TiddlyWiki5/editions/tw5.com/tiddlers/SystemTag_ $__tags_InjectCu...

13 lines
739 B

caption: $:/tags/InjectCustomTiddlers
created: 20240311144347147
description: marks JSON serialized tiddlers to be injected into a custom store prior to a save-file action
modified: 20240311153411624
tags: SystemTags
title: SystemTag: $:/tags/InjectCustomTiddlers
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
The [[system tag|SystemTags]] `$:/tags/InjectCustomTiddlers` marks JSON serialized tiddlers to be injected [[into a custom store section|$:/core/templates/store.injected.template.html]] in the generated HTML file.
Note that the wiki must be saved and reloaded in order for the tiddlers to be seen. More implementation details can be found in the [[developers wiki|https://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#SystemTag%3A %24%3A%2Ftags%2FInjectCustomTiddlers]].