
758 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* \file
* \brief Implementation of a GPS NAV Data message decoder as described in IS-GPS-200E
* See Appendix II
* \author Javier Arribas, 2011. jarribas(at)
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2010-2012 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation
* Satellite Systems receiver
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* at your option) any later version.
* GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see <>.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "gps_navigation_message.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp"
#define num_of_slices(x) sizeof(x)/sizeof(bits_slice)
void Gps_Navigation_Message::reset()
d_TOW_SF1 = 0;
d_TOW_SF2 = 0;
d_TOW_SF3 = 0;
d_TOW_SF4 = 0;
d_TOW_SF5 = 0;
d_IODE_SF2 = 0;
d_IODE_SF3 = 0;
d_Crs = 0;
d_Delta_n = 0;
d_M_0 = 0;
d_Cuc = 0;
d_e_eccentricity = 0;
d_Cus = 0;
d_sqrt_A = 0;
d_Toe = 0;
d_Toc = 0;
d_Cic = 0;
d_OMEGA0 = 0;
d_Cis = 0;
d_i_0 = 0;
d_Crc = 0;
d_OMEGA = 0;
d_OMEGA_DOT = 0;
d_IDOT = 0;
i_code_on_L2 = 0;
i_GPS_week = 0;
b_L2_P_data_flag = false;
i_SV_accuracy = 0;
i_SV_health = 0;
d_TGD = 0;
d_IODC = -1;
i_AODO = 0;
b_fit_interval_flag = false;
d_spare1 = 0;
d_spare2 = 0;
d_A_f0 = 0;
d_A_f1 = 0;
d_A_f2 = 0;
//clock terms
d_dtr = 0;
d_satClkCorr = 0;
// satellite positions
d_satpos_X = 0;
d_satpos_Y = 0;
d_satpos_Z = 0;
// info
i_channel_ID = 0;
i_satellite_PRN = 0;
// time synchro
d_subframe_timestamp_ms = 0;
// flags
b_alert_flag = false;
b_integrity_status_flag = false;
b_antispoofing_flag = false;
// Ionosphere and UTC
d_alpha0 = 0;
d_alpha1 = 0;
d_alpha2 = 0;
d_alpha3 = 0;
d_beta0 = 0;
d_beta1 = 0;
d_beta2 = 0;
d_beta3 = 0;
d_A1 = 0;
d_A0 = 0;
d_t_OT = 0;
i_WN_T = 0;
d_DeltaT_LS = 0;
i_WN_LSF = 0;
i_DN = 0;
d_DeltaT_LSF= 0;
d_Toa = 0;
i_WN_A = 0;
for (int i=1; i < 32; i++ )
almanacHealth[i] = 0;
// Satellite velocity
d_satvel_X = 0;
d_satvel_Y = 0;
d_satvel_Z = 0;
//Plane A (info from
satelliteBlock[9] = "IIA";
satelliteBlock[31] = "IIR-M";
satelliteBlock[8] = "IIA";
satelliteBlock[7] = "IIR-M";
satelliteBlock[27] = "IIA";
//Plane B
satelliteBlock[16] = "IIR";
satelliteBlock[25] = "IIF";
satelliteBlock[28] = "IIR";
satelliteBlock[12] = "IIR-M";
satelliteBlock[30] = "IIA";
//Plane C
satelliteBlock[29] = "IIR-M";
satelliteBlock[3] = "IIA";
satelliteBlock[19] = "IIR";
satelliteBlock[17] = "IIR-M";
satelliteBlock[6] = "IIA";
//Plane D
satelliteBlock[2] = "IIR";
satelliteBlock[1] = "IIF";
satelliteBlock[21] = "IIR";
satelliteBlock[4] = "IIA";
satelliteBlock[11] = "IIR";
satelliteBlock[24] = "IIA"; // Decommissioned from active service on 04 Nov 2011
