# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    This module provides various traceback related utility functions.

    :copyright: (c) 2013 by the Werkzeug Team, see AUTHORS for more details.
    :license: BSD.
import re

import os
import sys
import json
import inspect
import traceback
import codecs
from tokenize import TokenError

from werkzeug.utils import cached_property, escape
from werkzeug.debug.console import Console
from werkzeug._compat import range_type, PY2, text_type, string_types

_coding_re = re.compile(r'coding[:=]\s*([-\w.]+)')
_line_re = re.compile(r'^(.*?)$(?m)')
_funcdef_re = re.compile(r'^(\s*def\s)|(.*(?<!\w)lambda(:|\s))|^(\s*@)')
UTF8_COOKIE = '\xef\xbb\xbf'

system_exceptions = (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt)
    system_exceptions += (GeneratorExit,)
except NameError:

HEADER = u'''\
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    <title>%(title)s // Werkzeug Debugger</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="?__debugger__=yes&amp;cmd=resource&amp;f=style.css" type="text/css">
    <!-- We need to make sure this has a favicon so that the debugger does not by
         accident trigger a request to /favicon.ico which might change the application
         state. -->
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="?__debugger__=yes&amp;cmd=resource&amp;f=console.png">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="?__debugger__=yes&amp;cmd=resource&amp;f=jquery.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="?__debugger__=yes&amp;cmd=resource&amp;f=debugger.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      var TRACEBACK = %(traceback_id)d,
          CONSOLE_MODE = %(console)s,
          EVALEX = %(evalex)s,
          SECRET = "%(secret)s";
    <div class="debugger">
FOOTER = u'''\
      <div class="footer">
        Brought to you by <strong class="arthur">DON'T PANIC</strong>, your
        friendly Werkzeug powered traceback interpreter.

<div class="detail">
  <p class="errormsg">%(exception)s</p>
<h2 class="traceback">Traceback <em>(most recent call last)</em></h2>
<div class="plain">
  <form action="/?__debugger__=yes&amp;cmd=paste" method="post">
      <input type="hidden" name="language" value="pytb">
      This is the Copy/Paste friendly version of the traceback.  <span
      class="pastemessage">You can also paste this traceback into
      a <a href="https://gist.github.com/">gist</a>:
      <input type="submit" value="create paste"></span>
    <textarea cols="50" rows="10" name="code" readonly>%(plaintext)s</textarea>
<div class="explanation">
  The debugger caught an exception in your WSGI application.  You can now
  look at the traceback which led to the error.  <span class="nojavascript">
  If you enable JavaScript you can also use additional features such as code
  execution (if the evalex feature is enabled), automatic pasting of the
  exceptions and much more.</span>
''' + FOOTER + '''



<h1>Interactive Console</h1>
<div class="explanation">
In this console you can execute Python expressions in the context of the
application.  The initial namespace was created by the debugger automatically.
<div class="console"><div class="inner">The Console requires JavaScript.</div></div>
''' + FOOTER

<div class="%(classes)s">

FRAME_HTML = u'''\
<div class="frame" id="frame-%(id)d">
  <h4>File <cite class="filename">"%(filename)s"</cite>,
      line <em class="line">%(lineno)s</em>,
      in <code class="function">%(function_name)s</code></h4>

SOURCE_TABLE_HTML = u'<table class=source>%s</table>'

<tr class="%(classes)s">
  <td class=lineno>%(lineno)s</td>

def render_console_html(secret):
    return CONSOLE_HTML % {
        'evalex':           'true',
        'console':          'true',
        'title':            'Console',
        'secret':           secret,
        'traceback_id':     -1

def get_current_traceback(ignore_system_exceptions=False,
                          show_hidden_frames=False, skip=0):
    """Get the current exception info as `Traceback` object.  Per default
    calling this method will reraise system exceptions such as generator exit,
    system exit or others.  This behavior can be disabled by passing `False`
    to the function as first parameter.
    exc_type, exc_value, tb = sys.exc_info()
    if ignore_system_exceptions and exc_type in system_exceptions:
    for x in range_type(skip):
        if tb.tb_next is None:
        tb = tb.tb_next
    tb = Traceback(exc_type, exc_value, tb)
    if not show_hidden_frames:
    return tb

class Line(object):
    """Helper for the source renderer."""
    __slots__ = ('lineno', 'code', 'in_frame', 'current')

    def __init__(self, lineno, code):
        self.lineno = lineno
        self.code = code
        self.in_frame = False
        self.current = False

    def classes(self):
        rv = ['line']
        if self.in_frame:
        if self.current:
        return rv
    classes = property(classes)

    def render(self):
        return SOURCE_LINE_HTML % {
            'classes':      u' '.join(self.classes),
            'lineno':       self.lineno,
            'code':         escape(self.code)

class Traceback(object):
    """Wraps a traceback."""

