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2014-09-26 20:34:02 +00:00
* \file volk_gnsssdr_8ic_x7_cw_vepl_corr_unsafe_32fc_x5.h
* \brief Volk protokernel: performs the carrier wipe-off mixing and the Very early, Early, Prompt, Late and very late correlation with 16 bits vectors, and accumulates the results into float32. This protokernel is called "unsafe" because it does NOT check when the inputs have a -128 value. If you introduce a -128 value the protokernel will NOT operate properly (generic implementation will have different results than volk implementation). In order to avoid overflow, "input" and "carrier" must be values between 7 and 7 and "XX_code inputs" must be values between 127 and 127.
* \authors <ul>
* <li> Andrés Cecilia, 2014. a.cecilia.luque(at)gmail.com
* </ul>
* Volk protokernel that performs the carrier wipe-off mixing and the
* Very early, Early, Prompt, Late and very late correlation with 16 bits vectors (8 bits the
* real part and 8 bits the imaginary part), and accumulates the result
* in 32 bits single point values, returning float32 values:
* - The carrier wipe-off is done by multiplying the input signal by the
* carrier (multiplication of 16 bits vectors) It returns the input
* signal in base band (BB)
* - Very Early values are calculated by multiplying the input signal in BB by the
* very early code (multiplication of 16 bits vectors), accumulating the results into float32 values
* - Early values are calculated by multiplying the input signal in BB by the
* early code (multiplication of 16 bits vectors), accumulating the results into float32 values
* - Prompt values are calculated by multiplying the input signal in BB by the
* prompt code (multiplication of 16 bits vectors), accumulating the results into float32 values
* - Late values are calculated by multiplying the input signal in BB by the
* late code (multiplication of 16 bits vectors), accumulating the results into float32 values
* - Very Late values are calculated by multiplying the input signal in BB by the
* very late code (multiplication of 16 bits vectors), accumulating the results into float32 values
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Bits analysis
* input = 8 bits
* carrier = 8 bits
* XX_code = 8 bits
* XX_out16 = 16 bits
* bb_signal_sample = 8 bits
* bb_signal_sample = input*carrier -> 17 bits limited to 8 bits = input and carrier must be values between 7 and 7 to avoid overflow (3 bits)
* XX_out16 = XX_code*bb_signal_sample -> 17 bits limited to 16 bits = XX_code must be values between 127 and 127 to avoid overflow (7 bits)
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C) 2010-2014 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
* GNSS-SDR is a software defined Global Navigation
* Satellite Systems receiver
* This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
* GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* at your option) any later version.
* GNSS-SDR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNSS-SDR. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2014-09-26 20:34:02 +00:00
