mirror of https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web synced 2024-10-18 16:45:53 +00:00

Reupdate slovenian translation

This commit is contained in:
Ozzie Isaacs 2024-09-26 19:46:35 +02:00
parent 1eb9cd44dc
commit 94df767c28
56 changed files with 1078 additions and 700 deletions

View File

@ -8138,6 +8138,384 @@ LANGUAGE_NAMES = {
"zul": "Zulu", "zul": "Zulu",
"zun": "Zuni" "zun": "Zuni"
}, },
"sl": {
"abk": "abhazijski",
"ace": "achinese",
"ach": "Acoli",
"ada": "Adangme",
"ady": "Adyghe",
"aar": "afarski",
"afh": "Afrihili",
"afr": "afrikanski",
"ain": "Ainu (Japan)",
"aka": "Akan",
"akk": "akadski",
"sqi": "albanščina",
"ale": "aleutski",
"amh": "amharski",
"anp": "Angika",
"ara": "arabski",
"arg": "aragonski",
"arp": "Arapaho",
"arw": "araukanski",
"hye": "armenščina",
"asm": "asamski",
"ast": "Asturian",
"ava": "avarski",
"ave": "avestijski jeziki",
"awa": "Awadhi",
"aym": "Aymara",
"aze": "azerbajdžanski",
"ban": "balijščina",
"bal": "belučijski",
"bam": "bambarski",
"bas": "Basa (Cameroon)",
"bak": "baškirski",
"eus": "baskovščina",
"bej": "Beja",
"bel": "beloruščina",
"bem": "Bemba (Zambia)",
"ben": "bengalščina",
"bit": "Berinomo",
"bho": "Bhojpuri",
"bik": "bikolščina",
"byn": "Bilin",
"bin": "Bini",
"bis": "bislama",
"zbl": "Blissymbols",
"bos": "bošnjaščina",
"bra": "Braj",
"bre": "bretonščina",
"bug": "buginščina",
"bul": "bolgarščina",
"bua": "burjatščina",
"mya": "burmanščina",
"cad": "kadajščina?",
"cat": "katalonščina",
"ceb": "cebuanščina",
"chg": "Chagatai",
"cha": "čamorščina",
"che": "čečenščina",
"chr": "čerokeščina",
"chy": "čejenščina",
"chb": "čibčevščina",
"zho": "kitajščina",
"chn": "Chinook jargon",
"chp": "čipevščina",
"cho": "Choctaw",
"cht": "Cholón",
"chk": "Chuukese",
"chv": "čuvaščina",
"cop": "koptščina",
"cor": "kornijščina",
"cos": "korzijščina",
"cre": "krijščina",
"mus": "Creek",
"hrv": "hrvaščina",
"ces": "češčina",
"dak": "Dakota",
"dan": "danski",
"dar": "Dargwa",
"del": "Delaware",
"div": "Dhivehi",
"din": "Dinka",
"doi": "Dogri (macrolanguage)",
"dgr": "Dogrib",
"dua": "Duala",
"nld": "nizozemščina",
"dse": "Dutch Sign Language",
"dyu": "Dyula",
"dzo": "dzongkha",
"efi": "Efik",
"egy": "egipčanski",
"eka": "Ekajuk",
"elx": "elamščina",
"eng": "angleščina",
"enu": "Enu",
"myv": "Erzya",
"epo": "esperanto",
"est": "estonščina",
"ewe": "evenščina",
"ewo": "Ewondo",
"fan": "Fang (Equatorial Guinea)",
"fat": "Fanti",
"fao": "ferščina",
"fij": "fidžijščina",
"fil": "Filipino",
"fin": "finščina",
"fon": "Fon",
"fra": "francoščina",
"fur": "furlanščina",
"ful": "fulščina",
"gaa": "Ga",
"glg": "Galician",
"lug": "Ganda",
"gay": "gajščina?",
"gba": "Gbaya (Central African Republic)",
"hmj": "Ge",
"gez": "etiopščina?",
"kat": "gruzinščina",
"deu": "nemški",
"gil": "gilbertščina",
"gon": "Gondi",
"gor": "Gorontalo",
"got": "gotščina",
"grb": "Grebo",
"grn": "gvaranijščina",
"guj": "gudžaratščina",
"gwi": "Gwichʼin",
"hai": "haidščina",
"hau": "havščina",
"haw": "havajščina",
"heb": "hebrejščina",
"her": "Herero",
"hil": "hilingajnonščina",
"hin": "hindijščina",
"hmo": "hiri motu",
"hit": "hetitščina",
"hmn": "hmonščina; miaojščina",
"hun": "madžarščina",
"hup": "hupščina",
"iba": "ibanščina",
"isl": "islandščina",
"ido": "Ido",
"ibo": "Igbo",
"ilo": "Iloko",
"ind": "indonezijščina",
"inh": "inguščina",
"ina": "interlingva",
"ile": "Interlingue",
"iku": "inuktituščina",
"ipk": "Inupiaq",
"gle": "irščina",
"ita": "italijanščina",
"jpn": "japonščina",
"jav": "javanščina",
"jrb": "Judeo-Arabic",
"jpr": "Judeo-Persian",
"kbd": "kabardinščina",
"kab": "Kabyle",
"kac": "Kachin",
"kal": "Kalaallisut",
"xal": "Kalmyk",
"kam": "Kamba (Kenya)",
"kan": "kanareščina",
"kau": "Kanuri",
"kaa": "Kara-Kalpak",
"krc": "Karachay-Balkar",
"krl": "Karelian",
"kas": "kašmirščina",
"csb": "Kashubian",
"kaw": "kavi",
"kaz": "kazaščina",
"kha": "Khasi",
"kho": "Khotanese",
"kik": "kikujščina",
"kmb": "Kimbundu",
"kin": "Kinyarwanda",
"kir": "kirgiščina",
"tlh": "Klingon",
"kom": "komijščina",
"kon": "Kongo",
"kok": "Konkani (macrolanguage)",
"kor": "korejščina",
"kos": "Kosraean",
"kpe": "Kpelle",
"kua": "Kuanyama",
"kum": "kumiščina",
"kur": "kurdščina",
"kru": "Kurukh",
"kut": "kutenajščina",
"lad": "ladinščina",
"lah": "Lahnda",
"lam": "Lamba",
"lao": "laoščina",
"lat": "latinščina",
"lav": "latvijščina",
"lez": "lezginščina",
"lim": "Limburgan",
"lin": "lingala",
"lit": "litvanščina",
"jbo": "Lojban",
"loz": "Lozi",
"lub": "Luba-Katanga",
"lua": "lubalulujščina",
"lui": "Luiseno",
"smj": "Lule Sami",
"lun": "Lunda",
"luo": "Luo (Kenya and Tanzania)",
"lus": "Lushai",
"ltz": "Luxembourgish",
"mkd": "makedonščina",
"mad": "madurščina",
"mag": "Magahi",
"mai": "Maithili",
"mak": "makasarščina",
"mlg": "malgaščina",
"msa": "Malay (macrolanguage)",
"mal": "malajalščina",
"mlt": "malteščina",
"mnc": "Manchu",
"mdr": "Mandar",
"man": "Mandingo",
"mni": "manipurščina",
"glv": "manska gelščina",
"mri": "maorščina",
"arn": "Mapudungun",
"mar": "maratščina",
"chm": "Mari (Russia)",
"mah": "Marshallese",
"mwr": "Marwari",
"mas": "masajščina",
"men": "Mende (Sierra Leone)",
"mic": "Mi'kmaq",
"min": "Minangkabau",
"mwl": "Mirandese",
"moh": "mohoščina",
"mdf": "Moksha",
"lol": "Mongo",
"mon": "mongolščina",
"mos": "mosanščina",
"mul": "Več jezikov",
"nqo": "N'Ko",
"nau": "Nauru",
"nav": "navaščina",
"ndo": "Ndonga",
"nap": "napolitanščina",
"nia": "niaščina",
"niu": "niuejščina",
"zxx": "No linguistic content",
"nog": "Nogai",
"nor": "norveščina",
"nob": "Norwegian Bokmål",
"nno": "norveščina; nynorsk",
"nym": "Nyamwezi",
"nya": "Nyanja",
"nyn": "Nyankole",
"nyo": "Nyoro",
"nzi": "Nzima",
"oci": "Occitan (post 1500)",
"oji": "Ojibwa",
"orm": "Oromo",
"osa": "Osage",
"oss": "Ossetian",
"pal": "Pahlavi",
"pau": "palavanščina",
"pli": "Pali",
"pam": "Pampanga",
"pag": "pangasinanščina",
"pan": "Panjabi",
"pap": "papiamentu",
"fas": "perzijščina",
"phn": "feničanščina",
"pon": "Pohnpeian",
"pol": "poljščina",
"por": "portugalđščina",
"pus": "paštu",
"que": "Quechua",
"raj": "radžastanščina",
"rap": "rapanujščina",
"ron": "romunščina",
"roh": "Romansh",
"rom": "romščina",
"run": "rundščina",
"rus": "ruščina",
"smo": "samoanščina",
"sad": "Sandawe",
"sag": "Sango",
"san": "sanskrt",
"sat": "santalščina",
"srd": "sardinščina",
"sas": "Sasak",
"sco": "škotščina",
"sel": "selkupščina",
"srp": "srbščina",
"srr": "Serer",
"shn": "šanščina",
"sna": "šonščina",
"scn": "sicilijanščina",
"sid": "Sidamo",
"bla": "Siksika",
"snd": "sindščina",
"sin": "Sinhala",
"den": "Slave (Athapascan)",
"slk": "slovaščina",
"slv": "slovenščina",
"sog": "Sogdian",
"som": "Somali",
"snk": "Soninke",
"spa": "španščina",
"srn": "Sranan Tongo",
"suk": "Sukuma",
"sux": "sumerščina",
"sun": "sundščina",
"sus": "susuamijščina?",
"swa": "Swahili (macrolanguage)",
"ssw": "svazijščina?",
"swe": "švedščina",
"syr": "sirščina",
"tgl": "tagaloščina",
"tah": "tahitijščina",
"tgk": "tadžiščina",
"tmh": "Tamashek",
"tam": "tamilščina",
"tat": "tatarščina",
"tel": "Telugu",
"ter": "Tereno",
"tet": "Tetum",
"tha": "tajščina",
"bod": "tibetanščina",
"tig": "Tigre",
"tir": "Tigrinya",
"tem": "Timne",
"tiv": "Tiv",
"tli": "Tlingit",
"tpi": "tok pisin",
"tkl": "Tokelau",
"tog": "Tonga (Nyasa)",
"ton": "tonganščina",
"tsi": "tsimšijščina",
"tso": "Tsonga",
"tsn": "Tswana",
"tum": "Tumbuka",
"tur": "turščina",
"tuk": "turkmenščina",
"tvl": "tuvalujščina",
"tyv": "Tuvinian",
"twi": "Twi",
"udm": "Udmurt",
"uga": "ugaritščina",
"uig": "ujgurščina",
"ukr": "ukrajinščina",
"umb": "Umbundu",
"mis": "Uncoded languages",
"und": "nedoločen",
"urd": "urdujščina",
"uzb": "uzbeščina",
"vai": "vajščina",
"ven": "Venda",
"vie": "vietnamščina",
"vol": "Volapük",
"vot": "votjaščina",
"wln": "valonščina",
"war": "Waray (Philippines)",
"was": "Washo",
"cym": "valižanščina",
"wal": "Wolaytta",
"wol": "Wolof",
"xho": "koščina",
"sah": "jakutščina",
"yao": "jaojščina",
"yap": "Yapese",
"yid": "jidiš",
"yor": "jorubščina",
"zap": "Zapotec",
"zza": "Zaza",
"zen": "Zenaga",
"zha": "Zhuang",
"zul": "zulujščina",
"zun": "Zuni"
"sv": { "sv": {
"aar": "Afar", "aar": "Afar",
"abk": "Abchaziska", "abk": "Abchaziska",

