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"beloruščina", - "bem": "Bemba (Zambia)", - "ben": "bengalščina", - "bit": "Berinomo", - "bho": "Bhojpuri", - "bik": "bikolščina", - "byn": "Bilin", - "bin": "Bini", - "bis": "bislama", - "zbl": "Blissymbols", - "bos": "bošnjaščina", - "bra": "Braj", - "bre": "bretonščina", - "bug": "buginščina", - "bul": "bolgarščina", - "bua": "burjatščina", - "mya": "burmanščina", - "cad": "kadajščina?", - "cat": "katalonščina", - "ceb": "cebuanščina", - "chg": "Chagatai", - "cha": "čamorščina", - "che": "čečenščina", - "chr": "čerokeščina", - "chy": "čejenščina", - "chb": "čibčevščina", - "zho": "kitajščina", - "chn": "Chinook jargon", - "chp": "čipevščina", - "cho": "Choctaw", - "cht": "Cholón", - "chk": "Chuukese", - "chv": "čuvaščina", - "cop": "koptščina", - "cor": "kornijščina", - "cos": "korzijščina", - "cre": "krijščina", - "mus": "Creek", - "hrv": "hrvaščina", - "ces": "češčina", - "dak": "Dakota", - "dan": "danski", - "dar": "Dargwa", - "del": "Delaware", - "div": "Dhivehi", - "din": "Dinka", - "doi": "Dogri (macrolanguage)", - "dgr": "Dogrib", - "dua": "Duala", - "nld": "nizozemščina", - "dse": "Dutch Sign Language", - "dyu": "Dyula", - "dzo": "dzongkha", - "efi": "Efik", - "egy": "egipčanski", - "eka": "Ekajuk", - "elx": "elamščina", - "eng": "angleščina", - "enu": "Enu", - "myv": "Erzya", - "epo": "esperanto", - "est": "estonščina", - "ewe": "evenščina", - "ewo": "Ewondo", - "fan": "Fang (Equatorial Guinea)", - "fat": "Fanti", - "fao": "ferščina", - "fij": "fidžijščina", - "fil": "Filipino", - "fin": "finščina", - "fon": "Fon", - "fra": "francoščina", - "fur": "furlanščina", - "ful": "fulščina", - "gaa": "Ga", - "glg": "Galician", - "lug": "Ganda", - "gay": "gajščina?", - "gba": "Gbaya (Central African Republic)", - "hmj": "Ge", - "gez": "etiopščina?", - "kat": "gruzinščina", - "deu": "nemški", - "gil": "gilbertščina", - "gon": "Gondi", - "gor": "Gorontalo", - "got": "gotščina", - "grb": "Grebo", - "grn": "gvaranijščina", - "guj": "gudžaratščina", - "gwi": "Gwichʼin", - "hai": "haidščina", - "hau": "havščina", - "haw": "havajščina", - "heb": "hebrejščina", - "her": "Herero", - "hil": "hilingajnonščina", - "hin": "hindijščina", - "hmo": "hiri motu", - "hit": "hetitščina", - "hmn": "hmonščina; miaojščina", - "hun": "madžarščina", - "hup": "hupščina", - "iba": "ibanščina", - "isl": "islandščina", - "ido": "Ido", - "ibo": "Igbo", - "ilo": "Iloko", - "ind": "indonezijščina", - "inh": "inguščina", - "ina": "interlingva", - "ile": "Interlingue", - "iku": "inuktituščina", - "ipk": "Inupiaq", - "gle": "irščina", - "ita": "italijanščina", - "jpn": "japonščina", - "jav": "javanščina", - "jrb": "Judeo-Arabic", - "jpr": "Judeo-Persian", - "kbd": "kabardinščina", - "kab": "Kabyle", - "kac": "Kachin", - "kal": "Kalaallisut", - "xal": "Kalmyk", - "kam": "Kamba (Kenya)", - "kan": "kanareščina", - "kau": "Kanuri", - "kaa": "Kara-Kalpak", - "krc": "Karachay-Balkar", - "krl": "Karelian", - "kas": "kašmirščina", - "csb": "Kashubian", - "kaw": "kavi", - "kaz": "kazaščina", - "kha": "Khasi", - "kho": "Khotanese", - "kik": "kikujščina", - "kmb": "Kimbundu", - "kin": "Kinyarwanda", - "kir": "kirgiščina", - "tlh": "Klingon", - "kom": "komijščina", - "kon": "Kongo", - "kok": "Konkani (macrolanguage)", - "kor": "korejščina", - "kos": "Kosraean", - "kpe": "Kpelle", - "kua": "Kuanyama", - "kum": "kumiščina", - "kur": "kurdščina", - "kru": "Kurukh", - "kut": "kutenajščina", - "lad": "ladinščina", - "lah": "Lahnda", - "lam": "Lamba", - "lao": "laoščina", - "lat": "latinščina", - "lav": "latvijščina", - "lez": "lezginščina", - "lim": "Limburgan", - "lin": "lingala", - "lit": "litvanščina", - "jbo": "Lojban", - "loz": "Lozi", - "lub": "Luba-Katanga", - "lua": "lubalulujščina", - "lui": "Luiseno", - "smj": "Lule Sami", - "lun": "Lunda", - "luo": "Luo (Kenya and Tanzania)", - "lus": "Lushai", - "ltz": "Luxembourgish", - "mkd": "makedonščina", - "mad": "madurščina", - "mag": "Magahi", - "mai": "Maithili", - "mak": "makasarščina", - "mlg": "malgaščina", - "msa": "Malay (macrolanguage)", - "mal": "malajalščina", - "mlt": "malteščina", - "mnc": "Manchu", - "mdr": "Mandar", - "man": "Mandingo", - "mni": "manipurščina", - "glv": "manska gelščina", - "mri": "maorščina", - "arn": "Mapudungun", - "mar": "maratščina", - "chm": "Mari (Russia)", - "mah": "Marshallese", - "mwr": "Marwari", - "mas": "masajščina", - "men": "Mende (Sierra Leone)", - "mic": "Mi'kmaq", - "min": "Minangkabau", - "mwl": "Mirandese", - "moh": "mohoščina", - "mdf": "Moksha", - "lol": "Mongo", - "mon": "mongolščina", - "mos": "mosanščina", - "mul": "Več jezikov", - "nqo": "N'Ko", - "nau": "Nauru", - "nav": "navaščina", - "ndo": "Ndonga", - "nap": "napolitanščina", - "nia": "niaščina", - "niu": "niuejščina", - "zxx": "No