#ifndef INCLUDED_gnsssdr_volk_gnsssdr_8ic_x7_cw_vepl_corr_unsafe_32fc_x5_u_H
#define INCLUDED_gnsssdr_volk_gnsssdr_8ic_x7_cw_vepl_corr_unsafe_32fc_x5_u_H
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <volk_gnsssdr/volk_gnsssdr_complex.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef LV_HAVE_SSE4_1
2014-10-20 14:37:49 +00:00
#include <smmintrin.h>
#include "CommonMacros/CommonMacros_8ic_cw_epl_corr_32fc.h"
#include "CommonMacros/CommonMacros.h"
\brief Performs the carrier wipe-off mixing and the Early, Prompt, and Late correlation
\param input The input signal input
\param carrier The carrier signal input
\param VE_code Very Early PRN code replica input
\param E_code Early PRN code replica input
\param P_code Prompt PRN code replica input
\param L_code Late PRN code replica input
\param VL_code Very Late PRN code replica input
\param VE_out Very Early correlation output
\param E_out Early correlation output
\param P_out Prompt correlation output
\param L_out Late correlation output
\param VL_out Very Late correlation output
\param num_points The number of complex values in vectors
2014-09-26 20:34:02 +00:00
static inline void volk_gnsssdr_8ic_x7_cw_vepl_corr_unsafe_32fc_x5_u_sse4_1(lv_32fc_t* VE_out, lv_32fc_t* E_out, lv_32fc_t* P_out, lv_32fc_t* L_out, lv_32fc_t* VL_out, const lv_8sc_t* input, const lv_8sc_t* carrier, const lv_8sc_t* VE_code, const lv_8sc_t* E_code, const lv_8sc_t* P_code, const lv_8sc_t* L_code, const lv_8sc_t* VL_code, unsigned int num_points)
const unsigned int sse_iters = num_points / 8;
__m128i x, x_abs, y, y_aux, bb_signal_sample_aux, bb_signal_sample_aux_abs;;
__m128i real_output, imag_output;
__m128 real_VE_code_acc, imag_VE_code_acc, real_E_code_acc, imag_E_code_acc, real_P_code_acc, imag_P_code_acc, real_L_code_acc, imag_L_code_acc, real_VL_code_acc, imag_VL_code_acc;
__m128i input_i_1, input_i_2, output_i32;
__m128 real_output_ps, imag_output_ps;
__m128i check_sign_sequence = _mm_set_epi8 (255, 1, 255, 1, 255, 1, 255, 1, 255, 1, 255, 1, 255, 1, 255, 1);
__m128i rearrange_sequence = _mm_set_epi8(14, 15, 12, 13, 10, 11, 8, 9, 6, 7, 4, 5, 2, 3, 0, 1);
__m128i mult1 = _mm_set_epi8(0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255);
const lv_8sc_t* input_ptr = input;
const lv_8sc_t* carrier_ptr = carrier;
const lv_8sc_t* VE_code_ptr = VE_code;
lv_32fc_t* VE_out_ptr = VE_out;
const lv_8sc_t* E_code_ptr = E_code;
lv_32fc_t* E_out_ptr = E_out;
const lv_8sc_t* P_code_ptr = P_code;
lv_32fc_t* P_out_ptr = P_out;
const lv_8sc_t* L_code_ptr = L_code;
lv_32fc_t* L_out_ptr = L_out;
const lv_8sc_t* VL_code_ptr = VL_code;
lv_32fc_t* VL_out_ptr = VL_out;
float VE_out_real = 0;
float VE_out_imag = 0;
float E_out_real = 0;
float E_out_imag = 0;
float P_out_real = 0;
float P_out_imag = 0;
float L_out_real = 0;
float L_out_imag = 0;
float VL_out_real = 0;
float VL_out_imag = 0;
real_VE_code_acc = _mm_setzero_ps();
imag_VE_code_acc = _mm_setzero_ps();
real_E_code_acc = _mm_setzero_ps();
imag_E_code_acc = _mm_setzero_ps();
real_P_code_acc = _mm_setzero_ps();
imag_P_code_acc = _mm_setzero_ps();
real_L_code_acc = _mm_setzero_ps();
imag_L_code_acc = _mm_setzero_ps();
