/*! * \file hybrid_observables_gs.cc * \brief Implementation of the observables computation block * \author Javier Arribas 2017. jarribas(at)cttc.es * \author Antonio Ramos 2018. antonio.ramos(at)cttc.es * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (C) 2010-2019 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors) * * GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation * Satellite Systems receiver * * This file is part of GNSS-SDR. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "hybrid_observables_gs.h" #include "GPS_L1_CA.h" // for GPS_STARTOFFSET_MS, GPS_TWO_PI #include "MATH_CONSTANTS.h" // for SPEED_OF_LIGHT #include "gnss_circular_deque.h" #include "gnss_sdr_create_directory.h" #include "gnss_synchro.h" #include #include #include #include #include // for round #include // for size_t, llabs #include // for exception #include // for cerr, cout #include // for numeric_limits #include // for move #if HAS_GENERIC_LAMBDA #else #include #endif #if HAS_STD_FILESYSTEM #include namespace errorlib = std; #if HAS_STD_FILESYSTEM_EXPERIMENTAL #include namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem; #else #include namespace fs = std::filesystem; #endif #else #include // for create_directories, exists #include // for path, operator<< #include // for filesystem #include // for error_code namespace fs = boost::filesystem; namespace errorlib = boost::system; #endif hybrid_observables_gs_sptr hybrid_observables_gs_make(const Obs_Conf &conf_) { return hybrid_observables_gs_sptr(new hybrid_observables_gs(conf_)); } hybrid_observables_gs::hybrid_observables_gs(const Obs_Conf &conf_) : gr::block("hybrid_observables_gs", gr::io_signature::make(conf_.nchannels_in, conf_.nchannels_in, sizeof(Gnss_Synchro)), gr::io_signature::make(conf_.nchannels_out, conf_.nchannels_out, sizeof(Gnss_Synchro))) { // PVT input message port this->message_port_register_in(pmt::mp("pvt_to_observables")); this->set_msg_handler(pmt::mp("pvt_to_observables"), #if HAS_GENERIC_LAMBDA [this](auto &&PH1) { msg_handler_pvt_to_observables(PH1); }); #else #if USE_BOOST_BIND_PLACEHOLDERS boost::bind(&hybrid_observables_gs::msg_handler_pvt_to_observables, this, boost::placeholders::_1)); #else boost::bind(&hybrid_observables_gs::msg_handler_pvt_to_observables, this, _1)); #endif #endif // Send Channel status to gnss_flowgraph this->message_port_register_out(pmt::mp("status")); d_conf = conf_; d_dump = conf_.dump; d_dump_mat = conf_.dump_mat and d_dump; d_dump_filename = conf_.dump_filename; d_nchannels_out = conf_.nchannels_out; d_nchannels_in = conf_.nchannels_in; d_gnss_synchro_history = std::make_shared>(1000, d_nchannels_out); // ############# ENABLE DATA FILE LOG ################# if (d_dump) { std::string dump_path; // Get path if (d_dump_filename.find_last_of('/') != std::string::npos) { std::string dump_filename_ = d_dump_filename.substr(d_dump_filename.find_last_of('/') + 1); dump_path = d_dump_filename.substr(0, d_dump_filename.find_last_of('/')); d_dump_filename = dump_filename_; } else { dump_path = std::string("."); } if (d_dump_filename.empty()) { d_dump_filename = "observables.dat"; } // remove extension if any if (d_dump_filename.substr(1).find_last_of('.') != std::string::npos) { d_dump_filename = d_dump_filename.substr(0, d_dump_filename.find_last_of('.')); } d_dump_filename.append(".dat"); d_dump_filename = dump_path + fs::path::preferred_separator + d_dump_filename; // create directory if (!gnss_sdr_create_directory(dump_path)) { std::cerr << "GNSS-SDR cannot create dump file for the Observables block. Wrong permissions?" << std::endl; d_dump = false; } d_dump_file.exceptions(std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit); try { d_dump_file.open(d_dump_filename.