function [x,msg] = roundn(x,n) % ROUNDN Rounds input data at specified power of 10 % % y = ROUNDN(x) rounds the input data x to the nearest hundredth. % % y = ROUNDN(x,n) rounds the input data x at the specified power % of tens position. For example, n = -2 rounds the input data to % the 10E-2 (hundredths) position. % % [y,msg] = ROUNDN(...) returns the text of any error condition % encountered in the output variable msg. % % See also ROUND % Written by: E. Byrns, E. Brown % Revision: 1.9 Date: 2002/03/20 21:26:19 % % GNSS-SDR is a Global Navigation Satellite System software-defined receiver. % This file is part of GNSS-SDR. % % SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1996-2002 Systems Planning and Analysis, Inc. and The MathWorks, Inc. % SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later msg = []; % Initialize output if nargin == 0 error('Incorrect number of arguments') elseif nargin == 1 n = -2; end % Test for scalar n if max(size(n)) ~= 1 msg = 'Scalar accuracy required'; if nargout < 2; error(msg); end return elseif ~isreal(n) warning('Imaginary part of complex N argument ignored') n = real(n); end % Compute the exponential factors for rounding at specified % power of 10. Ensure that n is an integer. factors = 10 ^ (fix(-n)); % Set the significant digits for the input data x = round(x * factors) / factors;