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-06-09 21:11+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-06-09 21:11+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Lukas Heroudek <lukas.heroudek@gmail.com>\n" "Last-Translator: Lukas Heroudek <lukas.heroudek@gmail.com>\n"
"Language: cs_CZ\n" "Language: cs_CZ\n"
@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ msgstr "Neznámý příkaz"
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "Kniha byla úspěšně zařazena do fronty pro odeslání na %(eReadermail)s" msgstr "Kniha byla úspěšně zařazena do fronty pro odeslání na %(eReadermail)s"
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Neznámý" msgstr "Neznámý"
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -565,96 +565,96 @@ msgstr "Kniha byla úspěšně zařazena do fronty pro převod do %(book_format)
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Při převodu této knihy došlo k chybě: %(res)s" msgstr "Při převodu této knihy došlo k chybě: %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Jejda! Vybraná kniha není k dispozici. Soubor neexistuje nebo není přístupný" msgstr "Jejda! Vybraná kniha není k dispozici. Soubor neexistuje nebo není přístupný"
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s není platným jazykem" msgstr "%(langname)s není platným jazykem"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Metadata úspěšně aktualizována" msgstr "Metadata úspěšně aktualizována"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "Nahraná kniha pravděpodobně existuje v knihovně, zvažte prosím změnu před nahráním nové: " msgstr "Nahraná kniha pravděpodobně existuje v knihovně, zvažte prosím změnu před nahráním nové: "
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Soubor s příponou '%(ext)s' nelze odeslat na tento server" msgstr "Soubor s příponou '%(ext)s' nelze odeslat na tento server"
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Soubor s příponou '%(ext)s' nelze odeslat na tento server" msgstr "Soubor s příponou '%(ext)s' nelze odeslat na tento server"
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Soubor, který má být odeslán musí mít příponu" msgstr "Soubor, který má být odeslán musí mít příponu"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "Soubor %(filename)s nemohl být uložen do dočasného adresáře" msgstr "Soubor %(filename)s nemohl být uložen do dočasného adresáře"
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se přesunout soubor obalu %(file)s: %(error)s" msgstr "Nepodařilo se přesunout soubor obalu %(file)s: %(error)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Formát knihy úspěšně smazán" msgstr "Formát knihy úspěšně smazán"
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Kniha úspěšně smazána" msgstr "Kniha úspěšně smazána"
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "upravit metadata" msgstr "upravit metadata"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Nepodařilo se vytvořit cestu %(path)s (oprávnění odepřeno)." msgstr "Nepodařilo se vytvořit cestu %(path)s (oprávnění odepřeno)."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Uložení souboru %(file)s se nezdařilo." msgstr "Uložení souboru %(file)s se nezdařilo."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Formát souboru %(ext)s přidán do %(book)s" msgstr "Formát souboru %(ext)s přidán do %(book)s"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-08-17 13:49+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-08-17 13:49+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Ozzie Isaacs\n" "Last-Translator: Ozzie Isaacs\n"
"Language: de\n" "Language: de\n"
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ msgstr "Unbekannter Befehl"
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "Bücher wurden für Metadaten Backup eingereiht, für das Ergebnis bitte Aufgaben überprüfen" msgstr "Bücher wurden für Metadaten Backup eingereiht, für das Ergebnis bitte Aufgaben überprüfen"
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Unbekannt" msgstr "Unbekannt"
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ msgstr "G-Mail Konto verifiziert."
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -551,95 +551,95 @@ msgstr "Buch wurde erfolgreich für die Konvertierung nach %(book_format)s einge
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Es trat ein Fehler beim Konvertieren des Buches auf: %(res)s" msgstr "Es trat ein Fehler beim Konvertieren des Buches auf: %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Öffnen des Buchs fehlgeschlagen. Datei existiert nicht oder ist nicht zugänglich" msgstr "Öffnen des Buchs fehlgeschlagen. Datei existiert nicht oder ist nicht zugänglich"
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "Benutzer hat keine Berechtigung Cover hochzuladen" msgstr "Benutzer hat keine Berechtigung Cover hochzuladen"
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "IDs unterscheiden nicht Groß-Kleinschreibung, alte ID wird überschrieben" msgstr "IDs unterscheiden nicht Groß-Kleinschreibung, alte ID wird überschrieben"
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "'%(langname)s' ist keine gültige Sprache" msgstr "'%(langname)s' ist keine gültige Sprache"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Metadaten wurden erfolgreich aktualisiert" msgstr "Metadaten wurden erfolgreich aktualisiert"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "Fehler beim editieren des Buches: {}" msgstr "Fehler beim editieren des Buches: {}"
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "Das hochgeladene Buch existiert evtl. schon in der Bibliothek: " msgstr "Das hochgeladene Buch existiert evtl. schon in der Bibliothek: "
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Dateityp kann nicht auf diesen Server hochgeladen werden" msgstr "Dateityp kann nicht auf diesen Server hochgeladen werden"
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Dateiendung '%(ext)s' kann nicht auf diesen Server hochgeladen werden" msgstr "Dateiendung '%(ext)s' kann nicht auf diesen Server hochgeladen werden"
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Dateien müssen eine Erweiterung haben, um hochgeladen zu werden" msgstr "Dateien müssen eine Erweiterung haben, um hochgeladen zu werden"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "Die Datei %(filename)s konnte nicht im temporären Ordner gespeichert werden" msgstr "Die Datei %(filename)s konnte nicht im temporären Ordner gespeichert werden"
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Fehler beim Verschieben der Cover Datei %(file)s: %(error)s" msgstr "Fehler beim Verschieben der Cover Datei %(file)s: %(error)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Buch Format erfolgreich gelöscht" msgstr "Buch Format erfolgreich gelöscht"
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Buch erfolgreich gelöscht" msgstr "Buch erfolgreich gelöscht"
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "Keine Erlaubnis zum Bücher löschen" msgstr "Keine Erlaubnis zum Bücher löschen"
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "Metadaten editieren" msgstr "Metadaten editieren"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "Serien index %(seriesindex)s ist keine gültige Zahl, Eintrag wird ignoriert" msgstr "Serien index %(seriesindex)s ist keine gültige Zahl, Eintrag wird ignoriert"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "Benutzer hat kein Recht zusätzliche Dateiformate hochzuladen" msgstr "Benutzer hat kein Recht zusätzliche Dateiformate hochzuladen"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Fehler beim Erzeugen des Pfads %(path)s (Zugriff verweigert)" msgstr "Fehler beim Erzeugen des Pfads %(path)s (Zugriff verweigert)"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Fehler beim Speichern der Datei %(file)s." msgstr "Fehler beim Speichern der Datei %(file)s."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Dateiformat %(ext)s zu %(book)s hinzugefügt" msgstr "Dateiformat %(ext)s zu %(book)s hinzugefügt"

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Depountis Georgios\n" "Last-Translator: Depountis Georgios\n"
"Language: el\n" "Language: el\n"
@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ msgstr "Άγνωστη εντολή"
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "Το βιβλίο έχει επιτυχώς μπει σε σειρά για αποστολή στο %(eReadermail)s" msgstr "Το βιβλίο έχει επιτυχώς μπει σε σειρά για αποστολή στο %(eReadermail)s"
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "ʼΑγνωστο" msgstr "ʼΑγνωστο"
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -565,96 +565,96 @@ msgstr "Το βιβλίο είναι σε σειρά επιτυχώς για μ
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Υπήρξε ένα σφάλμα στη μετατροπή αυτού του βιβλίου: %(res)s" msgstr "Υπήρξε ένα σφάλμα στη μετατροπή αυτού του βιβλίου: %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Oυπς! Ο επιλεγμένος τίτλος βιβλίου δεν είναι διαθέσιμος. Το αρχείο δεν υπάρχει ή δεν είναι προσβάσιμο" msgstr "Oυπς! Ο επιλεγμένος τίτλος βιβλίου δεν είναι διαθέσιμος. Το αρχείο δεν υπάρχει ή δεν είναι προσβάσιμο"
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "Τα αναγνωριστικά δεν έχουν Διάκριση Πεζών-Κεφαλαίων Γραμμάτων, Αντικατάσταση Παλιού Αναγνωριστικού" msgstr "Τα αναγνωριστικά δεν έχουν Διάκριση Πεζών-Κεφαλαίων Γραμμάτων, Αντικατάσταση Παλιού Αναγνωριστικού"
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s δεν είναι μια έγκυρη γλώσσα" msgstr "%(langname)s δεν είναι μια έγκυρη γλώσσα"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Τα μεταδεδομένα ενημερώθηκαν επιτυχώς" msgstr "Τα μεταδεδομένα ενημερώθηκαν επιτυχώς"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "Το βιβλίο που ανέβηκε πιθανόν να υπάρχει στη βιβλιοθήκη, σκέψου να το αλλάξεις πριν ανεβάσεις νέο: " msgstr "Το βιβλίο που ανέβηκε πιθανόν να υπάρχει στη βιβλιοθήκη, σκέψου να το αλλάξεις πριν ανεβάσεις νέο: "
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Η επέκταση αρχείου '%(ext)s' δεν επιτρέπεται να ανέβει σε αυτό το διακομιστή" msgstr "Η επέκταση αρχείου '%(ext)s' δεν επιτρέπεται να ανέβει σε αυτό το διακομιστή"
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Η επέκταση αρχείου '%(ext)s' δεν επιτρέπεται να ανέβει σε αυτό το διακομιστή" msgstr "Η επέκταση αρχείου '%(ext)s' δεν επιτρέπεται να ανέβει σε αυτό το διακομιστή"
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Το αρχείο προς ανέβασμα πρέπει να έχει μια επέκταση" msgstr "Το αρχείο προς ανέβασμα πρέπει να έχει μια επέκταση"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "Το αρχείο %(filename)s δεν μπόρεσε να αποθηκευτεί σε temp dir" msgstr "Το αρχείο %(filename)s δεν μπόρεσε να αποθηκευτεί σε temp dir"
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Αποτυχία Μετακίνησης Αρχείου Φόντου %(file)s: %(error)s" msgstr "Αποτυχία Μετακίνησης Αρχείου Φόντου %(file)s: %(error)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Η μορφή βιβλίου Διαγράφηκε Επιτυχώς" msgstr "Η μορφή βιβλίου Διαγράφηκε Επιτυχώς"
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Το Βιβλίο Διαγράφηκε Επιτυχώς" msgstr "Το Βιβλίο Διαγράφηκε Επιτυχώς"
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "επεξεργασία μεταδεδομένων" msgstr "επεξεργασία μεταδεδομένων"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Αποτυχεία δημιουργίας πορείας %(path)s (Η άδεια απορρήφθηκε)." msgstr "Αποτυχεία δημιουργίας πορείας %(path)s (Η άδεια απορρήφθηκε)."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Αποτυχία αποθήκευσης αρχείου %(file)s." msgstr "Αποτυχία αποθήκευσης αρχείου %(file)s."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Μορφή αρχείου %(ext)s προστέθηκε σε %(book)s" msgstr "Μορφή αρχείου %(ext)s προστέθηκε σε %(book)s"

