# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of the Calibre-Web (https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web) # Copyright (C) 2012-2019 cervinko, idalin, SiphonSquirrel, ouzklcn, akushsky, # OzzieIsaacs, bodybybuddha, jkrehm, matthazinski, janeczku # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os import random import io import mimetypes import re import regex import shutil import socket from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone import requests import unidecode from uuid import uuid4 from flask import send_from_directory, make_response, abort, url_for, Response from flask_babel import gettext as _ from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as N_ from flask_babel import get_locale from .cw_login import current_user from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import true, false, and_, or_, text, func from sqlalchemy.exc import InvalidRequestError, OperationalError from werkzeug.datastructures import Headers from werkzeug.security import generate_password_hash from markupsafe import escape from urllib.parse import quote try: from . import cw_advocate from .cw_advocate.exceptions import UnacceptableAddressException use_advocate = True except ImportError as e: use_advocate = False advocate = requests UnacceptableAddressException = MissingSchema = BaseException from . import calibre_db, cli_param from .string_helper import strip_whitespaces from .tasks.convert import TaskConvert from . import logger, config, db, ub, fs from . import gdriveutils as gd from .constants import (STATIC_DIR as _STATIC_DIR, CACHE_TYPE_THUMBNAILS, THUMBNAIL_TYPE_COVER, THUMBNAIL_TYPE_SERIES, SUPPORTED_CALIBRE_BINARIES) from .subproc_wrapper import process_wait from .services.worker import WorkerThread from .tasks.mail import TaskEmail from .tasks.thumbnail import TaskClearCoverThumbnailCache, TaskGenerateCoverThumbnails from .tasks.metadata_backup import TaskBackupMetadata from .file_helper import get_temp_dir from .epub_helper import get_content_opf, create_new_metadata_backup, updateEpub, replace_metadata from .embed_helper import do_calibre_export log = logger.create() try: from wand.image import Image from wand.exceptions import MissingDelegateError, BlobError use_IM = True except (ImportError, RuntimeError) as e: log.debug('Cannot import Image, generating covers from non jpg files will not work: %s', e) use_IM = False MissingDelegateError = BaseException # Convert existing book entry to new format def convert_book_format(book_id, calibre_path, old_book_format, new_book_format, user_id, ereader_mail=None): book = calibre_db.get_book(book_id) data = calibre_db.get_book_format(book.id, old_book_format) if not data: error_message = _("%(format)s format not found for book id: %(book)d", format=old_book_format, book=book_id) log.error("convert_book_format: %s", error_message) return error_message file_path = os.path.join(calibre_path, book.path, data.name) if config.config_use_google_drive: if not gd.getFileFromEbooksFolder(book.path, data.name + "." + old_book_format.lower()): error_message = _("%(format)s not found on Google Drive: %(fn)s", format=old_book_format, fn=data.name + "." + old_book_format.lower()) return error_message else: if not os.path.exists(file_path + "." + old_book_format.lower()): error_message = _("%(format)s not found: %(fn)s", format=old_book_format, fn=data.name + "." + old_book_format.lower()) return error_message # read settings and append converter task to queue if ereader_mail: settings = config.get_mail_settings() settings['subject'] = _('Send to eReader') # pretranslate Subject for Email settings['body'] = _('This Email has been sent via Calibre-Web.') else: settings = dict() link = '{}'.format(url_for('web.show_book', book_id=book.id), escape(book.title)) # prevent xss txt = "{} -> {}: {}".format( old_book_format.upper(), new_book_format.upper(), link) settings['old_book_format'] = old_book_format settings['new_book_format'] = new_book_format WorkerThread.add(user_id, TaskConvert(file_path, book.id, txt, settings, ereader_mail, user_id)) return None # Texts are not lazy translated as they are supposed to get send out as is def send_test_mail(ereader_mail, user_name): for email in ereader_mail.split(','): email = strip_whitespaces(email) WorkerThread.add(user_name, TaskEmail(_('Calibre-Web Test Email'), None, None, config.get_mail_settings(), email, N_("Test Email"), _('This Email has been sent via Calibre-Web.'))) return # Send registration email or password reset email, depending on parameter resend (False means welcome email) def send_registration_mail(e_mail, user_name, default_password, resend=False): txt = "Hi %s!\r\n" % user_name if not resend: txt += "Your account at Calibre-Web has been created.\r\n" txt += "Please log in using the following information:\r\n" txt += "Username: %s\r\n" % user_name txt += "Password: %s\r\n" % default_password txt += "Don't forget to change your password after your first login.