real_VL_code_acc = _mm_setzero_ps();
imag_VL_code_acc = _mm_setzero_ps();
if (sse_iters>0)
for(int number = 0;number < sse_iters; number++){
//Perform the carrier wipe-off
x = _mm_lddqu_si128((__m128i*)input_ptr);
y = _mm_lddqu_si128((__m128i*)carrier_ptr);
x_abs = _mm_abs_epi8 (x);
CM_8IC_X2_SCALAR_PRODUCT_16IC_X2_U_SSSE3(y, x, check_sign_sequence, rearrange_sequence, y_aux, x_abs, real_output, imag_output)
imag_output = _mm_slli_si128 (imag_output, 1);
bb_signal_sample_aux = _mm_blendv_epi8 (imag_output, real_output, mult1);
bb_signal_sample_aux_abs = _mm_abs_epi8 (bb_signal_sample_aux);
//Get very early values
y = _mm_lddqu_si128((__m128i*)VE_code_ptr);
CM_8IC_X2_CW_CORR_UNSAFE_32FC_X2_U_SSE4_1(y, bb_signal_sample_aux, check_sign_sequence, rearrange_sequence, y_aux, bb_signal_sample_aux_abs, real_output, imag_output, input_i_1, input_i_2, output_i32, real_output_ps, imag_output_ps)
real_VE_code_acc = _mm_add_ps (real_VE_code_acc, real_output_ps);
imag_VE_code_acc = _mm_add_ps (imag_VE_code_acc, imag_output_ps);
//Get early values
y = _mm_lddqu_si128((__m128i*)E_code_ptr);
CM_8IC_X2_CW_CORR_UNSAFE_32FC_X2_U_SSE4_1(y, bb_signal_sample_aux, check_sign_sequence, rearrange_sequence, y_aux, bb_signal_sample_aux_abs, real_output, imag_output, input_i_1, input_i_2, output_i32, real_output_ps, imag_output_ps)
real_E_code_acc = _mm_add_ps (real_E_code_acc, real_output_ps);
imag_E_code_acc = _mm_add_ps (imag_E_code_acc, imag_output_ps);
//Get prompt values
y = _mm_lddqu_si128((__m128i*)P_code_ptr);
CM_8IC_X2_CW_CORR_UNSAFE_32FC_X2_U_SSE4_1(y, bb_signal_sample_aux, check_sign_sequence, rearrange_sequence, y_aux, bb_signal_sample_aux_abs, real_output, imag_output, input_i_1, input_i_2, output_i32, real_output_ps, imag_output_ps)
real_P_code_acc = _mm_add_ps (real_P_code_acc, real_output_ps);
imag_P_code_acc = _mm_add_ps (imag_P_code_acc, imag_output_ps);
//Get late values
y = _mm_lddqu_si128((__m128i*)L_code_ptr);
CM_8IC_X2_CW_CORR_UNSAFE_32FC_X2_U_SSE4_1(y, bb_signal_sample_aux, check_sign_sequence, rearrange_sequence, y_aux, bb_signal_sample_aux_abs, real_output, imag_output, input_i_1, input_i_2, output_i32, real_output_ps, imag_output_ps)
real_L_code_acc = _mm_add_ps (real_L_code_acc, real_output_ps);
imag_L_code_acc = _mm_add_ps (imag_L_code_acc, imag_output_ps);
//Get very late values
y = _mm_lddqu_si128((__m128i*)VL_code_ptr);
CM_8IC_X2_CW_CORR_UNSAFE_32FC_X2_U_SSE4_1(y, bb_signal_sample_aux, check_sign_sequence, rearrange_sequence, y_aux, bb_signal_sample_aux_abs, real_output, imag_output, input_i_1, input_i_2, output_i32, real_output_ps, imag_output_ps)
real_VL_code_acc = _mm_add_ps (real_VL_code_acc, real_output_ps);
imag_VL_code_acc = _mm_add_ps (imag_VL_code_acc, imag_output_ps);
input_ptr += 8;
carrier_ptr += 8;
VE_code_ptr += 8;
E_code_ptr += 8;
P_code_ptr += 8;
L_code_ptr += 8;
VL_code_ptr += 8;
