mirror of https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web synced 2024-07-07 12:24:21 +00:00
2019-05-10 08:16:03 +09:00

1460 lines
40 KiB

* unrar.js
* Licensed under the MIT License
* Copyright(c) 2011 Google Inc.
* Copyright(c) 2011 antimatter15
// TODO: Rewrite the RarLocalHeader parsing to use a ByteStream instead
// of a BitStream so that it throws properly when not enough bytes are
// present.
// This file expects to be invoked as a Worker (see onmessage below).
const UnarchiveState = {
// State - consider putting these into a class.
let unarchiveState = UnarchiveState.NOT_STARTED;
let bytestream = null;
let allLocalFiles = null;
let logToConsole = false;
// Progress variables.
let currentFilename = '';
let currentFileNumber = 0;
let currentBytesUnarchivedInFile = 0;
let currentBytesUnarchived = 0;
let totalUncompressedBytesInArchive = 0;
let totalFilesInArchive = 0;
// Helper functions.
const info = function(str) {
postMessage(new bitjs.archive.UnarchiveInfoEvent(str));
const err = function(str) {
postMessage(new bitjs.archive.UnarchiveErrorEvent(str));
const postProgress = function() {
postMessage(new bitjs.archive.UnarchiveProgressEvent(
parseInt(bytestream.getNumBytesRead(), 10),
// shows a byte value as its hex representation
const nibble = '0123456789ABCDEF';
const byteValueToHexString = function(num) {
return nibble[num>>4] + nibble[num&0xF];
const twoByteValueToHexString = function(num) {
return nibble[(num>>12)&0xF] + nibble[(num>>8)&0xF] + nibble[(num>>4)&0xF] + nibble[num&0xF];
// Volume Types
const MARK_HEAD = 0x72;
const MAIN_HEAD = 0x73;
const FILE_HEAD = 0x74;
const COMM_HEAD = 0x75;
const AV_HEAD = 0x76;
const SUB_HEAD = 0x77;
const PROTECT_HEAD = 0x78;
const SIGN_HEAD = 0x79;
const NEWSUB_HEAD = 0x7a;
const ENDARC_HEAD = 0x7b;
// ============================================================================================== //
class RarVolumeHeader {
* @param {bitjs.io.ByteStream} bstream
constructor(bstream) {
let headBytesRead = 0;
// byte 1,2
this.crc = bstream.readNumber(2);
// byte 3
this.headType = bstream.readNumber(1);
// Get flags
// bytes 4,5
this.flags = {};
this.flags.value = bstream.readNumber(2);
const flagsValue = this.flags.value;
switch (this.headType) {
this.flags.MHD_VOLUME = !!(flagsValue & 0x01);
this.flags.MHD_COMMENT = !!(flagsValue & 0x02);
this.flags.MHD_LOCK = !!(flagsValue & 0x04);
this.flags.MHD_SOLID = !!(flagsValue & 0x08);
this.flags.MHD_PACK_COMMENT = !!(flagsValue & 0x10);
this.flags.MHD_NEWNUMBERING = this.flags.MHD_PACK_COMMENT;
this.flags.MHD_AV = !!(flagsValue & 0x20);
this.flags.MHD_PROTECT = !!(flagsValue & 0x40);
this.flags.MHD_PASSWORD = !!(flagsValue & 0x80);
this.flags.MHD_FIRSTVOLUME = !!(flagsValue & 0x100);
this.flags.MHD_ENCRYPTVER = !!(flagsValue & 0x200);
//bstream.readBits(6); // unused
this.flags.LHD_SPLIT_BEFORE = !!(flagsValue & 0x01);
this.flags.LHD_SPLIT_AFTER = !!(flagsValue & 0x02);
this.flags.LHD_PASSWORD = !!(flagsValue & 0x04);
this.flags.LHD_COMMENT = !!(flagsValue & 0x08);
this.flags.LHD_SOLID = !!(flagsValue & 0x10);
// 3 bits unused
this.flags.LHD_LARGE = !!(flagsValue & 0x100);
this.flags.LHD_UNICODE = !!(flagsValue & 0x200);
this.flags.LHD_SALT = !!(flagsValue & 0x400);
this.flags.LHD_VERSION = !!(flagsValue & 0x800);
this.flags.LHD_EXTTIME = !!(flagsValue & 0x1000);
this.flags.LHD_EXTFLAGS = !!(flagsValue & 0x2000);
// 2 bits unused
//info(' LHD_SPLIT_BEFORE = ' + this.flags.LHD_SPLIT_BEFORE);
// byte 6,7
this.headSize = bstream.readNumber(2);
headBytesRead += 7;
switch (this.headType) {
this.highPosAv = bstream.readNumber(2);
this.posAv = bstream.readNumber(4);
headBytesRead += 6;
if (this.flags.MHD_ENCRYPTVER) {
this.encryptVer = bstream.readNumber(1);
headBytesRead += 1;
//info('Found MAIN_HEAD with highPosAv=' + this.highPosAv + ', posAv=' + this.posAv);
this.packSize = bstream.readNumber(4);
this.unpackedSize = bstream.readNumber(4);
this.hostOS = bstream.readNumber(1);
this.fileCRC = bstream.readNumber(4);
this.fileTime = bstream.readNumber(4);
this.unpVer = bstream.readNumber(1);
this.method = bstream.readNumber(1);
this.nameSize = bstream.readNumber(2);
this.fileAttr = bstream.readNumber(4);
headBytesRead += 25;
if (this.flags.LHD_LARGE) {
//info('Warning: Reading in LHD_LARGE 64-bit size values');
this.HighPackSize = bstream.readNumber(4);
this.HighUnpSize = bstream.readNumber(4);
headBytesRead += 8;
} else {
this.HighPackSize = 0;
this.HighUnpSize = 0;
if (this.unpackedSize == 0xffffffff) {
this.HighUnpSize = 0x7fffffff
this.unpackedSize = 0xffffffff;
this.fullPackSize = 0;
this.fullUnpackSize = 0;
this.fullPackSize |= this.HighPackSize;
this.fullPackSize <<= 32;
this.fullPackSize |= this.packSize;
// read in filename
// TODO: Use readString?
