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2014-09-07 23:56:09 +00:00
# Copyright (C) 2010-2015 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
2014-09-07 23:56:09 +00:00
# This file is part of GNSS-SDR.
2014-09-07 23:56:09 +00:00
# GNSS-SDR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2014-09-07 23:56:09 +00:00
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
import os
import glob
import sys
import re
import glob
import shutil
import exceptions
from sets import Set
class volk_gnsssdr_modtool:
def __init__(self, cfg):
self.volk_gnsssdr = re.compile('volk_gnsssdr');
self.remove_after_underscore = re.compile("_.*");
self.volk_gnsssdr_run_tests = re.compile('^\s*VOLK_RUN_TESTS.*\n', re.MULTILINE);
self.volk_gnsssdr_profile = re.compile('^\s*(VOLK_PROFILE|VOLK_PUPPET_PROFILE).*\n', re.MULTILINE);
self.my_dict = cfg;
self.lastline = re.compile('\s*char path\[1024\];.*');
self.badassert = re.compile('^\s*assert\(toked\[0\] == "volk_gnsssdr_.*\n', re.MULTILINE);
self.goodassert = ' assert(toked[0] == "volk_gnsssdr");\n'
self.baderase = re.compile('^\s*toked.erase\(toked.begin\(\)\);.*\n', re.MULTILINE);
self.gooderase = ' toked.erase(toked.begin());\n toked.erase(toked.begin());\n';
def get_basename(self, base=None):
if not base:
base = self.my_dict['base']
candidate = base.split('/')[-1];
if len(candidate.split('_')) == 1:
return '';
return candidate.split('_')[-1];
def get_current_kernels(self, base=None):
if not base:
base = self.my_dict['base']
name = self.get_basename();
name = self.get_basename(base);
if name == '':
hdr_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(base, "kernels/volk_gnsssdr/*.h"));
begins = re.compile("(?<=volk_gnsssdr_).*")
hdr_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(base, "kernels/volk_gnsssdr_" + name + "/*.h"));
begins = re.compile("(?<=volk_gnsssdr_" + name + "_).*")
datatypes = [];
functions = [];
for line in hdr_files:
subline = re.search(".*\.h.*", os.path.basename(line))
if subline:
subsubline = begins.search(subline.group(0));
if subsubline:
dtype = self.remove_after_underscore.sub("", subsubline.group(0));
subdtype = re.search("[0-9]+[A-z]+", dtype);
if subdtype:
datatypes = set(datatypes);
for line in hdr_files:
for dt in datatypes:
if dt in line:
#subline = re.search("(?<=volk_gnsssdr_)" + dt + ".*(?=\.h)", line);
subline = re.search(begins.pattern[:-2] + dt + ".*(?=\.h)", line);
if subline:
return set(functions);
def make_module_skeleton(self):
dest = os.path.join(self.my_dict['destination'], 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'])
if os.path.exists(dest):
raise exceptions.IOError("Destination %s already exits!"%(dest));
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.my_dict['destination'], 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'], 'kernels/volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'])):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.my_dict['destination'], 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'], 'kernels/volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name']))
current_kernel_names = self.get_current_kernels();
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.my_dict['base']):
for name in filenames:
t_table = map(lambda a: re.search(a, name), current_kernel_names);
t_table = set(t_table);
if t_table == set([None]):
infile = os.path.join(root, name);
instring = open(infile, 'r').read();
outstring = re.sub(self.volk_gnsssdr, 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'], instring);
newname = re.sub(self.volk_gnsssdr, 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'], name);
relpath = os.path.relpath(infile, self.my_dict['base']);
newrelpath = re.sub(self.volk_gnsssdr, 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'], relpath);
dest = os.path.join(self.my_dict['destination'], 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'], os.path.dirname(newrelpath), newname);
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dest)):
open(dest, 'w+').write(outstring);
infile = os.path.join(self.my_dict['destination'], 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'], 'lib/testqa.cc');
instring = open(infile, 'r').read();
outstring = re.sub(self.volk_gnsssdr_run_tests, '', instring);
open(infile, 'w+').write(outstring);
infile = os.path.join(self.my_dict['destination'], 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'], 'apps/volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'] + '_profile.cc');
instring = open(infile, 'r').read();
outstring = re.sub(self.volk_gnsssdr_profile, '', instring);
open(infile, 'w+').write(outstring);
infile = os.path.join(self.my_dict['destination'], 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'], 'lib/qa_utils.cc');
instring = open(infile, 'r').read();
outstring = re.sub(self.badassert, self.goodassert, instring);
outstring = re.sub(self.baderase, self.gooderase, outstring);
open(infile, 'w+').write(outstring);
def write_default_cfg(self, cfg):
outfile = open(os.path.join(self.my_dict['destination'], 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'], 'volk_gnsssdr_modtool.cfg'), 'wb');
def convert_kernel(self, oldvolk_gnsssdr, name, base, inpath, top):
infile = os.path.join(inpath, 'kernels/' + top[:-1] + '/' + top + name + '.h');
instring = open(infile, 'r').read();
outstring = re.sub(oldvolk_gnsssdr, 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'], instring);
newname = 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'] + '_' + name + '.h';
relpath = os.path.relpath(infile, base);
newrelpath = re.sub(oldvolk_gnsssdr, 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'], relpath);
dest = os.path.join(self.my_dict['destination'], 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'], os.path.dirname(newrelpath), newname);
