mirror of https://github.com/gnss-sdr/gnss-sdr synced 2024-10-01 00:10:50 +00:00

Added sections on how to build and use GNSS-SDR, as well as the description of the directory tree. More examples in Signal Source, Acquisition and Tracking sections.

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@314 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
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Carles Fernandez 2013-01-16 17:52:30 +00:00
parent 3802513c31
commit 67987a06dd

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ href="http://sourceforge.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/311/tree/trunk/" target="_blank"><b
\section toc Contents \section toc Contents
\li \ref overview \li \ref overview
\li \ref build \li \ref build
\li \ref using_gnss-sdr
\li \ref control_plane \li \ref control_plane
\li \ref signal_processing \li \ref signal_processing
@ -43,10 +44,167 @@ buses to a variety of either commercially available or custom-made RF front-ends
\image html overview.png \image html overview.png
As signal inputs, it accepts:
\li Raw data file captured with a data grabber (digitized at some intermediate frequency or directly at baseband).
\li Any suitable RF configuration that can be driven by the Universal Software Radio Peripheral Hardware Driver (<a href="http://files.ettus.com/uhd_docs/manual/html/" target="_blank">UHD</a>).
This includes all current and future <a href="http://www.ettus.com/">Ettus Research</a> products. The USRP1 + DBSRX 2.2 daughterboard is an example of working configuration for GPS L1 C/A and Galileo E1B and E1C signals.
\li The <a href="http://gnss-sdr.org/documentation/sige-gn3s-sampler-v2-usb-front-end" target="blank">GN3S v2 USB dongle</a> (GN3S v3 might work with small modifications).
\li Experimentally, with some <a href="http://gnss-sdr.org/documentation/gnss-sdr-operation-realtek-rtl2832u-usb-dongle-dvb-t-receiver" target="_blank">USB DVB-T dongles based on the Realtek RTL2832U chipset</a>.
As outputs, it provides:
\li Dump of intermediate signals (selectable by the user)
\li The processing is logged at a system temporary folder (usually, <tt>/tmp</tt>)
\li Observables in form of RINEX file (experimental)
\li Navigation message data in form of RINEX file
\li Position, Velocity and Time solution in KML format and NMEA
\section build Building GNSS-SDR \section build Building GNSS-SDR
See the <a href="http://gnss-sdr.org/documentation/building-guide" target="_blank">building guide</a> page for details about the project's In principle, GNSS-SDR can be built in any Unix-like system. In practice, it depends on being able to install all the required dependencies. See the <a href="http://gnss-sdr.org/documentation/building-guide" target="_blank">building guide</a> page for details about the project's
dependencies and build process. dependencies and build process. Mainly, it consists on installing <a href="" target="_blank">GNU Radio</a> plus some few more libraries:
\li <a href="http://code.google.com/p/gflags/" target="_blank">Gflags</a>, a library that implements commandline flags processing,
\li <a href="http://code.google.com/p/google-glog/" target="_blank">Glog</a>, a library that implements application-level logging,
\li <a href="http://arma.sourceforge.net/" target="_blank">Armadillo</a>, a C++ linear algebra library,
\li <a href="http://code.google.com/p/googletest/" target="_blank">Googletest</a>, Google's framework for writing C++ tests (requires definition of the GTEST_DIR variable),
and, optionally,
\li <a href="http://code.google.com/p/gperftools/" target="_blank">Gperftools</a>, which provides fast, multi-threaded malloc() and performance analysis tools.