this.filename = bstream.readBytes(this.nameSize);
headBytesRead += this.nameSize;
let _s = '';
for (let _i = 0; _i < this.filename.length; _i++) {
_s += String.fromCharCode(this.filename[_i]);
this.filename = _s;
if (this.flags.LHD_SALT) {
//info('Warning: Reading in 64-bit salt value');
this.salt = bstream.readBytes(8); // 8 bytes
headBytesRead += 8;
if (this.flags.LHD_EXTTIME) {
// 16-bit flags
const extTimeFlags = bstream.readNumber(2);
headBytesRead += 2;
// this is adapted straight out of arcread.cpp, Archive::ReadHeader()
for (let I = 0; I < 4; ++I) {
const rmode = extTimeFlags >> ((3 - I) * 4);
if ((rmode & 8) == 0) {
if (I != 0) {
headBytesRead += 2;
const count = (rmode & 3);
for (let J = 0; J < count; ++J) {
headBytesRead += 1;
if (this.flags.LHD_COMMENT) {
//info('Found a LHD_COMMENT');
if (headBytesRead < this.headSize) {
bstream.readBytes(this.headSize - headBytesRead);
if (logToConsole) {
info('Found a header of type 0x' + byteValueToHexString(this.headType));
// skip the rest of the header bytes (for now)
bstream.readBytes(this.headSize - 7);
dump() {
info(' crc=' + this.crc);
info(' headType=' + this.headType);
info(' flags=' + twoByteValueToHexString(this.flags.value));
info(' headSize=' + this.headSize);
if (this.headType == FILE_HEAD) {
info('Found FILE_HEAD with packSize=' + this.packSize + ', unpackedSize= ' +
this.unpackedSize + ', hostOS=' + this.hostOS + ', unpVer=' + this.unpVer + ', method=' +
this.method + ', filename=' + this.filename);
const BLOCK_LZ = 0;
const BLOCK_PPM = 1;
const rLDecode = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,12,14,16,20,24,28,32,40,48,56,64,80,96,112,128,160,192,224];
const rLBits = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5];
const rDBitLengthCounts = [4,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,14,0,12];
const rSDDecode = [0,4,8,16,32,64,128,192];
const rSDBits = [2,2,3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6];
const rDDecode = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32,
48, 64, 96, 128, 192, 256, 384, 512, 768, 1024, 1536, 2048, 3072,
4096, 6144, 8192, 12288, 16384, 24576, 32768, 49152, 65536, 98304,
131072, 196608, 262144, 327680, 393216, 458752, 524288, 589824,
655360, 720896, 786432, 851968, 917504, 983040];
const rDBits = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5,
5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14,
15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16];
const rLOW_DIST_REP_COUNT = 16;
const rNC = 299;
const rDC = 60;
const rLDC = 17;
const rRC = 28;
const rBC = 20;
const rHUFF_TABLE_SIZE = (rNC+rDC+rRC+rLDC);
const UnpOldTable = new Array(rHUFF_TABLE_SIZE);
const BD = { //bitdecode
DecodeLen: new Array(16),
DecodePos: new Array(16),
DecodeNum: new Array(rBC)
const LD = { //litdecode
DecodeLen: new Array(16),
DecodePos: new Array(16),
DecodeNum: new Array(rNC)
const DD = { //distdecode
DecodeLen: new Array(16),
DecodePos: new Array(16),
DecodeNum: new Array(rDC)
const LDD = { //low dist decode
DecodeLen: new Array(16),
DecodePos: new Array(16),
DecodeNum: new Array(rLDC)
const RD = { //rep decode
DecodeLen: new Array(16),
DecodePos: new Array(16),
DecodeNum: new Array(rRC)
* @type {Array<bitjs.io.ByteBuffer>}
const rOldBuffers = [];
* The current buffer we are unpacking to.
* @type {bitjs.io.ByteBuffer}
let rBuffer;
* The buffer of the final bytes after filtering (only used in Unpack29).
* @type {bitjs.io.ByteBuffer}
let wBuffer;
* In unpack.cpp, UnpPtr keeps track of what bytes have been unpacked
* into the Window buffer and WrPtr keeps track of what bytes have been
* actually written to disk after the unpacking and optional filtering
* has been done.
* In our case, rBuffer is the buffer for the unpacked bytes and wBuffer is
* the final output bytes.
* Read in Huffman tables for RAR
* @param {bitjs.io.BitStream} bstream
function RarReadTables(bstream) {
const BitLength = new Array(rBC);
const Table = new Array(rHUFF_TABLE_SIZE);
// before we start anything we need to get byte-aligned
bstream.readBits( (8 - bstream.bitPtr) & 0x7 );
if (bstream.readBits(1)) {
info('Error! PPM not implemented yet');
if (!bstream.readBits(1)) { //discard old table
for (let i = UnpOldTable.length; i--;) {
UnpOldTable[i] = 0;
// read in bit lengths
for (let I = 0; I < rBC; ++I) {
const Length = bstream.readBits(4);
if (Length == 15) {
let ZeroCount = bstream.readBits(4);
if (ZeroCount == 0) {
BitLength[I] = 15;
} else {
ZeroCount += 2;
while (ZeroCount-- > 0 && I < rBC) {
BitLength[I++] = 0;
} else {
BitLength[I] = Length;
// now all 20 bit lengths are obtained, we construct the Huffman Table:
RarMakeDecodeTables(BitLength, 0, BD, rBC);
const TableSize = rHUFF_TABLE_SIZE;
for (let i = 0; i < TableSize;) {
const num = RarDecodeNumber(bstream, BD);
if (num < 16) {
Table[i] = (num + UnpOldTable[i]) & 0xf;
} else if (num < 18) {
let N = (num == 16) ? (bstream.readBits(3) + 3) : (bstream.readBits(7) + 11);
while (N-- > 0 && i < TableSize) {
Table[i] = Table[i - 1];
} else {
let N = (num == 18) ? (bstream.readBits(3) + 3) : (bstream.readBits(7) + 11);
while (N-- > 0 && i < TableSize) {
Table[i++] = 0;
RarMakeDecodeTables(Table, 0, LD, rNC);
RarMakeDecodeTables(Table, rNC, DD, rDC);
RarMakeDecodeTables(Table, rNC + rDC, LDD, rLDC);
RarMakeDecodeTables(Table, rNC + rDC + rLDC, RD, rRC);
for (let i = UnpOldTable.length; i--;) {
UnpOldTable[i] = Table[i];
return true;
function RarDecodeNumber(bstream, dec) {
const DecodeLen = dec.DecodeLen;
const DecodePos = dec.DecodePos;
const DecodeNum = dec.DecodeNum;
const bitField = bstream.getBits() & 0xfffe;
//some sort of rolled out binary search
const bits = ((bitField < DecodeLen[8])?
((bitField < DecodeLen[4])?
((bitField < DecodeLen[2])?
((bitField < DecodeLen[1])?1:2)
:((bitField < DecodeLen[3])?3:4))
:(bitField < DecodeLen[6])?
((bitField < DecodeLen[5])?5:6)
:((bitField < DecodeLen[7])?7:8))
:((bitField < DecodeLen[12])?
((bitField < DecodeLen[10])?
((bitField < DecodeLen[9])?9:10)
:((bitField < DecodeLen[11])?11:12))
:(bitField < DecodeLen[14])?
((bitField < DecodeLen[13])?13:14)
const N = DecodePos[bits] + ((bitField - DecodeLen[bits -1]) >>> (16 - bits));
return DecodeNum[N];
function RarMakeDecodeTables(BitLength, offset, dec, size) {
const DecodeLen = dec.DecodeLen;
const DecodePos = dec.DecodePos;
const DecodeNum = dec.DecodeNum;
const LenCount = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
const TmpPos = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
let N = 0;
let M = 0;
for (let i = DecodeNum.length; i--;) {
DecodeNum[i] = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
LenCount[BitLength[i + offset] & 0xF]++;
LenCount[0] = 0;
TmpPos[0] = 0;
DecodePos[0] = 0;
DecodeLen[0] = 0;
for (let I = 1; I < 16; ++I) {
N = 2 * (N+LenCount[I]);
M = (N << (15-I));
if (M > 0xFFFF) {
M = 0xFFFF;
DecodeLen[I] = M;
DecodePos[I] = DecodePos[I-1] + LenCount[I-1];
TmpPos[I] = DecodePos[I];
for (let I = 0; I < size; ++I) {
if (BitLength[I + offset] != 0) {
DecodeNum[ TmpPos[ BitLength[offset + I] & 0xF ]++] = I;
// TODO: implement
* @param {bitjs.io.BitStream} bstream
* @param {boolean} Solid
function Unpack15(bstream, Solid) {
info('ERROR! RAR 1.5 compression not supported');
* Unpacks the bit stream into rBuffer using the Unpack20 algorithm.
* @param {bitjs.io.BitStream} bstream
* @param {boolean} Solid
function Unpack20(bstream, Solid) {
const destUnpSize = rBuffer.data.length;
let oldDistPtr = 0;
if (!Solid) {
while (destUnpSize > rBuffer.ptr) {
let num = RarDecodeNumber(bstream, LD);
if (num < 256) {
if (num > 269) {
let Length = rLDecode[num -= 270] + 3;
if ((Bits = rLBits[num]) > 0) {
Length += bstream.readBits(Bits);
let DistNumber = RarDecodeNumber(bstream, DD);
let Distance = rDDecode[DistNumber] + 1;
if ((Bits = rDBits[DistNumber]) > 0) {
Distance += bstream.readBits(Bits);
if (Distance >= 0x2000) {
if (Distance >= 0x40000) {
lastLength = Length;
lastDist = rOldDist[oldDistPtr++ & 3] = Distance;
RarCopyString(Length, Distance);
if (num == 269) {
if (num == 256) {
lastDist = rOldDist[oldDistPtr++ & 3] = lastDist;
RarCopyString(lastLength, lastDist);
if (num < 261) {
const Distance = rOldDist[(oldDistPtr - (num - 256)) & 3];
const LengthNumber = RarDecodeNumber(bstream, RD);
let Length = rLDecode[LengthNumber] +2;
if ((Bits = rLBits[LengthNumber]) > 0) {
Length += bstream.readBits(Bits);
if (Distance >= 0x101) {
if (Distance >= 0x2000) {
if (Distance >= 0x40000) {
lastLength = Length;
lastDist = rOldDist[oldDistPtr++ & 3] = Distance;
RarCopyString(Length, Distance);
if (num < 270) {
let Distance = rSDDecode[num -= 261] + 1;
if ((Bits = rSDBits[num]) > 0) {
Distance += bstream.readBits(Bits);
lastLength = 2;
lastDist = rOldDist[oldDistPtr++ & 3] = Distance;
RarCopyString(2, Distance);
function RarUpdateProgress() {
const change = rBuffer.ptr - currentBytesUnarchivedInFile;
currentBytesUnarchivedInFile = rBuffer.ptr;
currentBytesUnarchived += change;
const rNC20 = 298;
const rDC20 = 48;
const rRC20 = 28;
const rBC20 = 19;
const rMC20 = 257;
const UnpOldTable20 = new Array(rMC20 * 4);
// TODO: This function should return a boolean value, see unpack20.cpp.
function RarReadTables20(bstream) {
const BitLength = new Array(rBC20);
const Table = new Array(rMC20 * 4);
let TableSize;
let N;
let I;
const AudioBlock = bstream.readBits(1);
if (!bstream.readBits(1)) {
for (let i = UnpOldTable20.length; i--;) {
UnpOldTable20[i] = 0;
TableSize = rNC20 + rDC20 + rRC20;
for (I = 0; I < rBC20; I++) {
BitLength[I] = bstream.readBits(4);
RarMakeDecodeTables(BitLength, 0, BD, rBC20);
I = 0;
while (I < TableSize) {
const num = RarDecodeNumber(bstream, BD);
if (num < 16) {
Table[I] = num + UnpOldTable20[I] & 0xf;
} else if (num == 16) {
N = bstream.readBits(2) + 3;
while (N-- > 0 && I < TableSize) {
Table[I] = Table[I - 1];
} else {
if (num == 17) {
N = bstream.readBits(3) + 3;
} else {
N = bstream.readBits(7) + 11;
while (N-- > 0 && I < TableSize) {
Table[I++] = 0;
RarMakeDecodeTables(Table, 0, LD, rNC20);
RarMakeDecodeTables(Table, rNC20, DD, rDC20);
RarMakeDecodeTables(Table, rNC20 + rDC20, RD, rRC20);
for (let i = UnpOldTable20.length; i--;) {
UnpOldTable20[i] = Table[i];
let lowDistRepCount = 0;
let prevLowDist = 0;
let rOldDist = [0,0,0,0];
let lastDist;
let lastLength;
// ============================================================================================== //
// Unpack code specific to RarVM
const VM = new RarVM();
* Filters code, one entry per filter.
* @type {Array<UnpackFilter>}
let Filters = [];
* Filters stack, several entrances of same filter are possible.
* @type {Array<UnpackFilter>}
let PrgStack = [];
* Lengths of preceding blocks, one length per filter. Used to reduce
* size required to write block length if lengths are repeating.
* @type {Array<number>}
let OldFilterLengths = [];
let LastFilter = 0;
function InitFilters() {
OldFilterLengths = [];
LastFilter = 0;
Filters = [];
PrgStack = [];
* @param {number} firstByte The first byte (flags).
* @param {Uint8Array} vmCode An array of bytes.
