mirror of https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 synced 2024-07-12 15:04:32 +00:00
Jermolene b0cb17cd83 Re-establish caching of results of parsing a tiddler
I switched this optimisation off back in
ed35d91be6, in October 2013, as part of a
big refactoring of the parsing and widget mechanism. I’ve been meaning
to switch it back on for some time.

My rough measurements suggest that this optimisation can reduce
rendering time by 5-10%.
2015-07-05 17:48:18 +01:00

92 lines
2.3 KiB

title: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/macrodef.js
type: application/javascript
module-type: wikirule
Wiki pragma rule for macro definitions
\define name(param:defaultvalue,param2:defaultvalue)
definition text, including $param$ markers
/*jslint node: true, browser: true */
/*global $tw: false */
"use strict";
exports.name = "macrodef";
exports.types = {pragma: true};
Instantiate parse rule
exports.init = function(parser) {
this.parser = parser;
// Regexp to match
this.matchRegExp = /^\\define\s+([^(\s]+)\(\s*([^)]*)\)(\s*\r?\n)?/mg;
Parse the most recent match
exports.parse = function() {
// Move past the macro name and parameters
this.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;
// Parse the parameters
var paramString = this.match[2],
params = [];
if(paramString !== "") {
var reParam = /\s*([A-Za-z0-9\-_]+)(?:\s*:\s*(?:"""([\s\S]*?)"""|"([^"]*)"|'([^']*)'|\[\[([^\]]*)\]\]|([^"'\s]+)))?/mg,
paramMatch = reParam.exec(paramString);
while(paramMatch) {
// Save the parameter details
var paramInfo = {name: paramMatch[1]},
defaultValue = paramMatch[2] || paramMatch[3] || paramMatch[4] || paramMatch[5] || paramMatch[6];
if(defaultValue) {
paramInfo["default"] = defaultValue;
// Look for the next parameter
paramMatch = reParam.exec(paramString);
// Is this a multiline definition?
var reEnd;
if(this.match[3]) {
// If so, the end of the body is marked with \end
reEnd = /(\r?\n\\end[^\S\n\r]*(?:$|\r?\n))/mg;
} else {
// Otherwise, the end of the definition is marked by the end of the line
reEnd = /(\r?\n)/mg;
// Move past any whitespace
this.parser.pos = $tw.utils.skipWhiteSpace(this.parser.source,this.parser.pos);
// Find the end of the definition
reEnd.lastIndex = this.parser.pos;
var text,
endMatch = reEnd.exec(this.parser.source);
if(endMatch) {
text = this.parser.source.substring(this.parser.pos,endMatch.index);
this.parser.pos = endMatch.index + endMatch[0].length;
} else {
// We didn't find the end of the definition, so we'll make it blank
text = "";
// Save the macro definition
return [{
type: "set",
attributes: {
name: {type: "string", value: this.match[1]},
value: {type: "string", value: text}
children: [],
params: params