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); LOG(INFO) << "Observables dump enabled Log file: " << d_dump_filename.c_str(); } catch (const std::ifstream::failure &e) { LOG(WARNING) << "Exception opening observables dump file " << e.what(); d_dump = false; } } T_rx_TOW_ms = 0U; T_rx_step_ms = 20; // read from config at the adapter GNSS-SDR.observable_interval_ms!! T_rx_TOW_set = false; T_status_report_timer_ms = 0; // rework d_Rx_clock_buffer.set_capacity(10); // 10*20 ms = 200 ms of data in buffer d_Rx_clock_buffer.clear(); // Clear all the elements in the buffer d_channel_last_pll_lock = std::vector(d_nchannels_out, false); d_channel_last_pseudorange_smooth = std::vector(d_nchannels_out, 0.0); d_channel_last_carrier_phase_rads = std::vector(d_nchannels_out, 0.0); d_smooth_filter_M = static_cast(conf_.smoothing_factor); } hybrid_observables_gs::~hybrid_observables_gs() { if (d_dump_file.is_open()) { auto pos = d_dump_file.tellp(); try { d_dump_file.close(); } catch (const std::exception &ex) { LOG(WARNING) << "Exception in destructor closing the dump file " << ex.what(); } if (pos == 0) { errorlib::error_code ec; if (!fs::remove(fs::path(d_dump_filename), ec)) { std::cerr << "Problem removing temporary file " << d_dump_filename << '\n'; } d_dump_mat = false; } } if (d_dump_mat) { try { save_matfile(); } catch (const std::exception &ex) { LOG(WARNING) << "Error saving the .mat file: " << ex.what(); } } } void hybrid_observables_gs::msg_handler_pvt_to_observables(const pmt::pmt_t &msg) { gr::thread::scoped_lock lock(d_setlock); // require mutex with work function called by the scheduler try { if (pmt::any_ref(msg).type() == typeid(double)) { double new_rx_clock_offset_s; new_rx_clock_offset_s = boost::any_cast(pmt::any_ref(msg)); T_rx_TOW_ms = T_rx_TOW_ms - static_cast(round(new_rx_clock_offset_s * 1000.0)); // align the receiver clock to integer multiple of 20 ms if (T_rx_TOW_ms % 20) { T_rx_TOW_ms += 20 - T_rx_TOW_ms % 20; } // d_Rx_clock_buffer.clear(); // Clear all the elements in the buffer for (uint32_t n = 0; n < d_nchannels_out; n++) { d_gnss_synchro_history->clear(n); } LOG(INFO) << "Corrected new RX Time offset: " << static_cast(round(new_rx_clock_offset_s * 1000.0)) << "[ms]"; } } catch (boost::bad_any_cast &e) { LOG(WARNING) << "msg_handler_pvt_to_observables Bad any cast!"; } } int32_t hybrid_observables_gs::save_matfile() { // READ DUMP FILE std::string dump_filename = d_dump_filename; std::ifstream::pos_type size; int32_t number_of_double_vars = 7; int32_t epoch_size_bytes = sizeof(double) * number_of_double_vars * d_nchannels_out; std::ifstream dump_file; std::cout << "Generating .mat file for " << dump_filename << std::endl; dump_file.exceptions(std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit); try { dump_file.open(dump_filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate); } catch (const std::ifstream::failure &e) { std::cerr << "Problem opening dump file:" << e.what() << std::endl; return 1; } // count number of epochs and rewind int64_t num_epoch = 0LL; if (dump_file.is_open()) { size = dump_file.tellg(); num_epoch = static_cast(size) / static_cast(epoch_size_bytes); dump_file.