mirror of https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web synced 2024-11-17 23:34:53 +00:00
Ozzieisaacs 836c6fd245 Updated translations
Added license texts in flies
2019-01-20 19:37:45 +01:00

567 lines
24 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the Calibre-Web (https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web)
# Copyright (C) 2012-2019 cervinko, idalin, SiphonSquirrel, ouzklcn, akushsky,
# OzzieIsaacs, bodybybuddha, jkrehm, matthazinski, janeczku
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import db
import ub
from flask import current_app as app
# import logging
from tempfile import gettempdir
import sys
import os
import re
import unicodedata
# from io import BytesIO
import worker
import time
from flask import send_from_directory, make_response, redirect, abort
from flask_babel import gettext as _
from flask_login import current_user
from babel.dates import format_datetime
from datetime import datetime
# import threading
import shutil
import requests
# import zipfile
import gdriveutils as gd
except ImportError:
import web
# import server
import random
import subprocess
import unidecode
use_unidecode = True
except ImportError:
use_unidecode = False
# Global variables
# updater_thread = None
global_WorkerThread = worker.WorkerThread()
def update_download(book_id, user_id):
check = ub.session.query(ub.Downloads).filter(ub.Downloads.user_id == user_id).filter(ub.Downloads.book_id ==
if not check:
new_download = ub.Downloads(user_id=user_id, book_id=book_id)
# Convert existing book entry to new format
def convert_book_format(book_id, calibrepath, old_book_format, new_book_format, user_id, kindle_mail=None):
book = db.session.query(db.Books).filter(db.Books.id == book_id).first()
data = db.session.query(db.Data).filter(db.Data.book == book.id).filter(db.Data.format == old_book_format).first()
if not data:
error_message = _(u"%(format)s format not found for book id: %(book)d", format=old_book_format, book=book_id)
app.logger.error("convert_book_format: " + error_message)
return error_message
if ub.config.config_use_google_drive:
df = gd.getFileFromEbooksFolder(book.path, data.name + "." + old_book_format.lower())
if df:
datafile = os.path.join(calibrepath, book.path, data.name + u"." + old_book_format.lower())
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(calibrepath, book.path)):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(calibrepath, book.path))
error_message = _(u"%(format)s not found on Google Drive: %(fn)s",
format=old_book_format, fn=data.name + "." + old_book_format.lower())
return error_message
file_path = os.path.join(calibrepath, book.path, data.name)
if os.path.exists(file_path + "." + old_book_format.lower()):
# read settings and append converter task to queue
if kindle_mail:
settings = ub.get_mail_settings()
settings['subject'] = _('Send to Kindle') # pretranslate Subject for e-mail
settings['body'] = _(u'This e-mail has been sent via Calibre-Web.')
# text = _(u"%(format)s: %(book)s", format=new_book_format, book=book.title)
settings = dict()
text = (u"%s -> %s: %s" % (old_book_format, new_book_format, book.title))
settings['old_book_format'] = old_book_format
settings['new_book_format'] = new_book_format
global_WorkerThread.add_convert(file_path, book.id, user_id, text, settings, kindle_mail)
return None
error_message = _(u"%(format)s not found: %(fn)s",
format=old_book_format, fn=data.name + "." + old_book_format.lower())
return error_message
def send_test_mail(kindle_mail, user_name):
global_WorkerThread.add_email(_(u'Calibre-Web test e-mail'),None, None, ub.get_mail_settings(),
kindle_mail, user_name, _(u"Test e-mail"),
_(u'This e-mail has been sent via Calibre-Web.'))
