2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
* \ file rtklib_solver_test . cc
* \ brief Implements Unit Test for the rtklib PVT solver class .
* \ author Javier Arribas , 2018. jarribas ( at ) cttc . es
2020-07-28 16:57:15 +02:00
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
2020-12-30 13:35:06 +01:00
* GNSS - SDR is a Global Navigation Satellite System software - defined receiver .
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
* This file is part of GNSS - SDR .
2020-12-30 13:35:06 +01:00
* Copyright ( C ) 2010 - 2020 ( see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors )
2020-02-08 01:20:02 +01:00
* SPDX - License - Identifier : GPL - 3.0 - or - later
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
2020-07-28 16:57:15 +02:00
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
2018-12-09 22:00:09 +01:00
# include "geofunctions.h"
2020-06-18 11:49:28 +02:00
# include "gnss_sdr_make_unique.h"
2018-12-09 22:00:09 +01:00
# include "gnss_sdr_supl_client.h"
# include "in_memory_configuration.h"
2023-07-04 13:09:45 +02:00
# include "pvt_conf.h"
2018-12-09 22:00:09 +01:00
# include "rtklib_solver.h"
# include <armadillo>
# include <boost/archive/xml_iarchive.hpp>
# include <boost/archive/xml_oarchive.hpp>
# include <boost/serialization/map.hpp>
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
# include <gtest/gtest.h>
# include <iomanip>
# include <iostream>
2018-12-09 22:00:09 +01:00
# include <string>
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
rtk_t configure_rtklib_options ( )
std : : shared_ptr < InMemoryConfiguration > configuration ;
configuration = std : : make_shared < InMemoryConfiguration > ( ) ;
std : : string role = " rtklib_solver " ;
// custom options
configuration - > set_property ( " rtklib_solver.positioning_mode " , " Single " ) ;
configuration - > set_property ( " rtklib_solver.elevation_mask " , " 0 " ) ;
configuration - > set_property ( " rtklib_solver.iono_model " , " OFF " ) ;
configuration - > set_property ( " rtklib_solver.trop_model " , " OFF " ) ;
2019-08-19 01:29:04 +02:00
// RTKLIB PVT solver options
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
// Settings 1
int positioning_mode = - 1 ;
std : : string default_pos_mode ( " Single " ) ;
std : : string positioning_mode_str = configuration - > property ( role + " .positioning_mode " , default_pos_mode ) ; /* (PMODE_XXX) see src/algorithms/libs/rtklib/rtklib.h */
2019-02-11 21:13:02 +01:00
if ( positioning_mode_str = = " Single " )
positioning_mode = PMODE_SINGLE ;
if ( positioning_mode_str = = " Static " )
positioning_mode = PMODE_STATIC ;
if ( positioning_mode_str = = " Kinematic " )
positioning_mode = PMODE_KINEMA ;
if ( positioning_mode_str = = " PPP_Static " )
positioning_mode = PMODE_PPP_STATIC ;
if ( positioning_mode_str = = " PPP_Kinematic " )
positioning_mode = PMODE_PPP_KINEMA ;
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
if ( positioning_mode = = - 1 )
2019-08-19 01:29:04 +02:00
// warn user and set the default
2020-07-07 18:53:50 +02:00
std : : cout < < " WARNING: Bad specification of positioning mode. \n " ;
std : : cout < < " positioning_mode possible values: Single / Static / Kinematic / PPP_Static / PPP_Kinematic \n " ;
std : : cout < < " positioning_mode specified value: " < < positioning_mode_str < < ' \n ' ;
std : : cout < < " Setting positioning_mode to Single \n " ;
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
positioning_mode = PMODE_SINGLE ;
int num_bands = 1 ;
// if ((gps_1C_count > 0) || (gal_1B_count > 0) || (glo_1G_count > 0)) num_bands = 1;
// if (((gps_1C_count > 0) || (gal_1B_count > 0) || (glo_1G_count > 0)) && ((gps_2S_count > 0) || (glo_2G_count > 0))) num_bands = 2;
// if (((gps_1C_count > 0) || (gal_1B_count > 0) || (glo_1G_count > 0)) && ((gal_E5a_count > 0) || (gal_E5b_count > 0) || (gps_L5_count > 0))) num_bands = 2;
// if (((gps_1C_count > 0) || (gal_1B_count > 0) || (glo_1G_count > 0)) && ((gps_2S_count > 0) || (glo_2G_count > 0)) && ((gal_E5a_count > 0) || (gal_E5b_count > 0) || (gps_L5_count > 0))) num_bands = 3;
int number_of_frequencies = configuration - > property ( role + " .num_bands " , num_bands ) ; /* (1:L1, 2:L1+L2, 3:L1+L2+L5) */
