diff --git a/src/tests/common-files/tracking_tests_flags.h b/src/tests/common-files/tracking_tests_flags.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bed99d3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/common-files/tracking_tests_flags.h
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ * \file tracking_tests_flags.h
+ * \brief Helper file for unit testing
+ * \author Javier Arribas, 2018. jarribas(at)cttc.es
+ *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2018 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
+ *
+ * GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation
+ * Satellite Systems receiver
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
+ *
+ * GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see .
+ *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+// Input signal configuration
+DEFINE_bool(enable_external_signal_file, false, "Use an external signal file capture instead of the software-defined signal generator");
+DEFINE_string(signal_file, std::string("gps_l1_capture.dat"), "Path of the external signal capture file");
+DEFINE_double(CN0_dBHz_start, std::numeric_limits::infinity(), "Enable noise generator and set the CN0 start sweep value [dB-Hz]");
+DEFINE_double(CN0_dBHz_stop, std::numeric_limits::infinity(), "Enable noise generator and set the CN0 stop sweep value [dB-Hz]");
+DEFINE_double(CN0_dB_step, 3.0, "Noise generator CN0 sweep step value [dB]");
+DEFINE_double(PLL_bw_hz_start, 40.0, "PLL Wide configuration start sweep value [Hz]");
+DEFINE_double(PLL_bw_hz_stop, 40.0, "PLL Wide configuration stop sweep value [Hz]");
+DEFINE_double(PLL_bw_hz_step, 5.0, "PLL Wide configuration sweep step value [Hz]");
+DEFINE_double(DLL_bw_hz_start, 1.5, "DLL Wide configuration start sweep value [Hz]");
+DEFINE_double(DLL_bw_hz_stop, 1.5, "DLL Wide configuration stop sweep value [Hz]");
+DEFINE_double(DLL_bw_hz_step, 0.25, "DLL Wide configuration sweep step value [Hz]");
+DEFINE_double(PLL_narrow_bw_hz, 5.0, "PLL Narrow configuration value [Hz]");
+DEFINE_double(DLL_narrow_bw_hz, 0.75, "DLL Narrow configuration value [Hz]");
+DEFINE_double(Acq_Doppler_error_hz_start, 500.0, "Acquisition Doppler error start sweep value [Hz]");
+DEFINE_double(Acq_Doppler_error_hz_stop, -500.0, "Acquisition Doppler error stop sweep value [Hz]");
+DEFINE_double(Acq_Doppler_error_hz_step, -50.0, "Acquisition Doppler error sweep step value [Hz]");
+DEFINE_double(Acq_Delay_error_chips_start, 2.0, "Acquisition Code Delay error start sweep value [Hz]");
+DEFINE_double(Acq_Delay_error_chips_stop, -2.0, "Acquisition Code Delay error stop sweep value [Hz]");
+DEFINE_double(Acq_Delay_error_chips_step, -0.1, "Acquisition Code Delay error sweep step value [Hz]");
+DEFINE_int32(plot_detail_level, 0, "Specify the desired plot detail (0,1,2): 0 - Minimum plots (default) 2 - Plot all tracking parameters");
+//Emulated acquisition configuration
+//Tracking configuration
+DEFINE_int32(extend_correlation_symbols, 1, "Set the tracking coherent correlation to N symbols (up to 20 for GPS L1 C/A)");
+//Test output configuration
+DEFINE_bool(plot_gps_l1_tracking_test, false, "Plots results of GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTest with gnuplot");
diff --git a/src/tests/test_main.cc b/src/tests/test_main.cc
index 39fe900b8..eb010b807 100644
--- a/src/tests/test_main.cc
+++ b/src/tests/test_main.cc
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ DECLARE_string(log_dir);
#include "unit-tests/signal-processing-blocks/acquisition/gps_l1_acq_performance_test.cc"
#include "unit-tests/signal-processing-blocks/tracking/gps_l2_m_dll_pll_tracking_test.cc"
#include "unit-tests/signal-processing-blocks/tracking/gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_tracking_test.cc"
+#include "unit-tests/signal-processing-blocks/tracking/gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_tracking_pull-in_test.cc"
#include "unit-tests/signal-processing-blocks/telemetry_decoder/gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_test.cc"
#include "unit-tests/signal-processing-blocks/observables/hybrid_observables_test.cc"
diff --git a/src/tests/unit-tests/signal-processing-blocks/tracking/gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_tracking_pull-in_test.cc b/src/tests/unit-tests/signal-processing-blocks/tracking/gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_tracking_pull-in_test.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a11f3178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/unit-tests/signal-processing-blocks/tracking/gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_tracking_pull-in_test.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+ * \file gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_tracking_test.cc
+ * \brief This class implements a tracking Pull-In test for GPS_L1_CA_DLL_PLL_Tracking
+ * implementation based on some input parameters.