function RarAddVMCode(firstByte, vmCode) {
const bstream = new bitjs.io.BitStream(vmCode.buffer, true /* rtl */);
let filtPos;
if (firstByte & 0x80) {
filtPos = RarVM.readData(bstream);
if (filtPos == 0) {
} else {
} else {
filtPos = LastFilter;
if (filtPos > Filters.length || filtPos > OldFilterLengths.length) {
return false;
LastFilter = filtPos;
const newFilter = (filtPos == Filters.length);
// new filter for PrgStack
const stackFilter = new UnpackFilter();
let filter = null;
// new filter code, never used before since VM reset
if (newFilter) {
// too many different filters, corrupt archive
if (filtPos > 1024) {
return false;
filter = new UnpackFilter();
stackFilter.ParentFilter = (Filters.length - 1);
OldFilterLengths.push(0); // OldFilterLengths.Add(1)
filter.ExecCount = 0;
} else { // filter was used in the past
filter = Filters[filtPos];
stackFilter.ParentFilter = filtPos;
let emptyCount = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < PrgStack.length; ++i) {
PrgStack[i - emptyCount] = PrgStack[i];
if (PrgStack[i] == null) {
if (emptyCount > 0) {
PrgStack[i] = null;
if (emptyCount == 0) {
PrgStack.push(null); //PrgStack.Add(1);
emptyCount = 1;
const stackPos = PrgStack.length - emptyCount;
PrgStack[stackPos] = stackFilter;
stackFilter.ExecCount = filter.ExecCount;
let blockStart = RarVM.readData(bstream);
if (firstByte & 0x40) {
blockStart += 258;
stackFilter.BlockStart = (blockStart + rBuffer.ptr) & MAXWINMASK;
if (firstByte & 0x20) {
stackFilter.BlockLength = RarVM.readData(bstream);
} else {
stackFilter.BlockLength = filtPos < OldFilterLengths.length
? OldFilterLengths[filtPos]
: 0;
stackFilter.NextWindow = (wBuffer.ptr != rBuffer.ptr) &&
(((wBuffer.ptr - rBuffer.ptr) & MAXWINMASK) <= blockStart);
OldFilterLengths[filtPos] = stackFilter.BlockLength;
for (let i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
stackFilter.Prg.InitR[i] = 0;
stackFilter.Prg.InitR[3] = VM_GLOBALMEMADDR;
stackFilter.Prg.InitR[4] = stackFilter.BlockLength;
stackFilter.Prg.InitR[5] = stackFilter.ExecCount;
// set registers to optional parameters if any
if (firstByte & 0x10) {
const initMask = bstream.readBits(7);
for (let i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
if (initMask & (1 << i)) {
stackFilter.Prg.InitR[i] = RarVM.readData(bstream);
if (newFilter) {
const vmCodeSize = RarVM.readData(bstream);
if (vmCodeSize >= 0x10000 || vmCodeSize == 0) {
return false;
const vmCode = new Uint8Array(vmCodeSize);
for (let i = 0; i < vmCodeSize; ++i) {
//if (Inp.Overflow(3))
// return(false);
vmCode[i] = bstream.readBits(8);
VM.prepare(vmCode, filter.Prg);
stackFilter.Prg.Cmd = filter.Prg.Cmd;
stackFilter.Prg.AltCmd = filter.Prg.Cmd;
const staticDataSize = filter.Prg.StaticData.length;
if (staticDataSize > 0 && staticDataSize < VM_GLOBALMEMSIZE) {
// read statically defined data contained in DB commands
for (let i = 0; i < staticDataSize; ++i) {
stackFilter.Prg.StaticData[i] = filter.Prg.StaticData[i];
if (stackFilter.Prg.GlobalData.length < VM_FIXEDGLOBALSIZE) {
stackFilter.Prg.GlobalData = new Uint8Array(VM_FIXEDGLOBALSIZE);
const globalData = stackFilter.Prg.GlobalData;
for (let i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
VM.setLowEndianValue(globalData, stackFilter.Prg.InitR[i], i * 4);
VM.setLowEndianValue(globalData, stackFilter.BlockLength, 0x1c);
VM.setLowEndianValue(globalData, 0, 0x20);
VM.setLowEndianValue(globalData, stackFilter.ExecCount, 0x2c);
for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
globalData[0x30 + i] = 0;
// put data block passed as parameter if any
if (firstByte & 8) {
//if (Inp.Overflow(3))
// return(false);
const dataSize = RarVM.readData(bstream);
return false;
const curSize = stackFilter.Prg.GlobalData.length;
if (curSize < dataSize + VM_FIXEDGLOBALSIZE) {
// Resize global data and update the stackFilter and local variable.
const numBytesToAdd = dataSize + VM_FIXEDGLOBALSIZE - curSize;
const newGlobalData = new Uint8Array(globalData.length + numBytesToAdd);
stackFilter.Prg.GlobalData = newGlobalData;
globalData = newGlobalData;
//byte *GlobalData=&StackFilter->Prg.GlobalData[VM_FIXEDGLOBALSIZE];
for (let i = 0; i < dataSize; ++i) {
//if (Inp.Overflow(3))
// return(false);
globalData[VM_FIXEDGLOBALSIZE + i] = bstream.readBits(8);
return true;
* @param {!bitjs.io.BitStream} bstream
function RarReadVMCode(bstream) {
const firstByte = bstream.readBits(8);
let length = (firstByte & 7) + 1;
if (length == 7) {
length = bstream.readBits(8) + 7;
} else if (length == 8) {
length = bstream.readBits(16);
// Read all bytes of VM code into an array.
const vmCode = new Uint8Array(length);
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
// Do something here with checking readbuf.
vmCode[i] = bstream.readBits(8);
return RarAddVMCode(firstByte, vmCode);
* Unpacks the bit stream into rBuffer using the Unpack29 algorithm.
