# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of the Calibre-Web (https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web) # Copyright (C) 2012-2019 lemmsh cervinko Kennyl matthazinski OzzieIsaacs # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os import hashlib from flask_babel import gettext as _ from . import logger, comic, isoLanguages from .constants import BookMeta from .helper import split_authors from .file_helper import get_temp_dir from .string_helper import strip_whitespaces log = logger.create() try: from wand.image import Image, Color from wand import version as ImageVersion from wand.exceptions import PolicyError use_generic_pdf_cover = False except (ImportError, RuntimeError) as e: log.debug('Cannot import Image, generating pdf covers for pdf uploads will not work: %s', e) use_generic_pdf_cover = True try: from pypdf import PdfReader from pypdf.generic import NullObject use_pdf_meta = True except ImportError as ex: log.debug('PyPDF is recommended for best performance in metadata extracting from pdf files: %s', ex) try: from PyPDF2 import PdfReader from pypdf.generic import NullObject use_pdf_meta = True except ImportError as ex: log.debug('PyPDF is recommended for best performance in metadata extracting from pdf files: %s', ex) log.debug('PyPdf2 is also possible for metadata extracting from pdf files, but not recommended anymore') try: from PyPDF3 import PdfFileReader as PdfReader from pypdf.generic import NullObject use_pdf_meta = True except ImportError as e: log.debug('Cannot import PyPDF3/PyPDF2, extracting pdf metadata will not work: %s / %s', e) use_pdf_meta = False try: from . import epub use_epub_meta = True except ImportError as e: log.debug('Cannot import epub, extracting epub metadata will not work: %s', e) use_epub_meta = False try: from . import fb2 use_fb2_meta = True except ImportError as e: log.debug('Cannot import fb2, extracting fb2 metadata will not work: %s', e) use_fb2_meta = False try: from . import audio use_audio_meta = True except ImportError as e: log.debug('Cannot import mutagen, extracting audio metadata will not work: %s', e) use_audio_meta = False def process(tmp_file_path, original_file_name, original_file_extension, rar_executable, no_cover=False): meta = default_meta(tmp_file_path, original_file_name, original_file_extension) extension_upper = original_file_extension.upper() try: if ".PDF" == extension_upper: meta = pdf_meta(tmp_file_path, original_file_name, original_file_extension, no_cover) elif extension_upper in [".KEPUB", ".EPUB"] and use_epub_meta is True: meta = epub.get_epub_info(tmp_file_path, original_file_name, original_file_extension, no_cover) elif ".FB2" == extension_upper and use_fb2_meta is True: meta = fb2.get_fb2_info(tmp_file_path, original_file_extension) elif extension_upper in ['.CBZ', '.CBT', '.CBR', ".CB7"]: meta = comic.get_comic_info(tmp_file_path, original_file_name, original_file_extension, rar_executable, no_cover) elif extension_upper in [".MP3", ".OGG", ".FLAC", ".WAV", ".AAC", ".AIFF", ".ASF", ".MP4", ".M4A", ".M4B", ".OGV", ".OPUS"] and use_audio_meta: meta = audio.get_audio_file_info(tmp_file_path, original_file_extension, original_file_name, no_cover) except Exception as ex: log.warning('cannot parse metadata, using default: %s', ex) if not strip_whitespaces(meta.title): meta = meta._replace(title=original_file_name) if not strip_whitespaces(meta.author) or meta.author.lower() == 'unknown': meta = meta._replace(author=_('Unknown')) return meta def default_meta(tmp_file_path, original_file_name, original_file_extension): return BookMeta( file_path=tmp_file_path, extension=original_file_extension, title=original_file_name, author=_('Unknown'), cover=None, description="", tags="", series="", series_id="", languages="", publisher="", pubdate="", identifiers=[] ) def parse_xmp(pdf_file): """ Parse XMP Metadata and prepare for BookMeta object """ try: xmp_info = pdf_file.xmp_metadata except Exception as ex: log.debug('Can not read PDF XMP metadata {}'.format(ex)) return None if xmp_info: try: xmp_author = xmp_info.dc_creator # list except AttributeError: xmp_author = ['Unknown'] if xmp_info.dc_title: xmp_title = xmp_info.dc_title['x-default'] else: xmp_title = '' if xmp_info.dc_description: xmp_description = xmp_info.dc_description['x-default'] else: xmp_description = '' languages = [] try: for i in xmp_info.dc_language: languages.append(isoLanguages.get_lang3(i)) except AttributeError: languages.append('') xmp_tags = ', '.join(xmp_info.dc_subject) xmp_publisher = ', '.join(xmp_info.dc_publisher) return {'author': xmp_author, 'title': xmp_title, 'subject': xmp_description, 'tags': xmp_tags, 'languages': languages, 'publisher': xmp_publisher } def pdf_meta(tmp_file_path, original_file_name, original_file_extension, no_cover_processing): doc_info = None xmp_info = None if use_pdf_meta: with open(tmp_file_path, 'rb') as f: pdf_file = PdfReader(f) try: doc_info = pdf_file.metadata except Exception as exc: log.debug('Can not read PDF DocumentInfo {}'.format(exc)) xmp_info = parse_xmp(pdf_file) if xmp_info: author = ' & '.join(split_authors(xmp_info['author'])) title = xmp_info['title'] subject = xmp_info['subject'] tags = xmp_info['tags'] languages = xmp_info['languages'] publisher = xmp_info['publisher'] else: author = 'Unknown' title = '' languages = [""] publisher = "" subject = "" tags = "" if doc_info: if author == '': author = ' & '.join(split_authors([doc_info.author])) if doc_info.author else 'Unknown' if title == '': title = doc_info.title if doc_info.title else original_file_name if subject == '': subject = doc_info.subject or "" if tags == '' and '/Keywords' in doc_info: keywords = doc_info['/Keywords'] if not isinstance(keywords, NullObject): if isinstance(keywords, bytes): tags = keywords.decode('utf-8') else: tags = keywords else: title = original_file_name return BookMeta( file_path=tmp_file_path, extension=original_file_extension, title=title, author=author, cover=pdf_preview(tmp_file_path, original_file_name) if not no_cover_processing else None, description=subject, tags=tags, series="", series_id="", languages=','.join(languages), publisher=publisher, pubdate="", identifiers=[]) def pdf_preview(tmp_file_path, tmp_dir): if use_generic_pdf_cover: return None try: cover_file_name = tmp_file_path + ".jpg" with Image() as img: img.options["pdf:use-cropbox"] = "true" img.read(filename=tmp_file_path + '[0]', resolution=150) img.compression_quality = 88 if img.alpha_channel: img.alpha_channel = 'remove' img.background_color = Color('white') img.save(filename=cover_file_name) return cover_file_name except PolicyError as ex: log.warning('Pdf extraction forbidden by Imagemagick policy: %s', ex) return None except Exception as ex: log.warning('Cannot extract cover image, using default: %s', ex) log.warning('On Windows this error could be caused by missing ghostscript') return None def get_magick_version(): ret = dict() if not use_generic_pdf_cover: ret['Image Magick'] = ImageVersion.MAGICK_VERSION else: ret['Image Magick'] = 'not installed' return ret def upload(uploadfile, rar_excecutable): tmp_dir = get_temp_dir() filename = uploadfile.filename filename_root, file_extension = os.path.splitext(filename) md5 = hashlib.md5(filename.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() # nosec tmp_file_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, md5) log.debug("Temporary file: %s", tmp_file_path) uploadfile.save(tmp_file_path) return process(tmp_file_path, filename_root, file_extension, rar_excecutable)