/** * unzip.js * * Licensed under the MIT License * * Copyright(c) 2011 Google Inc. * Copyright(c) 2011 antimatter15 * * Reference Documentation: * * ZIP format: http://www.pkware.com/documents/casestudies/APPNOTE.TXT * DEFLATE format: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1951 */ // This file expects to be invoked as a Worker (see onmessage below). importScripts('../io/bitstream.js'); importScripts('../io/bytebuffer.js'); importScripts('../io/bytestream.js'); importScripts('archive.js'); // Progress variables. var currentFilename = ""; var currentFileNumber = 0; var currentBytesUnarchivedInFile = 0; var currentBytesUnarchived = 0; var totalUncompressedBytesInArchive = 0; var totalFilesInArchive = 0; // Helper functions. var info = function(str) { postMessage(new bitjs.archive.UnarchiveInfoEvent(str)); }; var err = function(str) { postMessage(new bitjs.archive.UnarchiveErrorEvent(str)); }; var postProgress = function() { postMessage(new bitjs.archive.UnarchiveProgressEvent( currentFilename, currentFileNumber, currentBytesUnarchivedInFile, currentBytesUnarchived, totalUncompressedBytesInArchive, totalFilesInArchive)); }; var zLocalFileHeaderSignature = 0x04034b50; var zArchiveExtraDataSignature = 0x08064b50; var zCentralFileHeaderSignature = 0x02014b50; var zDigitalSignatureSignature = 0x05054b50; var zEndOfCentralDirSignature = 0x06064b50; var zEndOfCentralDirLocatorSignature = 0x07064b50; // takes a ByteStream and parses out the local file information var ZipLocalFile = function(bstream) { if (typeof bstream != typeof {} || !bstream.readNumber || typeof bstream.readNumber != typeof function() {}) { return null; } bstream.readNumber(4); // swallow signature this.version = bstream.readNumber(2); this.generalPurpose = bstream.readNumber(2); this.compressionMethod = bstream.readNumber(2); this.lastModFileTime = bstream.readNumber(2); this.lastModFileDate = bstream.readNumber(2); this.crc32 = bstream.readNumber(4); this.compressedSize = bstream.readNumber(4); this.uncompressedSize = bstream.readNumber(4); this.fileNameLength = bstream.readNumber(2); this.extraFieldLength = bstream.readNumber(2); this.filename = null; if (this.fileNameLength > 0) { this.filename = bstream.readString(this.fileNameLength); } info("Zip Local File Header:"); info(" version=" + this.version); info(" general purpose=" + this.generalPurpose); info(" compression method=" + this.compressionMethod); info(" last mod file time=" + this.lastModFileTime); info(" last mod file date=" + this.lastModFileDate); info(" crc32=" + this.crc32); info(" compressed size=" + this.compressedSize); info(" uncompressed size=" + this.uncompressedSize); info(" file name length=" + this.fileNameLength); info(" extra field length=" + this.extraFieldLength); info(" filename = '" + this.filename + "'"); this.extraField = null; if (this.extraFieldLength > 0) { this.extraField = bstream.readString(this.extraFieldLength); info(" extra field=" + this.extraField); } // read in the compressed data this.fileData = null; if (this.compressedSize > 0) { this.fileData = new Uint8Array(bstream.bytes.buffer, bstream.ptr, this.compressedSize); bstream.ptr += this.compressedSize; } // TODO: deal with data descriptor if present (we currently assume no data descriptor!) // "This descriptor exists only if bit 3 of the general purpose bit flag is set" // But how do you figure out how big the file data is if you don't know the compressedSize // from the header?!? if ((this.generalPurpose & bitjs.BIT[3]) != 0) { this.crc32 = bstream.readNumber(4); this.compressedSize = bstream.readNumber(4); this.uncompressedSize = bstream.readNumber(4); } }; // determine what kind of compressed data we have and decompress ZipLocalFile.prototype.unzip = function() { // Zip Version 1.0, no compression (store only) if (this.compressionMethod == 0) { info("ZIP v" + this.version + ", store only: " + this.filename + " (" + this.compressedSize + " bytes)"); currentBytesUnarchivedInFile = this.compressedSize; currentBytesUnarchived += this.compressedSize; } // version == 20, compression method == 8 (DEFLATE) else if (this.compressionMethod == 8) { info("ZIP v2.0, DEFLATE: " + this.filename + " (" + this.compressedSize + " bytes)"); this.fileData = inflate(this.fileData, this.uncompressedSize); } else { err("UNSUPPORTED VERSION/FORMAT: ZIP v" + this.version + ", compression method=" + this.compressionMethod + ": " + this.filename + " (" + this.compressedSize + " bytes)"); this.fileData = null; } }; // Takes an ArrayBuffer of a zip file in // returns null on error // returns an array of DecompressedFile objects on success var unzip = function(arrayBuffer) { postMessage(new bitjs.archive.UnarchiveStartEvent()); currentFilename = ""; currentFileNumber = 0; currentBytesUnarchivedInFile = 0; currentBytesUnarchived = 0; totalUncompressedBytesInArchive = 0; totalFilesInArchive = 0; currentBytesUnarchived = 0; var bstream = new bitjs.io.ByteStream(arrayBuffer); // detect local file header signature or return null if (bstream.peekNumber(4) == zLocalFileHeaderSignature) { var localFiles = []; // loop until we don't see any more local files while (bstream.peekNumber(4) == zLocalFileHeaderSignature) { var oneLocalFile = new ZipLocalFile(bstream); // this should strip out directories/folders if (oneLocalFile && oneLocalFile.uncompressedSize > 0 && oneLocalFile.fileData) { localFiles.push(oneLocalFile); totalUncompressedBytesInArchive += oneLocalFile.uncompressedSize; } } totalFilesInArchive = localFiles.length; // got all local files, now sort them localFiles.sort(function(a, b) { var aname = a.filename; var bname = b.filename; return aname > bname ? 1 : -1; // extract the number at the end of both filenames /* var aname = a.filename; var bname = b.filename; var aindex = aname.length, bindex = bname.length; // Find the last number character from the back of the filename. while (aname[aindex-1] < '0' || aname[aindex-1] > '9') --aindex; while (bname[bindex-1] < '0' || bname[bindex-1] > '9') --bindex; // Find the first number character from the back of the filename while (aname[aindex-1] >= '0' && aname[aindex-1] <= '9') --aindex; while (bname[bindex-1] >= '0' && bname[bindex-1] <= '9') --bindex; // parse them into numbers and return comparison var anum = parseInt(aname.substr(aindex), 10), bnum = parseInt(bname.substr(bindex), 10); return anum - bnum; */ }); // archive extra data record if (bstream.peekNumber(4) == zArchiveExtraDataSignature) { info(" Found an Archive Extra Data Signature"); // skipping this record for now bstream.readNumber(4); var archiveExtraFieldLength = bstream.readNumber(4); bstream.readString(archiveExtraFieldLength); } // central directory structure // TODO: handle the rest of the structures (Zip64 stuff) if (bstream.peekNumber(4) == zCentralFileHeaderSignature) { info(" Found a Central File Header"); // read all file headers while (bstream.peekNumber(4) == zCentralFileHeaderSignature) { bstream.readNumber(4); // signature bstream.readNumber(2); // version made by bstream.readNumber(2); // version needed to extract bstream.readNumber(2); // general purpose bit flag bstream.readNumber(2); // compression method bstream.readNumber(2); // last mod file time bstream.readNumber(2); // last mod file date bstream.readNumber(4); // crc32 bstream.readNumber(4); // compressed size bstream.readNumber(4); // uncompressed size var fileNameLength = bstream.readNumber(2); // file name length var extraFieldLength = bstream.readNumber(2); // extra field length var fileCommentLength = bstream.readNumber(2); // file comment length bstream.readNumber(2); // disk number start bstream.readNumber(2); // internal file attributes bstream.readNumber(4); // external file attributes bstream.readNumber(4); // relative offset of local header bstream.readString(fileNameLength); // file name bstream.readString(extraFieldLength); // extra