* @param {bitjs.io.BitStream} bstream
* @param {boolean} Solid
function Unpack29(bstream, Solid) {
// lazy initialize rDDecode and rDBits
const DDecode = new Array(rDC);
const DBits = new Array(rDC);
let Dist = 0;
let BitLength = 0;
let Slot = 0;
for (let I = 0; I < rDBitLengthCounts.length; I++,BitLength++) {
for (let J = 0; J < rDBitLengthCounts[I]; J++,Slot++,Dist+=(1<<BitLength)) {
let Bits;
//tablesRead = false;
rOldDist = [0,0,0,0]
lastDist = 0;
lastLength = 0;
for (let i = UnpOldTable.length; i--;) {
UnpOldTable[i] = 0;
// read in Huffman tables
while (true) {
let num = RarDecodeNumber(bstream, LD);
if (num < 256) {
if (num >= 271) {
let Length = rLDecode[num -= 271] + 3;
if ((Bits = rLBits[num]) > 0) {
Length += bstream.readBits(Bits);
const DistNumber = RarDecodeNumber(bstream, DD);
let Distance = DDecode[DistNumber] + 1;
if ((Bits = DBits[DistNumber]) > 0) {
if (DistNumber > 9) {
if (Bits > 4) {
Distance += ((bstream.getBits() >>> (20 - Bits)) << 4);
bstream.readBits(Bits - 4);
//todo: check this
if (lowDistRepCount > 0) {
Distance += prevLowDist;
} else {
const LowDist = RarDecodeNumber(bstream, LDD);
if (LowDist == 16) {
lowDistRepCount = rLOW_DIST_REP_COUNT - 1;
Distance += prevLowDist;
} else {
Distance += LowDist;
prevLowDist = LowDist;
} else {
Distance += bstream.readBits(Bits);
if (Distance >= 0x2000) {
if (Distance >= 0x40000) {
RarInsertLastMatch(Length, Distance);
RarCopyString(Length, Distance);
if (num == 256) {
if (!RarReadEndOfBlock(bstream)) {
if (num == 257) {
if (!RarReadVMCode(bstream)) {
if (num == 258) {
if (lastLength != 0) {
RarCopyString(lastLength, lastDist);
if (num < 263) {
const DistNum = num - 259;
const Distance = rOldDist[DistNum];
for (let I = DistNum; I > 0; I--) {
rOldDist[I] = rOldDist[I-1];
rOldDist[0] = Distance;
const LengthNumber = RarDecodeNumber(bstream, RD);
let Length = rLDecode[LengthNumber] + 2;
if ((Bits = rLBits[LengthNumber]) > 0) {
Length += bstream.readBits(Bits);
RarInsertLastMatch(Length, Distance);
RarCopyString(Length, Distance);
if (num < 272) {
let Distance = rSDDecode[num -= 263] + 1;
if ((Bits = rSDBits[num]) > 0) {
Distance += bstream.readBits(Bits);
RarInsertLastMatch(2, Distance);
RarCopyString(2, Distance);
} // while (true)
* Does stuff to the current byte buffer (rBuffer) based on
* the filters loaded into the RarVM and writes out to wBuffer.
function RarWriteBuf() {
let writeSize = (rBuffer.ptr & MAXWINMASK);
for (let i = 0; i < PrgStack.length; ++i) {
const flt = PrgStack[i];
if (flt == null) {
if (flt.NextWindow) {
flt.NextWindow = false;
const blockStart = flt.BlockStart;
const blockLength = flt.BlockLength;
// WrittenBorder = wBuffer.ptr
if (((blockStart - wBuffer.ptr) & MAXWINMASK) < writeSize) {
if (wBuffer.ptr != blockStart) {
// Copy blockStart bytes from rBuffer into wBuffer.
RarWriteArea(wBuffer.ptr, blockStart);
writeSize = (rBuffer.ptr - wBuffer.ptr) & MAXWINMASK;
if (blockLength <= writeSize) {
const blockEnd = (blockStart + blockLength) & MAXWINMASK;
if (blockStart < blockEnd || blockEnd == 0) {
VM.setMemory(0, rBuffer.data.subarray(blockStart, blockStart + blockLength), blockLength);
} else {
const firstPartLength = MAXWINSIZE - blockStart;
VM.setMemory(0, rBuffer.data.subarray(blockStart, blockStart + firstPartLength), firstPartLength);
VM.setMemory(firstPartLength, rBuffer.data, blockEnd);
const parentPrg = Filters[flt.ParentFilter].Prg;
const prg = flt.Prg;
if (parentPrg.GlobalData.length > VM_FIXEDGLOBALSIZE) {
// Copy global data from previous script execution if any.
prg.GlobalData = new Uint8Array(parentPrg.GlobalData);
if (prg.GlobalData.length > VM_FIXEDGLOBALSIZE) {
// Save global data for next script execution.
const globalDataLen = prg.GlobalData.length;
if (parentPrg.GlobalData.length < globalDataLen) {
parentPrg.GlobalData = new Uint8Array(globalDataLen);
this.mem_.subarray(VM_FIXEDGLOBALSIZE, VM_FIXEDGLOBALSIZE + globalDataLen),
} else {
parentPrg.GlobalData = new Uint8Array(0);
let filteredData = prg.FilteredData;
PrgStack[i] = null;
while (i + 1 < PrgStack.length) {
const nextFilter = PrgStack[i + 1];
if (nextFilter == null || nextFilter.BlockStart != blockStart ||
nextFilter.BlockLength != filteredData.length || nextFilter.NextWindow) {
// Apply several filters to same data block.
