mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 18:00:07 +00:00
418 lines
17 KiB
418 lines
17 KiB
![]() |
"Redo": "Znova",
"Undo": "Sp\u00e4\u0165",
"Cut": "Vystrihn\u00fa\u0165",
"Copy": "Kop\u00edrova\u0165",
"Paste": "Prilepi\u0165",
"Select all": "Ozna\u010di\u0165 v\u0161etko",
"New document": "Nov\u00fd dokument",
"Ok": "Ok",
"Cancel": "Zru\u0161i\u0165",
"Visual aids": "Vizu\u00e1lne pom\u00f4cky",
"Bold": "Tu\u010dn\u00e9",
"Italic": "Kurz\u00edva",
"Underline": "Pod\u010diarknut\u00e9",
"Strikethrough": "Pre\u010diarknut\u00e9",
"Superscript": "Horn\u00fd index",
"Subscript": "Doln\u00fd index",
"Clear formatting": "Vymaza\u0165 form\u00e1tovanie",
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"Align center": "Zarovna\u0165 na stred",
"Align right": "Zarovna\u0165 vpravo",
"Justify": "Zarovna\u0165",
"Bullet list": "Zoznam s odr\u00e1\u017ekami",
"Numbered list": "\u010c\u00edslovan\u00fd zoznam",
"Decrease indent": "Zmen\u0161i\u0165 odsadenie",
"Increase indent": "Zv\u00e4\u010d\u0161i\u0165 odsadenie",
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"Formats": "Form\u00e1ty",
"Your browser doesn't support direct access to the clipboard. Please use the Ctrl+X\/C\/V keyboard shortcuts instead.": "V\u00e1\u0161 prehliada\u010d nepodporuje priamy pr\u00edstup do schr\u00e1nky. Pou\u017eite kl\u00e1vesov\u00e9 skratky Ctrl+X\/C\/V.",
"Headers": "Z\u00e1hlavia",
"Header 1": "Z\u00e1hlavie 1",
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"Header 6": "Z\u00e1hlavie 6",
"Headings": "Nadpisy",
"Heading 1": "Nadpis 1",
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"Heading 3": "Nadpis 3",
"Heading 4": "Nadpis 4",
"Heading 5": "Nadpis 5",
"Heading 6": "Nadpis 6",
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"Blocks": "Bloky",
"Paste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now be pasted as plain text until you toggle this option off.": "Vkladanie je v m\u00f3de neform\u00e1tovan\u00e9ho textu. Vkladan\u00fd obsah bude vlo\u017een\u00fd ako neform\u00e1tovan\u00fd, a\u017e pok\u00fdm t\u00fato mo\u017enos\u0165 nevypnete.",
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"Browse for an image": "N\u00e1js\u0165 obr\u00e1zok",
"OR": "ALEBO",
"Drop an image here": "Pretiahnite obr\u00e1zok sem",
"Upload": "Nahra\u0165",
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"Lower Greek": "Mal\u00e9 gr\u00e9cke p\u00edsmen\u00e1",
"Lower Roman": "Mal\u00e9 r\u00edmske \u010d\u00edslice",
"Upper Alpha": "Ve\u013ek\u00e9 p\u00edsmen\u00e1",
"Upper Roman": "Ve\u013ek\u00e9 r\u00edmske \u010d\u00edslice",
"Anchor...": "Kotva...",
"Name": "N\u00e1zov",
"Id": "Id",
"Id should start with a letter, followed only by letters, numbers, dashes, dots, colons or underscores.": "Id by malo za\u010d\u00edna\u0165 p\u00edsmenom, nasledovan\u00e9 p\u00edsmenami, \u010d\u00edslami, pom\u013a\u010dkami, bodkami, dvojbodkami alebo podtr\u017en\u00edkmi.",
"You have unsaved changes are you sure you want to navigate away?": "M\u00e1te neulo\u017een\u00e9 zmeny, naozaj chcete opusti\u0165 str\u00e1nku?",
"Restore last draft": "Obnovi\u0165 posledn\u00fd koncept",
"Special character...": "\u0160peci\u00e1lny znak...",
"Source code": "Zdrojov\u00fd k\u00f3d",
"Insert\/Edit code sample": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165\/upravi\u0165 vzorku k\u00f3du",
"Language": "Jazyk",
"Code sample...": "Vzorka k\u00f3du...",
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"G": "G",
"B": "B",
"Left to right": "Z\u013eava doprava",
"Right to left": "Sprava do\u013eava",
