diff --git a/cps/iso_language_names.py b/cps/iso_language_names.py index 4b9a8ef9..9248443e 100644 --- a/cps/iso_language_names.py +++ b/cps/iso_language_names.py @@ -8138,6 +8138,384 @@ LANGUAGE_NAMES = { "zul": "Zulu", "zun": "Zuni" }, + "sl": { + "abk": "abhazijski", + "ace": "achinese", + "ach": "Acoli", + "ada": "Adangme", + "ady": "Adyghe", + "aar": "afarski", + "afh": "Afrihili", + "afr": "afrikanski", + "ain": "Ainu (Japan)", + "aka": "Akan", + "akk": "akadski", + "sqi": "albanščina", + "ale": "aleutski", + "amh": "amharski", + "anp": "Angika", + "ara": "arabski", + "arg": "aragonski", + "arp": "Arapaho", + "arw": "araukanski", + "hye": "armenščina", + "asm": "asamski", + "ast": "Asturian", + "ava": "avarski", + "ave": "avestijski jeziki", + "awa": "Awadhi", + "aym": "Aymara", + "aze": "azerbajdžanski", + "ban": "balijščina", + "bal": "belučijski", + "bam": "bambarski", + "bas": "Basa (Cameroon)", + "bak": "baškirski", + "eus": "baskovščina", + "bej": "Beja", + "bel": "beloruščina", + "bem": "Bemba (Zambia)", + "ben": "bengalščina", + "bit": "Berinomo", + "bho": "Bhojpuri", + "bik": "bikolščina", + "byn": "Bilin", + "bin": "Bini", + "bis": "bislama", + "zbl": "Blissymbols", + "bos": "bošnjaščina", + "bra": "Braj", + "bre": "bretonščina", + "bug": "buginščina", + "bul": "bolgarščina", + "bua": "burjatščina", + "mya": "burmanščina", + "cad": "kadajščina?", + "cat": "katalonščina", + "ceb": "cebuanščina", + "chg": "Chagatai", + "cha": "čamorščina", + "che": "čečenščina", + "chr": "čerokeščina", + "chy": "čejenščina", + "chb": "čibčevščina", + "zho": "kitajščina", + "chn": "Chinook jargon", + "chp": "čipevščina", + "cho": "Choctaw", + "cht": "Cholón", + "chk": "Chuukese", + "chv": "čuvaščina", + "cop": "koptščina", + "cor": "kornijščina", + "cos": "korzijščina", + "cre": "krijščina", + "mus": "Creek", + "hrv": "hrvaščina", + "ces": "češčina", + "dak": "Dakota", + "dan": "danski", + "dar": "Dargwa", + "del": "Delaware", + "div": "Dhivehi", + "din": "Dinka", + "doi": "Dogri (macrolanguage)", + "dgr": "Dogrib", + "dua": "Duala", + "nld": "nizozemščina", + "dse": "Dutch Sign Language", + "dyu": "Dyula", + "dzo": "dzongkha", + "efi": "Efik", + "egy": "egipčanski", + "eka": "Ekajuk", + "elx": "elamščina", + "eng": "angleščina", + "enu": "Enu", + "myv": "Erzya", + "epo": "esperanto", + "est": "estonščina", + "ewe": "evenščina", + "ewo": "Ewondo", + "fan": "Fang (Equatorial Guinea)", + "fat": "Fanti", + "fao": "ferščina", + "fij": "fidžijščina", + "fil": "Filipino", + "fin": "finščina", + "fon": "Fon", + "fra": "francoščina", + "fur": "furlanščina", + "ful": "fulščina", + "gaa": "Ga", + "glg": "Galician", + "lug": "Ganda", + "gay": "gajščina?", + "gba": "Gbaya (Central African Republic)", + "hmj": "Ge", + "gez": "etiopščina?", + "kat": "gruzinščina", + "deu": "nemški", + "gil": "gilbertščina", + "gon": "Gondi", + "gor": "Gorontalo", + "got": "gotščina", + "grb": "Grebo", + "grn": "gvaranijščina", + "guj": "gudžaratščina", + "gwi": "Gwichʼin", + "hai": "haidščina", + "hau": "havščina", + "haw": "havajščina", + "heb": "hebrejščina", + "her": "Herero", + "hil": "hilingajnonščina", + "hin": "hindijščina", + "hmo": "hiri motu", + "hit": "hetitščina", + "hmn": "hmonščina; miaojščina", + "hun": "madžarščina", + "hup": "hupščina", + "iba": "ibanščina", + "isl": "islandščina", + "ido": "Ido", + "ibo": "Igbo", + "ilo": "Iloko", + "ind": "indonezijščina", + "inh": "inguščina", + "ina": "interlingva", + "ile": "Interlingue", + "iku": "inuktituščina", + "ipk": "Inupiaq", + "gle": "irščina", + "ita": "italijanščina", + "jpn": "japonščina", + "jav": "javanščina", + "jrb": "Judeo-Arabic", + "jpr": "Judeo-Persian", + "kbd": "kabardinščina", + "kab": "Kabyle", + "kac": "Kachin", + "kal": "Kalaallisut", + "xal": "Kalmyk", + "kam": "Kamba (Kenya)", + "kan": "kanareščina", + "kau": "Kanuri", + "kaa": "Kara-Kalpak", + "krc": "Karachay-Balkar", + "krl": "Karelian", + "kas": "kašmirščina", + "csb": "Kashubian", + "kaw": "kavi", + "kaz": "kazaščina", + "kha": "Khasi", + "kho": "Khotanese", + "kik": "kikujščina", + "kmb": "Kimbundu", + "kin": "Kinyarwanda", + "kir": "kirgiščina", + "tlh": "Klingon", + "kom": "komijščina", + "kon": "Kongo", + "kok": "Konkani (macrolanguage)", + "kor": "korejščina", + "kos": "Kosraean", + "kpe": "Kpelle", + "kua": "Kuanyama", + "kum": "kumiščina", + "kur": "kurdščina", + "kru": "Kurukh", + "kut": "kutenajščina", + "lad": "ladinščina", + "lah": "Lahnda", + "lam": "Lamba", + "lao": "laoščina", + "lat": "latinščina", + "lav": "latvijščina", + "lez": "lezginščina", + "lim": "Limburgan", + "lin": "lingala", + "lit": "litvanščina", + "jbo": "Lojban", + "loz": "Lozi", + "lub": "Luba-Katanga", + "lua": "lubalulujščina", + "lui": "Luiseno", + "smj": "Lule Sami", + "lun": "Lunda", + "luo": "Luo (Kenya and Tanzania)", + "lus": "Lushai", + "ltz": "Luxembourgish", + "mkd": "makedonščina", + "mad": "madurščina", + "mag": "Magahi", + "mai": "Maithili", + "mak": "makasarščina", + "mlg": "malgaščina", + "msa": "Malay (macrolanguage)", + "mal": "malajalščina", + "mlt": "malteščina", + "mnc": "Manchu", + "mdr": "Mandar", + "man": "Mandingo", + "mni": "manipurščina", + "glv": "manska gelščina", + "mri": "maorščina", + "arn": "Mapudungun", + "mar": "maratščina", + "chm": "Mari (Russia)", + "mah": "Marshallese", + "mwr": "Marwari", + "mas": "masajščina", + "men": "Mende (Sierra Leone)", + "mic": "Mi'kmaq", + "min": "Minangkabau", + "mwl": "Mirandese", + "moh": "mohoščina", + "mdf": "Moksha", + "lol": "Mongo", + "mon": "mongolščina", + "mos": "mosanščina", + "mul": "Več jezikov", + "nqo": "N'Ko", + "nau": "Nauru", + "nav": "navaščina", + "ndo": "Ndonga", + "nap": "napolitanščina", + "nia": "niaščina", + "niu": "niuejščina", + "zxx": "No linguistic content", + "nog": "Nogai", + "nor": "norveščina", + "nob": "Norwegian Bokmål", + "nno": "norveščina; nynorsk", + "nym": "Nyamwezi", + "nya": "Nyanja", + "nyn": "Nyankole", + "nyo": "Nyoro", + "nzi": "Nzima", + "oci": "Occitan (post 1500)", + "oji": "Ojibwa", + "orm": "Oromo", + "osa": "Osage", + "oss": "Ossetian", + "pal": "Pahlavi", + "pau": "palavanščina", + "pli": "Pali", + "pam": "Pampanga", + "pag": "pangasinanščina", + "pan": "Panjabi", + "pap": "papiamentu", + "fas": "perzijščina", + "phn": "feničanščina", + "pon": "Pohnpeian", + "pol": "poljščina", + "por": "portugalđščina", + "pus": "paštu", + "que": "Quechua", + "raj": "radžastanščina", + "rap": "rapanujščina", + "ron": "romunščina", + "roh": "Romansh", + "rom": "romščina", + "run": "rundščina", + "rus": "ruščina", + "smo": "samoanščina", + "sad": "Sandawe", + "sag": "Sango", + "san": "sanskrt", + "sat": "santalščina", + "srd": "sardinščina", + "sas": "Sasak", + "sco": "škotščina", + "sel": "selkupščina", + "srp": "srbščina", + "srr": "Serer", + "shn": "šanščina", + "sna": "šonščina", + "scn": "sicilijanščina", + "sid": "Sidamo", + "bla": "Siksika", + "snd": "sindščina", + "sin": "Sinhala", + "den": "Slave (Athapascan)", + "slk": "slovaščina", + "slv": "slovenščina", + "sog": "Sogdian", + "som": "Somali", + "snk": "Soninke", + "spa": "španščina", + "srn": "Sranan Tongo", + "suk": "Sukuma", + "sux": "sumerščina", + "sun": "sundščina", + "sus": "susuamijščina?", + "swa": "Swahili (macrolanguage)", + "ssw": "svazijščina?", + "swe": "švedščina", + "syr": "sirščina", + "tgl": "tagaloščina", + "tah": "tahitijščina", + "tgk": "tadžiščina", + "tmh": "Tamashek", + "tam": "tamilščina", + "tat": "tatarščina", + "tel": "Telugu", + "ter": "Tereno", + "tet": "Tetum", + "tha": "tajščina", + "bod": "tibetanščina", + "tig": "Tigre", + "tir": "Tigrinya", + "tem": "Timne", + "tiv": "Tiv", + "tli": "Tlingit", + "tpi": "tok pisin", + "tkl": "Tokelau", + "tog": "Tonga (Nyasa)", + "ton": "tonganščina", + "tsi": "tsimšijščina", + "tso": "Tsonga", + "tsn": "Tswana", + "tum": "Tumbuka", + "tur": "turščina", + "tuk": "turkmenščina", + "tvl": "tuvalujščina", + "tyv": "Tuvinian", + "twi": "Twi", + "udm": "Udmurt", + "uga": "ugaritščina", + "uig": "ujgurščina", + "ukr": "ukrajinščina", + "umb": "Umbundu", + "mis": "Uncoded languages", + "und": "nedoločen", + "urd": "urdujščina", + "uzb": "uzbeščina", + "vai": "vajščina", + "ven": "Venda", + "vie": "vietnamščina", + "vol": "Volapük", + "vot": "votjaščina", + "wln": "valonščina", + "war": "Waray (Philippines)", + "was": "Washo", + "cym": "valižanščina", + "wal": "Wolaytta", + "wol": "Wolof", + "xho": "koščina", + "sah": "jakutščina", + "yao": "jaojščina", + "yap": "Yapese", + "yid": "jidiš", + "yor": "jorubščina", + "zap": "Zapotec", + "zza": "Zaza", + "zen": "Zenaga", + "zha": "Zhuang", + "zul": "zulujščina", + "zun": "Zuni" + }, "sv": { "aar": "Afar", "abk": "Abchaziska", diff --git a/cps/translations/cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 540e5a79..53879847 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 91c8bf06..0e0e248b 100644 --- a/cps/translations/cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-06-09 21:11+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Lukas Heroudek \n" "Language: cs_CZ\n" @@ -749,121 +749,121 @@ msgstr "Mazání knihy selhalo %(id)s failed: %(message)s" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "Mazání knihy %(id)s, cesta ke knize není platná %(path)s" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Přejmenování názvu z: '%(src)s' na '%(dest)s' selhalo chybou: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Soubor %(file)s nenalezen na Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Přejmenování názvu z: '%(src)s' na '%(dest)s' selhalo chybou: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Cesta ke knize %(path)s nebyla nalezena na Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "Zadané uživatelské jméno je již použito" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "Chyba stahování obalu" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "Chyba formátu obalu" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "Vytvoření cesty obalu selhalo" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "Soubor obalu není platný, nebo nelze uložit" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Pouze jpg/jpeg jsou podporované soubory pro obal" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 #, fuzzy msgid "Cover" msgstr "Objevte" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "UnRar binární soubor nenalezen" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "Chyba provádění UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 #, fuzzy msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "Databáze není zapisovatelná" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "Chybí povolení k exekuci" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "Chyba provádění UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "" diff --git a/cps/translations/de/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/de/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 61706577..a30137f4 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/de/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/de/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/de/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/de/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index c83803cf..d3246ce9 100644 --- a/cps/translations/de/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/de/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-08-17 13:49+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Ozzie Isaacs\n" "Language: de\n" @@ -730,117 +730,117 @@ msgstr "Löschen von Buch %(id)s fehlgeschlagen: %(message)s" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "Lösche Buch %(id)s nur aus Datenbank, Pfad zum Buch in Datenbank ist nicht gültig: %(path)s" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Umbenennen des Autors '%(src)s' zu '%(dest)s' schlug fehl: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Datei %(file)s wurde nicht auf Google Drive gefunden" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Umbenennen des Titels '%(src)s' zu '%(dest)s' schlug fehl: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Buchpfad %(path)s wurde nicht auf Google Drive gefunden" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "Es existiert bereits ein Benutzerkonto für diese E-Mail Adresse" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "Benutzername ist schon vorhanden" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "Ungültiges E-Mail Adressformat" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "Passwort stimmt nicht mit den Passwortregln überein" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "Python Module 'advocate' ist nicht installiert, wird aber für das Cover hochladen benötigt" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "Fehler beim Herunterladen des Covers" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "Coverdatei fehlerhaft" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "Keine Berechtigung Cover von Localhost oder dem lokalen Netzwerk hochzuladen" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "Fehler beim Erzeugen des Ordners für die Coverdatei" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "Cover Datei ist keine gültige Bilddatei, kann nicht gespeichert werden" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Nur jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp Dateien werden als Coverdatei unterstützt" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "Ungültiger Cover Dateiinhalt" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Es werden nur jpg/jpeg Dateien als Cover untertützt" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 msgid "Cover" msgstr "Titelbild" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "UnRar Programm nicht gefunden" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "Fehler beim Ausführen von UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "Angegebener Ordner konnte nicht gefunden werden" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "Bitte keine Datei sondern einen Ordner angeben" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "Calibre Programm ist nicht nutzbar" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "Fehlende Calibre Binärdateien: %(missing)s" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "Ausführeberechtigung fehlt: %(missing)s" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "Fehler beim Ausführen von Calibre" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "Alle Bücher für Metadaten Backup einreihen" diff --git a/cps/translations/el/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/el/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 02bf4a16..47d19bf8 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/el/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/el/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/el/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/el/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 5be20305..f1fe2e83 100644 --- a/cps/translations/el/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/el/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: Depountis Georgios\n" "Language: el\n" @@ -749,121 +749,121 @@ msgstr "Η διαγραφή βιβλίου %(id)s απέτυχε: %(message)s" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "Διαγραφή βιβλίου %(id)s, η πορεία βιβλίου δεν είναι έγκυρη: %(path)s" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Η μετονομασία τίτλου από: '%(src)s' σε '%(dest)s' απέτυχε με σφάλμα: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Το αρχείο %(file)s δεν βρέθηκε στο Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Η μετονομασία τίτλου από: '%(src)s' σε '%(dest)s' απέτυχε με σφάλμα: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Η πορεία βιβλίου %(path)s δεν βρέθηκε στο Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "Αυτό το όνομα χρήστη έχει ήδη παρθεί" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "Σφάλμα Κατεβάσματος Φόντου" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "Σφάλμα Μορφής Φόντου" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "Αποτυχία δημιουργίας πορείας για φόντο" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "Το αρχείο φόντου δεν είναι ένα έγκυρο αρχείο εικόνας, ή δεν μπόρεσε να αποθηκευτεί" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Μόνο jpg/jpeg αρχεία υποστηρίζονται ως αρχεία φόντου" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 #, fuzzy msgid "Cover" msgstr "Ανακάλυψε" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "Δεν βρέθηκε δυαδικό αρχείο UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "Σφάλμα εκτέλεσης UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 #, fuzzy msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "Η DB δεν μπορεί να Γραφτεί" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "Λείπουν άδειες εκτέλεσης" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "Σφάλμα εκτέλεσης UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "" diff --git a/cps/translations/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index c2e0b1d4..4d1578df 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index de108d66..71fbf050 100644 --- a/cps/translations/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-05-25 17:22+0200\n" "Last-Translator: minakmostoles \n" "Language: es\n" @@ -753,122 +753,122 @@ msgstr "El eliminado del libro %(id)s falló: %(message)s" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "Borrando el libro %(id)s, la ruta del libro es no válida: %(path)s" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "El renombrado del título de: '%(src)s' a '%(dest)s' falló con el error: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Fichero %(file)s no encontrado en Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "El renombrado del título de: '%(src)s' a '%(dest)s' falló con el error: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "La ruta %(path)s del libro no fue encontrada en Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "Este nombre de usuario ya está en uso" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "Dirección de correo no válida" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "Error al descargar la cubierta" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "Error en el formato de la cubierta" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "Error al crear una ruta para la cubierta" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "El archivo de cubierta no es una imágen válida" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Sólo se admiten como portada los archivos jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Sólo se admiten como portada los archivos jpg/jpeg" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 #, fuzzy msgid "Cover" msgstr "Descubrir" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "No se encuentra el archivo binario UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "Error ejecutando UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 #, fuzzy msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "La base de datos no es modificable" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "Faltan permisos de ejecución" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "Error ejecutando UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "" diff --git a/cps/translations/fi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/fi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 39c08c39..a280ebec 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/fi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/fi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/fi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/fi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 8f245637..1fd715d8 100644 --- a/cps/translations/fi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/fi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-01-12 13:56+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Samuli Valavuo \n" "Language: fi\n" @@ -747,118 +747,118 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Tiedon muuttaminen arvosta: '%(src)s' arvoon '%(dest)s' epäonnistui virheeseen: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Tiedostoa %(file)s ei löytynyt Google Drivesta" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Tiedon muuttaminen arvosta: '%(src)s' arvoon '%(dest)s' epäonnistui virheeseen: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Kirjan polkua %(path)s ei löytynyt Google Drivesta" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 #, fuzzy msgid "Cover" msgstr "Löydä" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "" diff --git a/cps/translations/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 9eb4e032..7a9cecd4 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 3ebd9f55..15d259c9 100644 --- a/cps/translations/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-06-07 06:47+0200\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language: fr\n" @@ -765,122 +765,122 @@ msgstr "La suppression du livre %(id)s a échoué: %(message)s" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "Suppression du livre %(id)s, le chemin du livre est invalide : %(path)s" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Renommer le titre de : '%(src)s' à '%(dest)s' a échoué avec l’erreur : %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Le fichier %(file)s n'a pas été trouvé dans Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Renommer le titre de : '%(src)s' à '%(dest)s' a échoué avec l’erreur : %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Le chemin du livre %(path)s n'a pas été trouvé dans Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "Cet utilisateur est déjà pris" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "Format de l’adresse courriel invalide" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "Erreur lors du téléchargement de la couverture" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "Erreur de format de couverture" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "Impossible de créer le chemin pour la couverture" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "Le fichier couverture n'est pas un fichier image valide, ou ne peut pas être stocké" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Seuls les fichiers jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp sont supportés comme fichier de couverture" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "Contenu du fichier de couverture invalide" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Seuls les fichiers jpg/jpeg sont supportés comme fichier de couverture" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 #, fuzzy msgid "Cover" msgstr "Découvrir" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "Fichier binaire UnRar non trouvé" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'exécution d'UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 #, fuzzy msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "La base de données n'est pas accessible en écriture" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "Les permissions d'exécutions manquantes" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'exécution d'UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "" diff --git a/cps/translations/gl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/gl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index d37c8fd7..9c7090d8 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/gl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/gl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/gl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/gl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 