+ * \author Javier Arribas, 2018. jarribas(at)cttc.es
+ *
+ *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2012-2018 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
+ *
+ * GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation
+ * Satellite Systems receiver
+ *
+ * This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
+ *
+ * GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see .
+ *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#include "GPS_L1_CA.h"
+#include "gnss_block_factory.h"
+#include "tracking_interface.h"
+#include "in_memory_configuration.h"
+#include "tracking_true_obs_reader.h"
+#include "tracking_dump_reader.h"
+#include "signal_generator_flags.h"
+#include "gnuplot_i.h"
+#include "test_flags.h"
+#include "tracking_tests_flags.h"
+class GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest_msg_rx;
+typedef boost::shared_ptr GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest_msg_rx_sptr;
+GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest_msg_rx_sptr GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest_msg_rx_make();
+class GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest_msg_rx : public gr::block
+ friend GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest_msg_rx_sptr GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest_msg_rx_make();
+ void msg_handler_events(pmt::pmt_t msg);
+ GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest_msg_rx();
+ int rx_message;
+ ~GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest_msg_rx(); //!< Default destructor
+GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest_msg_rx_sptr GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest_msg_rx_make()
+ return GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest_msg_rx_sptr(new GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest_msg_rx());
+void GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest_msg_rx::msg_handler_events(pmt::pmt_t msg)
+ try
+ {
+ long int message = pmt::to_long(msg);
+ rx_message = message; //3 -> loss of lock
+ //std::cout << "Received trk message: " << rx_message << std::endl;
+ }
+ catch (boost::bad_any_cast& e)
+ {
+ LOG(WARNING) << "msg_handler_telemetry Bad any cast!";
+ rx_message = 0;
+ }
+GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest_msg_rx::GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest_msg_rx() : gr::block("GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest_msg_rx", gr::io_signature::make(0, 0, 0), gr::io_signature::make(0, 0, 0))
+ this->message_port_register_in(pmt::mp("events"));
+ this->set_msg_handler(pmt::mp("events"), boost::bind(&GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest_msg_rx::msg_handler_events, this, _1));
+ rx_message = 0;
+// ###########################################################
+class GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest : public ::testing::Test
+ std::string generator_binary;
+ std::string p1;
+ std::string p2;
+ std::string p3;
+ std::string p4;
+ std::string p5;
+ std::string p6;
+ std::string implementation = "GPS_L1_CA_DLL_PLL_Tracking"; //"GPS_L1_CA_DLL_PLL_C_Aid_Tracking";
+ const int baseband_sampling_freq = FLAGS_fs_gen_sps;
+ std::string filename_rinex_obs = FLAGS_filename_rinex_obs;
+ std::string filename_raw_data = FLAGS_filename_raw_data;
+ int configure_generator(double CN0_dBHz, int file_idx);
+ int generate_signal();
+ std::vector check_results_doppler(arma::vec& true_time_s,
+ arma::vec& true_value,
+ arma::vec& meas_time_s,
+ arma::vec& meas_value,
+ double& mean_error,
+ double& std_dev_error);