"Emoticons...": "Smajl\u00edky...",
"Metadata and Document Properties": "Meta\u00fadaje a vlastnosti dokumentu",
"Title": "Nadpis",
"Keywords": "K\u013e\u00fa\u010dov\u00e9 slov\u00e1",
"Description": "Popis",
"Robots": "Preh\u013ead\u00e1vacie roboty",
"Author": "Autor",
"Encoding": "K\u00f3dovanie",
"Fullscreen": "Na cel\u00fa obrazovku",
"Action": "Action",
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"Help": "Help",
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"Focus to toolbar": "Focus to toolbar",
"Focus to element path": "Focus to element path",
"Focus to contextual toolbar": "Focus to contextual toolbar",
"Insert link (if link plugin activated)": "Insert link (if link plugin activated)",
"Save (if save plugin activated)": "Save (if save plugin activated)",
"Find (if searchreplace plugin activated)": "Find (if searchreplace plugin activated)",
"Plugins installed ({0}):": "Plugins installed ({0}):",
"Premium plugins:": "Premium plugins:",
"Learn more...": "Learn more...",
"You are using {0}": "You are using {0}",
"Plugins": "Pluginy",
"Handy Shortcuts": "U\u017eito\u010dn\u00e9 odkazy",
"Horizontal line": "Horizont\u00e1lna \u010diara",
"Insert\/edit image": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165\/upravi\u0165 obr\u00e1zok",
"Image description": "Popis obr\u00e1zku",
"Source": "Zdroj",
"Dimensions": "Rozmery",
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"Advanced": "Pokro\u010dil\u00e9",
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"Vertical space": "Vertik\u00e1lny priestor",
"Horizontal space": "Horizont\u00e1lny priestor",
"Border": "Or\u00e1movanie",
"Insert image": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165 obr\u00e1zok",
"Image...": "Obr\u00e1zok...",
"Image list": "Zoznam obr\u00e1zkov",
"Rotate counterclockwise": "Oto\u010di\u0165 proti smeru hodinov\u00fdch ru\u010di\u010diek",
"Rotate clockwise": "Oto\u010di\u0165 v smere hodinov\u00fdch ru\u010di\u010diek",
"Flip vertically": "Preklopi\u0165 vertik\u00e1lne",
"Flip horizontally": "Preklopi\u0165 horizont\u00e1lne",
"Edit image": "Upravi\u0165 obr\u00e1zok",
"Image options": "Mo\u017enosti obr\u00e1zku",
"Zoom in": "Pribl\u00ed\u017ei\u0165",
"Zoom out": "Oddiali\u0165",
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"Color levels": "\u00darovne farieb",
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"Invert": "Invertova\u0165",
"Apply": "Pou\u017ei\u0165",
"Back": "Sp\u00e4\u0165",
"Insert date\/time": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165 d\u00e1tum\/\u010das",
"Date\/time": "D\u00e1tum\/\u010das",
"Insert\/Edit Link": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165\/Upravi\u0165 odkaz",
"Insert\/edit link": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165\/upravi\u0165 odkaz",
"Text to display": "Zobrazen\u00fd text",
"Url": "Url",
"Open link in...": "Otvori\u0165 odkaz v...",
"Current window": "Aktu\u00e1lne okno",
"None": "\u017diadne",
"New window": "Nov\u00e9 okno",
"Remove link": "Odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 odkaz",
"Anchors": "Kotvy",
"Link...": "Odkaz...",
"Paste or type a link": "Prilepte alebo nap\u00ed\u0161te odkaz",
"The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?": "URL, ktor\u00fa ste vlo\u017eili je pravdepodobne emailov\u00e1 adresa. \u017del\u00e1te si prida\u0165 vy\u017eadovan\u00fa mailto: predponu?",
"The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required http:\/\/ prefix?": "URL adresa ktor\u00fa ste zadali vyzer\u00e1 ako extern\u00fd odkaz. Chcete prida\u0165 vy\u017eadovan\u00fa http:\/\/ predponu?",