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); } else { return 1; } auto RX_time = std::vector>(d_nchannels_out, std::vector(num_epoch)); auto TOW_at_current_symbol_s = std::vector>(d_nchannels_out, std::vector(num_epoch)); auto Carrier_Doppler_hz = std::vector>(d_nchannels_out, std::vector(num_epoch)); auto Carrier_phase_cycles = std::vector>(d_nchannels_out, std::vector(num_epoch)); auto Pseudorange_m = std::vector>(d_nchannels_out, std::vector(num_epoch)); auto PRN = std::vector>(d_nchannels_out, std::vector(num_epoch)); auto Flag_valid_pseudorange = std::vector>(d_nchannels_out, std::vector(num_epoch)); try { if (dump_file.is_open()) { for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_epoch; i++) { for (uint32_t chan = 0; chan < d_nchannels_out; chan++) { dump_file.read(reinterpret_cast(&RX_time[chan][i]), sizeof(double)); dump_file.read(reinterpret_cast(&TOW_at_current_symbol_s[chan][i]), sizeof(double)); dump_file.read(reinterpret_cast(&Carrier_Doppler_hz[chan][i]), sizeof(double)); dump_file.read(reinterpret_cast(&Carrier_phase_cycles[chan][i]), sizeof(double)); dump_file.read(reinterpret_cast(&Pseudorange_m[chan][i]), sizeof(double)); dump_file.read(reinterpret_cast(&PRN[chan][i]), sizeof(double)); dump_file.read(reinterpret_cast(&Flag_valid_pseudorange[chan][i]), sizeof(double)); } } } dump_file.close(); } catch (const std::ifstream::failure &e) { std::cerr << "Problem reading dump file:" << e.what() << std::endl; return 1; } auto RX_time_aux = std::vector(d_nchannels_out * num_epoch); auto TOW_at_current_symbol_s_aux = std::vector(d_nchannels_out * num_epoch); auto Carrier_Doppler_hz_aux = std::vector(d_nchannels_out * num_epoch); auto Carrier_phase_cycles_aux = std::vector(d_nchannels_out * num_epoch); auto Pseudorange_m_aux = std::vector(d_nchannels_out * num_epoch); auto PRN_aux = std::vector(d_nchannels_out * num_epoch); auto Flag_valid_pseudorange_aux = std::vector(d_nchannels_out * num_epoch); uint32_t k = 0U; for (int64_t j = 0; j < num_epoch; j++) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < d_nchannels_out; i++) { RX_time_aux[k] = RX_time[i][j]; TOW_at_current_symbol_s_aux[k] = TOW_at_current_symbol_s[i][j]; Carrier_Doppler_hz_aux[k] = Carrier_Doppler_hz[i][j]; Carrier_phase_cycles_aux[k] = Carrier_phase_cycles[i][j]; Pseudorange_m_aux[k] = Pseudorange_m[i][j]; PRN_aux[k] = PRN[i][j]; Flag_valid_pseudorange_aux[k] = Flag_valid_pseudorange[i][j]; k++; } } // WRITE MAT FILE mat_t *matfp; matvar_t *matvar; std::string filename = d_dump_filename; if (filename.size() > 4) { filename.erase(filename.end() - 4, filename.end()); } filename.append(".mat"); matfp = Mat_CreateVer(filename.c_str(), nullptr, MAT_FT_MAT73); if (reinterpret_cast(matfp) != nullptr) { std::array dims{static_cast(d_nchannels_out), static_cast(num_epoch)}; matvar = Mat_VarCreate("RX_time", MAT_C_DOUBLE, MAT_T_DOUBLE, 2, dims.data(), RX_time_aux.data(), MAT_F_DONT_COPY_DATA); Mat_VarWrite(matfp, matvar, MAT_COMPRESSION_ZLIB); // or MAT_COMPRESSION_NONE Mat_VarFree(matvar); matvar = Mat_VarCreate("TOW_at_current_symbol_s", MAT_C_DOUBLE, MAT_T_DOUBLE, 2, dims.data(), TOW_at_current_symbol_s_aux.data(), MAT_F_DONT_COPY_DATA); Mat_VarWrite(matfp, matvar, MAT_COMPRESSION_ZLIB); // or MAT_COMPRESSION_NONE Mat_VarFree(matvar); matvar = Mat_VarCreate("Carrier_Doppler_hz", MAT_C_DOUBLE, MAT_T_DOUBLE, 2, dims.data(), Carrier_Doppler_hz_aux.data(), MAT_F_DONT_COPY_DATA); Mat_VarWrite(matfp, matvar, MAT_COMPRESSION_ZLIB); // or MAT_COMPRESSION_NONE Mat_VarFree(matvar); matvar = Mat_VarCreate("Carrier_phase_cycles", MAT_C_DOUBLE, MAT_T_DOUBLE, 2, dims.data(), Carrier_phase_cycles_aux.data(), MAT_F_DONT_COPY_DATA); Mat_VarWrite(matfp, matvar, MAT_COMPRESSION_ZLIB); // or MAT_COMPRESSION_NONE Mat_VarFree(matvar); matvar = Mat_VarCreate("Pseudorange_m", MAT_C_DOUBLE, MAT_T_DOUBLE, 2, dims.data(), Pseudorange_m_aux.data(), MAT_F_DONT_COPY_DATA); Mat_VarWrite(matfp, matvar, MAT_COMPRESSION_ZLIB); // or MAT_COMPRESSION_NONE Mat_VarFree(matvar); matvar = Mat_VarCreate("PRN", MAT_C_DOUBLE, MAT_T_DOUBLE, 2, dims.data(), PRN_aux.data(), MAT_F_DONT_COPY_DATA); Mat_VarWrite(matfp, matvar, MAT_COMPRESSION_ZLIB); // or MAT_COMPRESSION_NONE Mat_VarFree(matvar); matvar = Mat_VarCreate("Flag_valid_pseudorange", MAT_C_DOUBLE, MAT_T_DOUBLE, 2, dims.data(), Flag_valid_pseudorange_aux.data(), MAT_F_DONT_COPY_DATA); Mat_VarWrite(matfp, matvar, MAT_COMPRESSION_ZLIB); // or MAT_COMPRESSION_NONE Mat_VarFree(matvar); } Mat_Close(matfp); return 0; } double hybrid_observables_gs::compute_T_rx_s(const Gnss_Synchro &a) { return ((static_cast(a.Tracking_sample_counter) + a.Code_phase_samples) / static_cast(a.fs)); } bool hybrid_observables_gs::interp_trk_obs(Gnss_Synchro &interpolated_obs, const uint32_t &ch, const uint64_t &rx_clock) { int32_t nearest_element = -1; int64_t abs_diff; int64_t old_abs_diff = std::numeric_limits::max(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < d_gnss_synchro_history->size(ch); i++) { abs_diff = llabs(static_cast(rx_clock) - static_cast(d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, i).Tracking_sample_counter)); if (old_abs_diff > abs_diff) { old_abs_diff = abs_diff; nearest_element = static_cast(i); } } if (nearest_element != -1 and nearest_element != static_cast(d_gnss_synchro_history->size(ch))) { if ((static_cast(old_abs_diff) / static_cast(d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, nearest_element).fs)) < 0.02) { int32_t neighbor_element; if (rx_clock > d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, nearest_element).Tracking_sample_counter) { neighbor_element = nearest_element + 1; } else { neighbor_element = nearest_element - 1; } if (neighbor_element < static_cast(d_gnss_synchro_history->size(ch)) and neighbor_element >= 0) { int32_t t1_idx; int32_t t2_idx; if (rx_clock > d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, nearest_element).Tracking_sample_counter) { // std::cout << "S1= " << d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, nearest_element).Tracking_sample_counter // << " Si=" << rx_clock << " S2=" << d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, neighbor_element).Tracking_sample_counter << std::endl; t1_idx = nearest_element; t2_idx = neighbor_element; } else { // std::cout << "inv S1= " << d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, neighbor_element).Tracking_sample_counter // << " Si=" << rx_clock << " S2=" << d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, nearest_element).Tracking_sample_counter << std::endl; t1_idx = neighbor_element; t2_idx = nearest_element; } // 1st: copy the nearest gnss_synchro data for that channel interpolated_obs = d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, nearest_element); // 2nd: Linear interpolation: y(t) = y(t1) + (y(t2) - y(t1)) * (t - t1) / (t2 - t1) double T_rx_s = static_cast(rx_clock) / static_cast(interpolated_obs.fs); double time_factor = (T_rx_s - d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, t1_idx).RX_time) / (d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, t2_idx).RX_time - d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, t1_idx).RX_time); // CARRIER PHASE INTERPOLATION interpolated_obs.Carrier_phase_rads = d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, t1_idx).Carrier_phase_rads + (d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, t2_idx).Carrier_phase_rads - d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, t1_idx).Carrier_phase_rads) * time_factor; // CARRIER DOPPLER INTERPOLATION interpolated_obs.Carrier_Doppler_hz = d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, t1_idx).Carrier_Doppler_hz + (d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, t2_idx).Carrier_Doppler_hz - d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, t1_idx).Carrier_Doppler_hz) * time_factor; // TOW