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synced 2025-03-10 05:28:10 +00:00
277 lines
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277 lines
8.1 KiB
(function() {
// Imports
var util;
try {
util = require('util')
} catch(e) {
util = require('sys')
var jasmineNode = {};
// Helpers
function noop() {}
jasmineNode.TerminalReporter = function(config) {
this.print_ = config.print || util.print;
this.color_ = config.color ? this.ANSIColors : this.NoColors;
this.started_ = false;
this.finished_ = false;
this.callback_ = config.onComplete || false
this.suites_ = [];
this.specResults_ = {};
this.failures_ = [];
this.includeStackTrace_ = config.includeStackTrace === false ? false : true;
jasmineNode.TerminalReporter.prototype = {
reportRunnerStarting: function(runner) {
this.started_ = true;
this.startedAt = new Date();
var suites = runner.topLevelSuites();
for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) {
var suite = suites[i];
ANSIColors: {
pass: function() { return '\033[32m'; }, // Green
fail: function() { return '\033[31m'; }, // Red
neutral: function() { return '\033[0m'; } // Normal
NoColors: {
pass: function() { return ''; },
fail: function() { return ''; },
neutral: function() { return ''; }
summarize_: function(suiteOrSpec) {
var isSuite = suiteOrSpec instanceof jasmine.Suite;
// We could use a separate object for suite and spec
var summary = {
id: suiteOrSpec.id,
name: suiteOrSpec.description,
type: isSuite? 'suite' : 'spec',
suiteNestingLevel: 0,
children: []
if (isSuite) {
var calculateNestingLevel = function(examinedSuite) {
var nestingLevel = 0;
while (examinedSuite.parentSuite !== null) {
nestingLevel += 1;
examinedSuite = examinedSuite.parentSuite;
return nestingLevel;
summary.suiteNestingLevel = calculateNestingLevel(suiteOrSpec);
var children = suiteOrSpec.children();
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
return summary;
// This is heavily influenced by Jasmine's Html/Trivial Reporter
reportRunnerResults: function(runner) {
var results = runner.results();
var resultColor = (results.failedCount > 0) ? this.color_.fail() : this.color_.pass();
var specs = runner.specs();
var specCount = specs.length;
var message = "\n\nFinished in " + ((new Date().getTime() - this.startedAt.getTime()) / 1000) + " seconds";
// This is what jasmine-html.js has
//message = "" + specCount + " spec" + ( specCount === 1 ? "" : "s" ) + ", " + results.failedCount + " failure" + ((results.failedCount === 1) ? "" : "s");
this.printLine_(this.stringWithColor_(this.printRunnerResults_(runner), resultColor));
this.finished_ = true;
if(this.callback_) { this.callback_(runner); }
reportFailures_: function() {
if (this.failures_.length === 0) {
var indent = ' ', failure;
for (var i = 0; i < this.failures_.length; i++) {
failure = this.failures_[i];
this.printLine_(' ' + (i + 1) + ') ' + failure.spec);
this.printLine_(' Message:');
this.printLine_(' ' + this.stringWithColor_(failure.message, this.color_.fail()));
if (this.includeStackTrace_) {
this.printLine_(' Stacktrace:');
this.print_(' ' + failure.stackTrace);
reportSuiteResults: function(suite) {
// Not used in this context
reportSpecResults: function(spec) {
var result = spec.results();
var msg = '';
if (result.passed()) {
msg = this.stringWithColor_('.', this.color_.pass());
// } else if (result.skipped) { TODO: Research why "result.skipped" returns false when "xit" is called on a spec?
// msg = (colors) ? (ansi.yellow + '*' + ansi.none) : '*';
} else {
msg = this.stringWithColor_('F', this.color_.fail());
this.spec_results += msg;
addFailureToFailures_: function(spec) {
var result = spec.results();
var failureItem = null;
var items_length = result.items_.length;
for (var i = 0; i < items_length; i++) {
if (result.items_[i].passed_ === false) {
failureItem = result.items_[i];
var failure = {
spec: spec.suite.getFullName() + " " + spec.description,
message: failureItem.message,
stackTrace: failureItem.trace.stack
printRunnerResults_: function(runner){
var results = runner.results();
var specs = runner.specs();
var msg = '';
msg += specs.length + ' test' + ((specs.length === 1) ? '' : 's') + ', ';
msg += results.totalCount + ' assertion' + ((results.totalCount === 1) ? '' : 's') + ', ';
msg += results.failedCount + ' failure' + ((results.failedCount === 1) ? '' : 's') + '\n';
return msg;
// Helper Methods //
stringWithColor_: function(stringValue, color) {
return (color || this.color_.neutral()) + stringValue + this.color_.neutral();
printLine_: function(stringValue) {
// ***************************************************************
// TerminalVerboseReporter uses the TerminalReporter's constructor
// ***************************************************************
jasmineNode.TerminalVerboseReporter = function(config) {
jasmineNode.TerminalReporter.call(this, config);
// The extra field in this object
this.indent_ = 0;
jasmineNode.TerminalVerboseReporter.prototype = {
reportSpecResults: function(spec) {
if (spec.results().failedCount > 0) {
this.specResults_[spec.id] = {
messages: spec.results().getItems(),
result: spec.results().failedCount > 0 ? 'failed' : 'passed'
reportRunnerResults: function(runner) {
var messages = new Array();
this.buildMessagesFromResults_(messages, this.suites_);
var messages_length = messages.length;
for (var i = 0; i < messages_length-1; i++) {
// Call the parent object's method
jasmineNode.TerminalReporter.prototype.reportRunnerResults.call(this, runner);
buildMessagesFromResults_: function(messages, results, depth) {
var element, specResult, specIndentSpaces, msg = '';
depth = (depth === undefined) ? 0 : depth;
var results_length = results.length;
for (var i = 0; i < results_length; i++) {
element = results[i];
if (element.type === 'spec') {
specResult = this.specResults_[element.id.toString()];
if (specResult.result === 'passed') {
msg = this.stringWithColor_(this.indentMessage_(element.name, depth), this.color_.pass());
} else {
msg = this.stringWithColor_(this.indentMessage_(element.name, depth), this.color_.fail());
} else {
messages.push(this.indentMessage_(element.name, depth));
this.buildMessagesFromResults_(messages, element.children, depth + 2);
indentMessage_: function(message, indentCount) {
var _indent = '';
for (var i = 0; i < indentCount; i++) {
_indent += ' ';
return (_indent + message);
// Inherit from TerminalReporter
jasmineNode.TerminalVerboseReporter.prototype.__proto__ = jasmineNode.TerminalReporter.prototype;
// Exports
exports.jasmineNode = jasmineNode;