//Plane E
satelliteBlock[20] = "IIR";
satelliteBlock[22] = "IIR";
satelliteBlock[5] = "IIR-M";
satelliteBlock[18] = "IIR";
satelliteBlock[32] = "IIA";
satelliteBlock[10] = "IIA";
//Plane F
satelliteBlock[14] = "IIR";
satelliteBlock[15] = "IIR-M";
satelliteBlock[13] = "IIR";
satelliteBlock[23] = "IIR";
satelliteBlock[26] = "IIA";
void Gps_Navigation_Message::print_gps_word_bytes(unsigned int GPS_word)
std::cout << " Word =";
std::cout << std::bitset<32>(GPS_word);
std::cout << std::endl;
bool Gps_Navigation_Message::read_navigation_bool(std::bitset<GPS_SUBFRAME_BITS> bits, const bits_slice *slices)
bool value;
if (bits[GPS_SUBFRAME_BITS - slices[0].position] == 1)
value = true;
value = false;
return value;
unsigned long int Gps_Navigation_Message::read_navigation_unsigned(std::bitset<GPS_SUBFRAME_BITS> bits, const bits_slice *slices, int num_of_slices)
unsigned long int value = 0;
for (int i=0; i<num_of_slices; i++)
for (int j=0; j<slices[i].length; j++)
value <<= 1; //shift left
if (bits[GPS_SUBFRAME_BITS - slices[i].position - j] == 1)
value += 1; // insert the bit
return value;
signed long int Gps_Navigation_Message::read_navigation_signed(std::bitset<GPS_SUBFRAME_BITS> bits, const bits_slice *slices, int num_of_slices)
signed long int value = 0;
// Discriminate between 64 bits and 32 bits compiler
int long_int_size_bytes = sizeof(signed long int);
if (long_int_size_bytes == 8) // if a long int takes 8 bytes, we are in a 64 bits system
// read the MSB and perform the sign extension
if (bits[GPS_SUBFRAME_BITS - slices[0].position] == 1)
value^=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF; //64 bits variable
for (int i=0; i<num_of_slices; i++)
for (int j=0; j<slices[i].length; j++)
value<<=1; //shift left
value&=0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE; //reset the corresponding bit (for the 64 bits variable)
if (bits[GPS_SUBFRAME_BITS - slices[i].position - j] == 1)
value+=1; // insert the bit
else // we assume we are in a 32 bits system
// read the MSB and perform the sign extension
if (bits[GPS_SUBFRAME_BITS-slices[0].position] == 1)
for (int i=0; i<num_of_slices; i++)
for (int j=0; j<slices[i].length; j++)
value<<=1; //shift left
value&=0xFFFFFFFE; //reset the corresponding bit
if (bits[GPS_SUBFRAME_BITS - slices[i].position - j] == 1)
value+=1; // insert the bit
return value;
double Gps_Navigation_Message::check_t(double time)
double corrTime;
double half_week = 302400; // seconds
corrTime = time;
if (time > half_week)
corrTime = time - 2*half_week;
else if (time < -half_week)
corrTime = time + 2*half_week;
return corrTime;
// User Algorithm for SV Clock Correction.