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-05-25 17:22+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-05-25 17:22+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: minakmostoles <xxx@xxx.com>\n" "Last-Translator: minakmostoles <xxx@xxx.com>\n"
"Language: es\n" "Language: es\n"
@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ msgstr "Comando desconocido"
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "Puesto en cola un correo electrónico de prueba enviado a %(email)s, por favor, comprueba el resultado en Tareas" msgstr "Puesto en cola un correo electrónico de prueba enviado a %(email)s, por favor, comprueba el resultado en Tareas"
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Desconocido" msgstr "Desconocido"
@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -569,96 +569,96 @@ msgstr "Libro puesto a la cola para su conversión a %(book_format)s"
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Ocurrió un error al convertir este libro: %(res)s" msgstr "Ocurrió un error al convertir este libro: %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "oh, oh, el libro seleccionado no está disponible. El archivo no existe o no es accesible" msgstr "oh, oh, el libro seleccionado no está disponible. El archivo no existe o no es accesible"
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "Los identificadores no distinguen entre mayúsculas y minúsculas, sobrescribiendo el identificador antiguo" msgstr "Los identificadores no distinguen entre mayúsculas y minúsculas, sobrescribiendo el identificador antiguo"
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s no es un idioma válido" msgstr "%(langname)s no es un idioma válido"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Metadatos actualizados con éxito" msgstr "Metadatos actualizados con éxito"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "El libro cargado probablemente existe en la biblioteca, considera cambiarlo antes de subirlo de nuevo: " msgstr "El libro cargado probablemente existe en la biblioteca, considera cambiarlo antes de subirlo de nuevo: "
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "No se permite subir archivos con la extensión '%(ext)s' a este servidor" msgstr "No se permite subir archivos con la extensión '%(ext)s' a este servidor"
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "No se permite subir archivos con la extensión '%(ext)s' a este servidor" msgstr "No se permite subir archivos con la extensión '%(ext)s' a este servidor"
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "El archivo a subir debe tener una extensión" msgstr "El archivo a subir debe tener una extensión"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "El archivo %(filename)s no pudo salvarse en el directorio temporal (Temp Dir)" msgstr "El archivo %(filename)s no pudo salvarse en el directorio temporal (Temp Dir)"
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Fallo al mover el archivo de cubierta %(file)s: %(error)s" msgstr "Fallo al mover el archivo de cubierta %(file)s: %(error)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Formato de libro eliminado con éxito" msgstr "Formato de libro eliminado con éxito"
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Libro eliminado con éxito" msgstr "Libro eliminado con éxito"
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "editar metadatos" msgstr "editar metadatos"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "%(seriesindex) no es un número válido, saltando" msgstr "%(seriesindex) no es un número válido, saltando"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Fallo al crear la ruta %(path)s (permiso denegado)" msgstr "Fallo al crear la ruta %(path)s (permiso denegado)"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Fallo al guardar el archivo %(file)s." msgstr "Fallo al guardar el archivo %(file)s."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Archivo con formato %(ext)s añadido a %(book)s" msgstr "Archivo con formato %(ext)s añadido a %(book)s"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-01-12 13:56+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-01-12 13:56+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Samuli Valavuo <svalavuo@gmail.com>\n" "Last-Translator: Samuli Valavuo <svalavuo@gmail.com>\n"
"Language: fi\n" "Language: fi\n"
@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "Kirja lisätty onnistuneeksi lähetettäväksi osoitteeseen %(eReadermail)s" msgstr "Kirja lisätty onnistuneeksi lähetettäväksi osoitteeseen %(eReadermail)s"
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Tuntematon" msgstr "Tuntematon"
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -563,96 +563,96 @@ msgstr "Kirja lisätty muutosjonoon muotoon %(book_format)s"
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Kirjan muunnoksessa tapahtui virhe: %(res)s" msgstr "Kirjan muunnoksessa tapahtui virhe: %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Virhe eKirjan avaamisessa. Tiedostoa ei ole tai se ei ole saatavilla:" msgstr "Virhe eKirjan avaamisessa. Tiedostoa ei ole tai se ei ole saatavilla:"
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s ei ole kelvollinen kieli" msgstr "%(langname)s ei ole kelvollinen kieli"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Metadata päivitetty onnistuneesti" msgstr "Metadata päivitetty onnistuneesti"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Tiedostopääte '%(ext)s' ei ole sallittujen palvelimelle ladattavien listalla" msgstr "Tiedostopääte '%(ext)s' ei ole sallittujen palvelimelle ladattavien listalla"
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Tiedostopääte '%(ext)s' ei ole sallittujen palvelimelle ladattavien listalla" msgstr "Tiedostopääte '%(ext)s' ei ole sallittujen palvelimelle ladattavien listalla"
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Ladattavalla tiedostolla on oltava tiedostopääte" msgstr "Ladattavalla tiedostolla on oltava tiedostopääte"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "muokkaa metadataa" msgstr "muokkaa metadataa"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Polun %(path)s luonti epäonnistui (Ei oikeutta)." msgstr "Polun %(path)s luonti epäonnistui (Ei oikeutta)."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Tiedoston %(file)s tallennus epäonnistui." msgstr "Tiedoston %(file)s tallennus epäonnistui."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Tiedostoformaatti %(ext)s lisätty %(book)s" msgstr "Tiedostoformaatti %(ext)s lisätty %(book)s"

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-06-07 06:47+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-06-07 06:47+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: <thovi98@gmail.com>\n" "Last-Translator: <thovi98@gmail.com>\n"
"Language: fr\n" "Language: fr\n"
@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ msgstr "Commande inconnue"
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "Teste les courriels en file dattente pour lenvoi à %(email)s, veuillez vérifier le résultat des tâches" msgstr "Teste les courriels en file dattente pour lenvoi à %(email)s, veuillez vérifier le résultat des tâches"
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Inconnu" msgstr "Inconnu"
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -581,96 +581,96 @@ msgstr "Le livre a été mis avec succès en file de traitement pour conversion
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Une erreur est survenue au cours de la conversion du livre : %(res)s" msgstr "Une erreur est survenue au cours de la conversion du livre : %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Erreur d'ouverture du livre numérique. Le fichier n'existe pas ou n'est pas accessible" msgstr "Erreur d'ouverture du livre numérique. Le fichier n'existe pas ou n'est pas accessible"
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "Les identificateurs ne sont pas sensibles à la casse, écrasant lancien identificateur" msgstr "Les identificateurs ne sont pas sensibles à la casse, écrasant lancien identificateur"
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s n'est pas une langue valide" msgstr "%(langname)s n'est pas une langue valide"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Les métadonnées ont bien été mises à jour" msgstr "Les métadonnées ont bien été mises à jour"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "Le fichier téléchargé existe probablement dans la librairie, veuillez le modifier avant de le télécharger de nouveau: " msgstr "Le fichier téléchargé existe probablement dans la librairie, veuillez le modifier avant de le télécharger de nouveau: "
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Lextension de fichier '%(ext)s' nest pas autorisée pour être déposée sur ce serveur" msgstr "Lextension de fichier '%(ext)s' nest pas autorisée pour être déposée sur ce serveur"
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Lextension de fichier '%(ext)s' nest pas autorisée pour être déposée sur ce serveur" msgstr "Lextension de fichier '%(ext)s' nest pas autorisée pour être déposée sur ce serveur"
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Pour être déposé le fichier doit avoir une extension" msgstr "Pour être déposé le fichier doit avoir une extension"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "Le fichier %(filename)s ne peut pas être sauvegardé dans le répertoire temporaire" msgstr "Le fichier %(filename)s ne peut pas être sauvegardé dans le répertoire temporaire"
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Impossible de déplacer le fichier de couverture %(file)s: %(error)s" msgstr "Impossible de déplacer le fichier de couverture %(file)s: %(error)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Le format du livre a été supprimé avec succès" msgstr "Le format du livre a été supprimé avec succès"
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Le livre a été supprimé avec succès" msgstr "Le livre a été supprimé avec succès"
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "Vous navez par les permissions pour supprimer les livres" msgstr "Vous navez par les permissions pour supprimer les livres"
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "modifier les métadonnées" msgstr "modifier les métadonnées"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "%(seriesindex)s nest pas un nombre valide, ignoré" msgstr "%(seriesindex)s nest pas un nombre valide, ignoré"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Impossible de créer le chemin %(path)s (Permission refusée)." msgstr "Impossible de créer le chemin %(path)s (Permission refusée)."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Échec de la sauvegarde du fichier %(file)s." msgstr "Échec de la sauvegarde du fichier %(file)s."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Le format de fichier %(ext)s a été ajouté à %(book)s" msgstr "Le format de fichier %(ext)s a été ajouté à %(book)s"

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-08-11 16:46+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-08-11 16:46+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: pollitor <pollitor@gmx.com>\n" "Last-Translator: pollitor <pollitor@gmx.com>\n"
"Language: gl\n" "Language: gl\n"
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ msgstr "Orde descoñecida"
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "Posto en cola un correo electrónico de proba enviado a %(email)s, por favor, comproba o resultado nas Tarefas" msgstr "Posto en cola un correo electrónico de proba enviado a %(email)s, por favor, comproba o resultado nas Tarefas"
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Descoñecido" msgstr "Descoñecido"
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -553,96 +553,96 @@ msgstr "Libro posto na cola para a súa conversión a %(book_format)s"
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Houbo un erro ao convertir este libro: %(res)s" msgstr "Houbo un erro ao convertir este libro: %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "oh, oh, o libro seleccionado non está disponible. O arquivo non existe ou non está accesible" msgstr "oh, oh, o libro seleccionado non está disponible. O arquivo non existe ou non está accesible"
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "O usuario non ten permisos para subir a cuberta" msgstr "O usuario non ten permisos para subir a cuberta"
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "Os identificadores non distinguen entre maiúsculas e minúsculas, sobrescribindo o identificador antigo" msgstr "Os identificadores non distinguen entre maiúsculas e minúsculas, sobrescribindo o identificador antigo"
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s non é unha lingua válida" msgstr "%(langname)s non é unha lingua válida"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Metadatos actualizados con éxito" msgstr "Metadatos actualizados con éxito"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "Erro editando libro: {}" msgstr "Erro editando libro: {}"
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "O libro cargado probablemente existe na biblioteca, considera cambialo antes de subilo outra vez: " msgstr "O libro cargado probablemente existe na biblioteca, considera cambialo antes de subilo outra vez: "
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Non se permite subir arquivos coa extensión '%(ext)s' a este servidor" msgstr "Non se permite subir arquivos coa extensión '%(ext)s' a este servidor"
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Non se permite subir arquivos coa extensión '%(ext)s' a este servidor" msgstr "Non se permite subir arquivos coa extensión '%(ext)s' a este servidor"
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "O arquivo que se vai cargar debe ter unha extensión" msgstr "O arquivo que se vai cargar debe ter unha extensión"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "El archivo %(filename)s non puido gravarse no directorio temporal (Temp Dir)" msgstr "El archivo %(filename)s non puido gravarse no directorio temporal (Temp Dir)"
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Fallo ao mover o arquivo de cuberta %(file)s: %(error)s" msgstr "Fallo ao mover o arquivo de cuberta %(file)s: %(error)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Formato de libro eliminado con éxito" msgstr "Formato de libro eliminado con éxito"
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Libro eliminado con éxito" msgstr "Libro eliminado con éxito"
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "Vostede non ten permisos para borrar libros" msgstr "Vostede non ten permisos para borrar libros"
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "editar metadatos" msgstr "editar metadatos"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "%(seriesindex)s non é un número válido, saltando" msgstr "%(seriesindex)s non é un número válido, saltando"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "O usuario non ten permisos para cargar formatos de ficheiro adicionais" msgstr "O usuario non ten permisos para cargar formatos de ficheiro adicionais"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Fallo ao crear a ruta %(path)s (permiso denegado)" msgstr "Fallo ao crear a ruta %(path)s (permiso denegado)"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Fallo ao gardar o arquivo %(file)s." msgstr "Fallo ao gardar o arquivo %(file)s."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Arquivo con formato %(ext)s engadido a %(book)s" msgstr "Arquivo con formato %(ext)s engadido a %(book)s"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n" "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-04-06 23:36+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-04-06 23:36+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: \n" "Last-Translator: \n"
"Language: hu\n" "Language: hu\n"
@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Ismeretlen" msgstr "Ismeretlen"
@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -562,96 +562,96 @@ msgstr "A könyv sikeresen átalakításra lett jelölve a következő formátum
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Hiba történt a könyv átalakításakor: %(res)s" msgstr "Hiba történt a könyv átalakításakor: %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Hiba történt az e-könyv megnyitásakor. A fájl nem létezik vagy nem érhető el:" msgstr "Hiba történt az e-könyv megnyitásakor. A fájl nem létezik vagy nem érhető el:"
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "A(z) %(langname)s nem érvényes nyelv" msgstr "A(z) %(langname)s nem érvényes nyelv"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "A metaadatok sikeresen frissültek" msgstr "A metaadatok sikeresen frissültek"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "A(z) \"%(ext)s\" kiterjesztésű fájlok feltöltése nincs engedélyezve ezen a szerveren." msgstr "A(z) \"%(ext)s\" kiterjesztésű fájlok feltöltése nincs engedélyezve ezen a szerveren."
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "A(z) \"%(ext)s\" kiterjesztésű fájlok feltöltése nincs engedélyezve ezen a szerveren." msgstr "A(z) \"%(ext)s\" kiterjesztésű fájlok feltöltése nincs engedélyezve ezen a szerveren."
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "A feltöltendő fájlnak kiterjesztéssel kell rendelkeznie!" msgstr "A feltöltendő fájlnak kiterjesztéssel kell rendelkeznie!"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "Metaadatok szerkesztése" msgstr "Metaadatok szerkesztése"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Nem sikerült létrehozni az elérési utat (engedély megtagadva): %(path)s." msgstr "Nem sikerült létrehozni az elérési utat (engedély megtagadva): %(path)s."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Nem sikerült elmenteni a %(file)s fájlt." msgstr "Nem sikerült elmenteni a %(file)s fájlt."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "A(z) %(ext)s fájlformátum hozzáadva a könyvhez: %(book)s." msgstr "A(z) %(ext)s fájlformátum hozzáadva a könyvhez: %(book)s."

