mirror of https://github.com/gnss-sdr/gnss-sdr synced 2025-03-04 10:38:17 +00:00

SBAS stuff developed by Daniel Fehr during GSOC 2013

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@436 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
This commit is contained in:
Carles Fernandez 2013-11-09 22:03:42 +00:00
parent a8619337be
commit 601e5fa2c9
19 changed files with 4563 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
* \file sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder.cc
* \brief Implementation of an adapter of a SBAS telemtry data decoder block
* to a TelemetryDecoderInterface
* \author Daniel Fehr 2013. daniel.co(at)bluewin.ch
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation
* Satellite Systems receiver
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* at your option) any later version.
* GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder.h"
#include "configuration_interface.h"
#include "sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc.h"
#include <gnuradio/io_signature.h>
#include <glog/log_severity.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "sbas_telemetry_data.h"
#include "sbas_ionospheric_correction.h"
#include "sbas_satellite_correction.h"
#include "sbas_ephemeris.h"
extern concurrent_queue<Sbas_Raw_Msg> global_sbas_raw_msg_queue;
extern concurrent_queue<Sbas_Ionosphere_Correction> global_sbas_iono_queue;
extern concurrent_queue<Sbas_Satellite_Correction> global_sbas_sat_corr_queue;
extern concurrent_queue<Sbas_Ephemeris> global_sbas_ephemeris_queue;
using google::LogMessage;
SbasL1TelemetryDecoder::SbasL1TelemetryDecoder(ConfigurationInterface* configuration,
std::string role,
unsigned int in_streams,
unsigned int out_streams,
boost::shared_ptr<gr::msg_queue> queue) :
std::string default_item_type = "gr_complex";
std::string default_dump_filename = "./navigation.dat";
DLOG(INFO) << "role " << role;
DLOG(INFO) << "vector length " << vector_length_;
vector_length_ = configuration->property(role + ".vector_length", 2048);
dump_ = configuration->property(role + ".dump", false);
dump_filename_ = configuration->property(role + ".dump_filename", default_dump_filename);
int fs_in;
fs_in = configuration->property("GNSS-SDR.internal_fs_hz", 2048000);
// make telemetry decoder object
telemetry_decoder_ = sbas_l1_make_telemetry_decoder_cc(satellite_, 0, (long)fs_in, vector_length_, queue_, dump_); // TODO fix me
DLOG(INFO) << "telemetry_decoder(" << telemetry_decoder_->unique_id() << ")";
// set the queues;
void SbasL1TelemetryDecoder::set_satellite(Gnss_Satellite satellite)
satellite_ = Gnss_Satellite(satellite.get_system(), satellite.get_PRN());
DLOG(INFO) << "SBAS TELEMETRY DECODER: satellite set to " << satellite_;
void SbasL1TelemetryDecoder::connect(gr::top_block_sptr top_block)
// Nothing to connect internally
DLOG(INFO) << "nothing to connect internally";
void SbasL1TelemetryDecoder::disconnect(gr::top_block_sptr top_block)
// Nothing to disconnect
gr::basic_block_sptr SbasL1TelemetryDecoder::get_left_block()
return telemetry_decoder_;
gr::basic_block_sptr SbasL1TelemetryDecoder::get_right_block()
return telemetry_decoder_;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
* \file sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder.h
* \brief Interface of an adapter of a SBAS telemtry data decoder block
* to a TelemetryDecoderInterface
* \author Daniel Fehr 2013. daniel.co(at)bluewin.ch
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation
* Satellite Systems receiver
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* at your option) any later version.
* GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "telemetry_decoder_interface.h"
#include "sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc.h"
#include <gnuradio/msg_queue.h>
class ConfigurationInterface;
* \brief This class implements a NAV data decoder for SBAS frames in L1 radio link
class SbasL1TelemetryDecoder : public TelemetryDecoderInterface
SbasL1TelemetryDecoder(ConfigurationInterface* configuration,
std::string role,
unsigned int in_streams,
unsigned int out_streams,
boost::shared_ptr<gr::msg_queue> queue);
virtual ~SbasL1TelemetryDecoder();
std::string role()
return role_;
std::string implementation()
return "SBAS_L1_Telemetry_Decoder";
void connect(gr::top_block_sptr top_block);
void disconnect(gr::top_block_sptr top_block);
gr::basic_block_sptr get_left_block();
gr::basic_block_sptr get_right_block();
void set_satellite(Gnss_Satellite satellite);
void set_channel(int channel){ telemetry_decoder_->set_channel(channel); }
void reset()
size_t item_size()
return 0;
sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc_sptr telemetry_decoder_;
Gnss_Satellite satellite_;
int channel_;
unsigned int vector_length_;
std::string item_type_;
bool dump_;
std::string dump_filename_;
std::string role_;
unsigned int in_streams_;
unsigned int out_streams_;
boost::shared_ptr<gr::msg_queue> queue_;

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,563 @@
* \file sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc.cc
* \brief Implementation of a SBAS telemetry data decoder block
* \author Daniel Fehr 2013. daniel.co(at)bluewin.ch
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation
* Satellite Systems receiver
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* at your option) any later version.
* GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <gnuradio/io_signature.h>
#include <glog/log_severity.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include "control_message_factory.h"
#include "gnss_synchro.h"
#include "sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc.h"
using google::LogMessage;
// logging levels
#define EVENT 2 // logs important events which don't occur every block
#define FLOW 3 // logs the function calls of block processing functions
#define SAMP_SYNC 4 // about 1 log entry per sample -> high output
#define LMORE 5 //
sbas_l1_make_telemetry_decoder_cc(Gnss_Satellite satellite, long if_freq, long fs_in, unsigned
int vector_length, boost::shared_ptr<gr::msg_queue> queue, bool dump)
return sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc_sptr(new sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc(satellite, if_freq,
fs_in, vector_length, queue, dump));
Gnss_Satellite satellite,
long if_freq,
long fs_in,
int vector_length,
boost::shared_ptr<gr::msg_queue> queue,
bool dump) :
gr::block("sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc", gr::io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(Gnss_Synchro)),
gr::io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(Gnss_Synchro)))
// initialize internal vars
d_dump = dump;
d_satellite = Gnss_Satellite(satellite.get_system(), satellite.get_PRN());
DLOG(INFO) << "SBAS L1 TELEMETRY PROCESSING: satellite " << d_satellite;
d_fs_in = fs_in;
d_block_size = d_samples_per_symbol * d_symbols_per_bit * d_block_size_in_bits;
set_output_multiple (1);
void sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc::forecast (int noutput_items, gr_vector_int &ninput_items_required)
unsigned ninputs = ninput_items_required.size ();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < ninputs; i++)
ninput_items_required[i] = noutput_items;
VLOG(LMORE) << "forecast(): " << "noutput_items=" << noutput_items << "\tninput_items_required ninput_items_required.size()=" << ninput_items_required.size();
int sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc::general_work (int noutput_items, gr_vector_int &ninput_items,
gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items, gr_vector_void_star &output_items)
VLOG(FLOW) << "general_work(): " << "noutput_items=" << noutput_items << "\toutput_items real size=" << output_items.size() << "\tninput_items size=" << ninput_items.size() << "\tinput_items real size=" << input_items.size() << "\tninput_items[0]=" << ninput_items[0];
// get pointers on in- and output gnss-synchro objects
const Gnss_Synchro *in = (const Gnss_Synchro *) input_items[0]; // input
Gnss_Synchro *out = (Gnss_Synchro *) output_items[0]; // output
// store the time stamp of the first sample in the processed sample block
double sample_stamp = in[0].Tracking_timestamp_secs;
// copy correlation samples into samples vector
for (int i = 0; i < noutput_items; i++)
// check if channel is in tracking state
//if(in[i].Prompt_I != in[i].Prompt_Q) // TODO: check for real condition
// decode only if enough samples in buffer
if(d_sample_buf.size() >= d_block_size)
// align correlation samples in pairs
// and obtain the symbols by summing the paired correlation samples
std::vector<double> symbols;
bool sample_alignment = d_sample_aligner.get_symbols(d_sample_buf, symbols);
// align symbols in pairs
// and obtain the bits by decoding the symbol pairs
std::vector<int> bits;
bool symbol_alignment = d_symbol_aligner_and_decoder.get_bits(symbols, bits);
// search for preambles
// and extract the corresponding message candidates
std::vector<msg_candiate_int_t> msg_candidates;
d_frame_detector.get_frame_candidates(bits, msg_candidates);
// verify checksum
// and return the valid messages
std::vector<msg_candiate_char_t> valid_msgs;
d_crc_verifier.get_valid_frames(msg_candidates, valid_msgs);
// compute message sample stamp
// and fill messages in SBAS raw message objects
std::vector<Sbas_Raw_Msg> sbas_raw_msgs;
for(std::vector<msg_candiate_char_t>::const_iterator it = valid_msgs.begin();
it != valid_msgs.end(); ++it)
int message_sample_offset =
+ d_samples_per_symbol*(symbol_alignment?-1:0)
+ d_samples_per_symbol * d_symbols_per_bit * it->first;
double message_sample_stamp = sample_stamp + ((double)message_sample_offset)/1000;
VLOG(EVENT) << "message_sample_stamp=" << message_sample_stamp
<< " (sample_stamp=" << sample_stamp
<< " sample_alignment=" << sample_alignment
<< " symbol_alignment=" << symbol_alignment
<< " relative_preamble_start=" << it->first
<< " message_sample_offset=" << message_sample_offset
<< ")";
Sbas_Raw_Msg sbas_raw_msg(message_sample_stamp, this->d_satellite.get_PRN(), it->second);
// parse messages
// and send them to the SBAS raw message queue
for(std::vector<Sbas_Raw_Msg>::iterator it = sbas_raw_msgs.begin(); it != sbas_raw_msgs.end(); it++)
std::cout << "SBAS message type " << it->get_msg_type() << " from PRN" << it->get_prn() << " received" << std::endl;
// clear all processed samples in the input buffer
// actually the SBAS telemetry decoder doesn't support ranging
Gnss_Synchro * current_synchro_data = out; //structure to save the synchronization information and send the output object to the next block
for (int i = 0; i < noutput_items; i++)
//1. Copy the current tracking output
current_synchro_data[i] = in[i];
//2. Add the telemetry decoder information
current_synchro_data[i].Flag_valid_word = false; // indicate to observable block that this synchro object isn't valid for pseudorange computation
consume_each(noutput_items); // tell scheduler input items consumed
return noutput_items; // tell scheduler output items produced
void sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc::set_satellite(Gnss_Satellite satellite)
d_satellite = Gnss_Satellite(satellite.get_system(), satellite.get_PRN());
DLOG(INFO) << "SBAS telemetry decoder in channel " << this->d_channel << " set to satellite " << d_satellite;
void sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc::set_channel(int channel)
d_channel = channel;
DLOG(INFO) << "SBAS channel set to " << channel;
// ### helper class for sample alignment ###
d_n_smpls_in_history = 3;
d_iir_par = 0.05;
void sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc::sample_aligner::reset()
d_past_sample = 0;
d_corr_paired = 0;
d_corr_shifted = 0;
d_aligned = true;
* samples length must be a multiple of two
bool sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc::sample_aligner::get_symbols(const std::vector<double> samples, std::vector<double> &symbols)
double smpls[d_n_smpls_in_history];
double corr_diff;
bool stand_by = true;
double sym;
VLOG(FLOW) << "get_symbols(): " << "d_past_sample=" << d_past_sample << "\tsamples size=" << samples.size();
for (unsigned int i_sym = 0; i_sym < samples.size()/sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc::d_samples_per_symbol; i_sym++)
// get the next samples
for (int i = 0; i < d_n_smpls_in_history; i++)
smpls[i] = ((int)i_sym)*sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc::d_samples_per_symbol+i-1 == -1 ? d_past_sample : samples[i_sym*sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc::d_samples_per_symbol+i-1];
// update the pseudo correlations (IIR method) of the two possible alignments
d_corr_paired = d_iir_par*smpls[1]*smpls[2] + (1-d_iir_par)*d_corr_paired;
d_corr_shifted = d_iir_par*smpls[0]*smpls[1] + (1-d_iir_par)*d_corr_shifted;
// decide which alignment is the correct one
corr_diff = std::abs(d_corr_paired-d_corr_shifted);
stand_by = d_aligned ? corr_diff < d_corr_paired/2 : corr_diff < d_corr_shifted/2;
if (!stand_by)
d_aligned = d_corr_paired >= d_corr_shifted;
// sum the correct pair of samples to a symbol, depending on the current alignment d_align
sym = smpls[0+int(d_aligned)*2] + smpls[1];
// sample alignment debug output
VLOG(SAMP_SYNC) << std::setprecision(5)
<< "smplp: " << std::setw(6) << smpls[0] << " " << "smpl0: " << std::setw(6) << smpls[1] << " " << "smpl1: " << std::setw(6) << smpls[2] << "\t"
//<< "Flag_valid_tracking: " << std::setw(1) << in[0][0].Flag_valid_tracking << " " << std::setw(1) << in[0][0].Flag_valid_tracking << "\t"
<< "d_corr_paired: " << std::setw(10) << d_corr_paired << "\t"
<< "d_corr_shifted: " << std::setw(10) << d_corr_shifted << "\t"
<< "corr_diff: " << std::setw(10) << corr_diff << "\t"
<< "stand_by: " << std::setw(1) << stand_by << "\t"
<< "d_aligned: " << std::setw(1) << d_aligned << "\t"