"Link list": "Zoznam odkazov",
"Insert video": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165 video",
"Insert\/edit video": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165\/upravi\u0165 video",
"Insert\/edit media": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165\/upravi\u0165 m\u00e9di\u00e1",
"Alternative source": "Alternat\u00edvny zdroj",
"Alternative source URL": "Alternat\u00edvny zdroj URL",
"Media poster (Image URL)": "Obr\u00e1zok m\u00e9dia (URL obr\u00e1zka)",
"Paste your embed code below:": "Vlo\u017ete k\u00f3d pre vlo\u017eenie na str\u00e1nku:",
"Embed": "Vlo\u017een\u00e9",
"Media...": "M\u00e9di\u00e1...",
"Nonbreaking space": "Nedelite\u013en\u00e1 medzera",
"Page break": "Zalomenie str\u00e1nky",
"Paste as text": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165 ako text",
"Preview": "N\u00e1h\u013ead",
"Print...": "Tla\u010d...",
"Save": "Ulo\u017ei\u0165",
"Find": "H\u013eada\u0165",
"Replace with": "Nahradi\u0165 za",
"Replace": "Nahradi\u0165",
"Replace all": "Nahradi\u0165 v\u0161etko",
"Previous": "Predch\u00e1dzaj\u00face",
"Next": "Nasleduj\u00face",
"Find and replace...": "N\u00e1js\u0165 a nahradi\u0165...",
"Could not find the specified string.": "Zadan\u00fd re\u0165azec sa nena\u0161iel.",
"Match case": "Rozli\u0161ova\u0165 ve\u013ek\u00e9\/mal\u00e9",
"Find whole words only": "H\u013eada\u0165 len cel\u00e9 slov\u00e1",
"Spell check": "Kontrola pravopisu",
"Ignore": "Ignorova\u0165",
"Ignore all": "Ignorova\u0165 v\u0161etko",
"Finish": "Dokon\u010di\u0165",
"Add to Dictionary": "Prida\u0165 do slovn\u00edka",
"Insert table": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165 tabu\u013eku",
"Table properties": "Nastavenia tabu\u013eky",
"Delete table": "Zmaza\u0165 tabu\u013eku",
"Cell": "Bunka",
"Row": "Riadok",
"Column": "St\u013apec",
"Cell properties": "Vlastnosti bunky",
"Merge cells": "Spoji\u0165 bunky",
"Split cell": "Rozdeli\u0165 bunku",
"Insert row before": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165 nov\u00fd riadok pred",
"Insert row after": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165 nov\u00fd riadok za",
"Delete row": "Zmaza\u0165 riadok",
"Row properties": "Vlastnosti riadku",
"Cut row": "Vystrihn\u00fa\u0165 riadok",
"Copy row": "Kop\u00edrova\u0165 riadok",
"Paste row before": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165 riadok pred",
"Paste row after": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165 riadok za",
"Insert column before": "Prida\u0165 nov\u00fd st\u013apec pred",
"Insert column after": "Prida\u0165 nov\u00fd st\u013apec za",
"Delete column": "Vymaza\u0165 st\u013apec",
"Cols": "St\u013apce",
"Rows": "Riadky",
"Width": "\u0160\u00edrka",
"Height": "V\u00fd\u0161ka",
"Cell spacing": "Priestor medzi bunkami",
"Cell padding": "Odsadenie v bunk\u00e1ch",
"Show caption": "Zobrazi\u0165 popis",
"Left": "V\u013eavo",
"Center": "Na stred",
"Right": "Vpravo",
"Cell type": "Typ bunky",
"Scope": "Oblas\u0165",
"Alignment": "Zarovnanie",
"H Align": "Horizont\u00e1lne zarovnanie",
"V Align": "Vertik\u00e1lne zarovnanie",
"Top": "Vrch",
"Middle": "Stred",
"Bottom": "Spodok",
"Header cell": "Bunka z\u00e1hlavia",
"Row group": "Skupina riadkov",
"Column group": "Skupina st\u013apcov",
"Row type": "Typ riadku",
"Header": "Z\u00e1hlavie",
"Body": "Telo",
"Footer": "P\u00e4ti\u010dka",
"Border color": "Farba or\u00e1movania",
"Insert template...": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165 \u0161abl\u00f3nu...",