field bstream.readString(fileCommentLength); // file comment } } // digital signature if (bstream.peekNumber(4) == zDigitalSignatureSignature) { info(" Found a Digital Signature"); bstream.readNumber(4); var sizeOfSignature = bstream.readNumber(2); bstream.readString(sizeOfSignature); // digital signature data } // report # files and total length if (localFiles.length > 0) { postProgress(); } // now do the unzipping of each file for (var i = 0; i < localFiles.length; ++i) { var localfile = localFiles[i]; // update progress currentFilename = localfile.filename; currentFileNumber = i; currentBytesUnarchivedInFile = 0; // actually do the unzipping localfile.unzip(); if (localfile.fileData != null) { postMessage(new bitjs.archive.UnarchiveExtractEvent(localfile)); postProgress(); } } postProgress(); postMessage(new bitjs.archive.UnarchiveFinishEvent()); } } // returns a table of Huffman codes // each entry's index is its code and its value is a JavaScript object // containing {length: 6, symbol: X} function getHuffmanCodes(bitLengths) { // ensure bitLengths is an array containing at least one element if (typeof bitLengths != typeof [] || bitLengths.length < 1) { err("Error! getHuffmanCodes() called with an invalid array"); return null; } // Reference: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1951#page-8 var numLengths = bitLengths.length, bl_count = [], MAX_BITS = 1; // Step 1: count up how many codes of each length we have for (var i = 0; i < numLengths; ++i) { var length = bitLengths[i]; // test to ensure each bit length is a positive, non-zero number if (typeof length != typeof 1 || length < 0) { err("bitLengths contained an invalid number in getHuffmanCodes(): " + length + " of type " + (typeof length)); return null; } // increment the appropriate bitlength count if (bl_count[length] == undefined) bl_count[length] = 0; // a length of zero means this symbol is not participating in the huffman coding if (length > 0) bl_count[length]++; if (length > MAX_BITS) MAX_BITS = length; } // Step 2: Find the numerical value of the smallest code for each code length var next_code = [], code = 0; for (var bits = 1; bits <= MAX_BITS; ++bits) { var length = bits - 1; // ensure undefined lengths are zero if (bl_count[length] == undefined) bl_count[length] = 0; code = (code + bl_count[bits - 1]) << 1; next_code[bits] = code; } // Step 3: Assign numerical values to all codes var table = {}, tableLength = 0; for (var n = 0; n < numLengths; ++n) { var len = bitLengths[n]; if (len != 0) { table[next_code[len]] = { length: len, symbol: n }; //, bitstring: binaryValueToString(next_code[len],len) }; tableLength++; next_code[len]++; } } table.maxLength = tableLength; return table; } /* The Huffman codes for the two alphabets are fixed, and are not represented explicitly in the data. The Huffman code lengths for the literal/length alphabet are: Lit Value Bits Codes --------- ---- ----- 0 - 143 8 00110000 through 10111111 144 - 255 9 110010000 through 111111111 256 - 279 7 0000000 through 0010111 280 - 287 8 11000000 through 11000111 */ // fixed Huffman codes go from 7-9 bits, so we need an array whose index can hold up to 9 bits var fixedHCtoLiteral = null; var fixedHCtoDistance = null; function getFixedLiteralTable() { // create once if (!fixedHCtoLiteral) { var bitlengths = new Array(288); for (var i = 0; i <= 143; ++i) bitlengths[i] = 8; for (i = 144; i <= 255; ++i) bitlengths[i] = 9; for (i = 256; i <= 279; ++i) bitlengths[i] = 7; for (i = 280; i <= 287; ++i) bitlengths[i] = 8; // get huffman code table fixedHCtoLiteral = getHuffmanCodes(bitlengths); } return fixedHCtoLiteral; } function getFixedDistanceTable() { // create once if (!fixedHCtoDistance) { var bitlengths = new Array(32); for (var i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { bitlengths[i] = 5; } // get huffman code table fixedHCtoDistance = getHuffmanCodes(bitlengths); } return