This program reads data from RINEX navigation files and generates XML files that can be read by GNSS-SDR as Assisted GNSS data. The usage is as follows:
The argument is mandatory (the name of the RINEX navigation file). The name `gps_ephemeris.xml` is given to the output if GPS NAV data is fould. If the RINEX file contains Galileo data, the corresponding `gal_ephemeris.xml` file will be generated. The program is also able to extract parameters of the UTC and the Ionospheric models from the RINEX header, if available. They will be called `gps_utc_model.xml`, `gps_iono.xml`, `gal_utc_model.xml` and `gal_iono.xml`.
There are some servers available for downloading RINEX navigation files. For instance: