mirror of https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web synced 2024-09-19 18:59:45 +00:00
Ozzie Isaacs ebe7cd7ba4 proxy login is now no longer saving cookies,
Cookies are saved in database for better Invalidation
Cookies expiry date is saved in database for further deletion (missing)
Database conversion is missing
2024-07-14 16:24:07 +02:00

526 lines
19 KiB

from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from flask import abort
from flask import current_app
from flask import flash
from flask import g
from flask import has_app_context
from flask import redirect
from flask import request
from flask import session
from .config import AUTH_HEADER_NAME
from .config import COOKIE_DURATION
from .config import COOKIE_HTTPONLY
from .config import COOKIE_NAME
from .config import COOKIE_SAMESITE
from .config import COOKIE_SECURE
from .config import ID_ATTRIBUTE
from .config import LOGIN_MESSAGE
from .config import LOGIN_MESSAGE_CATEGORY
from .config import REFRESH_MESSAGE
from .config import REFRESH_MESSAGE_CATEGORY
from .config import SESSION_KEYS
from .config import USE_SESSION_FOR_NEXT
from .mixins import AnonymousUserMixin
from .signals import session_protected
from .signals import user_accessed
from .signals import user_loaded_from_cookie
from .signals import user_loaded_from_request
from .signals import user_needs_refresh
from .signals import user_unauthorized
from .utils import _create_identifier
from .utils import _user_context_processor
from .utils import decode_cookie
from .utils import encode_cookie
from .utils import expand_login_view
from .utils import login_url as make_login_url
from .utils import make_next_param
class LoginManager:
"""This object is used to hold the settings used for logging in. Instances
of :class:`LoginManager` are *not* bound to specific apps, so you can
create one in the main body of your code and then bind it to your
app in a factory function.
def __init__(self, app=None, add_context_processor=True):
#: A class or factory function that produces an anonymous user, which
#: is used when no one is logged in.
self.anonymous_user = AnonymousUserMixin
#: The name of the view to redirect to when the user needs to log in.
#: (This can be an absolute URL as well, if your authentication
#: machinery is external to your application.)
self.login_view = None
#: Names of views to redirect to when the user needs to log in,
#: per blueprint. If the key value is set to None the value of
#: :attr:`login_view` will be used instead.
self.blueprint_login_views = {}
#: The message to flash when a user is redirected to the login page.
self.login_message = LOGIN_MESSAGE
#: The message category to flash when a user is redirected to the login
#: page.
self.login_message_category = LOGIN_MESSAGE_CATEGORY
#: The name of the view to redirect to when the user needs to
#: reauthenticate.
self.refresh_view = None
#: The message to flash when a user is redirected to the 'needs
#: refresh' page.
self.needs_refresh_message = REFRESH_MESSAGE
#: The message category to flash when a user is redirected to the
#: 'needs refresh' page.
self.needs_refresh_message_category = REFRESH_MESSAGE_CATEGORY
#: The mode to use session protection in. This can be either
#: ``'basic'`` (the default) or ``'strong'``, or ``None`` to disable
#: it.
self.session_protection = "basic"
#: If present, used to translate flash messages ``self.login_message``
#: and ``self.needs_refresh_message``
self.localize_callback = None
self.unauthorized_callback = None
self.needs_refresh_callback = None
self.id_attribute = ID_ATTRIBUTE
self._user_callback = None
self._header_callback = None
self._request_callback = None
self._session_identifier_generator = _create_identifier
if app is not None:
self.init_app(app, add_context_processor)
def setup_app(self, app, add_context_processor=True): # pragma: no cover
This method has been deprecated. Please use
:meth:`LoginManager.init_app` instead.
import warnings
"'setup_app' is deprecated and will be removed in"
" Flask-Login 0.7. Use 'init_app' instead.",
self.init_app(app, add_context_processor)
def init_app(self, app, add_context_processor=True):
Configures an application. This registers an `after_request` call, and
attaches this `LoginManager` to it as `app.login_manager`.
:param app: The :class:`flask.Flask` object to configure.
:type app: :class:`flask.Flask`
:param add_context_processor: Whether to add a context processor to
the app that adds a `current_user` variable to the template.
Defaults to ``True``.
:type add_context_processor: bool
app.login_manager = self
if add_context_processor:
def unauthorized(self):
This is called when the user is required to log in. If you register a
callback with :meth:`LoginManager.unauthorized_handler`, then it will
be called. Otherwise, it will take the following actions:
- Flash :attr:`LoginManager.login_message` to the user.
