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# sqlalchemy/event.py
# Copyright (C) 2005-2013 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors <see AUTHORS file>
# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
"""Base event API."""
from . import util, exc
from itertools import chain
import weakref
CANCEL = util.symbol('CANCEL')
NO_RETVAL = util.symbol('NO_RETVAL')
def listen(target, identifier, fn, *args, **kw):
"""Register a listener function for the given target.
from sqlalchemy import event
from sqlalchemy.schema import UniqueConstraint
def unique_constraint_name(const, table):
const.name = "uq_%s_%s" % (
for evt_cls in _registrars[identifier]:
tgt = evt_cls._accept_with(target)
if tgt is not None:
tgt.dispatch._listen(tgt, identifier, fn, *args, **kw)
raise exc.InvalidRequestError("No such event '%s' for target '%s'" %
(identifier, target))
def listens_for(target, identifier, *args, **kw):
"""Decorate a function as a listener for the given target + identifier.
from sqlalchemy import event
from sqlalchemy.schema import UniqueConstraint
@event.listens_for(UniqueConstraint, "after_parent_attach")
def unique_constraint_name(const, table):
const.name = "uq_%s_%s" % (
def decorate(fn):
listen(target, identifier, fn, *args, **kw)
return fn
return decorate
def remove(target, identifier, fn):
"""Remove an event listener.
Note that some event removals, particularly for those event dispatchers
which create wrapper functions and secondary even listeners, may not yet
be supported.
for evt_cls in _registrars[identifier]:
for tgt in evt_cls._accept_with(target):
tgt.dispatch._remove(identifier, tgt, fn)
_registrars = util.defaultdict(list)
def _is_event_name(name):
return not name.startswith('_') and name != 'dispatch'
class _UnpickleDispatch(object):
"""Serializable callable that re-generates an instance of
:class:`_Dispatch` given a particular :class:`.Events` subclass.
def __call__(self, _parent_cls):
for cls in _parent_cls.__mro__:
if 'dispatch' in cls.__dict__:
return cls.__dict__['dispatch'].dispatch_cls(_parent_cls)
raise AttributeError("No class with a 'dispatch' member present.")
class _Dispatch(object):
"""Mirror the event listening definitions of an Events class with
listener collections.
Classes which define a "dispatch" member will return a
non-instantiated :class:`._Dispatch` subclass when the member
is accessed at the class level. When the "dispatch" member is
accessed at the instance level of its owner, an instance
of the :class:`._Dispatch` class is returned.
A :class:`._Dispatch` class is generated for each :class:`.Events`
class defined, by the :func:`._create_dispatcher_class` function.
The original :class:`.Events` classes remain untouched.
This decouples the construction of :class:`.Events` subclasses from
the implementation used by the event internals, and allows
inspecting tools like Sphinx to work in an unsurprising
way against the public API.
def __init__(self, _parent_cls):
self._parent_cls = _parent_cls
def _join(self, other):
"""Create a 'join' of this :class:`._Dispatch` and another.
This new dispatcher will dispatch events to both
:class:`._Dispatch` objects.
Once constructed, the joined dispatch will respond to new events
added to this dispatcher, but may not be aware of events
added to the other dispatcher after creation of the join. This is
currently for performance reasons so that both dispatchers need
not be "evaluated" fully on each call.
if '_joined_dispatch_cls' not in self.__class__.__dict__:
cls = type(
"Joined%s" % self.__class__.__name__,
(_JoinedDispatcher, self.__class__), {}
for ls in _event_descriptors(self):
setattr(cls, ls.name, _JoinedDispatchDescriptor(ls.name))
self.__class__._joined_dispatch_cls = cls
return self._joined_dispatch_cls(self, other)
def __reduce__(self):
return _UnpickleDispatch(), (self._parent_cls, )
def _update(self, other, only_propagate=True):
"""Populate from the listeners in another :class:`_Dispatch`
for ls in _event_descriptors(other):
getattr(self, ls.name).\
for_modify(self)._update(ls, only_propagate=only_propagate)
def _clear(self):
for attr in dir(self):
if _is_event_name(attr):
getattr(self, attr).for_modify(self).clear()
def _event_descriptors(target):
return [getattr(target, k) for k in dir(target) if _is_event_name(k)]
class _EventMeta(type):
"""Intercept new Event subclasses and create
associated _Dispatch classes."""
def __init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_):
_create_dispatcher_class(cls, classname, bases, dict_)
return type.__init__(cls, classname, bases, dict_)
def _create_dispatcher_class(cls, classname, bases, dict_):
"""Create a :class:`._Dispatch` class corresponding to an
:class:`.Events` class."""
