mirror of https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 synced 2024-06-18 11:29:55 +00:00
jeremy@jermolene.com f636349007 Introduce true global variables
The basic idea is that if we don't find a variable `foo` then we fallback to retrieving the value from the tiddler `$:/global/foo`, if it exists.

This allows us to replace the usual importvariables-based mechanism for global definitions, avoiding cluttering up the variable namespace with every macro.

In order to permit subprocedures to be overridden, we also introduce a mechanism for conditional definitions: preceding the word definition|procedure|function|widget with a + causes the definition only to occur if the specified variable doesn't already exist. In the next commit we'll apply this mechanism to the tabs macro
2022-05-28 12:23:50 +01:00

101 lines
2.5 KiB

title: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/fnprocdef.js
type: application/javascript
module-type: wikirule
Wiki pragma rule for function, procedure and widget definitions
\function name(param:defaultvalue,param2:defaultvalue)
definition text
\procedure name(param:defaultvalue,param2:defaultvalue)
definition text
\widget $mywidget(param:defaultvalue,param2:defaultvalue)
definition text
/*jslint node: true, browser: true */
/*global $tw: false */
"use strict";
exports.name = "fnprocdef";
exports.types = {pragma: true};
Instantiate parse rule
exports.init = function(parser) {
this.parser = parser;
// Regexp to match
this.matchRegExp = /^\\(\+?)(function|procedure|widget)\s+([^(\s]+)(\(\s*([^)]*)\))?(\s*\r?\n)?/mg;
Parse the most recent match
exports.parse = function() {
// Move past the macro name and parameters
this.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;
// Parse the parameters
var params = [];
if(this.match[4]) {
params = $tw.utils.parseParameterDefinition(this.match[5]);
// Is this a multiline definition?
var reEnd;
if(this.match[6]) {
// If so, the end of the body is marked with \end
reEnd = /(\r?\n\\end[^\S\n\r]*(?:$|\r?\n))/mg;
} else {
// Otherwise, the end of the definition is marked by the end of the line
reEnd = /($|\r?\n)/mg;
// Move past any whitespace
this.parser.pos = $tw.utils.skipWhiteSpace(this.parser.source,this.parser.pos);
// Find the end of the definition
reEnd.lastIndex = this.parser.pos;
var text,
endMatch = reEnd.exec(this.parser.source);
if(endMatch) {
text = this.parser.source.substring(this.parser.pos,endMatch.index);
this.parser.pos = endMatch.index + endMatch[0].length;
} else {
// We didn't find the end of the definition, so we'll make it blank
text = "";
// Save the macro definition
var parseTreeNodes = [{
type: "set",
attributes: {
name: {type: "string", value: this.match[3]},
value: {type: "string", value: text}
children: [],
params: params
if(this.match[2] === "function") {
parseTreeNodes[0].isFunctionDefinition = true;
} else if(this.match[2] === "procedure") {
parseTreeNodes[0].isProcedureDefinition = true;
} else if(this.match[2] === "widget") {
parseTreeNodes[0].isWidgetDefinition = true;
if(this.parser.configTrimWhiteSpace) {
parseTreeNodes[0].configTrimWhiteSpace = true;
if(this.match[1] === "+") {
return parseTreeNodes;