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2021-02-15 09:56:30 +00:00
2021-02-16 16:15:48 +00:00
* \file serdes_gps_eph.h
* \brief Serialization / Deserialization of Gps_Ephemeris objects using
2021-02-15 09:56:30 +00:00
* Protocol Buffers
2021-02-16 16:15:48 +00:00
* \author Javier Arribas, 2021. jarribas(at)cttc.es
2021-02-15 09:56:30 +00:00
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* GNSS-SDR is a Global Navigation Satellite System software-defined receiver.
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
2021-02-16 16:15:48 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2010-2021 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
2021-02-15 09:56:30 +00:00
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "gps_ephemeris.h"
#include "monitor_gps_ephemeris.pb.h" // file created by Protocol Buffers at compile time
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
/** \addtogroup PVT
* \{ */
/** \addtogroup PVT_libs
* \{ */
* \brief This class implements serialization and deserialization of
2021-02-16 16:15:48 +00:00
* Gps_Ephemeris objects using Protocol Buffers.
2021-02-15 09:56:30 +00:00
class Serdes_Gps_Eph
// Verify that the version of the library that we linked against is
// compatible with the version of the headers we compiled against.
// google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
inline Serdes_Gps_Eph(const Serdes_Gps_Eph& other) noexcept //!< Copy constructor
this->monitor_ = other.monitor_;
inline Serdes_Gps_Eph& operator=(const Serdes_Gps_Eph& rhs) noexcept //!< Copy assignment operator
this->monitor_ = rhs.monitor_;
return *this;
inline Serdes_Gps_Eph(Serdes_Gps_Eph&& other) noexcept //!< Move constructor
this->monitor_ = std::move(other.monitor_);
inline Serdes_Gps_Eph& operator=(Serdes_Gps_Eph&& other) noexcept //!< Move assignment operator
if (this != &other)
this->monitor_ = std::move(other.monitor_);
return *this;
inline std::string createProtobuffer(const std::shared_ptr<Gps_Ephemeris> monitor) //!< Serialization into a string
std::string data;
monitor_.set_i_satellite_prn(monitor->PRN); //!< SV PRN NUMBER
monitor_.set_d_tow(monitor->tow); //!< time of gps week of the ephemeris set (taken from subframes tow) [s]
monitor_.set_d_crs(monitor->Crs); //!< amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the orbit radius [m]
monitor_.set_d_delta_n(monitor->delta_n); //!< mean motion difference from computed value [semi-circles/s]
monitor_.set_d_m_0(monitor->M_0); //!< mean anomaly at reference time [semi-circles]
monitor_.set_d_cuc(monitor->Cuc); //!< amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the argument of latitude [rad]
monitor_.set_d_e_eccentricity(monitor->ecc); //!< eccentricity [dimensionless]
monitor_.set_d_cus(monitor->Cus); //!< amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the argument of latitude [rad]
monitor_.set_d_sqrt_a(monitor->sqrtA); //!< square root of the semi-major axis [sqrt(m)]
monitor_.set_d_toe(monitor->toe); //!< ephemeris data reference time of week (ref. is-gps-200k) [s]
monitor_.set_d_toc(monitor->toc); //!< clock data reference time (ref. is-gps-200k) [s]
monitor_.set_d_cic(monitor->Cic); //!< amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the angle of inclination [rad]
monitor_.set_d_omega0(monitor->OMEGA_0); //!< longitude of ascending node of orbit plane at weekly epoch [semi-circles]
monitor_.set_d_cis(monitor->Cis); //!< amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the angle of inclination [rad]
monitor_.set_d_i_0(monitor->i_0); //!< inclination angle at reference time [semi-circles]
monitor_.set_d_crc(monitor->Crc); //!< amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the orbit radius [m]
monitor_.set_d_omega(monitor->omega); //!< argument of perigee [semi-cicles]
monitor_.set_d_omega_dot(monitor->OMEGAdot); //!< rate of right ascension [semi-circles/s]
monitor_.set_d_idot(monitor->idot); //!< rate of inclination angle [semi-circles/s]
monitor_.set_i_code_on_l2(monitor->code_on_L2); //!< if 1, p code on in l2; if 2, c/a code on in l2;
monitor_.set_i_gps_week(monitor->WN); //!< gps week number, aka wn [week]
monitor_.set_b_l2_p_data_flag(monitor->L2_P_data_flag); //!< when true, indicates that the nav data stream was commanded off on the p-code of the l2 channel
monitor_.set_i_sv_accuracy(monitor->SV_accuracy); //!< user range accuracy (ura) index of the sv (reference paragraph 6.2.1) for the standard positioning service user (ref is-gps-200k)
monitor_.set_d_tgd(monitor->TGD); //!< estimated group delay differential: l1-l2 correction term only for the benefit of "l1 p(y)" or "l2 p(y)" s users [s]
monitor_.set_d_iodc(monitor->IODC); //!< issue of data, clock
monitor_.set_d_iode_sf2(monitor->IODE_SF2); //!< issue of data, ephemeris (iode), subframe 2
monitor_.set_d_iode_sf3(monitor->IODE_SF3); //!< issue of data, ephemeris(iode), subframe 3
monitor_.set_i_aodo(monitor->AODO); //!< age of data offset (aodo) term for the navigation message correction table (nmct) contained in subframe 4 (reference paragraph [s]
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monitor_.set_b_fit_interval_flag(monitor->fit_interval_flag); //!< indicates the curve-fit interval used by the cs (block ii/iia/iir/iir-m/iif) and ss (block iiia) in determining the ephemeris parameters, as follows: 0 = 4 hours, 1 = greater than 4 hours.