# Send registration email or password reset email, depending on parameter resend (False means welcome email)
def send_registration_mail(e_mail, user_name, default_password, resend=False):
text = "Hello %s!\r\n" % user_name
if not resend:
text += "Your new account at Calibre-Web has been created. Thanks for joining us!\r\n"
text += "Please log in to your account using the following informations:\r\n"
text += "User name: %s\n" % user_name
text += "Password: %s\r\n" % default_password
text += "Don't forget to change your password after first login.\r\n"
text += "Sincerely\r\n\r\n"
text += "Your Calibre-Web team"
global_WorkerThread.add_email(_(u'Get Started with Calibre-Web'),None, None, ub.get_mail_settings(),
e_mail, user_name, _(u"Registration e-mail for user: %(name)s", name=user_name), text)
def check_send_to_kindle(entry):
returns all available book formats for sending to Kindle
if len(entry.data):
if ub.config.config_ebookconverter == 0:
# no converter - only for mobi and pdf formats
for ele in iter(entry.data):
if 'MOBI' in ele.format:
bookformats.append({'format':'Mobi','convert':0,'text':_('Send %(format)s to Kindle',format='Mobi')})
if 'PDF' in ele.format:
bookformats.append({'format':'Pdf','convert':0,'text':_('Send %(format)s to Kindle',format='Pdf')})
if 'AZW' in ele.format:
bookformats.append({'format':'Azw','convert':0,'text':_('Send %(format)s to Kindle',format='Azw')})
if 'AZW3' in ele.format:
bookformats.append({'format':'Azw3','convert':0,'text':_('Send %(format)s to Kindle',format='Azw3')})
formats = list()
for ele in iter(entry.data):
if 'MOBI' in formats:
bookformats.append({'format': 'Mobi','convert':0,'text':_('Send %(format)s to Kindle',format='Mobi')})
if 'AZW' in formats:
bookformats.append({'format': 'Azw','convert':0,'text':_('Send %(format)s to Kindle',format='Azw')})
if 'AZW3' in formats:
bookformats.append({'format': 'Azw3','convert':0,'text':_('Send %(format)s to Kindle',format='Azw3')})
if 'PDF' in formats:
bookformats.append({'format': 'Pdf','convert':0,'text':_('Send %(format)s to Kindle',format='Pdf')})
if ub.config.config_ebookconverter >= 1:
if 'EPUB' in formats and not 'MOBI' in formats:
bookformats.append({'format': 'Mobi','convert':1,
'text':_('Convert %(orig)s to %(format)s and send to Kindle',orig='Epub',format='Mobi')})
if ub.config.config_ebookconverter == 2:
if 'EPUB' in formats and not 'AZW3' in formats:
bookformats.append({'format': 'Azw3','convert':1,
'text':_('Convert %(orig)s to %(format)s and send to Kindle',orig='Epub',format='Azw3')})
return bookformats
app.logger.error(u'Cannot find book entry %d', entry.id)
return None
# Check if a reader is existing for any of the book formats, if not, return empty list, otherwise return
# list with supported formats
def check_read_formats(entry):
bookformats = list()
if len(entry.data):
for ele in iter(entry.data):
if ele.format in EXTENSIONS_READER:
return bookformats
# Files are processed in the following order/priority:
# 1: If Mobi file is existing, it's directly send to kindle email,
# 2: If Epub file is existing, it's converted and send to kindle email,
# 3: If Pdf file is existing, it's directly send to kindle email
def send_mail(book_id, book_format, convert, kindle_mail, calibrepath, user_id):
"""Send email with attachments"""
book = db.session.query(db.Books).filter(db.Books.id == book_id).first()
if convert:
# returns None if success, otherwise errormessage
return convert_book_format(book_id, calibrepath, u'epub', book_format.lower(), user_id, kindle_mail)
for entry in iter(book.data):
if entry.format.upper() == book_format.upper():
result = entry.name + '.' + book_format.lower()
global_WorkerThread.add_email(_(u"Send to Kindle"), book.path, result, ub.get_mail_settings(),
kindle_mail, user_id, _(u"E-mail: %(book)s", book=book.title),
_(u'This e-mail has been sent via Calibre-Web.'))
return _(u"The requested file could not be read. Maybe wrong permissions?")
def get_valid_filename(value, replace_whitespace=True):
Returns the given string converted to a string that can be used for a clean
filename. Limits num characters to 128 max.
if value[-1:] == u'.':
value = value[:-1]+u'_'
value = value.replace("/", "_").replace(":", "_").strip('\0')
if use_unidecode:
value = (unidecode.unidecode(value)).strip()
value = value.replace(u'§', u'SS')
value = value.replace(u'ß', u'ss')
value = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', value)
re_slugify = re.compile('[\W\s-]', re.UNICODE)
if isinstance(value, str): # Python3 str, Python2 unicode
value = re_slugify.sub('', value).strip()
value = unicode(re_slugify.sub('', value).strip())
if replace_whitespace:
# *+:\"/<>? are replaced by _
value = re.sub(r'[\*\+:\\\"/<>\?]+', u'_', value, flags=re.U)
# pipe has to be replaced with comma
value = re.sub(r'[\|]+', u',', value, flags=re.U)
value = value[:128]
if not value:
raise ValueError("Filename cannot be empty")
return value
def get_sorted_author(value):
if ',' not in value:
regexes = ["^(JR|SR)\.?$", "^I{1,3}\.?$", "^IV\.?$"]
combined = "(" + ")|(".join(regexes) + ")"
value = value.split(" ")
if re.match(combined, value[-1].upper()):
value2 = value[-2] + ", " + " ".join(value[:-2]) + " " + value[-1]
elif len(value) == 1:
value2 = value[0]
value2 = value[-1] + ", " + " ".join(value[:-1])
value2 = value
except Exception:
web.app.logger.error("Sorting author " + str(value) + "failed")
value2 = value
return value2
# Deletes a book fro the local filestorage, returns True if deleting is successfull, otherwise false
def delete_book_file(book, calibrepath, book_format=None):
# check that path is 2 elements deep, check that target path has no subfolders
if book.path.count('/') == 1:
path = os.path.join(calibrepath, book.path)
if book_format:
for file in os.listdir(path):
if file.upper().endswith("."+book_format):
os.remove(os.path.join(path, file))
if os.path.isdir(path):
if len(next(os.walk(path))[1]):
"Deleting book " + str(book.id) + " failed, path has subfolders: " + book.path)
return False
shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True)
return True
web.app.logger.error("Deleting book " + str(book.id) + " failed, book path not valid: " + book.path)
return False
def update_dir_structure_file(book_id, calibrepath, first_author):
localbook = db.session.query(db.Books).filter(db.Books.id == book_id).first()
path = os.path.join(calibrepath, localbook.path)
authordir = localbook.path.split('/')[0]
if first_author:
new_authordir = get_valid_filename(first_author)
new_authordir = get_valid_filename(localbook.authors[0].name)
titledir = localbook.path.split('/')[1]
new_titledir = get_valid_filename(localbook.title) + " (" + str(book_id) + ")"
if titledir != new_titledir:
new_title_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), new_titledir)
if not os.path.exists(new_title_path):
os.renames(path, new_title_path)
web.app.logger.info("Copying title: " + path + " into existing: " + new_title_path)
for dir_name, subdir_list, file_list in os.walk(path):
for file in file_list:
os.renames(os.path.join(dir_name, file),
os.path.join(new_title_path + dir_name[len(path):], file))
path = new_title_path
localbook.path = localbook.path.split('/')[0] + '/' + new_titledir
except OSError as ex:
web.app.logger.error("Rename title from: " + path + " to " + new_title_path + ": " + str(ex))
web.app.logger.debug(ex, exc_info=True)
return _("Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s",