double Gps_Navigation_Message::sv_clock_correction(double transmitTime)
double dt;
dt = check_t(transmitTime - d_Toc);
d_satClkCorr = (d_A_f2 * dt + d_A_f1) * dt + d_A_f0 + d_dtr;
double correctedTime = transmitTime - d_satClkCorr;
return correctedTime;
void Gps_Navigation_Message::satellitePosition(double transmitTime)
double tk;
double a;
double n;
double n0;
double M;
double E;
double E_old;
double dE;
double nu;
double phi;
double u;
double r;
double i;
double Omega;
// Find satellite's position ----------------------------------------------
// Restore semi-major axis
a = d_sqrt_A*d_sqrt_A;
// Time from ephemeris reference epoch
tk = check_t(transmitTime - d_Toe);
// Computed mean motion
n0 = sqrt(GM / (a*a*a));
// Corrected mean motion
n = n0 + d_Delta_n;
// Mean anomaly
M = d_M_0 + n * tk;
// Reduce mean anomaly to between 0 and 2pi
M = fmod((M + 2*GPS_PI), (2*GPS_PI));
// Initial guess of eccentric anomaly
E = M;
// --- Iteratively compute eccentric anomaly ----------------------------
for (int ii = 1; ii<20; ii++)
E_old = E;
E = M + d_e_eccentricity * sin(E);
dE = fmod(E - E_old, 2*GPS_PI);
if (fabs(dE) < 1e-12)
//Necessary precision is reached, exit from the loop
// Compute relativistic correction term
d_dtr = F * d_e_eccentricity * d_sqrt_A * sin(E);
// Compute the true anomaly
double tmp_Y = sqrt(1.0 - d_e_eccentricity*d_e_eccentricity) * sin(E);
double tmp_X = cos(E) - d_e_eccentricity;
nu = atan2(tmp_Y, tmp_X);
// Compute angle phi (argument of Latitude)
phi = nu + d_OMEGA;
// Reduce phi to between 0 and 2*pi rad
phi = fmod((phi), (2*GPS_PI));
// Correct argument of latitude
u = phi + d_Cuc * cos(2*phi) + d_Cus * sin(2*phi);
// Correct radius
r = a * (1 - d_e_eccentricity*cos(E)) + d_Crc * cos(2*phi) + d_Crs * sin(2*phi);
- Major changes: - The executable file and the default configuration file is now changed from "./install/mercurio" and "./conf/mercurio.conf" to "./install/gnss-sdr" and "./conf/gnss-sdr.conf", respectively. - Configuration file structure changed to define in a single entry the internal sampling frequency (after the signal conditioner). NOTICE that this change affects the all the adapters (acquisition, tracking, telemetry_decoder, observables, and PVT). All the adapters are now modified to work with this feature. - Moved several in-line GPS L1 CA parameters (a.k.a magic numbers..) to ./src/core/system_parameters/GPS_L1_CA.h definition file. - Tracking blocks now uses DOUBLE values in their outputs. - Observables and PVT now are separated. PVT and their associated libraries are moved to ./src/algorithms/PVT - Temporarily disabled the RINEX output (I am working on that!) - GNSS-SDR screen output now gives extended debug information of the receiver status and events. In the future, this output will be redirected to a log file. - Bug fixes: - FILE_SIGNAL_SOURCE now works correctly when the user configures GNSS-SDR to process the entire file. - GPS_L1_CA_DLL_PLL now computes correctly the PRN start values. - GPS_L1_CA_DLL_FLL_PLL now computes correctly the PRN start values. - Several modifications in GPS_L1_CA_Telemetry_Decoder, GPS_L1_CA_Observables, and GPS_L1_CA_PVT modules to fix the GPS position computation. - New features - Tracking blocks perform a signal integrity check against NaN outliers before the correlation process. - Tracking and PVT binary dump options are now documented and we provide MATLAB libraries and sample files to read it. Available in ./utils/matlab" and "./utils/matlab/libs" - Observables output rate can be configured. This option enables the GPS L1 CA PVT computation at a maximum rate of 1ms. - GPS_L1_CA_PVT now can perform a moving average Latitude, Longitude, and Altitude output for each of the Observables output. It is configurable using the configuration file. - Added Google Earth compatible Keyhole Markup Language (KML) output writer class (./src/algorithms/PVT/libs/kml_printer.h and ./src/algorithms/PVT/libs/ ). You can see the receiver position directly using Google Earth. - We provide a master configuration file which includes an in-line documentation with all the new (and old) options. It can be found in ./conf/master.conf git-svn-id: 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2011-12-07 17:59:34 +00:00
// Correct inclination
i = d_i_0 + d_IDOT * tk + d_Cic * cos(2*phi) + d_Cis * sin(2*phi);
// Compute the angle between the ascending node and the Greenwich meridian
// Reduce to between 0 and 2*pi rad
Omega = fmod((Omega + 2*GPS_PI), (2*GPS_PI));
// --- Compute satellite coordinates in Earth-fixed coordinates
d_satpos_X = cos(u) * r * cos(Omega) - sin(u) * r * cos(i) * sin(Omega);
d_satpos_Y = cos(u) * r * sin(Omega) + sin(u) * r * cos(i) * cos(Omega);
d_satpos_Z = sin(u) * r * sin(i);
// Satellite's velocity. Can be useful for Vector Tracking loops