linguistic content", - "nog": "Nogai", - "nor": "norveščina", - "nob": "Norwegian Bokmål", - "nno": "norveščina; nynorsk", - "nym": "Nyamwezi", - "nya": "Nyanja", - "nyn": "Nyankole", - "nyo": "Nyoro", - "nzi": "Nzima", - "oci": "Occitan (post 1500)", - "oji": "Ojibwa", - "orm": "Oromo", - "osa": "Osage", - "oss": "Ossetian", - "pal": "Pahlavi", - "pau": "palavanščina", - "pli": "Pali", - "pam": "Pampanga", - "pag": "pangasinanščina", - "pan": "Panjabi", - "pap": "papiamentu", - "fas": "perzijščina", - "phn": "feničanščina", - "pon": "Pohnpeian", - "pol": "poljščina", - "por": "portugalđščina", - "pus": "paštu", - "que": "Quechua", - "raj": "radžastanščina", - "rap": "rapanujščina", - "ron": "romunščina", - "roh": "Romansh", - "rom": "romščina", - "run": "rundščina", - "rus": "ruščina", - "smo": "samoanščina", - "sad": "Sandawe", - "sag": "Sango", - "san": "sanskrt", - "sat": "santalščina", - "srd": "sardinščina", - "sas": "Sasak", - "sco": "škotščina", - "sel": "selkupščina", - "srp": "srbščina", - "srr": "Serer", - "shn": "šanščina", - "sna": "šonščina", - "scn": "sicilijanščina", - "sid": "Sidamo", - "bla": "Siksika", - "snd": "sindščina", - "sin": "Sinhala", - "den": "Slave (Athapascan)", - "slk": "slovaščina", - "slv": "slovenščina", - "sog": "Sogdian", - "som": "Somali", - "snk": "Soninke", - "spa": "španščina", - "srn": "Sranan Tongo", - "suk": "Sukuma", - "sux": "sumerščina", - "sun": "sundščina", - "sus": "susuamijščina?", - "swa": "Swahili (macrolanguage)", - "ssw": "svazijščina?", - "swe": "švedščina", - "syr": "sirščina", - "tgl": "tagaloščina", - "tah": "tahitijščina", - "tgk": "tadžiščina", - "tmh": "Tamashek", - "tam": "tamilščina", - "tat": "tatarščina", - "tel": "Telugu", - "ter": "Tereno", - "tet": "Tetum", - "tha": "tajščina", - "bod": "tibetanščina", - "tig": "Tigre", - "tir": "Tigrinya", - "tem": "Timne", - "tiv": "Tiv", - "tli": "Tlingit", - "tpi": "tok pisin", - "tkl": "Tokelau", - "tog": "Tonga (Nyasa)", - "ton": "tonganščina", - "tsi": "tsimšijščina", - "tso": "Tsonga", - "tsn": "Tswana", - "tum": "Tumbuka", - "tur": "turščina", - "tuk": "turkmenščina", - "tvl": "tuvalujščina", - "tyv": "Tuvinian", - "twi": "Twi", - "udm": "Udmurt", - "uga": "ugaritščina", - "uig": "ujgurščina", - "ukr": "ukrajinščina", - "umb": "Umbundu", - "mis": "Uncoded languages", - "und": "nedoločen", - "urd": "urdujščina", - "uzb": "uzbeščina", - "vai": "vajščina", - "ven": "Venda", - "vie": "vietnamščina", - "vol": "Volapük", - "vot": "votjaščina", - "wln": "valonščina", - "war": "Waray (Philippines)", - "was": "Washo", - "cym": "valižanščina", - "wal": "Wolaytta", - "wol": "Wolof", - "xho": "koščina", - "sah": "jakutščina", - "yao": "jaojščina", - "yap": "Yapese", - "yid": "jidiš", - "yor": "jorubščina", - "zap": "Zapotec", - "zza": "Zaza", - "zen": "Zenaga", - "zha": "Zhuang", - "zul": "zulujščina", - "zun": "Zuni" - }, "sv": { "aar": "Afar", "abk": "Abchaziska", diff --git a/cps/translations/cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 53879847..60dbc4be 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po 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+"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: Depountis Georgios\n" "Language: el\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 4d1578df..2b82a59c 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 71fbf050..db7eb6a5 100644 --- a/cps/translations/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-05-25 17:22+0200\n" "Last-Translator: minakmostoles \n" "Language: es\n" diff --git 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EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-04-06 23:36+0200\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language: hu\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index a77891ea..d09d5f88 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 8fe5112c..20b3aa3d 100644 --- a/cps/translations/id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-21 10:00+0700\n" "Last-Translator: Arief Hidayat\n" "Language: id\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/it/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/it/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 62ac30be..668e1803 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/it/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/it/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/it/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/it/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index a2ebc6a6..5fcd91f5 100644 --- a/cps/translations/it/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/it/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-08-24 