if ( ( number_of_frequencies < 1 ) | | ( number_of_frequencies > 3 ) )
2019-08-19 01:29:04 +02:00
// warn user and set the default
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
number_of_frequencies = num_bands ;
double elevation_mask = configuration - > property ( role + " .elevation_mask " , 15.0 ) ;
if ( ( elevation_mask < 0.0 ) | | ( elevation_mask > 90.0 ) )
2019-08-19 01:29:04 +02:00
// warn user and set the default
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
LOG ( WARNING ) < < " Erroneous Elevation Mask. Setting to default value of 15.0 degrees " ;
elevation_mask = 15.0 ;
int dynamics_model = configuration - > property ( role + " .dynamics_model " , 0 ) ; /* dynamics model (0:none, 1:velocity, 2:accel) */
if ( ( dynamics_model < 0 ) | | ( dynamics_model > 2 ) )
2019-08-19 01:29:04 +02:00
// warn user and set the default
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
LOG ( WARNING ) < < " Erroneous Dynamics Model configuration. Setting to default value of (0:none) " ;
dynamics_model = 0 ;
std : : string default_iono_model ( " OFF " ) ;
std : : string iono_model_str = configuration - > property ( role + " .iono_model " , default_iono_model ) ; /* (IONOOPT_XXX) see src/algorithms/libs/rtklib/rtklib.h */
int iono_model = - 1 ;
2019-02-11 21:13:02 +01:00
if ( iono_model_str = = " OFF " )
iono_model = IONOOPT_OFF ;
if ( iono_model_str = = " Broadcast " )
iono_model = IONOOPT_BRDC ;
if ( iono_model_str = = " SBAS " )
iono_model = IONOOPT_SBAS ;
if ( iono_model_str = = " Iono-Free-LC " )
iono_model = IONOOPT_IFLC ;
if ( iono_model_str = = " Estimate_STEC " )
iono_model = IONOOPT_EST ;
if ( iono_model_str = = " IONEX " )
iono_model = IONOOPT_TEC ;
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
if ( iono_model = = - 1 )
2019-08-19 01:29:04 +02:00
// warn user and set the default
2020-07-07 18:53:50 +02:00
std : : cout < < " WARNING: Bad specification of ionospheric model. \n " ;
std : : cout < < " iono_model possible values: OFF / Broadcast / SBAS / Iono-Free-LC / Estimate_STEC / IONEX \n " ;
std : : cout < < " iono_model specified value: " < < iono_model_str < < ' \n ' ;
std : : cout < < " Setting iono_model to OFF \n " ;
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
iono_model = IONOOPT_OFF ; /* 0: ionosphere option: correction off */
std : : string default_trop_model ( " OFF " ) ;
int trop_model = - 1 ;
std : : string trop_model_str = configuration - > property ( role + " .trop_model " , default_trop_model ) ; /* (TROPOPT_XXX) see src/algorithms/libs/rtklib/rtklib.h */
2019-02-11 21:13:02 +01:00
if ( trop_model_str = = " OFF " )
trop_model = TROPOPT_OFF ;
if ( trop_model_str = = " Saastamoinen " )
trop_model = TROPOPT_SAAS ;
if ( trop_model_str = = " SBAS " )
trop_model = TROPOPT_SBAS ;
if ( trop_model_str = = " Estimate_ZTD " )
trop_model = TROPOPT_EST ;
if ( trop_model_str = = " Estimate_ZTD_Grad " )
trop_model = TROPOPT_ESTG ;
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
if ( trop_model = = - 1 )
2019-08-19 01:29:04 +02:00
// warn user and set the default
2020-07-07 18:53:50 +02:00
std : : cout < < " WARNING: Bad specification of tropospheric model. \n " ;
std : : cout < < " trop_model possible values: OFF / Saastamoinen / SBAS / Estimate_ZTD / Estimate_ZTD_Grad \n " ;
std : : cout < < " trop_model specified value: " < < trop_model_str < < ' \n ' ;
std : : cout < < " Setting trop_model to OFF \n " ;
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
trop_model = TROPOPT_OFF ;
/* RTKLIB positioning options */
int sat_PCV = 0 ; /* Set whether the satellite antenna PCV (phase center variation) model is used or not. This feature requires a Satellite Antenna PCV File. */
int rec_PCV = 0 ; /* Set whether the receiver antenna PCV (phase center variation) model is used or not. This feature requires a Receiver Antenna PCV File. */
/* Set whether the phase windup correction for PPP modes is applied or not. Only applicable to PPP‐ * modes.*/
int phwindup = configuration - > property ( role + " .phwindup " , 0 ) ;
/* Set whether the GPS Block IIA satellites in eclipse are excluded or not.