+ std::vector check_results_acc_carrier_phase(arma::vec& true_time_s,
+ arma::vec& true_value,
+ arma::vec& meas_time_s,
+ arma::vec& meas_value,
+ double& mean_error,
+ double& std_dev_error);
+ std::vector check_results_codephase(arma::vec& true_time_s,
+ arma::vec& true_value,
+ arma::vec& meas_time_s,
+ arma::vec& meas_value,
+ double& mean_error,
+ double& std_dev_error);
+ GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest()
+ {
+ factory = std::make_shared();
+ config = std::make_shared();
+ item_size = sizeof(gr_complex);
+ gnss_synchro = Gnss_Synchro();
+ }
+ ~GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest()
+ {
+ }
+ void configure_receiver(double PLL_wide_bw_hz,
+ double DLL_wide_bw_hz,
+ double PLL_narrow_bw_hz,
+ double DLL_narrow_bw_hz,
+ int extend_correlation_symbols);
+ gr::top_block_sptr top_block;
+ std::shared_ptr factory;
+ std::shared_ptr config;
+ Gnss_Synchro gnss_synchro;
+ size_t item_size;
+int GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest::configure_generator(double CN0_dBHz, int file_idx)
+ // Configure signal generator
+ generator_binary = FLAGS_generator_binary;
+ p1 = std::string("-rinex_nav_file=") + FLAGS_rinex_nav_file;
+ if (FLAGS_dynamic_position.empty())
+ {
+ p2 = std::string("-static_position=") + FLAGS_static_position + std::string(",") + std::to_string(FLAGS_duration * 10);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p2 = std::string("-obs_pos_file=") + std::string(FLAGS_dynamic_position);
+ }
+ p3 = std::string("-rinex_obs_file=") + FLAGS_filename_rinex_obs; // RINEX 2.10 observation file output
+ p4 = std::string("-sig_out_file=") + FLAGS_filename_raw_data + std::to_string(file_idx); // Baseband signal output file. Will be stored in int8_t IQ multiplexed samples
+ p5 = std::string("-sampling_freq=") + std::to_string(baseband_sampling_freq); //Baseband sampling frequency [MSps]
+ p6 = std::string("-CN0_dBHz=") + std::to_string(CN0_dBHz); // Signal generator CN0
+ return 0;
+int GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest::generate_signal()
+ int child_status;
+ char* const parmList[] = {&generator_binary[0], &generator_binary[0], &p1[0], &p2[0], &p3[0], &p4[0], &p5[0], &p6[0], NULL};
+ int pid;
+ if ((pid = fork()) == -1)
+ perror("fork err");
+ else if (pid == 0)
+ {
+ execv(&generator_binary[0], parmList);
+ std::cout << "Return not expected. Must be an execv err." << std::endl;
+ std::terminate();
+ }
+ waitpid(pid, &child_status, 0);
+ std::cout << "Signal and Observables RINEX and RAW files created." << std::endl;
+ return 0;
+void GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest::configure_receiver(
+ double PLL_wide_bw_hz,
+ double DLL_wide_bw_hz,
+ double PLL_narrow_bw_hz,
+ double DLL_narrow_bw_hz,
+ int extend_correlation_symbols)
+ gnss_synchro.Channel_ID = 0;
+ gnss_synchro.System = 'G';
+ std::string signal = "1C";
+ signal.copy(gnss_synchro.Signal, 2, 0);
+ gnss_synchro.PRN = FLAGS_test_satellite_PRN;
+ config = std::make_shared();
+ config->set_property("GNSS-SDR.internal_fs_sps", std::to_string(baseband_sampling_freq));
+ // Set Tracking
+ config->set_property("Tracking_1C.implementation", implementation);
+ config->set_property("Tracking_1C.item_type", "gr_complex");
+ config->set_property("Tracking_1C.pll_bw_hz", std::to_string(PLL_wide_bw_hz));
+ config->set_property("Tracking_1C.dll_bw_hz", std::to_string(DLL_wide_bw_hz));
+ config->set_property("Tracking_1C.early_late_space_chips", "0.5");
+ config->set_property("Tracking_1C.extend_correlation_symbols", std::to_string(extend_correlation_symbols));