# there's all kinds of ways to do this,
# i.e. make a Dispatch class that shares the '_listen' method
# of the Event class, this is the straight monkeypatch.
dispatch_base = getattr(cls, 'dispatch', _Dispatch)
cls.dispatch = dispatch_cls = type("%sDispatch" % classname,
(dispatch_base, ), {})
dispatch_cls._listen = cls._listen
for k in dict_:
if _is_event_name(k):
setattr(dispatch_cls, k, _DispatchDescriptor(dict_[k]))
def _remove_dispatcher(cls):
for k in dir(cls):
if _is_event_name(k):
if not _registrars[k]:
del _registrars[k]
class Events(object):
"""Define event listening functions for a particular target type."""
__metaclass__ = _EventMeta
def _accept_with(cls, target):
# Mapper, ClassManager, Session override this to
# also accept classes, scoped_sessions, sessionmakers, etc.
if hasattr(target, 'dispatch') and (
isinstance(target.dispatch, cls.dispatch) or \
isinstance(target.dispatch, type) and \
issubclass(target.dispatch, cls.dispatch)
return target
return None
def _listen(cls, target, identifier, fn, propagate=False, insert=False):
if insert:
getattr(target.dispatch, identifier).\
for_modify(target.dispatch).insert(fn, target, propagate)
getattr(target.dispatch, identifier).\
for_modify(target.dispatch).append(fn, target, propagate)
def _remove(cls, target, identifier, fn):
getattr(target.dispatch, identifier).remove(fn, target)
def _clear(cls):
class _DispatchDescriptor(object):
"""Class-level attributes on :class:`._Dispatch` classes."""
def __init__(self, fn):
self.__name__ = fn.__name__
self.__doc__ = fn.__doc__
self._clslevel = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
self._empty_listeners = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
def _contains(self, cls, evt):
return cls in self._clslevel and \
evt in self._clslevel[cls]
def insert(self, obj, target, propagate):
assert isinstance(target, type), \
"Class-level Event targets must be classes."
stack = [target]
while stack:
cls = stack.pop(0)
if cls is not target and cls not in self._clslevel:
if cls not in self._clslevel:
self._clslevel[cls] = []
self._clslevel[cls].insert(0, obj)
def append(self, obj, target, propagate):
assert isinstance(target, type), \
"Class-level Event targets must be classes."
stack = [target]
while stack:
cls = stack.pop(0)
if cls is not target and cls not in self._clslevel:
if cls not in self._clslevel:
self._clslevel[cls] = []
def update_subclass(self, target):
if target not in self._clslevel:
self._clslevel[target] = []
clslevel = self._clslevel[target]
for cls in target.__mro__[1:]:
if cls in self._clslevel:
fn for fn
in self._clslevel[cls]
if fn not in clslevel
def remove(self, obj, target):
stack = [target]
while stack:
cls = stack.pop(0)
if cls in self._clslevel:
def clear(self):
"""Clear all class level listeners"""
for dispatcher in self._clslevel.values():
dispatcher[:] = []
def for_modify(self, obj):
"""Return an event collection which can be modified.
For _DispatchDescriptor at the class level of
a dispatcher, this returns self.
return self
def __get__(self, obj, cls):
if obj is None:
return self
elif obj._parent_cls in self._empty_listeners:
ret = self._empty_listeners[obj._parent_cls]
self._empty_listeners[obj._parent_cls] = ret = \
_EmptyListener(self, obj._parent_cls)
# assigning it to __dict__ means
# memoized for fast re-access. but more memory.
obj.__dict__[self.__name__] = ret
return ret
class _EmptyListener(object):
"""Serves as a class-level interface to the events
served by a _DispatchDescriptor, when there are no
instance-level events present.
Is replaced by _ListenerCollection when instance-level
events are added.
def __init__(self, parent, target_cls):
if target_cls not in parent._clslevel:
self.parent = parent
self.parent_listeners = parent._clslevel[target_cls]
self.name = parent.__name__
self.propagate = frozenset()
self.listeners = ()
def for_modify(self, obj):
"""Return an event collection which can be modified.
