DEFINE_string(config_file_ptest,std::string(""),"File containing the configuration parameters for the position test.");
DEFINE_bool(plot_position_test,false,"Plots results of with gnuplot");
DEFINE_bool(static_scenario,true,"Compute figures of merit for static user position (DRMS, CEP, etc..)");
DEFINE_bool(use_pvt_solver_dump,false,"Use PVT solver binary dump or fall back to KML PVT file (contains only position information)");
DEFINE_bool(use_ref_motion_file,false,"Enable or disable the use of a reference file containing the true receiver position, velocity and acceleration.");
DEFINE_int32(ref_motion_file_type,1,"Type of reference motion file: 1- Spirent CSV motion file");
DEFINE_string(ref_motion_filename,std::string("motion.csv"),"Path and filename for the reference motion file");