+ config->set_property("Tracking_1C.pll_bw_narrow_hz", std::to_string(PLL_narrow_bw_hz));
+ config->set_property("Tracking_1C.dll_bw_narrow_hz", std::to_string(DLL_narrow_bw_hz));
+ config->set_property("Tracking_1C.early_late_space_narrow_chips", "0.5");
+ config->set_property("Tracking_1C.dump", "true");
+ config->set_property("Tracking_1C.dump_filename", "./tracking_ch_");
+ std::cout << "*****************************************\n";
+ std::cout << "*** Tracking configuration parameters ***\n";
+ std::cout << "*****************************************\n";
+ std::cout << "pll_bw_hz: " << config->property("Tracking_1C.pll_bw_hz", 0.0) << " Hz\n";
+ std::cout << "dll_bw_hz: " << config->property("Tracking_1C.dll_bw_hz", 0.0) << " Hz\n";
+ std::cout << "pll_bw_narrow_hz: " << config->property("Tracking_1C.pll_bw_narrow_hz", 0.0) << " Hz\n";
+ std::cout << "dll_bw_narrow_hz: " << config->property("Tracking_1C.dll_bw_narrow_hz", 0.0) << " Hz\n";
+ std::cout << "extend_correlation_symbols: " << config->property("Tracking_1C.extend_correlation_symbols", 0) << " Symbols\n";
+ std::cout << "*****************************************\n";
+ std::cout << "*****************************************\n";
+TEST_F(GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest, ValidationOfResults)
+ //*************************************************
+ //***** STEP 2: Prepare the parameters sweep ******
+ //*************************************************
+ std::vector acq_doppler_error_hz_values;
+ std::vector> acq_delay_error_chips_values; //vector of vector
+ for (double doppler_hz = FLAGS_Acq_Doppler_error_hz_start; doppler_hz >= FLAGS_Acq_Doppler_error_hz_stop; doppler_hz = doppler_hz + FLAGS_Acq_Doppler_error_hz_step)
+ {
+ acq_doppler_error_hz_values.push_back(doppler_hz);
+ std::vector tmp_vector;
+ //Code Delay Sweep
+ for (double code_delay_chips = FLAGS_Acq_Delay_error_chips_start; code_delay_chips >= FLAGS_Acq_Delay_error_chips_stop; code_delay_chips = code_delay_chips + FLAGS_Acq_Delay_error_chips_step)
+ {
+ tmp_vector.push_back(code_delay_chips);
+ }
+ acq_delay_error_chips_values.push_back(tmp_vector);
+ }
+ //*********************************************
+ //***** STEP 3: Generate the input signal *****
+ //*********************************************
+ std::vector generator_CN0_values;
+ if (FLAGS_CN0_dBHz_start == FLAGS_CN0_dBHz_stop)
+ {
+ generator_CN0_values.push_back(FLAGS_CN0_dBHz_start);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (double cn0 = FLAGS_CN0_dBHz_start; cn0 > FLAGS_CN0_dBHz_stop; cn0 = cn0 - FLAGS_CN0_dB_step)
+ {
+ generator_CN0_values.push_back(cn0);
+ }
+ }
+ // use generator or use an external capture file
+ if (FLAGS_enable_external_signal_file)
+ {
+ //todo: create and configure an acquisition block and perform an acquisition to obtain the synchronization parameters
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (unsigned int current_cn0_idx = 0; current_cn0_idx < generator_CN0_values.size(); current_cn0_idx++)
+ {
+ // Configure the signal generator
+ configure_generator(generator_CN0_values.at(current_cn0_idx), current_cn0_idx);
+ // Generate signal raw signal samples and observations RINEX file
+ if (FLAGS_disable_generator == false)
+ {
+ generate_signal();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ configure_receiver(FLAGS_PLL_bw_hz_start,
+ FLAGS_DLL_bw_hz_start,
+ FLAGS_PLL_narrow_bw_hz,
+ FLAGS_DLL_narrow_bw_hz,
+ FLAGS_extend_correlation_symbols);
+ //******************************************************************************************
+ //***** Obtain the initial signal sinchronization parameters (emulating an acquisition) ****