INTERPOLATION // check TOW rollover if ((d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, t2_idx).TOW_at_current_symbol_ms - d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, t1_idx).TOW_at_current_symbol_ms) > 0) { interpolated_obs.interp_TOW_ms = static_cast(d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, t1_idx).TOW_at_current_symbol_ms) + (static_cast(d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, t2_idx).TOW_at_current_symbol_ms) - static_cast(d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, t1_idx).TOW_at_current_symbol_ms)) * time_factor; } else { // TOW rollover situation interpolated_obs.interp_TOW_ms = static_cast(d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, t1_idx).TOW_at_current_symbol_ms) + (static_cast(d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, t2_idx).TOW_at_current_symbol_ms + 604800000) - static_cast(d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, t1_idx).TOW_at_current_symbol_ms)) * time_factor; } // LOG(INFO) << "Channel " << ch << " int idx: " << t1_idx << " TOW Int: " << interpolated_obs.interp_TOW_ms // << " TOW p1 : " << d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, t1_idx).TOW_at_current_symbol_ms // << " TOW p2: " // << d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, t2_idx).TOW_at_current_symbol_ms // << " t2-t1: " // << d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, t2_idx).RX_time - d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, t1_idx).RX_time // << " trx - t1: " // << T_rx_s - d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, t1_idx).RX_time; // std::cout << "Rx samplestamp: " << T_rx_s << " Channel " << ch << " interp buff idx " << nearest_element // << " ,diff: " << old_abs_diff << " samples (" << static_cast(old_abs_diff) / static_cast(d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, nearest_element).fs) << " s)\n"; return true; } return false; } // std::cout << "ALERT: Channel " << ch << " interp buff idx " << nearest_element // << " ,diff: " << old_abs_diff << " samples (" << static_cast(old_abs_diff) / static_cast(d_gnss_synchro_history->get(ch, nearest_element).fs) << " s)\n"; // usleep(1000); } return false; } void hybrid_observables_gs::forecast(int noutput_items __attribute__((unused)), gr_vector_int &ninput_items_required) { for (int32_t n = 0; n < static_cast(d_nchannels_in) - 1; n++) { ninput_items_required[n] = 0; } // last input channel is the sample counter, triggered each ms ninput_items_required[d_nchannels_in - 1] = 1; } void hybrid_observables_gs::update_TOW(const std::vector &data) { // 1. Set the TOW using the minimum TOW in the observables. // this will be the receiver time. // 2. If the TOW is set, it must be incremented by the desired receiver time step. // the time step must match the observables timer block (connected to the las input channel) std::vector::const_iterator it; if (!T_rx_TOW_set) { // int32_t TOW_ref = std::numeric_limits::max(); uint32_t TOW_ref = 0U; for (it = data.cbegin(); it != data.cend(); it++) { if (it->Flag_valid_word) { if (it->TOW_at_current_symbol_ms > TOW_ref) { TOW_ref = it->TOW_at_current_symbol_ms; T_rx_TOW_set = true; } } } T_rx_TOW_ms = TOW_ref; // align the receiver clock to integer multiple of 20 ms if (T_rx_TOW_ms % 20) { T_rx_TOW_ms += 20 - T_rx_TOW_ms % 20; } } else { T_rx_TOW_ms += T_rx_step_ms; // the tow time step increment must match the ref time channel step if (T_rx_TOW_ms >= 604800000) { DLOG(INFO) << "TOW RX TIME rollover!"; T_rx_TOW_ms = T_rx_TOW_ms % 604800000; } } } void hybrid_observables_gs::compute_pranges(std::vector &data) { // std::cout.precision(17); // std::cout << " T_rx_TOW_ms: " << static_cast(T_rx_TOW_ms) << std::endl; std::vector::iterator it; auto current_T_rx_TOW_ms = static_cast(T_rx_TOW_ms); double current_T_rx_TOW_s = current_T_rx_TOW_ms / 1000.0; for (it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); it++) { if (it->Flag_valid_word) { double traveltime_ms = current_T_rx_TOW_ms - it->interp_TOW_ms; if (fabs(traveltime_ms) > 302400) // check TOW roll over { traveltime_ms = 604800000.0 + current_T_rx_TOW_ms - it->interp_TOW_ms; } it->RX_time = current_T_rx_TOW_s; it->Pseudorange_m = traveltime_ms * SPEED_OF_LIGHT_MS; it->Flag_valid_pseudorange = true; // debug code // std::cout << "[" << it->Channel_ID << "] interp_TOW_ms: " << it->interp_TOW_ms << std::endl; // std::cout << "[" << it->Channel_ID << "] Diff T_rx_TOW_ms - interp_TOW_ms: " << static_cast(T_rx_TOW_ms) - it->interp_TOW_ms << std::endl; } else { it->RX_time = current_T_rx_TOW_s; } } } void hybrid_observables_gs::smooth_pseudoranges(std::vector &data) { std::vector::iterator it; for (it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); it++) { if (it->Flag_valid_pseudorange) { // 0. get wavelength for the current signal double wavelength_m = 0; switch (mapStringValues_[it->Signal]) { case evGPS_1C: wavelength_m = SPEED_OF_LIGHT / FREQ1; break; case evGPS_L5: wavelength_m = SPEED_OF_LIGHT / FREQ5; break; case evSBAS_1C: wavelength_m = SPEED_OF_LIGHT / FREQ1; break; case evGAL_1B: wavelength_m = SPEED_OF_LIGHT / FREQ1; break; case evGAL_5X: wavelength_m = SPEED_OF_LIGHT / FREQ5; break; case evGPS_2S: wavelength_m = SPEED_OF_LIGHT / FREQ2; break; case evBDS_B3: wavelength_m = SPEED_OF_LIGHT / FREQ3_BDS; break; case evGLO_1G: wavelength_m = SPEED_OF_LIGHT / FREQ1_GLO; break; case evGLO_2G: wavelength_m = SPEED_OF_LIGHT / FREQ2_GLO; break; case evBDS_B1: wavelength_m = SPEED_OF_LIGHT / FREQ1_BDS; break; case evBDS_B2: wavelength_m = SPEED_OF_LIGHT / FREQ2_BDS; break; default: break; } // todo: propagate the PLL lock status in Gnss_Synchro // 1. check if last PLL lock status was false and initialize last d_channel_last_pseudorange_smooth if (d_channel_last_pll_lock.at(it->Channel_ID) == true) { // 2. Compute the smoothed pseudorange for this channel // Hatch filter algorithm (https://insidegnss.com/can-you-list-all-the-properties-of-the-carrier-smoothing-filter/) double r_sm = d_channel_last_pseudorange_smooth.at(it->Channel_ID); double factor = ((d_smooth_filter_M - 1.0) / d_smooth_filter_M); it->Pseudorange_m = factor * r_sm + (1.0 / d_smooth_filter_M) * it->Pseudorange_m + wavelength_m * (factor / PI_2) * (it->Carrier_phase_rads - d_channel_last_carrier_phase_rads.at(it->Channel_ID)); } d_channel_last_pseudorange_smooth.at(it->Channel_ID) = it->Pseudorange_m; d_channel_last_carrier_phase_rads.at(it->Channel_ID) = it->Carrier_phase_rads; d_channel_last_pll_lock.at(it->Channel_ID) = it->Flag_valid_pseudorange; } else { d_channel_last_pll_lock.at(it->Channel_ID) = false; } } } int hybrid_observables_gs::general_work(int noutput_items __attribute__((unused)), gr_vector_int &ninput_items, gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items, gr_vector_void_star &output_items) { const auto **in = reinterpret_cast(&input_items[0]); auto **out = reinterpret_cast(&output_items[0]); // Push receiver clock into history buffer (connected to the last of the input channels) // The clock buffer gives time to the channels to compute the tracking observables if (ninput_items[d_nchannels_in - 1] > 0) { d_Rx_clock_buffer.push_back(in[d_nchannels_in - 1][0].Tracking_sample_counter); // Consume one item from the clock channel (last of the input channels) consume(d_nchannels_in - 1, 1); } // Push the tracking observables