mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 06:16:55 +00:00

* Add eslint plus very tolerant starting config Addresses GH #1865 This adds eslint as a developer dependency, plus a generated eslint config that doesn't take a very strong stance on much of anything. The goal here to get started using automated style checking, add eslint checking to the testing flow, and gradually introduce stricter checks over time. * eslint: Fix ecmaVersion See https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/4421#issuecomment-587002325, where @Jermolene declared TiddlyWiki targets EcmaScript 5
268 lines
6.4 KiB
268 lines
6.4 KiB
browser: true
commonjs: true
es2021: true
node: true
extends: 'eslint:recommended'
"$tw": "writable" # temporary
ecmaVersion: 5
array-bracket-newline: 'off'
array-bracket-spacing: 'off'
array-callback-return: 'off'
array-element-newline: 'off'
arrow-body-style: error
- error
- as-needed
- error
- after: true
before: true
block-scoped-var: 'off'
block-spacing: 'off'
brace-style: 'off'
callback-return: 'off'
camelcase: 'off'
capitalized-comments: 'off'
class-methods-use-this: error
comma-dangle: 'off'
comma-spacing: 'off'
comma-style: 'off'
complexity: 'off'
computed-property-spacing: 'off'
consistent-return: 'off'
consistent-this: 'off'
curly: 'off'
default-case: 'off'
default-case-last: error
default-param-last: error
dot-location: 'off'
dot-notation: 'off'
eol-last: 'off'
eqeqeq: 'off'
func-call-spacing: 'off'
func-name-matching: 'off'
func-names: 'off'
func-style: 'off'
function-call-argument-newline: 'off'
function-paren-newline: 'off'
generator-star-spacing: error
global-require: 'off'
grouped-accessor-pairs: error
guard-for-in: 'off'
handle-callback-err: 'off'
id-blacklist: error
id-denylist: error
id-length: 'off'
id-match: error
implicit-arrow-linebreak: error
indent: 'off'
indent-legacy: 'off'
init-declarations: 'off'
jsx-quotes: error
key-spacing: 'off'
keyword-spacing: 'off'
line-comment-position: 'off'
linebreak-style: 'off'
lines-around-comment: 'off'
lines-around-directive: 'off'
lines-between-class-members: error
max-classes-per-file: error
max-depth: 'off'
max-len: 'off'
max-lines: 'off'
max-lines-per-function: 'off'
max-nested-callbacks: error
max-params: 'off'
max-statements: 'off'
max-statements-per-line: 'off'
multiline-comment-style: 'off'
multiline-ternary: 'off'
new-parens: 'off'
newline-after-var: 'off'
newline-before-return: 'off'
newline-per-chained-call: 'off'
no-alert: 'off'
no-array-constructor: 'off'
no-await-in-loop: error
no-bitwise: 'off'
no-buffer-constructor: 'off'
no-caller: error
no-catch-shadow: 'off'
no-confusing-arrow: error
no-console: 'off'
- error
- checkLoops: false
no-constructor-return: error
no-continue: 'off'
no-div-regex: 'off'
no-duplicate-imports: error
no-else-return: 'off'
no-empty-function: 'off'
no-eq-null: 'off'
no-eval: 'off'
no-extend-native: 'off'
no-extra-bind: 'off'
no-extra-label: 'off'
no-extra-parens: 'off'
no-floating-decimal: 'off'
- error
- boolean: false
number: false
string: false
no-implicit-globals: 'off'
no-implied-eval: error
no-inline-comments: 'off'
no-invalid-this: 'off'
no-iterator: error
no-label-var: 'off'
no-labels: 'off'
no-lone-blocks: 'off'
no-lonely-if: 'off'
no-loop-func: 'off'
no-loss-of-precision: error
no-magic-numbers: 'off'
no-mixed-operators: 'off'
no-mixed-requires: 'off'
no-multi-assign: 'off'
no-multi-spaces: 'off'
no-multi-str: error
no-multiple-empty-lines: 'off'
no-native-reassign: 'off'
no-negated-condition: 'off'
no-negated-in-lhs: error
no-nested-ternary: 'off'
no-new: 'off'
no-new-func: 'off'
no-new-object: 'off'
no-new-require: error
no-new-wrappers: error
no-octal-escape: error
no-param-reassign: 'off'
no-path-concat: error
no-plusplus: 'off'
no-process-env: 'off'
no-process-exit: 'off'
no-promise-executor-return: error
no-proto: 'off'
no-restricted-exports: error
no-restricted-globals: error
no-restricted-imports: error
no-restricted-modules: error
no-restricted-properties: error
no-restricted-syntax: error
no-return-assign: 'off'
no-return-await: error
no-script-url: 'off'
no-self-compare: 'off'
no-sequences: 'off'
no-shadow: 'off'
no-spaced-func: 'off'
no-sync: 'off'
no-tabs: 'off'
no-template-curly-in-string: error
no-ternary: 'off'
no-throw-literal: 'off'
no-trailing-spaces: 'off'
no-undef-init: 'off'
no-undefined: 'off'
no-underscore-dangle: 'off'
no-unmodified-loop-condition: 'off'
no-unneeded-ternary: 'off'
no-unreachable-loop: error
no-unused-expressions: 'off'
no-use-before-define: 'off'
no-useless-backreference: error
no-useless-call: 'off'
no-useless-computed-key: error
no-useless-concat: 'off'
no-useless-constructor: error
no-useless-rename: error
no-useless-return: 'off'
no-var: 'off'
no-void: 'off'
no-warning-comments: 'off'
no-whitespace-before-property: error
- error
- any
object-curly-newline: 'off'
object-curly-spacing: 'off'
object-property-newline: 'off'
object-shorthand: 'off'
one-var: 'off'
one-var-declaration-per-line: 'off'
operator-assignment: 'off'
operator-linebreak: 'off'
padded-blocks: 'off'
padding-line-between-statements: error
prefer-arrow-callback: 'off'
prefer-const: 'off'
prefer-destructuring: 'off'
prefer-exponentiation-operator: 'off'
prefer-named-capture-group: 'off'
prefer-numeric-literals: error
prefer-object-spread: 'off'
prefer-promise-reject-errors: error
prefer-reflect: 'off'
prefer-regex-literals: 'off'
prefer-rest-params: 'off'
prefer-spread: 'off'
prefer-template: 'off'
quote-props: 'off'
quotes: 'off'
radix: 'off'
require-atomic-updates: error
require-await: error
require-jsdoc: 'off'
require-unicode-regexp: 'off'
rest-spread-spacing: error
semi: 'off'
semi-spacing: 'off'
semi-style: 'off'
sort-imports: error
sort-keys: 'off'
sort-vars: 'off'
space-before-blocks: 'off'
space-before-function-paren: 'off'
space-in-parens: 'off'
space-infix-ops: 'off'
space-unary-ops: 'off'
spaced-comment: 'off'
strict: 'off'
switch-colon-spacing: 'off'
symbol-description: error
template-curly-spacing: error
template-tag-spacing: error
- error
- never
valid-jsdoc: 'off'
- error
- requireStringLiterals: false
vars-on-top: 'off'
wrap-iife: 'off'
wrap-regex: 'off'
yield-star-spacing: error
yoda: 'off'
# temporary rules
no-useless-escape: 'off'
no-unused-vars: 'off'
no-empty: 'off'
no-extra-semi: 'off'
no-redeclare: 'off'
no-control-regex: "off"
no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: "off"
no-extra-boolean-cast: "off"
no-prototype-builtins: "off"
no-undef: "off"
no-unreachable: "off"
no-self-assign: "off"