+ //******************************************************************************************
+ int test_satellite_PRN = 0;
+ tracking_true_obs_reader true_obs_data;
+ if (!FLAGS_enable_external_signal_file)
+ {
+ test_satellite_PRN = FLAGS_test_satellite_PRN;
+ std::string true_obs_file = std::string("./gps_l1_ca_obs_prn");
+ true_obs_file.append(std::to_string(test_satellite_PRN));
+ true_obs_file.append(".dat");
+ true_obs_data.close_obs_file();
+ ASSERT_EQ(true_obs_data.open_obs_file(true_obs_file), true) << "Failure opening true observables file";
+ // load acquisition data based on the first epoch of the true observations
+ ASSERT_EQ(true_obs_data.read_binary_obs(), true)
+ << "Failure reading true tracking dump file." << std::endl
+ << "Maybe sat PRN #" + std::to_string(FLAGS_test_satellite_PRN) +
+ " is not available?";
+ std::cout << "Testing satellite PRN=" << test_satellite_PRN << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "True Initial Doppler [Hz]=" << true_obs_data.doppler_l1_hz << " rue Initial code delay [Chips]=" << true_obs_data.prn_delay_chips << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //todo: Simulate a perfect acquisition for the external capture file
+ }
+ //CN0 LOOP
+ std::vector> pull_in_results_v_v;
+ for (unsigned int current_cn0_idx = 0; current_cn0_idx < generator_CN0_values.size(); current_cn0_idx++)
+ {
+ std::vector pull_in_results_v;
+ for (unsigned int current_acq_doppler_error_idx = 0; current_acq_doppler_error_idx < acq_doppler_error_hz_values.size(); current_acq_doppler_error_idx++)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int current_acq_code_error_idx = 0; current_acq_code_error_idx < acq_delay_error_chips_values.at(current_acq_doppler_error_idx).size(); current_acq_code_error_idx++)
+ {
+ //simulate a Doppler error in acquisition
+ double acq_doppler_hz = true_obs_data.doppler_l1_hz + acq_doppler_error_hz_values.at(current_acq_doppler_error_idx);
+ //simulate Code Delay error in acquisition
+ double acq_delay_samples;
+ acq_delay_samples = (GPS_L1_CA_CODE_LENGTH_CHIPS - true_obs_data.prn_delay_chips / GPS_L1_CA_CODE_LENGTH_CHIPS) * static_cast(baseband_sampling_freq) * GPS_L1_CA_CODE_PERIOD;
+ acq_delay_samples += (acq_delay_error_chips_values.at(current_acq_doppler_error_idx).at(current_acq_code_error_idx) / GPS_L1_CA_CODE_RATE_HZ) * static_cast(baseband_sampling_freq);
+ //create flowgraph
+ top_block = gr::make_top_block("Tracking test");
+ std::shared_ptr trk_ = factory->GetBlock(config, "Tracking_1C", implementation, 1, 1);
+ std::shared_ptr tracking = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(trk_);
+ boost::shared_ptr msg_rx = GpsL1CADllPllTrackingPullInTest_msg_rx_make();
+ gnss_synchro.Acq_delay_samples = acq_delay_samples;
+ gnss_synchro.Acq_doppler_hz = acq_doppler_hz;
+ gnss_synchro.Acq_samplestamp_samples = 0;
+ tracking->set_channel(gnss_synchro.Channel_ID);
+ }) << "Failure setting channel.";
+ tracking->set_gnss_synchro(&gnss_synchro);
+ }) << "Failure setting gnss_synchro.";
+ tracking->connect(top_block);
+ }) << "Failure connecting tracking to the top_block.";
+ std::string file = "./" + filename_raw_data + std::to_string(current_cn0_idx);
+ const char* file_name = file.c_str();
+ gr::blocks::file_source::sptr file_source = gr::blocks::file_source::make(sizeof(int8_t), file_name, false);
+ gr::blocks::interleaved_char_to_complex::sptr gr_interleaved_char_to_complex = gr::blocks::interleaved_char_to_complex::make();
+ gr::blocks::null_sink::sptr sink = gr::blocks::null_sink::make(sizeof(Gnss_Synchro));
+ top_block->connect(file_source, 0, gr_interleaved_char_to_complex, 0);