"Templates": "\u0160abl\u00f3ny",
"Template": "\u0160abl\u00f3na",
"Text color": "Farba textu",
"Background color": "Farba pozadia",
"Custom...": "Vlastn\u00e1...",
"Custom color": "Vlastn\u00e1 farba",
"No color": "Bez farby",
"Remove color": "Odstr\u00e1ni\u0165 farbu",
"Table of Contents": "Obsah",
"Show blocks": "Zobrazi\u0165 bloky",
"Show invisible characters": "Zobrazi\u0165 skryt\u00e9 znaky",
"Word count": "Po\u010det slov",
"Count": "Po\u010det",
"Document": "Dokument",
"Selection": "V\u00fdber",
"Words": "Slov\u00e1",
"Words: {0}": "Slov: {0}",
"{0} words": "{0} slov\u00e1\/slov",
"File": "S\u00fabor",
"Edit": "Upravi\u0165",
"Insert": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165",
"View": "Zobrazi\u0165",
"Format": "Form\u00e1t",
"Table": "Tabu\u013eka",
"Tools": "N\u00e1stroje",
"Powered by {0}": "Pou\u017e\u00edva {0}",
"Rich Text Area. Press ALT-F9 for menu. Press ALT-F10 for toolbar. Press ALT-0 for help": "Textov\u00e9 pole. Stla\u010dte ALT-F9 pre zobrazenie menu, ALT-F10 pre zobrazenie panela n\u00e1strojov, ALT-0 pre n\u00e1povedu.",
"Image title": "N\u00e1zov obr\u00e1zka",
"Border width": "\u0160\u00edrka okraja",
"Border style": "\u0160t\u00fdl okraja",
"Error": "Chyba",
"Warn": "Upozornenie",
"Valid": "Platn\u00e9",
"To open the popup, press Shift+Enter": "Na otvorenie kontextovej ponuky stla\u010dte Shift+Enter",
"Rich Text Area. Press ALT-0 for help.": "Oblas\u0165 pre text vo form\u00e1te RTF. Stla\u010dte ALT-0 pre n\u00e1povedu.",
"System Font": "Syst\u00e9mov\u00e9 p\u00edsmo",
"Failed to upload image: {0}": "Obr\u00e1zok sa nepodarilo nahra\u0165: {0}",
"Failed to load plugin: {0} from url {1}": "Plugin: {0} sa nepodarilo nahra\u0165 z url {1}",
"Failed to load plugin url: {0}": "Nepodarilo sa nahra\u0165 plugin url: {0}",
"Failed to initialize plugin: {0}": "Nepodarilo sa inicializova\u0165 plugin: {0}",
"example": "pr\u00edklad",
"Search": "Vyh\u013eada\u0165",
"All": "V\u0161etko",
"Currency": "Mena",
"Text": "Text",
"Quotations": "Kvot\u00e1cie",
"Mathematical": "Matematick\u00e9",
"Extended Latin": "Roz\u0161\u00edren\u00e1 latinka",
"Symbols": "Symboly",
"Arrows": "\u0160\u00edpky",
"User Defined": "Definovan\u00e9 pou\u017e\u00edvate\u013eom",
"dollar sign": "znak pre dol\u00e1r",
"currency sign": "znak meny",
"euro-currency sign": "znak eura",
"colon sign": "znak dvojbodky",
"cruzeiro sign": "znak pre cruzeiro",
"french franc sign": "znak pre franc\u00fazsky frank",
"lira sign": "znak pre l\u00edru",
"mill sign": "znak pre mill",
"naira sign": "znak pre nairu",
"peseta sign": "znak pre pesetu",
"rupee sign": "znak pre rupiu",
"won sign": "znak pre won",
"new sheqel sign": "znak pre nov\u00fd \u0161ekel",
"dong sign": "znak pre dong",
"kip sign": "znak pre kip",
"tugrik sign": "znak pre tugrik",
"drachma sign": "znak pre drachmu",
"german penny symbol": "znak pre nemeck\u00fd pfennig",
"peso sign": "znak pre peso",
"guarani sign": "znak pre guarani",
"austral sign": "znak pre austral",
"hryvnia sign": "znak pre hrivnu",
"cedi sign": "znak pre cedi",
"livre tournois sign": "znak pre livre tournois",
"spesmilo sign": "znak pre spesmilo",
"tenge sign": "znak pre tenge",
"indian rupee sign": "znak pre indick\u00fa rupiu",
"turkish lira sign": "znak pre tureck\u00fa l\u00edru",
"nordic mark sign": "znak pre nordick\u00fa marku",
"manat sign": "znak pre manat",
"ruble sign": "znak pre rube\u013e",
"yen character": "znak pre jen",
"yuan character": "znak pre j\u00fcan",
"yuan character, in hong kong and taiwan": "znak pre j\u00fcan, v Hongkongu a Taiwane",