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-21 10:00+0700\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-21 10:00+0700\n"
"Last-Translator: Arief Hidayat<arihid95@gmail.com>\n" "Last-Translator: Arief Hidayat<arihid95@gmail.com>\n"
"Language: id\n" "Language: id\n"
@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ msgstr "Perintah tidak diketahui"
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "Uji email diantrean untuk dikirim ke %(email), harap periksa Tasks untuk hasilnya" msgstr "Uji email diantrean untuk dikirim ke %(email), harap periksa Tasks untuk hasilnya"
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Tidak diketahui" msgstr "Tidak diketahui"
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -555,96 +555,96 @@ msgstr "Buku berhasil diantrekan untuk dikonversi ke %(book_format)s"
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat mengonversi buku ini: %(res)s" msgstr "Terjadi kesalahan saat mengonversi buku ini: %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Ups! Judul buku yang dipilih tidak tersedia. Berkas tidak ada atau tidak dapat diakses" msgstr "Ups! Judul buku yang dipilih tidak tersedia. Berkas tidak ada atau tidak dapat diakses"
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "Pengguna tidak berhak mengganti sampul" msgstr "Pengguna tidak berhak mengganti sampul"
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "IDは大文字小文字を区別しません。元のIDを上書きします" msgstr "IDは大文字小文字を区別しません。元のIDを上書きします"
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "'%(langname)s' bukan bahasa yang valid" msgstr "'%(langname)s' bukan bahasa yang valid"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Metadata berhasil diperbarui" msgstr "Metadata berhasil diperbarui"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "Kesalahan pengeditan buku: {}" msgstr "Kesalahan pengeditan buku: {}"
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "Buku yang diunggah mungkin ada di perpustakaan, pertimbangkan untuk mengubahnya sebelum mengunggah yang baru: " msgstr "Buku yang diunggah mungkin ada di perpustakaan, pertimbangkan untuk mengubahnya sebelum mengunggah yang baru: "
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Ekstensi berkas '%(ext)s' tidak diizinkan untuk diunggah ke server ini" msgstr "Ekstensi berkas '%(ext)s' tidak diizinkan untuk diunggah ke server ini"
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Ekstensi berkas '%(ext)s' tidak diizinkan untuk diunggah ke server ini" msgstr "Ekstensi berkas '%(ext)s' tidak diizinkan untuk diunggah ke server ini"
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Berkas yang akan diunggah harus memiliki ekstensi" msgstr "Berkas yang akan diunggah harus memiliki ekstensi"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "Berkas %(filename)s tidak dapat disimpan ke direktori temp" msgstr "Berkas %(filename)s tidak dapat disimpan ke direktori temp"
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Gagal Memindahkan Berkas Sampul %(file)s: %(error)s" msgstr "Gagal Memindahkan Berkas Sampul %(file)s: %(error)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Format Buku Berhasil Dihapus" msgstr "Format Buku Berhasil Dihapus"
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Buku Berhasil Dihapus" msgstr "Buku Berhasil Dihapus"
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk menghapus buku" msgstr "Anda tidak memiliki izin untuk menghapus buku"
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "edit metadata" msgstr "edit metadata"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "%(seriesindex)s dilewati karena bukan angka yang valid" msgstr "%(seriesindex)s dilewati karena bukan angka yang valid"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "Pengguna tidak memiliki izin untuk mengunggah format berkas tambahan" msgstr "Pengguna tidak memiliki izin untuk mengunggah format berkas tambahan"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Gagal membuat jalur %(path)s (Izin ditolak)." msgstr "Gagal membuat jalur %(path)s (Izin ditolak)."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Gagal menyimpan berkas %(file)s." msgstr "Gagal menyimpan berkas %(file)s."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Format berkas %(ext)s ditambahkan ke %(book)s" msgstr "Format berkas %(ext)s ditambahkan ke %(book)s"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-08-24 05:32+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-08-24 05:32+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Massimo Pissarello <mapi68@gmail.com>\n" "Last-Translator: Massimo Pissarello <mapi68@gmail.com>\n"
"Language: it\n" "Language: it\n"
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ msgstr "Comando sconosciuto"
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "Tutto OK! Libri in coda per il backup dei metadati, controlla le attività per il risultato" msgstr "Tutto OK! Libri in coda per il backup dei metadati, controlla le attività per il risultato"
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Sconosciuto" msgstr "Sconosciuto"
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ msgstr "Tutto OK! Account Gmail verificato."
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -551,95 +551,95 @@ msgstr "Libro accodato correttamente per essere convertito in %(book_format)s"
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Si è verificato un errore durante la conversione del libro: %(res)s" msgstr "Si è verificato un errore durante la conversione del libro: %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Il libro selezionato non è disponibile. Il file non esiste o non è accessibile" msgstr "Il libro selezionato non è disponibile. Il file non esiste o non è accessibile"
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "L'utente non ha i permessi per caricare le copertine" msgstr "L'utente non ha i permessi per caricare le copertine"
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "Gli identificatori non fanno distinzione tra maiuscole e minuscole e sovrascrivono il vecchio identificatore" msgstr "Gli identificatori non fanno distinzione tra maiuscole e minuscole e sovrascrivono il vecchio identificatore"
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s non è una lingua valida" msgstr "%(langname)s non è una lingua valida"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Metadati aggiornati correttamente" msgstr "Metadati aggiornati correttamente"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "Errore nella modifica del libro: {}" msgstr "Errore nella modifica del libro: {}"
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "Probabilmente il libro caricato esiste già nella biblioteca, cambialo prima di caricarlo di nuovo:" msgstr "Probabilmente il libro caricato esiste già nella biblioteca, cambialo prima di caricarlo di nuovo:"
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Non è consentito caricare questo tipo di file su questo server" msgstr "Non è consentito caricare questo tipo di file su questo server"
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Non è consentito caricare l'estensione del file '%(ext)s' su questo server" msgstr "Non è consentito caricare l'estensione del file '%(ext)s' su questo server"
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Il file da caricare deve avere un'estensione" msgstr "Il file da caricare deve avere un'estensione"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "Il file %(filename)s non può essere salvato nella cartella temporanea" msgstr "Il file %(filename)s non può essere salvato nella cartella temporanea"
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Impossibile spostare il file della copertina %(file)s: %(error)s" msgstr "Impossibile spostare il file della copertina %(file)s: %(error)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Il formato del libro è stato eliminato correttamente" msgstr "Il formato del libro è stato eliminato correttamente"
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Il libro è stato eliminato correttamente" msgstr "Il libro è stato eliminato correttamente"
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "Ti mancano le autorizzazioni per eliminare i libri" msgstr "Ti mancano le autorizzazioni per eliminare i libri"
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "modifica i metadati" msgstr "modifica i metadati"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "Indice serie: %(seriesindex)s non è un numero valido, lo salto" msgstr "Indice serie: %(seriesindex)s non è un numero valido, lo salto"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "L'utente non ha i permessi per caricare formati di file aggiuntivi" msgstr "L'utente non ha i permessi per caricare formati di file aggiuntivi"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Impossibile creare il percorso %(path)s (autorizzazione negata)." msgstr "Impossibile creare il percorso %(path)s (autorizzazione negata)."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Impossibile archiviare il file %(file)s." msgstr "Impossibile archiviare il file %(file)s."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Formato file %(ext)s aggiunto a %(book)s" msgstr "Formato file %(ext)s aggiunto a %(book)s"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-02-07 02:20-0500\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-02-07 02:20-0500\n"
"Last-Translator: subdiox <subdiox@gmail.com>\n" "Last-Translator: subdiox <subdiox@gmail.com>\n"
"Language: ja\n" "Language: ja\n"
@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ msgstr "不明なコマンド"
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "%(email)s へのテストメール送信がキューに追加されました。結果を見るにはタスクを確認してください" msgstr "%(email)s へのテストメール送信がキューに追加されました。結果を見るにはタスクを確認してください"
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "不明" msgstr "不明"
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -555,96 +555,96 @@ msgstr "本の %(book_format)s への変換がキューに追加されました"
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "この本の変換中にエラーが発生しました: %(res)s" msgstr "この本の変換中にエラーが発生しました: %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "選択した本は利用できません。ファイルが存在しないか、アクセスできません" msgstr "選択した本は利用できません。ファイルが存在しないか、アクセスできません"
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "ユーザーは表紙をアップロードする権限がありません" msgstr "ユーザーは表紙をアップロードする権限がありません"
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "IDは大文字小文字を区別しません。元のIDを上書きします" msgstr "IDは大文字小文字を区別しません。元のIDを上書きします"
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "'%(langname)s' は有効な言語ではありません" msgstr "'%(langname)s' は有効な言語ではありません"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "メタデータを更新しました" msgstr "メタデータを更新しました"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "本編集中のエラー: {}" msgstr "本編集中のエラー: {}"
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "アップロードした本はすでにライブラリに存在します。新しくアップロードする前に変更を加えてください: " msgstr "アップロードした本はすでにライブラリに存在します。新しくアップロードする前に変更を加えてください: "
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "ファイル拡張子 '%(ext)s' をこのサーバーにアップロードすることは許可されていません" msgstr "ファイル拡張子 '%(ext)s' をこのサーバーにアップロードすることは許可されていません"
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "ファイル拡張子 '%(ext)s' をこのサーバーにアップロードすることは許可されていません" msgstr "ファイル拡張子 '%(ext)s' をこのサーバーにアップロードすることは許可されていません"
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "アップロードするファイルには拡張子が必要です" msgstr "アップロードするファイルには拡張子が必要です"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "ファイル %(filename)s は一時フォルダに保存できませんでした" msgstr "ファイル %(filename)s は一時フォルダに保存できませんでした"
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "表紙ファイル %(file)s の移動に失敗しました: %(error)s" msgstr "表紙ファイル %(file)s の移動に失敗しました: %(error)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "本の形式を削除しました" msgstr "本の形式を削除しました"
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "本を削除しました" msgstr "本を削除しました"
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "本を削除する権限がありません" msgstr "本を削除する権限がありません"
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "メタデータを編集" msgstr "メタデータを編集"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "%(seriesindex)s は有効な数字ではありません。スキップします" msgstr "%(seriesindex)s は有効な数字ではありません。スキップします"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "新たなファイル形式をアップロードする権限がありません" msgstr "新たなファイル形式をアップロードする権限がありません"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "%(path)s の作成に失敗しました (Permission denied)。" msgstr "%(path)s の作成に失敗しました (Permission denied)。"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "ファイル %(file)s を保存できません。" msgstr "ファイル %(file)s を保存できません。"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "ファイル形式 %(ext)s が %(book)s に追加されました" msgstr "ファイル形式 %(ext)s が %(book)s に追加されました"

