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* \file galileo_reduced_ced.cc
* \brief Galileo Reduced Clock and Ephemeris Data storage class
* \author Carles Fernandez, 2021. cfernandez(at)cttc.cat
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* GNSS-SDR is a Global Navigation Satellite System software-defined receiver.
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* Copyright (C) 2010-2021 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "galileo_reduced_ced.h"
#include "MATH_CONSTANTS.h"
#include <cmath>
Galileo_Ephemeris Galileo_Reduced_CED::compute_eph() const
Galileo_Ephemeris eph{};
const double A_nominal = 29600000; // meters (Table 1 Galileo ICD 2.0)
const double Ared = DeltaAred + A_nominal;
eph.sqrtA = std::sqrt(Ared); // Square root of the semi-major axis [meters^1/2]
const double i_nominal = 56.0; // degrees (Table 1 Galileo ICD 2.0)
const double i0red = Deltai0red + i_nominal / 180.0;
eph.i_0 = i0red; // Inclination angle at reference time [semi-circles]
eph.ecc = std::sqrt(exred * exred + eyred * eyred); // Eccentricity
const double omega_semicircles = std::atan2(eyred, exred) / GNSS_PI;
eph.omega = omega_semicircles; // Argument of perigee [semi-circles]
eph.M_0 = lambda0red - omega_semicircles; // Mean anomaly at reference time [semi-circles]
eph.OMEGA_0 = Omega0red; // Longitude of ascending node of orbital plane at weekly epoch [semi-circles]
eph.flag_all_ephemeris = true;
eph.IOD_ephemeris = IODnav;
eph.IOD_nav = IODnav;
eph.PRN = PRN;
int32_t t0r = (30 * (TOTRedCED / 30) + 1) % 604800;
eph.toe = t0r; // Ephemeris reference time [s]
// Clock correction parameters
eph.toc = t0r; // Clock correction data reference Time of Week [sec]
eph.af0 = af0red; // SV clock bias correction coefficient [s]
eph.af1 = af1red; // SV clock drift correction coefficient [s/s]
// GST
eph.WN = TOTRedCED / 604800; // Week number
eph.tow = TOTRedCED % 604800; // Time of Week
return eph;