301aa1e4..876ee344 100644 --- a/cps/translations/gl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/gl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-08-11 16:46+0200\n" "Last-Translator: pollitor \n" "Language: gl\n" @@ -736,121 +736,121 @@ msgstr "O borrado do libro %(id)s fallou: %(message)s" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "Borrando o libro %(id)s, a ruta de libro non é válida: %(path)s" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "O renomeado do título de: '%(src)s' a '%(dest)s' fallou co erro: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Ficheiro %(file)s non atopado en Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "O renomeado do título de: '%(src)s' a '%(dest)s' fallou co erro: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "A ruta %(path)s do libro non se atopou en Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "Este nome de usuario xa está en uso" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "Enderezo de correo non válido" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "O módulo Python 'advocate' non está instalado pero se necesita para as cargas de cubertas" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "Erro ao descargar a cuberta" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "Erro no formato da cuberta" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "Non ten permiso para acceder a localhost ou á rede local para as cargas de cubertas" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "Erro ao crear unha ruta para a cuberta" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "O arquivo de cuberta non é unha imaxe válida" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Soamente se admiten como cuberta os arquivos jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "Contido do arquivo de cuberta non válido" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Soamente se admiten como cuberta os arquivos jpg/jpeg" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 #, fuzzy msgid "Cover" msgstr "Descubrir" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "Non se atopa o arquivo binario de UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "Erro executando UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 #, fuzzy msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "A base de datos non é modificable" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "Faltan permisos de execución" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "Erro executando UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "" diff --git a/cps/translations/hu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/hu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index f4f3a713..fdac5695 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/hu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/hu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/hu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/hu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 7f567b01..38e98210 100644 --- a/cps/translations/hu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/hu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2019-04-06 23:36+0200\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language: hu\n" @@ -746,118 +746,118 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "A cím átnevezése \"%(src)s\"-ról \"%(dest)s\"-ra nem sikerült a következő hiba miatt: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "A \"%(file)s\" fájl nem található a Google Drive-on" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "A cím átnevezése \"%(src)s\"-ról \"%(dest)s\"-ra nem sikerült a következő hiba miatt: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "A könyv elérési útja (\"%(path)s\") nem található a Google Drive-on" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 #, fuzzy msgid "Cover" msgstr "Felfedezés" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "" diff --git a/cps/translations/id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 5c634849..a77891ea 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index b0478421..8fe5112c 100644 --- a/cps/translations/id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-21 10:00+0700\n" "Last-Translator: Arief Hidayat\n" "Language: id\n" @@ -738,122 +738,122 @@ msgstr "Gagal menghapus buku %(id)s: %(message)s" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "Menghapus buku %(id)s hanya dari basis data, jalur buku di basis data tidak valid: %(path)s" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Ganti nama pengarang dari: '%(src)s' menjadi '%(dest)s' gagal dengan kesalahan: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Berkas %(file)s tidak ditemukan di Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Ganti nama judul dari: '%(src)s' menjadi '%(dest)s' gagal dengan kesalahan: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Jalur buku %(path)s tidak ditemukan di Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "Nama pengguna ini sudah digunakan" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "Format alamat email tidak valid" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "Modul 'advocate' Python tidak diinstal tetapi diperlukan untuk unggahan sampul" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "Kesalahan Mengunduh Sampul" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "Kesalahan Format Sampul" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "Anda tidak diizinkan mengakses localhost atau jaringan lokal untuk unggahan sampul" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "Gagal membuat jalur untuk sampul" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "Berkas sampul bukan berkas gambar yang valid, atau tidak dapat disimpan" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Hanya berkas jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp yang didukung sebagai berkas sampul" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "Konten berkas sampul tidak valid" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Hanya berkas jpg/jpeg yang didukung sebagai berkas sampul" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 #, fuzzy msgid "Cover" msgstr "Sampul" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "Berkas biner unrar tidak ditemukan" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "Kesalahan saat menjalankan UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 #, fuzzy msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "Basis Data tidak dapat ditulisi" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "Izin eksekusi hilang" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "Kesalahan saat menjalankan UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "Antrian semua buku untuk cadangan metadata" diff --git a/cps/translations/it/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/it/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 2300a19d..62ac30be 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/it/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/it/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/it/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/it/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 9262d7f6..a2ebc6a6 100644 --- a/cps/translations/it/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/it/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-08-24 05:32+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Massimo Pissarello \n" "Language: it\n" @@ -730,117 +730,117 @@ msgstr "Eliminazione del libro %(id)s non riuscita: %(message)s" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "Eliminazione del libro %(id)s solo dal database, percorso del libro nel database non valido: %(path)s" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "La modifica dell'autore da '%(src)s' a '%(dest)s' è terminata con l'errore: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Il file %(file) non è stato trovato su Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "La modifica del titolo da '%(src)s' a '%(dest)s' è terminata con l'errore: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Il percorso del libro %(path)s non è stato trovato su Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "Trovato un account esistente per questo indirizzo e-mail" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "Questo nome utente è già utilizzato" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "Formato dell'indirizzo e-mail non valido" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "La password non è conforme alle regole di convalida della password" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "Il modulo Python \"advocate\" non è installato ma è necessario per il caricamento delle copertine" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "Errore nello scaricare la copertina" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "Errore nel formato della copertina" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "Non ti è consentito accedere all'host locale o alla rete locale per caricare le copertine" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "Impossibile creare il percorso per la copertina" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "Il file della copertina non è in un formato di immagine valido o non può essere salvato" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Solo i file jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp sono supportati come file di copertina" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "Contenuto del file di copertina non valido" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Solo i file jpg/jpeg sono supportati come file di copertina" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 msgid "Cover" msgstr "Copertina" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "File binario UnRar non trovato" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "Errore nell'eseguire UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "Impossibile trovare la cartella specificata" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "Specifica una cartella, non un file" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "Eseguibili di Calibre non validi" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "File eseguibili di Calibre mancanti: %(missing)s" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "Permessi di esecuzione mancanti: %(missing)s" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "Errore durante l'esecuzione di Calibre" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "Metti in coda tutti i libri per il backup dei metadati" diff --git a/cps/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 1a19f579..375392ad 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 89f5d33d..8863c18a 100644 --- a/cps/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-02-07 02:20-0500\n" "Last-Translator: subdiox \n" "Language: ja\n" @@ -738,122 +738,122 @@ msgstr "本 %(id)s の削除に失敗しました: %(message)s" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "本 %(id)s はDBのみから削除されます。DB内の本のパスが有効ではありません: %(path)s" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "エラー: %(error)s により、著者名を %(src)s から %(dest)s に変更できませんでした" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "ファイル %(file)s はGoogleドライブ上にありません" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "エラー: %(error)s により、タイトルを %(src)s から %(dest)s に変更できませんでした" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "本のパス %(path)s はGoogleドライブ上にありません" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "このユーザー名はすでに使われています" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "メールアドレスの形式が無効" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "表紙のアップロードに必要なPythonモジュール 'advocate' がインストールされていません" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "表紙のダウンロードに失敗しました" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "表紙形式エラー" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "表紙アップロードのためにlocalhostやローカルネットワークにアクセスすることは許可されていません" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "表紙ファイルの作成に失敗しました" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "表紙ファイルが有効な画像ファイルでないか、または保存できませんでした" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "表紙ファイルは jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp のみ対応しています" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "表紙ファイルの内容が無効です" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "表紙ファイルは jpg/jpeg のみ対応しています" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 #, fuzzy msgid "Cover" msgstr "見つける" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "UnRarのバイナリファイルが見つかりません" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "UnRarの実行中にエラーが発生しました" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 #, fuzzy msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "DBへの書き込みができません" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "実行権限がありません" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "UnRarの実行中にエラーが発生しました" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "" diff --git a/cps/translations/km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 7fc971b3..ae91b8f8 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 231e1d56..326e138e 100644 --- a/cps/translations/km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-08-27 17:06+0700\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language: km_KH\n" @@ -744,118 +744,118 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "ប្តូរចំណងជើងពី “%(src)s” ទៅជា “%(dest)s” បរាជ័យដោយបញ្ហា: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "ឯកសារ %(file)s រកមិនឃើញក្នុង Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "ប្តូរចំណងជើងពី “%(src)s” ទៅជា “%(dest)s” បរាជ័យដោយបញ្ហា: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "ទីតាំងសៀវភៅ %(path)s រកមិនឃើញក្នុង Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 #, fuzzy msgid "Cover" msgstr "ស្រាវជ្រាវ" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "" diff --git a/cps/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index e550f79a..bb854aba 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index ef248a30..20795fd2 100644 --- a/cps/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-01-10 11:30+0900\n" "Last-Translator: 내맘대로의 EPUBGUIDE.NET \n" "Language: ko\n" @@ -738,122 +738,122 @@ msgstr "%(id)s 도서 삭제 실패: %(message)s" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "데이터베이스에서만 책 %(id)s 을(를) 삭제 중, 데이터베이스의 책 경로가 유효하지 않음: %(path)s" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "제목 이름을 '%(src)s'에서 '%(dest)s'(으)로 변경하지 못했습니다. 오류: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Google 드라이브에서 %(file)s 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "제목 이름을 '%(src)s'에서 '%(dest)s'(으)로 변경하지 못했습니다. 오류: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Google 드라이브에서 책 경로 %(path)s을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "다른 계정에서 사용하고 있는 이메일 주소입니다." -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "등록되어 있는 username입니다" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "이메일 주소 형식이 잘못되었습니다" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "규칙에 어긋나는 비밀번호입니다." -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "표지 업로드에 필요한 Python 모듈 'advocate'이 설치되지 않았습니다." -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "표지 다운로드 중 오류 발생" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "표지 형식 오류" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "표지 업로드를 위해 localhost 또는 로컬 네트워크에 액세스할 수 없습니다." -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "표지 경로 생성 실패" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "표지 파일이 유효한 이미지 파일이 아니거나 저장할 수 없습니다" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "표지는 jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp 파일만 지원됩니다" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "잘못된 표지 파일 콘텐츠" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "표지 파일로 jpg/jpeg 파일만 지원됩니다" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 #, fuzzy msgid "Cover" msgstr "발견" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "UnRar 바이너리 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "UnRar 실행 오류" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 #, fuzzy msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "쓰기 권한이 없는 DB" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "실행 권한 누락" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "UnRar 실행 오류" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "메타데이터 백업을 위해 모든 도서를 대기열에 추가" diff --git a/cps/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index f6846e8c..7891a590 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index ee8ae0bd..3e581585 100644 --- a/cps/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web (GPLV3)\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-20 22:00+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Michiel Cornelissen \n" "Language: nl\n" @@ -750,122 +750,122 @@ msgstr "Verwijderen van boek %(id)s mislukt: %(message)s" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "Verwijder boek %(id)s alleen uit database, boek pad is ongeldig: %(path)s" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Kan de titel '%(src)s' niet wijzigen in '%(dest)s': %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Bestand '%(file)s' niet aangetroffen op Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Kan de titel '%(src)s' niet wijzigen in '%(dest)s': %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Boeken locatie '%(path)s' niet aangetroffen op Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "Bestaand account gevondne met dit e-mailadres" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "Deze gebruikersnaam is al in gebruik" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "Ongeldig E-Mail adres" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "Het wachtwoord voldoet niet aan de validatieregels" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "Pythonmodule 'advocate' is niet geïnstalleerd maar is nodig omslag uploads" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "Fout bij downloaden omslag" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "Onjuist omslagformaat" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "Toegang tot localhost of het lokale netwerk niet toegestaant voor omslag uploaden" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "Locatie aanmaken voor omslag mislukt" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "Omslag-bestand is geen afbeelding of kon niet opgeslagen worden" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Alleen jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp bestanden worden ondersteund als omslag" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "Ongeldig omslagbestand" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Alleen jpg/jpeg bestanden zijn toegestaan als omslag" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 #, fuzzy msgid "Cover" msgstr "Willekeurige boeken" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "UnRar executable niet gevonden" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "Fout bij het uitvoeren van UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 #, fuzzy msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "Kan niet schrijven naar database" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "Kan programma niet uitvoeren" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "Fout bij het uitvoeren van UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "Voeg alle boeken toe aan de wachtrij voor het maken van een metagegevens backup" diff --git a/cps/translations/no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 5557c8eb..f13697c4 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index ab73a7dd..7bed035c 100644 --- a/cps/translations/no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-06 11:00+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Vegard Fladby \n" "Language: no\n" @@ -746,121 +746,121 @@ msgstr "Sletting av bok %(id)s mislyktes: %(message)s" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "Sletter bok %(id)s kun fra databasen, bokbanen i databasen er ikke gyldig: %(path)s" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Endre navn på forfatter fra: '%(src)s' til '%(dest)s' mislyktes med feil: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Fil %(file)s ikke funnet på Google Disk" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Endre navn på tittel fra: '%(src)s' til '%(dest)s' mislyktes med feil: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Finner ikke bokbane %(path)s på Google Disk" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 #, fuzzy msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "Fant en eksisterende konto for denne e-postadressen" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "Dette brukernavnet er allerede tatt" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "Ugyldig format for e-postadresse" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "Python-modulen 'advocate' er ikke installert, men er nødvendig for omslagsopplastinger" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "Feil ved nedlasting av cover" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "Omslagsformatfeil" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "Du har ikke tilgang til localhost eller det lokale nettverket for coveropplastinger" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "Kunne ikke opprette bane for dekning" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "Cover-filen er ikke en gyldig bildefil, eller kunne ikke lagres" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Bare jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp-filer støttes som coverfile" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "Ugyldig omslagsfilinnhold" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Bare jpg/jpeg-filer støttes som coverfile" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 msgid "Cover" msgstr "Dekke" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "UnRar binær fil ikke funnet" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "Feil ved kjøring av UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 #, fuzzy msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "DB er ikke skrivbar" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "Utførelsestillatelser mangler" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "Feil ved kjøring av UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "Sett alle bøker i kø for sikkerhetskopiering av metadata" diff --git a/cps/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index d44de5e3..5214a2cf 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 7ac9dabc..af5f2a19 100644 --- a/cps/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre Web - polski (POT: 2021-06-12 08:52)\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-06-12 15:35+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Radosław Kierznowski \n" "Language: pl\n" @@ -753,122 +753,122 @@ msgstr "Usuwanie książki %(id)s zakończyło się błędem: %(message)s" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "Usuwanie książki %(id)s, ścieżka książki jest niepoprawna: %(path)s" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Zmiana nazwy tytułu z: „%(src)s” na „%(dest)s” zakończyła się błędem: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Nie znaleziono pliku %(file)s na Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Zmiana nazwy tytułu z: „%(src)s” na „%(dest)s” zakończyła się błędem: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Nie znaleziono ścieżki do książki %(path)s na Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika jest już zajęta" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "Nieprawidłowy format adresu e-mail" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "Błąd przy pobieraniu okładki" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "Błędny format okładki" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "Nie udało się utworzyć ścieżki dla okładki" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "Plik okładki nie jest poprawnym plikiem obrazu lub nie mógł zostać zapisany" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Jako plik okładki obsługiwane są tylko pliki jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Jako plik okładki dopuszczalne są jedynie pliki jpg/jpeg" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 #, fuzzy msgid "Cover" msgstr "Odkrywaj" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "Plik wykonywalny programu unrar nie znaleziony" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "Błąd przy wykonywaniu unrar" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 #, fuzzy msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "Baza danych nie jest zapisywalna" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "Brak uprawnienia do wykonywania pliku" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "Błąd przy wykonywaniu unrar" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "" diff --git a/cps/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 26966d22..3e8379f5 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 04296d73..cc3f7f17 100644 --- a/cps/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/pt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-07-25 11:30+0100\n" "Last-Translator: horus68 \n" "Language: pt\n" @@ -735,122 +735,122 @@ msgstr "Falha ao eliminar livro %(id)s: %(message)s" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "Eliminar livro %(id)s apenas da base de dados, caminho do livro inválido: %(path)s" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Renomear autor de: '%(src)s' para '%(dest)s' falhou com o erro: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Ficheiro %(file)s não encontrado no Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Renomear título de: '%(src)s' para '%(dest)s' falhou com o erro: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Caminho do livro %(path)s não encontrado no Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "Encontrada uma conta existente para este endereço de email" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "Este nome de utilizador já está registado" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "Formato de endereço de email inválido" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "O módulo Python 'advocate' não está instalado, mas é necessário para carregar capas" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "Erro ao descarregar a capa" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "Erro de formato da capa" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "Não possui permissões para aceder a localhost ou à rede local para carregar capas" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "Falha em criar um caminho para a capa" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "O ficheiro de capa não é um ficheiro de imagem válido, ou não foi possível ser armazenado" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Apenas ficheiros jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp são suportados como ficheiros de capa" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "Conteúdo do ficheiro de capa inválido" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Apenas ficheiros jpg/jpeg são suportados como ficheiros de capa" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 #, fuzzy msgid "Cover" msgstr "Capa" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "Binário UnRar não encontrado" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "Erro a executar UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 #, fuzzy msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "DB não é gravável" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "Falta de permissões de execução" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "Erro a executar UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "Enviar todos os livros para lista de espera para cópia de segurança de metadados" diff --git a/cps/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 98ce6e06..97163922 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 20144da7..e31293af 100644 --- a/cps/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language: br\n" @@ -735,122 +735,122 @@ msgstr "Falha ao excluir livro %(id)s: %(message)s" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "Excluindo livro %(id)s somente do banco de dados, caminho do livro inválido: %(path)s" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Renomear autor de: '%(src)s' para '%(dest)s' falhou com o erro: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Arquivo %(file)s não encontrado no Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Renomear título de: '%(src)s' para '%(dest)s' falhou com o erro: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Caminho do livro %(path)s não encontrado no Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "Este nome de usuário já está registrado" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "Formato de endereço de e-mail inválido" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "O módulo Python 'advocate' não está instalado, mas é necessário para uploads de capa" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "Erro ao Baixar a capa" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "Erro de Formato da Capa" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "Você não tem permissão para acessar localhost ou a rede local para uploads de capa" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "Falha em criar caminho para a capa" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "O arquivo de capa não é um arquivo de imagem válido, ou não pôde ser armazenado" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Apenas arquivos jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp são suportados como arquivos de capa" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "Conteúdo do arquivo de capa inválido" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Apenas arquivos jpg/jpeg são suportados como arquivos de capa" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 #, fuzzy msgid "Cover" msgstr "Capa" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "Binário UnRar não encontrado" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "Erro excecutando UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 #, fuzzy msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "DB não é gravável" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "Faltam as permissões de execução" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "Erro excecutando UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "" diff --git a/cps/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 93364e93..9bca8bb1 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 896bf49c..7ae124a9 100644 --- a/cps/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-29 01:20+0400\n" "Last-Translator: ZIZA\n" "Language: ru\n" @@ -751,118 +751,118 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Переименовывание заголовка с: '%(src)s' на '%(dest)s' не удалось из-за ошибки: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Файл %(file)s не найден на Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Переименовывание заголовка с: '%(src)s' на '%(dest)s' не удалось из-за ошибки: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Путь книги %(path)s не найден на Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "Это имя пользователя уже занято" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "Не удалось создать путь для обложки." -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Только файлы в формате jpg / jpeg поддерживаются как файл обложки" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 #, fuzzy msgid "Cover" msgstr "Обзор" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "" diff --git a/cps/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index be5c0df0..c6350da4 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index a6366dfc..b56b5d76 100644 --- a/cps/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-11-01 06:12+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Branislav Hanáček \n" "Language: sk_SK\n" @@ -731,119 +731,119 @@ msgstr "Mazanie knihy %(id)s zlyhalo: %(message)s" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "Mazanie knihy %(id)s iba z databázy, cesta ku knihe v databáze nie je platná: %(path)s" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Premenovanie autora z: '%(src)s' na '%(dest)s' zlyhalo s chybou: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Súbor %(file)s sa nenašiel na Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Zmena názvu knihy z: '%(src)s' na '%(dest)s' zlyhalo s chybou: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Cesta ku knihe %(path)s sa nenašla na Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "Pre túto poštovú adresu sa našiel existujúci účet" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "Toto meno používateľa sa už používa" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "Neplatný formát poštovej adresy" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "Heslo nedodržiava pravidlá validácie" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "Python modul 'advocate' nie je nainštalovaný ale je potrebný pre nahrávanie obálok kníh" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "Chyba pri sťahovaní obálky knihy" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "Chyba formátu obálky knihy" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "Nemáte povolené pristupovať na lokálneho hostiteľa alebo lokálnu sieť na pre nahrávanie obálok kníh" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "Vytváranie cesty k obálke knihy zlyhalo" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "Súbor obálky knihy nie je platný súbor s obrázkom alebo nie je uložený" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Ako súbor obálky knihy sú podporované iba súbory jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "Neplatný obsah súboru obalky knihy" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Ako súbor obálky knihy sú podporované iba súbory jpg/jpeg" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 msgid "Cover" msgstr "Obálka knihy" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "Binárny súbor pre UnRar sa nenašiel" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "Chyba pri spustení UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 #, fuzzy msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "Do databázy nie je možné zapisovať" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "Chýba právo na vykonanie" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "Chyba pri spustení UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "Zaradiť všetky knihy na zálohovanie metadát" diff --git a/cps/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3f55b846 Binary files /dev/null and b/cps/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000..24b03246 --- /dev/null +++ b/cps/translations/sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -0,0 +1,3587 @@ +# Slovenian translations for Calibre-Web. +# Copyright (C) 2024 Andrej Kralj +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Calibre-Web +# project. +# FIRST AUTHOR Andrej Kralj, 2024. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-09-18 19:45+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Andrej Kralj\n" +"Language: sl\n" +"Language-Team: \n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Generated-By: Babel 2.13.1\n" + +#: cps/about.py:87 +msgid "Statistics" +msgstr "Statistika" + +#: cps/admin.py:151 +msgid "Server restarted, please reload page." +msgstr "Strežnik se je znova zagnal, prosimo, ponovno naložite stran." + +#: cps/admin.py:153 +msgid "Performing Server shutdown, please close window." +msgstr "Izvajanje zaustavitve strežnika, prosim zaprite okno." + +#: cps/admin.py:161 +msgid "Success! Database Reconnected" +msgstr "Uspeh! Podatkovna baza je ponovno povezana" + +#: cps/admin.py:164 +msgid "Unknown command" +msgstr "Neznani ukaz" + +#: cps/admin.py:175 +msgid "Success! Books queued for Metadata Backup, please check Tasks for result" +msgstr "Uspeh! Knjige so v čakalni vrsti za varnostno kopiranje metapodatkov, za rezultat preverite opravila" + +#: cps/admin.py:208 cps/editbooks.py:628 cps/editbooks.py:671 +#: cps/editbooks.py:1316 cps/updater.py:615 cps/uploader.py:105 +#: cps/uploader.py:114 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Neznano" + +#: cps/admin.py:233 +msgid "Admin page" +msgstr "Administrativna stran" + +#: cps/admin.py:253 +msgid "Basic Configuration" +msgstr "Osnovna nastavitev" + +#: cps/admin.py:291 +msgid "UI Configuration" +msgstr "Nastavitev uporabniškega vmesnika" + +#: cps/admin.py:325 cps/templates/admin.html:51 +msgid "Edit Users" +msgstr "Urejanje uporabnikov" + +#: cps/admin.py:369 cps/opds.py:543 cps/templates/grid.html:14 +#: cps/templates/list.html:13 +msgid "All" +msgstr "Vse" + +#: cps/admin.py:396 cps/admin.py:1415 +msgid "User not found" +msgstr "Ne najdem uporabnika" + +#: cps/admin.py:410 +msgid "{} users deleted successfully" +msgstr "{} uporabnikov uspešno izbrisanih" + +#: cps/admin.py:433 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:133 +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:45 cps/templates/user_table.html:81 +msgid "Show All" +msgstr "Pokaži vse" + +#: cps/admin.py:454 cps/admin.py:460 +msgid "Malformed request" +msgstr "Napačno oblikovana zahteva" + +#: cps/admin.py:472 cps/admin.py:2051 +msgid "Guest Name can't be changed" +msgstr "Imena gosta ni mogoče spremeniti" + +#: cps/admin.py:484 +msgid "Guest can't have this role" +msgstr "Gost ne more imeti te vloge" + +#: cps/admin.py:496 cps/admin.py:2005 +msgid "No admin user remaining, can't remove admin role" +msgstr "Ni več nobenega admin uporabnika, ne morem odstraniti vloge admin" + +#: cps/admin.py:500 cps/admin.py:514 +msgid "Value has to be true or false" +msgstr "Vrednost mora biti true ali false" + +#: cps/admin.py:502 +msgid "Invalid role" +msgstr "Neveljavna vloga" + +#: cps/admin.py:506 +msgid "Guest can't have this view" +msgstr "Gost ne more imeti tega pogleda" + +#: cps/admin.py:516 +msgid "Invalid view" +msgstr "Nepravilen pogled" + +#: cps/admin.py:519 +msgid "Guest's Locale is determined automatically and can't be set" +msgstr "Lokalni jezik gosta se določi samodejno in ga ni mogoče nastaviti." + +#: cps/admin.py:523 +msgid "No Valid Locale Given" +msgstr "Ni navedenega veljavnega lokalnega jezika" + +#: cps/admin.py:534 +msgid "No Valid Book Language Given" +msgstr "Ni navedenega veljavnega jezika knjige" + +#: cps/admin.py:536 cps/editbooks.py:306 +msgid "Parameter not found" +msgstr "Parameter ni najden" + +#: cps/admin.py:573 +msgid "Invalid Read Column" +msgstr "Nepravilen stolpec za branje" + +#: cps/admin.py:579 +msgid "Invalid Restricted Column" +msgstr "Neveljavni stolpec za omejitev" + +#: cps/admin.py:599 cps/admin.py:1876 +msgid "Calibre-Web configuration updated" +msgstr "Posodobljena nastavitev Calibre-Web" + +#: cps/admin.py:611 +msgid "Do you really want to delete the Kobo Token?" +msgstr "Ali res želite izbrisati žeton Kobo?" + +#: cps/admin.py:613 +msgid "Do you really want to delete this domain?" +msgstr "Ali res želite izbrisati to domeno?" + +#: cps/admin.py:615 +msgid "Do you really want to delete this user?" +msgstr "Ali res želite izbrisati tega uporabnika?" + +#: cps/admin.py:617 +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this shelf?" +msgstr "Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati to polico?" + +#: cps/admin.py:619 +msgid "Are you sure you want to change locales of selected user(s)?" +msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite spremeniti lokalne jezike izbranih uporabnikov?" + +#: cps/admin.py:621 +msgid "Are you sure you want to change visible book languages for selected user(s)?" +msgstr "Ste prepričani, da želite spremeniti vidne jezike knjig za izbrane uporabnike?" + +#: cps/admin.py:623 +msgid "Are you sure you want to change the selected role for the selected user(s)?" +msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite spremeniti izbrano vlogo za izbranega(-e) uporabnika(-e)?" + +#: cps/admin.py:625 +msgid "Are you sure you want to change the selected restrictions for the selected user(s)?" +msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite spremeniti izbrane omejitve za izbranega(-e) uporabnika(-e)?" + +#: cps/admin.py:627 +msgid "Are you sure you want to change the selected visibility restrictions for the selected user(s)?" +msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite spremeniti izbrane omejitve vidljivosti za izbranega(-e) uporabnika(-e)?" + +#: cps/admin.py:630 +msgid "Are you sure you want to change shelf sync behavior for the selected user(s)?" +msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite spremeniti obnašanje sinhronizacije police za izbranega(-e) uporabnika(-e)?" + +#: cps/admin.py:632 +msgid "Are you sure you want to change Calibre library location?" +msgstr "Ste prepričani, da želite spremeniti lokacijo knjižnice Calibre?" + +#: cps/admin.py:634 +msgid "Calibre-Web will search for updated Covers and update Cover Thumbnails, this may take a while?" +msgstr "Calibre-Web bo poiskal posodobljene naslovnice in posodobil sličice naslovnic, kar lahko traja nekaj časa." + +#: cps/admin.py:637 +msgid "Are you sure you want delete Calibre-Web's sync database to force a full sync with your Kobo Reader?" +msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati sinhronizacijsko podatkovno bazo Calibre-Web, da bi vsilili popolno sinhronizacijo z bralnikom Kobo?" + +#: cps/admin.py:880 cps/admin.py:886 cps/admin.py:896 cps/admin.py:906 +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:29 cps/templates/user_table.html:41 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:58 +msgid "Deny" +msgstr "Onemogoči" + +#: cps/admin.py:882 cps/admin.py:888 cps/admin.py:898 cps/admin.py:908 +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:28 cps/templates/user_table.html:44 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:61 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Omogoči" + +#: cps/admin.py:941 +msgid "{} sync entries deleted" +msgstr "{} izbrisanih vnosov za sinhronizacijo" + +#: cps/admin.py:982 +msgid "Tag not found" +msgstr "Oznaka ni bila najdena" + +#: cps/admin.py:994 +msgid "Invalid Action" +msgstr "Neveljavno dejanje" + +#: cps/admin.py:1121 +msgid "client_secrets.json Is Not Configured For Web Application" +msgstr "Client_secrets.json ni nastavljen za spletno aplikacijo" + +#: cps/admin.py:1166 +msgid "Logfile Location is not Valid, Please Enter Correct Path" +msgstr "Lokacija dnevniške datoteke ni veljavna, vnesite pravilno pot" + +#: cps/admin.py:1172 +msgid "Access Logfile Location is not Valid, Please Enter Correct Path" +msgstr "Lokacija dnevniške datoteke dostopa ni veljavna, vnesite pravilno pot" + +#: cps/admin.py:1206 +msgid "Please Enter a LDAP Provider, Port, DN and User Object Identifier" +msgstr "Vnesite ponudnika LDAP, vrata, DN in identifikator objekta uporabnika" + +#: cps/admin.py:1212 +msgid "Please Enter a LDAP Service Account and Password" +msgstr "Vnesite račun in geslo storitve LDAP" + +#: cps/admin.py:1215 +msgid "Please Enter a LDAP Service Account" +msgstr "Vnesite račun storitve LDAP" + +#: cps/admin.py:1220 +#, python-format +msgid "LDAP Group Object Filter Needs to Have One \"%s\" Format Identifier" +msgstr "Filter predmetov skupine LDAP mora imeti en identifikator oblike \"%s\"" + +#: cps/admin.py:1222 +msgid "LDAP Group Object Filter Has Unmatched Parenthesis" +msgstr "Filter predmeta skupine LDAP ima neusklajene oklepaje" + +#: cps/admin.py:1226 +#, python-format +msgid "LDAP User Object Filter needs to Have One \"%s\" Format Identifier" +msgstr "Filter uporabniškega objekta LDAP mora imeti en identifikator oblike \"%s\"" + +#: cps/admin.py:1228 +msgid "LDAP User Object Filter Has Unmatched Parenthesis" +msgstr "Filter objekta uporabnika LDAP ima neusklajene oklepaje" + +#: cps/admin.py:1235 +#, python-format +msgid "LDAP Member User Filter needs to Have One \"%s\" Format Identifier" +msgstr "Filter za uporabnike članov LDAP mora imeti en identifikator oblike \"%s\"" + +#: cps/admin.py:1237 +msgid "LDAP Member User Filter Has Unmatched Parenthesis" +msgstr "Filter uporabnika člana LDAP ima neusklajene oklepaje" + +#: cps/admin.py:1244 +msgid "LDAP CACertificate, Certificate or Key Location is not Valid, Please Enter Correct Path" +msgstr "LDAP CACcertifikat, lokacija certifikata ali ključa ni veljavna, vnesite pravilno pot" + +#: cps/admin.py:1275 cps/templates/admin.html:53 +msgid "Add New User" +msgstr "Dodajanje novega uporabnika" + +#: cps/admin.py:1284 cps/templates/admin.html:100 +msgid "Edit Email Server Settings" +msgstr "Urejanje nastavitev e-poštnega strežnika" + +#: cps/admin.py:1303 +msgid "Success! Gmail Account Verified." +msgstr "Uspeh! Račun Gmail je potrjen." + +#: cps/admin.py:1323 cps/admin.py:1326 cps/admin.py:1711 cps/admin.py:1860 +#: cps/admin.py:1958 cps/admin.py:2079 cps/editbooks.py:168 +#: cps/editbooks.py:575 cps/editbooks.py:1270 cps/shelf.py:90 cps/shelf.py:150 +#: cps/shelf.py:193 cps/shelf.py:243 cps/shelf.py:280 cps/shelf.py:354 +#: cps/shelf.py:476 cps/tasks/convert.py:156 cps/web.py:1529 +#, python-format +msgid "Oops! Database Error: %(error)s." +msgstr "Ups! Napaka podatkovne baze: %(error)s." + +#: cps/admin.py:1333 +#, python-format +msgid "Test e-mail queued for sending to %(email)s, please check Tasks for result" +msgstr "Testno e-poštno sporočilo je v čakalni vrsti za pošiljanje na %(email)s naslovov, za rezultat preverite opravila" + +#: cps/admin.py:1336 +#, python-format +msgid "There was an error sending the Test e-mail: %(res)s" +msgstr "Pri pošiljanju testnega e-poštnega sporočila je prišlo do napake: %(res)s" + +#: cps/admin.py:1338 +msgid "Please configure your e-mail address first..." +msgstr "Najprej nastavite vaš e-poštni naslov..." + +#: cps/admin.py:1340 +msgid "Email Server Settings updated" +msgstr "Posodobljene nastavitve e-poštnega strežnika" + +#: cps/admin.py:1363 cps/templates/admin.html:195 +msgid "Edit Scheduled Tasks Settings" +msgstr "Urejanje nastavitev načrtovanih opravil" + +#: cps/admin.py:1375 +msgid "Invalid start time for task specified" +msgstr "Nepravilen začetni čas za določeno nalogo" + +#: cps/admin.py:1380 +msgid "Invalid duration for task specified" +msgstr "Nepravilno trajanje za določeno nalogo" + +#: cps/admin.py:1390 +msgid "Scheduled tasks settings updated" +msgstr "Posodobljene nastavitve načrtovanih opravil" + +#: cps/admin.py:1400 cps/admin.py:1449 cps/admin.py:2075 cps/web.py:1319 +msgid "Oops! An unknown error occurred. Please try again later." +msgstr "Ups! Zgodila se je neznana napaka. Prosimo, poskusite znova pozneje." + +#: cps/admin.py:1404 +msgid "Settings DB is not Writeable" +msgstr "DB nastavitev ni mogoče zapisati" + +#: cps/admin.py:1434 cps/admin.py:2067 +#, python-format +msgid "Edit User %(nick)s" +msgstr "Urejanje uporabnika %(nick)s" + +#: cps/admin.py:1446 +#, python-format +msgid "Success! Password