The eclipsing Block IIA satellites often degrade the PPP solutions due to unpredicted behavior of yaw ‐ attitude . Only applicable to PPP ‐ * modes . */
int reject_GPS_IIA = configuration - > property ( role + " .reject_GPS_IIA " , 0 ) ;
/* Set whether RAIM (receiver autonomous integrity monitoring) FDE (fault detection and exclusion) feature is enabled or not.
In case of RAIM FDE enabled , a satellite is excluded if SSE ( sum of squared errors ) of residuals is over a threshold .
The excluded satellite is selected to indicate the minimum SSE . */
int raim_fde = configuration - > property ( role + " .raim_fde " , 0 ) ;
int earth_tide = configuration - > property ( role + " .earth_tide " , 0 ) ;
int nsys = SYS_GPS ;
// if ((gps_1C_count > 0) || (gps_2S_count > 0) || (gps_L5_count > 0)) nsys += SYS_GPS;
// if ((gal_1B_count > 0) || (gal_E5a_count > 0) || (gal_E5b_count > 0)) nsys += SYS_GAL;
// if ((glo_1G_count > 0) || (glo_2G_count > 0)) nsys += SYS_GLO;
int navigation_system = configuration - > property ( role + " .navigation_system " , nsys ) ; /* (SYS_XXX) see src/algorithms/libs/rtklib/rtklib.h */
if ( ( navigation_system < 1 ) | | ( navigation_system > 255 ) ) /* GPS: 1 SBAS: 2 GPS+SBAS: 3 Galileo: 8 Galileo+GPS: 9 GPS+SBAS+Galileo: 11 All: 255 */
2019-08-19 01:29:04 +02:00
// warn user and set the default
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
LOG ( WARNING ) < < " Erroneous Navigation System. Setting to default value of (0:none) " ;
navigation_system = nsys ;
// Settings 2
std : : string default_gps_ar ( " Continuous " ) ;
std : : string integer_ambiguity_resolution_gps_str = configuration - > property ( role + " .AR_GPS " , default_gps_ar ) ; /* Integer Ambiguity Resolution mode for GPS (0:off,1:continuous,2:instantaneous,3:fix and hold,4:ppp-ar) */
int integer_ambiguity_resolution_gps = - 1 ;
2019-02-11 21:13:02 +01:00
if ( integer_ambiguity_resolution_gps_str = = " OFF " )
integer_ambiguity_resolution_gps = ARMODE_OFF ;
if ( integer_ambiguity_resolution_gps_str = = " Continuous " )
integer_ambiguity_resolution_gps = ARMODE_CONT ;
if ( integer_ambiguity_resolution_gps_str = = " Instantaneous " )
integer_ambiguity_resolution_gps = ARMODE_INST ;
if ( integer_ambiguity_resolution_gps_str = = " Fix-and-Hold " )
integer_ambiguity_resolution_gps = ARMODE_FIXHOLD ;
if ( integer_ambiguity_resolution_gps_str = = " PPP-AR " )
integer_ambiguity_resolution_gps = ARMODE_PPPAR ;
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
if ( integer_ambiguity_resolution_gps = = - 1 )
2019-08-19 01:29:04 +02:00
// warn user and set the default
2020-07-07 18:53:50 +02:00
std : : cout < < " WARNING: Bad specification of GPS ambiguity resolution method. \n " ;
std : : cout < < " AR_GPS possible values: OFF / Continuous / Instantaneous / Fix-and-Hold / PPP-AR \n " ;
std : : cout < < " AR_GPS specified value: " < < integer_ambiguity_resolution_gps_str < < ' \n ' ;
std : : cout < < " Setting AR_GPS to OFF \n " ;
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
integer_ambiguity_resolution_gps = ARMODE_OFF ;