<< "sym: " << std::setw(10) << sym << "\t";
// save last sample for next block
double temp;
temp = samples.back();
d_past_sample = (temp);
return d_aligned;
// ### helper class for symbol alignment and viterbi decoding ###
// convolutional code properties
d_KK = 7;
int nn = 2;
int g_encoder[nn];
g_encoder[0] = 121;
g_encoder[1] = 91;
d_vd1 = new Viterbi_Decoder(g_encoder, d_KK, nn);
d_vd2 = new Viterbi_Decoder(g_encoder, d_KK, nn);
d_past_symbol = 0;
delete d_vd1;
delete d_vd2;
void sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc::symbol_aligner_and_decoder::reset()
d_past_symbol = 0;
bool sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc::symbol_aligner_and_decoder::
get_bits(const std::vector<double> symbols, std::vector<int> &bits)
const int traceback_depth = 5*d_KK;
int nbits_requested = symbols.size()/d_symbols_per_bit;
int nbits_decoded;
// fill two vectors with the two possible symbol alignments
std::vector<double> symbols_vd1(symbols); // aligned symbol vector -> copy input symbol vector
std::vector<double> symbols_vd2; // shifted symbol vector -> add past sample in front of input vector
for (std::vector<double>::const_iterator symbol_it = symbols.begin(); symbol_it != symbols.end()-1; ++symbol_it)
// arrays for decoded bits
int * bits_vd1 = new int[nbits_requested];
int * bits_vd2 = new int[nbits_requested];
// decode
float metric_vd1 = d_vd1->decode_continuous(symbols_vd1.data(), traceback_depth, bits_vd1, nbits_requested, nbits_decoded);
float metric_vd2 = d_vd2->decode_continuous(symbols_vd2.data(), traceback_depth, bits_vd2, nbits_requested, nbits_decoded);
// choose the bits with the better metric
for (int i = 0; i<nbits_decoded; i++)
if (metric_vd1 > metric_vd2)
{// symbols aligned
{// symbols shifted
d_past_symbol = symbols.back();
delete[] bits_vd1;
delete[] bits_vd2;
return metric_vd1 > metric_vd2;
// ### helper class for detecting the preamble and collect the corresponding message candidates ###
void sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc::frame_detector::reset()
void sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc::frame_detector::
get_frame_candidates(const std::vector<int> bits, std::vector<std::pair<int,std::vector<int>>> &msg_candidates)
std::stringstream ss;
unsigned int sbas_msg_length = 250;
std::vector<std::vector<int>> preambles = {{0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 ,1},
{1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0},
{1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}};
VLOG(FLOW) << "get_frame_candidates(): " << "d_buffer.size()=" << d_buffer.size() << "\tbits.size()=" << bits.size();
ss << "copy bits ";
int count = 0;
// copy new bits into the working buffer
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator bit_it = bits.begin(); bit_it < bits.end(); ++bit_it)
ss << *bit_it;
VLOG(SAMP_SYNC) << ss.str() << " into working buffer (" << count << " bits)";
int relative_preamble_start = 0;
while(d_buffer.size() >= sbas_msg_length)
// compare with all preambles
for (std::vector<std::vector<int>>::iterator preample_it = preambles.begin(); preample_it < preambles.end(); ++preample_it)
bool preamble_detected = true;
bool inv_preamble_detected = true;
// compare the buffer bits with the preamble bits
for (std::vector<int>::iterator preample_bit_it = preample_it->begin(); preample_bit_it < preample_it->end(); ++preample_bit_it)
preamble_detected = *preample_bit_it == d_buffer[preample_bit_it-preample_it->begin()] ? preamble_detected : false ;
inv_preamble_detected = *preample_bit_it != d_buffer[preample_bit_it-preample_it->begin()] ? inv_preamble_detected : false ;
if (preamble_detected || inv_preamble_detected)
// copy candidate
std::vector<int> candidate;
std::copy(d_buffer.begin(), d_buffer.begin()+sbas_msg_length, std::back_inserter(candidate));
// invert bits
for (std::vector<int>::iterator candidate_bit_it = candidate.begin(); candidate_bit_it != candidate.end(); candidate_bit_it++)
*candidate_bit_it = *candidate_bit_it == 0 ? 1:0;
ss << "preamble " << preample_it - preambles.begin() << (inv_preamble_detected?" inverted":" normal") << " detected! candidate=";
for (std::vector<int>::iterator bit_it = candidate.begin(); bit_it < candidate.end(); ++bit_it)
ss << *bit_it;
VLOG(EVENT) << ss.str();
// remove bit in front
// ### helper class for checking the CRC of the message candidates ###
void sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc::crc_verifier::reset()
void sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc::crc_verifier::
get_valid_frames(const std::vector<msg_candiate_int_t> msg_candidates, std::vector<msg_candiate_char_t> &valid_msgs)
std::stringstream ss;
VLOG(FLOW) << "get_valid_frames(): " << "msg_candidates.size()=" << msg_candidates.size();
// for each candidate
for (std::vector<msg_candiate_int_t>::const_iterator candidate_it = msg_candidates.begin(); candidate_it < msg_candidates.end(); ++candidate_it)
// convert to bytes
std::vector<unsigned char> candidate_bytes;
zerropad_back_and_convert_to_bytes(candidate_it->second, candidate_bytes);
// verify CRC
d_checksum_agent.process_bytes(candidate_bytes.data(), candidate_bytes.size());
unsigned int crc = d_checksum_agent.checksum();
VLOG(SAMP_SYNC) << "candidate " << candidate_it - msg_candidates.begin() << ": final crc remainder= " << std::hex << crc
<< std::setfill(' ') << std::resetiosflags(std::ios::hex);
// the final remainder must be zero for a valid message, because the CRC is done over the received CRC value
if (crc == 0)
ss << "Valid message found!";
ss << "Not a valid message.";
ss << " Relbitoffset=" << candidate_it->first << " content=";
for (std::vector<unsigned char>::iterator byte_it = candidate_bytes.begin(); byte_it < candidate_bytes.end(); ++byte_it)
ss << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex << (unsigned int)(*byte_it);
VLOG(SAMP_SYNC) << ss.str() << std::setfill(' ') << std::resetiosflags(std::ios::hex) << std::endl;
void sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc::crc_verifier::
zerropad_back_and_convert_to_bytes(const std::vector<int> msg_candidate, std::vector<unsigned char> &bytes)
std::stringstream ss;
const size_t bits_per_byte = 8;
unsigned char byte = 0;
VLOG(LMORE) << "zerropad_back_and_convert_to_bytes():" << byte;
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator candidate_bit_it = msg_candidate.begin(); candidate_bit_it < msg_candidate.end(); ++candidate_bit_it)
int idx_bit = candidate_bit_it - msg_candidate.begin();
int bit_pos_in_current_byte = (bits_per_byte-1)-(idx_bit % bits_per_byte);
byte |= (unsigned char)(*candidate_bit_it) << bit_pos_in_current_byte;
ss << *candidate_bit_it;
if (idx_bit % bits_per_byte == bits_per_byte-1)
VLOG(LMORE) << ss.str() << " -> byte=" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex << (unsigned int)byte; ss.str("");
byte = 0;
bytes.push_back(byte); // implies: insert 6 zeros at the end to fit the 250bits into a multiple of bytes
VLOG(LMORE) << " -> byte=" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex << (unsigned int)byte
<< std::setfill(' ') << std::resetiosflags(std::ios::hex);
void sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc::crc_verifier::
zerropad_front_and_convert_to_bytes(const std::vector<int> msg_candidate, std::vector<unsigned char> &bytes)
std::stringstream ss;
const size_t bits_per_byte = 8;
unsigned char byte = 0;
int idx_bit = 6; // insert 6 zeros at the front to fit the 250bits into a multiple of bytes
VLOG(LMORE) << "zerropad_front_and_convert_to_bytes():" << byte;
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator candidate_bit_it = msg_candidate.begin(); candidate_bit_it < msg_candidate.end(); ++candidate_bit_it)
int bit_pos_in_current_byte = (bits_per_byte-1)-(idx_bit % bits_per_byte);
byte |= (unsigned char)(*candidate_bit_it) << bit_pos_in_current_byte;
ss << *candidate_bit_it;
if (idx_bit % bits_per_byte == bits_per_byte-1)
VLOG(LMORE) << ss.str() << " -> byte=" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex << (unsigned int)byte; ss.str("");
byte = 0;
VLOG(LMORE) << " -> byte=" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex << (unsigned int)byte
<< std::setfill(' ') << std::resetiosflags(std::ios::hex);
void sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc::set_raw_msg_queue(concurrent_queue<Sbas_Raw_Msg> *raw_msg_queue)
void sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc::set_iono_queue(concurrent_queue<Sbas_Ionosphere_Correction> *iono_queue)
void sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc::set_sat_corr_queue(concurrent_queue<Sbas_Satellite_Correction> *sat_corr_queue)
void sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc::set_ephemeris_queue(concurrent_queue<Sbas_Ephemeris> *ephemeris_queue)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
* \file sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc.h
* \brief Interface of a SBAS telemetry data decoder block
* \author Daniel Fehr 2013. daniel.co(at)bluewin.ch
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation
* Satellite Systems receiver
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* at your option) any later version.
* GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <fstream>
#include <gnuradio/block.h>
#include <gnuradio/msg_queue.h>
#include <boost/crc.hpp>
#include "gnss_satellite.h"
#include "viterbi_decoder.h"
#include "sbas_telemetry_data.h"
class sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc> sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc_sptr;
sbas_l1_make_telemetry_decoder_cc(Gnss_Satellite satellite, long if_freq, long fs_in, unsigned
int vector_length, boost::shared_ptr<gr::msg_queue> queue, bool dump);
* \brief This class implements a block that decodes the SBAS integrity and corrections data defined in RTCA MOPS DO-229
class sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc : public gr::block
void set_satellite(Gnss_Satellite satellite); //!< Set satellite PRN
void set_channel(int channel); //!< Set receiver's channel
// queues to communicate broadcasted SBAS data to other blocks of GNSS-SDR
void set_raw_msg_queue(concurrent_queue<Sbas_Raw_Msg> *raw_msg_queue);
void set_iono_queue(concurrent_queue<Sbas_Ionosphere_Correction> *iono_queue);
void set_sat_corr_queue(concurrent_queue<Sbas_Satellite_Correction> *sat_corr_queue);
void set_ephemeris_queue(concurrent_queue<Sbas_Ephemeris> *ephemeris_queue);
int general_work (int noutput_items, gr_vector_int &ninput_items,
gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items, gr_vector_void_star &output_items);
void forecast (int noutput_items, gr_vector_int &ninput_items_required);
friend sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc_sptr
sbas_l1_make_telemetry_decoder_cc(Gnss_Satellite satellite, long if_freq, long fs_in,unsigned
int vector_length, boost::shared_ptr<gr::msg_queue> queue, bool dump);
sbas_l1_telemetry_decoder_cc(Gnss_Satellite satellite, long if_freq, long fs_in, unsigned
int vector_length, boost::shared_ptr<gr::msg_queue> queue, bool dump);
void viterbi_decoder(double *page_part_symbols, int *page_part_bits);
void align_samples();
static const int d_samples_per_symbol = 2;
static const int d_symbols_per_bit = 2;
static const int d_block_size_in_bits = 30;
long d_fs_in;
bool d_dump;
Gnss_Satellite d_satellite;
int d_channel;
std::string d_dump_filename;
std::ofstream d_dump_file;
size_t d_block_size; //!< number of samples which are processed during one invocation of the algorithms
std::vector<double> d_sample_buf; //!< input buffer holding the samples to be processed in one block
typedef std::pair<int,std::vector<int>> msg_candiate_int_t;
typedef std::pair<int,std::vector<unsigned char>> msg_candiate_char_t;
// helper class for sample alignment
class sample_aligner
void reset();
* samples length must be a multiple of two
* for block operation the
bool get_symbols(const std::vector<double> samples, std::vector<double> &symbols);
int d_n_smpls_in_history ;
double d_iir_par;
double d_corr_paired;
double d_corr_shifted;
bool d_aligned;
double d_past_sample;
} d_sample_aligner;
// helper class for symbol alignment and viterbi decoding
class symbol_aligner_and_decoder
void reset();
bool get_bits(const std::vector<double> symbols, std::vector<int> &bits);
int d_KK;
Viterbi_Decoder * d_vd1;
Viterbi_Decoder * d_vd2;
double d_past_symbol;
} d_symbol_aligner_and_decoder;
// helper class for detecting the preamble and collect the corresponding message candidates
class frame_detector
void reset();
void get_frame_candidates(const std::vector<int> bits, std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<int>>> &msg_candidates);
std::deque<int> d_buffer;
} d_frame_detector;
// helper class for checking the CRC of the message candidates
class crc_verifier
void reset();
void get_valid_frames(const std::vector<msg_candiate_int_t> msg_candidates, std::vector<msg_candiate_char_t> &valid_msgs);
typedef boost::crc_optimal<24, 0x1864CFBu, 0x0, 0x0, false, false> crc_24_q_type;
crc_24_q_type d_checksum_agent;
void zerropad_front_and_convert_to_bytes(const std::vector<int> msg_candidate, std::vector<unsigned char> &bytes);
void zerropad_back_and_convert_to_bytes(const std::vector<int> msg_candidate, std::vector<unsigned char> &bytes);
} d_crc_verifier;
Sbas_Telemetry_Data sbas_telemetry_data;

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
* \file viterbi_decoder.cc
* \brief Implementation of a Viterbi decoder class based on the Iterative Solutions
* Coded Modulation Library by Matthew C. Valenti
* \author Daniel Fehr 2013. daniel.co(at)bluewin.ch
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation
* Satellite Systems receiver
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* at your option) any later version.
* GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "viterbi_decoder.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <glog/log_severity.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
// logging
#define EVENT 2 // logs important events which don't occur every block
#define FLOW 3 // logs the function calls of block processing functions
#define BLOCK 4 // once per block
#define SAMPLE 5 // about one log entry per sample
#define LMORE 6 // many entries per sample / very specific stuff
#define MAXLOG 1e7 /* Define infinity */
Viterbi_Decoder::Viterbi_Decoder(const int g_encoder[], const int KK, const int nn)
d_nn = nn; //Coding rate 1/n
d_KK = KK; //Constraint Length
// derived code properties
d_mm = d_KK - 1;
d_states = 1 << d_mm; /* 2^mm */
d_number_symbols = 1 << d_nn; /* 2^nn */
/* create appropriate transition matrices (trellis) */
d_out0 = new int[d_states];
d_out1 = new int[d_states];
d_state0 = new int[d_states];
d_state1 = new int[d_states];
nsc_transit(d_out0, d_state0, 0, g_encoder, d_KK, d_nn);
nsc_transit(d_out1, d_state1, 1, g_encoder, d_KK, d_nn);
// initialise trellis state
d_trellis_state_is_initialised = false;
// trellis definition
delete[] d_out0;
delete[] d_out1;
delete[] d_state0;
delete[] d_state1;
// init trellis state
delete[] d_pm_t;
delete[] d_rec_array;
delete[] d_metric_c;
/* Function decode_block()
Description: Uses the Viterbi algorithm to perform hard-decision decoding of a convolutional code.
Input parameters:
r[] The received signal in LLR-form. For BPSK, must be in form r = 2*a*y/(sigma^2).
LL The number of data bits to be decoded (doen't inlcude the mm zero-tail-bits)
Output parameters:
output_u_int[] Hard decisions on the data bits (without the mm zero-tail-bits)
Viterbi_Decoder::decode_block(const double input_c[], int output_u_int[], const int LL)
int state;
int decoding_length_mismatch;
VLOG(FLOW) << "decode_block(): LL=" << LL;
// init
// do add compare select
do_acs(input_c, LL+d_mm);
// tail, no need to output -> traceback, but don't decode
state = do_traceback(d_mm);
// traceback and decode
decoding_length_mismatch = do_tb_and_decode(d_mm, LL, state, output_u_int, d_indicator_metric);
VLOG(FLOW) << "decoding length mismatch: " << decoding_length_mismatch;
return d_indicator_metric;
Viterbi_Decoder::decode_continuous(const double sym[], const int traceback_depth, int bits[],
const int nbits_requested, int &nbits_decoded)
int state;
int decoding_length_mismatch;
VLOG(FLOW) << "decode_continuous(): nbits_requested=" << nbits_requested;
// do add compare select
do_acs(sym, nbits_requested);
// the ML sequence in the newest part of the trellis can not be decoded
// since it depends on the future values -> traceback, but don't decode
state = do_traceback(traceback_depth);
// traceback and decode
decoding_length_mismatch = do_tb_and_decode(traceback_depth, nbits_requested, state, bits,
nbits_decoded = nbits_requested + decoding_length_mismatch;
VLOG(FLOW) << "decoding length mismatch (continuous decoding): "
<< decoding_length_mismatch;
return d_indicator_metric;
int state;
// if trellis state has been initialised, free old state memory
// init trellis state
delete[] d_pm_t;
delete[] d_rec_array;
delete[] d_metric_c;
// reserve new trellis state memory
d_pm_t = new float[d_states];
d_trellis_paths = std::deque<Prev>();
d_rec_array = new float[d_nn];
d_metric_c = new float[d_number_symbols];
d_trellis_state_is_initialised = true;
/* initialize trellis */
for (state = 0; state < d_states; state++)
d_pm_t[state] = -MAXLOG;
//d_pm_t_next[state] = -MAXLOG;
d_pm_t[0] = 0; /* start in all-zeros state */
d_indicator_metric = 0;
Viterbi_Decoder::do_acs(const double sym[], int nbits)
int t, i, state_at_t;
float metric;
float max_val;
float * pm_t_next = new float[d_states];
/* t:
* - state: state at t
* - d_prev_section[state_at_t]: path metric at t for state state_at_t
* - d_out0[state_at_t]: sent symbols for a data bit 0 if state is state_at_t at time t
for (state_at_t = 0; state_at_t < d_states; state_at_t++)
pm_t_next[state_at_t] = -MAXLOG;
/* go through trellis */
for (t = 0; t < nbits; t++)
/* Temporarily store the received symbols current decoding step */
for (i = 0; i < d_nn; i++)
d_rec_array[i] = (float) sym[d_nn * t + i];
/* precompute all possible branch metrics */
for (i = 0; i < d_number_symbols; i++)
d_metric_c[i] = gamma(d_rec_array, i, d_nn);
VLOG(LMORE) << "metric for (tx_sym=" << i << "|ry_sym=(" << d_rec_array[0] << ", " << d_rec_array[1] << ") = " << d_metric_c[i];
// find the survivor branches leading the trellis states at t+1
Prev next_trellis_states(d_states, t+1);
/* step through all states */
for (state_at_t = 0; state_at_t < d_states; state_at_t++)
int next_state_if_0 = d_state0[state_at_t];
int next_state_if_1 = d_state1[state_at_t];
/* hypothesis: info bit is a zero */
int bm_0 = d_metric_c[d_out0[state_at_t]];
metric = d_pm_t[state_at_t] + bm_0; // path metric + zerobranch metric
/* store new metric if more than metric in storage */
if (metric > pm_t_next[next_state_if_0])
pm_t_next[next_state_if_0] = metric;
next_trellis_states.set_current_state_as_ancestor_of_next_state(next_state_if_0, state_at_t);
next_trellis_states.set_decoded_bit_for_next_state(next_state_if_0, 0);
next_trellis_states.set_survivor_branch_metric_of_next_state(next_state_if_0, bm_0);
/* hypothesis: info bit is a one */
int bm_1 = d_metric_c[d_out1[state_at_t]];
metric = d_pm_t[state_at_t] + bm_1; // path metric + onebranch metric
/* store new metric if more than metric in storage */
if (metric > pm_t_next[next_state_if_1])
pm_t_next[next_state_if_1] = metric;
next_trellis_states.set_current_state_as_ancestor_of_next_state(next_state_if_1, state_at_t);
next_trellis_states.set_decoded_bit_for_next_state(next_state_if_1, 1);
next_trellis_states.set_survivor_branch_metric_of_next_state(next_state_if_1, bm_1);
/* normalize -> afterwards, the largest metric value is always 0 */
//max_val = 0;
max_val = -MAXLOG;
for (state_at_t = 0; state_at_t < d_states; state_at_t++)
if (pm_t_next[state_at_t] > max_val)
max_val = pm_t_next[state_at_t];
VLOG(LMORE) << "max_val at t=" << t << ": " << max_val;
for (state_at_t = 0; state_at_t < d_states; state_at_t++)
d_pm_t[state_at_t] = pm_t_next[state_at_t] - max_val;
pm_t_next[state_at_t] = -MAXLOG;
delete[] pm_t_next;
return t;
Viterbi_Decoder::do_traceback(size_t traceback_length)
// traceback_length is in bits
int state;
std::deque<Prev>::iterator it;
VLOG(FLOW) << "do_traceback(): traceback_length=" << traceback_length << std::endl;
if (d_trellis_paths.size() < traceback_length)
traceback_length = d_trellis_paths.size();
state = 0; // maybe start not at state 0, but at state with best metric
for (it = d_trellis_paths.begin(); it < d_trellis_paths.begin() + traceback_length; ++it)
state = it->get_anchestor_state_of_current_state(state);
return state;
Viterbi_Decoder::do_tb_and_decode(int traceback_length, int requested_decoding_length, int state, int output_u_int[], float& indicator_metric)
int n_of_branches_for_indicator_metric = 500;
int t_out;
std::deque<Prev>::iterator it;
int decoding_length_mismatch;
int overstep_length;
int n_im=0;
VLOG(FLOW) << "do_tb_and_decode(): requested_decoding_length=" << requested_decoding_length;
// decode only decode_length bits -> overstep newer bits which are too much
decoding_length_mismatch = d_trellis_paths.size() - (traceback_length + requested_decoding_length);
VLOG(BLOCK) << "decoding_length_mismatch=" << decoding_length_mismatch;
overstep_length = decoding_length_mismatch >= 0 ? decoding_length_mismatch : 0;
VLOG(BLOCK) << "overstep_length=" << overstep_length;
for (it = d_trellis_paths.begin() + traceback_length; it < d_trellis_paths.begin()+traceback_length + overstep_length; ++it)
state = it->get_anchestor_state_of_current_state(state);
t_out = d_trellis_paths.end()-(d_trellis_paths.begin() + traceback_length + overstep_length)-1;//requested_decoding_length-1;
indicator_metric = 0;
for (it = d_trellis_paths.begin() + traceback_length + overstep_length; it < d_trellis_paths.end(); ++it)
//VLOG(SAMPLE)<< "@t_out=" << t_out;
//VLOG(SAMPLE) << "tb&dec: @t=" << it->get_t() << " bit=" << it->get_bit_of_current_state(state) << " bm=" << it->get_metric_of_current_state(state);
if(it - (d_trellis_paths.begin() + traceback_length + overstep_length) < n_of_branches_for_indicator_metric)
indicator_metric += it->get_metric_of_current_state(state);
VLOG(SAMPLE) << "@t=" << it->get_t() << " b=" << it->get_bit_of_current_state(state) << " sm=" << indicator_metric << " d=" << it->get_metric_of_current_state(state);
output_u_int[t_out] = it->get_bit_of_current_state(state);
state = it->get_anchestor_state_of_current_state(state);
VLOG(BLOCK) << "indicator metric: " << indicator_metric;
// remove old states
if (d_trellis_paths.begin() + traceback_length+overstep_length <= d_trellis_paths.end())
d_trellis_paths.erase(d_trellis_paths.begin()+traceback_length+overstep_length, d_trellis_paths.end());
return decoding_length_mismatch;
/* function Gamma()
Description: Computes the branch metric used for decoding.
Output parameters:
(returned float) The metric between the hypothetical symbol and the recevieved vector
Input parameters:
rec_array The received vector, of length nn
symbol The hypothetical symbol
nn The length of the received vector
This function is used by siso() */
Viterbi_Decoder::gamma(float rec_array[], int symbol, int nn)
float rm = 0;
int i;
int mask;
float txsym;
mask = 1;
for (i = 0; i < nn; i++)
//if (symbol & mask) rm += rec_array[nn - i - 1];
txsym = symbol & mask ? 1 : -1;
rm += txsym * rec_array[nn - i - 1];
mask = mask << 1;
//rm = rm > 50 ? rm : -1000;
return (rm);
/* function that creates the transit and output vectors */
Viterbi_Decoder::nsc_transit(int output_p[], int trans_p[], int input, const int g[],
int KK, int nn)
int nextstate[1];
int state, states;
states = (1 << (KK - 1)); /* The number of states: 2^mm */
/* Determine the output and next state for each possible starting state */
for (state = 0; state < states; state++)
output_p[state] = nsc_enc_bit(nextstate, input, state, g, KK, nn);
trans_p[state] = nextstate[0];
/* Function nsc_enc_bit()
Description: Convolutionally encodes a single bit using a rate 1/n encoder.
Takes in one input bit at a time, and produces a n-bit output.
Input parameters:
input The input data bit (i.e. a 0 or 1).
state_in The starting state of the encoder (an int from 0 to 2^m-1).
g[] An n-element vector containing the code generators in binary form.