After all dependencies are installed, checkout the GNSS-SDR repository:
$ svn co http://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk gnss-sdr
This will create a folder named gnss-sdr with the following structure:
|---build <- where gnss-sdr is build
|---cmake <- CMake-related files
|---conf <- Configuration files. Each file represents one receiver.
|---data <- Populate this folder with you captured data.
|---docs <- Contains documentation-related files
|---drivers <- Drivers for some RF front-ends
|---firmware <- Firmware for some front-ends
|---install <- Executables
|---src <- Source code folder
|-----utils <- some utilities (e.g. Matlab scripts)
You are now ready to build GNSS-SDR. For doing that, you can choose either bjam or <a href="http://www.cmake.org/" target="_blank">CMake</a> as building tools:
\li Using bjam:
$ cd gnss-sdr
$ bjam release
\li Using CMake:
$ cd gnss-sdr/build
$ cmake ../
$ make
$ make install
If everything goes well, two new executables will be created at <tt>gnss-sdr/install</tt>, namely <tt>gnss-sdr</tt> and <tt>run_tests</tt>. You can create
this documentation by doing:
$ doxygen
from the <tt>gnss-sdr</tt> root folder, or
$ make doc
from the <tt>gnss-sdr/build</tt> folder if you are using CMake. In both cases, <a href="http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/" target="_blank">Doxygen</a> will generate HTML documentation that can be
retrieved pointing your browser of preference to <tt>gnss-sdr/docs/html/index.html</tt>.
\subsection debug_and_release Debug and Release builds
By default, CMake will build the Release version, meaning that the compiler will generate a faster, optimized executable. This is the recommended build type when using
a RF front-end and you need to attain real time. If working with a file (and thus without real-time constraints), you may want to obtain more information about
the internals of the receiver, as well as more fine-grained logging. This can be done by building the Debug version, by doing:
$ cd gnss-sdr/build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../
$ make
$ make install
Bjam works the other way around. By default, it builds the Debug version:
$ cd gnss-sdr
$ bjam
and the Release version can be obtained by doing
$ bjam release
\subsection pudating_gnss-sdr Updating GNSS-SDR
If you checked out GNSS-SDR some days ago, it is possible that some developer has updated files at the Subversion repository. You can update your working copy by doing:
$ cd gnss-sdr
$ svn up
Before rebuiling the source code, it is safe (and recommended) to remove the remainders of old builds:
$ rm -rf gnss-sdr/build/*
You can also check <a href="http://svnbook.red-bean.com/" target="_blank">control version with Subversion</a> for more information about Subversion usage.
\section using_gnss-sdr Using GNSS-SDR
With GNSS-SDR, you can define you own receiver, work with captured raw data or from a RF front-end, dump into files intermediate signals, or tune every single algorithm used in the \ref signal_processing. All the configuration
is done in a single file. Those configuration files reside at the <tt>gnss-sdr/conf</tt> folder. By default, the executable <tt>gnss-sdr</tt> will read the configuration
available at <tt>gnss-sdr/conf/gnss-sdr.conf</tt>. You can edit that file to fit your needs, or even better, define a new <tt>my_receiver.conf</tt> file with your own configuration.
This new receiver can be done by going to the <tt>gnss-sdr/install</tt> folder:
$ cd gnss-sdr/install
and invoking gnss-sdr with the <tt>--config_file</tt> flag pointing to your configuration file:
$ ./gnss-sdr --config_file=../conf/my_receiver.conf
You can see a guide of available implementations at <tt>gnss-sdr/conf/master.conf</tt>. That folder contains other working examples as well. If you have a working
configuration and want to share it will others, please email it to the <a href="http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/gnss-sdr-developers" target="_blank"><b>GNSS-SDR developers mailing list</b></a>
and we will be happy to upload it to the server.
You can use a single configuration file for processing
different data files, specifying the file to be processed with the <tt>--signal_source</tt> flag:
$ ./gnss-sdr --config_file=../conf/my_receiver.conf --signal_source=../data/my_captured_data.dat
This will override the <tt>SignalSource.filename</tt> specified in the configuration file.
You can get a complete list of available commandline flags by doing:
$ ./gnss-sdr --help
For general usage of commandline flags, see <a href="http://google-gflags.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/doc/gflags.html" target="_blank">how to use Google Commandline Flags</a>.
\section control_plane Control plane \section control_plane Control plane
GNSS-SDR's main method initializes the logging library, processes the command line flags, if any, provided by the user and instantiates a ControlThread object. GNSS-SDR's main method initializes the logging library, processes the command line flags, if any, provided by the user and instantiates a ControlThread object.