05:32+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Massimo Pissarello \n" "Language: it\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 375392ad..1bfe3592 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 8863c18a..df6779c4 100644 --- a/cps/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-02-07 02:20-0500\n" "Last-Translator: subdiox \n" "Language: ja\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index ae91b8f8..634813ff 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 326e138e..f58e29c1 100644 --- a/cps/translations/km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-08-27 17:06+0700\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language: km_KH\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index bb854aba..1ec23da0 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 20795fd2..257a700f 100644 --- a/cps/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-01-10 11:30+0900\n" "Last-Translator: 내맘대로의 EPUBGUIDE.NET \n" "Language: ko\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 7891a590..2c0bd8c7 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 3e581585..4aa4a07b 100644 --- a/cps/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web (GPLV3)\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-20 22:00+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Michiel Cornelissen \n" "Language: nl\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index f13697c4..70182d05 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 7bed035c..7363e0a8 100644 --- a/cps/translations/no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-06 11:00+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Vegard Fladby \n" "Language: no\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 5214a2cf..a1c3c2ec 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index af5f2a19..a93e0313 100644 --- a/cps/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre Web - polski (POT: 2021-06-12 08:52)\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-12 15:35+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Radosław Kierznowski \n" "Language: pl\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 3e8379f5..920a9b40 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index cc3f7f17..e85b4170 100644 --- a/cps/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-07-25 11:30+0100\n" "Last-Translator: horus68 \n" "Language: pt\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 97163922..2870e649 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index e31293af..34902d86 100644 --- a/cps/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language: br\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 9bca8bb1..d93e3bb8 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 7ae124a9..bfe9ede6 100644 --- a/cps/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-29 01:20+0400\n" "Last-Translator: ZIZA\n" "Language: ru\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index c6350da4..bb68d29e 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index b56b5d76..9c44f335 100644 --- a/cps/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-11-01 06:12+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Branislav Hanáček \n" "Language: sk_SK\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 24b03246..6142ed10 100644 --- a/cps/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-09-18 19:45+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Andrej Kralj\n" "Language: sl\n" @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ msgstr "Izvajanje zaustavitve strežnika, prosim zaprite okno." #: cps/admin.py:161 msgid "Success! Database Reconnected" -msgstr "Uspeh! Podatkovna baza je ponovno povezana" +msgstr "Podatkovna baza je uspešno ponovno povezana" #: cps/admin.py:164 msgid "Unknown command" @@ -413,11 +413,11 @@ msgstr "Datotek med posodabljanjem ni bilo mogoče zamenjati" #: cps/admin.py:1565 msgid "Failed to extract at least One LDAP User" -msgstr "Ni uspelo izpisati vsaj enega uporabnika LDAP" +msgstr "Nisem uspel izpisati vsaj enega uporabnika LDAP" #: cps/admin.py:1610 msgid "Failed to Create at Least One LDAP User" -msgstr "Ni uspelo ustvariti vsaj enega uporabnika LDAP" +msgstr "Nisem uspel ustvariti vsaj enega uporabnika LDAP" #: cps/admin.py:1623 #, python-format @@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ msgstr "Stolpec po meri št. %(column)d ne obstaja v zbirki podatkov Calibre" #: cps/web.py:992 cps/web.py:1022 cps/web.py:1067 cps/web.py:1095 #: cps/web.py:1134 msgid "None" -msgstr "Noben" +msgstr "Nobeno" #: cps/editbooks.py:154 #, python-format @@ -602,11 +602,11 @@ msgstr "Datoteke %(filename)s ni bilo mogoče shraniti v začasno mapo" #: cps/editbooks.py:807 #, python-format msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" -msgstr "Ni uspelo premakniti naslovne datoteke %(file)s: %(error)s" +msgstr "Nisem uspel premakniti naslovne datoteke %(file)s: %(error)s" #: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" -msgstr "Uspešno izbrisana oblika knjige" +msgstr "Uspešno izbrisana vrsta knjige" #: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" @@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ msgstr "urejanje metapodatkov" #: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #, python-format msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" -msgstr "Zaporedna številka serije: %(seriesindex)s ni veljavno število, preskočim" +msgstr "Številka serije: %(seriesindex)s ni veljavno število, preskočim" #: cps/editbooks.py:1221 msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" @@ -632,12 +632,12 @@ msgstr "Uporabnik nima pravic za nalaganje dodatnih formatov datotek" #: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #, python-format msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." -msgstr "Ni uspelo ustvariti poti %(path)s (dovoljenje zavrnjeno)." +msgstr "Nisem uspel ustvariti poti %(path)s (zavrnjeno dovoljenje)." #: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #, python-format msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." -msgstr "Ni uspelo shraniti datoteke %(file)s." +msgstr "Nisem uspel shraniti datoteke %(file)s." #: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #, python-format @@ -655,7 +655,7 @@ msgstr "Povratna domena ni preverjena, sledite korakom za preverjanje domene v k #: cps/helper.py:87 #, python-format msgid "%(format)s format not found for book id: %(book)d" -msgstr "Oblika %(format)s ni najdena za id knjige: %(book)d" +msgstr "Vrsta %(format)s ni najdena za id knjige: %(book)d" #: cps/helper.py:94 cps/tasks/convert.py:90 #, python-format @@ -718,12 +718,12 @@ msgstr "Stanja branja ni bilo mogoče nastaviti: {}" #: cps/helper.py:375 #, python-format msgid "Deleting bookfolder for book %(id)s failed, path has subfolders: %(path)s" -msgstr "Brisanje knjižne mape za knjigo %(id)s ni uspelo, pot ima podmape: %(path)s" +msgstr "Brisanje knjižne mape za knjigo %(id)s ni bilo uspešno, pot ima podmape: %(path)s" #: cps/helper.py:381 #, python-format msgid "Deleting book %(id)s failed: %(message)s" -msgstr "Brisanje knjige %(id)s ni uspelo: %(message)s" +msgstr "Brisanje knjige %(id)s ni bilo uspešno: %(message)s" #: cps/helper.py:392 #, python-format @@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ msgstr "Brisanje knjige %(id)s samo iz zbirke podatkov, pot do knjige v zbirki p #: cps/helper.py:439 #, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" -msgstr "Preimenovanje avtorja iz: '%(src)s' v '%(dest)s' ni uspelo z napako: %(error)s" +msgstr "Preimenovanje avtorja iz: '%(src)s' v '%(dest)s' ni bilo uspešno z napako: %(error)s" #: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format @@ -743,7 +743,7 @@ msgstr "Datoteke %(file)s ni mogoče najti v storitvi Google Drive" #: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" -msgstr "Preimenovanje naslova iz: '%(src)s' v '%(dest)s' ni uspelo z napako: %(error)s" +msgstr "Preimenovanje naslova iz: '%(src)s' v '%(dest)s' ni bilo uspešno z napako: %(error)s" #: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format @@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ msgstr "To uporabniško ime je že zasedeno" #: cps/helper.py:679 msgid "Invalid Email address format" -msgstr "Nepravilna oblika e-poštnega naslova" +msgstr "Nepravilna oblike e-poštnega naslova" #: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" @@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ msgstr "Napaka pri nalaganju naslovnice" #: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" -msgstr "Napaka oblike naslovnice" +msgstr "Napaka vrste naslovnice" #: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" @@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ msgstr "Dostop do lokalnega gostitelja ali lokalnega omrežja za prenos naslovni #: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" -msgstr "Ni uspelo ustvariti poti za naslovnice" +msgstr "Nisem uspel ustvariti poti za naslovnice" #: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" @@ -976,11 +976,11 @@ msgstr "Prikaži najbolje ocenjene knjige" #: cps/render_template.py:61 cps/templates/index.xml:63 #: cps/templates/index.xml:67 cps/web.py:769 msgid "Read Books" -msgstr "Preberane knjige" +msgstr "Prebrane knjige" #: cps/render_template.py:63 msgid "Show Read and Unread" -msgstr "Prikaži