__VOLK_ATTR_ALIGNED(16) float real_VE_dotProductVector[4];
__VOLK_ATTR_ALIGNED(16) float imag_VE_dotProductVector[4];
__VOLK_ATTR_ALIGNED(16) float real_E_dotProductVector[4];
__VOLK_ATTR_ALIGNED(16) float imag_E_dotProductVector[4];
__VOLK_ATTR_ALIGNED(16) float real_P_dotProductVector[4];
__VOLK_ATTR_ALIGNED(16) float imag_P_dotProductVector[4];
__VOLK_ATTR_ALIGNED(16) float real_L_dotProductVector[4];
__VOLK_ATTR_ALIGNED(16) float imag_L_dotProductVector[4];
__VOLK_ATTR_ALIGNED(16) float real_VL_dotProductVector[4];
__VOLK_ATTR_ALIGNED(16) float imag_VL_dotProductVector[4];
_mm_storeu_ps((float*)real_VE_dotProductVector,real_VE_code_acc); // Store the results back into the dot product vector
_mm_storeu_ps((float*)imag_VE_dotProductVector,imag_VE_code_acc); // Store the results back into the dot product vector
_mm_storeu_ps((float*)real_E_dotProductVector,real_E_code_acc); // Store the results back into the dot product vector
_mm_storeu_ps((float*)imag_E_dotProductVector,imag_E_code_acc); // Store the results back into the dot product vector
_mm_storeu_ps((float*)real_P_dotProductVector,real_P_code_acc); // Store the results back into the dot product vector
_mm_storeu_ps((float*)imag_P_dotProductVector,imag_P_code_acc); // Store the results back into the dot product vector
_mm_storeu_ps((float*)real_L_dotProductVector,real_L_code_acc); // Store the results back into the dot product vector
_mm_storeu_ps((float*)imag_L_dotProductVector,imag_L_code_acc); // Store the results back into the dot product vector
_mm_storeu_ps((float*)real_VL_dotProductVector,real_VL_code_acc); // Store the results back into the dot product vector
_mm_storeu_ps((float*)imag_VL_dotProductVector,imag_VL_code_acc); // Store the results back into the dot product vector
for (int i = 0; i<4; ++i)
VE_out_real += real_VE_dotProductVector[i];
VE_out_imag += imag_VE_dotProductVector[i];
E_out_real += real_E_dotProductVector[i];
E_out_imag += imag_E_dotProductVector[i];
P_out_real += real_P_dotProductVector[i];
P_out_imag += imag_P_dotProductVector[i];
L_out_real += real_L_dotProductVector[i];
L_out_imag += imag_L_dotProductVector[i];
VL_out_real += real_VL_dotProductVector[i];
VL_out_imag += imag_VL_dotProductVector[i];
*VE_out_ptr = lv_cmake(VE_out_real, VE_out_imag);
*E_out_ptr = lv_cmake(E_out_real, E_out_imag);
*P_out_ptr = lv_cmake(P_out_real, P_out_imag);
*L_out_ptr = lv_cmake(L_out_real, L_out_imag);
*VL_out_ptr = lv_cmake(VL_out_real, VL_out_imag);
lv_16sc_t bb_signal_sample;
for(int i=0; i < num_points%8; ++i)
//Perform the carrier wipe-off
bb_signal_sample = (*input_ptr++) * (*carrier_ptr++);
// Now get very early, early, prompt, late and very late values for each
*VE_out_ptr += (lv_32fc_t) (bb_signal_sample * ((lv_16sc_t)*VE_code_ptr++));
*E_out_ptr += (lv_32fc_t) (bb_signal_sample * ((lv_16sc_t)*E_code_ptr++));
*P_out_ptr += (lv_32fc_t) (bb_signal_sample * ((lv_16sc_t)*P_code_ptr++));
*L_out_ptr += (lv_32fc_t) (bb_signal_sample * ((lv_16sc_t)*L_code_ptr++));
*VL_out_ptr += (lv_32fc_t) (bb_signal_sample * ((lv_16sc_t)*VL_code_ptr++));
#endif /* LV_HAVE_SSE4_1 */
\brief Performs the carrier wipe-off mixing and the Early, Prompt, and Late correlation
\param input The input signal input
\param carrier The carrier signal input
\param VE_code Very Early PRN code replica input
\param E_code Early PRN code replica input
\param P_code Prompt PRN code replica input