+ top_block->connect(gr_interleaved_char_to_complex, 0, tracking->get_left_block(), 0);
+ top_block->connect(tracking->get_right_block(), 0, sink, 0);
+ top_block->msg_connect(tracking->get_right_block(), pmt::mp("events"), msg_rx, pmt::mp("events"));
+ }) << "Failure connecting the blocks of tracking test.";
+ //********************************************************************
+ //***** STEP 5: Perform the signal tracking and read the results *****
+ //********************************************************************
+ std::cout << "------------ START TRACKING -------------" << std::endl;
+ tracking->start_tracking();
+ std::chrono::time_point start, end;
+ start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
+ top_block->run(); // Start threads and wait
+ end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
+ }) << "Failure running the top_block.";
+ std::chrono::duration elapsed_seconds = end - start;
+ std::cout << "Signal tracking completed in " << elapsed_seconds.count() << " seconds" << std::endl;
+ pull_in_results_v.push_back(msg_rx->rx_message != 3); //save last asynchronous tracking message in order to detect a loss of lock
+ //********************************
+ //***** STEP 7: Plot results *****
+ //********************************
+ if (FLAGS_plot_gps_l1_tracking_test == true)
+ {
+ //load the measured values
+ tracking_dump_reader trk_dump;
+ ASSERT_EQ(trk_dump.open_obs_file(std::string("./tracking_ch_0.dat")), true)
+ << "Failure opening tracking dump file";
+ long int n_measured_epochs = trk_dump.num_epochs();
+ //todo: use vectors instead
+ arma::vec trk_timestamp_s = arma::zeros(n_measured_epochs, 1);
+ arma::vec trk_acc_carrier_phase_cycles = arma::zeros(n_measured_epochs, 1);
+ arma::vec trk_Doppler_Hz = arma::zeros(n_measured_epochs, 1);
+ arma::vec trk_prn_delay_chips = arma::zeros(n_measured_epochs, 1);
+ std::vector timestamp_s;
+ std::vector prompt;
+ std::vector early;
+ std::vector late;
+ std::vector promptI;
+ std::vector promptQ;
+ std::vector CN0_dBHz;
+ long int epoch_counter = 0;
+ while (trk_dump.read_binary_obs())
+ {
+ trk_timestamp_s(epoch_counter) = static_cast(trk_dump.PRN_start_sample_count) / static_cast(baseband_sampling_freq);
+ trk_acc_carrier_phase_cycles(epoch_counter) = trk_dump.acc_carrier_phase_rad / GPS_TWO_PI;
+ trk_Doppler_Hz(epoch_counter) = trk_dump.carrier_doppler_hz;
+ double delay_chips = GPS_L1_CA_CODE_LENGTH_CHIPS - GPS_L1_CA_CODE_LENGTH_CHIPS * (fmod((static_cast(trk_dump.PRN_start_sample_count) + trk_dump.aux1) / static_cast(baseband_sampling_freq), 1.0e-3) / 1.0e-3);
+ trk_prn_delay_chips(epoch_counter) = delay_chips;
+ timestamp_s.push_back(trk_timestamp_s(epoch_counter));
+ prompt.push_back(trk_dump.abs_P);
+ early.push_back(trk_dump.abs_E);
+ late.push_back(trk_dump.abs_L);
+ promptI.push_back(trk_dump.prompt_I);
+ promptQ.push_back(trk_dump.prompt_Q);
+ CN0_dBHz.push_back(trk_dump.CN0_SNV_dB_Hz);
+ epoch_counter++;
+ }
+ const std::string gnuplot_executable(FLAGS_gnuplot_executable);
+ if (gnuplot_executable.empty())
+ {
+ std::cout << "WARNING: Although the flag plot_gps_l1_tracking_test has been set to TRUE," << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "gnuplot has not been found in your system." << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Test results will not be plotted." << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ boost::filesystem::path p(gnuplot_executable);
+ boost::filesystem::path dir = p.parent_path();
+ std::string gnuplot_path = dir.native();
+ Gnuplot::set_GNUPlotPath(gnuplot_path);