int integer_ambiguity_resolution_glo = configuration - > property ( role + " .AR_GLO " , 1 ) ; /* Integer Ambiguity Resolution mode for GLONASS (0:off,1:on,2:auto cal,3:ext cal) */
if ( ( integer_ambiguity_resolution_glo < 0 ) | | ( integer_ambiguity_resolution_glo > 3 ) )
2019-08-19 01:29:04 +02:00
// warn user and set the default
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
LOG ( WARNING ) < < " Erroneous Integer Ambiguity Resolution for GLONASS . Setting to default value of (1:on) " ;
integer_ambiguity_resolution_glo = 1 ;
int integer_ambiguity_resolution_bds = configuration - > property ( role + " .AR_DBS " , 1 ) ; /* Integer Ambiguity Resolution mode for BEIDOU (0:off,1:on) */
if ( ( integer_ambiguity_resolution_bds < 0 ) | | ( integer_ambiguity_resolution_bds > 1 ) )
2019-08-19 01:29:04 +02:00
// warn user and set the default
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
LOG ( WARNING ) < < " Erroneous Integer Ambiguity Resolution for BEIDOU . Setting to default value of (1:on) " ;
integer_ambiguity_resolution_bds = 1 ;
double min_ratio_to_fix_ambiguity = configuration - > property ( role + " .min_ratio_to_fix_ambiguity " , 3.0 ) ; /* Set the integer ambiguity validation threshold for ratio‐ test,
which uses the ratio of squared residuals of the best integer vector to the second ‐ best vector . */
int min_lock_to_fix_ambiguity = configuration - > property ( role + " .min_lock_to_fix_ambiguity " , 0 ) ; /* Set the minimum lock count to fix integer ambiguity.
If the lock count is less than the value , the ambiguity is excluded from the fixed integer vector . */
double min_elevation_to_fix_ambiguity = configuration - > property ( role + " .min_elevation_to_fix_ambiguity " , 0.0 ) ; /* Set the minimum elevation (deg) to fix integer ambiguity.
If the elevation of the satellite is less than the value , the ambiguity is excluded from the fixed integer vector . */
int outage_reset_ambiguity = configuration - > property ( role + " .outage_reset_ambiguity " , 5 ) ; /* Set the outage count to reset ambiguity. If the data outage count is over the value, the estimated ambiguity is reset to the initial value. */
double slip_threshold = configuration - > property ( role + " .slip_threshold " , 0.05 ) ; /* set the cycle‐ slip threshold (m) of geometry‐ free LC carrier‐ phase difference between epochs */
double threshold_reject_gdop = configuration - > property ( role + " .threshold_reject_gdop " , 30.0 ) ; /* reject threshold of GDOP. If the GDOP is over the value, the observable is excluded for the estimation process as an outlier. */
double threshold_reject_innovation = configuration - > property ( role + " .threshold_reject_innovation " , 30.0 ) ; /* reject threshold of innovation (m). If the innovation is over the value, the observable is excluded for the estimation process as an outlier. */
int number_filter_iter = configuration - > property ( role + " .number_filter_iter " , 1 ) ; /* Set the number of iteration in the measurement update of the estimation filter.