    def __init__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb):
        self.exc_type = exc_type
        self.exc_value = exc_value
        if not isinstance(exc_type, str):
            exception_type = exc_type.__name__
            if exc_type.__module__ not in ('__builtin__', 'exceptions'):
                exception_type = exc_type.__module__ + '.' + exception_type
            exception_type = exc_type
        self.exception_type = exception_type

        # we only add frames to the list that are not hidden.  This follows
        # the the magic variables as defined by paste.exceptions.collector
        self.frames = []
        while tb:
            self.frames.append(Frame(exc_type, exc_value, tb))
            tb = tb.tb_next

    def filter_hidden_frames(self):
        """Remove the frames according to the paste spec."""
        if not self.frames:

        new_frames = []
        hidden = False
        for frame in self.frames:
            hide = frame.hide
            if hide in ('before', 'before_and_this'):
                new_frames = []
                hidden = False
                if hide == 'before_and_this':
            elif hide in ('reset', 'reset_and_this'):
                hidden = False
                if hide == 'reset_and_this':
            elif hide in ('after', 'after_and_this'):
                hidden = True
                if hide == 'after_and_this':
            elif hide or hidden:

        # if we only have one frame and that frame is from the codeop
        # module, remove it.
        if len(new_frames) == 1 and self.frames[0].module == 'codeop':
            del self.frames[:]

        # if the last frame is missing something went terrible wrong :(
        elif self.frames[-1] in new_frames:
            self.frames[:] = new_frames

    def is_syntax_error(self):
        """Is it a syntax error?"""
        return isinstance(self.exc_value, SyntaxError)
    is_syntax_error = property(is_syntax_error)

    def exception(self):
        """String representation of the exception."""
        buf = traceback.format_exception_only(self.exc_type, self.exc_value)
        rv = ''.join(buf).strip()
        return rv.decode('utf-8', 'replace') if PY2 else rv
    exception = property(exception)

    def log(self, logfile=None):
        """Log the ASCII traceback into a file object."""
        if logfile is None:
            logfile = sys.stderr
        tb = self.plaintext.rstrip() + u'\n'
        if PY2:
            tb.encode('utf-8', 'replace')

    def paste(self):
        """Create a paste and return the paste id."""
        data = json.dumps({
            'description': 'Werkzeug Internal Server Error',
            'public': False,
            'files': {
                'traceback.txt': {
                    'content': self.plaintext
            from urllib2 import urlopen
        except ImportError:
            from urllib.request import urlopen
        rv = urlopen('https://api.github.com/gists', data=data)
        resp = json.loads(rv.read().decode('utf-8'))
        return {
            'url': resp['html_url'],
            'id': resp['id']

    def render_summary(self, include_title=True):
        """Render the traceback for the interactive console."""
        title = ''
        frames = []
        classes = ['traceback']
        if not self.frames:

        if include_title:
            if self.is_syntax_error:
                title = u'Syntax Error'
                title = u'Traceback <em>(most recent call last)</em>:'

        for frame in self.frames:
            frames.append(u'<li%s>%s' % (
                frame.info and u' title="%s"' % escape(frame.info) or u'',

        if self.is_syntax_error:
            description_wrapper = u'<pre class=syntaxerror>%s</pre>'
            description_wrapper = u'<blockquote>%s</blockquote>'

        return SUMMARY_HTML % {
            'classes':      u' '.join(classes),
            'title':        title and u'<h3>%s</h3>' % title or u'',
            'frames':       u'\n'.join(frames),
            'description':  description_wrapper % escape(self.exception)

    def render_full(self, evalex=False, secret=None):
        """Render the Full HTML page with the traceback info."""
        exc = escape(self.exception)
        return PAGE_HTML % {
            'evalex':           evalex and 'true' or 'false',
            'console':          'false',
            'title':            exc,
            'exception':        exc,
            'exception_type':   escape(self.exception_type),
            'summary':          self.render_summary(include_title=False),
            'plaintext':        self.plaintext,
            'plaintext_cs':     re.sub('-{2,}', '-', self.plaintext),
            'traceback_id':     self.id,
            'secret':           secret

    def generate_plaintext_traceback(self):
        """Like the plaintext attribute but returns a generator"""
        yield u'Traceback (most recent call last):'
        for frame in self.frames:
            yield u'  File "%s", line %s, in %s' % (
            yield u'    ' + frame.current_line.strip()
        yield self.exception

    def plaintext(self):
        return u'\n'.join(self.generate_plaintext_traceback())
    plaintext = cached_property(plaintext)

    id = property(lambda x: id(x))

class Frame(object):
    """A single frame in a traceback."""

