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- Major changes: - The executable file and the default configuration file is now changed from "./install/mercurio" and "./conf/mercurio.conf" to "./install/gnss-sdr" and "./conf/gnss-sdr.conf", respectively. - Configuration file structure changed to define in a single entry the internal sampling frequency (after the signal conditioner). NOTICE that this change affects the all the adapters (acquisition, tracking, telemetry_decoder, observables, and PVT). All the adapters are now modified to work with this feature. - Moved several in-line GPS L1 CA parameters (a.k.a magic numbers..) to ./src/core/system_parameters/GPS_L1_CA.h definition file. - Tracking blocks now uses DOUBLE values in their outputs. - Observables and PVT now are separated. PVT and their associated libraries are moved to ./src/algorithms/PVT - Temporarily disabled the RINEX output (I am working on that!) - GNSS-SDR screen output now gives extended debug information of the receiver status and events. In the future, this output will be redirected to a log file. - Bug fixes: - FILE_SIGNAL_SOURCE now works correctly when the user configures GNSS-SDR to process the entire file. - GPS_L1_CA_DLL_PLL now computes correctly the PRN start values. - GPS_L1_CA_DLL_FLL_PLL now computes correctly the PRN start values. - Several modifications in GPS_L1_CA_Telemetry_Decoder, GPS_L1_CA_Observables, and GPS_L1_CA_PVT modules to fix the GPS position computation. - New features - Tracking blocks perform a signal integrity check against NaN outliers before the correlation process. - Tracking and PVT binary dump options are now documented and we provide MATLAB libraries and sample files to read it. Available in ./utils/matlab" and "./utils/matlab/libs" - Observables output rate can be configured. This option enables the GPS L1 CA PVT computation at a maximum rate of 1ms. - GPS_L1_CA_PVT now can perform a moving average Latitude, Longitude, and Altitude output for each of the Observables output. It is configurable using the configuration file. - Added Google Earth compatible Keyhole Markup Language (KML) output writer class (./src/algorithms/PVT/libs/kml_printer.h and ./src/algorithms/PVT/libs/ ). You can see the receiver position directly using Google Earth. - We provide a master configuration file which includes an in-line documentation with all the new (and old) options. It can be found in ./conf/master.conf git-svn-id: 64b25241-fba3-4117-9849-534c7e92360d
2011-12-07 17:59:34 +00:00
function [phi, lambda, h] = cart2geo(X, Y, Z, i)
%CART2GEO Conversion of Cartesian coordinates (X,Y,Z) to geographical
%coordinates (phi, lambda, h) on a selected reference ellipsoid.
%[phi, lambda, h] = cart2geo(X, Y, Z, i);
% Choices i of Reference Ellipsoid for Geographical Coordinates
% 1. International Ellipsoid 1924
% 2. International Ellipsoid 1967
% 3. World Geodetic System 1972
% 4. Geodetic Reference System 1980
% 5. World Geodetic System 1984
%Kai Borre 10-13-98
%Copyright (c) by Kai Borre
%Revision: 1.0 Date: 1998/10/23
% CVS record:
% $Id: cart2geo.m,v 2007/01/29 15:22:49 dpl Exp $
a = [6378388 6378160 6378135 6378137 6378137];
f = [1/297 1/298.247 1/298.26 1/298.257222101 1/298.257223563];
lambda = atan2(Y,X);
ex2 = (2-f(i))*f(i)/((1-f(i))^2);
c = a(i)*sqrt(1+ex2);
phi = atan(Z/((sqrt(X^2+Y^2)*(1-(2-f(i)))*f(i))));
h = 0.1; oldh = 0;
iterations = 0;
while abs(h-oldh) > 1.e-12
oldh = h;
N = c/sqrt(1+ex2*cos(phi)^2);
phi = atan(Z/((sqrt(X^2+Y^2)*(1-(2-f(i))*f(i)*N/(N+h)))));
h = sqrt(X^2+Y^2)/cos(phi)-N;
iterations = iterations + 1;
if iterations > 100
fprintf('Failed to approximate h with desired precision. h-oldh: %e.\n', h-oldh);
phi = phi*180/pi;
% b = zeros(1,3);
% b(1,1) = fix(phi);
% b(2,1) = fix(rem(phi,b(1,1))*60);
% b(3,1) = (phi-b(1,1)-b(1,2)/60)*3600;
lambda = lambda*180/pi;
% l = zeros(1,3);
% l(1,1) = fix(lambda);
% l(2,1) = fix(rem(lambda,l(1,1))*60);
% l(3,1) = (lambda-l(1,1)-l(1,2)/60)*3600;
%fprintf('\n phi =%3.0f %3.0f %8.5f',b(1),b(2),b(3))
%fprintf('\n lambda =%3.0f %3.0f %8.5f',l(1),l(2),l(3))
%fprintf('\n h =%14.3f\n',h)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end cart2geo.m %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%