\r\n" txt += "Regards,\r\n\r\n" txt += "Calibre-Web" WorkerThread.add(None, TaskEmail( subject=_('Get Started with Calibre-Web'), filepath=None, attachment=None, settings=config.get_mail_settings(), recipient=e_mail, task_message=N_("Registration Email for user: %(name)s", name=user_name), text=txt )) return def check_send_to_ereader_with_converter(formats): book_formats = list() if 'MOBI' in formats and 'EPUB' not in formats: book_formats.append({'format': 'Epub', 'convert': 1, 'text': _('Convert %(orig)s to %(format)s and send to eReader', orig='Mobi', format='Epub')}) if 'AZW3' in formats and 'EPUB' not in formats: book_formats.append({'format': 'Epub', 'convert': 2, 'text': _('Convert %(orig)s to %(format)s and send to eReader', orig='Azw3', format='Epub')}) return book_formats def check_send_to_ereader(entry): """ returns all available book formats for sending to eReader """ formats = list() book_formats = list() if len(entry.data): for ele in iter(entry.data): if ele.uncompressed_size < config.mail_size: formats.append(ele.format) if 'EPUB' in formats: book_formats.append({'format': 'Epub', 'convert': 0, 'text': _('Send %(format)s to eReader', format='Epub')}) if 'PDF' in formats: book_formats.append({'format': 'Pdf', 'convert': 0, 'text': _('Send %(format)s to eReader', format='Pdf')}) if 'AZW' in formats: book_formats.append({'format': 'Azw', 'convert': 0, 'text': _('Send %(format)s to eReader', format='Azw')}) if config.config_converterpath: book_formats.extend(check_send_to_ereader_with_converter(formats)) return book_formats else: log.error('Cannot find book entry %d', entry.id) return None # Check if a reader is existing for any of the book formats, if not, return empty list, otherwise return # list with supported formats def check_read_formats(entry): extensions_reader = {'TXT', 'PDF', 'EPUB', 'CBZ', 'CBT', 'CBR', 'DJVU', 'DJV'} book_formats = list() if len(entry.data): for ele in iter(entry.data): if ele.format.upper() in extensions_reader: book_formats.append(ele.format.lower()) return book_formats # Files are processed in the following order/priority: # 1: If epub file is existing, it's directly send to eReader email, # 2: If mobi file is existing, it's converted and send to eReader email, # 3: If Pdf file is existing, it's directly send to eReader email def send_mail(book_id, book_format, convert, ereader_mail, calibrepath, user_id): """Send email with attachments""" book = calibre_db.get_book(book_id) if convert == 1: # returns None if success, otherwise errormessage return convert_book_format(book_id, calibrepath, 'mobi', book_format.lower(), user_id, ereader_mail) if convert == 2: # returns None if success, otherwise errormessage return convert_book_format(book_id, calibrepath, 'azw3', book_format.lower(), user_id, ereader_mail) for entry in iter(book.data): if entry.format.upper() == book_format.upper(): converted_file_name = entry.name + '.' + book_format.lower() link = '{}'.format(url_for('web.show_book', book_id=book_id), escape(book.title)) email_text = N_("%(book)s send to eReader", book=link) for email in ereader_mail.split(','): email = strip_whitespaces(email) WorkerThread.add(user_id, TaskEmail(_("Send to eReader"), book.path, converted_file_name, config.get_mail_settings(), email, email_text, _('This Email has been sent via Calibre-Web.'), book.id)) return return _("The requested file could not be read. Maybe wrong permissions?") def get_valid_filename(value, replace_whitespace=True, chars=128): """ Returns the given string converted to a string that can be used for a clean filename. Limits num characters to 128 max. """ if value[-1:] == '.': value = value[:-1]+'_' value = value.replace("/", "_").replace(":", "_").strip('\0') if config.config_unicode_filename: value = (unidecode.unidecode(value)) if replace_whitespace: # *+:\"/<>? are replaced by _ value = re.sub(r'[*+:\\\"/<>?]+', '_', value, flags=re.U) # pipe has to be replaced with comma value = re.sub(r'[|]+', ',', value, flags=re.U) value = strip_whitespaces(value.encode('utf-8')[:chars].decode('utf-8', errors='ignore')) if not value: raise ValueError("Filename cannot be empty") return value def split_authors(values): authors_list = [] for value in values: authors = re.split('[&;]', value) for author in authors: commas = author.count(',') if commas == 1: author_split = author.split(',') authors_list.append(strip_whitespaces(author_split[1]) + ' ' + strip_whitespaces(author_split[0])) elif commas > 1: authors_list.extend([strip_whitespaces(x) for x in author.split(',')]) else: authors_list.append(strip_whitespaces(author)) return authors_list def get_sorted_author(value): value2 = None try: if ',' not in value: regexes = [r"^(JR|SR)\.?$", r"^I{1,3}\.?$", r"^IV\.?