If the baseline length is very short like 1 m , the iteration may be effective to handle
the nonlinearity of measurement equation . */
/// Statistics
double bias_0 = configuration - > property ( role + " .bias_0 " , 30.0 ) ;
double iono_0 = configuration - > property ( role + " .iono_0 " , 0.03 ) ;
double trop_0 = configuration - > property ( role + " .trop_0 " , 0.3 ) ;
double sigma_bias = configuration - > property ( role + " .sigma_bias " , 1e-4 ) ; /* Set the process noise standard deviation of carrier‐ phase
bias ( ambiguity ) ( cycle / sqrt ( s ) ) */
double sigma_iono = configuration - > property ( role + " .sigma_iono " , 1e-3 ) ; /* Set the process noise standard deviation of vertical ionospheric delay per 10 km baseline (m/sqrt(s)). */
double sigma_trop = configuration - > property ( role + " .sigma_trop " , 1e-4 ) ; /* Set the process noise standard deviation of zenith tropospheric delay (m/sqrt(s)). */
double sigma_acch = configuration - > property ( role + " .sigma_acch " , 1e-1 ) ; /* Set the process noise standard deviation of the receiver acceleration as
the horizontal component . ( m / s2 / sqrt ( s ) ) . If Receiver Dynamics is set to OFF , they are not used . */
double sigma_accv = configuration - > property ( role + " .sigma_accv " , 1e-2 ) ; /* Set the process noise standard deviation of the receiver acceleration as
the vertical component . ( m / s2 / sqrt ( s ) ) . If Receiver Dynamics is set to OFF , they are not used . */
double sigma_pos = configuration - > property ( role + " .sigma_pos " , 0.0 ) ;
double code_phase_error_ratio_l1 = configuration - > property ( role + " .code_phase_error_ratio_l1 " , 100.0 ) ;
double code_phase_error_ratio_l2 = configuration - > property ( role + " .code_phase_error_ratio_l2 " , 100.0 ) ;
double code_phase_error_ratio_l5 = configuration - > property ( role + " .code_phase_error_ratio_l5 " , 100.0 ) ;
double carrier_phase_error_factor_a = configuration - > property ( role + " .carrier_phase_error_factor_a " , 0.003 ) ;
double carrier_phase_error_factor_b = configuration - > property ( role + " .carrier_phase_error_factor_b " , 0.003 ) ;
snrmask_t snrmask = { { } , { { } , { } } } ;
prcopt_t rtklib_configuration_options = {
positioning_mode , /* positioning mode (PMODE_XXX) see src/algorithms/libs/rtklib/rtklib.h */
0 , /* solution type (0:forward,1:backward,2:combined) */
number_of_frequencies , /* number of frequencies (1:L1, 2:L1+L2, 3:L1+L2+L5)*/
navigation_system , /* navigation system */
elevation_mask * D2R , /* elevation mask angle (degrees) */
snrmask , /* snrmask_t snrmask SNR mask */
0 , /* satellite ephemeris/clock (EPHOPT_XXX) */
integer_ambiguity_resolution_gps , /* AR mode (0:off,1:continuous,2:instantaneous,3:fix and hold,4:ppp-ar) */
integer_ambiguity_resolution_glo , /* GLONASS AR mode (0:off,1:on,2:auto cal,3:ext cal) */
integer_ambiguity_resolution_bds , /* BeiDou AR mode (0:off,1:on) */
outage_reset_ambiguity , /* obs outage count to reset bias */
min_lock_to_fix_ambiguity , /* min lock count to fix ambiguity */
10 , /* min fix count to hold ambiguity */
1 , /* max iteration to resolve ambiguity */
iono_model , /* ionosphere option (IONOOPT_XXX) */
trop_model , /* troposphere option (TROPOPT_XXX) */
dynamics_model , /* dynamics model (0:none, 1:velocity, 2:accel) */
earth_tide , /* earth tide correction (0:off,1:solid,2:solid+otl+pole) */
number_filter_iter , /* number of filter iteration */
0 , /* code smoothing window size (0:none) */
0 , /* interpolate reference obs (for post mission) */
0 , /* sbssat_t sbssat SBAS correction options */
0 , /* sbsion_t sbsion[MAXBAND+1] SBAS satellite selection (0:all) */
0 , /* rover position for fixed mode */
0 , /* base position for relative mode */
/* 0:pos in prcopt, 1:average of single pos, */