@ -85,7 +243,7 @@ SignalSource.parameter2=value2
\endcode \endcode
The name of these parameters can be anything but one reserved word: implementation. This parameter indicates in its value the name of the class that has to be instantiated The name of these parameters can be anything but one reserved word: implementation. This parameter indicates in its value the name of the class that has to be instantiated
by the factory for that role. For instance, if we want to use the implementation Pass_Through for module SignalConditioner, the corresponding line in the by the factory for that role. For instance, if our signal source is providing data already at baseband and thus we want to use the implementation Pass_Through for module SignalConditioner, the corresponding line in the
configuration file would be configuration file would be
\code \code
@ -154,11 +312,24 @@ and the sampling frequency and intermediate frequency at what the signal was ori
SignalSource.implementation=File_Signal_Source SignalSource.implementation=File_Signal_Source
SignalSource.filename=/home/user/gnss-sdr/data/my_capture.dat SignalSource.filename=/home/user/gnss-sdr/data/my_capture.dat
SignalSource.item_type=gr_complex SignalSource.item_type=gr_complex
SignalSource.sampling_frequency=4000000 SignalSource.sampling_frequency=4000000 ; Sampling frequency in [Hz]
SignalSource.freq=1575420000 SignalSource.freq=1575420000 ; RF front-end center frequency in [Hz]
\endcode \endcode
Example: UhdSignalSource. Example: UhdSignalSource
The user may prefer to use a UHD-compatible RF front-end and try real-time processing. For instance, for a USRP1 + DBSRX daughterboard, use:
;######### SIGNAL_SOURCE CONFIG ############
SignalSource.sampling_frequency=4000000 ; Sampling frequency in [Hz]
SignalSource.freq=1575420000 ; RF front-end center frequency in [Hz]
SignalSource.gain=60 ; Front-end gain in dB
SignalSource.subdevice=B:0 ; UHD subdevice specification (for USRP1 use A:0 or B:0)
Other examples are available at <tt>gnss-sdr/conf</tt>.
\subsection signal_conditioner Signal Conditioner \subsection signal_conditioner Signal Conditioner
The signal conditioner is in charge of resampling the signal and delivering a reference sample rate to the downstream processing blocks, acting as The signal conditioner is in charge of resampling the signal and delivering a reference sample rate to the downstream processing blocks, acting as
@ -182,7 +353,7 @@ This module is also in charge of managing the interplay between acquisition and
<a href="http://www.boost.org/libs/statechart/doc/tutorial.html" target="_blank">Boost.Statechart library</a>, <a href="http://www.boost.org/libs/statechart/doc/tutorial.html" target="_blank">Boost.Statechart library</a>,
which provides desirable features such as support for asynchronous state machines, multi-threading, type-safety, error handling and compile-time validation. which provides desirable features such as support for asynchronous state machines, multi-threading, type-safety, error handling and compile-time validation.
The abstract class ChannelInterface represents an interface to a channel GNSS block. The abstract class ChannelInterface represents an interface to a channel GNSS block. Check Channel for an actual implementation.
\subsubsection acquisition Acquisition \subsubsection acquisition Acquisition
The first task of a GNSS receiver is to detect the presence or absence of in-view satellites. This is done by the acquisition system process, which also provides a coarse estimation of two signal parameters: the frequency shift The first task of a GNSS receiver is to detect the presence or absence of in-view satellites. This is done by the acquisition system process, which also provides a coarse estimation of two signal parameters: the frequency shift
@ -194,6 +365,33 @@ derived from <tt>gr_block</tt>, and ensures that newly developed implementations
Moreover, it adds still another layer of abstraction, since each given acquisition algorithm can have different implementations (for instance using Moreover, it adds still another layer of abstraction, since each given acquisition algorithm can have different implementations (for instance using
different numerical libraries). In such a way, implementations can be continuously improved without having any impact neither on the algorithm interface nor the general acquisition interface. different numerical libraries). In such a way, implementations can be continuously improved without having any impact neither on the algorithm interface nor the general acquisition interface.