- If the app is using blueprints find the login view for
the current blueprint using `blueprint_login_views`. If the app
is not using blueprints or the login view for the current
blueprint is not specified use the value of `login_view`.
- Redirect the user to the login view. (The page they were
attempting to access will be passed in the ``next`` query
string variable, so you can redirect there if present instead
of the homepage. Alternatively, it will be added to the session
as ``next`` if USE_SESSION_FOR_NEXT is set.)
If :attr:`LoginManager.login_view` is not defined, then it will simply
raise a HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) error instead.
This should be returned from a view or before/after_request function,
otherwise the redirect will have no effect.
if self.unauthorized_callback:
return self.unauthorized_callback()
if request.blueprint in self.blueprint_login_views:
login_view = self.blueprint_login_views[request.blueprint]
login_view = self.login_view
if not login_view:
if self.login_message:
if self.localize_callback is not None:
flash(self.login_message, category=self.login_message_category)
config = current_app.config
login_url = expand_login_view(login_view)
session["_id"] = self._session_identifier_generator()
session["next"] = make_next_param(login_url, request.url)
redirect_url = make_login_url(login_view)
redirect_url = make_login_url(login_view, next_url=request.url)
return redirect(redirect_url)
def user_loader(self, callback):
This sets the callback for reloading a user from the session. The
function you set should take a user ID (a ``str``) and return a
user object, or ``None`` if the user does not exist.
:param callback: The callback for retrieving a user object.
:type callback: callable
self._user_callback = callback
return self.user_callback
def user_callback(self):
"""Gets the user_loader callback set by user_loader decorator."""
return self._user_callback
def request_loader(self, callback):
This sets the callback for loading a user from a Flask request.
The function you set should take Flask request object and
return a user object, or `None` if the user does not exist.
:param callback: The callback for retrieving a user object.
:type callback: callable
self._request_callback = callback
return self.request_callback
def request_callback(self):
"""Gets the request_loader callback set by request_loader decorator."""
return self._request_callback
def unauthorized_handler(self, callback):
This will set the callback for the `unauthorized` method, which among
other things is used by `login_required`. It takes no arguments, and
should return a response to be sent to the user instead of their
normal view.
:param callback: The callback for unauthorized users.
:type callback: callable
self.unauthorized_callback = callback
return callback
def needs_refresh_handler(self, callback):
This will set the callback for the `needs_refresh` method, which among
other things is used by `fresh_login_required`. It takes no arguments,
and should return a response to be sent to the user instead of their
normal view.
:param callback: The callback for unauthorized users.
:type callback: callable
self.needs_refresh_callback = callback
return callback
def needs_refresh(self):
This is called when the user is logged in, but they need to be
reauthenticated because their session is stale. If you register a
callback with `needs_refresh_handler`, then it will be called.
Otherwise, it will take the following actions:
- Flash :attr:`LoginManager.needs_refresh_message` to the user.
- Redirect the user to :attr:`LoginManager.refresh_view`. (The page
they were attempting to access will be passed in the ``next``
query string variable, so you can redirect there if present
instead of the homepage.)
If :attr:`LoginManager.refresh_view` is not defined, then it will
simply raise a HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) error instead.
This should be returned from a view or before/after_request function,
otherwise the redirect will have no effect.
if self.needs_refresh_callback:
return self.needs_refresh_callback()
if not self.refresh_view:
if self.needs_refresh_message:
if self.localize_callback is not None:
config = current_app.config
login_url = expand_login_view(self.refresh_view)
session["_id"] = self._session_identifier_generator()
session["next"] = make_next_param(login_url, request.url)
redirect_url = make_login_url(self.refresh_view)
login_url = self.refresh_view
redirect_url = make_login_url(login_url, next_url=request.url)
return redirect(redirect_url)
def _update_request_context_with_user(self, user=None):
"""Store the given user as ctx.user."""
if user is None:
user = self.anonymous_user()
g._login_user = user
def _load_user(self):
"""Loads user from session or remember_me cookie as applicable"""
if self._user_callback is None and self._request_callback is None:
raise Exception(
"Missing user_loader or request_loader. Refer to "
"http://flask-login.readthedocs.io/#how-it-works "
"for more info."