into buffers to allow the observable interpolation at the desired Rx clock for (uint32_t n = 0; n < d_nchannels_out; n++) { // Push the valid tracking Gnss_Synchros to their corresponding deque for (int32_t m = 0; m < ninput_items[n]; m++) { if (in[n][m].Flag_valid_word) { if (d_gnss_synchro_history->size(n) > 0) { // Check if the last Gnss_Synchro comes from the same satellite as the previous ones if (d_gnss_synchro_history->front(n).PRN != in[n][m].PRN) { d_gnss_synchro_history->clear(n); // LOG(INFO) << "Channel " << d_gnss_synchro_history->front(n).Channel_ID << " changed satellite to PRN " << in[n][m].PRN; } } d_gnss_synchro_history->push_back(n, in[n][m]); d_gnss_synchro_history->back(n).RX_time = compute_T_rx_s(in[n][m]); } } consume(n, ninput_items[n]); } if (d_Rx_clock_buffer.size() == d_Rx_clock_buffer.capacity()) { std::vector epoch_data(d_nchannels_out); int32_t n_valid = 0; for (uint32_t n = 0; n < d_nchannels_out; n++) { Gnss_Synchro interpolated_gnss_synchro{}; if (!interp_trk_obs(interpolated_gnss_synchro, n, d_Rx_clock_buffer.front())) { // Produce an empty observation interpolated_gnss_synchro = Gnss_Synchro(); interpolated_gnss_synchro.Flag_valid_pseudorange = false; interpolated_gnss_synchro.Flag_valid_word = false; interpolated_gnss_synchro.Flag_valid_acquisition = false; interpolated_gnss_synchro.fs = 0; interpolated_gnss_synchro.Channel_ID = n; } else { n_valid++; } epoch_data[n] = interpolated_gnss_synchro; } if (T_rx_TOW_set) { update_TOW(epoch_data); } else { if (n_valid > 0) { update_TOW(epoch_data); } } if (n_valid > 0) { compute_pranges(epoch_data); } // Carrier smoothing (optional) if (d_conf.enable_carrier_smoothing == true) { smooth_pseudoranges(epoch_data); } // output the observables set to the PVT block for (uint32_t n = 0; n < d_nchannels_out; n++) { out[n][0] = epoch_data[n]; } // report channel status every second T_status_report_timer_ms += T_rx_step_ms; if (T_status_report_timer_ms >= 1000) { for (uint32_t n = 0; n < d_nchannels_out; n++) { std::shared_ptr gnss_synchro_sptr = std::make_shared(epoch_data[n]); // publish valid gnss_synchro to the gnss_flowgraph channel status monitor this->message_port_pub(pmt::mp("status"), pmt::make_any(gnss_synchro_sptr)); } T_status_report_timer_ms = 0; } if (d_dump) { // MULTIPLEXED FILE RECORDING - Record results to file try { double tmp_double; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < d_nchannels_out; i++) { tmp_double = out[i][0].RX_time; d_dump_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&tmp_double), sizeof(double)); tmp_double = out[i][0].interp_TOW_ms / 1000.0; d_dump_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&tmp_double), sizeof(double)); tmp_double = out[i][0].Carrier_Doppler_hz; d_dump_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&tmp_double), sizeof(double)); tmp_double = out[i][0].Carrier_phase_rads / GPS_TWO_PI; d_dump_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&tmp_double), sizeof(double)); tmp_double = out[i][0].Pseudorange_m; d_dump_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&tmp_double), sizeof(double)); tmp_double = static_cast(out[i][0].PRN); d_dump_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&tmp_double), sizeof(double)); tmp_double = static_cast(out[i][0].Flag_valid_pseudorange); d_dump_file.write(reinterpret_cast(&tmp_double), sizeof(double)); } } catch (const std::ifstream::failure &e) { LOG(WARNING) << "Exception writing observables dump file " << e.what(); d_dump = false; } } if (n_valid > 0) { // LOG(INFO) << "OBS: diff time: " << out[0][0].RX_time * 1000.0 - old_time_debug; // old_time_debug = out[0][0].RX_time * 1000.0; return 1; } } return 0; }