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-08-27 17:06+0700\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-08-27 17:06+0700\n"
"Last-Translator: \n" "Last-Translator: \n"
"Language: km_KH\n" "Language: km_KH\n"
@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "សៀវភៅបានចូលជួរសម្រាប់ផ្ញើទៅ %(eReadermail)s ដោយជោគជ័យ" msgstr "សៀវភៅបានចូលជួរសម្រាប់ផ្ញើទៅ %(eReadermail)s ដោយជោគជ័យ"
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "មិនដឹង" msgstr "មិនដឹង"
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -563,96 +563,96 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "ឯកសារប្រភេទ '%(ext)s' មិនត្រូវបានអនុញ្ញាតឲអាប់ឡូដទៅម៉ាស៊ីន server នេះទេ" msgstr "ឯកសារប្រភេទ '%(ext)s' មិនត្រូវបានអនុញ្ញាតឲអាប់ឡូដទៅម៉ាស៊ីន server នេះទេ"
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "ឯកសារប្រភេទ '%(ext)s' មិនត្រូវបានអនុញ្ញាតឲអាប់ឡូដទៅម៉ាស៊ីន server នេះទេ" msgstr "ឯកសារប្រភេទ '%(ext)s' មិនត្រូវបានអនុញ្ញាតឲអាប់ឡូដទៅម៉ាស៊ីន server នេះទេ"
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "ឯកសារដែលត្រូវអាប់ឡូដត្រូវមានកន្ទុយឯកសារ" msgstr "ឯកសារដែលត្រូវអាប់ឡូដត្រូវមានកន្ទុយឯកសារ"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "កែប្រែទិន្នន័យមេតា" msgstr "កែប្រែទិន្នន័យមេតា"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "មិនអាចបង្កើតទីតាំង %(path)s (ពុំមានសិទ្ធិ)។" msgstr "មិនអាចបង្កើតទីតាំង %(path)s (ពុំមានសិទ្ធិ)។"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "មិនអាចរក្សាទុកឯកសារ %(file)s ។" msgstr "មិនអាចរក្សាទុកឯកសារ %(file)s ។"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "ឯកសារទម្រង់ %(ext)s ត្រូវបានបន្ថែមទៅ %(book)s" msgstr "ឯកសារទម្រង់ %(ext)s ត្រូវបានបន្ថែមទៅ %(book)s"

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-web\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-01-10 11:30+0900\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-01-10 11:30+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: 내맘대로의 EPUBGUIDE.NET <byword77@gmail.com>\n" "Last-Translator: 내맘대로의 EPUBGUIDE.NET <byword77@gmail.com>\n"
"Language: ko\n" "Language: ko\n"
@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ msgstr "알 수 없는 명령"
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "%(email)s에 테스트를 위한 이메일을 보냄. 결과 확인 필요" msgstr "%(email)s에 테스트를 위한 이메일을 보냄. 결과 확인 필요"
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "알 수 없음" msgstr "알 수 없음"
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ msgstr "Gmail 계정 인증에 성공하였습니다."
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -554,96 +554,96 @@ msgstr "책이 %(book_format)s(으)로 변환하기 위해 대기 중입니다"
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "이 책을 변환하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다: %(res)s" msgstr "이 책을 변환하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다: %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "선택한 책 제목을 사용할 수 없습니다. 파일이 존재하지 않거나 액세스할 수 없습니다" msgstr "선택한 책 제목을 사용할 수 없습니다. 파일이 존재하지 않거나 액세스할 수 없습니다"
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "표지를 업로드 할 수 있는 권한이 없는 사용자입니다." msgstr "표지를 업로드 할 수 있는 권한이 없는 사용자입니다."
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "식별자는 대소문자를 구분하지 않으며 이전 식별자를 덮어씁니다" msgstr "식별자는 대소문자를 구분하지 않으며 이전 식별자를 덮어씁니다"
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "'%(langname)s'은(는) 유효한 언어가 아닙니다" msgstr "'%(langname)s'은(는) 유효한 언어가 아닙니다"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "메타데이터가 성공적으로 업데이트되었습니다" msgstr "메타데이터가 성공적으로 업데이트되었습니다"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "책 편집 중 오류 발생: {}" msgstr "책 편집 중 오류 발생: {}"
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "업로드한 책이 라이브러리에 있을 수 있음. 새로 업로드하기 전에 확인 필요: " msgstr "업로드한 책이 라이브러리에 있을 수 있음. 새로 업로드하기 전에 확인 필요: "
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "파일 확장자 '%(ext)s'은(는) 이 서버에 업로드할 수 없습니다" msgstr "파일 확장자 '%(ext)s'은(는) 이 서버에 업로드할 수 없습니다"
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "파일 확장자 '%(ext)s'은(는) 이 서버에 업로드할 수 없습니다" msgstr "파일 확장자 '%(ext)s'은(는) 이 서버에 업로드할 수 없습니다"
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "업로드할 파일에는 확장자가 있어야 합니다" msgstr "업로드할 파일에는 확장자가 있어야 합니다"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "파일 %(filename)s을(를) 임시 디렉토리에 저장할 수 없습니다" msgstr "파일 %(filename)s을(를) 임시 디렉토리에 저장할 수 없습니다"
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "표지 파일%(file)s를 이동하지 못했습니다.:%(error)s" msgstr "표지 파일%(file)s를 이동하지 못했습니다.:%(error)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "책 형식이 성공적으로 삭제되었습니다" msgstr "책 형식이 성공적으로 삭제되었습니다"
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "책이 성공적으로 삭제되었습니다" msgstr "책이 성공적으로 삭제되었습니다"
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "책을 삭제할 수 있는 권한이 없습니다." msgstr "책을 삭제할 수 있는 권한이 없습니다."
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "메타데이터 편집" msgstr "메타데이터 편집"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "%(seriesindex)s은(는) 유효한 숫자가 아닙니다. 건너뜁니다" msgstr "%(seriesindex)s은(는) 유효한 숫자가 아닙니다. 건너뜁니다"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "추가 파일 유형을 업로드 할 권한이 없는 사용자입니다." msgstr "추가 파일 유형을 업로드 할 권한이 없는 사용자입니다."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "%(path)s 경로를 생성하지 못했습니다(권한이 없음)." msgstr "%(path)s 경로를 생성하지 못했습니다(권한이 없음)."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "%(file)s 파일을 저장하지 못했습니다." msgstr "%(file)s 파일을 저장하지 못했습니다."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "파일 형식 %(ext)s이(가) %(book)s에 추가되었습니다" msgstr "파일 형식 %(ext)s이(가) %(book)s에 추가되었습니다"

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web (GPLV3)\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web (GPLV3)\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-20 22:00+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-20 22:00+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Michiel Cornelissen <michiel.cornelissen+gitbhun at proton.me>\n" "Last-Translator: Michiel Cornelissen <michiel.cornelissen+gitbhun at proton.me>\n"
"Language: nl\n" "Language: nl\n"
@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ msgstr "Onbekende opdracht"
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "Test E-Mail wordt verzonden naar %(email)s, controleer de taken voor het resultaat" msgstr "Test E-Mail wordt verzonden naar %(email)s, controleer de taken voor het resultaat"
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Onbekend" msgstr "Onbekend"
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ msgstr "Gelukt! Gmail account geverifieerd."
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -566,96 +566,96 @@ msgstr "Het boek is in de wachtrij geplaatst voor conversie naar %(book_format)s
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het converteren van dit boek: %(res)s" msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het converteren van dit boek: %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Oeps! Geselecteerd boek is niet beschikbaar. Bestand bestaat niet of is niet toegankelijk" msgstr "Oeps! Geselecteerd boek is niet beschikbaar. Bestand bestaat niet of is niet toegankelijk"
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "Gebruiker mist rechten om de omslag te uploaden" msgstr "Gebruiker mist rechten om de omslag te uploaden"
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "Identificatoren zijn niet hoofdlettergevoelig, overschrijf huidige identificatoren" msgstr "Identificatoren zijn niet hoofdlettergevoelig, overschrijf huidige identificatoren"
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s is geen geldige taal" msgstr "%(langname)s is geen geldige taal"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "De metagegevens zijn bijgewerkt" msgstr "De metagegevens zijn bijgewerkt"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "Fout tijdens bijwerken van boek: {}" msgstr "Fout tijdens bijwerken van boek: {}"
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "Geüpload boek staat mogelijk al in de bibliotheek, controleer alvorens door te gaan: " msgstr "Geüpload boek staat mogelijk al in de bibliotheek, controleer alvorens door te gaan: "
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "De bestandsextensie '%(ext)s' is niet toegestaan op deze server" msgstr "De bestandsextensie '%(ext)s' is niet toegestaan op deze server"
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "De bestandsextensie '%(ext)s' is niet toegestaan op deze server" msgstr "De bestandsextensie '%(ext)s' is niet toegestaan op deze server"
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Het te uploaden bestand moet voorzien zijn van een extensie" msgstr "Het te uploaden bestand moet voorzien zijn van een extensie"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "Bestand %(filename)s kon niet opgeslagen worden in de tijdelijke map" msgstr "Bestand %(filename)s kon niet opgeslagen worden in de tijdelijke map"
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Omslag %(file)s niet verplaatst: %(error)s" msgstr "Omslag %(file)s niet verplaatst: %(error)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Het boekformaat is verwijderd" msgstr "Het boekformaat is verwijderd"
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Het boek is verwijderd" msgstr "Het boek is verwijderd"
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "U mist rechten om boeken te verwijderen" msgstr "U mist rechten om boeken te verwijderen"
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "metagegevens bewerken" msgstr "metagegevens bewerken"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "%(seriesindex)s is geen geldig nummer, sla het over" msgstr "%(seriesindex)s is geen geldig nummer, sla het over"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "Gebruiker mist rechten om extra bestandsformaten te uploaden" msgstr "Gebruiker mist rechten om extra bestandsformaten te uploaden"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Kan de locatie '%(path)s' niet aanmaken (niet gemachtigd)." msgstr "Kan de locatie '%(path)s' niet aanmaken (niet gemachtigd)."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Kan %(file)s niet opslaan." msgstr "Kan %(file)s niet opslaan."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Bestandsformaat %(ext)s toegevoegd aan %(book)s" msgstr "Bestandsformaat %(ext)s toegevoegd aan %(book)s"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-06 11:00+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-06 11:00+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Vegard Fladby <vegard.fladby@gmail.com>\n" "Last-Translator: Vegard Fladby <vegard.fladby@gmail.com>\n"
"Language: no\n" "Language: no\n"
@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ msgstr "Ukjent kommando"
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "Test e-post i kø for sending til %(email)s, sjekk Oppgaver for resultat" msgstr "Test e-post i kø for sending til %(email)s, sjekk Oppgaver for resultat"
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Ukjent" msgstr "Ukjent"
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
@ -561,97 +561,97 @@ msgstr "Boken ble satt i kø for konvertering til %(book_format)s"
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Det oppsto en feil ved konvertering av denne boken: %(res)s" msgstr "Det oppsto en feil ved konvertering av denne boken: %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Oops! Den valgte boktittelen er utilgjengelig. Filen eksisterer ikke eller er ikke tilgjengelig" msgstr "Oops! Den valgte boktittelen er utilgjengelig. Filen eksisterer ikke eller er ikke tilgjengelig"
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "Brukeren har ingen rettigheter til å laste opp cover" msgstr "Brukeren har ingen rettigheter til å laste opp cover"
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "Identifikatorer skiller ikke mellom store og små bokstaver, overskriver gammel identifikator" msgstr "Identifikatorer skiller ikke mellom store og små bokstaver, overskriver gammel identifikator"
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "'%(langname)s' er ikke et gyldig språk" msgstr "'%(langname)s' er ikke et gyldig språk"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Metadata ble oppdatert" msgstr "Metadata ble oppdatert"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "Feil ved redigering av bok: {}" msgstr "Feil ved redigering av bok: {}"
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "Opplastet bok finnes sannsynligvis i biblioteket, vurder å endre før du laster opp ny: " msgstr "Opplastet bok finnes sannsynligvis i biblioteket, vurder å endre før du laster opp ny: "
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Filtypen «%(ext)s» er ikke tillatt å lastes opp til denne serveren" msgstr "Filtypen «%(ext)s» er ikke tillatt å lastes opp til denne serveren"
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Filtypen «%(ext)s» er ikke tillatt å lastes opp til denne serveren" msgstr "Filtypen «%(ext)s» er ikke tillatt å lastes opp til denne serveren"
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Filen som skal lastes opp må ha en utvidelse" msgstr "Filen som skal lastes opp må ha en utvidelse"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "Filen %(filename)s kunne ikke lagres i midlertidig dir" msgstr "Filen %(filename)s kunne ikke lagres i midlertidig dir"
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Kunne ikke flytte omslagsfil %(file)s: %(error)s" msgstr "Kunne ikke flytte omslagsfil %(file)s: %(error)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Bokformatet er slettet" msgstr "Bokformatet er slettet"
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Boken ble slettet" msgstr "Boken ble slettet"
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "Du mangler tillatelser til å slette bøker" msgstr "Du mangler tillatelser til å slette bøker"
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "redigere metadata" msgstr "redigere metadata"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "%(seriesindex)s er ikke et gyldig tall, hopper over" msgstr "%(seriesindex)s er ikke et gyldig tall, hopper over"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "Brukeren har ingen rettigheter til å laste opp flere filformater" msgstr "Brukeren har ingen rettigheter til å laste opp flere filformater"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Kunne ikke opprette banen %(path)s (Tillatelse nektet)." msgstr "Kunne ikke opprette banen %(path)s (Tillatelse nektet)."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Kunne ikke lagre filen %(file)s." msgstr "Kunne ikke lagre filen %(file)s."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Filformat %(ext)s lagt til %(book)s" msgstr "Filformat %(ext)s lagt til %(book)s"

