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synced 2025-03-06 19:48:14 +00:00

Bugfix for feeds - removed categories related and up - load new books now working - category random now working login page is free of non accessible elements boolean custom column is vivible in UI books with only with certain languages can be shown book shelfs can be deleted from UI Anonymous user view is more resticted Added browse of series in sidebar Dependencys in vendor folder are updated to newer versions (licencs files are now present) Bugfix editing Authors names Made upload on windows working
167 lines
5.2 KiB
167 lines
5.2 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A simple JavaScript 1.5 lexer which is used for the JavaScript
:copyright: (c) 2013 by the Babel Team.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
from operator import itemgetter
import re
from babel._compat import unichr
operators = [
'+', '-', '*', '%', '!=', '==', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '=',
'+=', '-=', '*=', '%=', '<<', '>>', '>>>', '<<=', '>>=',
'>>>=', '&', '&=', '|', '|=', '&&', '||', '^', '^=', '(', ')',
'[', ']', '{', '}', '!', '--', '++', '~', ',', ';', '.', ':'
operators.sort(key=lambda a: -len(a))
escapes = {'b': '\b', 'f': '\f', 'n': '\n', 'r': '\r', 't': '\t'}
rules = [
(None, re.compile(r'\s+(?u)')),
(None, re.compile(r'<!--.*')),
('linecomment', re.compile(r'//.*')),
('multilinecomment', re.compile(r'/\*.*?\*/(?us)')),
('name', re.compile(r'(\$+\w*|[^\W\d]\w*)(?u)')),
('number', re.compile(r'''(?x)(
([eE][-+]?\d+)? |
('operator', re.compile(r'(%s)' % '|'.join(map(re.escape, operators)))),
('string', re.compile(r'''(?xs)(
'(?:[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*)' |
division_re = re.compile(r'/=?')
regex_re = re.compile(r'/(?:[^/\\]*(?:\\.[^/\\]*)*)/[a-zA-Z]*(?s)')
line_re = re.compile(r'(\r\n|\n|\r)')
line_join_re = re.compile(r'\\' + line_re.pattern)
uni_escape_re = re.compile(r'[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}')
class Token(tuple):
"""Represents a token as returned by `tokenize`."""
__slots__ = ()
def __new__(cls, type, value, lineno):
return tuple.__new__(cls, (type, value, lineno))
type = property(itemgetter(0))
value = property(itemgetter(1))
lineno = property(itemgetter(2))
def indicates_division(token):
"""A helper function that helps the tokenizer to decide if the current
token may be followed by a division operator.
if token.type == 'operator':
return token.value in (')', ']', '}', '++', '--')
return token.type in ('name', 'number', 'string', 'regexp')
def unquote_string(string):
"""Unquote a string with JavaScript rules. The string has to start with
string delimiters (``'`` or ``"``.)
assert string and string[0] == string[-1] and string[0] in '"\'', \
'string provided is not properly delimited'
string = line_join_re.sub('\\1', string[1:-1])
result = []
add = result.append
pos = 0
while 1:
# scan for the next escape
escape_pos = string.find('\\', pos)
if escape_pos < 0:
# check which character is escaped
next_char = string[escape_pos + 1]
if next_char in escapes:
# unicode escapes. trie to consume up to four characters of
# hexadecimal characters and try to interpret them as unicode
# character point. If there is no such character point, put
# all the consumed characters into the string.
elif next_char in 'uU':
escaped = uni_escape_re.match(string, escape_pos + 2)
if escaped is not None:
escaped_value = escaped.group()
if len(escaped_value) == 4:
add(unichr(int(escaped_value, 16)))
except ValueError:
pos = escape_pos + 6
add(next_char + escaped_value)
pos = escaped.end()
# bogus escape. Just remove the backslash.
pos = escape_pos + 2
if pos < len(string):
return u''.join(result)
def tokenize(source):
"""Tokenize a JavaScript source. Returns a generator of tokens.
may_divide = False
pos = 0
lineno = 1
end = len(source)
while pos < end:
# handle regular rules first
for token_type, rule in rules:
match = rule.match(source, pos)
if match is not None:
# if we don't have a match we don't give up yet, but check for
# division operators or regular expression literals, based on
# the status of `may_divide` which is determined by the last
# processed non-whitespace token using `indicates_division`.
if may_divide:
match = division_re.match(source, pos)
token_type = 'operator'
match = regex_re.match(source, pos)
token_type = 'regexp'
if match is None:
# woops. invalid syntax. jump one char ahead and try again.
pos += 1
token_value = match.group()
if token_type is not None:
token = Token(token_type, token_value, lineno)
may_divide = indicates_division(token)
yield token
lineno += len(line_re.findall(token_value))
pos = match.end()