double Omega_dot = d_OMEGA_DOT - OMEGA_EARTH_DOT;
d_satvel_X = - Omega_dot * (cos(u) * r + sin(u) * r * cos(i)) + d_satpos_X * cos(Omega) - d_satpos_Y * cos(i) * sin(Omega);
d_satvel_Y = Omega_dot * (cos(u) * r * cos(Omega) - sin(u) * r * cos(i) * sin(Omega)) + d_satpos_X * sin(Omega) + d_satpos_Y * cos(i) * cos(Omega);
d_satvel_Z = d_satpos_Y * sin(i);
int Gps_Navigation_Message::subframe_decoder(char *subframe)
int subframe_ID = 0;
int SV_data_ID = 0;
int SV_page = 0;
//double tmp_TOW;
unsigned int gps_word;
std::bitset<GPS_SUBFRAME_BITS> subframe_bits;
std::bitset<GPS_WORD_BITS+2> word_bits;
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
memcpy(&gps_word, &subframe[i*4], sizeof(char)*4);
word_bits = std::bitset<(GPS_WORD_BITS+2)>(gps_word);
for (int j=0; j<GPS_WORD_BITS; j++)
subframe_bits[GPS_WORD_BITS*(9-i) + j] = word_bits[j];
subframe_ID = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, SUBFRAME_ID, num_of_slices(SUBFRAME_ID));
// Decode all 5 sub-frames
switch (subframe_ID)
//--- Decode the sub-frame id ------------------------------------------
// ICD (IS-GPS-200E Appendix II).
case 1:
//--- It is subframe 1 -------------------------------------
// Compute the time of week (TOW) of the first sub-frames in the array ====
// Also correct the TOW. The transmitted TOW is actual TOW of the next
// subframe and we need the TOW of the first subframe in this data block
// (the variable subframe at this point contains bits of the last subframe).
//TOW = bin2dec(subframe(31:47)) * 6 - 30;
d_TOW_SF1 = (double)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, TOW, num_of_slices(TOW));
//we are in the first subframe (the transmitted TOW is the start time of the next subframe) !
d_TOW_SF1 = d_TOW_SF1*6;
d_TOW=d_TOW_SF5;// Set transmission time
b_integrity_status_flag = read_navigation_bool(subframe_bits, INTEGRITY_STATUS_FLAG);
b_alert_flag = read_navigation_bool(subframe_bits, ALERT_FLAG);
b_antispoofing_flag = read_navigation_bool(subframe_bits, ANTI_SPOOFING_FLAG);
i_GPS_week = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, GPS_WEEK, num_of_slices(GPS_WEEK));
i_SV_accuracy = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, SV_ACCURACY, num_of_slices(SV_ACCURACY)); // (
i_SV_health = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, SV_HEALTH, num_of_slices(SV_HEALTH));
b_L2_P_data_flag = read_navigation_bool(subframe_bits, L2_P_DATA_FLAG); //
i_code_on_L2 = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, CA_OR_P_ON_L2, num_of_slices(CA_OR_P_ON_L2));
d_TGD = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, T_GD, num_of_slices(T_GD));
d_IODC = (double)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, IODC, num_of_slices(IODC));
d_Toc = (double)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, T_OC, num_of_slices(T_OC));
d_Toc = d_Toc*T_OC_LSB;
d_A_f0 = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, A_F0, num_of_slices(A_F0));
d_A_f0 = d_A_f0*A_F0_LSB;
d_A_f1 = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, A_F1, num_of_slices(A_F1));
d_A_f1 = d_A_f1*A_F1_LSB;
d_A_f2 = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, A_F2, num_of_slices(A_F2));
d_A_f2 = d_A_f2*A_F2_LSB;
case 2: //--- It is subframe 2 -------------------
d_TOW_SF2 = (double)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, TOW, num_of_slices(TOW));
d_TOW_SF2 = d_TOW_SF2*6;
d_TOW=d_TOW_SF1;// Set transmission time
b_integrity_status_flag = read_navigation_bool(subframe_bits, INTEGRITY_STATUS_FLAG);
b_alert_flag = read_navigation_bool(subframe_bits, ALERT_FLAG);
b_antispoofing_flag = read_navigation_bool(subframe_bits, ANTI_SPOOFING_FLAG);
d_IODE_SF2 = (double)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, IODE_SF2, num_of_slices(IODE_SF2));
d_Crs = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, C_RS, num_of_slices(C_RS));
d_Crs = d_Crs * C_RS_LSB;
d_Delta_n = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, DELTA_N, num_of_slices(DELTA_N));
d_Delta_n = d_Delta_n * DELTA_N_LSB;
d_M_0 = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, M_0, num_of_slices(M_0));
d_M_0 = d_M_0 * M_0_LSB;
d_Cuc = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, C_UC, num_of_slices(C_UC));
d_Cuc = d_Cuc * C_UC_LSB;
d_e_eccentricity = (double)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, E, num_of_slices(E));
d_e_eccentricity = d_e_eccentricity * E_LSB;
d_Cus = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, C_US, num_of_slices(C_US));
d_Cus = d_Cus * C_US_LSB;
d_sqrt_A = (double)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, SQRT_A, num_of_slices(SQRT_A));
d_sqrt_A = d_sqrt_A * SQRT_A_LSB;
d_Toe = (double)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, T_OE, num_of_slices(T_OE));
d_Toe = d_Toe * T_OE_LSB;
b_fit_interval_flag = read_navigation_bool(subframe_bits, FIT_INTERVAL_FLAG);
