If the HTML that's returned from the `$.get` request contains a `<script src="..."/>` tag it loads the JavaScript file via ajax, and by default it attaches a timestamp to it to bust cache. That means the file loads every time the modal is opened, and the browser treats it as a new file each time. The result is that code fires multiple times and events listeners are added multiple times.
Requires the "goodread" module (added to optional-requirements.txt) and an API key
Retrieves Goodreads author information and displays their photo and "about" text
With them shown in a modal, you don't lose your place in the pagination. If the request comes via Ajax, the minimal layout is used. If via a normal request, the full layout is used. That lets you open the details in a new tab and have the full experience, but if you're clicking through the results of a search, you can view many without losing your place.
Added ability to reload database connection (refresh problem)
Bugfix display hot books (no hot books, hot books are deleted books, no longer result in error 500)