mirror of https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web synced 2024-10-07 03:10:47 +00:00
OzzieIsaacs bbf6d9b026 Translation of UI (german and english)
Bugfix for feeds
    - removed categories related and up
    - load new books now working
    - category random now working
login page is free of non accessible elements
boolean custom column is vivible in UI
books with only with certain languages can be shown
book shelfs can be deleted from UI
Anonymous user view is more resticted
Added browse of series in sidebar
Dependencys in vendor folder are updated to newer versions (licencs files are now present)
Bugfix editing Authors names
Made upload on windows working
2016-11-09 19:24:33 +01:00

475 lines
16 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Reading and writing of files in the ``gettext`` PO (portable object)
:copyright: (c) 2013 by the Babel Team.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
import os
import re
from babel.messages.catalog import Catalog, Message
from babel.util import wraptext
from babel._compat import text_type
def unescape(string):
r"""Reverse `escape` the given string.
>>> print unescape('"Say:\\n \\"hello, world!\\"\\n"')
"hello, world!"
:param string: the string to unescape
def replace_escapes(match):
m = match.group(1)
if m == 'n':
return '\n'
elif m == 't':
return '\t'
elif m == 'r':
return '\r'
# m is \ or "
return m
return re.compile(r'\\([\\trn"])').sub(replace_escapes, string[1:-1])
def denormalize(string):
r"""Reverse the normalization done by the `normalize` function.
>>> print denormalize(r'''""
... "Say:\n"
... " \"hello, world!\"\n"''')
"hello, world!"
>>> print denormalize(r'''""
... "Say:\n"
... " \"Lorem ipsum dolor sit "
... "amet, consectetur adipisicing"
... " elit, \"\n"''')
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, "
:param string: the string to denormalize
if '\n' in string:
escaped_lines = string.splitlines()
if string.startswith('""'):
escaped_lines = escaped_lines[1:]
lines = map(unescape, escaped_lines)
return ''.join(lines)
return unescape(string)
def read_po(fileobj, locale=None, domain=None, ignore_obsolete=False, charset=None):
"""Read messages from a ``gettext`` PO (portable object) file from the given
file-like object and return a `Catalog`.
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from StringIO import StringIO
>>> buf = StringIO('''
... #: main.py:1
... #, fuzzy, python-format
... msgid "foo %(name)s"
... msgstr "quux %(name)s"
... # A user comment
... #. An auto comment
... #: main.py:3
... msgid "bar"
... msgid_plural "baz"
... msgstr[0] "bar"
... msgstr[1] "baaz"
... ''')
>>> catalog = read_po(buf)
>>> catalog.revision_date = datetime(2007, 04, 01)
>>> for message in catalog:
... if message.id:
... print (message.id, message.string)
... print ' ', (message.locations, message.flags)
... print ' ', (message.user_comments, message.auto_comments)
(u'foo %(name)s', u'quux %(name)s')
([(u'main.py', 1)], set([u'fuzzy', u'python-format']))
([], [])
((u'bar', u'baz'), (u'bar', u'baaz'))
([(u'main.py', 3)], set([]))
([u'A user comment'], [u'An auto comment'])
.. versionadded:: 1.0
Added support for explicit charset argument.
:param fileobj: the file-like object to read the PO file from
:param locale: the locale identifier or `Locale` object, or `None`
if the catalog is not bound to a locale (which basically
means it's a template)
:param domain: the message domain
:param ignore_obsolete: whether to ignore obsolete messages in the input
:param charset: the character set of the catalog.