i_AODO = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, AODO, num_of_slices(AODO));
case 3: // --- It is subframe 3 -------------------------------------
d_TOW_SF3 = (double)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, TOW, num_of_slices(TOW));
d_TOW_SF3 = d_TOW_SF3*6;
d_TOW=d_TOW_SF2;// Set transmission time
b_integrity_status_flag = read_navigation_bool(subframe_bits, INTEGRITY_STATUS_FLAG);
b_alert_flag = read_navigation_bool(subframe_bits, ALERT_FLAG);
b_antispoofing_flag = read_navigation_bool(subframe_bits, ANTI_SPOOFING_FLAG);
d_Cic = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, C_IC, num_of_slices(C_IC));
d_Cic = d_Cic * C_IC_LSB;
d_OMEGA0 = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, OMEGA_0, num_of_slices(OMEGA_0));
d_Cis = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, C_IS, num_of_slices(C_IS));
d_Cis = d_Cis * C_IS_LSB;
d_i_0 = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, I_0, num_of_slices(I_0));
d_i_0 = d_i_0 * I_0_LSB;
d_Crc = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, C_RC, num_of_slices(C_RC));
d_Crc = d_Crc * C_RC_LSB;
d_OMEGA = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, OMEGA, num_of_slices(OMEGA));
d_OMEGA_DOT = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, OMEGA_DOT, num_of_slices(OMEGA_DOT));
d_IODE_SF3 = (double)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, IODE_SF3, num_of_slices(IODE_SF3));
d_IDOT = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, I_DOT, num_of_slices(I_DOT));
case 4: // --- It is subframe 4 ---------- Almanac, ionospheric model, UTC parameters, SV health (PRN: 25-32)
d_TOW_SF4 = (double)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, TOW, num_of_slices(TOW));
d_TOW_SF4 = d_TOW_SF4*6;
d_TOW=d_TOW_SF3;// Set transmission time
b_integrity_status_flag = read_navigation_bool(subframe_bits, INTEGRITY_STATUS_FLAG);
b_alert_flag = read_navigation_bool(subframe_bits, ALERT_FLAG);
b_antispoofing_flag = read_navigation_bool(subframe_bits, ANTI_SPOOFING_FLAG);
SV_data_ID = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, SV_DATA_ID, num_of_slices(SV_DATA_ID));
SV_page = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, SV_PAGE, num_of_slices(SV_PAGE));
if (SV_page == 13)
//! \TODO read Estimated Range Deviation (ERD) values
if (SV_page == 18)
// Page 18 - Ionospheric and UTC data
d_alpha0 = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, ALPHA_0, num_of_slices(ALPHA_0));
d_alpha0 = d_alpha0 * ALPHA_0_LSB;
d_alpha1 = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, ALPHA_1, num_of_slices(ALPHA_1));
d_alpha1 = d_alpha1 * ALPHA_1_LSB;
d_alpha2 = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, ALPHA_2, num_of_slices(ALPHA_2));
d_alpha2 = d_alpha2 * ALPHA_2_LSB;
d_alpha3 = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, ALPHA_3, num_of_slices(ALPHA_3));
d_alpha3 = d_alpha3 * ALPHA_3_LSB;
d_beta0 = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, BETA_0, num_of_slices(BETA_0));
d_beta0 = d_beta0 * BETA_0_LSB;
d_beta1 = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, BETA_1, num_of_slices(BETA_1));
d_beta1 = d_beta1 * BETA_1_LSB;
d_beta2 = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, BETA_2, num_of_slices(BETA_2));
d_beta2 = d_beta2 * BETA_2_LSB;
d_beta3 = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, BETA_3, num_of_slices(BETA_3));
d_beta3 = d_beta3 * BETA_3_LSB;
d_A1 = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, A_1, num_of_slices(A_1));
d_A1 = d_A1 * A_1_LSB;
d_A0 = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, A_0, num_of_slices(A_0));
d_A0 = d_A0 * A_0_LSB;
d_t_OT = (double)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, T_OT,num_of_slices(T_OT));
d_t_OT = d_t_OT * T_OT_LSB;
i_WN_T = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, WN_T, num_of_slices(WN_T));
d_DeltaT_LS = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, DELTAT_LS, num_of_slices(DELTAT_LS));
i_WN_LSF = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, WN_LSF, num_of_slices(WN_LSF));
i_DN = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, DN, num_of_slices(DN));; // Right-justified ?
d_DeltaT_LSF = (double)read_navigation_signed(subframe_bits, DELTAT_LSF, num_of_slices(DELTAT_LSF));
if (SV_page == 25)
// Page 25 Anti-Spoofing, SV config and almanac health (PRN: 25-32)
//! \TODO Read Anti-Spoofing, SV config
almanacHealth[25] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV25, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV25));
almanacHealth[26] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV26, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV26));
almanacHealth[27] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV27, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV27));
