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- Major changes: - The executable file and the default configuration file is now changed from "./install/mercurio" and "./conf/mercurio.conf" to "./install/gnss-sdr" and "./conf/gnss-sdr.conf", respectively. - Configuration file structure changed to define in a single entry the internal sampling frequency (after the signal conditioner). NOTICE that this change affects the all the adapters (acquisition, tracking, telemetry_decoder, observables, and PVT). All the adapters are now modified to work with this feature. - Moved several in-line GPS L1 CA parameters (a.k.a magic numbers..) to ./src/core/system_parameters/GPS_L1_CA.h definition file. - Tracking blocks now uses DOUBLE values in their outputs. - Observables and PVT now are separated. PVT and their associated libraries are moved to ./src/algorithms/PVT - Temporarily disabled the RINEX output (I am working on that!) - GNSS-SDR screen output now gives extended debug information of the receiver status and events. In the future, this output will be redirected to a log file. - Bug fixes: - FILE_SIGNAL_SOURCE now works correctly when the user configures GNSS-SDR to process the entire file. - GPS_L1_CA_DLL_PLL now computes correctly the PRN start values. - GPS_L1_CA_DLL_FLL_PLL now computes correctly the PRN start values. - Several modifications in GPS_L1_CA_Telemetry_Decoder, GPS_L1_CA_Observables, and GPS_L1_CA_PVT modules to fix the GPS position computation. - New features - Tracking blocks perform a signal integrity check against NaN outliers before the correlation process. - Tracking and PVT binary dump options are now documented and we provide MATLAB libraries and sample files to read it. Available in ./utils/matlab" and "./utils/matlab/libs" - Observables output rate can be configured. This option enables the GPS L1 CA PVT computation at a maximum rate of 1ms. - GPS_L1_CA_PVT now can perform a moving average Latitude, Longitude, and Altitude output for each of the Observables output. It is configurable using the configuration file. - Added Google Earth compatible Keyhole Markup Language (KML) output writer class (./src/algorithms/PVT/libs/kml_printer.h and ./src/algorithms/PVT/libs/kml_printer.cc ). You can see the receiver position directly using Google Earth. - We provide a master configuration file which includes an in-line documentation with all the new (and old) options. It can be found in ./conf/master.conf git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/gnss-sdr/code/trunk@84 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2011-12-07 17:59:34 +00:00
function [dphi, dlambda, h] = togeod(a, finv, X, Y, Z)
%TOGEOD Subroutine to calculate geodetic coordinates latitude, longitude,
% height given Cartesian coordinates X,Y,Z, and reference ellipsoid
% values semi-major axis (a) and the inverse of flattening (finv).
%[dphi, dlambda, h] = togeod(a, finv, X, Y, Z);
% The units of linear parameters X,Y,Z,a must all agree (m,km,mi,ft,..etc)
% The output units of angular quantities will be in decimal degrees
% (15.5 degrees not 15 deg 30 min). The output units of h will be the
% same as the units of X,Y,Z,a.
% Inputs:
% a - semi-major axis of the reference ellipsoid
% finv - inverse of flattening of the reference ellipsoid
% X,Y,Z - Cartesian coordinates
% Outputs:
% dphi - latitude
% dlambda - longitude
% h - height above reference ellipsoid
% Copyright (C) 1987 C. Goad, Columbus, Ohio
% Reprinted with permission of author, 1996
% Fortran code translated into MATLAB
% Kai Borre 03-30-96
% CVS record:
% $Id: togeod.m,v 2006/08/22 13:45:59 dpl Exp $
h = 0;
tolsq = 1.e-10;
maxit = 10;
% compute radians-to-degree factor
rtd = 180/pi;
% compute square of eccentricity
if finv < 1.e-20
esq = 0;
esq = (2 - 1/finv) / finv;
oneesq = 1 - esq;
% first guess
% P is distance from spin axis
P = sqrt(X^2+Y^2);
% direct calculation of longitude
if P > 1.e-20
dlambda = atan2(Y,X) * rtd;
dlambda = 0;
if (dlambda < 0)
dlambda = dlambda + 360;
% r is distance from origin (0,0,0)
r = sqrt(P^2 + Z^2);
if r > 1.e-20
sinphi = Z/r;
sinphi = 0;
dphi = asin(sinphi);
% initial value of height = distance from origin minus
% approximate distance from origin to surface of ellipsoid
if r < 1.e-20
h = 0;
h = r - a*(1-sinphi*sinphi/finv);
% iterate
for i = 1:maxit
sinphi = sin(dphi);
cosphi = cos(dphi);
% compute radius of curvature in prime vertical direction
N_phi = a/sqrt(1-esq*sinphi*sinphi);
% compute residuals in P and Z
dP = P - (N_phi + h) * cosphi;
dZ = Z - (N_phi*oneesq + h) * sinphi;
% update height and latitude
h = h + (sinphi*dZ + cosphi*dP);
dphi = dphi + (cosphi*dZ - sinphi*dP)/(N_phi + h);
% test for convergence
if (dP*dP + dZ*dZ < tolsq)
% Not Converged--Warn user
if i == maxit
fprintf([' Problem in TOGEOD, did not converge in %2.0f',...
' iterations\n'], i);
end % for i = 1:maxit
dphi = dphi * rtd;
%%%%%%%% end togeod.m %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%