\param L_code Late PRN code replica input
\param VL_code Very Late PRN code replica input
\param VE_out Very Early correlation output
\param E_out Early correlation output
\param P_out Prompt correlation output
\param L_out Late correlation output
\param VL_out Very Late correlation output
\param num_points The number of complex values in vectors
2014-09-26 20:34:02 +00:00
static inline void volk_gnsssdr_8ic_x7_cw_vepl_corr_unsafe_32fc_x5_generic(lv_32fc_t* VE_out, lv_32fc_t* E_out, lv_32fc_t* P_out, lv_32fc_t* L_out, lv_32fc_t* VL_out, const lv_8sc_t* input, const lv_8sc_t* carrier, const lv_8sc_t* VE_code, const lv_8sc_t* E_code, const lv_8sc_t* P_code, const lv_8sc_t* L_code, const lv_8sc_t* VL_code, unsigned int num_points)
*VE_out = 0;
*E_out = 0;
*P_out = 0;
*L_out = 0;
*VL_out = 0;
lv_16sc_t bb_signal_sample;
2014-10-27 00:30:32 +00:00
for(unsigned int i=0; i < num_points; ++i)
//Perform the carrier wipe-off
bb_signal_sample = input[i] * carrier[i];
// Now get very early, early, prompt, late and very late values for each
*VE_out += (lv_32fc_t) (bb_signal_sample * VE_code[i]);
*E_out += (lv_32fc_t) (bb_signal_sample * E_code[i]);
*P_out += (lv_32fc_t) (bb_signal_sample * P_code[i]);
*L_out += (lv_32fc_t) (bb_signal_sample * L_code[i]);
*VL_out += (lv_32fc_t) (bb_signal_sample * VL_code[i]);
#endif /* LV_HAVE_GENERIC */
2014-09-26 20:34:02 +00:00
#endif /* INCLUDED_gnsssdr_volk_gnsssdr_8ic_x7_cw_vepl_corr_unsafe_32fc_x5_u_H */
2014-09-26 20:34:02 +00:00
#ifndef INCLUDED_gnsssdr_volk_gnsssdr_8ic_x7_cw_vepl_corr_unsafe_32fc_x5_a_H
#define INCLUDED_gnsssdr_volk_gnsssdr_8ic_x7_cw_vepl_corr_unsafe_32fc_x5_a_H
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <volk_gnsssdr/volk_gnsssdr_complex.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef LV_HAVE_SSE4_1
2014-10-20 14:37:49 +00:00
#include <smmintrin.h>
#include "CommonMacros/CommonMacros_8ic_cw_epl_corr_32fc.h"
#include "CommonMacros/CommonMacros.h"
\brief Performs the carrier wipe-off mixing and the Early, Prompt, and Late correlation
\param input The input signal input
\param carrier The carrier signal input
\param VE_code Very Early PRN code replica input
\param E_code Early PRN code replica input
\param P_code Prompt PRN code replica input
\param L_code Late PRN code replica input
\param VL_code Very Late PRN code replica input
\param VE_out Very Early correlation output
\param E_out Early correlation output
\param P_out Prompt correlation output
\param L_out Late correlation output
\param VL_out Very Late correlation output
\param num_points The number of complex values in vectors
2014-09-26 20:34:02 +00:00
static inline void volk_gnsssdr_8ic_x7_cw_vepl_corr_unsafe_32fc_x5_a_sse4_1(lv_32fc_t* VE_out, lv_32fc_t* E_out, lv_32fc_t* P_out, lv_32fc_t* L_out, lv_32fc_t* VL_out, const lv_8sc_t* input, const lv_8sc_t* carrier, const lv_8sc_t* VE_code, const lv_8sc_t* E_code, const lv_8sc_t* P_code, const lv_8sc_t* L_code, const lv_8sc_t* VL_code, unsigned int num_points)
const unsigned int sse_iters = num_points / 8;
__m128i x, x_abs, y, y_aux, bb_signal_sample_aux, bb_signal_sample_aux_abs;;
__m128i real_output, imag_output;
__m128 real_VE_code_acc, imag_VE_code_acc, real_E_code_acc, imag_E_code_acc, real_P_code_acc, imag_P_code_acc, real_L_code_acc, imag_L_code_acc, real_VL_code_acc, imag_VL_code_acc;
__m128i input_i_1, input_i_2, output_i32;
__m128 real_output_ps, imag_output_ps;
__m128i check_sign_sequence = _mm_set_epi8 (255, 1, 255, 1, 255, 1, 255, 1, 255, 1, 255, 1, 255, 1, 255, 1);
__m128i rearrange_sequence = _mm_set_epi8(14, 15, 12, 13, 10, 11, 8, 9, 6, 7, 4, 5, 2, 3, 0, 1);
__m128i mult1 = _mm_set_epi8(0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255);
const lv_8sc_t* input_ptr = input;
const lv_8sc_t* carrier_ptr = carrier;
const lv_8sc_t* VE_code_ptr = VE_code;
lv_32fc_t* VE_out_ptr = VE_out;
const lv_8sc_t* E_code_ptr = E_code;
lv_32fc_t* E_out_ptr = E_out;
const lv_8sc_t* P_code_ptr = P_code;
lv_32fc_t* P_out_ptr = P_out;
const lv_8sc_t* L_code_ptr = L_code;
lv_32fc_t* L_out_ptr = L_out;
const lv_8sc_t* VL_code_ptr = VL_code;
lv_32fc_t* VL_out_ptr = VL_out;
float VE_out_real = 0;
float VE_out_imag = 0;
float E_out_real = 0;
float E_out_imag = 0;
float P_out_real = 0;
float P_out_imag = 0;
float L_out_real = 0;
float L_out_imag = 0;
float VL_out_real = 0;
float VL_out_imag = 0;
real_VE_code_acc = _mm_setzero_ps();
imag_VE_code_acc = _mm_setzero_ps();
real_E_code_acc = _mm_setzero_ps();
imag_E_code_acc = _mm_setzero_ps();
real_P_code_acc = _mm_setzero_ps();
imag_P_code_acc = _mm_setzero_ps();
real_L_code_acc = _mm_setzero_ps();
imag_L_code_acc = _mm_setzero_ps();
real_VL_code_acc = _mm_setzero_ps();
imag_VL_code_acc = _mm_setzero_ps();
if (sse_iters>0)
for(int number = 0;number < sse_iters; number++){
//Perform the carrier wipe-off
x = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)input_ptr);
y = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)carrier_ptr);
x_abs = _mm_abs_epi8 (x);
CM_8IC_X2_SCALAR_PRODUCT_16IC_X2_U_SSSE3(y, x, check_sign_sequence, rearrange_sequence, y_aux, x_abs, real_output, imag_output)
imag_output = _mm_slli_si128 (imag_output, 1);
bb_signal_sample_aux = _mm_blendv_epi8 (imag_output, real_output, mult1);
bb_signal_sample_aux_abs = _mm_abs_epi8 (bb_signal_sample_aux);
//Get very early values
y = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)VE_code_ptr);
CM_8IC_X2_CW_CORR_UNSAFE_32FC_X2_U_SSE4_1(y, bb_signal_sample_aux, check_sign_sequence, rearrange_sequence, y_aux, bb_signal_sample_aux_abs, real_output, imag_output, input_i_1, input_i_2, output_i32, real_output_ps, imag_output_ps)
real_VE_code_acc = _mm_add_ps (real_VE_code_acc, real_output_ps);
imag_VE_code_acc = _mm_add_ps (imag_VE_code_acc, imag_output_ps);
//Get early values
y = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)E_code_ptr);
CM_8IC_X2_CW_CORR_UNSAFE_32FC_X2_U_SSE4_1(y, bb_signal_sample_aux, check_sign_sequence, rearrange_sequence, y_aux, bb_signal_sample_aux_abs, real_output, imag_output, input_i_1, input_i_2, output_i32, real_output_ps, imag_output_ps)
real_E_code_acc = _mm_add_ps (real_E_code_acc, real_output_ps);
imag_E_code_acc = _mm_add_ps (imag_E_code_acc, imag_output_ps);
//Get prompt values
y = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)P_code_ptr);
