/*! * \file viterbi27.c * \author Phil Karn, KA9Q * \brief K=7 r=1/2 Viterbi decoder in portable C * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GNSS-SDR is a Global Navigation Satellite System software-defined receiver. * This file is part of GNSS-SDR. * * This file was originally borrowed from libswiftnav * , * a portable C library implementing GNSS related functions and algorithms, * and then modified by J. Arribas and C. Fernandez * * Copyright (C) 2004, Phil Karn, KA9Q * * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only * */ #include "fec.h" #include static inline unsigned int parity(unsigned int x) { x ^= x >> 16U; x ^= x >> 8U; x ^= x >> 4U; x &= 0xFU; return (0x6996U >> x) & 1U; } /** Initialize a v27_poly_t struct for use with a v27_t decoder. * * \param poly Structure to initialize. * \param polynomial Byte array representing the desired polynomials. */ void v27_poly_init(v27_poly_t *poly, const signed char polynomial[2]) { int state; for (state = 0; state < 32; state++) { poly->c0[state] = (polynomial[0] < 0) ^ parity((2 * state) & abs(polynomial[0])) ? 255 : 0; poly->c1[state] = (polynomial[1] < 0) ^ parity((2 * state) & abs(polynomial[1])) ? 255 : 0; } } /** Initialize a v27_t struct for Viterbi decoding. * * \param v Structure to initialize * \param decisions Array of v27_decision_t structs, capacity = decisions_count. * Must remain valid as long as v is used. * \param decisions_count Size of decisions array. Equal to the number of bit * decisions kept in history. * \param poly Struct describing the polynomials to use. Must remain valid as * long as v is used. May be shared between multiple decoders. * \param initial_state Initial state of the decoder shift register. Usually zero. */ void v27_init(v27_t *v, v27_decision_t *decisions, unsigned int decisions_count, const v27_poly_t *poly, unsigned char initial_state) { int i; v->old_metrics = v->metrics1; v->new_metrics = v->metrics2; v->poly = poly; v->decisions = decisions; v->decisions_index = 0; v->decisions_count = decisions_count; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { v->old_metrics[i] = 63; } v->old_metrics[initial_state & 63] = 0; /* Bias known start state */ } /* C-language butterfly */ #define BFLY(i) \ { \ unsigned int metric; \ unsigned int m0; \ unsigned int m1; \ unsigned int decision; \ metric = (v->poly->c0[i] ^ sym0) + (v->poly->c1[i] ^ sym1); \ m0 = v->old_metrics[i] + metric; \ m1 = v->old_metrics[(i) + 32] + (510 - metric); \ decision = (signed int)(m0 - m1) > 0; \ v->new_metrics[2 * (i)] = decision ? m1 : m0; \ d->w[(i) / 16] |= decision << ((2U * (i)) & 31U); \ m0 -= (metric + metric - 510); \ m1 += (metric + metric - 510); \ decision = (signed int)(m0 - m1) > 0; \ v->new_metrics[2 * (i) + 1] = decision ? m1 : m0; \ d->w[(i) / 16] |= decision << ((2U * (i) + 1U) & 31U); \ } /** Update a v27_t decoder with a block of symbols. * * \param v Structure to update. * \param syms Array of symbols to use. Must contain two symbols per bit. * 0xff = strong 1, 0x00 = strong 0. * \param nbits Number of bits corresponding to the provided symbols. */ void v27_update(v27_t *v, const unsigned char *syms, int nbits) { unsigned char sym0; unsigned char sym1; unsigned int *tmp; while (nbits--) { v27_decision_t *d = &v->decisions[v->decisions_index]; d->w[0] = d->w[1] = 0; sym0 = *syms++; sym1 = *syms++; BFLY(0U); BFLY(1U); BFLY(2U); BFLY(3U); BFLY(4U); BFLY(5U); BFLY(6U); BFLY(7U); BFLY(8U); BFLY(9U); BFLY(10U); BFLY(11U); BFLY(12U); BFLY(13U); BFLY(14U); BFLY(15U); BFLY(16U); BFLY(17U); BFLY(18U); BFLY(19U); BFLY(20U); BFLY(21U); BFLY(22U); BFLY(23U); BFLY(24U); BFLY(25U); BFLY(26U); BFLY(27U); BFLY(28U); BFLY(29U); BFLY(30U); BFLY(31U); /* Normalize metrics if they are nearing overflow */ if (v->new_metrics[0] > (1U << 30U)) { int i; unsigned int minmetric = 1U << 31U; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (v->new_metrics[i] < minmetric) { minmetric = v->new_metrics[i]; } } for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { v->new_metrics[i] -= minmetric; } } /* Advance decision index */ if (++v->decisions_index >= v->decisions_count) { v->decisions_index = 0; } /* Swap pointers to old and new metrics */ tmp = v->old_metrics; v->old_metrics = v->new_metrics; v->new_metrics = tmp; } } /** Retrieve the most likely output bit sequence with known final state from * a v27_t decoder. * * \param v Structure to use. * \param data Array used to store output bits, capacity = nbits. * \param nbits Number of bits to retrieve. * \param final_state Known final state of the decoder shift register. */ void v27_chainback_fixed(v27_t *v, unsigned char *data, unsigned int nbits, unsigned char final_state) { unsigned int k; unsigned int decisions_index = v->decisions_index; final_state %= 64; final_state <<= 2U; while (nbits-- != 0) { /* Decrement decision index */ decisions_index = (decisions_index == 0) ? v->decisions_count - 1 : decisions_index - 1; v27_decision_t *d = &v->decisions[decisions_index]; k = (d->w[(final_state >> 2U) / 32] >> ((final_state >> 2U) % 32)) & 1U; /* The store into data[] only needs to be done every 8 bits. * But this avoids a conditional branch, and the writes will * combine in the cache anyway */ data[nbits >> 3U] = final_state = (final_state >> 1U) | (k << 7U); } } /** Retrieve the most likely output bit sequence with unknown final state from * a v27_t decoder. * * \param v Structure to use. * \param data Array used to store output bits, capacity = nbits. * \param nbits Number of bits to retrieve. */ void v27_chainback_likely(v27_t *v, unsigned char *data, unsigned int nbits) { /* Determine state with minimum metric */ int i; unsigned int best_metric = 0xffffffff; unsigned char best_state = 0; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (v->new_metrics[i] < best_metric) { best_metric = v->new_metrics[i]; best_state = i; } } v27_chainback_fixed(v, data, nbits, best_state); }