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre Web - polski (POT: 2021-06-12 08:52)\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre Web - polski (POT: 2021-06-12 08:52)\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-12 15:35+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-12 15:35+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Radosław Kierznowski <radek.kierznowski@outlook.com>\n" "Last-Translator: Radosław Kierznowski <radek.kierznowski@outlook.com>\n"
"Language: pl\n" "Language: pl\n"
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "Testowy e-mail czeka w kolejce do wysłania do %(email)s, sprawdź zadania, aby uzyskać wynik" msgstr "Testowy e-mail czeka w kolejce do wysłania do %(email)s, sprawdź zadania, aby uzyskać wynik"
# ??? # ???
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Nieznany" msgstr "Nieznany"
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -567,96 +567,96 @@ msgstr "Książka została pomyślnie umieszczona w zadaniach do konwersji %(boo
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Podczas konwersji książki wystąpił błąd: %(res)s" msgstr "Podczas konwersji książki wystąpił błąd: %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Błąd otwierania e-booka. Plik nie istnieje lub jest niedostępny" msgstr "Błąd otwierania e-booka. Plik nie istnieje lub jest niedostępny"
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "W identyfikatorach nie jest rozróżniana wielkość liter, nadpisywanie starego identyfikatora" msgstr "W identyfikatorach nie jest rozróżniana wielkość liter, nadpisywanie starego identyfikatora"
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s nie jest prawidłowym językiem" msgstr "%(langname)s nie jest prawidłowym językiem"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Metadane zostały pomyślnie zaktualizowane" msgstr "Metadane zostały pomyślnie zaktualizowane"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "Wysłana książka prawdopodobnie istnieje w bibliotece, rozważ zmianę przed przesłaniem nowej: " msgstr "Wysłana książka prawdopodobnie istnieje w bibliotece, rozważ zmianę przed przesłaniem nowej: "
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Rozszerzenie pliku '%(ext)s' nie jest dozwolone do wysłania na ten serwer" msgstr "Rozszerzenie pliku '%(ext)s' nie jest dozwolone do wysłania na ten serwer"
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Rozszerzenie pliku '%(ext)s' nie jest dozwolone do wysłania na ten serwer" msgstr "Rozszerzenie pliku '%(ext)s' nie jest dozwolone do wysłania na ten serwer"
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Plik do wysłania musi mieć rozszerzenie" msgstr "Plik do wysłania musi mieć rozszerzenie"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "Nie można zapisać pliku %(filename)s w katalogu tymczasowym" msgstr "Nie można zapisać pliku %(filename)s w katalogu tymczasowym"
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Nie udało się przenieść pliku okładki %(file)s:%(error)s" msgstr "Nie udało się przenieść pliku okładki %(file)s:%(error)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Plik książki w wybranym formacie został usunięty" msgstr "Plik książki w wybranym formacie został usunięty"
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Książka została usunięta" msgstr "Książka została usunięta"
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "edytuj metadane" msgstr "edytuj metadane"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "%(seriesindex)s nie jest poprawną liczbą, pomijanie" msgstr "%(seriesindex)s nie jest poprawną liczbą, pomijanie"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Nie udało się utworzyć łącza %(path)s (Odmowa dostępu)." msgstr "Nie udało się utworzyć łącza %(path)s (Odmowa dostępu)."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Nie można zapisać pliku %(file)s." msgstr "Nie można zapisać pliku %(file)s."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Format pliku %(ext)s dodany do %(book)s" msgstr "Format pliku %(ext)s dodany do %(book)s"

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-07-25 11:30+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-07-25 11:30+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: horus68 <https://github.com/horus68>\n" "Last-Translator: horus68 <https://github.com/horus68>\n"
"Language: pt\n" "Language: pt\n"
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ msgstr "Comando desconhecido"
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "Sucesso! Livros enviados para lista de espera para cópia de segurança de metadados. Por favor, verifique o resultado em Tarefas" msgstr "Sucesso! Livros enviados para lista de espera para cópia de segurança de metadados. Por favor, verifique o resultado em Tarefas"
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Desconhecido" msgstr "Desconhecido"
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ msgstr "Sucesso! Conta Gmail verificada"
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -552,96 +552,96 @@ msgstr "Livro enviado com sucesso para lista de espera de conversão para %(book
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Ocorreu um erro ao converter este livro: %(res)s" msgstr "Ocorreu um erro ao converter este livro: %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Oops! O Livro selecionado não está disponível. O ficheiro não existe ou não está acessível" msgstr "Oops! O Livro selecionado não está disponível. O ficheiro não existe ou não está acessível"
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "Utilizador não tem permissão para carregar capas" msgstr "Utilizador não tem permissão para carregar capas"
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "Os identificadores não diferenciam maiúsculas de minúsculas, substituindo o identificador antigo" msgstr "Os identificadores não diferenciam maiúsculas de minúsculas, substituindo o identificador antigo"
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s não é um idioma válido" msgstr "%(langname)s não é um idioma válido"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Metadados atualizados com sucesso" msgstr "Metadados atualizados com sucesso"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "Erro ao editar o livro: {}" msgstr "Erro ao editar o livro: {}"
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "O livro carregado provavelmente existe na biblioteca, considere alterar antes de carregar novo: " msgstr "O livro carregado provavelmente existe na biblioteca, considere alterar antes de carregar novo: "
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "A extensão de ficheiro '%(ext)s' não pode ser enviada para este servidor" msgstr "A extensão de ficheiro '%(ext)s' não pode ser enviada para este servidor"
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "A extensão de ficheiro '%(ext)s' não pode ser enviada para este servidor" msgstr "A extensão de ficheiro '%(ext)s' não pode ser enviada para este servidor"
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "O ficheiro a ser carregado deve ter uma extensão" msgstr "O ficheiro a ser carregado deve ter uma extensão"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "O ficheiro %(filename)s não foi possível ser guardado na pasta temporária" msgstr "O ficheiro %(filename)s não foi possível ser guardado na pasta temporária"
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Falha ao mover ficheiro de capa %(file)s: %(error)s" msgstr "Falha ao mover ficheiro de capa %(file)s: %(error)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Formato de livro eliminado com sucesso" msgstr "Formato de livro eliminado com sucesso"
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Livro eliminado com sucesso" msgstr "Livro eliminado com sucesso"
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "Não tem permissões para apagar livros" msgstr "Não tem permissões para apagar livros"
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "editar metadados" msgstr "editar metadados"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "%(seriesindex)s não é um número válido, ignorando" msgstr "%(seriesindex)s não é um número válido, ignorando"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "Utilizador não tem direitos para carregar formatos de ficheiro adicionais" msgstr "Utilizador não tem direitos para carregar formatos de ficheiro adicionais"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Falha ao criar o caminho %(path)s (Permissão negada)." msgstr "Falha ao criar o caminho %(path)s (Permissão negada)."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Falha ao armazenar o ficheiro %(file)s." msgstr "Falha ao armazenar o ficheiro %(file)s."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Formato de ficheiro %(ext)s adicionado a %(book)s" msgstr "Formato de ficheiro %(ext)s adicionado a %(book)s"

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n" "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language: br\n" "Language: br\n"
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ msgstr "Comando desconhecido"
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "E-mail de teste enfileirado para envio para %(email)s, verifique o resultado em Tarefas" msgstr "E-mail de teste enfileirado para envio para %(email)s, verifique o resultado em Tarefas"
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Desconhecido" msgstr "Desconhecido"
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -552,96 +552,96 @@ msgstr "Livro enfileirado com sucesso para conversão em %(book_format)s"
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Ocorreu um erro ao converter este livro: %(res)s" msgstr "Ocorreu um erro ao converter este livro: %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Oops! O Livro selecionado não está disponível. O arquivo não existe ou não é acessível" msgstr "Oops! O Livro selecionado não está disponível. O arquivo não existe ou não é acessível"
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "Usuário não tem permissão para fazer upload da capa" msgstr "Usuário não tem permissão para fazer upload da capa"
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "Os identificadores não diferenciam maiúsculas de minúsculas, substituindo o identificador antigo" msgstr "Os identificadores não diferenciam maiúsculas de minúsculas, substituindo o identificador antigo"
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s não é um idioma válido" msgstr "%(langname)s não é um idioma válido"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Metadados atualizados com sucesso" msgstr "Metadados atualizados com sucesso"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "Erro ao editar o livro: {}" msgstr "Erro ao editar o livro: {}"
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "O livro carregado provavelmente existe na biblioteca, considere alterar antes de carregar novo: " msgstr "O livro carregado provavelmente existe na biblioteca, considere alterar antes de carregar novo: "
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "A extensão de arquivo '%(ext)s' não pode ser enviada para este servidor" msgstr "A extensão de arquivo '%(ext)s' não pode ser enviada para este servidor"
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "A extensão de arquivo '%(ext)s' não pode ser enviada para este servidor" msgstr "A extensão de arquivo '%(ext)s' não pode ser enviada para este servidor"
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "O arquivo a ser carregado deve ter uma extensão" msgstr "O arquivo a ser carregado deve ter uma extensão"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "O arquivo %(filename)s não pôde ser salvo no diretório temporário" msgstr "O arquivo %(filename)s não pôde ser salvo no diretório temporário"
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Falha ao mover arquivo de capa %(file)s: %(error)s" msgstr "Falha ao mover arquivo de capa %(file)s: %(error)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Formato do Livro Apagado com Sucesso" msgstr "Formato do Livro Apagado com Sucesso"
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Livro Apagado com Sucesso" msgstr "Livro Apagado com Sucesso"
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "Você não tem permissão para apagar livros" msgstr "Você não tem permissão para apagar livros"
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "editar metadados" msgstr "editar metadados"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "%(seriesindex)s não é um número válido, ignorando" msgstr "%(seriesindex)s não é um número válido, ignorando"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "Usuário não tem direitos para fazer upload de formatos de arquivo adicionais" msgstr "Usuário não tem direitos para fazer upload de formatos de arquivo adicionais"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Falha ao criar o caminho %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgstr "Falha ao criar o caminho %(path)s (Permission denied)."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Falha ao armazenar o arquivo %(file)s." msgstr "Falha ao armazenar o arquivo %(file)s."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Formato de arquivo %(ext)s adicionado a %(book)s" msgstr "Formato de arquivo %(ext)s adicionado a %(book)s"