$"] combined = "(" + ")|(".join(regexes) + ")" value = value.split(" ") if re.match(combined, value[-1].upper()): if len(value) > 1: value2 = value[-2] + ", " + " ".join(value[:-2]) + " " + value[-1] else: value2 = value[0] elif len(value) == 1: value2 = value[0] else: value2 = value[-1] + ", " + " ".join(value[:-1]) else: value2 = value except Exception as ex: log.error("Sorting author %s failed: %s", value, ex) if isinstance(list, value2): value2 = value[0] else: value2 = value return value2 def edit_book_read_status(book_id, read_status=None): if not config.config_read_column: book = ub.session.query(ub.ReadBook).filter(and_(ub.ReadBook.user_id == int(current_user.id), ub.ReadBook.book_id == book_id)).first() if book: if read_status is None: if book.read_status == ub.ReadBook.STATUS_FINISHED: book.read_status = ub.ReadBook.STATUS_UNREAD else: book.read_status = ub.ReadBook.STATUS_FINISHED else: book.read_status = ub.ReadBook.STATUS_FINISHED if read_status else ub.ReadBook.STATUS_UNREAD else: read_book = ub.ReadBook(user_id=current_user.id, book_id=book_id) read_book.read_status = ub.ReadBook.STATUS_FINISHED book = read_book if not book.kobo_reading_state: kobo_reading_state = ub.KoboReadingState(user_id=current_user.id, book_id=book_id) kobo_reading_state.current_bookmark = ub.KoboBookmark() kobo_reading_state.statistics = ub.KoboStatistics() book.kobo_reading_state = kobo_reading_state ub.session.merge(book) ub.session_commit("Book {} readbit toggled".format(book_id)) else: try: calibre_db.create_functions(config) book = calibre_db.get_filtered_book(book_id) book_read_status = getattr(book, 'custom_column_' + str(config.config_read_column)) if len(book_read_status): if read_status is None: book_read_status[0].value = not book_read_status[0].value else: book_read_status[0].value = read_status is True calibre_db.session.commit() else: cc_class = db.cc_classes[config.config_read_column] new_cc = cc_class(value=read_status or 1, book=book_id) calibre_db.session.add(new_cc) calibre_db.session.commit() except (KeyError, AttributeError, IndexError): log.error( "Custom Column No.{} does not exist in calibre database".format(config.config_read_column)) return "Custom Column No.{} does not exist in calibre database".format(config.config_read_column) except (OperationalError, InvalidRequestError) as ex: calibre_db.session.rollback() log.error("Read status could not set: {}".format(ex)) return _("Read status could not set: {}".format(ex.orig)) return "" # Deletes a book from the local filestorage, returns True if deleting is successful, otherwise false def delete_book_file(book, calibrepath, book_format=None): # check that path is 2 elements deep, check that target path has no sub folders if book.path.count('/') == 1: path = os.path.join(calibrepath, book.path) if book_format: for file in os.listdir(path): if file.upper().endswith("."+book_format): os.remove(os.path.join(path, file)) return True, None else: if os.path.isdir(path): try: for root, folders, files in os.walk(path): for f in files: os.unlink(os.path.join(root, f)) if len(folders): log.warning("Deleting book {} failed, path {} has subfolders: {}".format(book.id, book.path, folders)) return True, _("Deleting bookfolder for book %(id)s failed, path has subfolders: %(path)s", id=book.id, path=book.path) shutil.rmtree(path) except (IOError, OSError) as ex: log.error("Deleting book %s failed: %s", book.id, ex) return False, _("Deleting book %(id)s failed: %(message)s", id=book.id, message=ex) authorpath = os.path.join(calibrepath, os.path.split(book.path)[0]) if not os.listdir(authorpath): try: shutil.rmtree(authorpath) except (IOError, OSError) as ex: log.error("Deleting authorpath for book %s failed: %s", book.id, ex) return True, None log.error("Deleting book %s from database only, book path in database not valid: %s", book.id, book.path) return True, _("Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s", id=book.id, path=book.path) def rename_all_files_on_change(one_book, new_path, old_path, all_new_name, gdrive=False): for file_format in one_book.data: if not gdrive: if not os.path.exists(new_path): os.makedirs(new_path) shutil.move(os.path.join(old_path, file_format.name + '.' + file_format.format.lower()), os.path.join(new_path, all_new_name + '.' + file_format.format.lower())) else: g_file = gd.getFileFromEbooksFolder(old_path, file_format.name + '.' + file_format.format.lower()) if g_file: gd.moveGdriveFileRemote(g_file, all_new_name + '.' + file_format.format.lower()) gd.updateDatabaseOnEdit(g_file['id'], all_new_name + '.' + file_format.format.lower()) else: log.error("File {} not found on gdrive" .format(old_path, file_format.name + '.' + file_format.format.lower())) # change name in Database file_format.name = all_new_name def rename_author_path(first_author, old_author_dir, renamed_author, calibre_path="", gdrive=False): # Create new_author_dir from parameter or from database # Create new title_dir from database and add id new_authordir = get_valid_filename(first_author, chars=96) new_author_rename_dir = get_valid_filename(renamed_author, chars=96) if gdrive: g_file = gd.getFileFromEbooksFolder(None, old_author_dir) if g_file: gd.moveGdriveFolderRemote(g_file, new_author_rename_dir) else: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(calibre_path, old_author_dir)): old_author_path = os.path.join(calibre_path, old_author_dir) new_author_path = os.path.join(calibre_path, new_author_rename_dir) try: os.rename(old_author_path, new_author_path) except OSError: try: shutil.move(old_author_path, new_author_path) except OSError as ex: log.error("Rename author from: %s to %s: %s", old_author_path, new_author_path, ex) log.error_or_exception(ex) raise Exception(_("Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s", src=old_author_path, dest=new_author_path, error=str(ex))) return new_authordir # Moves files in file storage during author/title rename, or from temp dir to file storage def update_dir_structure_file(book_id, calibre_path, original_filepath, new_author, db_filename): # get book database entry from id, if original path overwrite source with original_filepath local_book = calibre_db.get_book(book_id) if original_filepath: path = original_filepath else: path = os.path.join(calibre_path, local_book.path) # Create (current) author_dir and title_dir from database author_dir = local_book.path.split('/')[0] title_dir = local_book.path.split('/')[1] new_title_dir = get_valid_filename(local_book.title, chars=96) + " (" + str(book_id) + ")" if new_author: new_author_dir = get_valid_filename(new_author, chars=96) else: new_author = new_author_dir = author_dir if title_dir != new_title_dir or author_dir != new_author_dir or original_filepath: error = move_files_on_change(calibre_path, new_author_dir, new_title_dir, local_book, db_filename, original_filepath, path) new_path = os.path.join(calibre_path, new_author_dir, new_title_dir).replace('\\', '/') all_new_name = get_valid_filename(local_book.title, chars=42) + ' - ' \ + get_valid_filename(new_author, chars=42) # Book folder already moved, only files need to be renamed rename_all_files_on_change(local_book, new_path, new_path, all_new_name) if error: return error return False def upload_new_file_gdrive(book_id, first_author, title, title_dir, original_filepath, filename_ext): book = calibre_db.get_book(book_id) file_name = get_valid_filename(title, chars=42) + ' - ' + \ get_valid_filename(first_author, chars=42) + filename_ext gdrive_path = os.path.join(get_valid_filename(first_author, chars=96), title_dir + " (" + str(book_id) + ")") book.path = gdrive_path.replace("\\", "/") gd.uploadFileToEbooksFolder(os.path.join(gdrive_path, file_name).replace("\\", "/"), original_filepath) return False def update_dir_structure_gdrive(book_id, first_author): book = calibre_db.get_book(book_id) authordir = book.path.split('/')[0] titledir = book.path.split('/')[1] # new_authordir = rename_all_authors(first_author, renamed_author, gdrive=True) new_authordir = get_valid_filename(first_author, chars=96) new_titledir = get_valid_filename(book.title, chars=96) + " (" + str(book_id) + ")" if titledir != new_titledir: g_file = gd.getFileFromEbooksFolder(authordir, titledir) if g_file: gd.moveGdriveFileRemote(g_file, new_titledir) book.path = book.path.split('/')[0] + '/' + new_titledir gd.updateDatabaseOnEdit(g_file['id'], book.path) # only child folder affected else: return _('File %(file)s not found on Google Drive', file=book.path) # file not found if authordir != new_authordir: g_file = gd.getFileFromEbooksFolder(authordir, new_titledir) if g_file: gd.moveGdriveFolderRemote(g_file, new_authordir, single_book=True) book.path = new_authordir + '/' + book.path.split('/')[1] gd.updateDatabaseOnEdit(g_file['id'], book.path) else: return _('File %(file)s not found on Google Drive', file=authordir) # file not found''' if titledir != new_titledir or authordir != new_authordir : all_new_name = get_valid_filename(book.title, chars=42) + ' - ' \ + get_valid_filename(new_authordir, chars=42) rename_all_files_on_change(book, book.path, book.path, all_new_name, gdrive=True) # todo: Move filenames on gdrive return False def move_files_on_change(calibre_path, new_author_dir, new_titledir, localbook, db_filename, original_filepath, path): new_path = os.path.join(calibre_path, new_author_dir, new_titledir) try: if original_filepath: if not os.path.isdir(new_path): os.makedirs(new_path) try: shutil.move(original_filepath, os.path.join(new_path, db_filename)) except OSError: log.error("Rename title from {} to {} failed with error, trying to " "move without metadata".format(path, new_path)) shutil.move(original_filepath, os.path.join(new_path, db_filename), copy_function=shutil.copy) log.debug("Moving title: %s to %s", original_filepath, new_path) else: # Check new path is not valid path if not os.path.exists(new_path): # move original path to new path log.debug("Moving title: %s to %s", path, new_path) shutil.move(path, new_path) else: # path is valid copy only files to new location (merge) log.info("Moving title: %s into existing: %s", path, new_path) # Take all files and subfolder from old path (strange command) for dir_name, __, file_list in os.walk(path): for file in file_list: shutil.move(os.path.join(dir_name, file), os.path.join(new_path + dir_name[len(path):], file)) if not os.listdir(os.path.split(path)[0]): try: shutil.rmtree(os.path.split(path)[0]) except (IOError, OSError) as ex: log.error("Deleting authorpath for book %s failed: %s", localbook.id, ex) # change location in database to new author/title path localbook.path = os.path.join(new_author_dir, new_titledir).replace('\\', '/') except OSError as ex: log.error_or_exception("Rename title from {} to {} failed with error: {}".format(path, new_path, ex)) return _("Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s", src=path, dest=new_path, error=str(ex)) return False def rename_files_on_change(first_author, renamed_author, local_book, original_filepath="", path="", calibre_path="", gdrive=False): # Rename all files from old names to new names #try: #clean_author_database(renamed_author, calibre_path, gdrive=gdrive) #if first_author and first_author not in renamed_author: # clean_author_database([first_author], calibre_path, local_book, gdrive) #if not gdrive and not renamed_author and not original_filepath and len(os.listdir(os.path.dirname(path))) == 0: # shutil.rmtree(os.path.dirname(path)) #except (OSError, FileNotFoundError) as ex: # log.error_or_exception("Error in rename file in path {}".format(ex)) # return _("Error in rename file in path: {}".format(str(ex))) return False def delete_book_gdrive(book, book_format): error = None if book_format: name = '' for entry in book.data: if entry.format.upper() == book_format: name = entry.name + '.' + book_format g_file = gd.getFileFromEbooksFolder(book.path, name, nocase=True) else: g_file = gd.getFileFromEbooksFolder(os.path.dirname(book.path), book.path.split('/')[1]) if g_file: gd.deleteDatabaseEntry(g_file['id']) g_file.Trash() else: error = _('Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive', path=book.path) # file not found return error is None, error def reset_password(user_id): existing_user = ub.session.query(ub.User).filter(ub.User.id == user_id).first() if not existing_user: return 0, None if not config.get_mail_server_configured(): return 2, None try: password = generate_random_password(config.config_password_min_length) existing_user.password = generate_password_hash(password) ub.session.commit() send_registration_mail(existing_user.email, existing_user.name, password, True) return 1, existing_user.name except Exception: ub.session.rollback() return 0, None def generate_random_password(min_length): min_length = max(8, min_length) - 4 random_source = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!@#$%&*()?" # select 1 lowercase s = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" password = [s[c % len(s)] for c in os.urandom(1)] # select 1 uppercase s = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" password.extend([s[c % len(s)] for c in os.urandom(1)]) # select 1 digit s = "01234567890" password.extend([s[c % len(s)] for c in os.urandom(1)]) # select 1 special symbol s = "!@#$%&*()?" password.extend([s[c % len(s)] for c in os.urandom(1)]) # generate other characters password.extend([random_source[c % len(random_source)] for c in os.urandom(min_length)]) # password_list = list(password) # shuffle all characters random.SystemRandom().shuffle(password) return ''.join(password) def uniq(inpt): output = [] inpt = [" ".join(inp.split()) for inp in inpt] for x in inpt: if x not in output: output.append(x) return output def check_email(email): email = valid_email(email) if ub.session.query(ub.User).filter(func.lower(ub.User.email) == email.lower()).first(): log.error("Found an existing account for this Email address") raise Exception(_("Found an existing account for this Email address")) return email def check_username(username): username = strip_whitespaces(username) if ub.session.query(ub.User).filter(func.lower(ub.User.name) == username.lower()).scalar(): log.error("This username is already taken") raise Exception(_("This username is already taken")) return username def valid_email(emails): valid_emails = [] for email in emails.split(','): email = strip_whitespaces(email) # if email is not deleted if email: # Regex according to https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/email#validation if not re.search(r"^[\w.!#$%&'*+\\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[\w](?:[\w-]{0,61}[\w])?(?:\.[\w](?:[\w-]{0,61}[\w])?)*$", email): log.error("Invalid Email address format for {}".format(email)) raise Exception(_("Invalid Email address format")) valid_emails.append(email) return ",".join(valid_emails) def valid_password(check_password): if config.config_password_policy: verify = "" if config.config_password_min_length > 0: verify += r"^(?=.{" + str(config.config_password_min_length) + ",}$)" if config.config_password_number: verify += r"(?=.*?\d)" if config.config_password_lower: verify += r"(?=.*?[\p{Ll}])" if config.config_password_upper: verify += r"(?=.*?[\p{Lu}])" if config.config_password_character: verify += r"(?=.*?[\p{Letter}])" if config.config_password_special: verify += r"(?=.*?