prebrane in neprebrane" +msgstr "Prikaži prebrano in neprebrano" #: cps/render_template.py:65 cps/templates/index.xml:70 #: cps/templates/index.xml:74 cps/web.py:772 @@ -1013,7 +1013,7 @@ msgstr "Prikaži oddelek kategorije" #: cps/templates/book_table.html:68 cps/templates/index.xml:106 #: cps/templates/search_form.html:70 cps/web.py:1028 cps/web.py:1040 msgid "Series" -msgstr "Serija" +msgstr "Serije" #: cps/render_template.py:76 cps/templates/user_table.html:157 msgid "Show Series Section" @@ -1057,11 +1057,11 @@ msgstr "Prikaži razdelek ocen" #: cps/render_template.py:91 cps/templates/index.xml:133 msgid "File formats" -msgstr "Oblike datotek" +msgstr "Vrste datotek" #: cps/render_template.py:93 cps/templates/user_table.html:165 msgid "Show File Formats Section" -msgstr "Prikaži razdelek oblike datotek" +msgstr "Prikaži razdelek vrste datotek" #: cps/render_template.py:95 cps/web.py:795 msgid "Archived Books" @@ -1170,7 +1170,7 @@ msgstr "Žal vam ni dovoljeno odstraniti knjige s te police" #: cps/shelf.py:218 cps/templates/layout.html:158 msgid "Create a Shelf" -msgstr "Ustvarite polico" +msgstr "Ustvari polico" #: cps/shelf.py:226 msgid "Sorry you are not allowed to edit this shelf" @@ -1233,7 +1233,7 @@ msgstr "Napaka pri odpiranju police. Polica ne obstaja ali ni dostopna" #: cps/tasks_status.py:47 cps/templates/layout.html:89 #: cps/templates/tasks.html:7 msgid "Tasks" -msgstr "Naloge" +msgstr "Opravila" #: cps/tasks_status.py:63 msgid "Waiting" @@ -1273,7 +1273,7 @@ msgstr "Posodobitev ni na voljo. Najnovejšo različico že imate nameščeno" #: cps/updater.py:458 msgid "A new update is available. Click on the button below to update to the latest version." -msgstr "Na voljo je nova posodobitev. Kliknite spodnji gumb za posodobitev na najnovejšo različico." +msgstr "Na voljo je nova posodobitev. Klikni spodnji gumb za posodobitev na najnovejšo različico." #: cps/updater.py:476 msgid "Could not fetch update information" @@ -1281,12 +1281,12 @@ msgstr "Ni bilo mogoče pridobiti informacij o posodobitvi" #: cps/updater.py:486 msgid "Click on the button below to update to the latest stable version." -msgstr "Kliknite spodnji gumb za posodobitev na najnovejšo stabilno različico." +msgstr "Klikni spodnji gumb za posodobitev na najnovejšo stabilno različico." #: cps/updater.py:495 cps/updater.py:509 cps/updater.py:520 #, python-format msgid "A new update is available. Click on the button below to update to version: %(version)s" -msgstr "Na voljo je nova posodobitev. Kliknite spodnji gumb za posodobitev na različico: %(version)s" +msgstr "Na voljo je nova posodobitev. Klikni spodnji gumb za posodobitev na različico: %(version)s" #: cps/updater.py:538 msgid "No release information available" @@ -1294,11 +1294,11 @@ msgstr "Informacije o izdaji niso na voljo" #: cps/templates/index.html:6 cps/web.py:448 msgid "Discover (Random Books)" -msgstr "Odkrijte (Naključne knjige)" +msgstr "Odkrivanje (naključne knjige)" #: cps/web.py:484 msgid "Hot Books (Most Downloaded)" -msgstr "Vroče knjige (največ prenesenih)" +msgstr "Vroče knjige (največkrat prenesene)" #: cps/web.py:515 #, python-format @@ -1332,7 +1332,7 @@ msgstr "Ocena: %(rating)s zvezdic" #: cps/web.py:666 #, python-format msgid "File format: %(format)s" -msgstr "Oblika datoteke: %(format)s" +msgstr "Vrsta datoteke: %(format)s" #: cps/web.py:701 #, python-format @@ -1354,7 +1354,7 @@ msgstr "Seznam ocen" #: cps/web.py:1097 msgid "File formats list" -msgstr "Seznam oblik datotek" +msgstr "Seznam vrste datotek" #: cps/web.py:1252 msgid "Please configure the SMTP mail settings first..." @@ -1479,7 +1479,7 @@ msgstr "Calibre ebook-convert %(tool)s ni najden" #: cps/tasks/convert.py:207 #, python-format msgid "%(format)s format not found on disk" -msgstr "%(format)s oblika ni najdena na disku" +msgstr "%(format)s vrsta ni najdena na disku" #: cps/tasks/convert.py:211 msgid "Ebook converter failed with unknown error" @@ -1566,7 +1566,7 @@ msgstr "Pošlji v e-pošto e-bralnika" #: cps/templates/admin.html:17 cps/templates/layout.html:92 #: cps/templates/user_table.html:143 msgid "Admin" -msgstr "Admin" +msgstr "Administator" #: cps/templates/admin.html:18 cps/templates/login.html:13 #: cps/templates/login.html:14 cps/templates/user_edit.html:23 @@ -1621,12 +1621,12 @@ msgstr "Šifriranje" #: cps/templates/admin.html:79 cps/templates/email_edit.html:47 msgid "SMTP Login" -msgstr "Prijava SMTP" +msgstr "Prijava v SMTP" #: cps/templates/admin.html:83 cps/templates/admin.html:94 #: cps/templates/email_edit.html:55 msgid "From Email" -msgstr "Od e-poštni naslov" +msgstr "Iz e-poštnega naslova" #: cps/templates/admin.html:90 msgid "Email Service" @@ -1658,11 +1658,11 @@ msgstr "Zunanja