for user %(user)s reset" +msgstr "Uspeh! Ponastavitev gesla za uporabnika %(user)s" + +#: cps/admin.py:1452 +msgid "Oops! Please configure the SMTP mail settings." +msgstr "Ups! Nastavite nastavitve pošte SMTP." + +#: cps/admin.py:1463 +msgid "Logfile viewer" +msgstr "Pregledovalnik dnevniške datoteke" + +#: cps/admin.py:1529 +msgid "Requesting update package" +msgstr "Zahteva za paket posodobitev" + +#: cps/admin.py:1530 +msgid "Downloading update package" +msgstr "Prenos paketa posodobitev" + +#: cps/admin.py:1531 +msgid "Unzipping update package" +msgstr "Razpakiranje paketa posodobitev" + +#: cps/admin.py:1532 +msgid "Replacing files" +msgstr "Zamenjava datotek" + +#: cps/admin.py:1533 +msgid "Database connections are closed" +msgstr "Povezave do zbirke podatkov so zaprte" + +#: cps/admin.py:1534 +msgid "Stopping server" +msgstr "Ustavitev strežnika" + +#: cps/admin.py:1535 +msgid "Update finished, please press okay and reload page" +msgstr "Posodobitev je končana, pritisnite OK in ponovno naložite stran" + +#: cps/admin.py:1536 cps/admin.py:1537 cps/admin.py:1538 cps/admin.py:1539 +#: cps/admin.py:1540 cps/admin.py:1541 +msgid "Update failed:" +msgstr "Posodobitev ni uspela:" + +#: cps/admin.py:1536 cps/updater.py:391 cps/updater.py:626 cps/updater.py:628 +msgid "HTTP Error" +msgstr "Napaka HTTP" + +#: cps/admin.py:1537 cps/updater.py:393 cps/updater.py:630 +msgid "Connection error" +msgstr "Napaka povezave" + +#: cps/admin.py:1538 cps/updater.py:395 cps/updater.py:632 +msgid "Timeout while establishing connection" +msgstr "Potek časa pri vzpostavljanju povezave" + +#: cps/admin.py:1539 cps/updater.py:397 cps/updater.py:634 +msgid "General error" +msgstr "Splošna napaka" + +#: cps/admin.py:1540 +msgid "Update file could not be saved in temp dir" +msgstr "Datoteke posodobitve ni bilo mogoče shraniti v začasno mapo" + +#: cps/admin.py:1541 +msgid "Files could not be replaced during update" +msgstr "Datotek med posodabljanjem ni bilo mogoče zamenjati" + +#: cps/admin.py:1565 +msgid "Failed to extract at least One LDAP User" +msgstr "Ni uspelo izpisati vsaj enega uporabnika LDAP" + +#: cps/admin.py:1610 +msgid "Failed to Create at Least One LDAP User" +msgstr "Ni uspelo ustvariti vsaj enega uporabnika LDAP" + +#: cps/admin.py:1623 +#, python-format +msgid "Error: %(ldaperror)s" +msgstr "Napaka: %(ldaperror)s" + +#: cps/admin.py:1627 +msgid "Error: No user returned in response of LDAP server" +msgstr "Napaka: V odzivu strežnika LDAP ni vrnjenega nobenega uporabnika" + +#: cps/admin.py:1663 +msgid "At Least One LDAP User Not Found in Database" +msgstr "V podatkovni zbirki ni najden vsaj en uporabnik LDAP" + +#: cps/admin.py:1665 +msgid "{} User Successfully Imported" +msgstr "{} Uporabnik je bil uspešno uvožen" + +#: cps/admin.py:1723 +msgid "Books path not valid" +msgstr "Pot do knjig ni veljavna" + +#: cps/admin.py:1730 +msgid "DB Location is not Valid, Please Enter Correct Path" +msgstr "Lokacija do DB ni veljavna, vnesite pravilno pot" + +#: cps/admin.py:1750 +msgid "DB is not Writeable" +msgstr "V DB ni mogoče zapisati" + +#: cps/admin.py:1764 +msgid "Keyfile Location is not Valid, Please Enter Correct Path" +msgstr "Lokacija datoteka Keyfile ni veljavna, vnesite pravilno pot" + +#: cps/admin.py:1768 +msgid "Certfile Location is not Valid, Please Enter Correct Path" +msgstr "Lokacija datoteke Certfile ni veljavna, vnesite pravilno pot" + +#: cps/admin.py:1845 +msgid "Password length has to be between 1 and 40" +msgstr "Dolžina gesla mora biti med 1 in 40" + +#: cps/admin.py:1899 +msgid "Database Settings updated" +msgstr "Posodobljene nastavitve zbirke podatkov" + +#: cps/admin.py:1907 +msgid "Database Configuration" +msgstr "Nastavitev zbirke podatkov" + +#: cps/admin.py:1922 cps/web.py:1293 +msgid "Oops! Please complete all fields." +msgstr "Ups! Izpolnite vsa polja." + +#: cps/admin.py:1931 +msgid "E-mail is not from valid domain" +msgstr "E-pošta ni iz veljavne domene" + +#: cps/admin.py:1937 +msgid "Add new user" +msgstr "Dodajanje novega uporabnika" + +#: cps/admin.py:1948 +#, python-format +msgid "User '%(user)s' created" +msgstr "Ustvarjen uporabnik '%(user)s'" + +#: cps/admin.py:1954 +msgid "Oops! An account already exists for this Email. or name." +msgstr "Ups! Za to e-pošto že obstaja račun ali ime." + +#: cps/admin.py:1984 +#, python-format +msgid "User '%(nick)s' deleted" +msgstr "Uporabnik '%(nick)s' je izbrisan" + +#: cps/admin.py:1987 +msgid "Can't delete Guest User" +msgstr "Ne morem izbrisati uporabnika gosta" + +#: cps/admin.py:1990 +msgid "No admin user remaining, can't delete user" +msgstr "Ni preostalega uporabnika administratorja, uporabnika ni mogoče izbrisati" + +#: cps/admin.py:2045 cps/web.py:1478 +msgid "Email can't be empty and has to be a valid Email" +msgstr "E-pošta ne sme biti prazna in mora biti veljavna." + +#: cps/admin.py:2071 +#, python-format +msgid "User '%(nick)s' updated" +msgstr "Uporabnik '%(nick)s' je posodobljen" + +#: cps/converter.py:31 +msgid "not installed" +msgstr "ni nameščen" + +#: cps/converter.py:32 +msgid "Execution permissions missing" +msgstr "Manjkajo dovoljenja za izvajanje" + +#: cps/db.py:768 cps/search.py:150 cps/web.py:750 +#, python-format +msgid "Custom Column No.%(column)d does not exist in calibre database" +msgstr "Stolpec po meri št. %(column)d ne obstaja v zbirki podatkov Calibre" + +#: cps/db.py:1012 cps/templates/config_edit.html:203 +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:62 cps/templates/email_edit.html:41 +#: cps/web.py:565 cps/web.py:599 cps/web.py:644 cps/web.py:684 cps/web.py:711 +#: cps/web.py:992 cps/web.py:1022 cps/web.py:1067 cps/web.py:1095 +#: cps/web.py:1134 +msgid "None" +msgstr "Noben" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:154 +#, python-format +msgid "File %(file)s uploaded" +msgstr "Prenesena datoteka %(file)s" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:183 +msgid "Source or destination format for conversion missing" +msgstr "Manjka izvorni ali ciljni format za pretvorbo" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:191 +#, python-format +msgid "Book successfully queued for converting to %(book_format)s" +msgstr "Knjiga je uspešno dodana v čakalno vrsto za pretvorbo v %(book_format)s" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:195 +#, python-format +msgid "There was an error converting this book: %(res)s" +msgstr "Pri pretvorbi te knjige je prišlo do napake: %(res)s" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:448 cps/editbooks.py:942 cps/web.py:532 cps/web.py:1570 +#: cps/web.py:1615 cps/web.py:1660 +msgid "Oops! Selected book is unavailable. File does not exist or is not accessible" +msgstr "Ups! Izbrana knjiga ni na voljo. Datoteka ne obstaja ali ni dostopna" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:494 cps/editbooks.py:1299 +msgid "User has no rights to upload cover" +msgstr "Uporabnik nima pravice do nalaganja naslovnice" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:514 cps/editbooks.py:757 +msgid "Identifiers are not Case Sensitive, Overwriting Old Identifier" +msgstr "Identifikatorji niso občutljivi na velikost črk, prepisovanje starega identifikatorja" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:529 cps/editbooks.py:731 cps/editbooks.py:1069 +#, python-format +msgid "'%(langname)s' is not a valid language" +msgstr "'%(langname)s' ni veljaven jezik" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:557 +msgid "Metadata successfully updated" +msgstr "Metapodatki so bili uspešno posodobljeni" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:580 +msgid "Error editing book: {}" +msgstr "Napaka pri urejanju knjige: {}" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:675 +msgid "Uploaded book probably exists in the library, consider to change before upload new: " +msgstr "Naložena knjiga verjetno obstaja v knjižnici, preden naložite novo, razmislite o spremembi:" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:769 cps/editbooks.py:1216 +msgid "File type isn't allowed to be uploaded to this server" +msgstr "Vrsta datoteke ni dovoljena za nalaganje v ta strežnik" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:775 cps/editbooks.py:1227 +#, python-format +msgid "File extension '%(ext)s' is not allowed to be uploaded to this server" +msgstr "Datoteke s končnico '%(ext)s' ni dovoljeno naložiti na ta strežnik" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:779 cps/editbooks.py:1232 +msgid "File to be uploaded must have an extension" +msgstr "Datoteka, ki jo želite naložiti, mora imeti končnico" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:787 +#, python-format +msgid "File %(filename)s could not saved to temp dir" +msgstr "Datoteke %(filename)s ni bilo mogoče shraniti v začasno mapo" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:807 +#, python-format +msgid "Failed to Move Cover File %(file)s: %(error)s" +msgstr "Ni uspelo premakniti naslovne datoteke %(file)s: %(error)s" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:864 cps/editbooks.py:866 +msgid "Book Format Successfully Deleted" +msgstr "Uspešno izbrisana oblika knjige" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:873 cps/editbooks.py:875 +msgid "Book Successfully Deleted" +msgstr "Knjiga je bila uspešno izbrisana" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:927 +msgid "You are missing permissions to delete books" +msgstr "Manjkajo vam dovoljenja za brisanje knjig" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:977 +msgid "edit metadata" +msgstr "urejanje metapodatkov" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:1030 +#, python-format +msgid "Seriesindex: %(seriesindex)s is not a valid number, skipping" +msgstr "Zaporedna številka serije: %(seriesindex)s ni veljavno število, preskočim" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:1221 +msgid "User has no rights to upload additional file formats" +msgstr "Uporabnik nima pravic za nalaganje dodatnih formatov datotek" + +#: cps/editbooks.py:1245 +#, python-format +msgid "Failed to create path %(path)s (Permission denied)." +msgstr "Ni uspelo ustvariti poti %(path)s (dovoljenje zavrnjeno)." + +#: cps/editbooks.py:1252 +#, python-format +msgid "Failed to store file %(file)s." +msgstr "Ni uspelo shraniti datoteke %(file)s." + +#: cps/editbooks.py:1277 +#, python-format +msgid "File format %(ext)s added to %(book)s" +msgstr "Oblina datotek %(ext)s je dodan v %(book)s" + +#: cps/gdrive.py:58 +msgid "Google Drive setup not completed, try to deactivate and activate Google Drive again" +msgstr "Nastavitev Google Drive ni dokončana, poskusite deaktivirati in znova aktivirati Google Drive" + +#: cps/gdrive.py:96 +msgid "Callback domain is not verified, please follow steps to verify domain in google developer console" +msgstr "Povratna domena ni preverjena, sledite korakom za preverjanje domene v konzoli za razvijalce Google" + +#: cps/helper.py:87 +#, python-format +msgid "%(format)s format not found for book id: %(book)d" +msgstr "Oblika %(format)s ni najdena za id knjige: %(book)d" + +#: cps/helper.py:94 cps/tasks/convert.py:90 +#, python-format +msgid "%(format)s not found on Google Drive: %(fn)s" +msgstr "%(format)s ni bil najden v storitvi Google Drive: %(fn)s" + +#: cps/helper.py:99 +#, python-format +msgid "%(format)s not found: %(fn)s" +msgstr "%(format)s ni najden: %(fn)s" + +#: cps/helper.py:104 cps/helper.py:233 cps/templates/detail.html:58 +msgid "Send to eReader" +msgstr "Pošlji v e-bralnik" + +#: cps/helper.py:105 cps/helper.py:125 cps/helper.py:235 +msgid "This Email has been sent via Calibre-Web." +msgstr "To e-poštno sporočilo je bilo poslano prek programa Calibre-Web." + +#: cps/helper.py:123 +msgid "Calibre-Web Test Email" +msgstr "Testna e-pošta Calibre-Web" + +#: cps/helper.py:124 +msgid "Test Email" +msgstr "Testna e-pošta" + +#: cps/helper.py:141 +msgid "Get Started with Calibre-Web" +msgstr "Začnite s programom Calibre-Web" + +#: cps/helper.py:146 +#, python-format +msgid "Registration Email for user: %(name)s" +msgstr "Registracijski e-poštni naslov za uporabnika: %(name)s" + +#: cps/helper.py:157 cps/helper.py:163 +#, python-format +msgid "Convert %(orig)s to %(format)s and send to eReader" +msgstr "Pretvarjanje %(orig)s v %(format)s in pošiljanje v e-bralnik" + +#: cps/helper.py:182 cps/helper.py:186 cps/helper.py:190 +#, python-format +msgid "Send %(format)s to eReader" +msgstr "Pošlji %(format)s v e-bralnik" + +#: cps/helper.py:230 +#, python-format +msgid "%(book)s send to eReader" +msgstr "%(book)s pošljite v e-bralnik" + +#: cps/helper.py:237 +msgid "The requested file could not be read. Maybe wrong permissions?" +msgstr "Zahtevane datoteke ni bilo mogoče prebrati. Morda napačna dovoljenja?" + +#: cps/helper.py:352 +msgid "Read status could not set: {}" +msgstr "Stanja branja ni bilo mogoče nastaviti: {}" + +#: cps/helper.py:375 +#, python-format +msgid "Deleting bookfolder for book %(id)s failed, path has subfolders: %(path)s" +msgstr "Brisanje knjižne mape za knjigo %(id)s ni uspelo, pot ima podmape: %(path)s" + +#: cps/helper.py:381 +#, python-format +msgid "Deleting book %(id)s failed: %(message)s" +msgstr "Brisanje knjige %(id)s ni uspelo: %(message)s" + +#: cps/helper.py:392 +#, python-format +msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" +msgstr "Brisanje knjige %(id)s samo iz zbirke podatkov, pot do knjige v zbirki podatkov ni veljavna: %(path)s" + +#: cps/helper.py:439 +#, python-format +msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" +msgstr "Preimenovanje avtorja iz: '%(src)s' v '%(dest)s' ni uspelo z napako: %(error)s" + +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 +#, python-format +msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" +msgstr "Datoteke %(file)s ni mogoče najti v storitvi Google Drive" + +#: cps/helper.py:559 +#, python-format +msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" +msgstr "Preimenovanje naslova iz: '%(src)s' v '%(dest)s' ni uspelo z napako: %(error)s" + +#: cps/helper.py:597 +#, python-format +msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" +msgstr "Pot do knjige %(path)s ni bila najdena v storitvi Google Drive" + +#: cps/helper.py:657 +msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" +msgstr "Najden obstoječi račun za ta e-poštni naslov" + +#: cps/helper.py:665 +msgid "This username is already taken" +msgstr "To uporabniško ime je že zasedeno" + +#: cps/helper.py:679 +msgid "Invalid Email address format" +msgstr "Nepravilna oblika e-poštnega naslova" + +#: cps/helper.py:701 +msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" +msgstr "Geslo ni v skladu s pravili za preverjanje gesla" + +#: cps/helper.py:847 +msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" +msgstr "Modul Python 'advocate' ni nameščen, vendar je potreben za nalaganje naslovnic" + +#: cps/helper.py:857 +msgid "Error Downloading Cover" +msgstr "Napaka pri nalaganju naslovnice" + +#: cps/helper.py:860 +msgid "Cover Format Error" +msgstr "Napaka oblike naslovnice" + +#: cps/helper.py:863 +msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" +msgstr "Dostop do lokalnega gostitelja ali lokalnega omrežja za prenos naslovnice ni dovoljen." + +#: cps/helper.py:873 +msgid "Failed to create path for cover" +msgstr "Ni uspelo ustvariti poti za naslovnice" + +#: cps/helper.py:889 +msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" +msgstr "Datoteka naslovnice ni veljavna slikovna datoteka ali je ni bilo mogoče shraniti" + +#: cps/helper.py:900 +msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" +msgstr "Za datoteke naslovnic so podprte samo datoteke jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp" + +#: cps/helper.py:912 +msgid "Invalid cover file content" +msgstr "Nepravilna vsebina datoteke z naslovnico" + +#: cps/helper.py:916 +msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" +msgstr "Samo datoteke jpg/jpeg so podprte kot datoteke naslovnic" + +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 +msgid "Cover" +msgstr "Naslovnica" + +#: cps/helper.py:1005 +msgid "UnRar binary file not found" +msgstr "Binarna datoteka UnRar ni bila najdena" + +#: cps/helper.py:1016 +msgid "Error executing UnRar" +msgstr "Napaka pri izvajanju UnRar" + +#: cps/helper.py:1024 +msgid "Could not find the specified directory" +msgstr "Ni bilo mogoče najti določenega imenika" + +#: cps/helper.py:1027 +msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" +msgstr "Navedite imenik in ne datoteke" + +#: cps/helper.py:1041 +msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" +msgstr "Binarne datoteke Calibre niso izvedljive" + +#: cps/helper.py:1050 +#, python-format +msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" +msgstr "Manjkajoče binarne datoteke Calibre: %(missing)s" + +#: cps/helper.py:1052 +#, python-format +msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" +msgstr "Manjkajoča dovoljenja za izvršilni program: %(missing)s" + +#: cps/helper.py:1057 +msgid "Error executing Calibre" +msgstr "Napaka pri izvajanju programa Calibre" + +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" +msgstr "Vse knjige v vrsti za varnostno kopiranje metapodatkov" + +#: cps/kobo_auth.py:92 +msgid "Please access Calibre-Web from non localhost to get valid api_endpoint for kobo device" +msgstr "Dostopajte do Calibre-Web z nelokalnega gostitelja, da pridobite veljavno api_endpoint za napravo kobo" + +#: cps/kobo_auth.py:118 +msgid "Kobo Setup" +msgstr "Nastavitev za Kobo" + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:78 +#, python-format +msgid "Register with %(provider)s" +msgstr "Registracija pri %(provider)s" + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:139 cps/remotelogin.py:131 +#, python-format +msgid "Success! You are now logged in as: %(nickname)s" +msgstr "Uspeh! Zdaj ste prijavljeni kot: %(nickname)s" + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:149 +#, python-format +msgid "Link to %(oauth)s Succeeded" +msgstr "Povezava do %(oauth)s je bila uspešna" + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:156 +msgid "Login failed, No User Linked With OAuth Account" +msgstr "Prijava ni uspela, z računom OAuth ni povezan noben uporabnik" + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:198 +#, python-format +msgid "Unlink to %(oauth)s Succeeded" +msgstr "Odklop povezave z %(oauth)s je bil uspešen" + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:203 +#, python-format +msgid "Unlink to %(oauth)s Failed" +msgstr "Odklop povezave z %(oauth)s ni bil uspešen" + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:206 +#, python-format +msgid "Not Linked to %(oauth)s" +msgstr "Ni povezano z %(oauth)s" + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:263 +msgid "Failed to log in with GitHub." +msgstr "Neuspešna prijava v GitHub." + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:269 +msgid "Failed to fetch user info from GitHub." +msgstr "Neuspešna pridobitev informacij o uporabniku iz storitve GitHub." + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:281 +msgid "Failed to log in with Google." +msgstr "Neuspešna prijava v Google." + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:287 +msgid "Failed to fetch user info from Google." +msgstr "Neuspešna ridobititev informacij o uporabniku iz Googla." + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:335 +msgid "GitHub Oauth error, please retry later." +msgstr "Napaka GitHub Oauth, prosimo, poskusite pozneje." + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:338 +msgid "GitHub Oauth error: {}" +msgstr "Napaka GitHub Oauth: {}" + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:359 +msgid "Google Oauth error, please retry later." +msgstr "Napaka Google Oauth, poskusite pozneje." + +#: cps/oauth_bb.py:362 +msgid "Google Oauth error: {}" +msgstr "Napaka Google Oauth: {}" + +#: cps/opds.py:299 +msgid "{} Stars" +msgstr "{} zvezdic" + +#: cps/remotelogin.py:63 cps/templates/layout.html:67 +#: cps/templates/layout.html:102 cps/templates/login.html:4 +#: cps/templates/login.html:21 cps/web.py:1355 +msgid "Login" +msgstr "Prijava" + +#: cps/remotelogin.py:75 cps/remotelogin.py:109 +msgid "Token not found" +msgstr "ne najdem žetona" + +#: cps/remotelogin.py:84 cps/remotelogin.py:117 +msgid "Token has expired" +msgstr "Veljavnost žetona je potekla" + +#: cps/remotelogin.py:93 +msgid "Success! Please return to your device" +msgstr "Uspeh! Vrnite se v svojo napravo" + +#: cps/render_template.py:41 cps/web.py:421 +msgid "Books" +msgstr "Knjige" + +#: cps/render_template.py:43 +msgid "Show recent books" +msgstr "Prikaži nedavne knjige" + +#: cps/render_template.py:44 cps/templates/index.xml:27 +msgid "Hot Books" +msgstr "Najbolj vroče knjige" + +#: cps/render_template.py:46 +msgid "Show Hot Books" +msgstr "Prikaži vroče knjige" + +#: cps/render_template.py:48 cps/render_template.py:53 +msgid "Downloaded Books" +msgstr "Prenesene knjige" + +#: cps/render_template.py:50 cps/render_template.py:55 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:167 +msgid "Show Downloaded Books" +msgstr "Prikaži prenesene knjige" + +#: cps/render_template.py:58 cps/templates/index.xml:36 cps/web.py:436 +msgid "Top Rated Books" +msgstr "Najbolje ocenjene knjige" + +#: cps/render_template.py:60 cps/templates/user_table.html:161 +msgid "Show Top Rated Books" +msgstr "Prikaži najbolje ocenjene knjige" + +#: cps/render_template.py:61 cps/templates/index.xml:63 +#: cps/templates/index.xml:67 cps/web.py:769 +msgid "Read Books" +msgstr "Preberane knjige" + +#: cps/render_template.py:63 +msgid "Show Read and Unread" +msgstr "Prikaži prebrane in neprebrane" + +#: cps/render_template.py:65 cps/templates/index.xml:70 +#: cps/templates/index.xml:74 cps/web.py:772 +msgid "Unread Books" +msgstr "Neprebrane knjige" + +#: cps/render_template.py:67 +msgid "Show unread" +msgstr "Prikaži neprebrane" + +#: cps/render_template.py:68 +msgid "Discover" +msgstr "Odkrivanje" + +#: cps/render_template.py:70 cps/templates/index.xml:58 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:159 cps/templates/user_table.html:162 +msgid "Show Random Books" +msgstr "Prikaži naključne knjige" + +#: cps/render_template.py:71 cps/templates/book_table.html:67 +#: cps/templates/index.xml:97 cps/web.py:1138 +msgid "Categories" +msgstr "Kategorije" + +#: cps/render_template.py:73 cps/templates/user_table.html:158 +msgid "Show Category Section" +msgstr "Prikaži oddelek kategorije" + +#: cps/render_template.py:74 cps/templates/book_edit.html:106 +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68 cps/templates/index.xml:106 +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:70 cps/web.py:1028 cps/web.py:1040 +msgid "Series" +msgstr "Serija" + +#: cps/render_template.py:76 cps/templates/user_table.html:157 +msgid "Show Series Section" +msgstr "Prikaži razdelek serij" + +#: cps/render_template.py:77 cps/templates/book_table.html:66 +#: cps/templates/index.xml:79 +msgid "Authors" +msgstr "Avtorji" + +#: cps/render_template.py:79 cps/templates/user_table.html:160 +msgid "Show Author Section" +msgstr "Prikaži razdelek avtorjev" + +#: cps/render_template.py:81 cps/templates/book_table.html:72 +#: cps/templates/index.xml:88 cps/web.py:996 +msgid "Publishers" +msgstr "Založniki" + +#: cps/render_template.py:83 cps/templates/user_table.html:163 +msgid "Show Publisher Section" +msgstr "Prikaži razdelek založnikov" + +#: cps/render_template.py:84 cps/templates/book_table.html:70 +#: cps/templates/index.xml:115 cps/templates/search_form.html:108 +#: cps/web.py:1110 +msgid "Languages" +msgstr "Jeziki" + +#: cps/render_template.py:87 