[^\p{Letter}\s0-9])" match = regex.match(verify, check_password) if not match: raise Exception(_("Password doesn't comply with password validation rules")) return check_password # ################################# External interface ################################# def update_dir_structure(book_id, calibre_path, first_author=None, # change author of book to this author original_filepath=None, db_filename=None): if config.config_use_google_drive: return update_dir_structure_gdrive(book_id, first_author) else: return update_dir_structure_file(book_id, calibre_path, original_filepath, first_author, db_filename) def delete_book(book, calibrepath, book_format): if not book_format: clear_cover_thumbnail_cache(book.id) # here it breaks calibre_db.delete_dirty_metadata(book.id) if config.config_use_google_drive: return delete_book_gdrive(book, book_format) else: return delete_book_file(book, calibrepath, book_format) def get_cover_on_failure(): try: return send_from_directory(_STATIC_DIR, "generic_cover.jpg") except PermissionError: log.error("No permission to access generic_cover.jpg file.") abort(403) def get_book_cover(book_id, resolution=None): book = calibre_db.get_filtered_book(book_id, allow_show_archived=True) return get_book_cover_internal(book, resolution=resolution) def get_book_cover_with_uuid(book_uuid, resolution=None): book = calibre_db.get_book_by_uuid(book_uuid) if not book: return # allows kobo.HandleCoverImageRequest to proxy request return get_book_cover_internal(book, resolution=resolution) def get_book_cover_internal(book, resolution=None): if book and book.has_cover: # Send the book cover thumbnail if it exists in cache if resolution: thumbnail = get_book_cover_thumbnail(book, resolution) if thumbnail: cache = fs.FileSystem() if cache.get_cache_file_exists(thumbnail.filename, CACHE_TYPE_THUMBNAILS): return send_from_directory(cache.get_cache_file_dir(thumbnail.filename, CACHE_TYPE_THUMBNAILS), thumbnail.filename) # Send the book cover from Google Drive if configured if config.config_use_google_drive: try: if not gd.is_gdrive_ready(): return get_cover_on_failure() cover_file = gd.get_cover_via_gdrive(book.path) if cover_file: return Response(cover_file, mimetype='image/jpeg') else: log.error('{}/cover.jpg not found on Google Drive'.format(book.path)) return get_cover_on_failure() except Exception as ex: log.error_or_exception(ex) return get_cover_on_failure() # Send the book cover from the Calibre directory else: cover_file_path = os.path.join(config.get_book_path(), book.path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(cover_file_path, "cover.jpg")): return send_from_directory(cover_file_path, "cover.jpg") else: return get_cover_on_failure() else: return get_cover_on_failure() def get_book_cover_thumbnail(book, resolution): if book and book.has_cover: return (ub.session .query(ub.Thumbnail) .filter(ub.Thumbnail.type == THUMBNAIL_TYPE_COVER) .filter(ub.Thumbnail.entity_id == book.id) .filter(ub.Thumbnail.resolution == resolution) .filter(or_(ub.Thumbnail.expiration.is_(None), ub.Thumbnail.expiration > datetime.now(timezone.utc))) .first()) def get_series_thumbnail_on_failure(series_id, resolution): book = (calibre_db.session .query(db.Books) .join(db.books_series_link) .join(db.Series) .filter(db.Series.id == series_id) .filter(db.Books.has_cover == 1) .first()) return get_book_cover_internal(book, resolution=resolution) def get_series_cover_thumbnail(series_id, resolution=None): return get_series_cover_internal(series_id, resolution) def get_series_cover_internal(series_id, resolution=None): # Send the series thumbnail if it exists in cache if resolution: thumbnail = get_series_thumbnail(series_id, resolution) if thumbnail: cache = fs.FileSystem() if cache.get_cache_file_exists(thumbnail.filename, CACHE_TYPE_THUMBNAILS): return send_from_directory(cache.get_cache_file_dir(thumbnail.filename, CACHE_TYPE_THUMBNAILS), thumbnail.filename) return get_series_thumbnail_on_failure(series_id, resolution) def get_series_thumbnail(series_id, resolution): return (ub.session .query(ub.Thumbnail) .filter(ub.Thumbnail.type == THUMBNAIL_TYPE_SERIES) .filter(ub.Thumbnail.entity_id == series_id) .filter(ub.Thumbnail.resolution == resolution) .filter(or_(ub.Thumbnail.expiration.is_(None), ub.Thumbnail.expiration > datetime.now(timezone.utc))) .first()) # saves book cover from url def save_cover_from_url(url, book_path): try: if cli_param.allow_localhost: img = requests.get(url, timeout=(10, 200), allow_redirects=False) # ToDo: Error Handling elif use_advocate: img = cw_advocate.get(url, timeout=(10, 200), allow_redirects=False) # ToDo: Error Handling else: log.error("python module advocate is not installed but is needed") return False, _("Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads") img.raise_for_status() return save_cover(img, book_path) except (socket.gaierror, requests.exceptions.HTTPError, requests.exceptions.InvalidURL, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.Timeout) as ex: # "Invalid host" can be the result of a redirect response log.error(u'Cover Download Error %s', ex) return False, _("Error Downloading Cover") except MissingDelegateError as ex: log.info(u'File Format Error %s', ex) return False, _("Cover Format Error") except UnacceptableAddressException as e: log.error("Localhost or local network was accessed for cover upload") return False, _("You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads") def save_cover_from_filestorage(filepath, saved_filename, img): # check if file path exists, otherwise create it, copy file to calibre path and delete temp file if not os.path.exists(filepath): try: os.makedirs(filepath) except OSError: log.error("Failed to create path for cover") return