catalog = Catalog(locale=locale, domain=domain, charset=charset)
counter = [0]
offset = [0]
messages = []
translations = []
locations = []
flags = []
user_comments = []
auto_comments = []
obsolete = [False]
context = []
in_msgid = [False]
in_msgstr = [False]
in_msgctxt = [False]
def _add_message():
if len(messages) > 1:
msgid = tuple([denormalize(m) for m in messages])
msgid = denormalize(messages[0])
if isinstance(msgid, (list, tuple)):
string = []
for idx in range(catalog.num_plurals):
except IndexError:
string.append((idx, ''))
string = tuple([denormalize(t[1]) for t in string])
string = denormalize(translations[0][1])
if context:
msgctxt = denormalize('\n'.join(context))
msgctxt = None
message = Message(msgid, string, list(locations), set(flags),
auto_comments, user_comments, lineno=offset[0] + 1,
if obsolete[0]:
if not ignore_obsolete:
catalog.obsolete[msgid] = message
catalog[msgid] = message
del messages[:]; del translations[:]; del context[:]; del locations[:];
del flags[:]; del auto_comments[:]; del user_comments[:];
obsolete[0] = False
counter[0] += 1
def _process_message_line(lineno, line):
if line.startswith('msgid_plural'):
in_msgid[0] = True
msg = line[12:].lstrip()
elif line.startswith('msgid'):
in_msgid[0] = True
offset[0] = lineno
txt = line[5:].lstrip()
if messages:
elif line.startswith('msgstr'):
in_msgid[0] = False
in_msgstr[0] = True
msg = line[6:].lstrip()
if msg.startswith('['):
idx, msg = msg[1:].split(']', 1)
translations.append([int(idx), msg.lstrip()])
translations.append([0, msg])
elif line.startswith('msgctxt'):
if messages:
in_msgid[0] = in_msgstr[0] = False
elif line.startswith('"'):
if in_msgid[0]:
messages[-1] += u'\n' + line.rstrip()
elif in_msgstr[0]:
translations[-1][1] += u'\n' + line.rstrip()
elif in_msgctxt[0]:
for lineno, line in enumerate(fileobj.readlines()):
line = line.strip()
if not isinstance(line, text_type):
line = line.decode(catalog.charset)
if line.startswith('#'):
in_msgid[0] = in_msgstr[0] = False
if messages and translations:
if line[1:].startswith(':'):
for location in line[2:].lstrip().split():
pos = location.rfind(':')
if pos >= 0:
lineno = int(location[pos + 1:])
except ValueError:
locations.append((location[:pos], lineno))
elif line[1:].startswith(','):
for flag in line[2:].lstrip().split(','):
elif line[1:].startswith('~'):
obsolete[0] = True
_process_message_line(lineno, line[2:].lstrip())
elif line[1:].startswith('.'):
# These are called auto-comments
comment = line[2:].strip()
if comment: # Just check that we're not adding empty comments
# These are called user comments
_process_message_line(lineno, line)
if messages:
# No actual messages found, but there was some info in comments, from which
# we'll construct an empty header message
elif not counter[0] and (flags or user_comments or auto_comments):
translations.append([0, u''])
return catalog
WORD_SEP = re.compile('('
r'\s+|' # any whitespace
r'[^\s\w]*\w+[a-zA-Z]-(?=\w+[a-zA-Z])|' # hyphenated words
r'(?<=[\w\!\"\'\&\.\,\?])-{2,}(?=\w)' # em-dash
def escape(string):
r"""Escape the given string so that it can be included in double-quoted
strings in ``PO`` files.
>>> escape('''Say:
... "hello, world!"
... ''')
'"Say:\\n \\"hello, world!\\"\\n"'
:param string: the string to escape
return '"%s"' % string.replace('\\', '\\\\') \
.replace('\t', '\\t') \
.replace('\r', '\\r') \
.replace('\n', '\\n') \
.replace('\"', '\\"')
def normalize(string, prefix='', width=76):
r"""Convert a string into a format that is appropriate for .po files.
>>> print normalize('''Say:
... "hello, world!"
... ''', width=None)
" \"hello, world!\"\n"
>>> print normalize('''Say:
... "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, "
... ''', width=32)
" \"Lorem ipsum dolor sit "
"amet, consectetur adipisicing"
" elit, \"\n"
:param string: the string to normalize
:param prefix: a string that should be prepended to every line
:param width: the maximum line width; use `None`, 0, or a negative number
to completely disable line wrapping
if width and width > 0:
prefixlen = len(prefix)
lines = []
for line in string.splitlines(True):
if len(escape(line)) + prefixlen > width:
chunks = WORD_SEP.split(line)
while chunks:
buf = []
size = 2
while chunks:
l = len(escape(chunks[-1])) - 2 + prefixlen
if size + l < width:
size += l
if not buf:
# handle long chunks by putting them on a
# separate line
lines = string.splitlines(True)
if len(lines) <= 1:
return escape(string)
# Remove empty trailing line
if lines and not lines[-1]:
del lines[-1]
lines[-1] += '\n'
return u'""\n' + u'\n'.join([(prefix + escape(l)) for l in lines])
def write_po(fileobj, catalog, width=76, no_location=False, omit_header=False,
sort_output=False, sort_by_file=False, ignore_obsolete=False,
r"""Write a ``gettext`` PO (portable object) template file for a given
message catalog to the provided file-like object.