/* 2:read from file, 3:rinex header, 4:rtcm pos */
{ code_phase_error_ratio_l1 , code_phase_error_ratio_l2 , code_phase_error_ratio_l5 } , /* eratio[NFREQ] code/phase error ratio */
{ 100.0 , carrier_phase_error_factor_a , carrier_phase_error_factor_b , 0.0 , 1.0 } , /* err[5]: measurement error factor [0]:reserved, [1-3]:error factor a/b/c of phase (m) , [4]:doppler frequency (hz) */
{ bias_0 , iono_0 , trop_0 } , /* std[3]: initial-state std [0]bias,[1]iono [2]trop*/
{ sigma_bias , sigma_iono , sigma_trop , sigma_acch , sigma_accv , sigma_pos } , /* prn[6] process-noise std */
5e-12 , /* sclkstab: satellite clock stability (sec/sec) */
{ min_ratio_to_fix_ambiguity , 0.9999 , 0.25 , 0.1 , 0.05 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 } , /* thresar[8]: AR validation threshold */
min_elevation_to_fix_ambiguity , /* elevation mask of AR for rising satellite (deg) */
0.0 , /* elevation mask to hold ambiguity (deg) */
slip_threshold , /* slip threshold of geometry-free phase (m) */
30.0 , /* max difference of time (sec) */
threshold_reject_innovation , /* reject threshold of innovation (m) */
threshold_reject_gdop , /* reject threshold of gdop */
{ } , /* double baseline[2] baseline length constraint {const,sigma} (m) */
{ } , /* double ru[3] rover position for fixed mode {x,y,z} (ecef) (m) */
{ } , /* double rb[3] base position for relative mode {x,y,z} (ecef) (m) */
{ " " , " " } , /* char anttype[2][MAXANT] antenna types {rover,base} */
{ { } , { } } , /* double antdel[2][3] antenna delta {{rov_e,rov_n,rov_u},{ref_e,ref_n,ref_u}} */
{ } , /* pcv_t pcvr[2] receiver antenna parameters {rov,base} */
{ } , /* unsigned char exsats[MAXSAT] excluded satellites (1:excluded, 2:included) */
0 , /* max averaging epoches */
0 , /* initialize by restart */
1 , /* output single by dgps/float/fix/ppp outage */
{ " " , " " } , /* char rnxopt[2][256] rinex options {rover,base} */
{ sat_PCV , rec_PCV , phwindup , reject_GPS_IIA , raim_fde } , /* posopt[6] positioning options [0]: satellite and receiver antenna PCV model; [1]: interpolate antenna parameters; [2]: apply phase wind-up correction for PPP modes; [3]: exclude measurements of GPS Block IIA satellites satellite [4]: RAIM FDE (fault detection and exclusion) [5]: handle day-boundary clock jump */
0 , /* solution sync mode (0:off,1:on) */
{ { } , { } } , /* odisp[2][6*11] ocean tide loading parameters {rov,base} */
{ { } , { { } , { } } , { { } , { } } , { } , { } } , /* exterr_t exterr extended receiver error model */
0 , /* disable L2-AR */
2023-04-03 13:36:54 +02:00
{ } , /* char pppopt[256] ppp option "-GAP_RESION=" default gap to reset iono parameters (ep) */
true /* enable Bancroft initialization for the first iteration of the PVT computation, useful in some geometries */
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
} ;
rtk_t rtk ;
rtkinit ( & rtk , & rtklib_configuration_options ) ;
return rtk ;
2018-10-06 13:52:48 +02:00
2019-08-19 01:29:04 +02:00
// todo: add test cases for Galileo E1, E5 and GPS L5
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
TEST ( RTKLibSolverTest , test1 )
2019-08-19 01:29:04 +02:00
// test case #1: GPS L1 CA simulated with gnss-sim
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
std : : string path = std : : string ( TEST_PATH ) ;
int nchannels = 8 ;
std : : string dump_filename = " .rtklib_solver_dump.dat " ;
bool flag_dump_to_file = false ;
2018-10-31 14:56:59 +01:00
bool save_to_mat = false ;
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
rtk_t rtk = configure_rtklib_options ( ) ;
2023-07-04 13:09:45 +02:00
Pvt_Conf conf ;
conf . use_e6_for_pvt = false ;
2023-11-05 10:13:11 +01:00
auto d_ls_pvt = std : : make_unique < Rtklib_Solver > ( rtk , conf , nchannels , dump_filename , 1 , flag_dump_to_file , save_to_mat ) ;