+ unsigned int decimate = static_cast(FLAGS_plot_decimate);
+ if (FLAGS_plot_detail_level >= 2)
+ {
+ Gnuplot g1("linespoints");
+ g1.showonscreen(); // window output
+ g1.set_title(std::to_string(generator_CN0_values.at(current_cn0_idx)) + " dB-Hz, " + "PLL/DLL BW: " + std::to_string(FLAGS_PLL_bw_hz_start) + "," + std::to_string(FLAGS_DLL_bw_hz_start) + " Hz" + "GPS L1 C/A (PRN #" + std::to_string(FLAGS_test_satellite_PRN) + ")");
+ g1.set_grid();
+ g1.set_xlabel("Time [s]");
+ g1.set_ylabel("Correlators' output");
+ //g1.cmd("set key box opaque");
+ g1.plot_xy(trk_timestamp_s, prompt, "Prompt", decimate);
+ g1.plot_xy(trk_timestamp_s, early, "Early", decimate);
+ g1.plot_xy(trk_timestamp_s, late, "Late", decimate);
+ g1.set_legend();
+ //g1.savetops("Correlators_outputs" + std::to_string(generator_CN0_values.at(current_cn0_idx)));
+ //g1.savetopdf("Correlators_outputs" + std::to_string(generator_CN0_values.at(current_cn0_idx)), 18);
+ Gnuplot g2("points");
+ g2.showonscreen(); // window output
+ g2.set_title(std::to_string(generator_CN0_values.at(current_cn0_idx)) + " dB-Hz Constellation " + "PLL/DLL BW: " + std::to_string(FLAGS_PLL_bw_hz_start) + "," + std::to_string(FLAGS_DLL_bw_hz_start) + " Hz" + "GPS L1 C/A (PRN #" + std::to_string(FLAGS_test_satellite_PRN) + ")");
+ g2.set_grid();
+ g2.set_xlabel("Inphase");
+ g2.set_ylabel("Quadrature");
+ //g2.cmd("set size ratio -1");
+ g2.plot_xy(promptI, promptQ);
+ //g2.savetops("Constellation");
+ //g2.savetopdf("Constellation", 18);
+ Gnuplot g3("linespoints");
+ g3.set_title(std::to_string(generator_CN0_values.at(current_cn0_idx)) + " dB-Hz, GPS L1 C/A tracking CN0 output (PRN #" + std::to_string(FLAGS_test_satellite_PRN) + ")");
+ g3.set_grid();
+ g3.set_xlabel("Time [s]");
+ g3.set_ylabel("Reported CN0 [dB-Hz]");
+ g3.cmd("set key box opaque");
+ g3.plot_xy(trk_timestamp_s, CN0_dBHz,
+ std::to_string(static_cast(round(generator_CN0_values.at(current_cn0_idx)))) + "[dB-Hz]", decimate);
+ g3.set_legend();
+ //g3.savetops("CN0_output");
+ //g3.savetopdf("CN0_output", 18);
+ g3.showonscreen(); // window output
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const GnuplotException& ge)
+ {
+ std::cout << ge.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ } //end plot
+ } //end acquisition Delay errors loop
+ } //end acquisition Doppler errors loop
+ pull_in_results_v_v.push_back(pull_in_results_v);
+ } //end CN0 LOOP
+ //build the mesh grid
+ std::vector doppler_error_mesh;
+ std::vector code_delay_error_mesh;
+ for (unsigned int current_acq_doppler_error_idx = 0; current_acq_doppler_error_idx < acq_doppler_error_hz_values.size(); current_acq_doppler_error_idx++)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int current_acq_code_error_idx = 0; current_acq_code_error_idx < acq_delay_error_chips_values.at(current_acq_doppler_error_idx).size(); current_acq_code_error_idx++)
+ {
+ doppler_error_mesh.push_back(acq_doppler_error_hz_values.at(current_acq_doppler_error_idx));
+ code_delay_error_mesh.push_back(acq_delay_error_chips_values.at(current_acq_doppler_error_idx).at(current_acq_code_error_idx));
+ }
+ }
+ for (unsigned int current_cn0_idx = 0; current_cn0_idx < generator_CN0_values.size(); current_cn0_idx++)
+ {
+ std::vector pull_in_result_mesh;
+ pull_in_result_mesh = pull_in_results_v_v.at(current_cn0_idx);
+ //plot grid
+ Gnuplot g4("points palette pointsize 2 pointtype 7");
+ g4.cmd("set palette defined ( 0 \"black\", 1 \"green\" )");
+ g4.cmd("set key off");
+ g4.cmd("set view map");
