{% extends "layout.html" %} {% macro text_table_row(parameter, edit_text, show_text, validate, sort) -%} {{ show_text }} {%- endmacro %} {% macro book_checkbox_row(parameter, show_text, sort) -%} {% if parameter == "is_archived" %}
{{_('Archive selected books')}}
{{_('Unarchive selected books')}}
{% elif parameter == "read_status" %}
{{_('Mark selected books as read')}}
{{_('Mark selected books as unread')}}
{% endif %} {{show_text}} {%- endmacro %} {% block header %} {% endblock %} {% block body %}


{{_('Merge selected books')}}
{{_('Clear selections')}}
{{_('Edit selected books')}}
{{_('Exchange author and title')}}
{% if current_user.role_edit() %} {% endif %} {{ text_table_row('title', _('Enter Title'),_('Title'), true, true) }} {{ text_table_row('sort', _('Enter Title Sort'),_('Title Sort'), false, true) }} {{ text_table_row('author_sort', _('Enter Author Sort'),_('Author Sort'), false, true) }} {{ text_table_row('authors', _('Enter Authors'),_('Authors'), true, true) }} {{ text_table_row('tags', _('Enter Categories'),_('Categories'), false, true) }} {{ text_table_row('series', _('Enter Series'),_('Series'), false, true) }} {{ text_table_row('languages', _('Enter Languages'),_('Languages'), false, true) }} {{ text_table_row('publishers', _('Enter Publishers'),_('Publishers'), false, true) }} {% if current_user.check_visibility(32768) %} {{ book_checkbox_row('is_archived', _('Archive Status'), false)}} {% endif %} {{ book_checkbox_row('read_status', _('Read Status'), false)}} {% for c in cc %} {% if c.datatype == "int" %} {% elif c.datatype == "rating" %} {% elif c.datatype == "float" %} {% elif c.datatype == "enumeration" %} {% elif c.datatype in ["datetime"] %} {% elif c.datatype == "text" %} {{ text_table_row('custom_column_' + c.id|string, _('Enter ') + c.name, c.name, false, false) }} {% elif c.datatype == "comments" %} {% elif c.datatype == "bool" %} {{ book_checkbox_row('custom_column_' + c.id|string, c.name, false)}} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if current_user.role_delete_books() and current_user.role_edit()%} {% endif %}
{{_('Series Index')}}{{_('Comments')}}{{c.name}}{{c.name}}{{c.name}}{{c.name}}{{c.name}}
{{_('Delete selected books')}}

{% endblock %} {% block modal %} {{ delete_book(current_user.role_delete_books()) }} {{ delete_confirm_modal() }} {{ change_confirm_modal() }} {% if current_user.role_edit() %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block js %} {% if not current_user.locale == 'en' %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}