VM.setMemory(0, filteredData, filteredData.length);
const innerParentPrg = Filters[nextFilter.ParentFilter].Prg;
const nextPrg = nextFilter.Prg;
const globalDataLen = innerParentPrg.GlobalData.length;
if (globalDataLen > VM_FIXEDGLOBALSIZE) {
// Copy global data from previous script execution if any.
nextPrg.GlobalData = new Uint8Array(globalDataLen);
nextPrg.GlobalData.set(innerParentPrg.GlobalData.subarray(VM_FIXEDGLOBALSIZE, VM_FIXEDGLOBALSIZE + globalDataLen), VM_FIXEDGLOBALSIZE);
if (nextPrg.GlobalData.length > VM_GLOBALMEMSIZE) {
// Save global data for next script execution.
const globalDataLen = nextPrg.GlobalData.length;
if (innerParentPrg.GlobalData.length < globalDataLen) {
innerParentPrg.GlobalData = new Uint8Array(globalDataLen);
this.mem_.subarray(VM_FIXEDGLOBALSIZE, VM_FIXEDGLOBALSIZE + globalDataLen),
} else {
innerParentPrg.GlobalData = new Uint8Array(0);
filteredData = nextPrg.FilteredData;
PrgStack[i] = null;
} // while (i + 1 < PrgStack.length)
for (let j = 0; j < filteredData.length; ++j) {
writeSize = (rBuffer.ptr - wBuffer.ptr) & MAXWINMASK;
} // if (blockLength <= writeSize)
else {
for (let j = i; j < PrgStack.length; ++j) {
const theFlt = PrgStack[j];
if (theFlt != null && theFlt.NextWindow) {
theFlt.NextWindow = false;
} // if (((blockStart - wBuffer.ptr) & MAXWINMASK) < writeSize)
} // for (let i = 0; i < PrgStack.length; ++i)
// Write any remaining bytes from rBuffer to wBuffer;
RarWriteArea(wBuffer.ptr, rBuffer.ptr);
// Now that the filtered buffer has been written, swap it back to rBuffer.
rBuffer = wBuffer;
* Copy bytes from rBuffer to wBuffer.
* @param {number} startPtr The starting point to copy from rBuffer.
* @param {number} endPtr The ending point to copy from rBuffer.
function RarWriteArea(startPtr, endPtr) {
if (endPtr < startPtr) {
console.error('endPtr < startPtr, endPtr=' + endPtr + ', startPtr=' + startPtr);
// RarWriteData(startPtr, -(int)StartPtr & MAXWINMASK);
// RarWriteData(0, endPtr);
} else if (startPtr < endPtr) {
RarWriteData(startPtr, endPtr - startPtr);
* Writes bytes into wBuffer from rBuffer.
* @param {number} offset The starting point to copy bytes from rBuffer.
* @param {number} numBytes The number of bytes to copy.
function RarWriteData(offset, numBytes) {
if (wBuffer.ptr >= rBuffer.data.length) {
const leftToWrite = rBuffer.data.length - wBuffer.ptr;
if (numBytes > leftToWrite) {
numBytes = leftToWrite;
for (let i = 0; i < numBytes; ++i) {
wBuffer.insertByte(rBuffer.data[offset + i]);
* @param {VM_PreparedProgram} prg
function RarExecuteCode(prg)
if (prg.GlobalData.length > 0) {
const writtenFileSize = wBuffer.ptr;
prg.InitR[6] = writtenFileSize;
VM.setLowEndianValue(prg.GlobalData, writtenFileSize, 0x24);
VM.setLowEndianValue(prg.GlobalData, (writtenFileSize >>> 32) >> 0, 0x28);
function RarReadEndOfBlock(bstream) {
let NewTable = false;
let NewFile = false;
if (bstream.readBits(1)) {
NewTable = true;
} else {
NewFile = true;
NewTable = !!bstream.readBits(1);
//tablesRead = !NewTable;
return !(NewFile || NewTable && !RarReadTables(bstream));
function RarInsertLastMatch(length, distance) {
lastDist = distance;
lastLength = length;
function RarInsertOldDist(distance) {
* Copies len bytes from distance bytes ago in the buffer to the end of the
* current byte buffer.
* @param {number} length How many bytes to copy.