"yen\/yuan character variant one": "znak pre jen\/j\u00fcan variant jedna",
"Loading emoticons...": "Na\u010d\u00edtavam smajl\u00edky...",
"Could not load emoticons": "Smajl\u00edky sa nepodarilo na\u010d\u00edta\u0165",
"People": "\u013dudia",
"Animals and Nature": "Zvierat\u00e1 a pr\u00edroda",
"Food and Drink": "Jedlo a n\u00e1poje",
"Activity": "Aktivity",
"Travel and Places": "Cestovanie a miesta",
"Objects": "Objekty",
"Flags": "Vlajky",
"Characters": "Znaky",
"Characters (no spaces)": "Znaky (bez medzier)",
"{0} characters": "Znaky: {0}",
"Error: Form submit field collision.": "Chyba: konflikt po\u013ea odosielania formul\u00e1ra.",
"Error: No form element found.": "Chyba: nena\u0161iel sa prvok formul\u00e1ra.",
"Update": "Aktualizova\u0165",
"Color swatch": "Vzorky farieb",
"Turquoise": "Tyrkysov\u00e1",
"Green": "Zelen\u00e1",
"Blue": "Modr\u00e1",
"Purple": "Fialov\u00e1",
"Navy Blue": "N\u00e1morn\u00edcka modr\u00e1",
"Dark Turquoise": "Tmavotyrkysov\u00e1",
"Dark Green": "Tmavozelen\u00e1",
"Medium Blue": "Stredn\u00e1 modr\u00e1",
"Medium Purple": "Stredn\u00e1 fialov\u00e1",
"Midnight Blue": "Polno\u010dn\u00e1 modr\u00e1",
"Yellow": "\u017dlt\u00e1",
"Orange": "Oran\u017eov\u00e1",
"Red": "\u010cerven\u00e1",
"Light Gray": "Svetlosiv\u00e1",
"Gray": "Siv\u00e1",
"Dark Yellow": "Tmavo\u017elt\u00e1",
"Dark Orange": "Tmavooran\u017eov\u00e1",
"Dark Red": "Tmavo\u010derven\u00e1",
"Medium Gray": "Stredn\u00e1 siv\u00e1",
"Dark Gray": "Tmavosiv\u00e1",
"Light Green": "Svetlozelen\u00e1",
"Light Yellow": "Svetlo\u017elt\u00e1",
"Light Red": "Svetlo\u010derven\u00e1",
"Light Purple": "Svetlofialov\u00e1",
"Light Blue": "Svetlomodr\u00e1",
"Dark Purple": "Tmavofialov\u00e1",
"Dark Blue": "Tmavomodr\u00e1",
"Black": "\u010cierna",
"White": "Biela",
"Switch to or from fullscreen mode": "Prepn\u00fa\u0165 do alebo z re\u017eimu plnej obrazovky",
"Open help dialog": "Otvori\u0165 okno n\u00e1povedy",
"history": "hist\u00f3ria",
"styles": "\u0161t\u00fdly",
"formatting": "form\u00e1tovanie",
"alignment": "zarovnanie",
"indentation": "odsadenie",
"permanent pen": "fixka",
"comments": "koment\u00e1re",
"Format Painter": "Kop\u00edrova\u0165 form\u00e1t",
"Insert\/edit iframe": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165\/upravi\u0165 iframe",
"Capitalization": "Ve\u013ek\u00e9 p\u00edsmen\u00e1",
"lowercase": "mal\u00e9 p\u00edsmen\u00e1",
"UPPERCASE": "V\u0160ETKY P\u00cdSMEN\u00c1 VE\u013dK\u00c9",
"Title Case": "Prv\u00e9 P\u00edsmen\u00e1 Ve\u013ek\u00e9",
"Permanent Pen Properties": "Vlastnosti fixky",
"Permanent pen properties...": "Vlastnosti fixky...",
"Font": "P\u00edsmo",
"Size": "Ve\u013ekos\u0165",
"More...": "Viac...",
"Spellcheck Language": "Jazyk kontroly pravopisu",
"Select...": "Vyberte...",
"Preferences": "Preferencie",
"Yes": "\u00c1no",
"No": "Nie",
"Keyboard Navigation": "Navig\u00e1cia pomocou kl\u00e1vesnice",
"Version": "Verzia",
"Anchor": "Odkaz",
"Special character": "\u0160peci\u00e1lny znak",
"Color": "Farba",
"Emoticons": "Smajl\u00edci",
"Document properties": "Vlastnosti dokumentu",
"Image": "Obr\u00e1zok",
"Insert link": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165 odkaz",
"Target": "Cie\u013e",
"Link": "Odkaz",
"Poster": "Uk\u00e1\u017eka",
"Media": "M\u00e9di\u00e1",
"Print": "Tla\u010di\u0165",
"Prev": "Predch\u00e1dzaj\u00face",
"Find and replace": "Vyh\u013eada\u0165 a nahradi\u0165",
"Whole words": "Cel\u00e9 slov\u00e1",
"Spellcheck": "Kontrola pravopisu",
"Caption": "Popisok",
"Insert template": "Vlo\u017ei\u0165 \u0161abl\u00f3nu"