src=path, dest=new_title_path, error=str(ex))
if authordir != new_authordir:
new_author_path = os.path.join(calibrepath, new_authordir, os.path.basename(path))
os.renames(path, new_author_path)
localbook.path = new_authordir + '/' + localbook.path.split('/')[1]
except OSError as ex:
web.app.logger.error("Rename author from: " + path + " to " + new_author_path + ": " + str(ex))
web.app.logger.debug(ex, exc_info=True)
return _("Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s",
src=path, dest=new_author_path, error=str(ex))
# Rename all files from old names to new names
if authordir != new_authordir or titledir != new_titledir:
for file_format in localbook.data:
path_name = os.path.join(calibrepath, new_authordir, os.path.basename(path))
new_name = get_valid_filename(localbook.title) + ' - ' + get_valid_filename(new_authordir)
os.renames(os.path.join(path_name, file_format.name + '.' + file_format.format.lower()),
os.path.join(path_name,new_name + '.' + file_format.format.lower()))
file_format.name = new_name
except OSError as ex:
web.app.logger.error("Rename file in path " + path + " to " + new_name + ": " + str(ex))
web.app.logger.debug(ex, exc_info=True)
return _("Rename file in path '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s",
src=path, dest=new_name, error=str(ex))
return False
def update_dir_structure_gdrive(book_id, first_author):
error = False
book = db.session.query(db.Books).filter(db.Books.id == book_id).first()
authordir = book.path.split('/')[0]
if first_author:
new_authordir = get_valid_filename(first_author)
new_authordir = get_valid_filename(book.authors[0].name)
titledir = book.path.split('/')[1]
new_titledir = get_valid_filename(book.title) + " (" + str(book_id) + ")"
if titledir != new_titledir:
gFile = gd.getFileFromEbooksFolder(os.path.dirname(book.path), titledir)
if gFile:
gFile['title'] = new_titledir
book.path = book.path.split('/')[0] + '/' + new_titledir
gd.updateDatabaseOnEdit(gFile['id'], book.path) # only child folder affected
error = _(u'File %(file)s not found on Google Drive', file=book.path) # file not found
if authordir != new_authordir:
gFile = gd.getFileFromEbooksFolder(os.path.dirname(book.path), titledir)
if gFile:
book.path = new_authordir + '/' + book.path.split('/')[1]
gd.updateDatabaseOnEdit(gFile['id'], book.path)
error = _(u'File %(file)s not found on Google Drive', file=authordir) # file not found
# Rename all files from old names to new names
# ToDo: Rename also all bookfiles with new author name and new title name
if authordir != new_authordir or titledir != new_titledir:
for format in book.data:
# path_name = os.path.join(calibrepath, new_authordir, os.path.basename(path))
new_name = get_valid_filename(book.title) + ' - ' + get_valid_filename(book)
format.name = new_name
if gFile:
error = _(u'File %(file)s not found on Google Drive', file=format.name) # file not found
return error
def delete_book_gdrive(book, book_format):
error= False
if book_format:
name = ''
for entry in book.data:
if entry.format.upper() == book_format:
name = entry.name + '.' + book_format
gFile = gd.getFileFromEbooksFolder(book.path, name)
gFile = gd.getFileFromEbooksFolder(os.path.dirname(book.path),book.path.split('/')[1])
if gFile:
error =_(u'Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive', path=book.path) # file not found
return error
def generate_random_password():
s = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!@#$%&*()?"
