mirror of https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web synced 2024-10-06 02:40:46 +00:00
OzzieIsaacs bbf6d9b026 Translation of UI (german and english)
Bugfix for feeds
    - removed categories related and up
    - load new books now working
    - category random now working
login page is free of non accessible elements
boolean custom column is vivible in UI
books with only with certain languages can be shown
book shelfs can be deleted from UI
Anonymous user view is more resticted
Added browse of series in sidebar
Dependencys in vendor folder are updated to newer versions (licencs files are now present)
Bugfix editing Authors names
Made upload on windows working
2016-11-09 19:24:33 +01:00

319 lines
11 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2011 Facebook
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Utilities for working with multiple processes, including both forking
the server into multiple processes and managing subprocesses.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, with_statement
import errno
import os
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import time
from binascii import hexlify
from tornado import ioloop
from tornado.iostream import PipeIOStream
from tornado.log import gen_log
from tornado.platform.auto import set_close_exec
from tornado import stack_context
from tornado.util import errno_from_exception
import multiprocessing
except ImportError:
# Multiprocessing is not available on Google App Engine.
multiprocessing = None
long # py2
except NameError:
long = int # py3
def cpu_count():
"""Returns the number of processors on this machine."""
if multiprocessing is None:
return 1
return multiprocessing.cpu_count()
except NotImplementedError:
return os.sysconf("SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF")
except ValueError:
gen_log.error("Could not detect number of processors; assuming 1")
return 1
def _reseed_random():
if 'random' not in sys.modules:
import random
# If os.urandom is available, this method does the same thing as
# random.seed (at least as of python 2.6). If os.urandom is not
# available, we mix in the pid in addition to a timestamp.
seed = long(hexlify(os.urandom(16)), 16)
except NotImplementedError:
seed = int(time.time() * 1000) ^ os.getpid()
def _pipe_cloexec():
r, w = os.pipe()
return r, w
_task_id = None
def fork_processes(num_processes, max_restarts=100):
"""Starts multiple worker processes.
If ``num_processes`` is None or <= 0, we detect the number of cores
available on this machine and fork that number of child
processes. If ``num_processes`` is given and > 0, we fork that
specific number of sub-processes.
Since we use processes and not threads, there is no shared memory
between any server code.
Note that multiple processes are not compatible with the autoreload
module (or the ``autoreload=True`` option to `tornado.web.Application`
which defaults to True when ``debug=True``).
When using multiple processes, no IOLoops can be created or
referenced until after the call to ``fork_processes``.
In each child process, ``fork_processes`` returns its *task id*, a
number between 0 and ``num_processes``. Processes that exit
abnormally (due to a signal or non-zero exit status) are restarted
with the same id (up to ``max_restarts`` times). In the parent
process, ``fork_processes`` returns None if all child processes
have exited normally, but will otherwise only exit by throwing an
global _task_id
assert _task_id is None
if num_processes is None or num_processes <= 0:
num_processes = cpu_count()
if ioloop.IOLoop.initialized():
raise RuntimeError("Cannot run in multiple processes: IOLoop instance "
"has already been initialized. You cannot call "
"IOLoop.instance() before calling start_processes()")
gen_log.info("Starting %d processes", num_processes)
children = {}
def start_child(i):
pid = os.fork()
if pid == 0:
# child process
global _task_id
_task_id = i
return i
children[pid] = i
return None
for i in range(num_processes):
id = start_child(i)
if id is not None:
return id
num_restarts = 0
while children:
pid, status = os.wait()
except OSError as e:
if errno_from_exception(e) == errno.EINTR:
if pid not in children:
id = children.pop(pid)
if os.WIFSIGNALED(status):
gen_log.warning("child %d (pid %d) killed by signal %d, restarting",
id, pid, os.WTERMSIG(status))
elif os.WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0:
gen_log.warning("child %d (pid %d) exited with status %d, restarting",
id, pid, os.WEXITSTATUS(status))
gen_log.info("child %d (pid %d) exited normally", id, pid)
num_restarts += 1
if num_restarts > max_restarts:
raise RuntimeError("Too many child restarts, giving up")
new_id = start_child(id)
if new_id is not None:
return new_id
# All child processes exited cleanly, so exit the master process
# instead of just returning to right after the call to
# fork_processes (which will probably just start up another IOLoop
# unless the caller checks the return value).
def task_id():
"""Returns the current task id, if any.
