mirror of https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web synced 2024-10-01 08:20:49 +00:00
OzzieIsaacs bbf6d9b026 Translation of UI (german and english)
Bugfix for feeds
    - removed categories related and up
    - load new books now working
    - category random now working
login page is free of non accessible elements
boolean custom column is vivible in UI
books with only with certain languages can be shown
book shelfs can be deleted from UI
Anonymous user view is more resticted
Added browse of series in sidebar
Dependencys in vendor folder are updated to newer versions (licencs files are now present)
Bugfix editing Authors names
Made upload on windows working
2016-11-09 19:24:33 +01:00

490 lines
16 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
CLDR Plural support. See UTS #35.
:copyright: (c) 2013 by the Babel Team.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
import re
_plural_tags = ('zero', 'one', 'two', 'few', 'many', 'other')
_fallback_tag = 'other'
class PluralRule(object):
"""Represents a set of language pluralization rules. The constructor
accepts a list of (tag, expr) tuples or a dict of CLDR rules. The
resulting object is callable and accepts one parameter with a positive or
negative number (both integer and float) for the number that indicates the
plural form for a string and returns the tag for the format:
>>> rule = PluralRule({'one': 'n is 1'})
>>> rule(1)
>>> rule(2)
Currently the CLDR defines these tags: zero, one, two, few, many and
other where other is an implicit default. Rules should be mutually
exclusive; for a given numeric value, only one rule should apply (i.e.
the condition should only be true for one of the plural rule elements.
__slots__ = ('abstract', '_func')
def __init__(self, rules):
"""Initialize the rule instance.
:param rules: a list of ``(tag, expr)``) tuples with the rules
conforming to UTS #35 or a dict with the tags as keys
and expressions as values.
:raise RuleError: if the expression is malformed
if isinstance(rules, dict):
rules = rules.items()
found = set()
self.abstract = []
for key, expr in sorted(list(rules)):
if key not in _plural_tags:
raise ValueError('unknown tag %r' % key)
elif key in found:
raise ValueError('tag %r defined twice' % key)
self.abstract.append((key, _Parser(expr).ast))
def __repr__(self):
rules = self.rules
return '<%s %r>' % (
', '.join(['%s: %s' % (tag, rules[tag]) for tag in _plural_tags
if tag in rules])
def parse(cls, rules):
"""Create a `PluralRule` instance for the given rules. If the rules
are a `PluralRule` object, that object is returned.
:param rules: the rules as list or dict, or a `PluralRule` object
:raise RuleError: if the expression is malformed
if isinstance(rules, cls):
return rules
return cls(rules)
def rules(self):
"""The `PluralRule` as a dict of unicode plural rules.
>>> rule = PluralRule({'one': 'n is 1'})
>>> rule.rules
{'one': 'n is 1'}
_compile = _UnicodeCompiler().compile
return dict([(tag, _compile(ast)) for tag, ast in self.abstract])
tags = property(lambda x: frozenset([i[0] for i in x.abstract]), doc="""
A set of explicitly defined tags in this rule. The implicit default
``'other'`` rules is not part of this set unless there is an explicit
rule for it.""")
def __getstate__(self):
return self.abstract
def __setstate__(self, abstract):
self.abstract = abstract
def __call__(self, n):
if not hasattr(self, '_func'):
self._func = to_python(self)
return self._func(n)
def to_javascript(rule):
"""Convert a list/dict of rules or a `PluralRule` object into a JavaScript
function. This function depends on no external library:
>>> to_javascript({'one': 'n is 1'})
"(function(n) { return (n == 1) ? 'one' : 'other'; })"
Implementation detail: The function generated will probably evaluate
expressions involved into range operations multiple times. This has the
advantage that external helper functions are not required and is not a
big performance hit for these simple calculations.
:param rule: the rules as list or dict, or a `PluralRule` object
:raise RuleError: if the expression is malformed
to_js = _JavaScriptCompiler().compile
result = ['(function(n) { return ']
for tag, ast in PluralRule.parse(rule).abstract:
result.append('%s ? %r : ' % (to_js(ast), tag))
result.append('%r; })' % _fallback_tag)
return ''.join(result)
def to_python(rule):
"""Convert a list/dict of rules or a `PluralRule` object into a regular
Python function. This is useful in situations where you need a real
function and don't are about the actual rule object:
>>> func = to_python({'one': 'n is 1', 'few': 'n in 2..4'})
>>> func(1)
>>> func(3)
>>> func = to_python({'one': 'n in 1,11', 'few': 'n in 3..10,13..19'})
>>> func(11)
>>> func(15)
:param rule: the rules as list or dict, or a `PluralRule` object
:raise RuleError: if the expression is malformed
namespace = {
'IN': in_range_list,
'WITHIN': within_range_list,
'MOD': cldr_modulo
to_python = _PythonCompiler().compile
result = ['def evaluate(n):']
for tag, ast in PluralRule.parse(rule).abstract:
# the str() call is to coerce the tag to the native string. It's
# a limited ascii restricted set of tags anyways so that is fine.
result.append(' if (%s): return %r' % (to_python(ast), str(tag)))
result.append(' return %r' % _fallback_tag)
code = compile('\n'.join(result), '<rule>', 'exec')
eval(code, namespace)
return namespace['evaluate']
def to_gettext(rule):
"""The plural rule as gettext expression. The gettext expression is
technically limited to integers and returns indices rather than tags.