False, _("Failed to create path for cover") try: # upload of jpg file without wand if isinstance(img, requests.Response): with open(os.path.join(filepath, saved_filename), 'wb') as f: f.write(img.content) else: if hasattr(img, "metadata"): # upload of jpg/png... via url img.save(filename=os.path.join(filepath, saved_filename)) img.close() else: # upload of jpg/png... from hdd img.save(os.path.join(filepath, saved_filename)) except (IOError, OSError): log.error("Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored") return False, _("Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored") return True, None # saves book cover to gdrive or locally def save_cover(img, book_path): content_type = img.headers.get('content-type') if use_IM: if content_type not in ('image/jpeg', 'image/jpg', 'image/png', 'image/webp', 'image/bmp'): log.error("Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile") return False, _("Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile") # convert to jpg because calibre only supports jpg try: if hasattr(img, 'stream'): imgc = Image(blob=img.stream) else: imgc = Image(blob=io.BytesIO(img.content)) imgc.format = 'jpeg' imgc.transform_colorspace("rgb") img = imgc except (BlobError, MissingDelegateError): log.error("Invalid cover file content") return False, _("Invalid cover file content") else: if content_type not in ['image/jpeg', 'image/jpg']: log.error("Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile") return False, _("Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile") if config.config_use_google_drive: tmp_dir = get_temp_dir() ret, message = save_cover_from_filestorage(tmp_dir, "uploaded_cover.jpg", img) if ret is True: gd.uploadFileToEbooksFolder(os.path.join(book_path, 'cover.jpg').replace("\\", "/"), os.path.join(tmp_dir, "uploaded_cover.jpg")) log.info("Cover is saved on Google Drive") return True, None else: return False, message else: return save_cover_from_filestorage(os.path.join(config.get_book_path(), book_path), "cover.jpg", img) def do_download_file(book, book_format, client, data, headers): book_name = data.name download_name = filename = None if config.config_use_google_drive: # startTime = time.time() df = gd.getFileFromEbooksFolder(book.path, data.name + "." + book_format) # log.debug('%s', time.time() - startTime) if df: if config.config_embed_metadata and ( (book_format == "kepub" and config.config_kepubifypath) or (book_format != "kepub" and config.config_binariesdir)): output_path = os.path.join(config.config_calibre_dir, book.path) if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path) output = os.path.join(config.config_calibre_dir, book.path, book_name + "." + book_format) gd.downloadFile(book.path, book_name + "." + book_format, output) if book_format == "kepub" and config.config_kepubifypath: filename, download_name = do_kepubify_metadata_replace(book, output) elif book_format != "kepub" and config.config_binariesdir: filename, download_name = do_calibre_export(book.id, book_format) else: return gd.do_gdrive_download(df, headers) else: abort(404) else: filename = os.path.join(config.get_book_path(), book.path) if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(filename, book_name + "." + book_format)): # ToDo: improve error handling log.error('File not found: %s', os.path.join(filename, book_name + "." + book_format)) if client == "kobo" and book_format == "kepub": headers["Content-Disposition"] = headers["Content-Disposition"].replace(".kepub", ".kepub.epub") if book_format == "kepub" and config.config_kepubifypath and config.config_embed_metadata: filename, download_name = do_kepubify_metadata_replace(book, os.path.join(filename, book_name + "." + book_format)) elif book_format != "kepub" and config.config_binariesdir and config.config_embed_metadata: filename, download_name = do_calibre_export(book.id, book_format) else: download_name = book_name response = make_response(send_from_directory(filename, download_name + "." + book_format)) # ToDo Check headers parameter for element in headers: response.headers[element[0]] = element[1] log.info('Downloading file: {}'.format(os.path.join(filename, book_name + "." + book_format))) return response def do_kepubify_metadata_replace(book, file_path): custom_columns = (calibre_db.session.query(db.CustomColumns) .filter(db.CustomColumns.mark_for_delete == 0) .filter(db.CustomColumns.datatype.notin_(db.cc_exceptions)) .order_by(db.CustomColumns.label).all()) tree, cf_name = get_content_opf(file_path) package = create_new_metadata_backup(book, custom_columns, current_user.locale, _("Cover"), lang_type=2) content = replace_metadata(tree, package) tmp_dir = get_temp_dir() temp_file_name = str(uuid4()) # open zipfile and replace metadata block in content.opf updateEpub(file_path, os.path.join(tmp_dir, temp_file_name + ".kepub"), cf_name, content) return tmp_dir, temp_file_name ################################## def check_unrar(unrar_location): if not unrar_location: return if not os.path.exists(unrar_location): return _('UnRar binary file not found') try: unrar_location = [unrar_location] value = process_wait(unrar_location, pattern='UNRAR (.