    def __init__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb):
        self.lineno = tb.tb_lineno
        self.function_name = tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_name
        self.locals = tb.tb_frame.f_locals
        self.globals = tb.tb_frame.f_globals

        fn = inspect.getsourcefile(tb) or inspect.getfile(tb)
        if fn[-4:] in ('.pyo', '.pyc'):
            fn = fn[:-1]
        # if it's a file on the file system resolve the real filename.
        if os.path.isfile(fn):
            fn = os.path.realpath(fn)
        self.filename = fn
        self.module = self.globals.get('__name__')
        self.loader = self.globals.get('__loader__')
        self.code = tb.tb_frame.f_code

        # support for paste's traceback extensions
        self.hide = self.locals.get('__traceback_hide__', False)
        info = self.locals.get('__traceback_info__')
        if info is not None:
                info = text_type(info)
            except UnicodeError:
                info = str(info).decode('utf-8', 'replace')
        self.info = info

    def render(self):
        """Render a single frame in a traceback."""
        return FRAME_HTML % {
            'id':               self.id,
            'filename':         escape(self.filename),
            'lineno':           self.lineno,
            'function_name':    escape(self.function_name),
            'current_line':     escape(self.current_line.strip())

    def get_annotated_lines(self):
        """Helper function that returns lines with extra information."""
        lines = [Line(idx + 1, x) for idx, x in enumerate(self.sourcelines)]

        # find function definition and mark lines
        if hasattr(self.code, 'co_firstlineno'):
            lineno = self.code.co_firstlineno - 1
            while lineno > 0:
                if _funcdef_re.match(lines[lineno].code):
                lineno -= 1
                offset = len(inspect.getblock([x.code + '\n' for x
                                               in lines[lineno:]]))
            except TokenError:
                offset = 0
            for line in lines[lineno:lineno + offset]:
                line.in_frame = True

        # mark current line
            lines[self.lineno - 1].current = True
        except IndexError:

        return lines

    def render_source(self):
        """Render the sourcecode."""
        return SOURCE_TABLE_HTML % u'\n'.join(line.render() for line in

    def eval(self, code, mode='single'):
        """Evaluate code in the context of the frame."""
        if isinstance(code, string_types):
            if PY2 and isinstance(code, unicode):
                code = UTF8_COOKIE + code.encode('utf-8')
            code = compile(code, '<interactive>', mode)
        return eval(code, self.globals, self.locals)

    def sourcelines(self):
        """The sourcecode of the file as list of unicode strings."""
        # get sourcecode from loader or file
        source = None
        if self.loader is not None:
                if hasattr(self.loader, 'get_source'):
                    source = self.loader.get_source(self.module)
                elif hasattr(self.loader, 'get_source_by_code'):
                    source = self.loader.get_source_by_code(self.code)
            except Exception:
                # we munch the exception so that we don't cause troubles
                # if the loader is broken.

        if source is None:
                f = open(self.filename)
            except IOError:
                return []
                source = f.read()

        # already unicode?  return right away
        if isinstance(source, text_type):
            return source.splitlines()

        # yes. it should be ascii, but we don't want to reject too many
        # characters in the debugger if something breaks
        charset = 'utf-8'
        if source.startswith(UTF8_COOKIE):
            source = source[3:]
            for idx, match in enumerate(_line_re.finditer(source)):
                match = _line_re.search(match.group())
                if match is not None:
                    charset = match.group(1)
                if idx > 1:

        # on broken cookies we fall back to utf-8 too
        except LookupError:
            charset = 'utf-8'

        return source.decode(charset, 'replace').splitlines()

    def current_line(self):
            return self.sourcelines[self.lineno - 1]
        except IndexError:
            return u''

    def console(self):
        return Console(self.globals, self.locals)

    id = property(lambda x: id(x))