mirror of https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web synced 2024-10-02 08:50:48 +00:00

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Tests the import features (with includes).
:copyright: (c) 2010 by the Jinja Team.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
import unittest
from jinja2.testsuite import JinjaTestCase
from jinja2 import Environment, DictLoader
from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateNotFound, TemplatesNotFound
test_env = Environment(loader=DictLoader(dict(
module='{% macro test() %}[{{ foo }}|{{ bar }}]{% endmacro %}',
header='[{{ foo }}|{{ 23 }}]',
o_printer='({{ o }})'
test_env.globals['bar'] = 23
class ImportsTestCase(JinjaTestCase):
def test_context_imports(self):
t = test_env.from_string('{% import "module" as m %}{{ m.test() }}')
assert t.render(foo=42) == '[|23]'
t = test_env.from_string('{% import "module" as m without context %}{{ m.test() }}')
assert t.render(foo=42) == '[|23]'
t = test_env.from_string('{% import "module" as m with context %}{{ m.test() }}')
assert t.render(foo=42) == '[42|23]'
t = test_env.from_string('{% from "module" import test %}{{ test() }}')
assert t.render(foo=42) == '[|23]'
t = test_env.from_string('{% from "module" import test without context %}{{ test() }}')
assert t.render(foo=42) == '[|23]'
t = test_env.from_string('{% from "module" import test with context %}{{ test() }}')
assert t.render(foo=42) == '[42|23]'
def test_trailing_comma(self):
test_env.from_string('{% from "foo" import bar, baz with context %}')
test_env.from_string('{% from "foo" import bar, baz, with context %}')
test_env.from_string('{% from "foo" import bar, with context %}')
test_env.from_string('{% from "foo" import bar, with, context %}')
test_env.from_string('{% from "foo" import bar, with with context %}')
def test_exports(self):
m = test_env.from_string('''
{% macro toplevel() %}...{% endmacro %}
{% macro __private() %}...{% endmacro %}
{% set variable = 42 %}
{% for item in [1] %}
{% macro notthere() %}{% endmacro %}
{% endfor %}
assert m.toplevel() == '...'
assert not hasattr(m, '__missing')
assert m.variable == 42
assert not hasattr(m, 'notthere')
class IncludesTestCase(JinjaTestCase):
def test_context_include(self):
t = test_env.from_string('{% include "header" %}')
assert t.render(foo=42) == '[42|23]'
t = test_env.from_string('{% include "header" with context %}')
assert t.render(foo=42) == '[42|23]'
t = test_env.from_string('{% include "header" without context %}')
assert t.render(foo=42) == '[|23]'
def test_choice_includes(self):
t = test_env.from_string('{% include ["missing", "header"] %}')
assert t.render(foo=42) == '[42|23]'
t = test_env.from_string('{% include ["missing", "missing2"] ignore missing %}')
assert t.render(foo=42) == ''
t = test_env.from_string('{% include ["missing", "missing2"] %}')
self.assert_raises(TemplateNotFound, t.render)
except TemplatesNotFound as e:
assert e.templates == ['missing', 'missing2']
assert e.name == 'missing2'
assert False, 'thou shalt raise'
def test_includes(t, **ctx):
ctx['foo'] = 42
assert t.render(ctx) == '[42|23]'
t = test_env.from_string('{% include ["missing", "header"] %}')
t = test_env.from_string('{% include x %}')
test_includes(t, x=['missing', 'header'])
t = test_env.from_string('{% include [x, "header"] %}')
test_includes(t, x='missing')
t = test_env.from_string('{% include x %}')
test_includes(t, x='header')
t = test_env.from_string('{% include x %}')
test_includes(t, x='header')
t = test_env.from_string('{% include [x] %}')
test_includes(t, x='header')
def test_include_ignoring_missing(self):
t = test_env.from_string('{% include "missing" %}')
self.assert_raises(TemplateNotFound, t.render)
for extra in '', 'with context', 'without context':
t = test_env.from_string('{% include "missing" ignore missing ' +
extra + ' %}')
assert t.render() == ''
def test_context_include_with_overrides(self):
env = Environment(loader=DictLoader(dict(
main="{% for item in [1, 2, 3] %}{% include 'item' %}{% endfor %}",
item="{{ item }}"
assert env.get_template("main").render() == "123"
def test_included_block_override(self):
env = Environment(loader=DictLoader(dict(
main="{% extends 'base' %}{% block b %}1337{% endblock %}",
base="{% include 'inc' %}",
inc="{% block b %}42{% endblock %}"
assert env.get_template("main").render() == "1337"
def test_included_block_override_with_super(self):
env = Environment(loader=DictLoader(dict(
main="{% extends 'base' %}{% block b %}1337|{{ super() }}{% endblock %}",
base="{% include 'inc' %}",
inc="{% block b %}42{% endblock %}"
assert env.get_template("main").render() == "1337|42"
def test_unoptimized_scopes(self):
t = test_env.from_string("""
{% macro outer(o) %}
{% macro inner() %}
{% include "o_printer" %}
{% endmacro %}
{{ inner() }}
{% endmacro %}
{{ outer("FOO") }}
assert t.render().strip() == '(FOO)'
def suite():
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
return suite