mirror of https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web synced 2024-10-01 08:20:49 +00:00
OzzieIsaacs bbf6d9b026 Translation of UI (german and english)
Bugfix for feeds
    - removed categories related and up
    - load new books now working
    - category random now working
login page is free of non accessible elements
boolean custom column is vivible in UI
books with only with certain languages can be shown
book shelfs can be deleted from UI
Anonymous user view is more resticted
Added browse of series in sidebar
Dependencys in vendor folder are updated to newer versions (licencs files are now present)
Bugfix editing Authors names
Made upload on windows working
2016-11-09 19:24:33 +01:00

627 lines
19 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Locale dependent formatting and parsing of numeric data.
The default locale for the functions in this module is determined by the
following environment variables, in that order:
* ``LC_ALL``, and
* ``LANG``
:copyright: (c) 2013 by the Babel Team.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
# Padding and rounding increments in pattern:
# - http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/ (Appendix G.6)
from decimal import Decimal, InvalidOperation
import math
import re
from babel.core import default_locale, Locale
from babel._compat import range_type
LC_NUMERIC = default_locale('LC_NUMERIC')
def get_currency_name(currency, count=None, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
"""Return the name used by the locale for the specified currency.
>>> get_currency_name('USD', locale='en_US')
u'US Dollar'
.. versionadded:: 0.9.4
:param currency: the currency code
:param count: the optional count. If provided the currency name
will be pluralized to that number if possible.
:param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
loc = Locale.parse(locale)
if count is not None:
plural_form = loc.plural_form(count)
plural_names = loc._data['currency_names_plural']
if currency in plural_names:
return plural_names[currency][plural_form]
return loc.currencies.get(currency, currency)
def get_currency_symbol(currency, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
"""Return the symbol used by the locale for the specified currency.
>>> get_currency_symbol('USD', locale='en_US')
:param currency: the currency code
:param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
return Locale.parse(locale).currency_symbols.get(currency, currency)
def get_decimal_symbol(locale=LC_NUMERIC):
"""Return the symbol used by the locale to separate decimal fractions.
>>> get_decimal_symbol('en_US')
:param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
return Locale.parse(locale).number_symbols.get('decimal', u'.')
def get_plus_sign_symbol(locale=LC_NUMERIC):
"""Return the plus sign symbol used by the current locale.
>>> get_plus_sign_symbol('en_US')
:param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
return Locale.parse(locale).number_symbols.get('plusSign', u'+')
def get_minus_sign_symbol(locale=LC_NUMERIC):
"""Return the plus sign symbol used by the current locale.
>>> get_minus_sign_symbol('en_US')
:param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
return Locale.parse(locale).number_symbols.get('minusSign', u'-')
def get_exponential_symbol(locale=LC_NUMERIC):
"""Return the symbol used by the locale to separate mantissa and exponent.
>>> get_exponential_symbol('en_US')
:param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
return Locale.parse(locale).number_symbols.get('exponential', u'E')
def get_group_symbol(locale=LC_NUMERIC):
"""Return the symbol used by the locale to separate groups of thousands.
>>> get_group_symbol('en_US')
:param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
return Locale.parse(locale).number_symbols.get('group', u',')
def format_number(number, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
u"""Return the given number formatted for a specific locale.
>>> format_number(1099, locale='en_US')
>>> format_number(1099, locale='de_DE')
:param number: the number to format
:param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
# Do we really need this one?
return format_decimal(number, locale=locale)
def format_decimal(number, format=None, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
u"""Return the given decimal number formatted for a specific locale.
>>> format_decimal(1.2345, locale='en_US')
>>> format_decimal(1.2346, locale='en_US')
>>> format_decimal(-1.2346, locale='en_US')
>>> format_decimal(1.2345, locale='sv_SE')
>>> format_decimal(1.2345, locale='de')
The appropriate thousands grouping and the decimal separator are used for
each locale:
>>> format_decimal(12345.5, locale='en_US')
:param number: the number to format
:param format:
:param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
locale = Locale.parse(locale)
if not format:
format = locale.decimal_formats.get(format)
pattern = parse_pattern(format)
return pattern.apply(number, locale)
def format_currency(number, currency, format=None, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
u"""Return formatted currency value.