if self._session_protection_failed():
return self._update_request_context_with_user()
user = None
# Load user from Flask Session
user_id = session.get("_user_id")
user_random = session.get("_random")
user_session_key = session.get("_id")
if (user_id is not None
and user_random is not None
and user_session_key is not None
and self._user_callback is not None):
user = self._user_callback(user_id, user_random, user_session_key)
# Load user from Remember Me Cookie or Request Loader
if user is None:
config = current_app.config
cookie_name = config.get("REMEMBER_COOKIE_NAME", COOKIE_NAME)
header_name = config.get("AUTH_HEADER_NAME", AUTH_HEADER_NAME)
has_cookie = (
cookie_name in request.cookies and session.get("_remember") != "clear"
if has_cookie:
cookie = request.cookies[cookie_name]
user = self._load_user_from_remember_cookie(cookie)
elif self._request_callback:
user = self._load_user_from_request(request)
elif header_name in request.headers:
header = request.headers[header_name]
user = self._load_user_from_header(header)
return self._update_request_context_with_user(user)
def _session_protection_failed(self):
sess = session._get_current_object()
ident = self._session_identifier_generator()
app = current_app._get_current_object()
mode = app.config.get("SESSION_PROTECTION", self.session_protection)
if not mode or mode not in ["basic", "strong"]:
return False
# if the sess is empty, it's an anonymous user or just logged out
# so we can skip this
if sess and ident != sess.get("_id", None):
if mode == "basic" or sess.permanent:
if sess.get("_fresh") is not False:
sess["_fresh"] = False
return False
elif mode == "strong":
for k in SESSION_KEYS:
sess.pop(k, None)
sess["_remember"] = "clear"
return True
return False
def _load_user_from_remember_cookie(self, cookie):
user_id = decode_cookie(cookie)
if user_id is not None:
session["_user_id"] = user_id
session["_fresh"] = False
user = None
if self._user_callback:
user = self._user_callback(user_id)
if user is not None:
app = current_app._get_current_object()
user_loaded_from_cookie.send(app, user=user)
return user
return None
def _load_user_from_header(self, header):
if self._header_callback:
user = self._header_callback(header)
if user is not None:
app = current_app._get_current_object()
from .signals import _user_loaded_from_header
_user_loaded_from_header.send(app, user=user)
return user
return None
def _load_user_from_request(self, request):
if self._request_callback:
user = self._request_callback(request)
if user is not None:
app = current_app._get_current_object()
user_loaded_from_request.send(app, user=user)
return user
return None
def _update_remember_cookie(self, response):
# Don't modify the session unless there's something to do.
if "_remember" not in session and current_app.config.get(
session["_remember"] = "set"
if "_remember" in session:
operation = session.pop("_remember", None)
if operation == "set" and "_user_id" in session:
elif operation == "clear":
return response
def _set_cookie(self, response):
# cookie settings
config = current_app.config
cookie_name = config.get("REMEMBER_COOKIE_NAME", COOKIE_NAME)
domain = config.get("REMEMBER_COOKIE_DOMAIN")
path = config.get("REMEMBER_COOKIE_PATH", "/")
if "_remember_seconds" in session:
duration = timedelta(seconds=session["_remember_seconds"])
# prepare data
data = encode_cookie(str(session["_user_id"]))
if isinstance(duration, int):
duration = timedelta(seconds=duration)
expires = datetime.utcnow() + duration
except TypeError as e:
raise Exception(
"REMEMBER_COOKIE_DURATION must be a datetime.timedelta,"
f" instead got: {duration}"
) from e
# actually set it
def _clear_cookie(self, response):
config = current_app.config
cookie_name = config.get("REMEMBER_COOKIE_NAME", COOKIE_NAME)
domain = config.get("REMEMBER_COOKIE_DOMAIN")
path = config.get("REMEMBER_COOKIE_PATH", "/")
response.delete_cookie(cookie_name, domain=domain, path=path)
def _login_disabled(self):
"""Legacy property, use app.config['LOGIN_DISABLED'] instead."""
import warnings
"'_login_disabled' is deprecated and will be removed in"
" Flask-Login 0.7. Use 'LOGIN_DISABLED' in 'app.config'"
" instead.",
if has_app_context():
return current_app.config.get("LOGIN_DISABLED", False)
return False
def _login_disabled(self, newvalue):
"""Legacy property setter, use app.config['LOGIN_DISABLED'] instead."""
import warnings
"'_login_disabled' is deprecated and will be removed in"
" Flask-Login 0.7. Use 'LOGIN_DISABLED' in 'app.config'"
" instead.",
current_app.config["LOGIN_DISABLED"] = newvalue