passlen = 8
return "".join(random.sample(s,passlen ))
################################## External interface
def update_dir_stucture(book_id, calibrepath, first_author = None):
if ub.config.config_use_google_drive:
return update_dir_structure_gdrive(book_id, first_author)
return update_dir_structure_file(book_id, calibrepath, first_author)
def delete_book(book, calibrepath, book_format):
if ub.config.config_use_google_drive:
return delete_book_gdrive(book, book_format)
return delete_book_file(book, calibrepath, book_format)
def get_book_cover(cover_path):
if ub.config.config_use_google_drive:
if path:
return redirect(path)
web.app.logger.error(cover_path + '/cover.jpg not found on Google Drive')
return send_from_directory(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "static"), "generic_cover.jpg")
except Exception as e:
web.app.logger.error("Error Message: "+e.message)
# traceback.print_exc()
return send_from_directory(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "static"),"generic_cover.jpg")
return send_from_directory(os.path.join(ub.config.config_calibre_dir, cover_path), "cover.jpg")
# saves book cover to gdrive or locally
def save_cover(url, book_path):
img = requests.get(url)
if img.headers.get('content-type') != 'image/jpeg':
web.app.logger.error("Cover is no jpg file, can't save")
return False
if ub.config.config_use_google_drive:
tmpDir = gettempdir()
f = open(os.path.join(tmpDir, "uploaded_cover.jpg"), "wb")
gd.uploadFileToEbooksFolder(os.path.join(book_path, 'cover.jpg'), os.path.join(tmpDir, f.name))
web.app.logger.info("Cover is saved on Google Drive")
return True
f = open(os.path.join(ub.config.config_calibre_dir, book_path, "cover.jpg"), "wb")
web.app.logger.info("Cover is saved")
return True
def do_download_file(book, book_format, data, headers):
if ub.config.config_use_google_drive:
startTime = time.time()
df = gd.getFileFromEbooksFolder(book.path, data.name + "." + book_format)
web.app.logger.debug(time.time() - startTime)
if df:
return gd.do_gdrive_download(df, headers)
filename = os.path.join(ub.config.config_calibre_dir, book.path)
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(filename, data.name + "." + book_format)):
# ToDo: improve error handling
web.app.logger.error('File not found: %s' % os.path.join(filename, data.name + "." + book_format))
response = make_response(send_from_directory(filename, data.name + "." + book_format))
response.headers = headers
return response
def check_unrar(unrarLocation):
error = False
if os.path.exists(unrarLocation):
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
unrarLocation = unrarLocation.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
p = subprocess.Popen(unrarLocation, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
for lines in p.stdout.readlines():
if isinstance(lines, bytes):
lines = lines.decode('utf-8')
value=re.search('UNRAR (.*) freeware', lines)
if value:
version = value.group(1)
except OSError as e:
error = True
version =_(u'Error excecuting UnRar')
version = _(u'Unrar binary file not found')
return (error, version)
def json_serial(obj):
"""JSON serializer for objects not serializable by default json code"""
if isinstance(obj, (datetime)):
return obj.isoformat()
raise TypeError ("Type %s not serializable" % type(obj))
def render_task_status(tasklist):
#helper function to apply localize status information in tasklist entries
# task2 = task
for task in tasklist:
if task['user'] == current_user.nickname or current_user.role_admin():
# task2 = copy.deepcopy(task) # = task
if task['formStarttime']:
task['starttime'] = format_datetime(task['formStarttime'], format='short', locale=web.get_locale())
# task2['formStarttime'] = ""
if 'starttime' not in task:
task['starttime'] = ""
# localize the task status
if isinstance( task['stat'], int ):
if task['stat'] == worker.STAT_WAITING:
task['status'] = _(u'Waiting')
elif task['stat'] == worker.STAT_FAIL:
task['status'] = _(u'Failed')
elif task['stat'] == worker.STAT_STARTED:
task['status'] = _(u'Started')
elif task['stat'] == worker.STAT_FINISH_SUCCESS:
task['status'] = _(u'Finished')
task['status'] = _(u'Unknown Status')
# localize the task type
if isinstance( task['taskType'], int ):
if task['taskType'] == worker.TASK_EMAIL:
task['taskMessage'] = _(u'E-mail: ') + task['taskMess']
elif task['taskType'] == worker.TASK_CONVERT:
task['taskMessage'] = _(u'Convert: ') + task['taskMess']
elif task['taskType'] == worker.TASK_UPLOAD:
task['taskMessage'] = _(u'Upload: ') + task['taskMess']
elif task['taskType'] == worker.TASK_CONVERT_ANY:
task['taskMessage'] = _(u'Convert: ') + task['taskMess']
task['taskMessage'] = _(u'Unknown Task: ') + task['taskMess']
return renderedtasklist