cps/templates/user_table.html:155 +msgid "Show Language Section" +msgstr "Prikaži razdelek jezikov" + +#: cps/render_template.py:88 cps/templates/index.xml:124 +msgid "Ratings" +msgstr "Ocene" + +#: cps/render_template.py:90 cps/templates/user_table.html:164 +msgid "Show Ratings Section" +msgstr "Prikaži razdelek ocen" + +#: cps/render_template.py:91 cps/templates/index.xml:133 +msgid "File formats" +msgstr "Oblike datotek" + +#: cps/render_template.py:93 cps/templates/user_table.html:165 +msgid "Show File Formats Section" +msgstr "Prikaži razdelek oblike datotek" + +#: cps/render_template.py:95 cps/web.py:795 +msgid "Archived Books" +msgstr "Arhivirane knjige" + +#: cps/render_template.py:97 cps/templates/user_table.html:166 +msgid "Show Archived Books" +msgstr "Prikaži arhivirane knjige" + +#: cps/render_template.py:100 cps/web.py:826 +msgid "Books List" +msgstr "Seznam knjig" + +#: cps/render_template.py:102 cps/templates/user_table.html:168 +msgid "Show Books List" +msgstr "Prikaži seznam knjig" + +#: cps/search.py:50 cps/search.py:426 cps/templates/book_edit.html:244 +#: cps/templates/feed.xml:34 cps/templates/index.xml:12 +#: cps/templates/layout.html:46 cps/templates/layout.html:49 +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:247 +msgid "Search" +msgstr "Iskanje" + +#: cps/search.py:201 +msgid "Published after " +msgstr "Objavljeno po" + +#: cps/search.py:208 +msgid "Published before " +msgstr "Objavljeno pred" + +#: cps/search.py:230 +#, python-format +msgid "Rating <= %(rating)s" +msgstr "Ocena <= %(rating)s" + +#: cps/search.py:232 +#, python-format +msgid "Rating >= %(rating)s" +msgstr "Ocena >= %(rating)s" + +#: cps/search.py:234 +#, python-format +msgid "Read Status = '%(status)s'" +msgstr "Prebrani status = '%(status)s'" + +#: cps/search.py:351 +msgid "Error on search for custom columns, please restart Calibre-Web" +msgstr "Napaka pri iskanju stolpcev po meri, ponovno zaženite Calibre-Web" + +#: cps/search.py:370 cps/search.py:402 cps/templates/layout.html:57 +msgid "Advanced Search" +msgstr "Napredno iskanje" + +#: cps/shelf.py:49 cps/shelf.py:111 +msgid "Invalid shelf specified" +msgstr "Navedena nepravilna polica" + +#: cps/shelf.py:55 +msgid "Sorry you are not allowed to add a book to that shelf" +msgstr "Žal vam ni dovoljeno dodati knjige na to polico." + +#: cps/shelf.py:64 +#, python-format +msgid "Book is already part of the shelf: %(shelfname)s" +msgstr "Knjiga je že del police: %(shelfname)s" + +#: cps/shelf.py:77 +#, python-format +msgid "%(book_id)s is a invalid Book Id. Could not be added to Shelf" +msgstr "%(book_id)s je neveljaven ID knjige. Ni ga bilo mogoče dodati na polico" + +#: cps/shelf.py:97 +#, python-format +msgid "Book has been added to shelf: %(sname)s" +msgstr "Knjiga je bila dodana na polico: %(sname)s" + +#: cps/shelf.py:116 +msgid "You are not allowed to add a book to the shelf" +msgstr "Knjige ne smete dodati na polico" + +#: cps/shelf.py:134 +#, python-format +msgid "Books are already part of the shelf: %(name)s" +msgstr "Knjige so že del police: %(name)s" + +#: cps/shelf.py:146 +#, python-format +msgid "Books have been added to shelf: %(sname)s" +msgstr "Knjige so bile dodane na polico: %(sname)s" + +#: cps/shelf.py:153 +#, python-format +msgid "Could not add books to shelf: %(sname)s" +msgstr "Ni bilo mogoče dodati knjig na polico: %(sname)s" + +#: cps/shelf.py:199 +#, python-format +msgid "Book has been removed from shelf: %(sname)s" +msgstr "Knjiga je bila odstranjena s police: %(sname)s" + +#: cps/shelf.py:208 +msgid "Sorry you are not allowed to remove a book from this shelf" +msgstr "Žal vam ni dovoljeno odstraniti knjige s te police" + +#: cps/shelf.py:218 cps/templates/layout.html:158 +msgid "Create a Shelf" +msgstr "Ustvarite polico" + +#: cps/shelf.py:226 +msgid "Sorry you are not allowed to edit this shelf" +msgstr "Žal vam ni dovoljeno urejati te police" + +#: cps/shelf.py:228 +msgid "Edit a shelf" +msgstr "Urejanje police" + +#: cps/shelf.py:237 +msgid "Error deleting Shelf" +msgstr "Napaka pri brisanju police" + +#: cps/shelf.py:239 +msgid "Shelf successfully deleted" +msgstr "Polica je bila uspešno izbrisana" + +#: cps/shelf.py:289 +#, python-format +msgid "Change order of Shelf: '%(name)s'" +msgstr "Spremeni vrstni red police: '%(name)s'" + +#: cps/shelf.py:324 +msgid "Sorry you are not allowed to create a public shelf" +msgstr "Žal vam ni dovoljeno ustvariti javne police" + +#: cps/shelf.py:341 +#, python-format +msgid "Shelf %(title)s created" +msgstr "Ustvarjena polica %(title)s" + +#: cps/shelf.py:344 +#, python-format +msgid "Shelf %(title)s changed" +msgstr "Polica %(title)s je spremenjena" + +#: cps/shelf.py:358 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Prišlo je do napake" + +#: cps/shelf.py:380 +#, python-format +msgid "A public shelf with the name '%(title)s' already exists." +msgstr "Javna polica z imenom '%(title)s' že obstaja." + +#: cps/shelf.py:391 +#, python-format +msgid "A private shelf with the name '%(title)s' already exists." +msgstr "Zasebna polica z imenom '%(title)s' že obstaja." + +#: cps/shelf.py:481 +#, python-format +msgid "Shelf: '%(name)s'" +msgstr "Polica: '%(name)s'" + +#: cps/shelf.py:487 +msgid "Error opening shelf. Shelf does not exist or is not accessible" +msgstr "Napaka pri odpiranju police. Polica ne obstaja ali ni dostopna" + +#: cps/tasks_status.py:47 cps/templates/layout.html:89 +#: cps/templates/tasks.html:7 +msgid "Tasks" +msgstr "Naloge" + +#: cps/tasks_status.py:63 +msgid "Waiting" +msgstr "Na čakanju" + +#: cps/tasks_status.py:65 +msgid "Failed" +msgstr "Neuspešno" + +#: cps/tasks_status.py:67 +msgid "Started" +msgstr "Začeto" + +#: cps/tasks_status.py:69 +msgid "Finished" +msgstr "Končano" + +#: cps/tasks_status.py:71 +msgid "Ended" +msgstr "Končano" + +#: cps/tasks_status.py:73 +msgid "Cancelled" +msgstr "Preklicano" + +#: cps/tasks_status.py:75 +msgid "Unknown Status" +msgstr "Neznani status" + +#: cps/updater.py:433 cps/updater.py:444 cps/updater.py:545 cps/updater.py:560 +msgid "Unexpected data while reading update information" +msgstr "Nepričakovani podatki med branjem informacij o posodobitvi" + +#: cps/updater.py:440 cps/updater.py:552 +msgid "No update available. You already have the latest version installed" +msgstr "Posodobitev ni na voljo. Najnovejšo različico že imate nameščeno" + +#: cps/updater.py:458 +msgid "A new update is available. Click on the button below to update to the latest version." +msgstr "Na voljo je nova posodobitev. Kliknite spodnji gumb za posodobitev na najnovejšo različico." + +#: cps/updater.py:476 +msgid "Could not fetch update information" +msgstr "Ni bilo mogoče pridobiti informacij o posodobitvi" + +#: cps/updater.py:486 +msgid "Click on the button below to update to the latest stable version." +msgstr "Kliknite spodnji gumb za posodobitev na najnovejšo stabilno različico." + +#: cps/updater.py:495 cps/updater.py:509 cps/updater.py:520 +#, python-format +msgid "A new update is available. Click on the button below to update to version: %(version)s" +msgstr "Na voljo je nova posodobitev. Kliknite spodnji gumb za posodobitev na različico: %(version)s" + +#: cps/updater.py:538 +msgid "No release information available" +msgstr "Informacije o izdaji niso na voljo" + +#: cps/templates/index.html:6 cps/web.py:448 +msgid "Discover (Random Books)" +msgstr "Odkrijte (Naključne knjige)" + +#: cps/web.py:484 +msgid "Hot Books (Most Downloaded)" +msgstr "Vroče knjige (največ prenesenih)" + +#: cps/web.py:515 +#, python-format +msgid "Downloaded books by %(user)s" +msgstr "Prenesene knjige od %(user)s" + +#: cps/web.py:548 +#, python-format +msgid "Author: %(name)s" +msgstr "Avtor: %(name)s" + +#: cps/web.py:584 +#, python-format +msgid "Publisher: %(name)s" +msgstr "Založnik: %(name)s" + +#: cps/web.py:612 +#, python-format +msgid "Series: %(serie)s" +msgstr "Serija: %(serie)s" + +#: cps/web.py:626 +msgid "Rating: None" +msgstr "Ocena: brez" + +#: cps/web.py:635 +#, python-format +msgid "Rating: %(rating)s stars" +msgstr "Ocena: %(rating)s zvezdic" + +#: cps/web.py:666 +#, python-format +msgid "File format: %(format)s" +msgstr "Oblika datoteke: %(format)s" + +#: cps/web.py:701 +#, python-format +msgid "Category: %(name)s" +msgstr "Kategorija: %(name)s" + +#: cps/web.py:730 +#, python-format +msgid "Language: %(name)s" +msgstr "Jezik: %(name)s" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:16 cps/web.py:968 +msgid "Downloads" +msgstr "Prenosi" + +#: cps/web.py:1070 +msgid "Ratings list" +msgstr "Seznam ocen" + +#: cps/web.py:1097 +msgid "File formats list" +msgstr "Seznam oblik datotek" + +#: cps/web.py:1252 +msgid "Please configure the SMTP mail settings first..." +msgstr "Najprej nastavite nastavitve pošte SMTP..." + +#: cps/web.py:1259 +#, python-format +msgid "Success! Book queued for sending to %(eReadermail)s" +msgstr "Uspeh! Knjiga je v vrsti za pošiljanje v %(eReadermail)s" + +#: cps/web.py:1262 +#, python-format +msgid "Oops! There was an error sending book: %(res)s" +msgstr "Ups! Pri pošiljanju knjige je prišlo do napake: %(res)s" + +#: cps/web.py:1264 +msgid "Oops! Please update your profile with a valid eReader Email." +msgstr "Ups! Posodobite svoj profil z veljavnim e-poštnim naslovom eReaderja." + +#: cps/web.py:1280 +msgid "Please wait one minute to register next user" +msgstr "Počakajte eno minuto za registracijo naslednjega uporabnika" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:68 cps/templates/layout.html:103 +#: cps/templates/login.html:27 cps/templates/register.html:17 cps/web.py:1281 +#: cps/web.py:1285 cps/web.py:1290 cps/web.py:1294 cps/web.py:1300 +#: cps/web.py:1320 cps/web.py:1324 cps/web.py:1337 cps/web.py:1340 +msgid "Register" +msgstr "Registriraj" + +#: cps/web.py:1284 cps/web.py:1387 +msgid "Connection error to limiter backend, please contact your administrator" +msgstr "Napaka pri povezavi z zalednim strežnikom limiterja, obrnite se na skrbnika" + +#: cps/web.py:1289 cps/web.py:1336 +msgid "Oops! Email server is not configured, please contact your administrator." +msgstr "Ups! E-poštni strežnik ni nastavljen, obrnite se na skrbnika." + +#: cps/web.py:1322 +msgid "Oops! Your Email is not allowed." +msgstr "Ups! Vaša e-pošta ni dovoljena." + +#: cps/web.py:1325 +msgid "Success! Confirmation Email has been sent." +msgstr "Uspeh! Potrditveno e-poštno sporočilo je bilo poslano." + +#: cps/web.py:1370 cps/web.py:1393 +msgid "Cannot activate LDAP authentication" +msgstr "Ni mogoče aktivirati avtentikacije LDAP" + +#: cps/web.py:1383 +msgid "Please wait one minute before next login" +msgstr "Pred naslednjo prijavo počakajte eno minuto" + +#: cps/web.py:1402 +#, python-format +msgid "you are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'" +msgstr "zdaj ste prijavljeni kot: '%(nickname)s'" + +#: cps/web.py:1409 +#, python-format +msgid "Fallback Login as: '%(nickname)s', LDAP Server not reachable, or user not known" +msgstr "Rezervna prijava kot: %(nickname)s, strežnik LDAP ni dosegljiv ali uporabnik ni znan" + +#: cps/web.py:1414 +#, python-format +msgid "Could not login: %(message)s" +msgstr "Ni se mogel prijaviti: %(message)s" + +#: cps/web.py:1418 cps/web.py:1443 +msgid "Wrong Username or Password" +msgstr "Napačno uporabniško ime ali geslo" + +#: cps/web.py:1425 +msgid "New Password was sent to your email address" +msgstr "Novo geslo je bilo poslano na vaš e-poštni naslov" + +#: cps/web.py:1429 +msgid "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later." +msgstr "Zgodila se je neznana napaka. Prosimo, poskusite znova pozneje." + +#: cps/web.py:1431 +msgid "Please enter valid username to reset password" +msgstr "Za ponastavitev gesla vnesite veljavno uporabniško ime" + +#: cps/web.py:1439 +#, python-format +msgid "You are now logged in as: '%(nickname)s'" +msgstr "Zdaj ste prijavljeni kot: '%(nickname)s'" + +#: cps/web.py:1504 cps/web.py:1554 +#, python-format +msgid "%(name)s's Profile" +msgstr "%(name)s profil" + +#: cps/web.py:1520 +msgid "Success! Profile Updated" +msgstr "Uspeh! Profil posodobljen" + +#: cps/web.py:1524 +msgid "Oops! An account already exists for this Email." +msgstr "Ups! Račun za to e-pošto že obstaja." + +#: cps/services/gmail.py:59 +msgid "Found no valid gmail.json file with OAuth information" +msgstr "Nisem našel veljavne datoteke gmail.json z informacijami OAuth" + +#: cps/tasks/clean.py:29 +msgid "Delete temp folder contents" +msgstr "Izbriši vsebino začasne mape" + +#: cps/tasks/convert.py:109 +#, python-format +msgid "%(book)s send to E-Reader" +msgstr "%(book)s pošlji v e-bralnik" + +#: cps/tasks/convert.py:173 +#, python-format +msgid "Calibre ebook-convert %(tool)s not found" +msgstr "Calibre ebook-convert %(tool)s ni najden" + +#: cps/tasks/convert.py:207 +#, python-format +msgid "%(format)s format not found on disk" +msgstr "%(format)s oblika ni najdena na disku" + +#: cps/tasks/convert.py:211 +msgid "Ebook converter failed with unknown error" +msgstr "Pretvornik e-knjig ni uspel z neznano napako" + +#: cps/tasks/convert.py:230 +#, python-format +msgid "Kepubify-converter failed: %(error)s" +msgstr "Kepubify-converter ni uspel: %(error)s" + +#: cps/tasks/convert.py:251 +#, python-format +msgid "Converted file not found or more than one file in folder %(folder)s" +msgstr "Pretvorjena datoteka ni bila najdena ali je v mapi %(folder)s več kot ena datoteka" + +#: cps/tasks/convert.py:283 cps/tasks/convert.py:325 +#, python-format +msgid "Calibre failed with error: %(error)s" +msgstr "Calibre ni uspel z napako: %(error)s" + +#: cps/tasks/convert.py:302 +#, python-format +msgid "Ebook-converter failed: %(error)s" +msgstr "Ebook-converter ni uspel: %(error)s" + +#: cps/tasks/convert.py:330 +msgid "Convert" +msgstr "Pretvori" + +#: cps/tasks/database.py:26 +msgid "Reconnecting Calibre database" +msgstr "Ponovno se povezuejm na podatkovno zbirko Calibre" + +#: cps/tasks/mail.py:279 +msgid "E-mail" +msgstr "E-naslov" + +#: cps/tasks/metadata_backup.py:34 +msgid "Backing up Metadata" +msgstr "Varnostno kopiranje metapodatkov" + +#: cps/tasks/thumbnail.py:96 +#, python-format +msgid "Generated %(count)s cover thumbnails" +msgstr "Ustvarjene sličice naslovnic %(count)s" + +#: cps/tasks/thumbnail.py:231 cps/tasks/thumbnail.py:444 +#: cps/tasks/thumbnail.py:512 +msgid "Cover Thumbnails" +msgstr "Sličicah naslovnice" + +#: cps/tasks/thumbnail.py:290 +msgid "Generated {0} series thumbnails" +msgstr "Ustvarjene sličice serije {0}" + +#: cps/tasks/thumbnail.py:455 +msgid "Clearing cover thumbnail cache" +msgstr "Čiščenje predpomnilnika sličic naslovnice" + +#: cps/tasks/upload.py:39 cps/templates/admin.html:20 +#: cps/templates/layout.html:81 cps/templates/user_table.html:145 +msgid "Upload" +msgstr "Naloži" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:9 +msgid "Users" +msgstr "Uporabniki" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:13 cps/templates/login.html:9 +#: cps/templates/login.html:10 cps/templates/register.html:9 +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:10 cps/templates/user_table.html:134 +msgid "Username" +msgstr "Uporabniško ime" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:14 cps/templates/register.html:14 +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:15 cps/templates/user_table.html:135 +msgid "Email" +msgstr "E-pošta" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:15 +msgid "Send to eReader Email" +msgstr "Pošlji v e-pošto e-bralnika" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:17 cps/templates/layout.html:92 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:143 +msgid "Admin" +msgstr "Admin" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:18 cps/templates/login.html:13 +#: cps/templates/login.html:14 cps/templates/user_edit.html:23 +msgid "Password" +msgstr "Geslo" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:22 cps/templates/detail.html:20 +#: cps/templates/detail.html:33 cps/templates/shelf.html:8 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:146 +msgid "Download" +msgstr "Prenesi" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:23 +msgid "View Books" +msgstr "Oglejte si knjige" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:24 cps/templates/user_table.html:131 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:148 +msgid "Edit" +msgstr "Uredi" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:25 cps/templates/book_edit.html:17 +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:100 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:63 +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:116 cps/templates/user_edit.html:67 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:149 +msgid "Delete" +msgstr "Izbriši" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:26 +msgid "Public Shelf" +msgstr "Javna polica" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:55 +msgid "Import LDAP Users" +msgstr "Uvoz uporabnikov LDAP" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:62 +msgid "Email Server Settings" +msgstr "Nastavitve e-poštnega strežnika" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:67 cps/templates/email_edit.html:31 +msgid "SMTP Hostname" +msgstr "Ime gostitelja SMTP" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:71 cps/templates/email_edit.html:35 +msgid "SMTP Port" +msgstr "Vrata SMTP" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:75 cps/templates/email_edit.html:39 +msgid "Encryption" +msgstr "Šifriranje" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:79 cps/templates/email_edit.html:47 +msgid "SMTP Login" +msgstr "Prijava SMTP" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:83 cps/templates/admin.html:94 +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:55 +msgid "From Email" +msgstr "Od e-poštni naslov" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:90 +msgid "Email Service" +msgstr "Storitev e-pošte" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:91 +msgid "Gmail via Oauth2" +msgstr "Gmail prek Oauth2" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:106 +msgid "Configuration" +msgstr "Nastavitev" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:109 +msgid "Calibre Database Directory" +msgstr "Imenik zbirk podatkov Calibre" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:113 cps/templates/config_edit.html:68 +msgid "Log Level" +msgstr "Raven dnevnika" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:117 +msgid "Port" +msgstr "Vrata" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:122 +msgid "External Port" +msgstr "Zunanja vrata" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:129 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:28 +msgid "Books per Page" +msgstr "Knjig na stran" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:133 +msgid "Uploads" +msgstr "Naloženo" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:137 +msgid "Anonymous Browsing" +msgstr "Anonimno brskanje" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:141 +msgid "Public Registration" +msgstr "Javna registracija" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:145 +msgid "Magic Link Remote Login" +msgstr "Prijava za daljinski upravljalnik Magic Link" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:149 +msgid "Reverse Proxy Login" +msgstr "Prijava za povratni posredniški strežnik" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:154 cps/templates/config_edit.html:172 +msgid "Reverse Proxy Header Name" +msgstr "Ime glave povratnega posredniškega strežnika" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:159 +msgid "Edit Calibre Database Configuration" +msgstr "Urejanje nastavitev podatkovne zbirke Calibre" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:160 +msgid "Edit Basic Configuration" +msgstr "Urejanje osnovnih nastavitev" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:161 +msgid "Edit UI Configuration" +msgstr "Urejanje nastavitev uporabniškega vmesnika" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:167 +msgid "Scheduled Tasks" +msgstr "Načrtovana opravila" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:170 cps/templates/schedule_edit.html:12 +#: cps/templates/tasks.html:18 +msgid "Start Time" +msgstr "Čas začetka" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:174 cps/templates/schedule_edit.html:20 +msgid "Maximum Duration" +msgstr "Najdaljše trajanje" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:178 cps/templates/schedule_edit.html:29 +msgid "Generate Thumbnails" +msgstr "Ustvarjanje sličic" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:182 +msgid "Generate series cover thumbnails" +msgstr "Ustvarjanje sličic naslovnic serij" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:186 cps/templates/admin.html:208 +#: cps/templates/schedule_edit.html:37 +msgid "Reconnect Calibre Database" +msgstr "Ponovna povezava podatkovne zbirke Calibre" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:190 cps/templates/schedule_edit.html:41 +msgid "Generate Metadata Backup Files" +msgstr "Ustvarjanje varnostnih datotek metapodatkov" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:197 +msgid "Refresh Thumbnail Cache" +msgstr "Osvežitev predpomnilnika sličic" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:203 +msgid "Administration" +msgstr "Administracija" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:204 +msgid "Download Debug Package" +msgstr "Prenos paketa za odpravljanje napak" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:205 +msgid "View Logs" +msgstr "Prikaži dnevnike" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:211 +msgid "Restart" +msgstr "Ponovni zagon" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:212 +msgid "Shutdown" +msgstr "Izklop" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:221 +msgid "Version Information" +msgstr "Informacije o različici" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:225 +msgid "Version" +msgstr "Različica" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:226 +msgid "Details" +msgstr "Podrobnosti" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:232 +msgid "Current Version" +msgstr "Trenutna različica" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:239 +msgid "Check for Update" +msgstr "Preveri za posodobitev" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:240 +msgid "Perform Update" +msgstr "Izvedite posodobitev" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:253 +msgid "Are you sure you want to restart?" +msgstr "Ali ste prepričani, da želite znova zagnati računalnik?" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:258 cps/templates/admin.html:272 +#: cps/templates/admin.html:292 cps/templates/config_db.html:82 +msgid "OK" +msgstr "V redu" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:259 cps/templates/admin.html:273 +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:222 cps/templates/book_table.html:127 +#: cps/templates/config_db.html:66 cps/templates/config_edit.html:427 +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:175 cps/templates/detail.html:342 +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:64 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:99 +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:117 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:135 +#: cps/templates/schedule_edit.html:45 cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:27 +#: cps/templates/tasks.html:47 cps/templates/user_edit.html:144 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Prekliči" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:271 +msgid "Are you sure you want to shutdown?" +msgstr "Ste prepričani, da želite izklopiti?" + +#: cps/templates/admin.html:283 +msgid "Updating, please do not reload this page" +msgstr "Posodabljanje, prosimo, ne nalagajte te strani znova" + +#: cps/templates/author.html:15 +msgid "via" +msgstr "preko" + +#: cps/templates/author.html:23 +msgid "In Library" +msgstr "V knjižnici" + +#: cps/templates/author.html:26 cps/templates/index.html:74 +#: cps/templates/search.html:31 cps/templates/shelf.html:20 +msgid "Sort according to book date, newest first" +msgstr "Razvrstite glede na datum knjige, najprej najnovejši" + +#: cps/templates/author.html:27 cps/templates/index.html:75 +#: cps/templates/search.html:32 cps/templates/shelf.html:21 +msgid "Sort according to book date, oldest first" +msgstr "Razvrsti po datumu knjige, najprej najstarejši" + +#: cps/templates/author.html:28 cps/templates/index.html:76 +#: cps/templates/search.html:33 cps/templates/shelf.html:22 +msgid "Sort title in alphabetical order" +msgstr "Razvrsti naslov po abecednem vrstnem redu" + +#: cps/templates/author.html:29 cps/templates/index.html:77 +#: cps/templates/search.html:34 cps/templates/shelf.html:23 +msgid "Sort title in reverse alphabetical order" +msgstr "Razvrsti naslov v obratnem abecednem vrstnem redu" + +#: cps/templates/author.html:30 cps/templates/index.html:80 +#: cps/templates/search.html:37 cps/templates/shelf.html:26 +msgid "Sort according to publishing date, newest first" +msgstr "Razvrsti glede na datum objave, najprej najnovejše" + +#: cps/templates/author.html:31 cps/templates/index.html:81 +#: cps/templates/search.html:38 cps/templates/shelf.html:27 +msgid "Sort according to publishing date, oldest first" +msgstr "Razvrsti glede na datum objave, najprej najstarejši" + +#: cps/templates/author.html:56 cps/templates/author.html:113 +#: cps/templates/index.html:30 cps/templates/index.html:113 +#: cps/templates/search.html:67 cps/templates/shelf.html:58 +msgid "reduce" +msgstr "zmanjšaj" + +#: cps/templates/author.html:97 +msgid "More by" +msgstr "Več po" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:11 +msgid "Delete Book" +msgstr "Izbriši knjigo" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:14 +msgid "Delete formats:" +msgstr "Brisanje oblik:" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:25 +msgid "Convert book format:" +msgstr "Pretvori obliko knjige:" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:30 +msgid "Convert from:" +msgstr "Pretvori iz:" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:32 cps/templates/book_edit.html:39 +msgid "select an option" +msgstr "izberi možnost" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:37 +msgid "Convert to:" +msgstr "Pretvori v:" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:46 +msgid "Convert book" +msgstr "Pretvori knjigo" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:53 cps/templates/layout.html:78 +#: cps/templates/layout.html:135 +msgid "Uploading..." +msgstr "Nalaganje..." + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:53 cps/templates/book_edit.html:259 +#: cps/templates/layout.html:78 cps/templates/layout.html:204 +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:34 cps/templates/user_edit.html:163 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "Zapri" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:53 cps/templates/layout.html:78 +msgid "Error" +msgstr "Napaka" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:53 cps/templates/layout.html:78 +msgid "Upload done, processing, please wait..." +msgstr "Prenos opravljen, obdelujem, prosim počakajte..." + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:58 +msgid "Upload Format" +msgstr "Nalaganje oblike" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:71 cps/templates/search_form.html:8 +msgid "Book Title" +msgstr "Naslov knjige" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:78 cps/templates/book_edit.html:279 +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:297 cps/templates/search_form.html:12 +msgid "Author" +msgstr "Avtor" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:83 cps/templates/book_edit.html:284 +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:299 cps/templates/search_form.html:154 +msgid "Description" +msgstr "Opis" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:88 +msgid "Identifiers" +msgstr "Identifikatorji" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:92 cps/templates/book_edit.html:308 +msgid "Identifier Type" +msgstr "Vrsta identifikatorja" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:93 cps/templates/book_edit.html:309 +msgid "Identifier Value" +msgstr "Vrednost identifikatorja" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:94 cps/templates/book_edit.html:310 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:24 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Odstrani" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:98 +msgid "Add Identifier" +msgstr "Dodaj identifikator" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:102 cps/templates/search_form.html:52 +msgid "Tags" +msgstr "Oznake" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:110 +msgid "Series ID" +msgstr "ID serije" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:114 +msgid "Rating" +msgstr "Ocena" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:119 +msgid "Fetch Cover from URL (JPEG - Image will be downloaded and stored in database)" +msgstr "Prenesi naslovnico iz naslova URL (JPEG - slika se prenese in shrani v zbirko podatkov)" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:123 +msgid "Upload Cover from Local Disk" +msgstr "Prenesi naslovnico iz lokalnega diska" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:128 +msgid "Published Date" +msgstr "Datum objave" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:137 cps/templates/book_edit.html:281 +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:298 cps/templates/detail.html:192 +#: cps/templates/listenmp3.html:102 cps/templates/search_form.html:16 +msgid "Publisher" +msgstr "Založnik" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:141 cps/templates/detail.html:157 +#: cps/templates/listenmp3.html:69 cps/templates/user_edit.html:33 +msgid "Language" +msgstr "Jezik" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:151 cps/templates/search_form.html:46 +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:167 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Da" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:152 cps/templates/search_form.html:47 +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:168 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Ne" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:217 +msgid "View Book on Save" +msgstr "Oglej si knjigo po shranjevanju" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:220 cps/templates/book_edit.html:238 +msgid "Fetch Metadata" +msgstr "Pridobivanje metapodatkov" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:221 cps/templates/config_db.html:65 +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:426 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:174 +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:65 cps/templates/schedule_edit.html:44 +#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:25 cps/templates/shelf_order.html:41 +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:142 +msgid "Save" +msgstr "Shrani" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:241 +msgid "Keyword" +msgstr "Ključna beseda" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:242 +msgid "Search keyword" +msgstr "Ključna beseda za iskanje" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:248 +msgid "Click the cover to load metadata to the form" +msgstr "Kliknite na naslovnico, da v obrazec naložite metapodatke." + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:255 cps/templates/book_edit.html:294 +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "Nalaganje..." + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:286 cps/templates/book_edit.html:300 +msgid "Source" +msgstr "Vir:" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:295 +msgid "Search error!" +msgstr "Napaka pri iskanju!" + +#: cps/templates/book_edit.html:296 +msgid "No Result(s) found! Please try another keyword." +msgstr "Ni najden noben rezultat! Poskusite z drugo ključno besedo." + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:12 cps/templates/book_table.html:69 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:14 cps/templates/user_table.html:77 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:100 +msgid "This Field is Required" +msgstr "To polje je obvezno" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:37 +msgid "Merge selected books" +msgstr "Združevanje izbranih knjig" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:38 cps/templates/user_table.html:124 +msgid "Remove Selections" +msgstr "Odstranjevanje izbire" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:41 +msgid "Exchange author and title" +msgstr "Zamenjava avtorja in naslova" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:47 +msgid "Update Title Sort automatically" +msgstr "Samodejna posodobitev razvrščanja po naslovu" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:51 +msgid "Update Author Sort automatically" +msgstr "Samodejna posodobitev razvrščanja po avtorju" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/book_table.html:69 +msgid "Enter Title" +msgstr "Vnesi naslov" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:63 cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:24 +#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:8 +msgid "Title" +msgstr "Naslov" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64 +msgid "Enter Title Sort" +msgstr "Vnesi razvrščanje naslovov" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:64 +msgid "Title Sort" +msgstr "Razvrščanje naslovov" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65 +msgid "Enter Author Sort" +msgstr "Vnesi razvrščanje avtorjev" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:65 +msgid "Author Sort" +msgstr "Razvrščanje avtorjev" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:66 +msgid "Enter Authors" +msgstr "Vnesi avtorja" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:67 +msgid "Enter Categories" +msgstr "Vnesi kategorijo" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:68 +msgid "Enter Series" +msgstr "Vnesi serijo" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:69 +msgid "Series Index" +msgstr "Zaporedna številka serije" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:70 +msgid "Enter Languages" +msgstr "Vnesi jezike" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:71 +msgid "Publishing Date" +msgstr "Datum objave" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:72 +msgid "Enter Publishers" +msgstr "Vnesi založnike" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:73 +msgid "Enter comments" +msgstr "Vnesi komentarje" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:73 +msgid "Comments" +msgstr "Komentarji" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:75 +msgid "Archive Status" +msgstr "Stanje arhiva" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:77 cps/templates/search_form.html:42 +msgid "Read Status" +msgstr "Preberi stanje" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:80 cps/templates/book_table.html:82 +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:84 cps/templates/book_table.html:86 +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:90 cps/templates/book_table.html:92 +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:96 +msgid "Enter " +msgstr "Vnesi " + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:113 cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:46 +#: cps/templates/tasks.html:37 +msgid "Are you really sure?" +msgstr "Ste res prepričani?" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:117 +msgid "Books with Title will be merged from:" +msgstr "Knjige z naslovom bodo združene iz:" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:121 +msgid "Into Book with Title:" +msgstr "V knjigo z naslovom:" + +#: cps/templates/book_table.html:126 +msgid "Merge" +msgstr "Združitev" + +#: cps/templates/config_db.html:12 +msgid "Location of Calibre Database" +msgstr "Lokacija podatkovne zbirke Calibre" + +#: cps/templates/config_db.html:21 +msgid "Separate Book Files from Library" +msgstr "Ločite knjižne datoteke od knjižnice" + +#: cps/templates/config_db.html:34 +msgid "Use Google Drive?" +msgstr "Uporabljate Google Drive?" + +#: cps/templates/config_db.html:39 +msgid "Authenticate Google Drive" +msgstr "Preverjanje pristnosti storitve Google Drive" + +#: cps/templates/config_db.html:44 +msgid "Google Drive Calibre folder" +msgstr "Mapa Calibre v Google Drive" + +#: cps/templates/config_db.html:52 +msgid "Metadata Watch Channel ID" +msgstr "Metapodatki Watch ID kanala" + +#: cps/templates/config_db.html:55 +msgid "Revoke" +msgstr "Preklic" + +#: cps/templates/config_db.html:80 +msgid "New db location is invalid, please enter valid path" +msgstr "Nova lokacija db je neveljavna, vnesite veljavno pot" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:18 +msgid "Server Configuration" +msgstr "Nastavitve strežnika" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:25 +msgid "Server Port" +msgstr "Vrata strežnika" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:28 +msgid "SSL certfile location (leave it empty for non-SSL Servers)" +msgstr "Lokacija datoteke SSL potrdila (za strežnike, ki ne uporabljajo SSL pustite prazno)" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:35 +msgid "SSL Keyfile location (leave it empty for non-SSL Servers)" +msgstr "Lokacija datoteke s ključi SSL (za strežnike, ki ne uporabljajo SSL pustite prazno)" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:43 +msgid "Update Channel" +msgstr "Kanal za posodobitve" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:45 +msgid "Stable" +msgstr "Stabilne" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:46 +msgid "Nightly" +msgstr "Nočne" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:50 +msgid "Trusted Hosts (Comma Separated)" +msgstr "Zaupanja vredni gostitelji (ločeno z vejico)" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:61 +msgid "Logfile Configuration" +msgstr "Nastavitev dnevniške datoteke" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:77 +msgid "Location and name of logfile (calibre-web.log for no entry)" +msgstr "Lokacija in ime dnevniške datoteke (calibre-web.log, če ni vnosa)" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:82 +msgid "Enable Access Log" +msgstr "Omogočite dnevnik dostopa" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:85 +msgid "Location and name of access logfile (access.log for no entry)" +msgstr "Lokacija in ime dnevniške datoteke dostopa (access.log, če ni vnosa)" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:96 +msgid "Feature Configuration" +msgstr "Nastavitve funkcij" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:104 +msgid "Convert non-English characters in title and author while saving to disk" +msgstr "Pretvarjanje neangleških znakov v naslovu in avtorju med shranjevanjem na disk" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:108 +msgid "Embed Metadata to Ebook File on Download/Conversion/e-mail (needs Calibre/Kepubify binaries)" +msgstr "Vstavljanje metapodatkov v datoteko e-knjige ob prenosu/pretvorbi/elektronski pošti (potrebujete binarne datoteke Calibre/Kepubify)" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:112 +msgid "Enable Uploads" +msgstr "Omogočite nalaganje" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:112 +msgid "(Please ensure that users also have upload permissions)" +msgstr "(Prepričajte se, da imajo uporabniki tudi dovoljenja za nalaganje)" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:116 +msgid "Allowed Upload Fileformats" +msgstr "Dovoljene oblike datotek za nalaganje" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:122 +msgid "Enable Anonymous Browsing" +msgstr "Omogočanje anonimnega brskanja" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:126 +msgid "Enable Public Registration" +msgstr "Omogočanje javne registracije" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:131 +msgid "Use Email as Username" +msgstr "Uporabite e-pošto kot uporabniško ime" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:136 +msgid "Enable Magic Link Remote Login" +msgstr "Omogočite oddaljeno prijavo prek povezave Magic Link" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:141 +msgid "Enable Kobo sync" +msgstr "Omogočite sinhronizacijo s Kobo" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:146 +msgid "Proxy unknown requests to Kobo Store" +msgstr "Posredovanje neznanih zahtev do trgovine Kobo" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:149 +msgid "Server External Port (for port forwarded API calls)" +msgstr "Zunanja vrata strežnika (za posredovane klice API)" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:157 +msgid "Use Goodreads" +msgstr "Uporabite Goodreads" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:161 +msgid "Goodreads API Key" +msgstr "Ključ API Goodreads" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:168 +msgid "Allow Reverse Proxy Authentication" +msgstr "Omogočanje avtentikacije povratnega posrednika" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:179 +msgid "Login type" +msgstr "Vrsta prijave" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:181 +msgid "Use Standard Authentication" +msgstr "Uporaba standardnega preverjanja pristnosti" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:183 +msgid "Use LDAP Authentication" +msgstr "Uporaba overjanja LDAP" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:186 +msgid "Use OAuth" +msgstr "Uporaba protokola OAuth" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:193 +msgid "LDAP Server Host Name or IP Address" +msgstr "Gostiteljsko ime ali naslov IP strežnika LDAP" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:197 +msgid "LDAP Server Port" +msgstr "Vrata strežnika LDAP" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:201 +msgid "LDAP Encryption" +msgstr "Šifriranje LDAP" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:204 +msgid "TLS" +msgstr "TLS" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:205 +msgid "SSL" +msgstr "SSL" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:209 +msgid "LDAP CACertificate Path (Only needed for Client Certificate Authentication)" +msgstr "Pot do CACcertifikata LDAP (potrebna samo za preverjanje pristnosti odjemalčevega certifikata)" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:216 +msgid "LDAP Certificate Path (Only needed for Client Certificate Authentication)" +msgstr "Pot potrdila LDAP (potrebna samo za preverjanje pristnosti potrdila odjemalca)" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:223 +msgid "LDAP Keyfile Path (Only needed for Client Certificate Authentication)" +msgstr "Pot do datoteke ključa LDAP (potrebna samo za preverjanje pristnosti odjemalčevega potrdila)" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:232 +msgid "LDAP Authentication" +msgstr "Preverjanje pristnosti LDAP" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:234 +msgid "Anonymous" +msgstr "Anonimno" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:235 +msgid "Unauthenticated" +msgstr "Neavtentificirano" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:236 +msgid "Simple" +msgstr "Enostavno" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:241 +msgid "LDAP Administrator Username" +msgstr "Uporabniško ime skrbnika LDAP" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:247 +msgid "LDAP Administrator Password" +msgstr "Geslo skrbnika LDAP" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:252 +msgid "LDAP Distinguished Name (DN)" +msgstr "Razpoznavno ime (DN) LDAP" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:256 +msgid "LDAP User Object Filter" +msgstr "Filtriranje predmeta uporabnika LDAP" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:261 +msgid "LDAP Server is OpenLDAP?" +msgstr "Strežnik LDAP je OpenLDAP?" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:263 +msgid "Following Settings are Needed For User Import" +msgstr "Za uvoz uporabnika so potrebne naslednje nastavitve" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:265 +msgid "LDAP Group Object Filter" +msgstr "Filter objektov skupine LDAP" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:269 +msgid "LDAP Group Name" +msgstr "Ime skupine LDAP" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:273 +msgid "LDAP Group Members Field" +msgstr "Polje člani skupine LDAP" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:277 +msgid "LDAP Member User Filter Detection" +msgstr "Zaznavanje filtrov za uporabnike članov LDAP" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:279 +msgid "Autodetect" +msgstr "Samodejno zaznavanje" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:280 +msgid "Custom Filter" +msgstr "Filter po meri" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:285 +msgid "LDAP Member User Filter" +msgstr "Filtriranje uporabnikov članov LDAP" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:296 +#, python-format +msgid "Obtain %(provider)s OAuth Credential" +msgstr "Pridobitev %(provider)s poverilnice OAuth" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:299 +#, python-format +msgid "%(provider)s OAuth Client Id" +msgstr "%(provider)s Id odjemalca OAuth" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:303 +#, python-format +msgid "%(provider)s OAuth Client Secret" +msgstr "%(provider)s skrivnost odjemalca OAuth" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:319 +msgid "External binaries" +msgstr "Zunanje binarne datoteke" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:325 +msgid "Path to Calibre Binaries" +msgstr "Pot do binarnih datotek Calibre" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:333 +msgid "Calibre E-Book Converter Settings" +msgstr "Nastavitve pretvornika e-knjig Calibre" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:336 +msgid "Path to Kepubify E-Book Converter" +msgstr "Pot do Kepubify pretvornika e-knjig" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:344 +msgid "Location of Unrar binary" +msgstr "Lokacija binarnega programa Unrar" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:360 +msgid "Security Settings" +msgstr "Varnostne nastavitve" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:368 +msgid "Limit failed login attempts" +msgstr "Omejitev neuspelih poskusov prijave" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:372 +msgid "Configure Backend for Limiter" +msgstr "Nastavitev zaledja za omejitev" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:376 +msgid "Options for Limiter Backend" +msgstr "Možnosti za omejitev zaledja" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:382 +msgid "Check if file extensions matches file content on upload" +msgstr "Preverite, ali se razširitve datotek ujemajo z vsebino datoteke pri nalaganju" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:385 +msgid "Session protection" +msgstr "Zaščita seje" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:387 +msgid "Basic" +msgstr "Osnovna" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:388 +msgid "Strong" +msgstr "Močana" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:393 +msgid "User Password policy" +msgstr "Pravilnik o geslih uporabnikov" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:397 +msgid "Minimum password length" +msgstr "Najmanjša dolžina gesla" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:402 +msgid "Enforce number" +msgstr "Uveljavljanje številk" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:406 +msgid "Enforce lowercase characters" +msgstr "Uveljavljanje malih črk" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:410 +msgid "Enforce uppercase characters" +msgstr "Uveljavljanje velikih črk" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:414 +msgid "Enforce characters (needed For Chinese/Japanese/Korean Characters)" +msgstr "Uveljavljanje znakov (potrebno za kitajske/japonske/korejske znake)" + +#: cps/templates/config_edit.html:418 +msgid "Enforce special characters" +msgstr "Uveljavljanje posebnih znakov" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:17 +msgid "View Configuration" +msgstr "Prikaži nastavitve" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:32 +msgid "No. of Random Books to Display" +msgstr "Število naključnih knjig za prikaz" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:36 +msgid "No. of Authors to Display Before Hiding (0=Disable Hiding)" +msgstr "Število avtorjev, ki se prikažejo pred skrivanjem (0 = onemogoči skrivanje)" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:40 cps/templates/readcbr.html:101 +msgid "Theme" +msgstr "Tema" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:42 +msgid "Standard Theme" +msgstr "Standardna tema" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:43 +msgid "caliBlur! Dark Theme" +msgstr "caliBlur! Temna tema" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:47 +msgid "Regular Expression for Ignoring Columns" +msgstr "Regularni izraz za ignoriranje stolpcev" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:51 +msgid "Link Read/Unread Status to Calibre Column" +msgstr "Poveži stanje prebrano/neprebrano s stolpcem Calibre" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:60 +msgid "View Restrictions based on Calibre column" +msgstr "Prikaz omejitev na podlagi stolpca Calibre" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:69 +msgid "Regular Expression for Title Sorting" +msgstr "Regularni izraz za razvrščanje naslovov" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:80 +msgid "Default Settings for New Users" +msgstr "Privzete nastavitve za nove uporabnike" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:88 cps/templates/user_edit.html:96 +msgid "Admin User" +msgstr "Administratorski uporabnik" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:92 cps/templates/user_edit.html:101 +msgid "Allow Downloads" +msgstr "Dovoli prenose" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:96 cps/templates/user_edit.html:105 +msgid "Allow eBook Viewer" +msgstr "Dovoli pregledovalnik e-knjig" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:101 cps/templates/user_edit.html:110 +msgid "Allow Uploads" +msgstr "Dovoli nalaganje" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:106 cps/templates/user_edit.html:115 +msgid "Allow Edit" +msgstr "Omogoči urejanje" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:111 cps/templates/user_edit.html:120 +msgid "Allow Delete Books" +msgstr "Dovoli izbris knjig" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:116 cps/templates/user_edit.html:126 +msgid "Allow Changing Password" +msgstr "Dovoli spreminjanje gesla" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:120 cps/templates/user_edit.html:130 +msgid "Allow Editing Public Shelves" +msgstr "Omogoči urejanja javnih polic" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:123 +msgid "Default Language" +msgstr "Privzeti jezik" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:131 +msgid "Default Visible Language of Books" +msgstr "Privzet vidni jezik knjig" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:147 +msgid "Default Visibilities for New Users" +msgstr "Privzete vidnosti za nove uporabnike" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:163 cps/templates/user_edit.html:84 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:154 +msgid "Show Random Books in Detail View" +msgstr "Prikaži naključne knjige v podrobnem pogledu" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:166 cps/templates/user_edit.html:87 +msgid "Add Allowed/Denied Tags" +msgstr "Dodajanje oznak dovoljeno/zavrnjeno" + +#: cps/templates/config_view_edit.html:167 +msgid "Add Allowed/Denied custom column values" +msgstr "Dodajanje vrednosti stolpca dovoljeno/zavrnjeno po meri" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:77 cps/templates/detail.html:91 +msgid "Read in Browser" +msgstr "Preberi v brskalniku" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:100 cps/templates/detail.html:120 +msgid "Listen in Browser" +msgstr "Poslušaj v brskalniku" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:150 cps/templates/listenmp3.html:62 +#, python-format +msgid "Book %(index)s of %(range)s" +msgstr "Knjiga %(index)s v %(range)s" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:201 cps/templates/listenmp3.html:111 +msgid "Published" +msgstr "Objavljeno" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:251 cps/templates/listenmp3.html:158 +msgid "Mark As Unread" +msgstr "Označi kot neprebrano" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:252 cps/templates/listenmp3.html:158 +msgid "Mark As Read" +msgstr "Označi kot prebrano" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:254 +msgid "Mark Book as Read or Unread" +msgstr "Označite knjigo kot prebrano ali neprebrano" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:254 cps/templates/listenmp3.html:159 +msgid "Read" +msgstr "Preberi" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:264 cps/templates/listenmp3.html:166 +msgid "Restore from archive" +msgstr "Obnovi iz arhiva" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:265 cps/templates/listenmp3.html:166 +msgid "Add to archive" +msgstr "Dodaj v arhiv" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:267 +msgid "Mark Book as archived or not, to hide it in Calibre-Web and delete it from Kobo Reader" +msgstr "Označi knjigo kot arhivirano ali ne, da jo skriješ v Calibre-Web in izbrišeš iz Kobo bralnika" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:267 +msgid "Archive" +msgstr "Arhiv" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:278 cps/templates/listenmp3.html:177 +msgid "Description:" +msgstr "Opis:" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:293 cps/templates/listenmp3.html:190 +#: cps/templates/search.html:16 +msgid "Add to shelf" +msgstr "Dodaj na polico" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:305 cps/templates/detail.html:324 +#: cps/templates/feed.xml:81 cps/templates/layout.html:155 +#: cps/templates/listenmp3.html:201 cps/templates/listenmp3.html:218 +#: cps/templates/search.html:22 +msgid "(Public)" +msgstr "(Javno)" + +#: cps/templates/detail.html:340 +msgid "Edit Metadata" +msgstr "Urejanje metapodatkov" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:13 +msgid "Email Account Type" +msgstr "Vrsta e-poštnega računa" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:15 +msgid "Standard Email Account" +msgstr "Standardni e-poštni račun" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:16 +msgid "Gmail Account" +msgstr "Račun Gmail" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:22 +msgid "Setup Gmail Account" +msgstr "Nastavitev računa Gmail" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:24 +msgid "Revoke Gmail Access" +msgstr "Preklic dostopov do Gmail" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:42 +msgid "STARTTLS" +msgstr "STARTTLS" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:43 +msgid "SSL/TLS" +msgstr "SSL/TLS" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:51 +msgid "SMTP Password" +msgstr "Geslo SMTP" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:58 +msgid "Attachment Size Limit" +msgstr "Omejitev velikosti priloge" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:66 +msgid "Save and Send Test Email" +msgstr "Shrani in pošlji testno e-pošto" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:70 cps/templates/layout.html:26 +#: cps/templates/shelf_order.html:42 cps/templates/user_table.html:174 +msgid "Back" +msgstr "Nazaj" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:74 +msgid "Allowed Domains (Whitelist)" +msgstr "Dovoljene domene (bel seznam)" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:78 cps/templates/email_edit.html:105 +msgid "Add Domain" +msgstr "Dodajanje domene" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:81 cps/templates/email_edit.html:108 +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:27 +msgid "Add" +msgstr "Dodaj" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:86 cps/templates/email_edit.html:96 +msgid "Enter domainname" +msgstr "Vnesi ime domene" + +#: cps/templates/email_edit.html:92 +msgid "Denied Domains (Blacklist)" +msgstr "Zavrnjene domene (črni seznam)" + +#: cps/templates/feed.xml:22 cps/templates/layout.html:188 +msgid "Next" +msgstr "Naslednji" + +#: cps/templates/generate_kobo_auth_url.html:6 +msgid "Open the .kobo/Kobo/Kobo eReader.conf file in a text editor and add (or edit):" +msgstr "V urejevalniku besedila odprite datoteko .kobo/Kobo/Kobo eReader.conf in dodajte (ali uredite):" + +#: cps/templates/generate_kobo_auth_url.html:11 +msgid "Kobo Token:" +msgstr "Žeton Kobo:" + +#: cps/templates/grid.html:21 +msgid "List" +msgstr "Seznam" + +#: cps/templates/http_error.html:34 +msgid "Calibre-Web Instance is unconfigured, please contact your administrator" +msgstr "Instanca Calibre-Web ni nastavljena, obrnite se na skrbnika" + +#: cps/templates/http_error.html:44 +msgid "Create Issue" +msgstr "Ustvarjanje težave" + +#: cps/templates/http_error.html:51 +msgid "Return to Home" +msgstr "Vrnitev domov" + +#: cps/templates/http_error.html:53 +msgid "Logout User" +msgstr "Odjava uporabnika" + +#: cps/templates/index.html:71 +msgid "Sort ascending according to download count" +msgstr "Razvrsti naraščajoče glede na število prenosov" + +#: cps/templates/index.html:72 +msgid "Sort descending according to download count" +msgstr "Razvrsti padajoče glede na število prenosov" + +#: cps/templates/index.html:78 cps/templates/search.html:35 +#: cps/templates/shelf.html:24 +msgid "Sort authors in alphabetical order" +msgstr "Razvrsti avtorje po abecednem vrstnem redu" + +#: cps/templates/index.html:79 cps/templates/search.html:36 +#: cps/templates/shelf.html:25 +msgid "Sort authors in reverse alphabetical order" +msgstr "Razvrsti avtorje v obratnem abecednem vrstnem redu" + +#: cps/templates/index.html:83 +msgid "Sort ascending according to series index" +msgstr "Razvrsti naraščajoče glede na indeks serije" + +#: cps/templates/index.html:84 +msgid "Sort descending according to series index" +msgstr "Razvrsti padajoče glede na indeks serije" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:7 +msgid "Start" +msgstr "Začetek" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:19 +msgid "Alphabetical Books" +msgstr "Abecedno razvrščene knjige" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:23 +msgid "Books sorted alphabetically" +msgstr "Knjige razvrščene po abecedi" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:31 +msgid "Popular publications from this catalog based on Downloads." +msgstr "Priljubljene publikacije iz tega kataloga na podlagi prenosov." + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:40 +msgid "Popular publications from this catalog based on Rating." +msgstr "Priljubljene publikacije iz tega kataloga na podlagi ocene." + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:45 +msgid "Recently added Books" +msgstr "Nedavno dodane knjige" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:49 +msgid "The latest Books" +msgstr "Najnovejše knjige" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:54 +msgid "Random Books" +msgstr "Naključne knjige" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:83 +msgid "Books ordered by Author" +msgstr "Knjige, razvrščene po avtorju" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:92 +msgid "Books ordered by publisher" +msgstr "Knjige, razvrščene po založniku" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:101 +msgid "Books ordered by category" +msgstr "Knjige, razvrščene po kategorijah" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:110 +msgid "Books ordered by series" +msgstr "Knjige, razvrščene po serijah" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:119 +msgid "Books ordered by Languages" +msgstr "Knjige, razvrščene po jezikih" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:128 +msgid "Books ordered by Rating" +msgstr "Knjige, razvrščene po oceni" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:137 +msgid "Books ordered by file formats" +msgstr "Knjige, razvrščene po oblikah datotek" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:142 cps/templates/layout.html:153 +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:88 +msgid "Shelves" +msgstr "Police" + +#: cps/templates/index.xml:146 +msgid "Books organized in shelves" +msgstr "Knjige, urejene po policah" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:26 cps/templates/login.html:30 +msgid "Home" +msgstr "Domov" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:32 +msgid "Toggle Navigation" +msgstr "Preklopi navigacijo" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:47 +msgid "Search Library" +msgstr "Iskanje po knjižnici" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:65 cps/templates/layout.html:95 +msgid "Account" +msgstr "Račun" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:71 cps/templates/layout.html:97 +msgid "Logout" +msgstr "Odjava" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:92 cps/templates/read.html:78 +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:70 cps/templates/readcbr.html:96 +msgid "Settings" +msgstr "Nastavitve" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:136 +msgid "Please do not refresh the page" +msgstr "Ne osvežuj strani" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:146 +msgid "Browse" +msgstr "Brskaj" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:159 cps/templates/stats.html:3 +msgid "About" +msgstr "O programu" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:173 +msgid "Previous" +msgstr "Prejšnji" + +#: cps/templates/layout.html:200 +msgid "Book Details" +msgstr "Podrobnosti o knjigi" + +#: cps/templates/list.html:22 +msgid "Grid" +msgstr "Mreža" + +#: cps/templates/listenmp3.html:167 +msgid "Archived" +msgstr "Arhivirano" + +#: cps/templates/login.html:18 +msgid "Remember Me" +msgstr "Zapomni si me" + +#: cps/templates/login.html:23 +msgid "Forgot Password?" +msgstr "Ste pozabili geslo?" + +#: cps/templates/login.html:34 +msgid "Log in with Magic Link" +msgstr "Prijavi se s povezavo Magic Link" + +#: cps/templates/logviewer.html:6 +msgid "Show Calibre-Web Log: " +msgstr "Prikaži dnevnik Calibre-Web:" + +#: cps/templates/logviewer.html:8 +msgid "Calibre-Web Log: " +msgstr "Dnevnik Calibre-Web:" + +#: cps/templates/logviewer.html:8 +msgid "Stream output, can't be displayed" +msgstr "Izhodni tok, ki ga ni mogoče prikazati" + +#: cps/templates/logviewer.html:12 +msgid "Show Access Log: " +msgstr "Prikaži dnevnik dostopa: " + +#: cps/templates/logviewer.html:18 +msgid "Download Calibre-Web Log" +msgstr "Prenos Calibre-Web Log" + +#: cps/templates/logviewer.html:21 +msgid "Download Access Log" +msgstr "Prenos dnevnika dostopa" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:6 +msgid "Select Allowed/Denied Tags" +msgstr "Izberite dovoljene/zavrnjene oznake" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:7 +msgid "Select Allowed/Denied Custom Column Values" +msgstr "Izberite dovoljene/zavrnjene vrednosti stolpcev po meri" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:8 +msgid "Select Allowed/Denied Tags of User" +msgstr "Izberite dovoljene/zavrnjene oznake uporabnika" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:9 +msgid "Select Allowed/Denied Custom Column Values of User" +msgstr "Izberite dovoljene/zavrnjene vrednosti stolpcev po meri uporabnika" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:15 +msgid "Enter Tag" +msgstr "Vnesite oznako" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:24 +msgid "Add View Restriction" +msgstr "Dodajanje omejitve prikaza" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:50 +msgid "This book format will be permanently erased from database" +msgstr "Ta oblika knjige bo trajno izbrisana iz podatkovne baze" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:51 +msgid "This book will be permanently erased from database" +msgstr "Ta knjiga bo trajno izbrisana iz baze podatkov" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:52 +msgid "and hard disk" +msgstr "in iz trdega diska" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:56 +msgid "Important Kobo Note: deleted books will remain on any paired Kobo device." +msgstr "Pomembno opozorilo Kobo: izbrisane knjige bodo ostale v vsaki povezani napravi Kobo." + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:57 +msgid "Books must first be archived and the device synced before a book can safely be deleted." +msgstr "Preden lahko knjigo varno izbrišete, jo morate najprej arhivirati in sinhronizirati napravo." + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:76 +msgid "Choose File Location" +msgstr "Izberi lokacijo datoteke" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:82 +msgid "type" +msgstr "vrsta" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:83 +msgid "name" +msgstr "ime" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:84 +msgid "size" +msgstr "velikost" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:90 +msgid "Parent Directory" +msgstr "Nadrejeni imenik" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:98 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Izberi" + +#: cps/templates/modal_dialogs.html:134 cps/templates/tasks.html:46 +msgid "Ok" +msgstr "V redu" + +#: cps/templates/osd.xml:5 +msgid "Calibre-Web eBook Catalog" +msgstr "Katalog e-knjig Calibre-Web" + +#: cps/templates/read.html:7 +msgid "epub Reader" +msgstr "epub bralnik" + +#: cps/templates/read.html:84 cps/templates/readcbr.html:104 +msgid "Light" +msgstr "Svetlo" + +#: cps/templates/read.html:86 cps/templates/readcbr.html:105 +msgid "Dark" +msgstr "Temno" + +#: cps/templates/read.html:88 +msgid "Sepia" +msgstr "Sepia" + +#: cps/templates/read.html:90 +msgid "Black" +msgstr "Črno" + +#: cps/templates/read.html:95 +msgid "Reflow text when sidebars are open." +msgstr "Preusmerjanje besedila, ko so odprte stranske vrstice." + +#: cps/templates/read.html:100 +msgid "Font Sizes" +msgstr "Velikosti pisave" + +#: cps/templates/read.html:105 +msgid "Font" +msgstr "Pisava" + +#: cps/templates/read.html:106 +msgid "Default" +msgstr "Privzeto" + +#: cps/templates/read.html:107 +msgid "Yahei" +msgstr "Yahei" + +#: cps/templates/read.html:108 +msgid "SimSun" +msgstr "SimSun" + +#: cps/templates/read.html:109 +msgid "KaiTi" +msgstr "KaiTi" + +#: cps/templates/read.html:110 +msgid "Arial" +msgstr "Arial" + +#: cps/templates/read.html:113 +msgid "Spread" +msgstr "Razprši" + +#: cps/templates/read.html:114 +msgid "Two columns" +msgstr "Dva stolpca" + +#: cps/templates/read.html:115 +msgid "One column" +msgstr "En stolpec" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:8 +msgid "Comic Reader" +msgstr "Bralnik stripov" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:75 +msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts" +msgstr "Bližnjice na tipkovnici" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:78 +msgid "Previous Page" +msgstr "Prejšnja stran" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:79 cps/templates/readcbr.html:159 +msgid "Next Page" +msgstr "Naslednja stran" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:80 +msgid "Single Page Display" +msgstr "Prikaz ene strani" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:81 +msgid "Long Strip Display" +msgstr "Prikaz dolgega traku" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:82 +msgid "Scale to Best" +msgstr "Povečaj na najboljše" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:83 +msgid "Scale to Width" +msgstr "Povečaj na širino" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:84 +msgid "Scale to Height" +msgstr "Povečaj na višino" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:85 +msgid "Scale to Native" +msgstr "Povečaj na privzeto" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:86 +msgid "Rotate Right" +msgstr "Obračanje v desno" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:87 +msgid "Rotate Left" +msgstr "Obračanje v levo" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:88 +msgid "Flip Image" +msgstr "Obrni sliko" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:110 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Prikaz" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:113 +msgid "Single Page" +msgstr "Ena stran" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:114 +msgid "Long Strip" +msgstr "Dolgi trak" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:119 +msgid "Scale" +msgstr "Povečava" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:122 +msgid "Best" +msgstr "Najboljša" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:123 +msgid "Width" +msgstr "Širina" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:124 +msgid "Height" +msgstr "Višina" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:125 +msgid "Native" +msgstr "Privzeto" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:130 +msgid "Rotate" +msgstr "Zavrti" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:141 +msgid "Flip" +msgstr "Obrni" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:144 +msgid "Horizontal" +msgstr "Vodoravno" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:145 +msgid "Vertical" +msgstr "Navpično" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:150 +msgid "Direction" +msgstr "Smer" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:153 +msgid "Left to Right" +msgstr "Od leve proti desni" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:154 +msgid "Right to Left" +msgstr "Od desne proti levi" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:162 +msgid "Reset to Top" +msgstr "Ponastavitev na vrh" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:163 +msgid "Remember Position" +msgstr "Zapomni si položaj" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:168 +msgid "Scrollbar" +msgstr "Drsni trak" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:171 +msgid "Show" +msgstr "Prikaži" + +#: cps/templates/readcbr.html:172 +msgid "Hide" +msgstr "Skrij" + +#: cps/templates/readdjvu.html:5 +msgid "DJVU Reader" +msgstr "Bralnik DJVU" + +#: cps/templates/readpdf.html:31 +msgid "PDF Reader" +msgstr "Bralnik PDF" + +#: cps/templates/readtxt.html:6 +msgid "txt Reader" +msgstr "txt bralnik" + +#: cps/templates/register.html:4 +msgid "Register New Account" +msgstr "Registracija novega računa" + +#: cps/templates/register.html:10 +msgid "Choose a username" +msgstr "Izberite uporabniško ime" + +#: cps/templates/register.html:15 +msgid "Your Email" +msgstr "Vaš e-poštni naslov" + +#: cps/templates/remote_login.html:5 +msgid "Magic Link - Authorise New Device" +msgstr "Magic Link - avtorizacija nove naprave" + +#: cps/templates/remote_login.html:7 +msgid "On another device, login and visit:" +msgstr "V drugi napravi se