fixedHCtoDistance; } // extract one bit at a time until we find a matching Huffman Code // then return that symbol function decodeSymbol(bstream, hcTable) { var code = 0, len = 0; var match = false; // loop until we match for (;;) { // read in next bit var bit = bstream.readBits(1); code = (code << 1) | bit; ++len; // check against Huffman Code table and break if found if (hcTable.hasOwnProperty(code) && hcTable[code].length == len) { break; } if (len > hcTable.maxLength) { err("Bit stream out of sync, didn't find a Huffman Code, length was " + len + " and table only max code length of " + hcTable.maxLength); break; } } return hcTable[code].symbol; } var CodeLengthCodeOrder = [16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15]; /* Extra Extra Extra Code Bits Length(s) Code Bits Lengths Code Bits Length(s) ---- ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- ---- ---- ------- 257 0 3 267 1 15,16 277 4 67-82 258 0 4 268 1 17,18 278 4 83-98 259 0 5 269 2 19-22 279 4 99-114 260 0 6 270 2 23-26 280 4 115-130 261 0 7 271 2 27-30 281 5 131-162 262 0 8 272 2 31-34 282 5 163-194 263 0 9 273 3 35-42 283 5 195-226 264 0 10 274 3 43-50 284 5 227-257 265 1 11,12 275 3 51-58 285 0 258 266 1 13,14 276 3 59-66 */ var LengthLookupTable = [ [0, 3], [0, 4], [0, 5], [0, 6], [0, 7], [0, 8], [0, 9], [0, 10], [1, 11], [1, 13], [1, 15], [1, 17], [2, 19], [2, 23], [2, 27], [2, 31], [3, 35], [3, 43], [3, 51], [3, 59], [4, 67], [4, 83], [4, 99], [4, 115], [5, 131], [5, 163], [5, 195], [5, 227], [0, 258] ]; /* Extra Extra Extra Code Bits Dist Code Bits Dist Code Bits Distance ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ------ ---- ---- -------- 0 0 1 10 4 33-48 20 9 1025-1536 1 0 2 11 4 49-64 21 9 1537-2048 2 0 3 12 5 65-96 22 10 2049-3072 3 0 4 13 5 97-128 23 10 3073-4096 4 1 5,6 14 6 129-192 24 11 4097-6144 5 1 7,8 15 6 193-256 25 11 6145-8192 6 2 9-12 16 7 257-384 26 12 8193-12288 7 2 13-16 17 7 385-512 27 12 12289-16384 8 3 17-24 18 8 513-768 28 13 16385-24576 9 3 25-32 19 8 769-1024 29 13 24577-32768 */ var DistLookupTable = [ [0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3], [0, 4], [1, 5], [1, 7], [2, 9], [2, 13], [3, 17], [3, 25], [4, 33], [4, 49], [5, 65], [5, 97], [6, 129], [6, 193], [7, 257], [7, 385], [8, 513], [8, 769], [9, 1025], [9, 1537], [10, 2049], [10, 3073], [11, 4097], [11, 6145], [12, 8193], [12, 12289], [13, 16385], [13, 24577] ]; function inflateBlockData(bstream, hcLiteralTable, hcDistanceTable, buffer) { /* loop (until end of block code recognized) decode literal/length value from input stream if value < 256 copy value (literal byte) to output stream otherwise if value = end of block (256) break from loop otherwise (value = 257..285) decode distance from input stream move backwards distance bytes in the output stream, and copy length bytes from this position to the output stream. */ var numSymbols = 0, blockSize = 0; for (;;) { var symbol = decodeSymbol(bstream, hcLiteralTable); ++numSymbols; if (symbol < 256) { // copy literal byte to output buffer.insertByte(symbol); blockSize++; } else { // end of block reached if (symbol == 256) { break; } else { var lengthLookup = LengthLookupTable[symbol - 257], length = lengthLookup[1] + bstream.readBits(lengthLookup[0]), distLookup = DistLookupTable[decodeSymbol(bstream, hcDistanceTable)], distance = distLookup[1] + bstream.readBits(distLookup[0]); // now apply length and distance appropriately and copy to output // TODO: check that backward distance < data.length? // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1951#page-11 // "Note also that the referenced string may overlap the current // position; for example, if the last 2 bytes decoded have values // X and Y, a string reference with // adds X,Y,X,Y,X to the output stream." // // loop for each character var ch = buffer.ptr - distance; blockSize += length; if (length > distance) { var data = buffer.data; while (length--) { buffer.insertByte(data[ch++]); } } else { buffer.insertBytes(buffer.data.subarray(ch, ch + length)) } } // length-distance pair } // length-distance pair or end-of-block } // loop until we reach end of block return blockSize; } // {Uint8Array} compressedData A Uint8Array of the compressed file data. // compression method 8 // deflate: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1951 function inflate(compressedData, numDecompressedBytes) { // Bit stream representing the compressed data. var bstream = new bitjs.io.BitStream(compressedData.buffer, false /* rtl */ , compressedData.byteOffset, compressedData.byteLength); var buffer = new bitjs.io.ByteBuffer(numDecompressedBytes); var numBlocks = 0, blockSize = 0; // block format: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1951#page-9 do { var bFinal = bstream.readBits(1), bType = bstream.readBits(2); blockSize = 0; ++numBlocks; // no compression if (bType == 0) { // skip remaining bits in this byte while (bstream.bitPtr != 0) bstream.readBits(1); var len = bstream.readBits(16), nlen = bstream.readBits(16); // TODO: check if nlen is the ones-complement of len? if (len > 0) buffer.insertBytes(bstream.readBytes(len)); blockSize = len; } // fixed Huffman codes else if (bType == 1) { blockSize = inflateBlockData(bstream, getFixedLiteralTable(), getFixedDistanceTable(), buffer); } // dynamic Huffman codes else if (bType == 2) { var numLiteralLengthCodes = bstream.readBits(5) + 257; var numDistanceCodes = bstream.readBits(5) + 1, numCodeLengthCodes = bstream.readBits(4) + 4; // populate the array of code length codes (first de-compaction) var codeLengthsCodeLengths = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; for (var i = 0; i < numCodeLengthCodes; ++i) { codeLengthsCodeLengths[CodeLengthCodeOrder[i]] = bstream.readBits(3); } // get the Huffman Codes for the code lengths var codeLengthsCodes = getHuffmanCodes(codeLengthsCodeLengths); // now follow this mapping /* 0 - 15: Represent code lengths of 0 - 15 16: Copy the previous code length 3 - 6 times. The next 2 bits indicate repeat length (0 = 3, ... , 3 = 6) Example: Codes 8, 16 (+2 bits 11), 16 (+2 bits 10) will expand to 12 code lengths of 8 (1 + 6 + 5) 17: Repeat a code length of 0 for 3 - 10 times. (3 bits of length) 18: Repeat a code length of 0 for 11 - 138 times (7 bits of length) */ // to generate the true code lengths of the Huffman Codes for the literal // and distance tables together var literalCodeLengths = []; var prevCodeLength = 0; while (literalCodeLengths.length < numLiteralLengthCodes + numDistanceCodes) { var symbol = decodeSymbol(bstream, codeLengthsCodes); if (symbol <= 15) { literalCodeLengths.push(symbol); prevCodeLength = symbol; } else if (symbol == 16) { var repeat = bstream.readBits(2) + 3; while (repeat--) { literalCodeLengths.push(prevCodeLength); } } else if (symbol == 17) { var repeat = bstream.readBits(3) + 3; while (repeat--) { literalCodeLengths.push(0); } } else if (symbol == 18) { var repeat = bstream.readBits(7) + 11; while (repeat--) { literalCodeLengths.push(0); } } } // now split the distance code lengths out of the literal code array var distanceCodeLengths = literalCodeLengths.splice(numLiteralLengthCodes, numDistanceCodes); // now generate the true Huffman Code tables using these code lengths var hcLiteralTable = getHuffmanCodes(literalCodeLengths), hcDistanceTable = getHuffmanCodes(distanceCodeLengths); blockSize = inflateBlockData(bstream, hcLiteralTable, hcDistanceTable, buffer); } // error else { err("Error! Encountered deflate block of type 3"); return null; } // update progress currentBytesUnarchivedInFile += blockSize; currentBytesUnarchived += blockSize; postProgress(); } while (bFinal != 1); // we are done reading blocks if the bFinal bit was set for this block // return the buffer data bytes return buffer.data; } // event.data.file has the ArrayBuffer. onmessage = function(event) { unzip(event.data.file, true); };