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monitor_.set_d_a_f0(monitor->af0); //!< coefficient 0 of code phase offset model [s]
monitor_.set_d_a_f1(monitor->af1); //!< coefficient 1 of code phase offset model [s/s]
monitor_.set_d_a_f2(monitor->af2); //!< coefficient 2 of code phase offset model [s/s^2]
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monitor_.set_b_alert_flag(monitor->alert_flag); //!< if true, indicates that the sv ura may be worse than indicated in d_sv_accuracy, use that sv at our own risk.
monitor_.set_b_antispoofing_flag(monitor->antispoofing_flag); //!< if true, the antispoofing mode is on in that sv
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return data;
inline Gps_Ephemeris readProtobuffer(const gnss_sdr::MonitorGpsEphemeris& mon) const //!< Deserialization
Gps_Ephemeris monitor;
monitor.PRN = mon.i_satellite_prn(); //!< SV PRN NUMBER
monitor.tow = mon.d_tow(); //!< time of gps week of the ephemeris set (taken from subframes tow) [s]
monitor.Crs = mon.d_crs(); //!< amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the orbit radius [m]
monitor.delta_n = mon.d_delta_n(); //!< mean motion difference from computed value [semi-circles/s]
monitor.M_0 = mon.d_m_0(); //!< mean anomaly at reference time [semi-circles]
monitor.Cuc = mon.d_cuc(); //!< amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the argument of latitude [rad]
monitor.ecc = mon.d_e_eccentricity(); //!< eccentricity [dimensionless]
monitor.Cus = mon.d_cus(); //!< amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the argument of latitude [rad]
monitor.sqrtA = mon.d_sqrt_a(); //!< square root of the semi-major axis [sqrt(m)]
monitor.toe = mon.d_toe(); //!< ephemeris data reference time of week (ref. is-gps-200k) [s]
monitor.toc = mon.d_toc(); //!< clock data reference time (ref. is-gps-200k) [s]
monitor.Cic = mon.d_cic(); //!< amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the angle of inclination [rad]
monitor.OMEGA_0 = mon.d_omega0(); //!< longitude of ascending node of orbit plane at weekly epoch [semi-circles]
monitor.Cis = mon.d_cis(); //!< amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the angle of inclination [rad]
monitor.i_0 = mon.d_i_0(); //!< inclination angle at reference time [semi-circles]
monitor.Crc = mon.d_crc(); //!< amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the orbit radius [m]
monitor.omega = mon.d_omega(); //!< argument of perigee [semi-cicles]
monitor.OMEGAdot = mon.d_omega_dot(); //!< rate of right ascension [semi-circles/s]
monitor.idot = mon.d_idot(); //!< rate of inclination angle [semi-circles/s]
monitor.code_on_L2 = mon.i_code_on_l2(); //!< if 1, p code on in l2; if 2, c/a code on in l2;
monitor.WN = mon.i_gps_week(); //!< gps week number, aka wn [week]
monitor.L2_P_data_flag = mon.b_l2_p_data_flag(); //!< when true, indicates that the nav data stream was commanded off on the p-code of the l2 channel
monitor.SV_accuracy = mon.i_sv_accuracy(); //!< user range accuracy (ura) index of the sv (reference paragraph 6.2.1) for the standard positioning service user (ref is-gps-200k)
monitor.SV_health = mon.i_sv_health();
monitor.TGD = mon.d_tgd(); //!< estimated group delay differential: l1-l2 correction term only for the benefit of "l1 p(y)" or "l2 p(y)" s users [s]
monitor.IODC = mon.d_iodc(); //!< issue of data, clock
monitor.IODE_SF2 = mon.d_iode_sf2(); //!< issue of data, ephemeris (iode), subframe 2
monitor.IODE_SF3 = mon.d_iode_sf3(); //!< issue of data, ephemeris(iode), subframe 3
monitor.AODO = mon.i_aodo(); //!< age of data offset (aodo) term for the navigation message correction table (nmct) contained in subframe 4 (reference paragraph [s]
monitor.fit_interval_flag = mon.b_fit_interval_flag(); //!< indicates the curve-fit interval used by the cs (block ii/iia/iir/iir-m/iif) and ss (block iiia) in determining the ephemeris parameters, as follows: 0 = 4 hours, 1 = greater than 4 hours.
monitor.spare1 = mon.d_spare1();
monitor.spare2 = mon.d_spare2();
monitor.af0 = mon.d_a_f0(); //!< coefficient 0 of code phase offset model [s]
monitor.af1 = mon.d_a_f1(); //!< coefficient 1 of code phase offset model [s/s]
monitor.af2 = mon.d_a_f2(); //!< coefficient 2 of code phase offset model [s/s^2]
monitor.integrity_status_flag = mon.b_integrity_status_flag();
monitor.alert_flag = mon.b_alert_flag(); //!< if true, indicates that the sv ura may be worse than indicated in d_sv_accuracy, use that sv at our own risk.
monitor.antispoofing_flag = mon.b_antispoofing_flag(); //!< if true, the antispoofing mode is on in that sv
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return monitor;
gnss_sdr::MonitorGpsEphemeris monitor_{};
/** \} */
/** \} */