Check GpsL1CaPcpsAcquisition and GalileoE1PcpsAmbiguousAcquisition for examples of adapters from a Parallel Code Phase Search (PCPS) acquisition block, and
pcps_acquisition_cc for an example of a block implementation. The source code of all the available acquisition algorithms is located at:
|---------adapters <- Adapters of the processing blocks to an AcquisitionInterface
|---------gnuradio_blocks <- Signal processing blocks implementation
The user can select a given implementation for the algorithm to be used in each receiver channel, as well as their parameters, in the configuration file:
;######### ACQUISITION CH 0 CONFIG ############
;######### ACQUISITION CH 1 CONFIG ############
\subsubsection tracking Tracking \subsubsection tracking Tracking
When a satellite is declared present, the parameters estimated by the acquisition module are then fed to the receiver tracking module, which represents the When a satellite is declared present, the parameters estimated by the acquisition module are then fed to the receiver tracking module, which represents the
@ -201,8 +399,34 @@ When a satellite is declared present, the parameters estimated by the acquisitio
variations. variations.
Again, a class hierarchy consisting of a TrackingInterface class and subclasses implementing algorithms provides a way of testing different approaches, Again, a class hierarchy consisting of a TrackingInterface class and subclasses implementing algorithms provides a way of testing different approaches,
with full access to their parameters. with full access to their parameters. Check GpsL1CaDllPllTracking or GalileoE1DllPllVemlTracking for examples of adapters, and Gps_L1_Ca_Dll_Pll_Tracking_cc for an example
of a signal porcessing block implementation.
The source code of all the available tracking algorithms is located at:
|---------adapters <- Adapters of the processing blocks to a TrackingInterface
|---------gnuradio_blocks <- Signal processing blocks implementation
|---------libs <- libraries of tracking objects (e.g. correlators, discriminators, and so on)
The user can select a given implementation for the algorithm to be used in all the tracking blocks, as well as its parameters, in the configuration file:
;######### TRACKING GLOBAL CONFIG ############
Tracking.dump_filename=./tracking_ch_ ; used if dump is set to true.
; Will add "x.dat" where x is the channel number.
Tracking.pll_bw_hz=50.0; PLL loop filter bandwidth [Hz]
Tracking.dll_bw_hz=2.0; DLL loop filter bandwidth [Hz]
Tracking.early_late_space_chips=0.5; correlator early-late space [chips]
\subsubsection decoding Decoding of the navigation message \subsubsection decoding Decoding of the navigation message
Most of GNSS signal links are modulated by a navigation message containing the time the message was transmitted, orbital parameters of satellites Most of GNSS signal links are modulated by a navigation message containing the time the message was transmitted, orbital parameters of satellites
@ -212,7 +436,8 @@ spread over different words, and values extracted from different frames are requ
error control an others contain actual information. There are also error control mechanisms, from parity checks to forward error correction (FEC) encoding and error control an others contain actual information. There are also error control mechanisms, from parity checks to forward error correction (FEC) encoding and
interleaving, depending on the system. All this decoding complexity is managed by a finite state machine implemented with the <a href="http://www.boost.org/libs/statechart/doc/tutorial.html" target="_blank">Boost.Statechart library</a>. interleaving, depending on the system. All this decoding complexity is managed by a finite state machine implemented with the <a href="http://www.boost.org/libs/statechart/doc/tutorial.html" target="_blank">Boost.Statechart library</a>.
The common interface is TelemetryDecoderInterface. The common interface is TelemetryDecoderInterface. Check GpsL1CaTelemetryDecoder for an example of the GPS L1 NAV message decoding adapter, and gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_cc
for an actual implementation of a signal processing block.
\subsection observables Observables \subsection observables Observables
GNSS systems provide different kinds of observations. The most commonly used are the code observations, also called pseudoranges. The <i>pseudo</i> comes from GNSS systems provide different kinds of observations. The most commonly used are the code observations, also called pseudoranges. The <i>pseudo</i> comes from
@ -246,6 +471,8 @@ PVT.dump_filename=./PVT ; Log path and filename without extension.
\subsection output_filter Output filter \subsection output_filter Output filter
(To be completed)
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