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
d_ls_pvt - > set_averaging_depth ( 1 ) ;
// load ephemeris
std : : string eph_xml_filename = path + " data/rtklib_test/eph_GPS_L1CA_test1.xml " ;
2019-02-22 15:57:15 +01:00
Gnss_Sdr_Supl_Client supl_client_ephemeris_ ;
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
2020-07-07 18:53:50 +02:00
std : : cout < < " SUPL: Try read GPS ephemeris from XML file " < < eph_xml_filename < < ' \n ' ;
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
if ( supl_client_ephemeris_ . load_ephemeris_xml ( eph_xml_filename ) = = true )
std : : map < int , Gps_Ephemeris > : : const_iterator gps_eph_iter ;
for ( gps_eph_iter = supl_client_ephemeris_ . gps_ephemeris_map . cbegin ( ) ;
2024-12-26 11:18:41 +01:00
gps_eph_iter ! = supl_client_ephemeris_ . gps_ephemeris_map . cend ( ) ;
gps_eph_iter + + )
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
2020-07-07 18:53:50 +02:00
std : : cout < < " SUPL: Read XML Ephemeris for GPS SV " < < gps_eph_iter - > first < < ' \n ' ;
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
std : : shared_ptr < Gps_Ephemeris > tmp_obj = std : : make_shared < Gps_Ephemeris > ( gps_eph_iter - > second ) ;
// update/insert new ephemeris record to the global ephemeris map
d_ls_pvt - > gps_ephemeris_map [ gps_eph_iter - > first ] = * tmp_obj ;
2020-07-07 18:53:50 +02:00
std : : cout < < " ERROR: SUPL client error reading XML \n " ;
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
// insert observables epoch
std : : map < int , Gnss_Synchro > gnss_synchro_map ;
// Gnss_Synchro tmp_obs;
// tmp_obs.System = 'G';
// std::string signal = "1C";
// const char* str = signal.c_str(); // get a C style null terminated string
// std::memcpy(static_cast<void*>(tmp_obs.Signal), str, 3); // copy string into synchro char array: 2 char + null
// gnss_synchro_map[0] = tmp_obs;
// gnss_synchro_map[0].PRN = 1;
2019-08-19 01:29:04 +02:00
// load from xml (boost serialize)
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
std : : string file_name = path + " data/rtklib_test/obs_test1.xml " ;
2018-10-06 13:52:48 +02:00
std : : ifstream ifs ;
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
2018-10-06 13:52:48 +02:00
ifs . open ( file_name . c_str ( ) , std : : ifstream : : binary | std : : ifstream : : in ) ;
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
boost : : archive : : xml_iarchive xml ( ifs ) ;
gnss_synchro_map . clear ( ) ;
xml > > boost : : serialization : : make_nvp ( " GNSS-SDR_gnss_synchro_map " , gnss_synchro_map ) ;
2020-07-07 18:53:50 +02:00
std : : cout < < " Loaded gnss_synchro map data with " < < gnss_synchro_map . size ( ) < < " pseudoranges \n " ;
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
catch ( std : : exception & e )
std : : cout < < e . what ( ) < < " File: " < < file_name ;
2018-10-06 13:52:48 +02:00
ifs . close ( ) ;
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
// solve
bool pvt_valid = false ;
if ( d_ls_pvt - > get_PVT ( gnss_synchro_map , false ) )
// DEBUG MESSAGE: Display position in console output
if ( d_ls_pvt - > is_valid_position ( ) )
std : : streamsize ss = std : : cout . precision ( ) ; // save current precision
std : : cout . setf ( std : : ios : : fixed , std : : ios : : floatfield ) ;
auto facet = new boost : : posix_time : : time_facet ( " %Y-%b-%d %H:%M:%S.%f %z " ) ;
std : : cout . imbue ( std : : locale ( std : : cout . getloc ( ) , facet ) ) ;
std : : cout < < " Position at " < < d_ls_pvt - > get_position_UTC_time ( )
< < " UTC using " < < d_ls_pvt - > get_num_valid_observations ( )
< < std : : fixed < < std : : setprecision ( 9 )
< < " observations is Lat = " < < d_ls_pvt - > get_latitude ( ) < < " [deg], Long = " < < d_ls_pvt - > get_longitude ( )