For _EmptyListener at the instance level of
a dispatcher, this generates a new
_ListenerCollection, applies it to the instance,
and returns it.
result = _ListenerCollection(self.parent, obj._parent_cls)
if obj.__dict__[self.name] is self:
obj.__dict__[self.name] = result
return result
def _needs_modify(self, *args, **kw):
raise NotImplementedError("need to call for_modify()")
exec_once = insert = append = remove = clear = _needs_modify
def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
"""Execute this event."""
for fn in self.parent_listeners:
fn(*args, **kw)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.parent_listeners)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.parent_listeners)
def __nonzero__(self):
return bool(self.parent_listeners)
class _CompoundListener(object):
_exec_once = False
def exec_once(self, *args, **kw):
"""Execute this event, but only if it has not been
executed already for this collection."""
if not self._exec_once:
self(*args, **kw)
self._exec_once = True
# I'm not entirely thrilled about the overhead here,
# but this allows class-level listeners to be added
# at any point.
# In the absense of instance-level listeners,
# we stay with the _EmptyListener object when called
# at the instance level.
def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
"""Execute this event."""
for fn in self.parent_listeners:
fn(*args, **kw)
for fn in self.listeners:
fn(*args, **kw)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.parent_listeners) + len(self.listeners)
def __iter__(self):
return chain(self.parent_listeners, self.listeners)
def __nonzero__(self):
return bool(self.listeners or self.parent_listeners)
class _ListenerCollection(_CompoundListener):
"""Instance-level attributes on instances of :class:`._Dispatch`.
Represents a collection of listeners.
As of 0.7.9, _ListenerCollection is only first
created via the _EmptyListener.for_modify() method.
def __init__(self, parent, target_cls):
if target_cls not in parent._clslevel:
self.parent_listeners = parent._clslevel[target_cls]
self.name = parent.__name__
self.listeners = []
self.propagate = set()
def for_modify(self, obj):
"""Return an event collection which can be modified.
For _ListenerCollection at the instance level of
a dispatcher, this returns self.
return self
def _update(self, other, only_propagate=True):
"""Populate from the listeners in another :class:`_Dispatch`
existing_listeners = self.listeners
existing_listener_set = set(existing_listeners)
existing_listeners.extend([l for l
in other.listeners
if l not in existing_listener_set
and not only_propagate or l in self.propagate
def insert(self, obj, target, propagate):
if obj not in self.listeners:
self.listeners.insert(0, obj)
if propagate:
def append(self, obj, target, propagate):
if obj not in self.listeners:
if propagate:
def remove(self, obj, target):
if obj in self.listeners:
def clear(self):
self.listeners[:] = []
class _JoinedDispatcher(object):
"""Represent a connection between two _Dispatch objects."""
def __init__(self, local, parent):
self.local = local
self.parent = parent
self._parent_cls = local._parent_cls
class _JoinedDispatchDescriptor(object):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def __get__(self, obj, cls):
if obj is None:
return self
obj.__dict__[self.name] = ret = _JoinedListener(
obj.parent, self.name,
getattr(obj.local, self.name)
return ret
class _JoinedListener(_CompoundListener):
_exec_once = False
def __init__(self, parent, name, local):
self.parent = parent
self.name = name
self.local = local
self.parent_listeners = self.local
# fix .listeners for the parent. This means
# new events added to the parent won't be picked
# up here. Alternatively, the listeners can
# be via @property to just return getattr(self.parent, self.name)
# each time. less performant.
self.listeners = list(getattr(self.parent, self.name))
def for_modify(self, obj):
self.local = self.parent_listeners = self.local.for_modify(obj)
return self
def insert(self, obj, target, propagate):
self.local.insert(obj, target, propagate)
def append(self, obj, target, propagate):
self.local.append(obj, target, propagate)
def remove(self, obj, target):
self.local.remove(obj, target)
def clear(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
class dispatcher(object):
"""Descriptor used by target classes to
deliver the _Dispatch class at the class level
and produce new _Dispatch instances for target
def __init__(self, events):
self.dispatch_cls = events.dispatch
self.events = events
def __get__(self, obj, cls):
if obj is None:
return self.dispatch_cls
obj.__dict__['dispatch'] = disp = self.dispatch_cls(cls)
return disp