prijavite in obiščite:" + +#: cps/templates/remote_login.html:11 +msgid "Once verified, you will automatically be logged in on this device." +msgstr "Po preverjanju boste samodejno prijavljeni v to napravo." + +#: cps/templates/remote_login.html:14 +msgid "This verification link will expire in 10 minutes." +msgstr "Ta povezava za preverjanje poteče čez 10 minut." + +#: cps/templates/schedule_edit.html:33 +msgid "Generate Series Cover Thumbnails" +msgstr "Ustvarjanje sličic naslovnic serij" + +#: cps/templates/search.html:6 +msgid "No Results Found" +msgstr "Ni bilo najdenih rezultatov" + +#: cps/templates/search.html:7 +msgid "Search Term:" +msgstr "Iskalni izraz:" + +#: cps/templates/search.html:9 +msgid "Results for:" +msgstr "Rezultati za:" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:21 +msgid "Published Date From" +msgstr "Datum objave od" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:31 +msgid "Published Date To" +msgstr "Datum objave do" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:44 cps/templates/search_form.html:165 +msgid "Any" +msgstr "Vse" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:45 cps/templates/search_form.html:166 +msgid "Empty" +msgstr "Prazen" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:60 +msgid "Exclude Tags" +msgstr "Izključi oznake" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:78 +msgid "Exclude Series" +msgstr "Izključi serijo" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:96 +msgid "Exclude Shelves" +msgstr "Izključi police" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:116 +msgid "Exclude Languages" +msgstr "Izključi jezike" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:127 +msgid "Extensions" +msgstr "Razširitve" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:135 +msgid "Exclude Extensions" +msgstr "Izključitev razširitev" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:145 +msgid "Rating Above" +msgstr "Zgornja ocena" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:149 +msgid "Rating Below" +msgstr "Spodnja ocena" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:175 cps/templates/search_form.html:187 +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:201 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Od:" + +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:179 cps/templates/search_form.html:191 +#: cps/templates/search_form.html:211 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Za:" + +#: cps/templates/shelf.html:13 +msgid "Delete this Shelf" +msgstr "Brisanje te police" + +#: cps/templates/shelf.html:14 +msgid "Edit Shelf Properties" +msgstr "Urejanje lastnosti police" + +#: cps/templates/shelf.html:17 +msgid "Arrange books manually" +msgstr "Ročno urejanje knjig" + +#: cps/templates/shelf.html:18 +msgid "Disable Change order" +msgstr "Onemogoči spremembo vrstnega reda" + +#: cps/templates/shelf.html:18 +msgid "Enable Change order" +msgstr "Omogoči spremembo vrstnega reda" + +#: cps/templates/shelf.html:28 +msgid "Sort according to book added to shelf, newest first" +msgstr "Razvrsti glede na knjigo, ki je bila dodana na polico, najprej najnovejša." + +#: cps/templates/shelf.html:29 +msgid "Sort according to book added to shelf, oldest first" +msgstr "Razvrsti glede na knjigo, ki je bila dodana na polico, najprej najstarejša." + +#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:14 +msgid "Share with Everyone" +msgstr "Deli z vsemi" + +#: cps/templates/shelf_edit.html:21 +msgid "Sync this shelf with Kobo device" +msgstr "Sinhronizacija te police z napravo Kobo" + +#: cps/templates/shelf_order.html:5 +msgid "Drag to Rearrange Order" +msgstr "Povlecite, da spremenite vrstni red" + +#: cps/templates/shelf_order.html:33 +msgid "Hidden Book" +msgstr "Skrita knjiga" + +#: cps/templates/stats.html:7 +msgid "Library Statistics" +msgstr "Statistika knjižnice" + +#: cps/templates/stats.html:12 +msgid "Books in this Library" +msgstr "Knjige v tej knjižnici" + +#: cps/templates/stats.html:16 +msgid "Authors in this Library" +msgstr "Avtorji v tej knjižnici" + +#: cps/templates/stats.html:20 +msgid "Categories in this Library" +msgstr "Kategorije v tej knjižnici" + +#: cps/templates/stats.html:24 +msgid "Series in this Library" +msgstr "Serije v tej knjižnici" + +#: cps/templates/stats.html:29 +msgid "System Statistics" +msgstr "Sistemske statistike" + +#: cps/templates/stats.html:33 +msgid "Program" +msgstr "Program" + +#: cps/templates/stats.html:34 +msgid "Installed Version" +msgstr "Nameščena različica" + +#: cps/templates/tasks.html:12 +msgid "User" +msgstr "Uporabnik" + +#: cps/templates/tasks.html:14 +msgid "Task" +msgstr "Naloga" + +#: cps/templates/tasks.html:15 +msgid "Status" +msgstr "Status" + +#: cps/templates/tasks.html:16 +msgid "Progress" +msgstr "Napredek" + +#: cps/templates/tasks.html:17 +msgid "Run Time" +msgstr "Čas delovanja" + +#: cps/templates/tasks.html:19 +msgid "Message" +msgstr "Sporočilo" + +#: cps/templates/tasks.html:21 +msgid "Actions" +msgstr "Dejanja" + +#: cps/templates/tasks.html:41 +msgid "This task will be cancelled. Any progress made by this task will be saved." +msgstr "To opravilo bo preklicano. Vsak napredek, dosežen pri tem opravilu, bo shranjen." + +#: cps/templates/tasks.html:42 +msgid "If this is a scheduled task, it will be re-ran during the next scheduled time." +msgstr "Če je to načrtovano opravilo, se bo ponovno izvedlo ob naslednjem načrtovanem času." + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:20 +msgid "Reset user Password" +msgstr "Ponastavitev uporabniškega gesla" + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:28 +msgid "Send to eReader Email Address. Use comma to separate emails for multiple eReaders" +msgstr "Pošlji v e-bralnik e-naslov. Uporabite vejico za ločitev e-poštnih sporočil za več e-bralnikov" + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:43 +msgid "Language of Books" +msgstr "Jezik knjig" + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:54 +msgid "OAuth Settings" +msgstr "Nastavitve OAuth" + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:56 +msgid "Link" +msgstr "Povezava" + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:58 +msgid "Unlink" +msgstr "Odklop povezave" + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:64 +msgid "Kobo Sync Token" +msgstr "Žeton za sinhronizacijo Kobo" + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:66 +msgid "Create/View" +msgstr "Ustvari/pogled" + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:70 +msgid "Force full kobo sync" +msgstr "Vsilite popolno sinhronizacijo kobo" + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:88 +msgid "Add allowed/Denied Custom Column Values" +msgstr "Dodajanje dovoljenih/zavrnjenih vrednosti stolpcev po meri" + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:137 +msgid "Sync only books in selected shelves with Kobo" +msgstr "Sinhroniziranje samo knjig na izbranih policah s Kobo" + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:147 cps/templates/user_table.html:169 +msgid "Delete User" +msgstr "Izbriši uporabnika" + +#: cps/templates/user_edit.html:159 +msgid "Generate Kobo Auth URL" +msgstr "Ustvarite URL avtentikacije Kobo" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:80 cps/templates/user_table.html:103 +msgid "Select..." +msgstr "Izberi..." + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:131 +msgid "Edit User" +msgstr "Uredi uporabnika" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:134 +msgid "Enter Username" +msgstr "Vnesi uporabniško ime" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:135 +msgid "Enter Email" +msgstr "Vnesi e-pošto" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:136 +msgid "Enter eReader Email" +msgstr "Vnesi e-pošto e-bralnika" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:136 +msgid "eReader Email" +msgstr "e-pošta za e-bralnik" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:137 +msgid "Locale" +msgstr "Lokacija" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:138 +msgid "Visible Book Languages" +msgstr "Jeziki vidne knjige" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:139 +msgid "Edit Allowed Tags" +msgstr "Uredi dovoljene oznake" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:139 +msgid "Allowed Tags" +msgstr "Dovoljene oznake" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:140 +msgid "Edit Denied Tags" +msgstr "Uredi zavrnjene oznake" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:140 +msgid "Denied Tags" +msgstr "Zavrnjene oznake" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:141 +msgid "Edit Allowed Column Values" +msgstr "Urejanje dovoljenih vrednosti stolpcev" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:141 +msgid "Allowed Column Values" +msgstr "Dovoljene vrednosti stolpcev" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:142 +msgid "Edit Denied Column Values" +msgstr "Urejanje vrednosti zavrnjenega stolpca" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:142 +msgid "Denied Column Values" +msgstr "Zavrnjene vrednosti stolpcev" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:144 +msgid "Change Password" +msgstr "Sprememba gesla" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:147 +msgid "View" +msgstr "Oglejte si" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:150 +msgid "Edit Public Shelves" +msgstr "Urejanje javnih polic" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:152 +msgid "Sync selected Shelves with Kobo" +msgstr "Usklajevanje izbrane police s Kobo" + +#: cps/templates/user_table.html:156 +msgid "Show Read/Unread Section" +msgstr "Prikaži razdelek Prebrano/neprebrano" + diff --git a/cps/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 1789f760..51f0aed7 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 670aeae0..98abab6e 100644 --- a/cps/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/sv/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/Calibre-Web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-05-13 11:00+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Jonatan Nyberg \n" "Language: sv\n" @@ -747,122 +747,122 @@ msgstr "Borttagning av boken %(id)s misslyckades: %(message)s" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "Borttagning av boken %(id)s, boksökväg inte giltig: %(path)s" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Byt namn på titel från: \"%(src)s\" till \"%(dest)s\" misslyckades med fel: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Filen %(file)s hittades inte på Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Byt namn på titel från: \"%(src)s\" till \"%(dest)s\" misslyckades med fel: %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Boksökvägen %(path)s hittades inte på Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "Detta användarnamn är redan taget" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "Ogiltigt e-postadressformat" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "Fel vid hämtning av omslaget" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "Fel på omslagsformat" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "Det gick inte att skapa sökväg för omslag" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "Omslagsfilen är inte en giltig bildfil eller kunde inte lagras" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Endast jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp-filer stöds som omslagsfil" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "Endast jpg/jpeg-filer stöds som omslagsfil" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 #, fuzzy msgid "Cover" msgstr "Upptäck" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "UnRar binär fil hittades inte" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "Fel vid körning av UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 #, fuzzy msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "DB är inte skrivbar" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "Körningstillstånd saknas" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "Fel vid körning av UnRar" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "" diff --git a/cps/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index d1d31855..ac417c21 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index b2638791..8bff01da 100644 --- a/cps/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-04-23 22:47+0300\n" "Last-Translator: iz \n" "Language: tr\n" @@ -744,118 +744,118 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Kitap adını değiştirme sırasında hata oluştu ('%(src)s' → '%(dest)s'): %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "%(file)s dosyası Google Drive'da bulunamadı" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "Kitap adını değiştirme sırasında hata oluştu ('%(src)s' → '%(dest)s'): %(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "eKitap yolu %(path)s Google Drive'da bulunamadı" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "Bu kullanıcı adı zaten alındı" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 #, fuzzy msgid "Cover" msgstr "Keşfet" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "" diff --git a/cps/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index eccb8139..e2290c06 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 2b6dd70b..6c1e91c2 100644 --- a/cps/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-30 00:47+0300\n" "Last-Translator: ABIS Team \n" "Language: uk\n" @@ -740,118 +740,118 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 #, fuzzy msgid "Cover" msgstr "Огляд" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "" diff --git a/cps/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index e7296cbc..f248d2a2 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 82129492..cf49e6b6 100644 --- a/cps/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/janeczku/calibre-web\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-09-20 21:36+0700\n" "Last-Translator: Ha Link \n" "Language: vi\n" @@ -734,119 +734,119 @@ msgstr "Xoá sách %(id)s thất bại: %(message)s" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "File %(file)s không tìm thấy trẻn Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Không tìm thấy được dẫn sách %(path)s trên Google Drive" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "Username này đã bị sử dụng" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "Định dạng email address không hợp lệ" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "Lỗi tải xuống ảnh bìa" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "Định dạng ảnh bìa lỗi" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "Tạo đường dẫn cho ảnh bìa thất bại" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 #, fuzzy msgid "Cover" msgstr "Khám phá" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "" diff --git a/cps/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index a0721291..227afd31 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index 145db266..2e73e92b 100644 --- a/cps/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/zh_Hans_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-27 22:18+0800\n" "Last-Translator: xlivevil \n" "Language: zh_CN\n" @@ -731,119 +731,119 @@ msgstr "删除书籍 %(id)s 失败:%(message)s" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "仅从数据库中删除书籍 %(id)s,数据库中的书籍路径无效: %(path)s" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "将作者从“%(src)s”改为“%(dest)s”时失败,出错信息:%(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Google Drive 上找不到文件 %(file)s" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "将标题从“%(src)s”改为“%(dest)s”时失败,出错信息:%(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Google Drive 上找不到书籍路径 %(path)s" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "已存在使用此邮箱的账户" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "此用户名已被使用" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "无效的邮箱格式" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "密码不符合密码验证规则" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "上传封面所需的 Python 模块 'advocate' 未安装" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "下载封面时出错" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "封面格式出错" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "您没有访问本地主机或本地网络进行封面上传" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "创建封面路径失败" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "封面文件不是有效的图片文件,或者无法存储它" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "封面文件只支持 jpg、jpeg、png、webp、bmp 文件" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "封面文件内容无效" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "仅将 jpg、jpeg 文件作为封面文件" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 msgid "Cover" msgstr "封面" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "找不到 UnRar 执行文件" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "执行 UnRar 时出错" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 #, fuzzy msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "数据库不可写入" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "缺少执行权限" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "执行 UnRar 时出错" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "将所有书籍加入元数据备份队列" diff --git a/cps/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo b/cps/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo index 48bdc8b9..031e7544 100644 Binary files a/cps/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo and b/cps/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo differ diff --git a/cps/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/cps/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po index dba04943..c5a532b3 100644 --- a/cps/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po +++ b/cps/translations/zh_Hant_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Calibre-Web\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2020-09-27 22:18+0800\n" "Last-Translator: xlivevil \n" "Language: zh_TW\n" @@ -741,122 +741,122 @@ msgstr "刪除書籍 %(id)s失敗:%(message)s" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "僅從數據庫中刪除書籍 %(id)s,數據庫中的書籍路徑無效: %(path)s" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "將標題從“%(src)s”改為“%(dest)s”時失敗,錯誤錯信息:%(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Google Drive上找不到文件 %(file)s" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "將標題從“%(src)s”改為“%(dest)s”時失敗,錯誤錯信息:%(error)s" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "Google Drive上找不到書籍路徑 %(path)s" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "此用戶名已被使用" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "無效的郵件地址格式" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "下載封面時出錯" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "封面格式出錯" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "創建封面路徑失敗" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "封面文件不是有效的圖片文件,或者無法儲存" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "封面文件只支持jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp格式文件" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "僅將jpg、jpeg文件作為封面文件" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 #, fuzzy msgid "Cover" msgstr "發現" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "找不到UnRar執行文件" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "執行UnRar時出錯" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 #, fuzzy msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "數據庫不可寫入" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "缺少執行權限" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 #, fuzzy msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "執行UnRar時出錯" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr "" diff --git a/messages.pot b/messages.pot index 4dc8f2c2..eec08093 100644 --- a/messages.pot +++ b/messages.pot @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-14 10:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-18 19:50+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" @@ -729,117 +729,117 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Deleting book %(id)s from database only, book path in database not valid: %(path)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:441 +#: cps/helper.py:439 #, python-format msgid "Rename author from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:512 cps/helper.py:521 +#: cps/helper.py:507 cps/helper.py:516 #, python-format msgid "File %(file)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:567 +#: cps/helper.py:559 #, python-format msgid "Rename title from: '%(src)s' to '%(dest)s' failed with error: %(error)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:605 +#: cps/helper.py:597 #, python-format msgid "Book path %(path)s not found on Google Drive" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:665 +#: cps/helper.py:657 msgid "Found an existing account for this Email address" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:673 +#: cps/helper.py:665 msgid "This username is already taken" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:687 +#: cps/helper.py:679 msgid "Invalid Email address format" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:709 +#: cps/helper.py:701 msgid "Password doesn't comply with password validation rules" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:855 +#: cps/helper.py:847 msgid "Python module 'advocate' is not installed but is needed for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:865 +#: cps/helper.py:857 msgid "Error Downloading Cover" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:868 +#: cps/helper.py:860 msgid "Cover Format Error" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:871 +#: cps/helper.py:863 msgid "You are not allowed to access localhost or the local network for cover uploads" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:881 +#: cps/helper.py:873 msgid "Failed to create path for cover" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:897 +#: cps/helper.py:889 msgid "Cover-file is not a valid image file, or could not be stored" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:908 +#: cps/helper.py:900 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg/png/webp/bmp files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:920 +#: cps/helper.py:912 msgid "Invalid cover file content" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:924 +#: cps/helper.py:916 msgid "Only jpg/jpeg files are supported as coverfile" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:996 cps/helper.py:1153 +#: cps/helper.py:988 cps/helper.py:1145 msgid "Cover" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1013 +#: cps/helper.py:1005 msgid "UnRar binary file not found" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1024 +#: cps/helper.py:1016 msgid "Error executing UnRar" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1032 +#: cps/helper.py:1024 msgid "Could not find the specified directory" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1035 +#: cps/helper.py:1027 msgid "Please specify a directory, not a file" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1049 +#: cps/helper.py:1041 msgid "Calibre binaries not viable" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1058 +#: cps/helper.py:1050 #, python-format msgid "Missing calibre binaries: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1060 +#: cps/helper.py:1052 #, python-format msgid "Missing executable permissions: %(missing)s" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1065 +#: cps/helper.py:1057 msgid "Error executing Calibre" msgstr "" -#: cps/helper.py:1155 cps/templates/admin.html:216 +#: cps/helper.py:1147 cps/templates/admin.html:216 msgid "Queue all books for metadata backup" msgstr ""