>>> format_currency(1099.98, 'USD', locale='en_US')
>>> format_currency(1099.98, 'USD', locale='es_CO')
>>> format_currency(1099.98, 'EUR', locale='de_DE')
The pattern can also be specified explicitly. The currency is
placed with the '¤' sign. As the sign gets repeated the format
expands (¤ being the symbol, ¤¤ is the currency abbreviation and
¤¤¤ is the full name of the currency):
>>> format_currency(1099.98, 'EUR', u'\xa4\xa4 #,##0.00', locale='en_US')
u'EUR 1,099.98'
>>> format_currency(1099.98, 'EUR', u'#,##0.00 \xa4\xa4\xa4', locale='en_US')
u'1,099.98 euros'
:param number: the number to format
:param currency: the currency code
:param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
locale = Locale.parse(locale)
if not format:
format = locale.currency_formats.get(format)
pattern = parse_pattern(format)
return pattern.apply(number, locale, currency=currency)
def format_percent(number, format=None, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
"""Return formatted percent value for a specific locale.
>>> format_percent(0.34, locale='en_US')
>>> format_percent(25.1234, locale='en_US')
>>> format_percent(25.1234, locale='sv_SE')
The format pattern can also be specified explicitly:
>>> format_percent(25.1234, u'#,##0\u2030', locale='en_US')
:param number: the percent number to format
:param format:
:param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
locale = Locale.parse(locale)
if not format:
format = locale.percent_formats.get(format)
pattern = parse_pattern(format)
return pattern.apply(number, locale)
def format_scientific(number, format=None, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
"""Return value formatted in scientific notation for a specific locale.
>>> format_scientific(10000, locale='en_US')
The format pattern can also be specified explicitly:
>>> format_scientific(1234567, u'##0E00', locale='en_US')
:param number: the number to format
:param format:
:param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
locale = Locale.parse(locale)
if not format:
format = locale.scientific_formats.get(format)
pattern = parse_pattern(format)
return pattern.apply(number, locale)
class NumberFormatError(ValueError):
"""Exception raised when a string cannot be parsed into a number."""
def parse_number(string, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
"""Parse localized number string into an integer.
>>> parse_number('1,099', locale='en_US')
>>> parse_number('1.099', locale='de_DE')
When the given string cannot be parsed, an exception is raised:
>>> parse_number('1.099,98', locale='de')
Traceback (most recent call last):
NumberFormatError: '1.099,98' is not a valid number
:param string: the string to parse
:param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
:return: the parsed number
:raise `NumberFormatError`: if the string can not be converted to a number
return int(string.replace(get_group_symbol(locale), ''))
except ValueError:
raise NumberFormatError('%r is not a valid number' % string)
def parse_decimal(string, locale=LC_NUMERIC):
"""Parse localized decimal string into a decimal.
>>> parse_decimal('1,099.98', locale='en_US')
>>> parse_decimal('1.099,98', locale='de')
When the given string cannot be parsed, an exception is raised:
>>> parse_decimal('2,109,998', locale='de')
Traceback (most recent call last):
NumberFormatError: '2,109,998' is not a valid decimal number
:param string: the string to parse
:param locale: the `Locale` object or locale identifier
:raise NumberFormatError: if the string can not be converted to a
decimal number
locale = Locale.parse(locale)
return Decimal(string.replace(get_group_symbol(locale), '')
.replace(get_decimal_symbol(locale), '.'))