+ std::string title("Tracking Pull-in result grid at CN0:" + std::to_string(static_cast(round(generator_CN0_values.at(current_cn0_idx)))) + " dB-Hz, PLL/DLL BW: " + std::to_string(FLAGS_PLL_bw_hz_start) + "," + std::to_string(FLAGS_DLL_bw_hz_start) + " Hz.");
+ g4.set_title(title);
+ g4.set_grid();
+ g4.set_xlabel("Acquisition Doppler error [Hz]");
+ g4.set_ylabel("Acquisition Code Delay error [Chips]");
+ g4.plot_xyz(doppler_error_mesh,
+ code_delay_error_mesh,
+ pull_in_result_mesh);
+ g4.set_legend();
+ g4.savetops("trk_pull_in_grid_" + std::to_string(static_cast(round(generator_CN0_values.at(current_cn0_idx)))));
+ g4.savetopdf("trk_pull_in_grid_" + std::to_string(static_cast(round(generator_CN0_values.at(current_cn0_idx)))), 12);
+ g4.showonscreen(); // window output
+ }
diff --git a/src/tests/unit-tests/signal-processing-blocks/tracking/gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_tracking_test.cc b/src/tests/unit-tests/signal-processing-blocks/tracking/gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_tracking_test.cc
index 9a521eba0..0fac7c6d3 100644
--- a/src/tests/unit-tests/signal-processing-blocks/tracking/gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_tracking_test.cc
+++ b/src/tests/unit-tests/signal-processing-blocks/tracking/gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_tracking_test.cc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* \file gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_tracking_test.cc
- * \brief This class implements a tracking test for Galileo_E5a_DLL_PLL_Tracking
+ * \brief This class implements a tracking test for GPS_L1_CA_DLL_PLL_Tracking
* implementation based on some input parameters.
* \author Javier Arribas, 2017. jarribas(at)cttc.es
@@ -52,36 +52,9 @@
#include "signal_generator_flags.h"
#include "gnuplot_i.h"
#include "test_flags.h"
+#include "tracking_tests_flags.h"
-// Input signal configuration
-DEFINE_bool(enable_external_signal_file, false, "Use an external signal file capture instead of the software-defined signal generator");
-DEFINE_string(signal_file, std::string("gps_l1_capture.dat"), "Path of the external signal capture file");
-DEFINE_double(CN0_dBHz_start, std::numeric_limits::infinity(), "Enable noise generator and set the CN0 start sweep value [dB-Hz]");
-DEFINE_double(CN0_dBHz_stop, std::numeric_limits::infinity(), "Enable noise generator and set the CN0 stop sweep value [dB-Hz]");
-DEFINE_double(CN0_dB_step, 3.0, "Noise generator CN0 sweep step value [dB]");
-DEFINE_double(PLL_bw_hz_start, 40.0, "PLL Wide configuration start sweep value [Hz]");
-DEFINE_double(PLL_bw_hz_stop, 40.0, "PLL Wide configuration stop sweep value [Hz]");
-DEFINE_double(PLL_bw_hz_step, 5.0, "PLL Wide configuration sweep step value [Hz]");
-DEFINE_double(DLL_bw_hz_start, 1.5, "DLL Wide configuration start sweep value [Hz]");
-DEFINE_double(DLL_bw_hz_stop, 1.5, "DLL Wide configuration stop sweep value [Hz]");
-DEFINE_double(DLL_bw_hz_step, 0.25, "DLL Wide configuration sweep step value [Hz]");
-DEFINE_double(PLL_narrow_bw_hz, 5.0, "PLL Narrow configuration value [Hz]");
-DEFINE_double(DLL_narrow_bw_hz, 0.75, "DLL Narrow configuration value [Hz]");
-DEFINE_int32(plot_detail_level, 0, "Specify the desired plot detail (0,1,2): 0 - Minimum plots (default) 2 - Plot all tracking parameters");
-//Emulated acquisition configuration
-//Tracking configuration
-DEFINE_int32(extend_correlation_symbols, 1, "Set the tracking coherent correlation to N symbols (up to 20 for GPS L1 C/A)");
-//Test output configuration
-DEFINE_bool(plot_gps_l1_tracking_test, false, "Plots results of GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTest with gnuplot");
class GpsL1CADllPllTrackingTest_msg_rx;