Returns None if this process was not created by `fork_processes`.
global _task_id
return _task_id
class Subprocess(object):
"""Wraps ``subprocess.Popen`` with IOStream support.
The constructor is the same as ``subprocess.Popen`` with the following
* ``stdin``, ``stdout``, and ``stderr`` may have the value
``tornado.process.Subprocess.STREAM``, which will make the corresponding
attribute of the resulting Subprocess a `.PipeIOStream`.
* A new keyword argument ``io_loop`` may be used to pass in an IOLoop.
.. versionchanged:: 4.1
The ``io_loop`` argument is deprecated.
STREAM = object()
_initialized = False
_waiting = {}
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.io_loop = kwargs.pop('io_loop', None) or ioloop.IOLoop.current()
# All FDs we create should be closed on error; those in to_close
# should be closed in the parent process on success.
pipe_fds = []
to_close = []
if kwargs.get('stdin') is Subprocess.STREAM:
in_r, in_w = _pipe_cloexec()
kwargs['stdin'] = in_r
pipe_fds.extend((in_r, in_w))
self.stdin = PipeIOStream(in_w, io_loop=self.io_loop)
if kwargs.get('stdout') is Subprocess.STREAM:
out_r, out_w = _pipe_cloexec()
kwargs['stdout'] = out_w
pipe_fds.extend((out_r, out_w))
self.stdout = PipeIOStream(out_r, io_loop=self.io_loop)
if kwargs.get('stderr') is Subprocess.STREAM:
err_r, err_w = _pipe_cloexec()
kwargs['stderr'] = err_w
pipe_fds.extend((err_r, err_w))
self.stderr = PipeIOStream(err_r, io_loop=self.io_loop)
self.proc = subprocess.Popen(*args, **kwargs)
for fd in pipe_fds:
for fd in to_close:
for attr in ['stdin', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'pid']:
if not hasattr(self, attr): # don't clobber streams set above
setattr(self, attr, getattr(self.proc, attr))
self._exit_callback = None
self.returncode = None
def set_exit_callback(self, callback):
"""Runs ``callback`` when this process exits.
The callback takes one argument, the return code of the process.
This method uses a ``SIGCHLD`` handler, which is a global setting
and may conflict if you have other libraries trying to handle the
same signal. If you are using more than one ``IOLoop`` it may
be necessary to call `Subprocess.initialize` first to designate
one ``IOLoop`` to run the signal handlers.
In many cases a close callback on the stdout or stderr streams
can be used as an alternative to an exit callback if the
signal handler is causing a problem.
self._exit_callback = stack_context.wrap(callback)
Subprocess._waiting[self.pid] = self
def initialize(cls, io_loop=None):
"""Initializes the ``SIGCHLD`` handler.
The signal handler is run on an `.IOLoop` to avoid locking issues.
Note that the `.IOLoop` used for signal handling need not be the
same one used by individual Subprocess objects (as long as the
``IOLoops`` are each running in separate threads).
.. versionchanged:: 4.1
The ``io_loop`` argument is deprecated.
if cls._initialized:
if io_loop is None:
io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.current()
cls._old_sigchld = signal.signal(
lambda sig, frame: io_loop.add_callback_from_signal(cls._cleanup))
cls._initialized = True
def uninitialize(cls):
"""Removes the ``SIGCHLD`` handler."""
if not cls._initialized:
signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, cls._old_sigchld)
cls._initialized = False
def _cleanup(cls):
for pid in list(cls._waiting.keys()): # make a copy
def _try_cleanup_process(cls, pid):
ret_pid, status = os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG)
except OSError as e:
if errno_from_exception(e) == errno.ECHILD:
if ret_pid == 0:
assert ret_pid == pid
subproc = cls._waiting.pop(pid)
subproc._set_returncode, status)
def _set_returncode(self, status):
if os.WIFSIGNALED(status):
self.returncode = -os.WTERMSIG(status)
assert os.WIFEXITED(status)
self.returncode = os.WEXITSTATUS(status)
if self._exit_callback:
callback = self._exit_callback
self._exit_callback = None