function [dphi, dlambda, h] = togeod(a, finv, X, Y, Z) % TOGEOD Subroutine to calculate geodetic coordinates latitude, longitude, % height given Cartesian coordinates X,Y,Z, and reference ellipsoid % values semi-major axis (a) and the inverse of flattening (finv). % % [dphi, dlambda, h] = togeod(a, finv, X, Y, Z); % % The units of linear parameters X,Y,Z,a must all agree (m,km,mi,ft,..etc) % The output units of angular quantities will be in decimal degrees % (15.5 degrees not 15 deg 30 min). The output units of h will be the % same as the units of X,Y,Z,a. % % Inputs: % a - semi-major axis of the reference ellipsoid % finv - inverse of flattening of the reference ellipsoid % X,Y,Z - Cartesian coordinates % % Outputs: % dphi - latitude % dlambda - longitude % h - height above reference ellipsoid % GNSS-SDR is a Global Navigation Satellite System software-defined receiver. % This file is part of GNSS-SDR. % % SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1987 C. Goad, 1996 Kai Borre % SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later %========================================================================== h = 0; tolsq = 1.e-10; maxit = 10; % compute radians-to-degree factor rtd = 180/pi; % compute square of eccentricity if finv < 1.e-20 esq = 0; else esq = (2 - 1/finv) / finv; end oneesq = 1 - esq; % first guess % P is distance from spin axis P = sqrt(X^2+Y^2); % direct calculation of longitude if P > 1.e-20 dlambda = atan2(Y,X) * rtd; else dlambda = 0; end if (dlambda < 0) dlambda = dlambda + 360; end % r is distance from origin (0,0,0) r = sqrt(P^2 + Z^2); if r > 1.e-20 sinphi = Z/r; else sinphi = 0; end dphi = asin(sinphi); % initial value of height = distance from origin minus % approximate distance from origin to surface of ellipsoid if r < 1.e-20 h = 0; return end h = r - a*(1-sinphi*sinphi/finv); % iterate for i = 1:maxit sinphi = sin(dphi); cosphi = cos(dphi); % compute radius of curvature in prime vertical direction N_phi = a/sqrt(1-esq*sinphi*sinphi); % compute residuals in P and Z dP = P - (N_phi + h) * cosphi; dZ = Z - (N_phi*oneesq + h) * sinphi; % update height and latitude h = h + (sinphi*dZ + cosphi*dP); dphi = dphi + (cosphi*dZ - sinphi*dP)/(N_phi + h); % test for convergence if (dP*dP + dZ*dZ < tolsq) break; end % Not Converged--Warn user if i == maxit fprintf([' Problem in TOGEOD, did not converge in %2.0f',... ' iterations\n'], i); end end % for i = 1:maxit dphi = dphi * rtd; %%%%%%%% end togeod.m %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%