almanacHealth[28] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV28, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV28));
almanacHealth[29] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV29, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV29));
almanacHealth[30] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV30, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV30));
almanacHealth[31] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV31, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV31));
almanacHealth[32] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV32, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV32));
case 5://--- It is subframe 5 -----------------almanac health (PRN: 1-24) and Almanac reference week number and time.
d_TOW_SF5 = (double)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, TOW, num_of_slices(TOW));
d_TOW_SF5 = d_TOW_SF5*6;
d_TOW=d_TOW_SF4;// Set transmission time
b_integrity_status_flag = read_navigation_bool(subframe_bits, INTEGRITY_STATUS_FLAG);
b_alert_flag = read_navigation_bool(subframe_bits, ALERT_FLAG);
b_antispoofing_flag = read_navigation_bool(subframe_bits, ANTI_SPOOFING_FLAG);
SV_data_ID = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, SV_DATA_ID, num_of_slices(SV_DATA_ID));
SV_page = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, SV_PAGE, num_of_slices(SV_PAGE));
if (SV_page < 25)
//! \TODO read almanac
if (SV_page == 25)
d_Toa = (double)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits,T_OA,num_of_slices(T_OA));
d_Toa = d_Toa * T_OA_LSB;
i_WN_A = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits,WN_A,num_of_slices(WN_A));
almanacHealth[1] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV1, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV1));
almanacHealth[2] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV2, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV2));
almanacHealth[3] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV3, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV3));
almanacHealth[4] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV4, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV4));
almanacHealth[5] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV5, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV5));
almanacHealth[6] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV6, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV6));
almanacHealth[7] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV7, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV7));
almanacHealth[8] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV8, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV8));
almanacHealth[9] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV9, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV9));
almanacHealth[10] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV10, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV10));
almanacHealth[11] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV11, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV11));
almanacHealth[12] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV12, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV12));
almanacHealth[13] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV13, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV13));
almanacHealth[14] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV14, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV14));
almanacHealth[15] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV15, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV15));
almanacHealth[16] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV16, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV16));
almanacHealth[17] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV17, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV17));
almanacHealth[18] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV18, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV18));
almanacHealth[19] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV19, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV19));
almanacHealth[20] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV20, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV20));
almanacHealth[21] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV21, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV21));
almanacHealth[22] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV22, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV22));
almanacHealth[23] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV23, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV23));
almanacHealth[24] = (int)read_navigation_unsigned(subframe_bits, HEALTH_SV24, num_of_slices(HEALTH_SV24));
} // switch subframeID ...