KK The constraint length of the convolutional code.
nn number of symbols bits per input bits (rate 1/nn)
Output parameters:
output_p[] An n-element vector containing the encoded bits.
state_out_p[] An integer containing the final state of the encoder
(i.e. the state after encoding this bit)
This function is used by rsc_encode(), nsc_transit(), rsc_transit(), and nsc_transit() */
Viterbi_Decoder::nsc_enc_bit(int state_out_p[], int input, int state_in,
const int g[], int KK, int nn)
/* declare variables */
int state, i;
int out = 0;
/* create a word made up of state and new input */
state = (input << (KK - 1)) ^ state_in;
/* AND the word with the generators */
for (i = 0; i < nn; i++)
/* update output symbol */
out = (out << 1) + parity_counter(state & g[i], KK);
/* shift the state to make the new state */
state_out_p[0] = state >> 1;
return (out);
/* function parity_counter()
Description: Determines if a symbol has odd (1) or even (0) parity
Output parameters:
(returned int): The symbol's parity = 1 for odd and 0 for even
Input parameters:
symbol: The integer-valued symbol
length: The highest bit position in the symbol
This function is used by nsc_enc_bit(), rsc_enc_bit(), and rsc_tail() */
Viterbi_Decoder::parity_counter(int symbol, int length)
int counter;
int temp_parity = 0;
for (counter = 0; counter < length; counter++)
temp_parity = temp_parity ^ (symbol & 1);
symbol = symbol >> 1;
return (temp_parity);
// prev helper class
Viterbi_Decoder::Prev::Prev(int states, int t)
this->t = t;
state = new int[states];
bit = new int[states];
metric = new float[states];
refcount = new int;
*refcount = 1;
//std::cout << "Prev(" << states << ", " << t << ")" << " constructor" << std::endl;
// copy constructor
Viterbi_Decoder::Prev::Prev(const Prev& prev)
refcount = prev.refcount;
t = prev.t;
state = prev.state;
bit = prev.bit;
metric = prev.metric;
VLOG(LMORE) << "Prev(" << "?" << ", " << t << ")" << " copy, new refcount = " << *refcount;
// assignment constructor
Viterbi_Decoder::Prev& Viterbi_Decoder::Prev::operator=(const Prev& other)
// check for self-assignment
if(&other == this)
return *this;
// handle old resources
{ // if they are not used anymore -> unallocate them
delete[] state;
delete[] bit;
delete[] metric;
delete refcount;
{ // this object is not anymore using them
// increase ref counter for this resource set
refcount = other.refcount;
// take over resources
t = other.t;
state = other.state;
bit = other.bit;
metric = other.metric;
VLOG(LMORE) << "Prev(" << "?" << ", " << t << ")" << " assignment, new refcount = " << *refcount;
return *this;
if (*refcount == 1)
delete[] state;
delete[] bit;
delete[] metric;
delete refcount;
//std::cout << "~Prev(" << "?" << ", " << t << ")" << " destructor with delete" << std::endl;
VLOG(LMORE) << "~Prev(" << "?" << ", " << t << ")" << " destructor after copy, new refcount = " << *refcount;
int Viterbi_Decoder::Prev::get_anchestor_state_of_current_state(int current_state)
//std::cout << "get prev state: for state " << current_state << " at time " << t << ", the prev state at time " << t-1 << " is " << state[current_state] << std::endl;
return state[current_state];
int Viterbi_Decoder::Prev::get_bit_of_current_state(int current_state)
//std::cout << "get prev bit : for state " << current_state << " at time " << t << ", the send bit is " << bit[current_state] << std::endl;
return bit[current_state];
float Viterbi_Decoder::Prev::get_metric_of_current_state(int current_state)
return metric[current_state];
int Viterbi_Decoder::Prev::get_t()
return t;
void Viterbi_Decoder::Prev::set_current_state_as_ancestor_of_next_state(int next_state, int current_state)
state[next_state] = current_state;
void Viterbi_Decoder::Prev::set_decoded_bit_for_next_state(int next_state, int bit)
this->bit[next_state] = bit;
void Viterbi_Decoder::Prev::set_survivor_branch_metric_of_next_state(int next_state, float metric)
this->metric[next_state] = metric;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
* \file viterbi_decoder.h
* \brief Interface of a Viterbi decoder class based on the Iterative Solutions
* Coded Modulation Library by Matthew C. Valenti
* \author Daniel Fehr 2013. daniel.co(at)bluewin.ch
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation
* Satellite Systems receiver
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* at your option) any later version.
* GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <deque>
#include <iostream>
class Viterbi_Decoder
Viterbi_Decoder(const int g_encoder[], const int KK, const int nn);
void reset();
float decode_block(const double input_c[], int* output_u_int, const int LL);
float decode_continuous(const double sym[], const int traceback_depth, int output_u_int[],
const int nbits_requested, int &nbits_decoded);
class Prev
Prev(int states, int t);
Prev(const Prev& prev);
Prev& operator=(const Prev& other);
int get_anchestor_state_of_current_state(int current_state);
int get_bit_of_current_state(int current_state);
float get_metric_of_current_state(int current_state);
int get_t();
void set_current_state_as_ancestor_of_next_state(int next_state, int current_state);
void set_decoded_bit_for_next_state(int next_state, int bit);
void set_survivor_branch_metric_of_next_state(int next_state, float metric);
int t;
int * state;
int * bit;
float * metric;
int * refcount;
// code properties
int d_KK;
int d_nn;
// derived code properties
int d_mm;
int d_states;
int d_number_symbols;
// trellis definition
int* d_out0;
int* d_state0;
int* d_out1;
int* d_state1;
// trellis state
float *d_pm_t;
std::deque<Prev> d_trellis_paths;
float *d_metric_c; /* Set of all possible branch metrics */
float *d_rec_array; /* Received values for one trellis section */
bool d_trellis_state_is_initialised;
// measures
float d_indicator_metric;
// operations on the trellis (change decoder state)
void init_trellis_state();
int do_acs(const double sym[], int nbits);
int do_traceback(size_t traceback_length);
int do_tb_and_decode(int traceback_length, int requested_decoding_length, int state, int bits[], float& indicator_metric);
// branch metric function
float gamma(float rec_array[], int symbol, int nn);
// trellis generation
void nsc_transit(int output_p[], int trans_p[], int input, const int g[], int KK, int nn);
int nsc_enc_bit(int state_out_p[], int input, int state_in, const int g[], int KK, int nn);
int parity_counter(int symbol, int length);

View File

@ -32,10 +32,15 @@ set(SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_SOURCES

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
* \file sbas_ephemeris.cc
* \brief Interface of a SBAS REFERENCE LOCATION storage
* \author Daniel Fehr, 2013. daniel.co(at)bluewin.ch
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation
* Satellite Systems receiver
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* at your option) any later version.
* GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "sbas_ephemeris.h"
void Sbas_Ephemeris::print(std::ostream &out)
out << "<<E>> PRN" << i_prn << ":";
out << " d_t0=" << i_t0;
out << " d_tof=" << d_tof;
out << " i_sv_ura=" << i_sv_ura;
out << " b_sv_do_not_use=" << b_sv_do_not_use;
out << " d_pos=(x=" << d_pos[0] << ", y=" << d_pos[1] << ", z=" << d_pos[2] << ")";
out << " d_vel=(x=" << d_vel[0] << ", y=" << d_vel[1] << ", z=" << d_vel[2] << ")";
out << " d_acc=(x=" << d_acc[0] << ", y=" << d_acc[1] << ", z=" << d_acc[2] << ")";
out << " d_af0=" << d_af0;
out << " d_af1=" << d_af1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
* \file sbas_ephemeris.h
* \brief Implementation of a SBAS REFERENCE LOCATION storage
* \author Daniel Fehr, 2013. daniel.co(at)bluewin.ch
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation
* Satellite Systems receiver
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* at your option) any later version.
* GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Sbas_Ephemeris
void print(std::ostream &out);
int i_prn; // PRN number */
//gtime_t t0; // reference epoch time (GPST)
int i_t0;
//gtime_t tof; // time of message frame (GPST)
double d_tof;
int i_sv_ura; // SV accuracy (URA index), not standardized
bool b_sv_do_not_use; // health status (false:don't use / true:usable)
double d_pos[3]; // satellite position (m) (ecef)
double d_vel[3]; // satellite velocity (m/s) (ecef)
double d_acc[3]; // satellite acceleration (m/s^2) (ecef)
double d_af0; // satellite clock-offset (s)
double d_af1; // satellite drift (s/s)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
* \file sbas_ionospheric_correction.cc
* \brief Implementation of the SBAS ionosphere correction set based on SBAS RTKLIB functions
* \author Daniel Fehr 2013. daniel.co(at)bluewin.ch
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation
* Satellite Systems receiver
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* at your option) any later version.
* GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/serialization/map.hpp>
#include <glog/log_severity.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "sbas_ionospheric_correction.h"
enum V_Log_Level {EVENT = 2, // logs important events which don't occur every update() call
FLOW = 3, // logs the function calls of block processing functions
MORE = 4}; // very detailed stuff
Sbas_Ionosphere_Correction::print(std::ostream &out)
for(std::vector<Igp_Band>::const_iterator it_band = d_bands.begin(); it_band != d_bands.end(); ++it_band)
int band = it_band-d_bands.begin();
out << "<<I>> Band" << band << ":" << std::endl;
for(std::vector<Igp>::const_iterator it_igp = it_band->d_igps.begin(); it_igp != it_band->d_igps.end(); ++it_igp)
int igp = it_igp-it_band->d_igps.begin();
out << "<<I>> -IGP" << igp << ":";
//std::cout << " valid=" << it_igp->d_valid;
out << " t0=" << it_igp->t0;
out << " lat=" << it_igp->d_latitude;
out << " lon=" << it_igp->d_longitude;
out << " give=" << it_igp->d_give;
out << " delay=" << it_igp->d_delay;
out << std::endl;
* -receiver position (degree) is in terms of WGS84
* -azimuth is the angle of the satellite from the userÕs location measured clockwise from north
* -elevation is the angle of the satellite from the user's location measured with respect to the local-tangent-plane
bool Sbas_Ionosphere_Correction::apply(double sample_stamp, double latitude_d, double longitude_d,
double azimut_d, double evaluation_d, double &delay, double &var)
const double GPS_PI = 3.1415926535898; //!< Pi as defined in IS-GPS-200E
int result;
double pos[3];
double azel[2];
// convert receiver position from degrees to rad
pos[0] = latitude_d * GPS_PI / 180.0;
pos[1] = longitude_d * GPS_PI / 180.0;
pos[2] = 0; // is not used by sbsioncorr, for ionocorrection is a fixed earth radius assumed
// convert satellite azimut and evaluation from degrees to rad , use topocent to obtain it in pvt block
azel[0] = azimut_d * GPS_PI / 180.0;
azel[1] = evaluation_d * GPS_PI / 180.0;
result = sbsioncorr(sample_stamp, pos, azel, &delay, &var);
return (bool)result;
#define PI 3.1415926535897932 /* pi */
#define D2R (PI/180.0) /* deg to rad */
#define R2D (180.0/PI) /* rad to deg */
#define MAXBAND 10 /* max SBAS band of IGP */
#define RE_WGS84 6378137.0 /* earth semimajor axis (WGS84) (m) */
/* geometric distance ----------------------------------------------------------
* compute geometric distance and receiver-to-satellite unit vector
* args : double *rs I satellilte position (ecef at transmission) (m)
* double *rr I receiver position (ecef at reception) (m)
* double *e O line-of-sight vector (ecef)
* return : geometric distance (m) (0>:error/no satellite position)
* notes : distance includes sagnac effect correction
//extern double geodist(const double *rs, const double *rr, double *e)
// double r;
// int i;
// if (norm(rs,3)<RE_WGS84) return -1.0;
// for (i=0;i<3;i++) e[i]=rs[i]-rr[i];
// r=norm(e,3);
// for (i=0;i<3;i++) e[i]/=r;
// return r+OMGE*(rs[0]*rr[1]-rs[1]*rr[0])/CLIGHT;
/* inner product ---------------------------------------------------------------
* inner product of vectors
* args : double *a,*b I vector a,b (n x 1)
* int n I size of vector a,b
* return : a'*b
double Sbas_Ionosphere_Correction::dot(const double *a, const double *b, int n)
double c = 0.0;
while (--n >= 0) c += a[n]*b[n];
return c;
/* multiply matrix -----------------------------------------------------------*/
void Sbas_Ionosphere_Correction::matmul(const char *tr, int n, int k, int m, double alpha,
const double *A, const double *B, double beta, double *C)
double d;
int i, j, x, f = tr[0]=='N'?(tr[1]=='N'?1:2):(tr[1]=='N'?3:4);
for (i=0; i<n; i++) for (j=0;j<k;j++)
d = 0.0;
switch (f)
case 1: for (x=0; x<m; x++) d += A[i+x*n]*B[x+j*m]; break;
case 2: for (x=0; x<m; x++) d += A[i+x*n]*B[j+x*k]; break;
case 3: for (x=0; x<m; x++) d += A[x+i*m]*B[x+j*m]; break;
case 4: for (x=0; x<m; x++) d += A[x+i*m]*B[j+x*k]; break;
if (beta==0.0) C[i+j*n] = alpha*d; else C[i+j*n] = alpha*d + beta*C[i+j*n];
/* ecef to local coordinate transfromation matrix ------------------------------
* compute ecef to local coordinate transfromation matrix
* args : double *pos I geodetic position {lat,lon} (rad)
* double *E O ecef to local coord transformation matrix (3x3)
* return : none
* notes : matirix stored by column-major order (fortran convention)
void Sbas_Ionosphere_Correction::xyz2enu(const double *pos, double *E)
double sinp = sin(pos[0]), cosp = cos(pos[0]), sinl = sin(pos[1]), cosl = cos(pos[1]);
E[0] = -sinl; E[3] = cosl; E[6] = 0.0;
E[1] = -sinp*cosl; E[4] = -sinp*sinl; E[7] = cosp;
E[2] = cosp*cosl; E[5] = cosp*sinl; E[8] = sinp;
/* transform ecef vector to local tangental coordinate -------------------------
* transform ecef vector to local tangental coordinate
* args : double *pos I geodetic position {lat,lon} (rad)
* double *r I vector in ecef coordinate {x,y,z}
* double *e O vector in local tangental coordinate {e,n,u}
* return : none
void Sbas_Ionosphere_Correction::ecef2enu(const double *pos, const double *r, double *e)
double E[9];
xyz2enu(pos, E);
matmul("NN", 3, 1, 3, 1.0, E, r, 0.0, e);
/* satellite azimuth/elevation angle -------------------------------------------
* compute satellite azimuth/elevation angle
* args : double *pos I geodetic position {lat,lon,h} (rad,m)
* double *e I receiver-to-satellilte unit vevtor (ecef)
* double *azel IO azimuth/elevation {az,el} (rad) (NULL: no output)
* (0.0<=azel[0]<2*pi,-pi/2<=azel[1]<=pi/2)
* return : elevation angle (rad)
double Sbas_Ionosphere_Correction::satazel(const double *pos, const double *e, double *azel)
double az = 0.0, el=PI/2.0, enu[3];
if (pos[2] > -RE_WGS84)
az = dot(enu,enu,2) < 1E-12?0.0:atan2(enu[0], enu[1]);
if (az<0.0) az += 2*PI;
el = asin(enu[2]);
if (azel)
return el;
/* debug trace function -----------------------------------------------------*/
void Sbas_Ionosphere_Correction::trace(int level, const char *format, ...)