* @param {number} distance How far back in the buffer from the current write
* pointer to start copying from.
function RarCopyString(len, distance) {
let srcPtr = rBuffer.ptr - distance;
// If we need to go back to previous buffers, then seek back.
if (srcPtr < 0) {
let l = rOldBuffers.length;
while (srcPtr < 0) {
srcPtr = rOldBuffers[--l].data.length + srcPtr;
// TODO: lets hope that it never needs to read across buffer boundaries
while (len--) {
if (len > distance) {
while (len--) {
} else {
rBuffer.insertBytes(rBuffer.data.subarray(srcPtr, srcPtr + len));
* @param {RarLocalFile} v
function unpack(v) {
// TODO: implement what happens when unpVer is < 15
const Ver = v.header.unpVer <= 15 ? 15 : v.header.unpVer;
const Solid = v.header.flags.LHD_SOLID;
const bstream = new bitjs.io.BitStream(v.fileData.buffer, true /* rtl */, v.fileData.byteOffset, v.fileData.byteLength );
rBuffer = new bitjs.io.ByteBuffer(v.header.unpackedSize);
if (logToConsole) {
info('Unpacking ' + v.filename + ' RAR v' + Ver);
switch (Ver) {
case 15: // rar 1.5 compression
Unpack15(bstream, Solid);
case 20: // rar 2.x compression
case 26: // files larger than 2GB
Unpack20(bstream, Solid);
case 29: // rar 3.x compression
case 36: // alternative hash
wBuffer = new bitjs.io.ByteBuffer(rBuffer.data.length);
Unpack29(bstream, Solid);
} // switch(method)
// TODO: clear these old buffers when there's over 4MB of history
return rBuffer.data;
class RarLocalFile {
* @param {bitjs.io.ByteStream} bstream
constructor(bstream) {
this.header = new RarVolumeHeader(bstream);
this.filename = this.header.filename;
if (this.header.headType != FILE_HEAD && this.header.headType != ENDARC_HEAD) {
this.isValid = false;
info('Error! RAR Volume did not include a FILE_HEAD header ');
else {
// read in the compressed data
this.fileData = null;
if (this.header.packSize > 0) {
this.fileData = bstream.readBytes(this.header.packSize);
this.isValid = true;
unrar() {
if (!this.header.flags.LHD_SPLIT_BEFORE) {
// unstore file
if (this.header.method == 0x30) {
if (logToConsole) {
info('Unstore ' + this.filename);
this.isValid = true;
currentBytesUnarchivedInFile += this.fileData.length;
currentBytesUnarchived += this.fileData.length;
// Create a new buffer and copy it over.
const len = this.header.packSize;
const newBuffer = new bitjs.io.ByteBuffer(len);
this.fileData = newBuffer.data;
} else {
this.isValid = true;
this.fileData = unpack(this);
// Reads in the volume and main header.
function unrar_start() {
let bstream = bytestream.tee();
const header = new RarVolumeHeader(bstream);
if (header.crc == 0x6152 &&
header.headType == 0x72 &&
header.flags.value == 0x1A21 &&
header.headSize == 7) {
if (logToConsole) {
info('Found RAR signature');
const mhead = new RarVolumeHeader(bstream);
if (mhead.headType != MAIN_HEAD) {
info('Error! RAR did not include a MAIN_HEAD header');
} else {
bytestream = bstream.tee();
function unrar() {
let bstream = bytestream.tee();
let localFile = null;
do {
localFile = new RarLocalFile(bstream);
if (logToConsole) {
info('RAR localFile isValid=' + localFile.isValid + ', volume packSize=' + localFile.header.packSize);
if (localFile && localFile.isValid && localFile.header.packSize > 0) {
bytestream = bstream.tee();
totalUncompressedBytesInArchive += localFile.header.unpackedSize;
currentFilename = localFile.header.filename;
currentBytesUnarchivedInFile = 0;
if (localFile.isValid) {
postMessage(new bitjs.archive.UnarchiveExtractEvent(localFile));
} else if (localFile.header.packSize == 0 && localFile.header.unpackedSize == 0) {
// Skip this file.
localFile.isValid = true;
} while (localFile.isValid && bstream.getNumBytesLeft() > 0);
totalFilesInArchive = allLocalFiles.length;
bytestream = bstream.tee();
// event.data.file has the first ArrayBuffer.
// event.data.bytes has all subsequent ArrayBuffers.
onmessage = function(event) {
const bytes = event.data.file || event.data.bytes;
logToConsole = !!event.data.logToConsole;
// This is the very first time we have been called. Initialize the bytestream.
if (!bytestream) {
bytestream = new bitjs.io.ByteStream(bytes);
currentFilename = '';
currentFileNumber = 0;
currentBytesUnarchivedInFile = 0;
currentBytesUnarchived = 0;
totalUncompressedBytesInArchive = 0;
totalFilesInArchive = 0;
allLocalFiles = [];
postMessage(new bitjs.archive.UnarchiveStartEvent());
} else {
if (unarchiveState === UnarchiveState.NOT_STARTED) {
try {
unarchiveState = UnarchiveState.UNARCHIVING;
} catch (e) {
if (typeof e === 'string' && e.startsWith('Error! Overflowed')) {
if (logToConsole) {
// Overrun the buffer.
unarchiveState = UnarchiveState.WAITING;
} else {
console.error('Found an error while unrarring');
throw e;
if (unarchiveState === UnarchiveState.UNARCHIVING ||
unarchiveState === UnarchiveState.WAITING) {
try {
unarchiveState = UnarchiveState.FINISHED;
postMessage(new bitjs.archive.UnarchiveFinishEvent());
} catch (e) {
if (typeof e === 'string' && e.startsWith('Error! Overflowed')) {
if (logToConsole) {
// Overrun the buffer.
unarchiveState = UnarchiveState.WAITING;
} else {
console.error('Found an error while unrarring');
throw e;