
70 lines
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title: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/prettylink.js
type: application/javascript
module-type: wikirule
Wiki text inline rule for pretty links. For example:
[[Link description|TiddlerTitle]]
/*jslint node: true, browser: true */
/*global $tw: false */
"use strict";
exports.name = "prettylink";
exports.types = {inline: true};
exports.init = function(parser) {
this.parser = parser;
// Regexp to match `[[Title^blockId|Alias]]`, the `^blockId` and `|Alias` are optional.
this.matchRegExp = /\[\[(.*?)(?:\^([^|\s^]+))?(?:\|(.*?))?\]\]/mg;
exports.parse = function() {
// Move past the match
this.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;
// Process the link
var text = this.match[1],
blockId = this.match[2] || "",
link = this.match[3] || text;
if($tw.utils.isLinkExternal(link)) {
// add back the part after `^` to the ext link, if it happen to has one.
if(blockId) {
link = link + "^" + blockId;
return [{
type: "element",
tag: "a",
attributes: {
href: {type: "string", value: link},
"class": {type: "string", value: "tc-tiddlylink-external"},
target: {type: "string", value: "_blank"},
rel: {type: "string", value: "noopener noreferrer"}
children: [{
type: "text", text: text
} else {
return [{
type: "link",
attributes: {
to: {type: "string", value: link},
id: {type: "string", value: blockId},
children: [{
type: "text", text: text