return subframe_ID;
double Gps_Navigation_Message::utc_time(double gpstime_corrected)
double t_utc;
double t_utc_daytime;
double Delta_t_UTC = d_DeltaT_LS + d_A0 + d_A1 * (gpstime_corrected - d_t_OT + 604800 * (double)(i_GPS_week - i_WN_T));
// Determine if the effectivity time of the leap second event is in the past
int weeksToLeapSecondEvent = i_WN_LSF - i_GPS_week;
if ((weeksToLeapSecondEvent) >= 0) // is not in the past
//Detect if the effectivity time and user's time is within six hours = 6 * 60 *60 = 21600 s
int secondOfLeapSecondEvent = i_DN * 24 * 60 * 60;
if (weeksToLeapSecondEvent > 0)
t_utc_daytime = fmod(gpstime_corrected - Delta_t_UTC, 86400);
else //we are in the same week than the leap second event
if (abs(gpstime_corrected - secondOfLeapSecondEvent) > 21600)
* Whenever the effectivity time indicated by the WN_LSF and the DN values
* is not in the past (relative to the user's present time), and the user's
* present time does not fall in the time span which starts at six hours prior
* to the effectivity time and ends at six hours after the effectivity time,
* the UTC/GPS-time relationship is given by
t_utc_daytime = fmod(gpstime_corrected - Delta_t_UTC, 86400);
* Whenever the user's current time falls within the time span of six hours
* prior to the effectivity time to six hours after the effectivity time,
* proper accommodation of the leap second event with a possible week number
* transition is provided by the following expression for UTC:
int W = fmod(gpstime_corrected - Delta_t_UTC - 43200, 86400) + 43200;
t_utc_daytime = fmod(W, 86400 + d_DeltaT_LSF - d_DeltaT_LS);
//implement something to handle a leap second event!
if ( (gpstime_corrected - secondOfLeapSecondEvent) > 21600)
Delta_t_UTC = d_DeltaT_LSF + d_A0 + d_A1 * (gpstime_corrected - d_t_OT + 604800*(double)(i_GPS_week - i_WN_T));
t_utc_daytime = fmod(gpstime_corrected - Delta_t_UTC, 86400);
else // the effectivity time is in the past
* Whenever the effectivity time of the leap second event, as indicated by the
* WNLSF and DN values, is in the "past" (relative to the user's current time),
* and the user<EFBFBD>s current time does not fall in the time span as given above
* in,*/
Delta_t_UTC = d_DeltaT_LSF + d_A0 + d_A1 * (gpstime_corrected - d_t_OT + 604800 * (double)(i_GPS_week - i_WN_T));
t_utc_daytime = fmod(gpstime_corrected - Delta_t_UTC, 86400);
double secondsOfWeekBeforeToday = 43200 * floor(gpstime_corrected / 43200);
t_utc = secondsOfWeekBeforeToday + t_utc_daytime;
return t_utc;
bool Gps_Navigation_Message::satellite_validation()
bool flag_data_valid = false;
b_valid_ephemeris_set_flag = false;
// First Step:
// check Issue Of Ephemeris Data (IODE IODC..) to find a possible interrupted reception
// and check if the data have been filled (!=0)
if (d_TOW_SF1 != 0 and d_TOW_SF2 != 0 and d_TOW_SF3 != 0)
if (d_IODE_SF2 == d_IODE_SF3 and d_IODC == d_IODE_SF2 and d_IODC!=-1)
flag_data_valid = true;
return flag_data_valid;