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-29 01:20+0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-29 01:20+0400\n"
"Last-Translator: ZIZA\n" "Last-Translator: ZIZA\n"
"Language: ru\n" "Language: ru\n"
@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ msgstr "Неизвестная команда"
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "Книга успешно поставлена в очередь для отправки на %(eReadermail)s" msgstr "Книга успешно поставлена в очередь для отправки на %(eReadermail)s"
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Неизвестно" msgstr "Неизвестно"
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -567,96 +567,96 @@ msgstr "Книга успешно поставлена в очередь для
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Произошла ошибка при конвертирования этой книги: %(res)s" msgstr "Произошла ошибка при конвертирования этой книги: %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Невозможно открыть книгу. Файл не существует или недоступен" msgstr "Невозможно открыть книгу. Файл не существует или недоступен"
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s не допустимый язык" msgstr "%(langname)s не допустимый язык"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Метаданные обновлены" msgstr "Метаданные обновлены"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "Загруженная книга, вероятно, существует в библиотеке, перед тем как загрузить новую, рассмотрите возможность изменения: " msgstr "Загруженная книга, вероятно, существует в библиотеке, перед тем как загрузить новую, рассмотрите возможность изменения: "
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Запрещена загрузка файлов с расширением '%(ext)s'" msgstr "Запрещена загрузка файлов с расширением '%(ext)s'"
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Запрещена загрузка файлов с расширением '%(ext)s'" msgstr "Запрещена загрузка файлов с расширением '%(ext)s'"
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Загружаемый файл должен иметь расширение" msgstr "Загружаемый файл должен иметь расширение"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "Файл %(filename)s не удалось сохранить во временную папку" msgstr "Файл %(filename)s не удалось сохранить во временную папку"
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "изменить метаданные" msgstr "изменить метаданные"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Ошибка при создании пути %(path)s (Доступ запрещён)." msgstr "Ошибка при создании пути %(path)s (Доступ запрещён)."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Не удалось сохранить файл %(file)s." msgstr "Не удалось сохранить файл %(file)s."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Формат файла %(ext)s добавлен в %(book)s" msgstr "Формат файла %(ext)s добавлен в %(book)s"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-11-01 06:12+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-11-01 06:12+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Branislav Hanáček <brango@brango.sk>\n" "Last-Translator: Branislav Hanáček <brango@brango.sk>\n"
"Language: sk_SK\n" "Language: sk_SK\n"
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ msgstr "Neznámy príkaz"
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "Úspech! Knihy boli zaradená do zálohovania metadát, skontrolujte si Úlohy na kontrolu" msgstr "Úspech! Knihy boli zaradená do zálohovania metadát, skontrolujte si Úlohy na kontrolu"
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Neznámy" msgstr "Neznámy"
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ msgstr "Úspech! Gmail konto bolo verifikované."
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -551,96 +551,96 @@ msgstr "Kniha bola úspešne zaradená na prevod do %(book_format)s"
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Vyskytla sa chyba pri prevode tejto knihy: %(res)s" msgstr "Vyskytla sa chyba pri prevode tejto knihy: %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Vybraná kniha nie je dostupná. Súbor neexistuje alebo sa k nemu nedá pristupovať" msgstr "Vybraná kniha nie je dostupná. Súbor neexistuje alebo sa k nemu nedá pristupovať"
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "Používateľ nemá práva nahrať obálku knihy" msgstr "Používateľ nemá práva nahrať obálku knihy"
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "Identifikátory nerozlišujú malé a veľké písmená, prepisuje sa starý identifikátor" msgstr "Identifikátory nerozlišujú malé a veľké písmená, prepisuje sa starý identifikátor"
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "'%(langname)s' nie je platný jazyk" msgstr "'%(langname)s' nie je platný jazyk"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Metadáta boli úspešne aktualizované" msgstr "Metadáta boli úspešne aktualizované"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "Chyba pri úprave knihy: {}" msgstr "Chyba pri úprave knihy: {}"
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "Nahrávaná kniha pravdepodobne existuje v knižnici, zvážte zmenu pred nahraním novej: " msgstr "Nahrávaná kniha pravdepodobne existuje v knižnici, zvážte zmenu pred nahraním novej: "
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Prípona súboru '%(ext)s' nemôže byť nahraná na tento server" msgstr "Prípona súboru '%(ext)s' nemôže byť nahraná na tento server"
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Prípona súboru '%(ext)s' nemôže byť nahraná na tento server" msgstr "Prípona súboru '%(ext)s' nemôže byť nahraná na tento server"
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Súbor ktorý sa má nahrať musí mať príponu" msgstr "Súbor ktorý sa má nahrať musí mať príponu"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "Súbor %(filename)s nebolo možné uložiť do dočasného adresára" msgstr "Súbor %(filename)s nebolo možné uložiť do dočasného adresára"
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Zlyhal presun súboru obalky %(file)s: %(error)s" msgstr "Zlyhal presun súboru obalky %(file)s: %(error)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Kniha s formátom bola úspešne zmazaná" msgstr "Kniha s formátom bola úspešne zmazaná"
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Kniha bola úspešne zmazaná" msgstr "Kniha bola úspešne zmazaná"
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "Nemáte oprávnenia na mazanie kníh" msgstr "Nemáte oprávnenia na mazanie kníh"
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "upraviť metadáta" msgstr "upraviť metadáta"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "%(seriesindex)s nie je platné číslo, preskakuje sa" msgstr "%(seriesindex)s nie je platné číslo, preskakuje sa"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "Používateľ nemá práva na nahranie dodatočných súborových formátov" msgstr "Používateľ nemá práva na nahranie dodatočných súborových formátov"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Nebolo možné vytvoriť cestu %(path)s (Povolenie zamietnuté)." msgstr "Nebolo možné vytvoriť cestu %(path)s (Povolenie zamietnuté)."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Zlyhalo uloženie súboru: %(file)s." msgstr "Zlyhalo uloženie súboru: %(file)s."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Súborový formát %(ext)s bol pridaný k %(book)s" msgstr "Súborový formát %(ext)s bol pridaný k %(book)s"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-09-18 19:45+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-09-18 19:45+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Andrej Kralj\n" "Last-Translator: Andrej Kralj\n"
"Language: sl\n" "Language: sl\n"
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ msgstr "Neznani ukaz"
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "Uspeh! Knjige so v čakalni vrsti za varnostno kopiranje metapodatkov, za rezultat preverite opravila" msgstr "Uspeh! Knjige so v čakalni vrsti za varnostno kopiranje metapodatkov, za rezultat preverite opravila"
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Neznano" msgstr "Neznano"
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ msgstr "Uspeh! Račun Gmail je potrjen."
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -551,95 +551,95 @@ msgstr "Knjiga je uspešno dodana v čakalno vrsto za pretvorbo v %(book_format)
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Pri pretvorbi te knjige je prišlo do napake: %(res)s" msgstr "Pri pretvorbi te knjige je prišlo do napake: %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Ups! Izbrana knjiga ni na voljo. Datoteka ne obstaja ali ni dostopna" msgstr "Ups! Izbrana knjiga ni na voljo. Datoteka ne obstaja ali ni dostopna"
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "Uporabnik nima pravice do nalaganja naslovnice" msgstr "Uporabnik nima pravice do nalaganja naslovnice"
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "Identifikatorji niso občutljivi na velikost črk, prepisovanje starega identifikatorja" msgstr "Identifikatorji niso občutljivi na velikost črk, prepisovanje starega identifikatorja"
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "'%(langname)s' ni veljaven jezik" msgstr "'%(langname)s' ni veljaven jezik"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Metapodatki so bili uspešno posodobljeni" msgstr "Metapodatki so bili uspešno posodobljeni"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "Napaka pri urejanju knjige: {}" msgstr "Napaka pri urejanju knjige: {}"
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "Naložena knjiga verjetno obstaja v knjižnici, preden naložite novo, razmislite o spremembi:" msgstr "Naložena knjiga verjetno obstaja v knjižnici, preden naložite novo, razmislite o spremembi:"
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Vrsta datoteke ni dovoljena za nalaganje v ta strežnik" msgstr "Vrsta datoteke ni dovoljena za nalaganje v ta strežnik"
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Datoteke s končnico '%(ext)s' ni dovoljeno naložiti na ta strežnik" msgstr "Datoteke s končnico '%(ext)s' ni dovoljeno naložiti na ta strežnik"
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Datoteka, ki jo želite naložiti, mora imeti končnico" msgstr "Datoteka, ki jo želite naložiti, mora imeti končnico"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "Datoteke %(filename)s ni bilo mogoče shraniti v začasno mapo" msgstr "Datoteke %(filename)s ni bilo mogoče shraniti v začasno mapo"
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Nisem uspel premakniti naslovne datoteke %(file)s: %(error)s" msgstr "Nisem uspel premakniti naslovne datoteke %(file)s: %(error)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Uspešno izbrisana vrsta knjige" msgstr "Uspešno izbrisana vrsta knjige"
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Knjiga je bila uspešno izbrisana" msgstr "Knjiga je bila uspešno izbrisana"
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "Manjkajo vam dovoljenja za brisanje knjig" msgstr "Manjkajo vam dovoljenja za brisanje knjig"
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "urejanje metapodatkov" msgstr "urejanje metapodatkov"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "Številka serije: %(seriesindex)s ni veljavno število, preskočim" msgstr "Številka serije: %(seriesindex)s ni veljavno število, preskočim"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "Uporabnik nima pravic za nalaganje dodatnih formatov datotek" msgstr "Uporabnik nima pravic za nalaganje dodatnih formatov datotek"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Nisem uspel ustvariti poti %(path)s (zavrnjeno dovoljenje)." msgstr "Nisem uspel ustvariti poti %(path)s (zavrnjeno dovoljenje)."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Nisem uspel shraniti datoteke %(file)s." msgstr "Nisem uspel shraniti datoteke %(file)s."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Oblina datotek %(ext)s je dodan v %(book)s" msgstr "Oblina datotek %(ext)s je dodan v %(book)s"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-05-13 11:00+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-05-13 11:00+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Jonatan Nyberg <jonatan.nyberg.karl@gmail.com>\n" "Last-Translator: Jonatan Nyberg <jonatan.nyberg.karl@gmail.com>\n"
"Language: sv\n" "Language: sv\n"
@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ msgstr "Okänt kommando"
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "Testa e-post i kö för att skicka till %(email)s, vänligen kontrollera Uppgifter för resultat" msgstr "Testa e-post i kö för att skicka till %(email)s, vänligen kontrollera Uppgifter för resultat"
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Okänd" msgstr "Okänd"
@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -563,96 +563,96 @@ msgstr "Boken är i kö för konvertering till %(book_format)s"
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Det gick inte att konvertera den här boken: %(res)s" msgstr "Det gick inte att konvertera den här boken: %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Hoppsan! Vald boktitel är inte tillgänglig. Filen finns inte eller är inte tillgänglig" msgstr "Hoppsan! Vald boktitel är inte tillgänglig. Filen finns inte eller är inte tillgänglig"
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "Identifierare är inte skiftlägeskänsliga, skriver över gammal identifierare" msgstr "Identifierare är inte skiftlägeskänsliga, skriver över gammal identifierare"
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s är inte ett giltigt språk" msgstr "%(langname)s är inte ett giltigt språk"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Metadata uppdaterades" msgstr "Metadata uppdaterades"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "Uppladdad bok finns förmodligen i biblioteket, överväg att ändra innan du laddar upp nya: " msgstr "Uppladdad bok finns förmodligen i biblioteket, överväg att ändra innan du laddar upp nya: "
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Filändelsen '%(ext)s' får inte laddas upp till den här servern" msgstr "Filändelsen '%(ext)s' får inte laddas upp till den här servern"
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "Filändelsen '%(ext)s' får inte laddas upp till den här servern" msgstr "Filändelsen '%(ext)s' får inte laddas upp till den här servern"
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Filen som ska laddas upp måste ha en ändelse" msgstr "Filen som ska laddas upp måste ha en ändelse"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "Filen %(filename)s kunde inte sparas i temp dir" msgstr "Filen %(filename)s kunde inte sparas i temp dir"
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "Det gick inte att flytta omslagsfil %(file)s: %(error)s" msgstr "Det gick inte att flytta omslagsfil %(file)s: %(error)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Bokformat har tagits bort" msgstr "Bokformat har tagits bort"
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "Boken har tagits bort" msgstr "Boken har tagits bort"
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "redigera metadata" msgstr "redigera metadata"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "Det gick inte att skapa sökväg %(path)s (behörighet nekad)." msgstr "Det gick inte att skapa sökväg %(path)s (behörighet nekad)."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Det gick inte att lagra filen %(file)s." msgstr "Det gick inte att lagra filen %(file)s."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "Filformatet %(ext)s lades till %(book)s" msgstr "Filformatet %(ext)s lades till %(book)s"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-23 22:47+0300\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-23 22:47+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: iz <iz7iz7iz@protonmail.ch>\n" "Last-Translator: iz <iz7iz7iz@protonmail.ch>\n"
"Language: tr\n" "Language: tr\n"
@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "%(eReadermail)s'a gönderilmek üzere başarıyla sıraya alındı" msgstr "%(eReadermail)s'a gönderilmek üzere başarıyla sıraya alındı"
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen" msgstr "Bilinmeyen"
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -560,96 +560,96 @@ msgstr "eKitap %(book_format)s formatlarına dönüştürülmek üzere başarıy
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Bu eKitabı dönüştürürken bir hata oluştu: %(res)s" msgstr "Bu eKitabı dönüştürürken bir hata oluştu: %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s geçerli bir dil değil" msgstr "%(langname)s geçerli bir dil değil"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Metaveri başarıyla güncellendi" msgstr "Metaveri başarıyla güncellendi"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "Yüklenen eKitap muhtemelen kitaplıkta zaten var. Yenisini yüklemeden değiştirmeyi düşünün: " msgstr "Yüklenen eKitap muhtemelen kitaplıkta zaten var. Yenisini yüklemeden değiştirmeyi düşünün: "
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "'%(ext)s' uzantılı dosyaların bu sunucuya yüklenmesine izin verilmiyor" msgstr "'%(ext)s' uzantılı dosyaların bu sunucuya yüklenmesine izin verilmiyor"
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "'%(ext)s' uzantılı dosyaların bu sunucuya yüklenmesine izin verilmiyor" msgstr "'%(ext)s' uzantılı dosyaların bu sunucuya yüklenmesine izin verilmiyor"
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Yüklenecek dosyanın mutlaka bir uzantısı olması gerekli" msgstr "Yüklenecek dosyanın mutlaka bir uzantısı olması gerekli"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "%(filename)s dosyası geçici dizine kaydedilemedi" msgstr "%(filename)s dosyası geçici dizine kaydedilemedi"
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "metaveri düzenle" msgstr "metaveri düzenle"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "%(path)s dizini oluşturulamadı. (İzin reddedildi)" msgstr "%(path)s dizini oluşturulamadı. (İzin reddedildi)"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "%(file)s dosyası kaydedilemedi." msgstr "%(file)s dosyası kaydedilemedi."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "%(book)s kitabına %(ext)s dosya biçimi eklendi" msgstr "%(book)s kitabına %(ext)s dosya biçimi eklendi"