vrata" #: cps/templates/admin.html:129 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:28 msgid "Books per Page" -msgstr "Knjig na stran" +msgstr "Število knjig na stran" #: cps/templates/admin.html:133 msgid "Uploads" -msgstr "Naloženo" +msgstr "Nalaganje" #: cps/templates/admin.html:137 msgid "Anonymous Browsing" @@ -1674,7 +1674,7 @@ msgstr "Javna registracija" #: cps/templates/admin.html:145 msgid "Magic Link Remote Login" -msgstr "Prijava za daljinski upravljalnik Magic Link" +msgstr "Prijava v oddaljeno prijavo Magic Link" #: cps/templates/admin.html:149 msgid "Reverse Proxy Login" @@ -1856,11 +1856,11 @@ msgstr "Izbriši knjigo" #: cps/templates/book_edit.html:14 msgid "Delete formats:" -msgstr "Brisanje oblik:" +msgstr "Brisanje vrste:" #: cps/templates/book_edit.html:25 msgid "Convert book format:" -msgstr "Pretvori obliko knjige:" +msgstr "Pretvori vrsto knjige:" #: cps/templates/book_edit.html:30 msgid "Convert from:" @@ -1899,7 +1899,7 @@ msgstr "Prenos opravljen, obdelujem, prosim počakajte..." #: cps/templates/book_edit.html:58 msgid "Upload Format" -msgstr "Nalaganje oblike" +msgstr "Nalaganje vrsta" #: cps/templates/book_edit.html:71 cps/templates/search_form.html:8 msgid "Book Title" @@ -1942,7 +1942,7 @@ msgstr "Oznake" #: cps/templates/book_edit.html:110 msgid "Series ID" -msgstr "ID serije" +msgstr "Številka serije" #: cps/templates/book_edit.html:114 msgid "Rating" @@ -2007,7 +2007,7 @@ msgstr "Ključna beseda za iskanje" #: cps/templates/book_edit.html:248 msgid "Click the cover to load metadata to the form" -msgstr "Kliknite na naslovnico, da v obrazec naložite metapodatke." +msgstr "Klikni na naslovnico, da se v obrazec naložijo metapodatki." #: cps/templates/book_edit.html:255 cps/templates/book_edit.html:294 msgid "Loading..." @@ -2090,7 +2090,7 @@ msgstr "Vnesi serijo" #: cps/templates/book_table.html:69 msgid "Series Index" -msgstr "Zaporedna številka serije" +msgstr "Številka serije" #: cps/templates/book_table.html:70 msgid "Enter Languages" @@ -2150,11 +2150,11 @@ msgstr "Lokacija podatkovne zbirke Calibre" #: cps/templates/config_db.html:21 msgid "Separate Book Files from Library" -msgstr "Ločite knjižne datoteke od knjižnice" +msgstr "Loči knjižne datoteke od knjižnice" #: cps/templates/config_db.html:34 msgid "Use Google Drive?" -msgstr "Uporabljate Google Drive?" +msgstr "Uporabljaš Google Drive?" #: cps/templates/config_db.html:39 msgid "Authenticate Google Drive" @@ -2198,15 +2198,15 @@ msgstr "Kanal za posodobitve" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:45 msgid "Stable" -msgstr "Stabilne" +msgstr "Stabilen" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:46 msgid "Nightly" -msgstr "Nočne" +msgstr "Nočen" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:50 msgid "Trusted Hosts (Comma Separated)" -msgstr "Zaupanja vredni gostitelji (ločeno z vejico)" +msgstr "Zaupanja vredni gostitelji (ločeni z vejico)" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:61 msgid "Logfile Configuration" @@ -2214,15 +2214,15 @@ msgstr "Nastavitev dnevniške datoteke" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:77 msgid "Location and name of logfile (calibre-web.log for no entry)" -msgstr "Lokacija in ime dnevniške datoteke (calibre-web.log, če ni vnosa)" +msgstr "Lokacija in ime dnevniške datoteke (calibre-web.log, če ni vneseno)" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:82 msgid "Enable Access Log" -msgstr "Omogočite dnevnik dostopa" +msgstr "Omogoči dnevnik dostopa" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:85 msgid "Location and name of access logfile (access.log for no entry)" -msgstr "Lokacija in ime dnevniške datoteke dostopa (access.log, če ni vnosa)" +msgstr "Lokacija in ime dnevniške datoteke dostopa (access.log, če ni vneseno)" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:96 msgid "Feature Configuration" @@ -2238,15 +2238,15 @@ msgstr "Vstavljanje metapodatkov v datoteko e-knjige ob prenosu/pretvorbi/elektr #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:112 msgid "Enable Uploads" -msgstr "Omogočite nalaganje" +msgstr "Omogoči nalaganje" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:112 msgid "(Please ensure that users also have upload permissions)" -msgstr "(Prepričajte se, da imajo uporabniki tudi dovoljenja za nalaganje)" +msgstr "(prepričaj se, da imajo uporabniki tudi dovoljenja za nalaganje)" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:116 msgid "Allowed Upload Fileformats" -msgstr "Dovoljene oblike datotek za nalaganje" +msgstr "Dovoljene vrste datotek za nalaganje" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:122 msgid "Enable Anonymous Browsing" @@ -2258,15 +2258,15 @@ msgstr "Omogočanje