va_list ap;
char str[1000];
va_start(ap,format); vsprintf(str,format,ap); va_end(ap);
VLOG(FLOW) << "<<I>> " << std::string(str);
/* ionospheric pierce point position -------------------------------------------
* compute ionospheric pierce point (ipp) position and slant factor
* args : double *pos I receiver position {lat,lon,h} (rad,m)
* double *azel I azimuth/elevation angle {az,el} (rad)
* double re I earth radius (km)
* double hion I altitude of ionosphere (km)
* double *posp O pierce point position {lat,lon,h} (rad,m)
* return : slant factor
* notes : see ref [2], only valid on the earth surface
* fixing bug on ref [2] A. A-22,23
double Sbas_Ionosphere_Correction::ionppp(const double *pos, const double *azel,
double re, double hion, double *posp)
double cosaz, rp, ap, sinap, tanap;
rp = re/(re+hion)*cos(azel[1]);
ap = PI/2.0-azel[1]-asin(rp);
sinap = sin(ap);
tanap = tan(ap);
cosaz = cos(azel[0]);
posp[0] = asin(sin(pos[0])*cos(ap) + cos(pos[0])*sinap*cosaz);
if ((pos[0] > 70.0*D2R && tanap*cosaz > tan(PI/2.0-pos[0]))||
(pos[0] < -70.0*D2R && - tanap*cosaz > tan(PI/2.0+pos[0])))
posp[1] = pos[1] + PI - asin(sinap*sin(azel[0])/cos(posp[0]));
posp[1] = pos[1] + asin(sinap*sin(azel[0])/cos(posp[0]));
return 1.0/sqrt(1.0-rp*rp);
/* variance of ionosphere correction (give=GIVEI) --------------------------*/
double Sbas_Ionosphere_Correction::varicorr(int give)
const double var[15]={
0.0084, 0.0333, 0.0749, 0.1331, 0.2079, 0.2994, 0.4075, 0.5322, 0.6735, 0.8315,
1.1974, 1.8709, 3.326, 20.787, 187.0826
return 0<=give&&give<15?var[give]:0.0;
/* search igps ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
void Sbas_Ionosphere_Correction::searchigp(const double *pos, const Igp **igp, double *x, double *y)
int i;
int latp[2];
int lonp[4];
double lat = pos[0]*R2D;
double lon = pos[1]*R2D;
trace(4,"searchigp: pos=%.3f %.3f",pos[0]*R2D, pos[1]*R2D);
// round the pierce point position to the next IGP grid point
if (lon >= 180.0) lon -= 360.0;
if (-55.0 <= lat && lat < 55.0)
latp[0] = (int)floor(lat/5.0)*5;
latp[1] = latp[0]+5;
lonp[0] = lonp[1] = (int)floor(lon/5.0)*5;
lonp[2] = lonp[3] = lonp[0] + 5;
*x = (lon-lonp[0])/5.0;
*y = (lat-latp[0])/5.0;
latp[0] = (int)floor((lat-5.0)/10.0)*10+5;
latp[1] = latp[0]+10;
lonp[0] = lonp[1] = (int)floor(lon/10.0)*10;
lonp[2] = lonp[3] = lonp[0]+10;
*x = (lon - lonp[0])/10.0;
*y = (lat - latp[0])/10.0;
if (75.0 <= lat && lat < 85.0)
lonp[1] = (int)floor(lon/90.0)*90;
lonp[3] = lonp[1]+90;
else if (-85.0 <= lat && lat < -75.0)
lonp[0] = (int)floor((lon - 50.0)/90.0)*90 + 40;
lonp[2] = lonp[0] + 90;
else if (lat >= 85.0)
for (i=0; i<4; i++) lonp[i] = (int)floor(lon/90.0)*90;
else if (lat <- 85.0)
for (i=0; i<4 ;i++) lonp[i] = (int)floor((lon - 50.0)/90.0)*90 + 40;
for (i=0; i<4; i++) if (lonp[i] == 180) lonp[i] = -180;
// find the correction data for the grid points in latp[] and lonp[]
// iterate over bands
for (std::vector<Igp_Band>::const_iterator band_it = this->d_bands.begin(); band_it != d_bands.end(); ++band_it)
//VLOG(MORE) << "band=" << band_it-d_bands.begin() << std::endl;
// iterate over IGPs in band_it
for (std::vector<Igp>::const_iterator igp_it = band_it->d_igps.begin(); igp_it != band_it->d_igps.end(); ++igp_it)
std::stringstream ss;
int give = igp_it->d_give;
//ss << "IGP: give=" << give;
if(give < 15) // test if valid correction data is sent for current IGP
int lat = igp_it->d_latitude;
int lon = igp_it->d_longitude;
//ss << " lat=" << lat << " lon=" << lon;
if (lat==latp[0] && lon==lonp[0]) igp[0] = igp_it.base();
else if (lat==latp[1] && lon==lonp[1]) igp[1] = igp_it.base();
else if (lat==latp[0] && lon==lonp[2]) igp[2] = igp_it.base();
else if (lat==latp[1] && lon==lonp[3]) igp[3] = igp_it.base();
//VLOG(MORE) << ss.str();
//VLOG(MORE) << "igp[0:3]={" << igp[0] << "," << igp[1] << "," << igp[2] << "," << igp[3] << "}";
/* sbas ionospheric delay correction -------------------------------------------
* compute sbas ionosphric delay correction
* args : long sample_stamp I sample stamp of observable on which the correction will be applied
* sbsion_t *ion I ionospheric correction data (implicit)
* double *pos I receiver position {lat,lon,height} (rad/m)
* double *azel I satellite azimuth/elavation angle (rad)
* double *delay O slant ionospheric delay (L1) (m)
* double *var O variance of ionospheric delay (m^2)
* return : status (1:ok, 0:no correction)
* notes : before calling the function, sbas ionosphere correction parameters
* in navigation data (nav->sbsion) must be set by calling
* sbsupdatecorr()
int Sbas_Ionosphere_Correction::sbsioncorr(const double sample_stamp, const double *pos,
const double *azel, double *delay, double *var)
const double re = 6378.1363;
const double hion = 350.0;
int err = 0;
double fp;
double posp[2];
double x = 0.0;
double y = 0.0;
double t;
double w[4] = {0};
const Igp *igp[4] = {0}; /* {ws,wn,es,en} */
trace(4, "sbsioncorr: pos=%.3f %.3f azel=%.3f %.3f", pos[0]*R2D, pos[1]*R2D, azel[0]*R2D, azel[1]*R2D);
*delay = *var = 0.0;
if (pos[2] < -100.0 || azel[1] <= 0) return 1;
/* ipp (ionospheric pierce point) position */
fp = ionppp(pos, azel, re, hion, posp);
/* search igps around ipp */
searchigp(posp, igp, &x, &y);
VLOG(FLOW) << "<<I>> SBAS iono correction:" << " igp[0]=" << igp[0] << " igp[1]=" << igp[1]
<< " igp[2]=" << igp[2] << " igp[3]=" << igp[3] << " x=" << x << " y=" << y;
/* weight of igps */
if (igp[0] && igp[1] && igp[2] && igp[3])
w[0] = (1.0 - x)*(1.0 - y);
w[1] = (1.0 - x)*y;
w[2] = x*(1.0 - y);
w[3] = x*y;
else if (igp[0] && igp[1] && igp[2])
w[1] = y;
w[2] = x;
if ((w[0] = 1.0 - w[1] - w[2]) < 0.0) err = 1;
else if (igp[0] && igp[2] && igp[3])
w[0] = 1.0 - x;
w[3] = y;
if ((w[2] = 1.0 - w[0] -w[3]) < 0.0) err = 1;
else if (igp[0] && igp[1] && igp[3])
w[0] = 1.0 - y;
w[3] = x;
if ((w[1] = 1.0 - w[0] - w[3]) < 0.0) err = 1;
else if (igp[1]&&igp[2]&&igp[3])
w[1] = 1.0 - x;
w[2] = 1.0 - y;
if ((w[3] = 1.0 - w[1] - w[2]) < 0.0) err = 1;
else err = 1;
if (err)
trace(2, "no sbas iono correction: lat=%3.0f lon=%4.0f", posp[0]*R2D, posp[1]*R2D);
return 0;
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
if (!igp[i]) continue;
t = (sample_stamp - igp[i]->t0); // time diff between now and reception of the igp data in seconds
*delay += w[i]*igp[i]->d_delay;
*var += w[i] * varicorr(igp[i]->d_give) * 9E-8 * fabs(t);
*delay *= fp;
*var *= fp*fp;
trace(5, "sbsioncorr: dion=%7.2f sig=%7.2f", *delay, sqrt(*var));
return 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
* \file sbas_ionospheric_correction.h
* \brief Interface of the SBAS ionosphere correction set based on SBAS RTKLIB functions
* \author Daniel Fehr 2013. daniel.co(at)bluewin.ch
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation
* Satellite Systems receiver
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* at your option) any later version.
* GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/serialization/serialization.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
struct Igp
//bool d_valid; // valid==true indicates that the IGP can be used for corrections. it is set to false when a new IGP mask (MT18) has been received but no corresponding delays (MT26)
double t0; // time of reception, time of correction
int d_latitude;
int d_longitude;
int d_give;
double d_delay;
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & t0;
ar & d_latitude;
ar & d_longitude;
ar & d_give;
ar & d_delay;
struct Igp_Band
//int d_iodi;
//int d_nigp; // number if IGPs in this band (defined by IGP mask from MT18)
std::vector<Igp> d_igps;
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version)
ar & d_igps;
// valid ionosphere correction for GPS
class Sbas_Ionosphere_Correction
// /* type definitions ----------------------------------------------------------*/
//#define MAXBAND 10 /* max SBAS band of IGP */
//#define MAXNIGP 201 /* max number of IGP in SBAS band */
// typedef struct { /* time struct */
// time_t time; /* time (s) expressed by standard time_t */
// double sec; /* fraction of second under 1 s */
// } gtime_t;
// typedef struct { /* SBAS ionospheric correction type */
// gtime_t t0; /* correction time */
// short lat,lon; /* latitude/longitude (deg) */
// short give; /* GIVI+1 */
// float delay; /* vertical delay estimate (m) */
// } sbsigp_t;
// typedef struct { /* SBAS ionospheric corrections type */
// int iodi; /* IODI (issue of date ionos corr) */
// int nigp; /* number of igps */
// sbsigp_t igp[MAXNIGP]; /* ionospheric correction */
// } sbsion_t;
/* inner product ---------------------------------------------------------------
* inner product of vectors
* args : double *a,*b I vector a,b (n x 1)
* int n I size of vector a,b
* return : a'*b
double dot(const double *a, const double *b, int n);
/* multiply matrix -----------------------------------------------------------*/
void matmul(const char *tr, int n, int k, int m, double alpha,
const double *A, const double *B, double beta, double *C);
/* ecef to local coordinate transfromation matrix ------------------------------
* compute ecef to local coordinate transfromation matrix
* args : double *pos I geodetic position {lat,lon} (rad)
* double *E O ecef to local coord transformation matrix (3x3)
* return : none
* notes : matirix stored by column-major order (fortran convention)
void xyz2enu(const double *pos, double *E);
/* transform ecef vector to local tangental coordinate -------------------------
* transform ecef vector to local tangental coordinate
* args : double *pos I geodetic position {lat,lon} (rad)
* double *r I vector in ecef coordinate {x,y,z}
* double *e O vector in local tangental coordinate {e,n,u}
* return : none
void ecef2enu(const double *pos, const double *r, double *e);
/* satellite azimuth/elevation angle -------------------------------------------
* compute satellite azimuth/elevation angle
* args : double *pos I geodetic position {lat,lon,h} (rad,m)
* double *e I receiver-to-satellilte unit vevtor (ecef)
* double *azel IO azimuth/elevation {az,el} (rad) (NULL: no output)
* (0.0<=azel[0]<2*pi,-pi/2<=azel[1]<=pi/2)
* return : elevation angle (rad)
double satazel(const double *pos, const double *e, double *azel);
/* debug trace functions -----------------------------------------------------*/
void trace(int level, const char *format, ...);
/* time difference -------------------------------------------------------------
* difference between gtime_t structs
* args : gtime_t t1,t2 I gtime_t structs
* return : time difference (t1-t2) (s)
//double timediff(gtime_t t1, gtime_t t2);
/* ionospheric pierce point position -------------------------------------------
* compute ionospheric pierce point (ipp) position and slant factor
* args : double *pos I receiver position {lat,lon,h} (rad,m)
* double *azel I azimuth/elevation angle {az,el} (rad)
* double re I earth radius (km)
* double hion I altitude of ionosphere (km)
* double *posp O pierce point position {lat,lon,h} (rad,m)
* return : slant factor
* notes : see ref [2], only valid on the earth surface
* fixing bug on ref [2] A. A-22,23
double ionppp(const double *pos, const double *azel, double re,
double hion, double *posp);
/* variance of ionosphere correction (give=GIVEI+1) --------------------------*/
double varicorr(int give);
/* search igps ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
void searchigp(const double *pos, const Igp **igp, double *x, double *y);
/* sbas ionospheric delay correction -------------------------------------------
* compute sbas ionosphric delay correction
* args : long sample_stamp I sample stamp of observable on which the correction will be applied
* sbsion_t *ion I ionospheric correction data (implicit)
* double *pos I receiver position {lat,lon,height} (rad/m)
* double *azel I satellite azimuth/elavation angle (rad)
* double *delay O slant ionospheric delay (L1) (m)
* double *var O variance of ionospheric delay (m^2)
* return : status (1:ok, 0:no correction)
* notes : before calling the function, sbas ionosphere correction parameters
* in navigation data (nav->sbsion) must be set by callig
* sbsupdatecorr()
int sbsioncorr(const double sample_stamp, const double *pos,
const double *azel, double *delay, double *var);
std::vector<Igp_Band> d_bands;
void print(std::ostream &out);
bool apply(double sample_stamp, double latitude_d, double longitude_d,
double azimut_d, double evaluation_d, double &delay, double &var);
friend class boost::serialization::access;
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version){ar & d_bands;}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
* \file sbas_satellite_correction.cc
* \brief Implementation of the SBAS satellite correction set based on SBAS RTKLIB functions
* \author Daniel Fehr 2013. daniel.co(at)bluewin.ch
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation
* Satellite Systems receiver
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* at your option) any later version.
* GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <glog/log_severity.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "sbas_satellite_correction.h"
#define EVENT 2 // logs important events which don't occur every update() call
#define FLOW 3 // logs the function calls of block processing functions
Sbas_Satellite_Correction::print(std::ostream &out)
out << "<<S>> Sbas satellite corrections for PRN" << d_prn << ":" << std::endl;
Sbas_Satellite_Correction::print_fast_correction(std::ostream &out)
Fast_Correction fcorr = d_fast_correction;
out << "<<S>> Fast PRN" << d_prn << ":";
int gps_week;
double gps_sec;
fcorr.d_tof.get_gps_time(gps_week, gps_sec);
out << " d_t0=(week=" << gps_week << ",sec=" << gps_sec << ")";
out << " d_t0=" << fcorr.d_tof.get_time_stamp();
out << " d_prc=" << fcorr.d_prc;
out << " d_rrc=" << fcorr.d_rrc;
out << " d_dt=" << fcorr.d_dt;
out << " d_udre=" << fcorr.d_udre;
out << " d_ai=" << fcorr.d_ai;
out << " d_tlat=" << fcorr.d_tlat;
Sbas_Satellite_Correction::print_long_term_correction(std::ostream &out)
Long_Term_Correction lcorr = d_long_term_correction;
out << "<<S>> Long PRN" << d_prn << ":";
out << " d_trx=" << lcorr.d_trx;
out << " i_tapp=" << lcorr.i_tapp;
out << " i_vel=" << lcorr.i_vel;
double *p = lcorr.d_dpos;
out << " d_dpos=(x=" << p[0] << ", y=" << p[1] << ", z=" << p[2] << ")" ;
double *v = lcorr.d_dvel;
out << " d_dvel=(x=" << v[0] << ", y=" << v[1] << ", z=" << v[2] << ")" ;
out << " d_daf0=" << lcorr.d_daf0;
out << " d_daf1=" << lcorr.d_daf1;
int Sbas_Satellite_Correction::apply_fast(double sample_stamp, double &pr, double &var)
int result;
double prc = 0; // pseudo range correction
result = sbsfastcorr(sample_stamp, &prc, &var);
pr += prc;
VLOG(FLOW) << "<<S>> fast correction applied: sample_stamp=" << sample_stamp << " prc=" << prc << " corr. pr=" << pr;
return result;
int Sbas_Satellite_Correction::apply_long_term_sv_pos(double sample_stamp, double sv_pos[], double &var)
int result;
double drs[3] = {0};
double ddts = 0;
result = sbslongcorr(sample_stamp, drs, &ddts);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) sv_pos[i] += drs[i];
VLOG(FLOW) << "<<S>> long term sv pos correction applied: sample_stamp=" << sample_stamp << " drs=(x=" << drs[0] << " y=" << drs[1] << " z=" << drs[2] << ")";
return result;
int Sbas_Satellite_Correction::apply_long_term_sv_clk(double sample_stamp, double &dts, double &var)
int result;
double drs[3] = {0};
double ddts = 0;
result = sbslongcorr(sample_stamp, drs, &ddts);
dts += ddts;
VLOG(FLOW) << "<<S>> long term sv clock correction correction applied: sample_stamp=" << sample_stamp << " ddts=" << ddts;
return result;
bool Sbas_Satellite_Correction::alarm()
return this->d_fast_correction.d_udre == 16;
#define CLIGHT 299792458.0 /* speed of light (m/s) */
#define MAXSBSAGEF 30.0 /* max age of SBAS fast correction (s) */
#define MAXSBSAGEL 1800.0 /* max age of SBAS long term corr (s) */
/* debug trace function -----------------------------------------------------*/
void Sbas_Satellite_Correction::trace(int level, const char *format, ...)
va_list ap;
char str[1000];
VLOG(FLOW) << "<<S>> " << std::string(str);
/* variance of fast correction (udre=UDRE+1) ---------------------------------*/
double Sbas_Satellite_Correction::varfcorr(int udre)
const double var[14] = {
return 0 < udre && udre <= 14 ? var[udre-1]:0.0;
/* fast correction degradation -----------------------------------------------*/
double Sbas_Satellite_Correction::degfcorr(int ai)
const double degf[16] = {
return 0 < ai && ai <= 15 ? degf[ai]:0.0058;
/* long term correction ------------------------------------------------------*/
int Sbas_Satellite_Correction::sbslongcorr(double time_stamp, double *drs, double *ddts)
double t = 0.0;
int i;
Long_Term_Correction lcorr = d_long_term_correction;
trace(3, "sbslongcorr: prn=%2d", this->d_prn);
// if (p->sat!=sat||p->lcorr.t0.time==0) continue;
// compute time of applicability
if(d_long_term_correction.i_vel == 1)
{ // time of applicability is the one sent, i.e., tapp
// TODO: adapt for vel==1 case
// t = tow-d_long_term_correction.i_tapp;
// vel=1 -> time of applicability is sent in message, needs to be corrected for rollover which can not be done here, since the absolute gps time is unknown. see IS-GPS-200G pdf page 116 for correction
/* t = (int)getbitu(msg->msg, p + 90, 13)*16 - (int)msg->tow%86400;
if (t <= -43200) t += 86400;
else if (t > 43200) t -= 86400;
sbssat->sat[n-1].lcorr.t0 = gpst2time(msg->week, msg->tow + t);*/
{ // time of applicability is time of reception
t = time_stamp - lcorr.d_trx; // should not have any impact if vel==0 since d_dvel and d_daf1 are zero, is only used to check outdating
if (fabs(t) > MAXSBSAGEL)
trace(2,"sbas long-term correction expired: sat=%2d time_stamp=%5.0f", d_prn, time_stamp);
return 0;
// sv position correction
for (i=0; i<3; i++) drs[i] = lcorr.d_dpos[i] + lcorr.d_dvel[i]*t;
// sv clock correction correction
*ddts = lcorr.d_daf0 + lcorr.d_daf1*t;
trace(5, "sbslongcorr: sat=%2d drs=%7.2f%7.2f%7.2f ddts=%7.2f", d_prn, drs[0], drs[1], drs[2], *ddts*CLIGHT);
return 1;
/* if sbas satellite without correction, no correction applied */
//if (satsys(sat,NULL)==SYS_SBS) return 1;
//trace(2,"no sbas long-term correction: %s sat=%2d\n",time_str(time,0),sat);
//return 0;
/* fast correction -----------------------------------------------------------*/
int Sbas_Satellite_Correction::sbsfastcorr(double time_stamp, double *prc, double *var)
#define RRCENA
double t;
Fast_Correction fcorr = d_fast_correction;
trace(3, "sbsfastcorr: sat=%2d", this->d_prn);
//if (p->fcorr.t0.time==0) break; // time==0is only true if t0 hasn't been initialised -> it checks if the correction is valid
t = (time_stamp - fcorr.d_tof.get_time_stamp()) + fcorr.d_tlat; // delta t between now and tof
/* expire age of correction? */
if (fabs(t) > MAXSBSAGEF)
trace(2, "no sbas fast correction (expired): time_stamp=%f prn=%2d", time_stamp, d_prn);
return 0;
/* UDRE==14 (not monitored)? */
else if(fcorr.d_udre == 15)
trace(2,"no sbas fast correction (not monitored): time_stamp=%f prn=%2d", time_stamp, d_prn);
return 0;
else if(fcorr.d_udre == 16)
trace(2,"SV is marked as unhealthy: time_stamp=%f prn=%2d", time_stamp, d_prn);
return 0;
*prc = fcorr.d_prc;
#ifdef RRCENA
if (fcorr.d_ai > 0 && fabs(t) <= 8.0*fcorr.d_dt)
*prc += fcorr.d_rrc*t;
*var = varfcorr(fcorr.d_udre) + degfcorr(fcorr.d_ai)*t*t/2.0;
trace(5, "sbsfastcorr: sat=%3d prc=%7.2f sig=%7.2f t=%5.0f", d_prn, *prc, sqrt(*var), t);
return 1;
/* sbas satellite ephemeris and clock correction -------------------------------
* correct satellite position and clock bias with sbas satellite corrections
* args : long time_stamp I reception time stamp
* double *rs IO sat position and corrected {x,y,z} (ecef) (m)
* double *dts IO sat clock bias and corrected (s)
* double *var O sat position and clock variance (m^2)
* return : status (1:ok,0:no correction)
* notes : before calling the function, sbas satellite correction parameters
* in navigation data (nav->sbssat) must be set by callig
* sbsupdatecorr().
* satellite clock correction include long-term correction and fast
* correction.
* sbas clock correction is usually based on L1C/A code. TGD or DCB has
* to be considered for other codes
int Sbas_Satellite_Correction::sbssatcorr(double time_stamp, double *rs, double *dts, double *var)
double drs[3] = {0}, dclk = 0.0, prc = 0.0;
int i;
trace(3,"sbssatcorr : sat=%2d",d_prn);
/* sbas long term corrections */
if (!sbslongcorr(time_stamp, drs, &dclk))
return 0;
/* sbas fast corrections */
if (!sbsfastcorr(time_stamp, &prc, var))
return 0;
for (i=0; i<3; i++) rs[i] += drs[i];
dts[0] += dclk + prc/CLIGHT;
trace(5,"sbssatcorr: sat=%2d drs=%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f dclk=%.3f %.3f var=%.3f",
return 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
* \file sbas_satellite_correction.h
* \brief Interface of the SBAS satellite correction set based on SBAS RTKLIB functions
* \author Daniel Fehr 2013. daniel.co(at)bluewin.ch
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation
* Satellite Systems receiver
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* at your option) any later version.
* GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "sbas_time.h"
struct Fast_Correction
Sbas_Time d_tof; // for fast corrections the time of applicability (tof) is defined as the time when the corresponding message was send
double d_prc;
double d_rrc;
double d_dt;
int d_udre; // UDRE
int d_ai;
int d_tlat;
struct Long_Term_Correction
double d_trx; // time when message was received
int i_tapp; // time of applicability (only valid if vel=1, equals the sent t0)
int i_vel; // use velocity corrections if vel=1
int d_iode;
double d_dpos[3]; // position correction
double d_dvel[3]; // velocity correction
double d_daf0; // clock offset correction
double d_daf1; // clock drift correction
// valid long and fast term correction for one SV
class Sbas_Satellite_Correction
int d_prn;
Fast_Correction d_fast_correction;
Long_Term_Correction d_long_term_correction;
void print(std::ostream &out);
void print_fast_correction(std::ostream &out);
void print_long_term_correction(std::ostream &out);
int apply_fast(double sample_stamp, double &pr, double &var);
int apply_long_term_sv_pos(double sample_stamp, double sv_pos[], double &var);
int apply_long_term_sv_clk(double sample_stamp, double &dts, double &var);
bool alarm();
/* debug trace functions -----------------------------------------------------*/
void trace(int level, const char *format, ...);
/* variance of fast correction (udre=UDRE+1) ---------------------------------*/
double varfcorr(int udre);
/* fast correction degradation -----------------------------------------------*/
double degfcorr(int ai);
/* long term correction ------------------------------------------------------*/
int sbslongcorr(double time_stamp, double *drs, double *ddts);
/* fast correction -----------------------------------------------------------*/
int sbsfastcorr(double time_stamp, double *prc, double *var);
/* sbas satellite ephemeris and clock correction -------------------------------
* correct satellite position and clock bias with sbas satellite corrections
* args : long time_stamp I reception time stamp
* double *rs IO sat position and corrected {x,y,z} (ecef) (m)
* double *dts IO sat clock bias and corrected (s)
* double *var O sat position and clock variance (m^2)
* return : status (1:ok,0:no correction)
* notes : before calling the function, sbas satellite correction parameters
* in navigation data (nav->sbssat) must be set by callig
* sbsupdatecorr().
* satellite clock correction include long-term correction and fast
* correction.
* sbas clock correction is usually based on L1C/A code. TGD or DCB has
* to be considered for other codes
int sbssatcorr(double time_stamp, double *rs, double *dts, double *var);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
* \file sbas_telemetry_data.h
* \brief Interface of the SBAS telemetry parser based on SBAS RTKLIB functions
* \author Daniel Fehr 2013. daniel.co(at)bluewin.ch
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation
* Satellite Systems receiver
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* at your option) any later version.
* GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <bitset>
#include "boost/assign.hpp"
#include <cmath>
//#include "sbas_satellite_correction.h"
//#include "sbas_ionospheric_correction.h"
#include "concurrent_queue.h"
#include "sbas_time.h"
class Sbas_Ionosphere_Correction;
class Sbas_Satellite_Correction;
struct Fast_Correction;
struct Long_Term_Correction;
class Sbas_Ephemeris;
* \brief represents a raw SBAS message of 250bits + 6bits padding
* (8b preamble + 6b message type + 212b data + 24b CRC + 6b zerro padding)
class Sbas_Raw_Msg
Sbas_Raw_Msg(){rx_time = Sbas_Time(0); i_prn = -1;};
//Sbas_Raw_Msg(int week, int tow, int prn, const std::vector<unsigned char> msg) : d_week(week), d_tow(tow), d_prn(prn), d_msg(msg) {}
Sbas_Raw_Msg(double sample_stamp, int prn, const std::vector<unsigned char> msg) : rx_time(sample_stamp), i_prn(prn), d_msg(msg) {}
//int get_week() {return d_week;}
//int get_tow() {return d_tow;}
double get_sample_stamp() {return rx_time.get_time_stamp();} // time of reception sample stamp (first sample of preample)
void relate(Sbas_Time_Relation time_relation)
Sbas_Time get_rx_time_obj(){return rx_time;}
int get_prn() {return i_prn;}
std::vector<unsigned char> get_msg() const {return d_msg;}
int get_preamble()
return d_msg[0];
int get_msg_type()
return d_msg[1] >> 2;
int get_crc()
unsigned char crc_last_byte = (d_msg[30] << 2) && (d_msg[31] >> 6);
unsigned char crc_middle_byte = (d_msg[29] << 2) && (d_msg[30] >> 6);
unsigned char crc_first_byte = (d_msg[28] << 2) && (d_msg[29] >> 6);
return ((unsigned int)(crc_first_byte) << 16) && ((unsigned int)(crc_middle_byte) << 8) && crc_last_byte;
//int d_week; /* reception time */
//int d_tow; /* reception time */
Sbas_Time rx_time;
int i_prn; /* SBAS satellite PRN number */
std::vector<unsigned char> d_msg; /* SBAS message (226bit) padded by 0 */
* \brief holds an updated set of the telemetry data received from SBAS
class Sbas_Telemetry_Data
update(Sbas_Raw_Msg sbas_raw_msg);
set_raw_msg_queue(concurrent_queue<Sbas_Raw_Msg> *raw_msg_queue);
set_iono_queue(concurrent_queue<Sbas_Ionosphere_Correction> *iono_queue);
set_sat_corr_queue(concurrent_queue<Sbas_Satellite_Correction> *sat_corr_queue);
set_ephemeris_queue(concurrent_queue<Sbas_Ephemeris> *ephemeris_queue);
* Default constructor
* Default deconstructor
std::map<int, Fast_Correction> emitted_fast_corrections;
std::map<int, Long_Term_Correction> emitted_long_term_corrections;
Sbas_Time_Relation mt12_time_ref;
concurrent_queue<Sbas_Raw_Msg> *raw_msg_queue;
concurrent_queue<Sbas_Ionosphere_Correction> *iono_queue;
concurrent_queue<Sbas_Satellite_Correction> *sat_corr_queue;
concurrent_queue<Sbas_Ephemeris> *ephemeris_queue;
int decode_mt12(Sbas_Raw_Msg sbas_raw_msg);
void updated_sbas_ephemeris(Sbas_Raw_Msg msg);
void received_iono_correction();
void updated_satellite_corrections();
/////// rtklib.h
#define SYS_NONE 0x00 /* navigation system: none */
#define SYS_GPS 0x01 /* navigation system: GPS */
#define SYS_SBS 0x02 /* navigation system: SBAS */
#define SYS_GLO 0x04 /* navigation system: GLONASS */
#define SYS_GAL 0x08 /* navigation system: Galileo */
#define SYS_QZS 0x10 /* navigation system: QZSS */
#define SYS_CMP 0x20 /* navigation system: BeiDou */
#define SYS_ALL 0xFF /* navigation system: all */
#define TSYS_GPS 0 /* time system: GPS time */
#define TSYS_UTC 1 /* time system: UTC */
#define TSYS_GLO 2 /* time system: GLONASS time */
#define TSYS_GAL 3 /* time system: Galileo time */
#define TSYS_QZS 4 /* time system: QZSS time */
#define TSYS_CMP 5 /* time system: BeiDou time */
#ifndef NFREQ
#define NFREQ 3 /* number of carrier frequencies */
#define NFREQGLO 2 /* number of carrier frequencies of GLONASS */
#ifndef NEXOBS
#define NEXOBS 0 /* number of extended obs codes */
#define MINPRNGPS 1 /* min satellite PRN number of GPS */
#define MAXPRNGPS 32 /* max satellite PRN number of GPS */
#define NSATGPS (MAXPRNGPS-MINPRNGPS+1) /* number of GPS satellites */
#define NSYSGPS 1
#ifdef ENAGLO
#define MINPRNGLO 1 /* min satellite slot number of GLONASS */
#define MAXPRNGLO 24 /* max satellite slot number of GLONASS */
#define NSATGLO (MAXPRNGLO-MINPRNGLO+1) /* number of GLONASS satellites */
#define NSYSGLO 1
#define MINPRNGLO 0
#define MAXPRNGLO 0
#define NSATGLO 0
#define NSYSGLO 0
#ifdef ENAGAL
#define MINPRNGAL 1 /* min satellite PRN number of Galileo */
#define MAXPRNGAL 27 /* max satellite PRN number of Galileo */
#define NSATGAL (MAXPRNGAL-MINPRNGAL+1) /* number of Galileo satellites */
#define NSYSGAL 1
#define MINPRNGAL 0
#define MAXPRNGAL 0
#define NSATGAL 0
#define NSYSGAL 0
#ifdef ENAQZS
#define MINPRNQZS 193 /* min satellite PRN number of QZSS */
#define MAXPRNQZS 195 /* max satellite PRN number of QZSS */
#define MINPRNQZS_S 183 /* min satellite PRN number of QZSS SAIF */
#define MAXPRNQZS_S 185 /* max satellite PRN number of QZSS SAIF */
#define NSATQZS (MAXPRNQZS-MINPRNQZS+1) /* number of QZSS satellites */
#define NSYSQZS 1
#define MINPRNQZS 0
#define MAXPRNQZS 0
#define NSATQZS 0
#define NSYSQZS 0
#ifdef ENACMP
#define MINPRNCMP 1 /* min satellite sat number of BeiDou */
#define MAXPRNCMP 35 /* max satellite sat number of BeiDou */
#define NSATCMP (MAXPRNCMP-MINPRNCMP+1) /* number of BeiDou satellites */
#define NSYSCMP 1
#define MINPRNCMP 0
#define MAXPRNCMP 0
#define NSATCMP 0
#define NSYSCMP 0
#define NSYS (NSYSGPS+NSYSGLO+NSYSGAL+NSYSQZS+NSYSCMP) /* number of systems */
#define MINPRNSBS 120 /* min satellite PRN number of SBAS */
#define MAXPRNSBS 142 /* max satellite PRN number of SBAS */
#define NSATSBS (MAXPRNSBS-MINPRNSBS+1) /* number of SBAS satellites */
/* max satellite number (1 to MAXSAT) */
#ifndef MAXOBS
#define MAXOBS 64 /* max number of obs in an epoch */
#define MAXRCV 64 /* max receiver number (1 to MAXRCV) */
#define MAXOBSTYPE 64 /* max number of obs type in RINEX */
#define DTTOL 0.005 /* tolerance of time difference (s) */
#if 0
#define MAXDTOE 10800.0 /* max time difference to ephem Toe (s) for GPS */
#define MAXDTOE 7200.0 /* max time difference to ephem Toe (s) for GPS */
#define MAXDTOE_GLO 1800.0 /* max time difference to GLONASS Toe (s) */
#define MAXDTOE_SBS 360.0 /* max time difference to SBAS Toe (s) */
#define MAXDTOE_S 86400.0 /* max time difference to ephem toe (s) for other */
#define MAXGDOP 300.0 /* max GDOP */
//#define MAXSBSAGEF 30.0 /* max age of SBAS fast correction (s) */
//#define MAXSBSAGEL 1800.0 /* max age of SBAS long term corr (s) */
//#define MAXSBSURA 8 /* max URA of SBAS satellite */
#define MAXBAND 10 /* max SBAS band of IGP */
#define MAXNIGP 201 /* max number of IGP in SBAS band */
//#define MAXNGEO 4 /* max number of GEO satellites */
#define P2_11 4.882812500000000E-04 /* 2^-11 */
#define P2_31 4.656612873077393E-10 /* 2^-31 */
#define P2_39 1.818989403545856E-12 /* 2^-39 */
/* type definitions ----------------------------------------------------------*/
typedef struct { /* time struct */
time_t time; /* time (s) expressed by standard time_t */
double sec; /* fraction of second under 1 s */
} gtime_t;
typedef struct { /* SBAS message type */
//int week,tow; /* receiption time */
double sample_stamp;
int prn; /* SBAS satellite PRN number */
unsigned char msg[29]; /* SBAS message (226bit) padded by 0 */
} sbsmsg_t;
typedef struct { /* SBAS messages type */
int n,nmax; /* number of SBAS messages/allocated */
sbsmsg_t *msgs; /* SBAS messages */
} sbs_t;
typedef struct { /* SBAS fast correction type */
//gtime_t t0; /* time of applicability (TOF) */
double t0;
bool valid;
double prc; /* pseudorange correction (PRC) (m) */
double rrc; /* range-rate correction (RRC) (m/s) */
double dt; /* range-rate correction delta-time (s) */
int iodf; /* IODF (issue of date fast corr) */
short udre; /* UDRE+1 */
short ai; /* degradation factor indicator */
} sbsfcorr_t;
typedef struct { /* SBAS long term satellite error correction type */
//gtime_t t0; /* correction time */
double trx; // time when message was received
int tapp; // time of applicability (when vel=1 sent as t0)
int vel; // use velocity if vel=1
bool valid;
int iode; /* IODE (issue of date ephemeris) */
double dpos[3]; /* delta position (m) (ecef) */
double dvel[3]; /* delta velocity (m/s) (ecef) */
double daf0,daf1; /* delta clock-offset/drift (s,s/s) */
} sbslcorr_t;
typedef struct { /* SBAS satellite correction type */
int sat; /* satellite number */
sbsfcorr_t fcorr; /* fast correction */
sbslcorr_t lcorr; /* long term correction */
} sbssatp_t;
typedef struct { /* SBAS satellite corrections type */
int iodp; /* IODP (issue of date mask) */
int nsat; /* number of satellites */
int tlat; /* system latency (s) */
sbssatp_t sat[MAXSAT]; /* satellite correction */
} sbssat_t;
typedef struct { /* SBAS ionospheric correction type */
//gtime_t t0; /* correction time */