CM_8IC_X2_CW_CORR_UNSAFE_32FC_X2_U_SSE4_1(y, bb_signal_sample_aux, check_sign_sequence, rearrange_sequence, y_aux, bb_signal_sample_aux_abs, real_output, imag_output, input_i_1, input_i_2, output_i32, real_output_ps, imag_output_ps)
real_P_code_acc = _mm_add_ps (real_P_code_acc, real_output_ps);
imag_P_code_acc = _mm_add_ps (imag_P_code_acc, imag_output_ps);
//Get late values
y = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)L_code_ptr);
CM_8IC_X2_CW_CORR_UNSAFE_32FC_X2_U_SSE4_1(y, bb_signal_sample_aux, check_sign_sequence, rearrange_sequence, y_aux, bb_signal_sample_aux_abs, real_output, imag_output, input_i_1, input_i_2, output_i32, real_output_ps, imag_output_ps)
real_L_code_acc = _mm_add_ps (real_L_code_acc, real_output_ps);
imag_L_code_acc = _mm_add_ps (imag_L_code_acc, imag_output_ps);
//Get very late values
y = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)VL_code_ptr);
CM_8IC_X2_CW_CORR_UNSAFE_32FC_X2_U_SSE4_1(y, bb_signal_sample_aux, check_sign_sequence, rearrange_sequence, y_aux, bb_signal_sample_aux_abs, real_output, imag_output, input_i_1, input_i_2, output_i32, real_output_ps, imag_output_ps)
real_VL_code_acc = _mm_add_ps (real_VL_code_acc, real_output_ps);
imag_VL_code_acc = _mm_add_ps (imag_VL_code_acc, imag_output_ps);
input_ptr += 8;
carrier_ptr += 8;
VE_code_ptr += 8;
E_code_ptr += 8;
P_code_ptr += 8;
L_code_ptr += 8;
VL_code_ptr += 8;
__VOLK_ATTR_ALIGNED(16) float real_VE_dotProductVector[4];
__VOLK_ATTR_ALIGNED(16) float imag_VE_dotProductVector[4];
__VOLK_ATTR_ALIGNED(16) float real_E_dotProductVector[4];
__VOLK_ATTR_ALIGNED(16) float imag_E_dotProductVector[4];
__VOLK_ATTR_ALIGNED(16) float real_P_dotProductVector[4];
__VOLK_ATTR_ALIGNED(16) float imag_P_dotProductVector[4];
__VOLK_ATTR_ALIGNED(16) float real_L_dotProductVector[4];
__VOLK_ATTR_ALIGNED(16) float imag_L_dotProductVector[4];
__VOLK_ATTR_ALIGNED(16) float real_VL_dotProductVector[4];
__VOLK_ATTR_ALIGNED(16) float imag_VL_dotProductVector[4];
_mm_store_ps((float*)real_VE_dotProductVector,real_VE_code_acc); // Store the results back into the dot product vector
_mm_store_ps((float*)imag_VE_dotProductVector,imag_VE_code_acc); // Store the results back into the dot product vector
_mm_store_ps((float*)real_E_dotProductVector,real_E_code_acc); // Store the results back into the dot product vector
_mm_store_ps((float*)imag_E_dotProductVector,imag_E_code_acc); // Store the results back into the dot product vector
_mm_store_ps((float*)real_P_dotProductVector,real_P_code_acc); // Store the results back into the dot product vector
_mm_store_ps((float*)imag_P_dotProductVector,imag_P_code_acc); // Store the results back into the dot product vector
_mm_store_ps((float*)real_L_dotProductVector,real_L_code_acc); // Store the results back into the dot product vector
_mm_store_ps((float*)imag_L_dotProductVector,imag_L_code_acc); // Store the results back into the dot product vector
_mm_store_ps((float*)real_VL_dotProductVector,real_VL_code_acc); // Store the results back into the dot product vector
_mm_store_ps((float*)imag_VL_dotProductVector,imag_VL_code_acc); // Store the results back into the dot product vector