javne registracije" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:131 msgid "Use Email as Username" -msgstr "Uporabite e-pošto kot uporabniško ime" +msgstr "Uporabi e-pošto kot uporabniško ime" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:136 msgid "Enable Magic Link Remote Login" -msgstr "Omogočite oddaljeno prijavo prek povezave Magic Link" +msgstr "Omogoči oddaljeno prijavo prek povezave Magic Link" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:141 msgid "Enable Kobo sync" -msgstr "Omogočite sinhronizacijo s Kobo" +msgstr "Omogoči sinhronizacijo s Kobo" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:146 msgid "Proxy unknown requests to Kobo Store" @@ -2278,7 +2278,7 @@ msgstr "Zunanja vrata strežnika (za posredovane klice API)" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:157 msgid "Use Goodreads" -msgstr "Uporabite Goodreads" +msgstr "Uporabi Goodreads" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:161 msgid "Goodreads API Key" @@ -2449,15 +2449,15 @@ msgstr "Omejitev neuspelih poskusov prijave" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:372 msgid "Configure Backend for Limiter" -msgstr "Nastavitev zaledja za omejitev" +msgstr "Nastavitev zalednega sistema za omejitve" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:376 msgid "Options for Limiter Backend" -msgstr "Možnosti za omejitev zaledja" +msgstr "Možnosti za omejitev zalednega sistema" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:382 msgid "Check if file extensions matches file content on upload" -msgstr "Preverite, ali se razširitve datotek ujemajo z vsebino datoteke pri nalaganju" +msgstr "Preveri ali se končnice datotek ujemajo z vsebino datoteke pri nalaganju" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:385 msgid "Session protection" @@ -2469,7 +2469,7 @@ msgstr "Osnovna" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:388 msgid "Strong" -msgstr "Močana" +msgstr "Močna" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:393 msgid "User Password policy" @@ -2481,23 +2481,23 @@ msgstr "Najmanjša dolžina gesla" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:402 msgid "Enforce number" -msgstr "Uveljavljanje številk" +msgstr "Obvezna uporaba številk" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:406 msgid "Enforce lowercase characters" -msgstr "Uveljavljanje malih črk" +msgstr "Obvezna uporaba malih črk" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:410 msgid "Enforce uppercase characters" -msgstr "Uveljavljanje velikih črk" +msgstr "Obvezna uporaba velikih črk" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:414 msgid "Enforce characters (needed For Chinese/Japanese/Korean Characters)" -msgstr "Uveljavljanje znakov (potrebno za kitajske/japonske/korejske znake)" +msgstr "Obvezna uporaba znakov (potrebno za kitajske/japonske/korejske znake)" #: cps/templates/config_edit.html:418 msgid "Enforce special characters" -msgstr "Uveljavljanje posebnih znakov" +msgstr "Obvezna uporaba posebnih znakov" #: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:17 msgid "View Configuration" @@ -2521,7 +2521,7 @@ msgstr "Standardna tema" #: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:43 msgid "caliBlur! Dark Theme" -msgstr "caliBlur! Temna tema" +msgstr "caliBlur! temna tema" #: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:47 msgid "Regular Expression for Ignoring Columns" @@ -2573,7 +2573,7 @@ msgstr "Dovoli spreminjanje gesla" #: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:120 cps/templates/user_edit.html:130 msgid "Allow Editing Public Shelves" -msgstr "Omogoči urejanja javnih polic" +msgstr "Omogoči urejanje javnih polic" #: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:123 msgid "Default Language" @@ -2699,7 +2699,7 @@ msgstr "SSL/TLS" #: cps/templates/email_edit.html:51 msgid "SMTP Password" -msgstr "Geslo SMTP" +msgstr "Geslo za SMTP" #: cps/templates/email_edit.html:58 msgid "Attachment Size Limit" @@ -2745,7 +2745,7 @@ msgstr "V urejevalniku besedila odprite datoteko .kobo/Kobo/Kobo eReader.conf in #: cps/templates/generate_kobo_auth_url.html:11 msgid "Kobo Token:" -msgstr "Žeton Kobo:" +msgstr "Kobo žeton:" #: cps/templates/grid.html:21 msgid "List" @@ -2753,11 +2753,11 @@ msgstr "Seznam" #: cps/templates/http_error.html:34 msgid "Calibre-Web Instance is unconfigured, please contact your administrator" -msgstr "Instanca Calibre-Web ni nastavljena, obrnite se na skrbnika" +msgstr "Instanca Calibre-Web ni nastavljena, obrni se na skrbnika" #: cps/templates/http_error.html:44 msgid "Create Issue" -msgstr "Ustvarjanje težave" +msgstr "Ustvarjanje poročila o težavi" #: cps/templates/http_error.html:51 msgid "Return to Home" @@ -2851,7 +2851,7 @@ msgstr "Knjige, razvrščene po oceni" #: cps/templates/index.xml:137 msgid "Books ordered by file formats" -msgstr "Knjige, razvrščene po oblikah datotek" +msgstr "Knjige, razvrščene po vrstah datotek" #: cps/templates/index.xml:142 cps/templates/layout.html:153 #: cps/templates/search_form.html:88 @@ -2977,7 +2977,7 @@ msgstr "Dodajanje omejitve prikaza" #: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:50 msgid "This book format will be permanently erased from database" -msgstr "Ta oblika knjige bo trajno izbrisana iz podatkovne baze" +msgstr "Ta vrsta knjige bo trajno izbrisana iz podatkovne baze" #: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:51 msgid "This book will be permanently erased from database" @@ -3387,19 +3387,19 @@ msgstr "Statistika knjižnice" #: cps/templates/stats.html:12 msgid "Books in this Library" -msgstr "Knjige v tej knjižnici" +msgstr "Knjig v tej knjižnici" #: cps/templates/stats.html:16 msgid "Authors in this Library" -msgstr "Avtorji v tej knjižnici" +msgstr "Avtorjev v tej knjižnici" #: cps/templates/stats.html:20 msgid "Categories in this Library" -msgstr "Kategorije v tej knjižnici" +msgstr "Kategorij v tej knjižnici" #: cps/templates/stats.html:24 msgid "Series in this Library" -msgstr "Serije v tej knjižnici" +msgstr "Serij v tej knjižnici" #: cps/templates/stats.html:29 msgid "System Statistics" @@ -3419,7 +3419,7 @@ msgstr "Uporabnik" #: cps/templates/tasks.html:14 msgid "Task" -msgstr "Naloga" +msgstr "Opravilo" #: cps/templates/tasks.html:15 msgid "Status" @@ -3455,7 +3455,7 @@ msgstr "Ponastavitev uporabniškega gesla" #: cps/templates/user_edit.html:28 msgid "Send to eReader Email Address. Use comma to separate emails for multiple eReaders" -msgstr "Pošlji v e-bralnik e-naslov. Uporabite vejico za ločitev e-poštnih sporočil za več e-bralnikov" +msgstr "Pošlji v e-bralnikov e-naslov. Uporabi vejico za ločitev e-poštnih sporočil za več e-bralnikov" #: cps/templates/user_edit.html:43 msgid "Language of Books" @@ -3483,7 +3483,7 @@ msgstr "Ustvari/pogled" #: cps/templates/user_edit.html:70 msgid "Force full kobo sync" -msgstr "Vsilite popolno sinhronizacijo kobo" +msgstr "Vsili popolno sinhronizacijo s Kobo" #: cps/templates/user_edit.html:88 msgid "Add allowed/Denied Custom Column Values" @@ -3523,7 +3523,7 @@ msgstr "Vnesi e-pošto e-bralnika" #: cps/templates/user_table.html:136 msgid "eReader Email" -msgstr "e-pošta za e-bralnik" +msgstr "E-pošta za e-bralnik" #: cps/templates/user_table.html:137 msgid "Locale" @@ -3531,7 +3531,7 @@ msgstr "Lokacija" #: cps/templates/user_table.html:138 msgid "Visible Book Languages" -msgstr "Jeziki vidne knjige" +msgstr "Jeziki vidnih knjig" #: cps/templates/user_table.html:139 msgid "Edit Allowed Tags" diff --git a/cps/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 51f0aed7..f0e1f62d 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 98abab6e..953f88ac 100644 --- a/cps/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-05-13 11:00+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Jonatan Nyberg \n" "Language: sv\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index ac417c21..916ccb6e 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 8bff01da..82ff483d 100644 --- a/cps/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-23 22:47+0300\n" "Last-Translator: iz \n" "Language: tr\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index e2290c06..cfc95828 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 6c1e91c2..29adaa21 100644 --- a/cps/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-30 00:47+0300\n" "Last-Translator: ABIS Team \n" "Language: uk\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index f248d2a2..2856f03a 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index cf49e6b6..a414067c 100644 --- a/cps/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-09-20 21:36+0700\n" "Last-Translator: Ha Link \n" "Language: vi\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 227afd31..f14c1fa3 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 2e73e92b..01b475dc 100644 --- a/cps/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-27 22:18+0800\n" "Last-Translator: xlivevil \n" "Language: zh_CN\n" diff --git a/cps/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 031e7544..540d72bf 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index c5a532b3..fe9a60bd 100644 --- a/cps/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-27 22:18+0800\n" "Last-Translator: xlivevil \n" "Language: zh_TW\n" diff --git a/messages.pot b/messages.pot index eec08093..d30e5d16 100644 --- a/messages.pot +++ b/messages.pot @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"