>>> catalog = Catalog()
>>> catalog.add(u'foo %(name)s', locations=[('main.py', 1)],
... flags=('fuzzy',))
>>> catalog.add((u'bar', u'baz'), locations=[('main.py', 3)])
>>> from io import BytesIO
>>> buf = BytesIO()
>>> write_po(buf, catalog, omit_header=True)
>>> print buf.getvalue()
#: main.py:1
#, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "foo %(name)s"
msgstr ""
#: main.py:3
msgid "bar"
msgid_plural "baz"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
:param fileobj: the file-like object to write to
:param catalog: the `Catalog` instance
:param width: the maximum line width for the generated output; use `None`,
0, or a negative number to completely disable line wrapping
:param no_location: do not emit a location comment for every message
:param omit_header: do not include the ``msgid ""`` entry at the top of the
:param sort_output: whether to sort the messages in the output by msgid
:param sort_by_file: whether to sort the messages in the output by their
:param ignore_obsolete: whether to ignore obsolete messages and not include
them in the output; by default they are included as
:param include_previous: include the old msgid as a comment when
updating the catalog
def _normalize(key, prefix=''):
return normalize(key, prefix=prefix, width=width)
def _write(text):
if isinstance(text, text_type):
text = text.encode(catalog.charset, 'backslashreplace')
def _write_comment(comment, prefix=''):
# xgettext always wraps comments even if --no-wrap is passed;
# provide the same behaviour
if width and width > 0:
_width = width
_width = 76
for line in wraptext(comment, _width):
_write('#%s %s\n' % (prefix, line.strip()))
def _write_message(message, prefix=''):
if isinstance(message.id, (list, tuple)):
if message.context:
_write('%smsgctxt %s\n' % (prefix,
_normalize(message.context, prefix)))
_write('%smsgid %s\n' % (prefix, _normalize(message.id[0], prefix)))
_write('%smsgid_plural %s\n' % (
prefix, _normalize(message.id[1], prefix)
for idx in range(catalog.num_plurals):
string = message.string[idx]
except IndexError:
string = ''
_write('%smsgstr[%d] %s\n' % (
prefix, idx, _normalize(string, prefix)
if message.context:
_write('%smsgctxt %s\n' % (prefix,
_normalize(message.context, prefix)))
_write('%smsgid %s\n' % (prefix, _normalize(message.id, prefix)))
_write('%smsgstr %s\n' % (
prefix, _normalize(message.string or '', prefix)
messages = list(catalog)
if sort_output:
elif sort_by_file:
messages.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x.locations, y.locations))
for message in messages:
if not message.id: # This is the header "message"
if omit_header:
comment_header = catalog.header_comment
if width and width > 0:
lines = []
for line in comment_header.splitlines():
lines += wraptext(line, width=width,
subsequent_indent='# ')
comment_header = u'\n'.join(lines)
_write(comment_header + u'\n')
for comment in message.user_comments:
for comment in message.auto_comments:
_write_comment(comment, prefix='.')
if not no_location:
locs = u' '.join([u'%s:%d' % (filename.replace(os.sep, '/'), lineno)
for filename, lineno in message.locations])
_write_comment(locs, prefix=':')
if message.flags:
_write('#%s\n' % ', '.join([''] + sorted(message.flags)))
if message.previous_id and include_previous:
_write_comment('msgid %s' % _normalize(message.previous_id[0]),
if len(message.previous_id) > 1:
_write_comment('msgid_plural %s' % _normalize(
), prefix='|')
if not ignore_obsolete:
for message in catalog.obsolete.values():
for comment in message.user_comments:
_write_message(message, prefix='#~ ')