for (int i = 0; i<4; ++i)
VE_out_real += real_VE_dotProductVector[i];
VE_out_imag += imag_VE_dotProductVector[i];
E_out_real += real_E_dotProductVector[i];
E_out_imag += imag_E_dotProductVector[i];
P_out_real += real_P_dotProductVector[i];
P_out_imag += imag_P_dotProductVector[i];
L_out_real += real_L_dotProductVector[i];
L_out_imag += imag_L_dotProductVector[i];
VL_out_real += real_VL_dotProductVector[i];
VL_out_imag += imag_VL_dotProductVector[i];
*VE_out_ptr = lv_cmake(VE_out_real, VE_out_imag);
*E_out_ptr = lv_cmake(E_out_real, E_out_imag);
*P_out_ptr = lv_cmake(P_out_real, P_out_imag);
*L_out_ptr = lv_cmake(L_out_real, L_out_imag);
*VL_out_ptr = lv_cmake(VL_out_real, VL_out_imag);
lv_16sc_t bb_signal_sample;
for(int i=0; i < num_points%8; ++i)
//Perform the carrier wipe-off
bb_signal_sample = (*input_ptr++) * (*carrier_ptr++);
// Now get very early, early, prompt, late and very late values for each
*VE_out_ptr += (lv_32fc_t) (bb_signal_sample * ((lv_16sc_t)*VE_code_ptr++));
*E_out_ptr += (lv_32fc_t) (bb_signal_sample * ((lv_16sc_t)*E_code_ptr++));
*P_out_ptr += (lv_32fc_t) (bb_signal_sample * ((lv_16sc_t)*P_code_ptr++));
*L_out_ptr += (lv_32fc_t) (bb_signal_sample * ((lv_16sc_t)*L_code_ptr++));
*VL_out_ptr += (lv_32fc_t) (bb_signal_sample * ((lv_16sc_t)*VL_code_ptr++));
#endif /* LV_HAVE_SSE4_1 */
\brief Performs the carrier wipe-off mixing and the Early, Prompt, and Late correlation
\param input The input signal input
\param carrier The carrier signal input
\param VE_code Very Early PRN code replica input
\param E_code Early PRN code replica input
\param P_code Prompt PRN code replica input
\param L_code Late PRN code replica input
\param VL_code Very Late PRN code replica input
\param VE_out Very Early correlation output
\param E_out Early correlation output
\param P_out Prompt correlation output
\param L_out Late correlation output
\param VL_out Very Late correlation output
\param num_points The number of complex values in vectors
2014-09-26 20:34:02 +00:00
static inline void volk_gnsssdr_8ic_x7_cw_vepl_corr_unsafe_32fc_x5_a_generic(lv_32fc_t* VE_out, lv_32fc_t* E_out, lv_32fc_t* P_out, lv_32fc_t* L_out, lv_32fc_t* VL_out, const lv_8sc_t* input, const lv_8sc_t* carrier, const lv_8sc_t* VE_code, const lv_8sc_t* E_code, const lv_8sc_t* P_code, const lv_8sc_t* L_code, const lv_8sc_t* VL_code, unsigned int num_points)
*VE_out = 0;
*E_out = 0;
*P_out = 0;
*L_out = 0;
*VL_out = 0;
lv_16sc_t bb_signal_sample;
2014-10-27 00:30:32 +00:00
for(unsigned int i=0; i < num_points; ++i)
//Perform the carrier wipe-off
bb_signal_sample = input[i] * carrier[i];
// Now get very early, early, prompt, late and very late values for each
*VE_out += (lv_32fc_t) (bb_signal_sample * VE_code[i]);
*E_out += (lv_32fc_t) (bb_signal_sample * E_code[i]);
*P_out += (lv_32fc_t) (bb_signal_sample * P_code[i]);
*L_out += (lv_32fc_t) (bb_signal_sample * L_code[i]);
*VL_out += (lv_32fc_t) (bb_signal_sample * VL_code[i]);
#endif /* LV_HAVE_GENERIC */
2014-10-27 00:30:32 +00:00
#endif /* INCLUDED_gnsssdr_volk_gnsssdr_8ic_x7_cw_vepl_corr_unsafe_32fc_x5_a_H */