except InvalidOperation:
raise NumberFormatError('%r is not a valid decimal number' % string)
PREFIX_END = r'[^0-9@#.,]'
NUMBER_TOKEN = r'[0-9@#.\-,E+]'
PREFIX_PATTERN = r"(?P<prefix>(?:'[^']*'|%s)*)" % PREFIX_END
NUMBER_PATTERN = r"(?P<number>%s+)" % NUMBER_TOKEN
SUFFIX_PATTERN = r"(?P<suffix>.*)"
number_re = re.compile(r"%s%s%s" % (PREFIX_PATTERN, NUMBER_PATTERN,
def split_number(value):
"""Convert a number into a (intasstring, fractionasstring) tuple"""
if isinstance(value, Decimal):
# NB can't just do text = str(value) as str repr of Decimal may be
# in scientific notation, e.g. for small numbers.
sign, digits, exp = value.as_tuple()
# build list of digits in reverse order, then reverse+join
# as per http://docs.python.org/library/decimal.html#recipes
int_part = []
frac_part = []
digits = list(map(str, digits))
# get figures after decimal point
for i in range(-exp):
# add digit if available, else 0
if digits:
# add in some zeroes...
for i in range(exp):
# and the rest
while digits:
# if < 1, int_part must be set to '0'
if len(int_part) == 0:
int_part = '0',
if sign:
return ''.join(reversed(int_part)), ''.join(reversed(frac_part))
text = ('%.9f' % value).rstrip('0')
if '.' in text:
a, b = text.split('.', 1)
if b == '0':
b = ''
a, b = text, ''
return a, b
def bankersround(value, ndigits=0):
"""Round a number to a given precision.
Works like round() except that the round-half-even (banker's rounding)
algorithm is used instead of round-half-up.
>>> bankersround(5.5, 0)
>>> bankersround(6.5, 0)
>>> bankersround(-6.5, 0)
>>> bankersround(1234.0, -2)
sign = int(value < 0) and -1 or 1
value = abs(value)
a, b = split_number(value)
digits = a + b
add = 0
i = len(a) + ndigits
if i < 0 or i >= len(digits):
elif digits[i] > '5':
add = 1
elif digits[i] == '5' and digits[i-1] in '13579':
add = 1
elif digits[i] == '5': # previous digit is even
# We round up unless all following digits are zero.
for j in range_type(i + 1, len(digits)):
if digits[j] != '0':
add = 1
scale = 10**ndigits
if isinstance(value, Decimal):
return Decimal(int(value * scale + add)) / scale * sign
return float(int(value * scale + add)) / scale * sign
def parse_grouping(p):
"""Parse primary and secondary digit grouping
>>> parse_grouping('##')
(1000, 1000)
>>> parse_grouping('#,###')
(3, 3)
>>> parse_grouping('#,####,###')
(3, 4)
width = len(p)
g1 = p.rfind(',')
if g1 == -1:
return 1000, 1000
g1 = width - g1 - 1
g2 = p[:-g1 - 1].rfind(',')
if g2 == -1:
return g1, g1
g2 = width - g1 - g2 - 2
return g1, g2
def parse_pattern(pattern):
"""Parse number format patterns"""
if isinstance(pattern, NumberPattern):
return pattern
def _match_number(pattern):
rv = number_re.search(pattern)
if rv is None:
raise ValueError('Invalid number pattern %r' % pattern)
return rv.groups()
# Do we have a negative subpattern?
if ';' in pattern:
pattern, neg_pattern = pattern.split(';', 1)
pos_prefix, number, pos_suffix = _match_number(pattern)
neg_prefix, _, neg_suffix = _match_number(neg_pattern)
pos_prefix, number, pos_suffix = _match_number(pattern)
neg_prefix = '-' + pos_prefix
neg_suffix = pos_suffix
if 'E' in number:
number, exp = number.split('E', 1)
exp = None
if '@' in number:
if '.' in number and '0' in number:
raise ValueError('Significant digit patterns can not contain '
'"@" or "0"')
if '.' in number:
integer, fraction = number.rsplit('.', 1)
integer = number
fraction = ''
def parse_precision(p):
"""Calculate the min and max allowed digits"""
min = max = 0
for c in p:
if c in '@0':
min += 1
max += 1
elif c == '#':
max += 1
elif c == ',':
return min, max
int_prec = parse_precision(integer)
frac_prec = parse_precision(fraction)
if exp:
frac_prec = parse_precision(integer+fraction)
exp_plus = exp.startswith('+')