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-web\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-30 00:47+0300\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-30 00:47+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: ABIS Team <biblio.if.abis@gmail.com>\n" "Last-Translator: ABIS Team <biblio.if.abis@gmail.com>\n"
"Language: uk\n" "Language: uk\n"
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ msgstr "Невідома команда"
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Невідомий" msgstr "Невідомий"
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -560,95 +560,95 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "Неможливо відкрити книгу. Файл не існує або немає доступу." msgstr "Неможливо відкрити книгу. Файл не існує або немає доступу."
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "Завантажувальний файл повинен мати розширення" msgstr "Завантажувальний файл повинен мати розширення"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "змінити метадані" msgstr "змінити метадані"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "" msgstr ""

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-web\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-09-20 21:36+0700\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-09-20 21:36+0700\n"
"Last-Translator: Ha Link <halink0803@gmail.com>\n" "Last-Translator: Ha Link <halink0803@gmail.com>\n"
"Language: vi\n" "Language: vi\n"
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ msgstr "Lệnh không tồn tại"
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Không rõ" msgstr "Không rõ"
@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -551,95 +551,95 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "Có lỗi xảy ra khi chuyển đổi định dạng cho sach: %(res)s" msgstr "Có lỗi xảy ra khi chuyển đổi định dạng cho sach: %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s không phải là ngôn ngữ hợp lệ" msgstr "%(langname)s không phải là ngôn ngữ hợp lệ"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "Metadata đã được cập nhật thành công" msgstr "Metadata đã được cập nhật thành công"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "Lưu file thất bại %(file)s." msgstr "Lưu file thất bại %(file)s."
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "" msgstr ""

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-27 22:18+0800\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-27 22:18+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: xlivevil <xlivevil@aliyun.com>\n" "Last-Translator: xlivevil <xlivevil@aliyun.com>\n"
"Language: zh_CN\n" "Language: zh_CN\n"
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ msgstr "未知命令"
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "成功!书籍已排队进行元数据备份,请检查任务列表以获取结果" msgstr "成功!书籍已排队进行元数据备份,请检查任务列表以获取结果"
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "未知" msgstr "未知"
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ msgstr "Gmail 账户验证成功"
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -551,96 +551,96 @@ msgstr "书籍已经被成功加入 %(book_format)s 格式转换队列"
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "转换此书籍时出现错误: %(res)s" msgstr "转换此书籍时出现错误: %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "糟糕!选择书名无法打开。文件不存在或者文件不可访问" msgstr "糟糕!选择书名无法打开。文件不存在或者文件不可访问"
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "用户没有权限上传封面" msgstr "用户没有权限上传封面"
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "标识符不区分大小写,覆盖旧标识符" msgstr "标识符不区分大小写,覆盖旧标识符"
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "'%(langname)s' 不是一种有效语言" msgstr "'%(langname)s' 不是一种有效语言"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "已成功更新元数据" msgstr "已成功更新元数据"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "编辑书籍时出错: {}" msgstr "编辑书籍时出错: {}"
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "上传的书籍可能已经存在,建议修改后重新上传: " msgstr "上传的书籍可能已经存在,建议修改后重新上传: "
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "不能上传文件扩展名为“%(ext)s”的文件到此服务器" msgstr "不能上传文件扩展名为“%(ext)s”的文件到此服务器"
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "不能上传文件扩展名为“%(ext)s”的文件到此服务器" msgstr "不能上传文件扩展名为“%(ext)s”的文件到此服务器"
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "要上传的文件必须具有扩展名" msgstr "要上传的文件必须具有扩展名"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "文件 %(filename)s 无法保存到临时目录" msgstr "文件 %(filename)s 无法保存到临时目录"
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "移动封面文件失败 %(file)s%(error)s" msgstr "移动封面文件失败 %(file)s%(error)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "书籍的此格式副本已成功删除" msgstr "书籍的此格式副本已成功删除"
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "书籍已成功删除" msgstr "书籍已成功删除"
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "您没有删除书籍的权限" msgstr "您没有删除书籍的权限"
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "编辑元数据" msgstr "编辑元数据"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "%(seriesindex)s 不是一个有效的数值,忽略" msgstr "%(seriesindex)s 不是一个有效的数值,忽略"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "用户没有权限上传其他文件格式" msgstr "用户没有权限上传其他文件格式"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "创建路径 %(path)s 失败 (权限不足)" msgstr "创建路径 %(path)s 失败 (权限不足)"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "保存文件 %(file)s 失败" msgstr "保存文件 %(file)s 失败"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "已添加 %(ext)s 格式到 %(book)s" msgstr "已添加 %(ext)s 格式到 %(book)s"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-27 22:18+0800\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-27 22:18+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: xlivevil <xlivevil@aliyun.com>\n" "Last-Translator: xlivevil <xlivevil@aliyun.com>\n"
"Language: zh_TW\n" "Language: zh_TW\n"
@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ msgstr "未知命令"
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "發送給%(email)s的測試郵件已進入隊列。請檢查任務結果" msgstr "發送給%(email)s的測試郵件已進入隊列。請檢查任務結果"
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "未知" msgstr "未知"
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -557,96 +557,96 @@ msgstr "書籍已經被成功加入到 %(book_format)s 格式轉換隊列"
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "轉換此書籍時出現錯誤: %(res)s" msgstr "轉換此書籍時出現錯誤: %(res)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "糟糕!選擇書名無法打開。文件不存在或者文件不可訪問" msgstr "糟糕!選擇書名無法打開。文件不存在或者文件不可訪問"
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "標識符不區分大小寫,覆蓋舊標識符" msgstr "標識符不區分大小寫,覆蓋舊標識符"
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "%(langname)s 不是一種有效語言" msgstr "%(langname)s 不是一種有效語言"
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "已成功更新元數據" msgstr "已成功更新元數據"
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "上傳的書籍可能已經存在,建議修改後重新上傳: " msgstr "上傳的書籍可能已經存在,建議修改後重新上傳: "
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
#, fuzzy #, fuzzy
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "不能上傳文件附檔名為“%(ext)s”的文件到此服務器" msgstr "不能上傳文件附檔名為“%(ext)s”的文件到此服務器"
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "不能上傳文件附檔名為“%(ext)s”的文件到此服務器" msgstr "不能上傳文件附檔名為“%(ext)s”的文件到此服務器"
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "要上傳的文件必須具有附檔名" msgstr "要上傳的文件必須具有附檔名"
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "文件 %(filename)s 無法保存到臨時目錄" msgstr "文件 %(filename)s 無法保存到臨時目錄"
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "移動封面文件失敗 %(file)s%(error)s" msgstr "移動封面文件失敗 %(file)s%(error)s"
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "書籍格式已成功刪除" msgstr "書籍格式已成功刪除"
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "書籍已成功刪除" msgstr "書籍已成功刪除"
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "編輯元數據" msgstr "編輯元數據"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, fuzzy, python-format #, fuzzy, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "%(seriesindex)s 不是一個有效的數值,忽略" msgstr "%(seriesindex)s 不是一個有效的數值,忽略"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "創建路徑 %(path)s 失敗(權限拒絕)。" msgstr "創建路徑 %(path)s 失敗(權限拒絕)。"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "保存文件 %(file)s 失敗。" msgstr "保存文件 %(file)s 失敗。"
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "已添加 %(ext)s 格式到 %(book)s" msgstr "已添加 %(ext)s 格式到 %(book)s"

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr "" msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n" "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-21 12:05+0200\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-26 19:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 #: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:629 cps/editbooks.py:672
#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 #: cps/editbooks.py:1317 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105
#: cps/uploader.py:114 #: cps/uploader.py:114
msgid "Unknown" msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 #: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860
#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 #: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168
#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 #: cps/editbooks.py:576 cps/editbooks.py:1271 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150
#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 #: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354
#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 #: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529
#, python-format #, python-format
@ -550,95 +550,95 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 #: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:943 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570
#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 #: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660
msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 #: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1300
msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" msgid "User has no rights to upload cover"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 #: cps/editbooks.py:515 cps/editbooks.py:758
msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 #: cps/editbooks.py:530 cps/editbooks.py:732 cps/editbooks.py:1070
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:557 #: cps/editbooks.py:558
msgid "Metadata successfully updated" msgid "Metadata successfully updated"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:580 #: cps/editbooks.py:581
msgid "Error editing book: {}" msgid "Error editing book: {}"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:675 #: cps/editbooks.py:676
msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: "
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 #: cps/editbooks.py:770 cps/editbooks.py:1217
msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 #: cps/editbooks.py:776 cps/editbooks.py:1228
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 #: cps/editbooks.py:780 cps/editbooks.py:1233
msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:787 #: cps/editbooks.py:788
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:807 #: cps/editbooks.py:808
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 #: cps/editbooks.py:865 cps/editbooks.py:867
msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 #: cps/editbooks.py:874 cps/editbooks.py:876
msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" msgid "Book Successfully Deleted"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:927 #: cps/editbooks.py:928
msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:977 #: cps/editbooks.py:978
msgid "edit metadata" msgid "edit metadata"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 #: cps/editbooks.py:1031
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 #: cps/editbooks.py:1222
msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 #: cps/editbooks.py:1246
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 #: cps/editbooks.py:1253
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 #: cps/editbooks.py:1278
#, python-format #, python-format
msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s"
msgstr "" msgstr ""