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dest)):
open(dest, 'w+').write(outstring);
# copy orc proto-kernels if they exist
for orcfile in glob.glob(inpath + '/orc/' + top + name + '*.orc'):
if os.path.isfile(orcfile):
instring = open(orcfile, 'r').read();
outstring = re.sub(oldvolk_gnsssdr, 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'], instring);
newname = 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'] + '_' + name + '.orc';
relpath = os.path.relpath(orcfile, base);
newrelpath = re.sub(oldvolk_gnsssdr, 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'], relpath);
dest = os.path.join(self.my_dict['destination'], 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'], os.path.dirname(newrelpath), newname);
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dest)):
open(dest, 'w+').write(outstring)
def remove_kernel(self, name):
basename = self.my_dict['name'];
if len(basename) > 0:
top = 'volk_gnsssdr_' + basename + '_';
top = 'volk_gnsssdr_'
base = os.path.join(self.my_dict['destination'], top[:-1]) ;
if not name in self.get_current_kernels():
raise exceptions.IOError("Requested kernel %s is not in module %s"%(name,base));
inpath = os.path.abspath(base);
kernel = re.compile(name)
search_kernels = Set([kernel])
profile = re.compile('^\s*VOLK_PROFILE')
puppet = re.compile('^\s*VOLK_PUPPET')
src_dest = os.path.join(inpath, 'apps/', top[:-1] + '_profile.cc');
infile = open(src_dest);
otherlines = infile.readlines();
open(src_dest, 'w+').write('');
for otherline in otherlines:
write_okay = True;
if kernel.search(otherline):
write_okay = False;
if puppet.match(otherline):
args = re.search("(?<=VOLK_PUPPET_PROFILE).*", otherline)
m_func = args.group(0).split(',')[0];
func = re.search('(?<=' + top + ').*', m_func);
if write_okay:
open(src_dest, 'a').write(otherline);
src_dest = os.path.join(inpath, 'lib/testqa.cc')
infile = open(src_dest);
otherlines = infile.readlines();
open(src_dest, 'w+').write('');
for otherline in otherlines:
write_okay = True;
for kernel in search_kernels:
if kernel.search(otherline):
write_okay = False;
if write_okay:
open(src_dest, 'a').write(otherline);
for kernel in search_kernels:
infile = os.path.join(inpath, 'kernels/' + top[:-1] + '/' + top + kernel.pattern + '.h');
print "Removing kernel %s"%(kernel.pattern)
if os.path.exists(infile):
# remove the orc proto-kernels if they exist. There are no puppets here
# so just need to glob for files matching kernel name
print glob.glob(inpath + '/orc/' + top + name + '*.orc');
for orcfile in glob.glob(inpath + '/orc/' + top + name + '*.orc'):
print orcfile
def import_kernel(self, name, base):
if not (base):
base = self.my_dict['base'];
basename = self.getbasename();
basename = self.get_basename(base);
if not name in self.get_current_kernels(base):
raise exceptions.IOError("Requested kernel %s is not in module %s"%(name,base));
inpath = os.path.abspath(base);
if len(basename) > 0:
top = 'volk_gnsssdr_' + basename + '_';
top = 'volk_gnsssdr_'
oldvolk_gnsssdr = re.compile(top[:-1]);
self.convert_kernel(oldvolk_gnsssdr, name, base, inpath, top);
kernel = re.compile(name)
search_kernels = Set([kernel])
profile = re.compile('^\s*VOLK_PROFILE')
puppet = re.compile('^\s*VOLK_PUPPET')
infile = open(os.path.join(inpath, 'apps/', oldvolk_gnsssdr.pattern + '_profile.cc'));
otherinfile = open(os.path.join(self.my_dict['destination'], 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'], 'apps/volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'] + '_profile.cc'));
dest = os.path.join(self.my_dict['destination'], 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'], 'apps/volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'] + '_profile.cc');
lines = infile.readlines();
otherlines = otherinfile.readlines();
open(dest, 'w+').write('');
insert = False;
inserted = False
for otherline in otherlines:
if self.lastline.match(otherline):
insert = True;
if insert and not inserted:
inserted = True;
for line in lines:
if kernel.search(line):
if profile.match(line):
outline = re.sub(oldvolk_gnsssdr, 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'], line);
open(dest, 'a').write(outline);
elif puppet.match(line):
outline = re.sub(oldvolk_gnsssdr, 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'], line);
open(dest, 'a').write(outline);
args = re.search("(?<=VOLK_PUPPET_PROFILE).*", line)
m_func = args.group(0).split(',')[0];
func = re.search('(?<=' + top + ').*', m_func);
self.convert_kernel(oldvolk_gnsssdr, func.group(0), base, inpath, top);
write_okay = True;
for kernel in search_kernels:
if kernel.search(otherline):
write_okay = False
if write_okay:
open(dest, 'a').write(otherline);
for kernel in search_kernels:
print "Adding kernel %s from module %s"%(kernel.pattern,base)
infile = open(os.path.join(inpath, 'lib/testqa.cc'));
otherinfile = open(os.path.join(self.my_dict['destination'], 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'], 'lib/testqa.cc'));
dest = os.path.join(self.my_dict['destination'], 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'], 'lib/testqa.cc');
lines = infile.readlines();
otherlines = otherinfile.readlines();
open(dest, 'w+').write('');
inserted = False;
insert = False
for otherline in otherlines:
if (re.match('\s*', otherline) == None or re.match('\s*#.*', otherline) == None):
insert = True;
if insert and not inserted:
inserted = True;
for line in lines:
for kernel in search_kernels:
if kernel.search(line):
if self.volk_gnsssdr_run_tests.match(line):
outline = re.sub(oldvolk_gnsssdr, 'volk_gnsssdr_' + self.my_dict['name'], line);
open(dest, 'a').write(outline);
write_okay = True;
for kernel in search_kernels:
if kernel.search(otherline):
write_okay = False
if write_okay:
open(dest, 'a').write(otherline);