< < std : : fixed < < std : : setprecision ( 3 )
2020-07-07 18:53:50 +02:00
< < " [deg], Height = " < < d_ls_pvt - > get_height ( ) < < " [m] \n " ;
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
std : : cout < < std : : setprecision ( ss ) ;
2020-07-07 18:53:50 +02:00
std : : cout < < " RX clock offset: " < < d_ls_pvt - > get_time_offset_s ( ) < < " [s] \n " ;
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
// boost::posix_time::ptime p_time;
// gtime_t rtklib_utc_time = gpst2time(adjgpsweek(d_ls_pvt->gps_ephemeris_map.cbegin()->second.i_GPS_week), d_rx_time);
// p_time = boost::posix_time::from_time_t(rtklib_utc_time.time);
// p_time += boost::posix_time::microseconds(round(rtklib_utc_time.sec * 1e6));
2020-07-07 18:53:50 +02:00
// std::cout << TEXT_MAGENTA << "Observable RX time (GPST) " << boost::posix_time::to_simple_string(p_time) << TEXT_RESET << '\n';
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
std : : cout < < " RTKLIB Position at RX TOW = " < < gnss_synchro_map . begin ( ) - > second . RX_time
< < " in ECEF (X,Y,Z,t[meters]) = " < < std : : fixed < < std : : setprecision ( 16 )
< < d_ls_pvt - > pvt_sol . rr [ 0 ] < < " , "
< < d_ls_pvt - > pvt_sol . rr [ 1 ] < < " , "
2020-07-07 18:53:50 +02:00
< < d_ls_pvt - > pvt_sol . rr [ 2 ] < < ' \n ' ;
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
/* std::cout << "Dilution of Precision at " << boost::posix_time::to_simple_string(d_ls_pvt->get_position_UTC_time())
< < " UTC using " < < d_ls_pvt - > get_num_valid_observations ( ) < < " observations is HDOP = " < < d_ls_pvt - > get_hdop ( ) < < " VDOP = "
< < d_ls_pvt - > get_vdop ( )
2020-07-07 18:53:50 +02:00
< < " GDOP = " < < d_ls_pvt - > get_gdop ( ) < < ' \n ' ; */
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
2019-08-19 01:29:04 +02:00
// todo: check here the positioning error against the reference position generated with gnss-sim
// reference position on in WGS84: Lat (deg), Long (deg) , H (m): 30.286502,120.032669,100
arma : : vec LLH = { 30.286502 , 120.032669 , 100 } ; // ref position for this scenario
2018-10-09 18:19:13 +02:00
double error_LLH_m = great_circle_distance ( LLH ( 0 ) , LLH ( 1 ) , d_ls_pvt - > get_latitude ( ) , d_ls_pvt - > get_longitude ( ) ) ;
std : : cout < < " Lat, Long, H error: " < < d_ls_pvt - > get_latitude ( ) - LLH ( 0 )
< < " , " < < d_ls_pvt - > get_longitude ( ) - LLH ( 1 )
2020-07-07 18:53:50 +02:00
< < " , " < < d_ls_pvt - > get_height ( ) - LLH ( 2 ) < < " [deg,deg,meters] \n " ;
2018-10-09 18:19:13 +02:00
2020-07-07 18:53:50 +02:00
std : : cout < < " Haversine Great Circle error LLH distance: " < < error_LLH_m < < " [meters] \n " ;
2018-10-09 18:19:13 +02:00
arma : : vec v_eb_n = { 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 } ;
arma : : vec true_r_eb_e ;
arma : : vec true_v_eb_e ;
pv_Geo_to_ECEF ( degtorad ( LLH ( 0 ) ) , degtorad ( LLH ( 1 ) ) , LLH ( 2 ) , v_eb_n , true_r_eb_e , true_v_eb_e ) ;
arma : : vec measured_r_eb_e = { d_ls_pvt - > pvt_sol . rr [ 0 ] , d_ls_pvt - > pvt_sol . rr [ 1 ] , d_ls_pvt - > pvt_sol . rr [ 2 ] } ;
arma : : vec error_r_eb_e = measured_r_eb_e - true_r_eb_e ;
2020-07-07 18:53:50 +02:00
std : : cout < < " ECEF position error vector: " < < error_r_eb_e < < " [meters] \n " ;
2018-10-09 18:19:13 +02:00
double error_3d_m = arma : : norm ( error_r_eb_e , 2 ) ;
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
2020-07-07 18:53:50 +02:00
std : : cout < < " 3D positioning error: " < < error_3d_m < < " [meters] \n " ;
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
2019-08-19 01:29:04 +02:00
// check results against the test tolerance
2018-10-11 17:49:42 +02:00
ASSERT_LT ( error_3d_m , 0.2 ) ;
2018-10-05 11:49:11 +02:00
pvt_valid = true ;
EXPECT_EQ ( true , pvt_valid ) ;