>>> to_gettext({'one': 'n is 1', 'two': 'n is 2'})
'nplurals=3; plural=((n == 1) ? 0 : (n == 2) ? 1 : 2)'
:param rule: the rules as list or dict, or a `PluralRule` object
:raise RuleError: if the expression is malformed
rule = PluralRule.parse(rule)
used_tags = rule.tags | set([_fallback_tag])
_compile = _GettextCompiler().compile
_get_index = [tag for tag in _plural_tags if tag in used_tags].index
result = ['nplurals=%d; plural=(' % len(used_tags)]
for tag, ast in rule.abstract:
result.append('%s ? %d : ' % (_compile(ast), _get_index(tag)))
result.append('%d)' % _get_index(_fallback_tag))
return ''.join(result)
def in_range_list(num, range_list):
"""Integer range list test. This is the callback for the "in" operator
of the UTS #35 pluralization rule language:
>>> in_range_list(1, [(1, 3)])
>>> in_range_list(3, [(1, 3)])
>>> in_range_list(3, [(1, 3), (5, 8)])
>>> in_range_list(1.2, [(1, 4)])
>>> in_range_list(10, [(1, 4)])
>>> in_range_list(10, [(1, 4), (6, 8)])
return num == int(num) and within_range_list(num, range_list)
def within_range_list(num, range_list):
"""Float range test. This is the callback for the "within" operator
of the UTS #35 pluralization rule language:
>>> within_range_list(1, [(1, 3)])
>>> within_range_list(1.0, [(1, 3)])
>>> within_range_list(1.2, [(1, 4)])
>>> within_range_list(8.8, [(1, 4), (7, 15)])
>>> within_range_list(10, [(1, 4)])
>>> within_range_list(10.5, [(1, 4), (20, 30)])
return any(num >= min_ and num <= max_ for min_, max_ in range_list)
def cldr_modulo(a, b):
"""Javaish modulo. This modulo operator returns the value with the sign
of the dividend rather than the divisor like Python does:
>>> cldr_modulo(-3, 5)
>>> cldr_modulo(-3, -5)
>>> cldr_modulo(3, 5)
reverse = 0
if a < 0:
a *= -1
reverse = 1
if b < 0:
b *= -1
rv = a % b
if reverse:
rv *= -1
return rv
class RuleError(Exception):
"""Raised if a rule is malformed."""
class _Parser(object):
"""Internal parser. This class can translate a single rule into an abstract
tree of tuples. It implements the following grammar::
condition = and_condition ('or' and_condition)*
and_condition = relation ('and' relation)*
relation = is_relation | in_relation | within_relation | 'n' <EOL>
is_relation = expr 'is' ('not')? value
in_relation = expr ('not')? 'in' range_list
within_relation = expr ('not')? 'within' range_list
expr = 'n' ('mod' value)?
range_list = (range | value) (',' range_list)*
value = digit+
digit = 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9
range = value'..'value
- Whitespace can occur between or around any of the above tokens.
- Rules should be mutually exclusive; for a given numeric value, only one
rule should apply (i.e. the condition should only be true for one of
the plural rule elements).
- The in and within relations can take comma-separated lists, such as:
'n in 3,5,7..15'.
The translator parses the expression on instanciation into an attribute
called `ast`.
_rules = [
(None, re.compile(r'\s+(?u)')),
('word', re.compile(r'\b(and|or|is|(?:with)?in|not|mod|n)\b')),
('value', re.compile(r'\d+')),
('comma', re.compile(r',')),
('ellipsis', re.compile(r'\.\.'))
