mirror of https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web synced 2024-10-02 08:50:48 +00:00

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Checks the sandbox and other security features.
:copyright: (c) 2010 by the Jinja Team.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
import unittest
from jinja2.testsuite import JinjaTestCase
from jinja2 import Environment
from jinja2.sandbox import SandboxedEnvironment, \
ImmutableSandboxedEnvironment, unsafe
from jinja2 import Markup, escape
from jinja2.exceptions import SecurityError, TemplateSyntaxError, \
from jinja2._compat import text_type
class PrivateStuff(object):
def bar(self):
return 23
def foo(self):
return 42
def __repr__(self):
return 'PrivateStuff'
class PublicStuff(object):
bar = lambda self: 23
_foo = lambda self: 42
def __repr__(self):
return 'PublicStuff'
class SandboxTestCase(JinjaTestCase):
def test_unsafe(self):
env = SandboxedEnvironment()
self.assert_raises(SecurityError, env.from_string("{{ foo.foo() }}").render,
self.assert_equal(env.from_string("{{ foo.bar() }}").render(foo=PrivateStuff()), '23')
self.assert_raises(SecurityError, env.from_string("{{ foo._foo() }}").render,
self.assert_equal(env.from_string("{{ foo.bar() }}").render(foo=PublicStuff()), '23')
self.assert_equal(env.from_string("{{ foo.__class__ }}").render(foo=42), '')
self.assert_equal(env.from_string("{{ foo.func_code }}").render(foo=lambda:None), '')
# security error comes from __class__ already.
self.assert_raises(SecurityError, env.from_string(
"{{ foo.__class__.__subclasses__() }}").render, foo=42)
def test_immutable_environment(self):
env = ImmutableSandboxedEnvironment()
self.assert_raises(SecurityError, env.from_string(
'{{ [].append(23) }}').render)
self.assert_raises(SecurityError, env.from_string(
'{{ {1:2}.clear() }}').render)
def test_restricted(self):
env = SandboxedEnvironment()
self.assert_raises(TemplateSyntaxError, env.from_string,
"{% for item.attribute in seq %}...{% endfor %}")
self.assert_raises(TemplateSyntaxError, env.from_string,
"{% for foo, bar.baz in seq %}...{% endfor %}")
def test_markup_operations(self):
# adding two strings should escape the unsafe one
unsafe = '<script type="application/x-some-script">alert("foo");</script>'
safe = Markup('<em>username</em>')
assert unsafe + safe == text_type(escape(unsafe)) + text_type(safe)
# string interpolations are safe to use too
assert Markup('<em>%s</em>') % '<bad user>' == \
'<em>&lt;bad user&gt;</em>'
assert Markup('<em>%(username)s</em>') % {
'username': '<bad user>'
} == '<em>&lt;bad user&gt;</em>'
# an escaped object is markup too
assert type(Markup('foo') + 'bar') is Markup
# and it implements __html__ by returning itself
x = Markup("foo")
assert x.__html__() is x
# it also knows how to treat __html__ objects
class Foo(object):
def __html__(self):
return '<em>awesome</em>'
def __unicode__(self):
return 'awesome'
assert Markup(Foo()) == '<em>awesome</em>'
assert Markup('<strong>%s</strong>') % Foo() == \
# escaping and unescaping
assert escape('"<>&\'') == '&#34;&lt;&gt;&amp;&#39;'
assert Markup("<em>Foo &amp; Bar</em>").striptags() == "Foo & Bar"
assert Markup("&lt;test&gt;").unescape() == "<test>"
def test_template_data(self):
env = Environment(autoescape=True)
t = env.from_string('{% macro say_hello(name) %}'
'<p>Hello {{ name }}!</p>{% endmacro %}'
'{{ say_hello("<blink>foo</blink>") }}')
escaped_out = '<p>Hello &lt;blink&gt;foo&lt;/blink&gt;!</p>'
assert t.render() == escaped_out
assert text_type(t.module) == escaped_out
assert escape(t.module) == escaped_out
assert t.module.say_hello('<blink>foo</blink>') == escaped_out
assert escape(t.module.say_hello('<blink>foo</blink>')) == escaped_out
def test_attr_filter(self):
env = SandboxedEnvironment()
tmpl = env.from_string('{{ cls|attr("__subclasses__")() }}')
self.assert_raises(SecurityError, tmpl.render, cls=int)
def test_binary_operator_intercepting(self):
def disable_op(left, right):
raise TemplateRuntimeError('that operator so does not work')
for expr, ctx, rv in ('1 + 2', {}, '3'), ('a + 2', {'a': 2}, '4'):
env = SandboxedEnvironment()
env.binop_table['+'] = disable_op
t = env.from_string('{{ %s }}' % expr)
assert t.render(ctx) == rv
env.intercepted_binops = frozenset(['+'])
t = env.from_string('{{ %s }}' % expr)
except TemplateRuntimeError as e:
self.fail('expected runtime error')
def test_unary_operator_intercepting(self):
def disable_op(arg):
raise TemplateRuntimeError('that operator so does not work')
for expr, ctx, rv in ('-1', {}, '-1'), ('-a', {'a': 2}, '-2'):
env = SandboxedEnvironment()
env.unop_table['-'] = disable_op
t = env.from_string('{{ %s }}' % expr)
assert t.render(ctx) == rv
env.intercepted_unops = frozenset(['-'])
t = env.from_string('{{ %s }}' % expr)
except TemplateRuntimeError as e:
self.fail('expected runtime error')
def suite():
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
return suite