exp = exp.lstrip('+')
exp_prec = parse_precision(exp)
exp_plus = None
exp_prec = None
grouping = parse_grouping(integer)
return NumberPattern(pattern, (pos_prefix, neg_prefix),
(pos_suffix, neg_suffix), grouping,
int_prec, frac_prec,
exp_prec, exp_plus)
class NumberPattern(object):
def __init__(self, pattern, prefix, suffix, grouping,
int_prec, frac_prec, exp_prec, exp_plus):
self.pattern = pattern
self.prefix = prefix
self.suffix = suffix
self.grouping = grouping
self.int_prec = int_prec
self.frac_prec = frac_prec
self.exp_prec = exp_prec
self.exp_plus = exp_plus
if '%' in ''.join(self.prefix + self.suffix):
self.scale = 100
elif u'' in ''.join(self.prefix + self.suffix):
self.scale = 1000
self.scale = 1
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s %r>' % (type(self).__name__, self.pattern)
def apply(self, value, locale, currency=None):
if isinstance(value, float):
value = Decimal(str(value))
value *= self.scale
is_negative = int(value < 0)
if self.exp_prec: # Scientific notation
value = abs(value)
if value:
exp = int(math.floor(math.log(value, 10)))
exp = 0
# Minimum number of integer digits
if self.int_prec[0] == self.int_prec[1]:
exp -= self.int_prec[0] - 1
# Exponent grouping
elif self.int_prec[1]:
exp = int(exp / self.int_prec[1]) * self.int_prec[1]
if not isinstance(value, Decimal):
value = float(value)
if exp < 0:
value = value * 10**(-exp)
value = value / 10**exp
exp_sign = ''
if exp < 0:
exp_sign = get_minus_sign_symbol(locale)
elif self.exp_plus:
exp_sign = get_plus_sign_symbol(locale)
exp = abs(exp)
number = u'%s%s%s%s' % \
(self._format_sigdig(value, self.frac_prec[0],
get_exponential_symbol(locale), exp_sign,
self._format_int(str(exp), self.exp_prec[0],
self.exp_prec[1], locale))
elif '@' in self.pattern: # Is it a siginificant digits pattern?
text = self._format_sigdig(abs(value),
if '.' in text:
a, b = text.split('.')
a = self._format_int(a, 0, 1000, locale)
if b:
b = get_decimal_symbol(locale) + b
number = a + b
number = self._format_int(text, 0, 1000, locale)
else: # A normal number pattern
a, b = split_number(bankersround(abs(value),
b = b or '0'
a = self._format_int(a, self.int_prec[0],
self.int_prec[1], locale)
b = self._format_frac(b, locale)
number = a + b
retval = u'%s%s%s' % (self.prefix[is_negative], number,
if u'¤' in retval:
retval = retval.replace(u'¤¤¤',
get_currency_name(currency, value, locale))
retval = retval.replace(u'¤¤', currency.upper())
retval = retval.replace(u'¤', get_currency_symbol(currency, locale))
return retval
def _format_sigdig(self, value, min, max):
"""Convert value to a string.
The resulting string will contain between (min, max) number of
significant digits.
a, b = split_number(value)
ndecimals = len(a)
if a == '0' and b != '':
ndecimals = 0
while b.startswith('0'):
b = b[1:]
ndecimals -= 1
a, b = split_number(bankersround(value, max - ndecimals))
digits = len((a + b).lstrip('0'))
if not digits:
digits = 1
# Figure out if we need to add any trailing '0':s
if len(a) >= max and a != '0':
return a
if digits < min:
b += ('0' * (min - digits))
if b:
return '%s.%s' % (a, b)
return a
def _format_int(self, value, min, max, locale):
width = len(value)
if width < min:
value = '0' * (min - width) + value
gsize = self.grouping[0]
ret = ''
symbol = get_group_symbol(locale)
while len(value) > gsize:
ret = symbol + value[-gsize:] + ret
value = value[:-gsize]
gsize = self.grouping[1]
return value + ret
def _format_frac(self, value, locale):
min, max = self.frac_prec
if len(value) < min:
value += ('0' * (min - len(value)))
if max == 0 or (min == 0 and int(value) == 0):
return ''
width = len(value)
while len(value) > min and value[-1] == '0':
value = value[:-1]
return get_decimal_symbol(locale) + value