def __init__(self, string):
string = string.lower()
result = []
pos = 0
end = len(string)
while pos < end:
for tok, rule in self._rules:
match = rule.match(string, pos)
if match is not None:
pos = match.end()
if tok:
result.append((tok, match.group()))
raise RuleError('malformed CLDR pluralization rule. '
'Got unexpected %r' % string[pos])
self.tokens = result[::-1]
self.ast = self.condition()
if self.tokens:
raise RuleError('Expected end of rule, got %r' %
def test(self, type, value=None):
return self.tokens and self.tokens[-1][0] == type and \
(value is None or self.tokens[-1][1] == value)
def skip(self, type, value=None):
if self.test(type, value):
return self.tokens.pop()
def expect(self, type, value=None, term=None):
token = self.skip(type, value)
if token is not None:
return token
if term is None:
term = repr(value is None and type or value)
if not self.tokens:
raise RuleError('expected %s but end of rule reached' % term)
raise RuleError('expected %s but got %r' % (term, self.tokens[-1][1]))
def condition(self):
op = self.and_condition()
while self.skip('word', 'or'):
op = 'or', (op, self.and_condition())
return op
def and_condition(self):
op = self.relation()
while self.skip('word', 'and'):
op = 'and', (op, self.relation())
return op
def relation(self):
left = self.expr()
if self.skip('word', 'is'):
return self.skip('word', 'not') and 'isnot' or 'is', \
(left, self.value())
negated = self.skip('word', 'not')
method = 'in'
if self.skip('word', 'within'):
method = 'within'
self.expect('word', 'in', term="'within' or 'in'")
rv = 'relation', (method, left, self.range_list())
if negated:
rv = 'not', (rv,)
return rv
def range_or_value(self):
left = self.value()
if self.skip('ellipsis'):
return((left, self.value()))
return((left, left))
def range_list(self):
range_list = [self.range_or_value()]
while self.skip('comma'):
return 'range_list', range_list
def expr(self):
self.expect('word', 'n')
if self.skip('word', 'mod'):
return 'mod', (('n', ()), self.value())
return 'n', ()
def value(self):
return 'value', (int(self.expect('value')[1]),)
def _binary_compiler(tmpl):
"""Compiler factory for the `_Compiler`."""
return lambda self, l, r: tmpl % (self.compile(l), self.compile(r))
def _unary_compiler(tmpl):
"""Compiler factory for the `_Compiler`."""
return lambda self, x: tmpl % self.compile(x)
class _Compiler(object):
"""The compilers are able to transform the expressions into multiple
output formats.
def compile(self, arg):
op, args = arg
return getattr(self, 'compile_' + op)(*args)
compile_n = lambda x: 'n'
compile_value = lambda x, v: str(v)
compile_and = _binary_compiler('(%s && %s)')
compile_or = _binary_compiler('(%s || %s)')
compile_not = _unary_compiler('(!%s)')
compile_mod = _binary_compiler('(%s %% %s)')
compile_is = _binary_compiler('(%s == %s)')
compile_isnot = _binary_compiler('(%s != %s)')
def compile_relation(self, method, expr, range_list):
raise NotImplementedError()
class _PythonCompiler(_Compiler):
"""Compiles an expression to Python."""
compile_and = _binary_compiler('(%s and %s)')
compile_or = _binary_compiler('(%s or %s)')
compile_not = _unary_compiler('(not %s)')
compile_mod = _binary_compiler('MOD(%s, %s)')
def compile_relation(self, method, expr, range_list):
compile_range_list = '[%s]' % ','.join(
['(%s, %s)' % tuple(map(self.compile, range_))
for range_ in range_list[1]])
return '%s(%s, %s)' % (method.upper(), self.compile(expr),
class _GettextCompiler(_Compiler):
"""Compile into a gettext plural expression."""
def compile_relation(self, method, expr, range_list):
rv = []
expr = self.compile(expr)
for item in range_list[1]:
if item[0] == item[1]:
rv.append('(%s == %s)' % (
min, max = map(self.compile, item)
rv.append('(%s >= %s && %s <= %s)' % (
return '(%s)' % ' || '.join(rv)
class _JavaScriptCompiler(_GettextCompiler):
"""Compiles the expression to plain of JavaScript."""
def compile_relation(self, method, expr, range_list):
code = _GettextCompiler.compile_relation(
self, method, expr, range_list)
if method == 'in':
expr = self.compile(expr)
code = '(parseInt(%s) == %s && %s)' % (expr, expr, code)
return code
class _UnicodeCompiler(_Compiler):
"""Returns a unicode pluralization rule again."""
compile_is = _binary_compiler('%s is %s')
compile_isnot = _binary_compiler('%s is not %s')
compile_and = _binary_compiler('%s and %s')
compile_or = _binary_compiler('%s or %s')
compile_mod = _binary_compiler('%s mod %s')
def compile_not(self, relation):
return self.compile_relation(negated=True, *relation[1])
def compile_relation(self, method, expr, range_list, negated=False):
ranges = []
for item in range_list[1]:
if item[0] == item[1]:
ranges.append('%s..%s' % tuple(map(self.compile, item)))
return '%s%s %s %s' % (
self.compile(expr), negated and ' not' or '',
method, ','.join(ranges)