double t0;
bool valid;
short lat,lon; /* latitude/longitude (deg) */
short give; /* GIVI+1 */
float delay; /* vertical delay estimate (m) */
} sbsigp_t;
typedef struct { /* IGP band type */
short x; /* longitude/latitude (deg) */
const short *y; /* latitudes/longitudes (deg) */
unsigned char bits; /* IGP mask start bit */
unsigned char bite; /* IGP mask end bit */
} sbsigpband_t;
typedef struct { /* SBAS ionospheric corrections type */
int iodi; /* IODI (issue of date ionos corr) */
int nigp; /* number of igps */
sbsigp_t igp[MAXNIGP]; /* ionospheric correction */
} sbsion_t;
* idicators
typedef struct { /* SBAS ephemeris type */
int sat; /* satellite number */
//gtime_t t0; /* reference epoch time (GPST) */
int t0;
//gtime_t tof; /* time of message frame (GPST) */
double tof;
int sva; /* SV accuracy (URA index) */
int svh; /* SV health (0:ok) */
double pos[3]; /* satellite position (m) (ecef) */
double vel[3]; /* satellite velocity (m/s) (ecef) */
double acc[3]; /* satellite acceleration (m/s^2) (ecef) */
double af0,af1; /* satellite clock-offset/drift (s,s/s) */
} seph_t;
typedef struct { /* navigation data type */
//int n,nmax; /* number of broadcast ephemeris */
//int ng,ngmax; /* number of glonass ephemeris */
//int ns,nsmax; /* number of sbas ephemeris */
//int ne,nemax; /* number of precise ephemeris */
//int nc,ncmax; /* number of precise clock */
//int na,namax; /* number of almanac data */
//int nt,ntmax; /* number of tec grid data */
//int nn,nnmax; /* number of stec grid data */
//eph_t *eph; /* GPS/QZS/GAL ephemeris */
//geph_t *geph; /* GLONASS ephemeris */
seph_t seph[2*NSATSBS]; /* SBAS ephemeris */
// peph_t *peph; /* precise ephemeris */
// pclk_t *pclk; /* precise clock */
// alm_t *alm; /* almanac data */
// tec_t *tec; /* tec grid data */
// stec_t *stec; /* stec grid data */
// erp_t erp; /* earth rotation parameters */
//double utc_gps[4]; /* GPS delta-UTC parameters {A0,A1,T,W} */
//double utc_glo[4]; /* GLONASS UTC GPS time parameters */
//double utc_gal[4]; /* Galileo UTC GPS time parameters */
//double utc_qzs[4]; /* QZS UTC GPS time parameters */
//double utc_cmp[4]; /* BeiDou UTC parameters */
//double utc_sbs[4]; /* SBAS UTC parameters */
//double ion_gps[8]; /* GPS iono model parameters {a0,a1,a2,a3,b0,b1,b2,b3} */
//double ion_gal[4]; /* Galileo iono model parameters {ai0,ai1,ai2,0} */
//double ion_qzs[8]; /* QZSS iono model parameters {a0,a1,a2,a3,b0,b1,b2,b3} */
//double ion_cmp[8]; /* BeiDou iono model parameters {a0,a1,a2,a3,b0,b1,b2,b3} */
//int leaps; /* leap seconds (s) */
//double lam[MAXSAT][NFREQ]; /* carrier wave lengths (m) */
//double cbias[MAXSAT][3]; /* code bias (0:p1-p2,1:p1-c1,2:p2-c2) (m) */
//double wlbias[MAXSAT]; /* wide-lane bias (cycle) */
//double glo_cpbias[4]; /* glonass code-phase bias {1C,1P,2C,2P} (m) */
//char glo_fcn[MAXPRNGLO+1]; /* glonass frequency channel number + 8 */
// pcv_t pcvs[MAXSAT]; /* satellite antenna pcv */
sbssat_t sbssat; /* SBAS satellite corrections */
sbsion_t sbsion[MAXBAND+1]; /* SBAS ionosphere corrections */
// dgps_t dgps[MAXSAT]; /* DGPS corrections */
// ssr_t ssr[MAXSAT]; /* SSR corrections */
// lexeph_t lexeph[MAXSAT]; /* LEX ephemeris */
// lexion_t lexion; /* LEX ionosphere correction */
} nav_t;
//// common
static const double gpst0[]; /* gps time reference */
/* debug trace functions -----------------------------------------------------*/
FILE *fp_trace; /* file pointer of trace */
int level_trace; /* level of trace */
unsigned int tick_trace; /* tick time at traceopen (ms) */
void trace(int level, const char *format, ...);
/* satellite system+prn/slot number to satellite number ------------------------
* convert satellite system+prn/slot number to satellite number
* args : int sys I satellite system (SYS_GPS,SYS_GLO,...)
* int prn I satellite prn/slot number
* return : satellite number (0:error)
int satno(int sys, int prn);
/* extract unsigned/signed bits ------------------------------------------------
* extract unsigned/signed bits from byte data
* args : unsigned char *buff I byte data
* int pos I bit position from start of data (bits)
* int len I bit length (bits) (len<=32)
* return : extracted unsigned/signed bits
unsigned int getbitu(const unsigned char *buff, int pos, int len);
int getbits(const unsigned char *buff, int pos, int len);
/* convert calendar day/time to time -------------------------------------------
* convert calendar day/time to gtime_t struct
* args : double *ep I day/time {year,month,day,hour,min,sec}
* return : gtime_t struct
* notes : proper in 1970-2037 or 1970-2099 (64bit time_t)
gtime_t epoch2time(const double *ep);
/* time difference -------------------------------------------------------------
* difference between gtime_t structs
* args : gtime_t t1,t2 I gtime_t structs
* return : time difference (t1-t2) (s)
double timediff(gtime_t t1, gtime_t t2);
/* gps time to time ------------------------------------------------------------
* convert week and tow in gps time to gtime_t struct
* args : int week I week number in gps time
* double sec I time of week in gps time (s)
* return : gtime_t struct
gtime_t gpst2time(int week, double sec);
////// sbas.c
/* sbas igp definition -------------------------------------------------------*/
static const short
static const sbsigpband_t igpband1[9][8];/* band 0-8 */
static const sbsigpband_t igpband2[2][5];/* band 9-10 */
/* decode type 1: prn masks --------------------------------------------------*/
int decode_sbstype1(const sbsmsg_t *msg, sbssat_t *sbssat);
/* decode type 2-5,0: fast corrections ---------------------------------------*/
int decode_sbstype2(const sbsmsg_t *msg, sbssat_t *sbssat);
/* decode type 6: integrity info ---------------------------------------------*/
int decode_sbstype6(const sbsmsg_t *msg, sbssat_t *sbssat);
/* decode type 7: fast correction degradation factor -------------------------*/
int decode_sbstype7(const sbsmsg_t *msg, sbssat_t *sbssat);
/* decode type 9: geo navigation message -------------------------------------*/
int decode_sbstype9(const sbsmsg_t *msg, nav_t *nav);
/* decode type 18: ionospheric grid point masks ------------------------------*/
int decode_sbstype18(const sbsmsg_t *msg, sbsion_t *sbsion);
/* decode half long term correction (vel code=0) -----------------------------*/
int decode_longcorr0(const sbsmsg_t *msg, int p, sbssat_t *sbssat);
/* decode half long term correction (vel code=1) -----------------------------*/
int decode_longcorr1(const sbsmsg_t *msg, int p, sbssat_t *sbssat);
/* decode half long term correction ------------------------------------------*/
int decode_longcorrh(const sbsmsg_t *msg, int p, sbssat_t *sbssat);
/* decode type 24: mixed fast/long term correction ---------------------------*/
int decode_sbstype24(const sbsmsg_t *msg, sbssat_t *sbssat);
/* decode type 25: long term satellite error correction ----------------------*/
int decode_sbstype25(const sbsmsg_t *msg, sbssat_t *sbssat);
/* decode type 26: ionospheric deley corrections -----------------------------*/
int decode_sbstype26(const sbsmsg_t *msg, sbsion_t *sbsion);
/* update sbas corrections -----------------------------------------------------
* update sbas correction parameters in navigation data with a sbas message
* args : sbsmg_t *msg I sbas message
* nav_t *nav IO navigation data
* return : message type (-1: error or not supported type)
* notes : nav->seph must point to seph[NSATSBS*2] (array of seph_t)
* seph[prn-MINPRNSBS+1] : sat prn current epehmeris
* seph[prn-MINPRNSBS+1+MAXPRNSBS]: sat prn previous epehmeris
int sbsupdatecorr(const sbsmsg_t *msg, nav_t *nav);
void prn_mask_changed();
bool is_rtklib_sat_correction_valid(int sat);
void igp_mask_changed(int band);
// RTKLIB SBAS telemetry data representation
nav_t d_nav;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
* \file sbas_time.h
* \brief Interface and implementation of classes to handle and relate sample stamp and GPS time based time scales
* \author Daniel Fehr 2013. daniel.co(at)bluewin.ch
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation
* Satellite Systems receiver
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* at your option) any later version.
* GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <cmath>
#include <glog/log_severity.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#define EVENT 2 // logs important events which don't occur every update() call
#define FLOW 3 // logs the function calls of block processing functions
class Sbas_Time_Relation
i_gps_week = 0;
d_delta_sec = 0;
b_valid = false;
VLOG(FLOW) << "<<R>> new invalid time relation: i_gps_week=" << i_gps_week << " d_delta_sec=" << d_delta_sec;
Sbas_Time_Relation(double time_stamp_sec, int gps_week, double gps_sec)
i_gps_week = gps_week;
d_delta_sec = gps_sec - time_stamp_sec;
b_valid = true;
VLOG(FLOW) << "<<R>> new time relation: i_gps_week=" << i_gps_week << " d_delta_sec=" << d_delta_sec;
bool to_gps_time(double time_stamp_sec, int &gps_week, double &gps_sec)
int delta_weeks = int(trunc(time_stamp_sec + d_delta_sec))/604800;
gps_sec = time_stamp_sec+d_delta_sec-delta_weeks*604800;
gps_week = i_gps_week + delta_weeks;
VLOG(FLOW) << "<<R>> to gps time: time_stamp_sec=" << time_stamp_sec << " gps_week=" << gps_week << " gps_sec=" << gps_sec;
return b_valid;
bool to_sample_stamp(int gps_week, double gps_sec, double &time_stamp_sec)
time_stamp_sec = (gps_sec - d_delta_sec) + (gps_week - i_gps_week)*604800;
VLOG(FLOW) << "<<R>> to gps time: gps_week=" << gps_week << " gps_sec=" << gps_sec << " time_stamp_sec=" << time_stamp_sec;
return b_valid;
bool is_valid()
return b_valid;
int i_gps_week;
double d_delta_sec;
bool b_valid;
* Sbas_Time relates the relative sample stamp time scale with the absolute GPS time scale.
* There are three different states for a Sbas_Time object:
* - only relative time (sample stamp) is known
* - only absolute time (gps time) is known
* - absolute and relative time and their relation is known
class Sbas_Time
e_state = UNDEFINED;
Sbas_Time(double time_stamp_sec)
d_time_stamp_sec = time_stamp_sec;
i_gps_week = 0;
d_gps_sec = 0;
e_state = RELATIVE;
Sbas_Time(int gps_week, double gps_sec)
i_gps_week = gps_week;
d_gps_sec = gps_sec;
d_time_stamp_sec = 0;
e_state = ABSOLUTE;
Sbas_Time(double time_stamp_sec, Sbas_Time_Relation relation)
{ // construct a RELATED object
d_time_stamp_sec = time_stamp_sec;
relation.to_gps_time(d_time_stamp_sec, i_gps_week, d_gps_sec);
e_state = RELATED;
{ // construct a RELATIVE object
*this = Sbas_Time(time_stamp_sec);
VLOG(FLOW) << "<<R>> create RELATIVE time (invalid relation): time_stamp_sec=" << time_stamp_sec;
/*Sbas_Time(int gps_week, double gps_sec, Sbas_Time_Relation relation)
i_gps_week = gps_week;
d_gps_sec = gps_sec;
relation.to_sample_stamp(gps_week, gps_sec, d_time_stamp_sec);
e_state = RELATED;
void relate(Sbas_Time_Relation sbas_time_realtion)
switch (e_state)
case RELATIVE: *this = Sbas_Time(d_time_stamp_sec, sbas_time_realtion);
//case ABSOLUTE: return Sbas_Time(i_gps_week, d_gps_sec, sbas_time_realtion);
case RELATED: LOG(INFO) << "Relating an already related Sbas_Time object is not possible";
case UNDEFINED: std::cerr << "Sbas_Time object state undefined" << std::endl;
default: std::cerr << "Sbas_Time object state not known" << std::endl;
double get_time_stamp()
return d_time_stamp_sec;
//return (e_state == RELATIVE || e_state == RELATED);
bool get_gps_time(int &gps_week, double &gps_sec)
gps_week = i_gps_week;
gps_sec = d_gps_sec;
return (/*e_state == ABSOLUTE ||*/ e_state == RELATED);
bool is_only_relativ() {return e_state == RELATIVE;}
//bool is_only_absolute() {return e_state == ABSOLUTE;}
bool is_related() {return e_state == RELATED;}
Sbas_Time_State get_state() {return e_state;}
Sbas_Time_State e_state;
double d_time_stamp_sec;
int i_gps_week;
double d_gps_sec;
#endif /* SBAS_TIME_H_ */