream::failure &e) { // could not exist } // rx signal std::vector input_samples(MAX_INPUT_SAMPLES_TOTAL * 2); std::vector input_samples2(MAX_INPUT_SAMPLES_TOTAL * 2); std::vector input_samples_dma(MAX_INPUT_SAMPLES_TOTAL * 2 * 2); int nread_elements; int nread_elements2; int file_completed = 0; int num_transferred_bytes; //************************************************************************** // Open DMA device //************************************************************************** tx_fd = open("/dev/loop_tx", O_WRONLY); if (tx_fd < 0) { std::cout << "Cannot open loop device" << std::endl; return; } //************************************************************************** // Open input file //************************************************************************** int nsamples = 0; while ((file_completed == 0) && (enable_DMA == true)) { unsigned int dma_index = 0; if (FreqBand == "L1") { try { infile1.read(reinterpret_cast(input_samples.data()), MAX_INPUT_SAMPLES_TOTAL * 2); } catch (const std::ifstream::failure &e) { std::cerr << "Exception reading file " << Filename1 << std::endl; } if (infile1) { nread_elements = MAX_INPUT_SAMPLES_TOTAL * 2; } else { nread_elements = 0; } nsamples += (nread_elements / 2); for (int index0 = 0; index0 < (nread_elements); index0 += 2) { // channel 1 (queue 1) input_samples_dma[dma_index] = 0; input_samples_dma[dma_index + 1] = 0; // channel 0 (queue 0) input_samples_dma[dma_index + 2] = input_samples[index0]; input_samples_dma[dma_index + 3] = input_samples[index0 + 1]; dma_index += 4; } } else if (FreqBand == "L2") { try { infile1.read(reinterpret_cast(input_samples.data()), MAX_INPUT_SAMPLES_TOTAL * 2); } catch (const std::ifstream::failure &e) { std::cerr << "Exception reading file " << Filename1 << std::endl; } if (infile1) { nread_elements = MAX_INPUT_SAMPLES_TOTAL * 2; } else { nread_elements = 0; } nsamples += (nread_elements / 2); for (int index0 = 0; index0 < (nread_elements); index0 += 2) { // channel 1 (queue 1) input_samples_dma[dma_index] = input_samples[index0]; input_samples_dma[dma_index + 1] = input_samples[index0 + 1]; // channel 0 (queue 0) input_samples_dma[dma_index + 2] = 0; input_samples_dma[dma_index + 3] = 0; dma_index += 4; } } else if (FreqBand == "L1L2") { try { infile1.read(reinterpret_cast(input_samples.data()), MAX_INPUT_SAMPLES_TOTAL * 2); } catch (const std::ifstream::failure &e) { std::cerr << "Exception reading file " << Filename1 << std::endl; } if (infile1) { nread_elements = MAX_INPUT_SAMPLES_TOTAL * 2; } else { nread_elements = 0; } try { infile2.read(reinterpret_cast(input_samples2.data()), MAX_INPUT_SAMPLES_TOTAL * 2); } catch (const std::ifstream::failure &e) { std::cerr << "Exception reading file " << Filename1 << std::endl; } if (infile2) { nread_elements2 = MAX_INPUT_SAMPLES_TOTAL * 2; } else { nread_elements2 = 0; } if (nread_elements > nread_elements2) { nread_elements = nread_elements2; // take the smallest } nsamples += (nread_elements / 2); for (int index0 = 0; index0 < (nread_elements); index0 += 2) { input_samples[index0] = input_samples[index0]; input_samples[index0 + 1] = input_samples[index0 + 1]; if (input_samples[index0] > max_value) { max_value = input_samples[index0]; } else if (-input_samples[index0] > max_value) { max_value = -input_samples[index0]; } if (input_samples[index0 + 1] > max_value) { max_value = input_samples[index0 + 1]; } else if (-input_samples[index0 + 1] > max_value) { max_value = -input_samples[index0 + 1]; } // channel 1 (queue 1) input_samples_dma[dma_index] = input_samples2[index0]; input_samples_dma[dma_index + 1] = input_samples2[index0 + 1]; // channel 0 (queue 0) input_samples_dma[dma_index + 2] = input_samples[index0]; input_samples_dma[dma_index + 3] = input_samples[index0 + 1]; dma_index += 4; } } if (nread_elements > 0) { num_transferred_bytes = nread_elements * 2; int num_bytes_sent = write(tx_fd, input_samples_dma.data(), nread_elements * 2); if (num_bytes_sent != num_transferred_bytes) { std::cerr << "Error: DMA could not send all the required samples " << std::endl; } // Throttle the DMA std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1)); } if (nread_elements != MAX_INPUT_SAMPLES_TOTAL * 2) { file_completed = 1; } } try { infile1.close(); infile2.close(); } catch (const std::ifstream::failure &e) { std::cerr << "Exception closing files " << Filename1 << " and " << Filename2 << std::endl; } } void Ad9361FpgaSignalSource::connect(gr::top_block_sptr top_block) { if (top_block) { /* top_block is not null */ }; DLOG(INFO) << "AD9361 FPGA source nothing to connect"; } void Ad9361FpgaSignalSource::disconnect(gr::top_block_sptr top_block) { if (top_block) { /* top_block is not null */ }; DLOG(INFO) << "AD9361 FPGA source nothing to disconnect"; } gr::basic_block_sptr Ad9361FpgaSignalSource::get_left_block() { LOG(WARNING) << "Trying to get signal source left block."; return gr::basic_block_sptr(); } gr::basic_block_sptr Ad9361FpgaSignalSource::get_right_block() { return gr::basic_block_sptr(); }