*) freeware') if value: version = value.group(1) log.debug("UnRar version %s", version) except (OSError, UnicodeDecodeError) as err: log.error_or_exception(err) return _('Error executing UnRar') def check_calibre(calibre_location): if not calibre_location: return if not os.path.exists(calibre_location): return _('Could not find the specified directory') if not os.path.isdir(calibre_location): return _('Please specify a directory, not a file') try: supported_binary_paths = [os.path.join(calibre_location, binary) for binary in SUPPORTED_CALIBRE_BINARIES.values()] binaries_available = [os.path.isfile(binary_path) for binary_path in supported_binary_paths] binaries_executable = [os.access(binary_path, os.X_OK) for binary_path in supported_binary_paths] if all(binaries_available) and all(binaries_executable): values = [process_wait([binary_path, "--version"], pattern=r'\(calibre (.*)\)') for binary_path in supported_binary_paths] if all(values): version = values[0].group(1) log.debug("calibre version %s", version) else: return _('Calibre binaries not viable') else: ret_val = [] missing_binaries = [path for path, available in zip(SUPPORTED_CALIBRE_BINARIES.values(), binaries_available) if not available] missing_perms = [path for path, available in zip(SUPPORTED_CALIBRE_BINARIES.values(), binaries_executable) if not available] if missing_binaries: ret_val.append(_('Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s', missing=", ".join(missing_binaries))) if missing_perms: ret_val.append(_('Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s', missing=", ".join(missing_perms))) return ", ".join(ret_val) except (OSError, UnicodeDecodeError) as err: log.error_or_exception(err) return _('Error executing Calibre') def json_serial(obj): """JSON serializer for objects not serializable by default json code""" if isinstance(obj, datetime): return obj.isoformat() if isinstance(obj, timedelta): return { '__type__': 'timedelta', 'days': obj.days, 'seconds': obj.seconds, 'microseconds': obj.microseconds, } raise TypeError("Type %s not serializable" % type(obj)) def tags_filters(): negtags_list = current_user.list_denied_tags() postags_list = current_user.list_allowed_tags() neg_content_tags_filter = false() if negtags_list == [''] else db.Tags.name.in_(negtags_list) pos_content_tags_filter = true() if postags_list == [''] else db.Tags.name.in_(postags_list) return and_(pos_content_tags_filter, ~neg_content_tags_filter) # checks if domain is in database (including wildcards) # example SELECT * FROM @TABLE WHERE 'abcdefg' LIKE Name; # from https://code.luasoftware.com/tutorials/flask/execute-raw-sql-in-flask-sqlalchemy/ # in all calls the email address is checked for validity def check_valid_domain(domain_text): sql = "SELECT * FROM registration WHERE (:domain LIKE domain and allow = 1);" if not len(ub.session.query(ub.Registration).from_statement(text(sql)).params(domain=domain_text).all()): return False sql = "SELECT * FROM registration WHERE (:domain LIKE domain and allow = 0);" return not len(ub.session.query(ub.Registration).from_statement(text(sql)).params(domain=domain_text).all()) def get_download_link(book_id, book_format, client): book_format = book_format.split(".")[0] book = calibre_db.get_filtered_book(book_id, allow_show_archived=True) if book: data1 = calibre_db.get_book_format(book.id, book_format.upper()) if data1: # collect downloaded books only for registered user and not for anonymous user if current_user.is_authenticated: ub.update_download(book_id, int(current_user.id)) file_name = book.title if len(book.authors) > 0: file_name = file_name + ' - ' + book.authors[0].name file_name = get_valid_filename(file_name, replace_whitespace=False) headers = Headers() headers["Content-Type"] = mimetypes.types_map.get('.' + book_format, "application/octet-stream") headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=%s.%s; filename*=UTF-8''%s.%s" % ( quote(file_name), book_format, quote(file_name), book_format) return do_download_file(book, book_format, client, data1, headers) else: log.error("Book id {} not found for downloading".format(book_id)) abort(404) def clear_cover_thumbnail_cache(book_id): if config.schedule_generate_book_covers: WorkerThread.add(None, TaskClearCoverThumbnailCache(book_id), hidden=True) def replace_cover_thumbnail_cache(book_id): if config.schedule_generate_book_covers: WorkerThread.add(None, TaskClearCoverThumbnailCache(book_id), hidden=True) WorkerThread.add(None, TaskGenerateCoverThumbnails(book_id), hidden=True) def delete_thumbnail_cache(): WorkerThread.add(None, TaskClearCoverThumbnailCache(-1)) def add_book_to_thumbnail_cache(book_id): if config.schedule_generate_book_covers: WorkerThread.add(None, TaskGenerateCoverThumbnails(book_id), hidden=True) def update_thumbnail_cache(): if config.schedule_generate_book_covers: WorkerThread.add(None, TaskGenerateCoverThumbnails()) def set_all_metadata_dirty(): WorkerThread.add(None, TaskBackupMetadata(export_language=get_locale(), translated_title=_("Cover"), set_dirty=True, task_message=N_("Queue all books for metadata backup")), hidden=False)